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Ethnohistory and Archaeology resources

Ethnohistory and Archaeology

Anthropology 380K Samuel M. Wilson, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas

02-Sep Labor Day Holiday 09-Sep Introduction: The projects of Ethnohistory and Archaeology. Trigger, Bruce G. (1982) "Ethnohistory: problems and prospects," Ethnohistory 29(2): 1-19. Trigger, Bruce A History of Archaeological Thought (HAT), preface and "The relevance of archaeological history." 16-Sep 20th Century American Anthropology and its relationship to History Stocking, George W. (1995) Delimiting anthropology: historical reflections on the boundaries of a boundless discipline. Social Research v. 62(4):933-67. Kroeber, A. L. (1963) "An Anthropologist Looks at History" and "History and Anthropology" from An Anthropologist Looks at History. Berkeley: University of California Press. 23-Sep The historical and philosophical links between Archaeology and History Trigger, HAT, Functionalism in Western archaeology" Sahlins, "Introduction: History and Structural Theory" and "Reproduction: Structures of the Long Run" from Historical Metaphors and Mythical Realities (1981) Ann Arbor: U. of Michigan Press. 30-Sep What is "Ethnohistory"? Fogelson, Raymond D. (1989) "The ethnohistory of events and nonevents," Ethnohistory 36(2): 133147. Axtell, James L.(1990) Humor in ethnohistory. (presidential address at the 1989 American Society for Ethnohistory, Chicago, 4 November). Ethnohistory v37, n2, p109. 07-Oct Social History and the Annales school Braudel, Fernand (1980) "The Longue Dure" in On History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Sarah Matthews, Transl. A. Bernard Knapp, Archaeology and Annales: time, space, and change." In Knapp, B. (ed.) Archaeology, Annales, and Ethnohistory, 1992, p. 1-22. Sherratt, Andrew. "What can archaeologists learn from Annalistes?" in Knapp, B. (ed.) Archaeology, Annales, and Ethnohistory, 1992, p. 135-142. 1/3


Ethnohistory and Archaeology resources

14-Oct Historical Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology Leone, Mark P. and Parker B. Potter (1988) "Introduction: Issues in Historical Archaeology" in The Recovery of Meaning: Historical Archaeology in the Eastern United States. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [F106 R39 1988 PCL] Williams, Brackette F. (1992) Of straightening combs, sodium hydroxide, and potassium hydroxide in archaeological and cultural-anthropological analyses of ethnogenesis. American Antiquity 57(4):608-612. 21-Oct Other hyphenated subdisciplines: Historical and cultural Geography, Historical Anthropology, Trouillot, Michel-Rolph (1995) "The Power in the Story" and "The Presence in the Past" from Silencing the Past. Boston: Beacon Press. Butzer Trigger, "The Explanation of Diversity" in HAT. 28-Oct Methodologies for combining Ethnohistory and Archaeology Eric Wolf, (1982), excerpt from: Europe and the People without History. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press. Dirks, Nicholas (ms) "Is Vice Versa? Historical Anthropologies and Anthropological Histories." 04-Nov Case Studies: The "Contact Period": issues of "assimilation", acculturation, technological superiority, and other issues. Trigger, Bruce G. (1985) "Traders and Colonizers" from Natives and Newcomers: Canada's 'Heroic Age' Reconsidered. Toronto: Mcgill-Queens Press. Timothy K. Perttula, (1993) "Kee-Oh-Na-Wah'-Wah: The Effects of European Contact on the Caddoan Indians of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma", in Ethnohistory and Archaeology, Rogers and Wilson eds. 11-Nov Case Studies: trade, war, etc. Netting, Robert McC (1987) "Clashing cultures, clashing symbols: histories and meanings of the Latok War," Ethnohistory 34(4): 352-380. J. Daniel Rogers, (1993) "The Social and Material Implications of Culture Contact on the Northern Plains" in Ethnohistory and Archaeology, Rogers and Wilson eds. 18-Nov Case Studies: Understanding complex societies Smith, Michael E. (1994) "Economies and Polities in Aztec-Period Morelos: Ethnohistoric overview" in Economies and Polities in the Aztec Realm, edited by Mary G. Hodge and Michael E. Smith. Albany: Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, pp. 313-348. Marcus, Joyce, and Kent V. Flannery (1994) Ancient Zapotec ritual and religion: an application of the direct historical approach. In Colin Renfrew and Ezra B. W. Zubrow (eds.) The Ancient Mind: Elements of Cognitive Archaeology. Cambridge U. Press. 2/3


Ethnohistory and Archaeology resources

25-Nov Post-processual approaches Hodder, Ian, (1987) "The Contribution of the Long Term", in Archaeology as Long Term History, edited by Ian Hodder. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. Sahlins (1981) "Conclusion: Structure in History" from Historical Metaphors. Trigger "Archaeology and its social context" in HAT. 02-Dec Last day of Class Requirements: You will have to write two papers in the class. The first is an 8 to 10-page essay on an assigned topic that will be due about midway through the term. The topic and scope of the final paper paper will be worked out in discussion with me. You will also give two presentations. The first will be a short, 10-minute discussion that focusses on a particular area and period. For this, you should discuss the place, time, and people involved. You should mention the key archaeological evidence that is available for the period, and discuss in greater detail the kinds of historical documents that there are to work with. These presentations of particular situations and kinds of documentary data will allow us to discuss various strategies for approaching anthropological questions using ethnohistorical and archaeological data. The second presentation will describe your final project in a somewhat longer -- 20 minutes or so -- format. For this you should describe the questions you addressed and they methods you employed, the data you used and what you found out. We will discuss these requirements in more detail in class. Readings: Two books have been ordered, Bruce Trigger's A History of Archaeological Thought and Marshall Sahlins's Historical Metaphor and Mythical Reality. There is also a packet of readings that I will make available for people in the class to borrow and copy.
SMW 9/96


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