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INTRODUCTION Agenda 21 is a Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development towards the 21st century. It is produced by the declaration of the World Conference in Rio Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 which attended by 178 countries including Malaysia. Global Action Plan contains 40 chapters that describe the steps that need to be taken toward sustainable development. Role of local Authorities was emphasized in 28th chapter in the implementation of Agenda 21 and sustainable development at the local level through Local Agenda 21 program (LA21). Therefore, the LA21 is the agenda that was launched at the local level. LA21 involving three parties including local authorities, public and private sector cooperation in planning and managing their surrounding toward sustainable development and higher quality of life. This program was established for the government and local communities in working towards sustainable development. Sustainable development is the development that meets present needs without reducing the ability or the need of future generations. Local sustainability means that an area is designed, built and operates in a way the uses energy and natural resources efficiently and equitably for both present and future generations of human and other species. In Malaysia, Local Agenda 21 has been implemented since 2000 through LA 21 Pilot Project involving 4 of the Local Authority in Miri City Council, Kuantan Municipal Council, Petaling Jaya Municipal Council and District Council HQ. This pilot project was implemented by Ministry of Housing and Local Government in collaboration with Economic Planning Unit, Department Perdana Minister and United Nations Development Program.

PLANNING THE HOMETOWN Local Agenda 21 contains 40 chapters that describe the steps to be taken toward sustainable development. To implement the LA 21, we need to have a good co operation between governments such as Municipal Council, private sector and also with the community. Objectives for LA21 are to : I. Exposing local communities and private sector about the sustainable development issues. II. Clarify that the responsible of sustainable development is a collective responsibility. III. Formulate strategies and action plans based on LA21 sustainable development local issues. IV. Implement the LA21 action plans through sustainable development projects.

To plan the town according to Local Agenda 21, we need to give the priority on what we want to implement for the town. Here are six element that we can implement towards the sustainable city : I. Managing and improving the local authoritys own environmental

performance: As the level of government closest to the people, local authority plays a vital role in educating and mobilizing the public about sustainable development. Thus, they must have good corporate commitment, rising the awareness, good in environmental management systems and also have good policy integration across sectors. II. Integrating sustainable development aims into the local authoritys policies and activities: Local authority can take action by adopting an environmental charter and practice it. They also can implement the green housekeeping, have a proper land use planning, encourage environmentally friendly mode of transport by providing safer facilities such as cycle lane or special pedestrian walks. Other than that, they also can contribute in housing services which they can taking part in environmental factor in site selection and design, incorporating high standard of energy efficiency in buildings and many more. For tourism and visitor strategies, they need to provide services that environmentally friendly, maintain environmental protecting natural heritage

to encourage eco-tourism and many more. For health strategies, good air quality, safe drinking water, clean bathing waters contribute to effective health protection. III. Awareness raising and education: local authorities should have extensive environmental responsibilities and can initiate and support more explicitly sustainable activities in area such as awareness raising events, visit and talks, support for voluntary groups, publication of local information, press releases and support for environmental education. They also must have initiatives to encourage behavior change and provide the practical action. IV. Consulting and involving the general public. Extensive public consultation procedures have been incorporates into environment and some legislation has developed such as environmental impact assessment. Consultation in a two way process in which local authorities and the public can exchange information and experience and deepen an understanding of the range of actions and interactions contributing to sustainable development. Thus, lots of forums and public consultation process should be done to get the feedback and it can also enhance the two way interaction. V. Partnerships. Local authorities have a wide competence to promote the interest of their local communities and it is desirable to work in partnership. They can have meeting, workshop and conference, working in group, create environmental city and many other cooperation to deliver the sustainable development. We must developing world partnerships and get many support. It is important to remove any apparent barriers between different sectors. VI. Measuring monitoring and reporting on progress towards sustainability. Once the Local Agenda 21 has been adopted, arrangement should be made locally to monitor and report on progress towards its objectives to achieve long term sustainable development. We can have local state of environmental reporting, provide sustainability indicators and also have an environmental strategic assessment.

CONCLUSION In conclusion, to plan the hometown according to the Local Agenda 21, we need to concern with the quality of life, the range and distribution of resources and benefits, the interaction between environment and development and also the provision for the future. Thus, we require having positive action at all levels whether at local, regional, national and international. Sustainable development cannot be imposed. It can only be brought by co operation and partnership between all social and economic groups and interest.

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