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Palm Oil Project Palm Demo Plot Pest & Disease Palm Info Jaow Office
An in sullicient .mount of. specik nutrient wi ll c.use dekiency sympl oms
PI.nt nutrition is . 11 .bout b. l.nce A specik nutrient has to be suppl ied .t
pa rticular level not only in it s own ri ght oot . Iso in rel.tion to other nutrients
Nitrogen Deficiency
Phosphorous deficient
Potassium Deficiency
Magnesium Deficiency
Boron deficiency
Nitrogen Deficiency Ye ll owi ng
sympl oms uniform li ght green discolorat ion of
the oldest leave
leaves do not show specik sympl oms oot
frond length oonch s ize .nd trunk di. meter
are. 1I reduced
Stunted p. lm
. ppear on the oldest leaves
translucent yell ow-<>range spott ing whe n held
upto the li ght
necrosis .nd cuning of le.flet ti ps
chloros is of the older fronds
Lower yield of palm oil
losses in FFB J'foduct ion during imm.ture pe ri od
low oil format ion
sympl oms known under 1 ittl e le.r "hook le.f " .nd
Manganese Toxicity
nev.1y emerging le.flets .ppear necrotic .nd
withered on. 1I oot bas. 1 port ions of the le.flets
chlorot ic with 10ngitudin. 1 necrotic streaks
Crown disease
Bunch Rot
young palms (5-8 yrs ): palms "'; It .nd die "';thin few
older palms (more th.n 8 yrs ): . ) s li ght yell owi ng of
younge r leaves which become more J'fonounced .nd
le.ft ipdie bac k
The disease begin s within the base of the tree
where the fungus kj ll s the inner stem tissue as
far upward as five feet or so
occurs in the lower five feet of the trunk, the
leaves may wi lt become li ghter green in color
.nd emerge stunted
Browngerm disease
Basal End Rot
Seedling Blight
Borer Beetles
seedbome disease
brown les ion in pl umule . coty1edon .nd embryo
stunted pI. nt
The disease usu.lly occurs in palms more th.n
10 yrs old
Sect ion of the upper stem, more th.n one
meter.bove the ground dec.y .nd the top of
the palm may ulti mately become detached
s m. 1I translucent spot occur on the ti p of. young
c.n deve lop to bl ight .nd cun le.f
Sympl oms of .ttack seen in the for mer ge re ka n hole le.d .t
the base of the stem .t the point of growi ng pI. nts
Att.cked immature until the .ge of 2 years
Rh in oceros beetle d. mage to the gro.,.; ng point of. young
Copper deficiency p. lm
common on dee p pe.t soil s .nd occurs . Iso on very
sandy soil s Nettle caterpillar
whrtish yellow mottli ng 01 younger lronds
Ammonium Toxicity
wastew.ter from p. lm oil mi ll c.use
dark green le.f
fragil e leaf petiole
smali lruit oonches
Nett le c.terpl il ar d. in m.ture
p. lms
The feeding h. bit of I.ter in results in
le.flets stri pped to their midri bs In severe
infest.t ions ent ire fronds become necrotic
.nd many of the le.flets have only their
midri bs with bits of lamin a .ttached
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diseases htrnlt<xzzldcszxcuX
Red Ring Disease
cocophilus)These pests .ttack the roots of oil
palm pI .nt.t ions with sympl oms of new
leaves th.t wi ll be rolled open .nd grow
upright Then the leaves "'; l1 ch.nge color to
ye ll ow and dry Decay occurs in oonches of
and does not open so the pla nts do
Rtlyr>c/I<>pII<Ifu L not J'foduce oil palm lruit
The disease is caused by this ne matode .nd
trans mitt ed by the Ame rican palm we"'; l Rhynchophorus paJroaruro L
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