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Development of informatics in general, and new technologies for information processing, in particular, have done the work, in their content and nature, to change and to evolve. Increasing the share of activities with informational and office content in relation to technical-industrial activities, produces in today's society a significant reduction of the difference between physical and intellectual labor, in favor of the latter. Olso in schools, as in other fields, it is necessary now a computerization of the work of the teacher. The main objective of this license paper is to demonstrate how it can greatly ease class masters work, using a spreadsheet program namely, Microsoft Excel. The Microsoft Excel integrated in the Microsoft Office software package is the most common spreadsheet program developed so far. Excel is an application used for entering, storing, calculating and analyzing data based on a spreadsheet program. It is one of the most powerful and at the same time, easy to use spreadsheet application which drew popularity. The results of mathematical calculations which Excel is making are presented in well-organized tables and suggestive charts . The paper is divided into three chapters. Chapter I, entitled The scientific - technical includes a brief history of Microsoft Excel from Microsoft Multiplan (1982) to the latest versions. Ive also presented aspects of file formats, worksheets XML and standard file extensions encountered. Further is shown how to start the running of Excels application, general interface elements, worksheets structure, as well as the management of a workbook namely creating, retrieving and opening a registry already created. Furthermore I presented notions about data protection by having a password on sheets and workbooks, about printing, with the necessary steps: page initialization, margins, header / footer, sheet. I have highlighted also aspects regarding the types of data encountered in Excel: numeric, text, calendar, logic etc.., cells formatting, cells references, cells data management: editing, moving, copying, deleting, searching, automatic replacement data from a worksheet, sorting data. An important part of this chapter I have dedicated on the predefined presentation of functions in Excel, and using formulas in a workbook. The final part of this chapter I assigned it to the data filtering, data validation query ,Pivot Table reports and use charts and graphs to present data. In Chapter II entitled Didactic teaching Ive discussed about the principles of education and methods of teaching subject Informatics in schools. I summarized both traditional methods of teaching - learning and modern methods such as: teaching and learning oriented on types of problems, teaching and learning oriented on menus or teaching and learning oriented on concepts. I talked also about the forms of teaching: frontal, individual or groups activity. Assimilation of knowledge by students and skills training provided by a subject in the curriculum and in a fixed time is done under the guidance of the teacher through various known types of lessons: teaching the lesson (communication, transmission) of new knowledge, lesson retaining knowledge, skills training lessons and skills lesson and assessment or control verification and evaluation of knowledge and skills or lesson combined (mixed or complex )which I have briefly presented. I presented an example of a lesson plan at the subject The information and communication technology at the tenth grade, Profile: Services on "Using the Excel spreadsheet editor in solving specific problems of the field of activity " Where I exemplified the presented teaching methods and means, the forms of a lesson and the type of lesson assessment and verification of knowledge and skills . I made also a model for Microsoft Excel summative evaluation with various items presented and illustrated in this chapter.

In Chapter III called Practical is shown the workbook designed and created by me: Catalog_scolar.xls. This is an alternative electronic catalog of the classic school catalog, it is being very helpful to me in generating reports and statements required at the school " erban Vod Cantacuzino " Climneti, where I work as a class teacher. It is composed by six worksheets: Catalogue Courses, Students, Media, Statements and Charts. Since all data can be introduced during the course of the school year (students and information about them, subjects studied, grades from the Catalog), the end of any semester and the school year also, it offers through this electronic catalog, automated reports and statements , without using classical methods of counting and manual calculation. In the worksheet Catalog you enter data (notes, theses, second examination) and the semestrial and annual averages, and the various messages (passed, failed, unfinished situation, etc) are automatically generating. From this sheet are automatically downloaded data in other worksheets. Worksheet Subjects must be completed at the beginning of the school year with subjects that will be studied and theses that will be taken by the sudents. Worksheet Students must be completed at the beginning of the school year with student data ( Name, Nr. Of registration, Sex, Roma, uneducated, remained at the end of Semester II ). All these data are automatically retrieved by the other worksheets. Worksheet Averages by functions and formulas are automatically displaying data such as rank, the annual average, the student situation (passed, failed, unfinished situation).The teacher needs the worksheet Situations to present it in the teachers meeting to analyze the situation at the end of the school year. In the worksheet Charts are presented as diagrams, various extracts from sheet Situations. This work is the result of my own activity. I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.

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