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Does America have an Obligation to intervene on foreign Genocides?

Its time for the US to stop playing big brother to the rest of the world ,especially when our national security is not at risk .Given the state of our economy right now what with our trillion dollar deficit and weak economy we dont have the resources to interfere with foreign genocides. Our history has shown that when us Americans have entered into a war where were not defending ourselves that we lose lives, money, and the respect from other nations. Two examples that can prove my point from history are the Vietnam war and more recently the Iraq war. On March 8, 1967 we entered the Vietnam war with 2.5 million soldiers (men and woman) and in 1973 we ended the war with 40,800 casualties. Not only did we lose lives of heroic citizens but we lost brothers, sisters, moms, and uncles. Weve lost all these citizens and have gained nothing for the US except another struggling country dependent on our greater power. A more recent example is the Iraq War. When we entered this war ,on March 19, 2003, we had 1 million soldiers enter .By the end of the war 4,287 had died and 34,469 wounded. 34,500 people are going to have disabilities for the rest of their lives. Hands, feet, arms all amputated for the weapons of mass destruction that were never there. We lost over 3 trillion dollars in the Iraq war. 3 trillion dollars that could have gone to schools, needy familys ,and hospitals .Now were in a recession and our economy is barely struggling to rebuild itself. We owe 15 trillion dollars in debt to China, and are slowly paying that back. America simply cant afford to get into foreign affairs in other countries whether genocide, civil wars or revolutions. If our national security isnt at risk then we should not be concerning ourselves with other countries internal problems. Right now our country needs to be focused on reestablishing our economy and teaching future generations how to avoid future economic problems and how to avoid war altogether. Not only are lives, and money being lost but also our opinion as a greater power. World respect for America dwindles in the balance as well as their opinion of our reliability. The Opinion Leaders, who are well respected thinkers and leaders of the world, view Americas inability to stay out of foreign affairs as meddlesome and controlling. Im sure no responsible American wants our country viewed in these bad ways. Some say in cases of genocide such as the one in Darfur that our country should take immediate action and stop these atrocities of human rights, but Im sure these individuals havent taken into account that our country is in the middle of its own crisis and has Its own issues. It may not be wellknown ,but certainly issues such as human trafficking and Drug abuse, and Illegal Immigration are a major problems. Im sure you wouldnt disagree. All in all America has more reasons not to interfere in foreign affairs unless it is a threat to our national security. Not only do we not have an obligation but we should to avoid these world issues altogether.

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