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The organizational set-up of the library is suitable to the institution and is clearly drawn. 2. The library maintains written policies and procedural manuals covering its internal administration and operational services. 3. The librarian is a graduate of Bachelor of Library and Information Science. 4. There is sufficient number of library staff to meet the needs of the students. 5. Compensation, retirement and other fringe benefits are satisfactory. 6. The library collection supports the mission statement of the institution. 7. A written collection development policy statement is available. 8. Shelf-list files are maintained in the computer for inventory purposes. 9. The library is open for 54 hours per week. 10. Services of the librarian are available during library hours. 11. Open shelf system has been practiced. 12. Lending is extended fairly to all qualified users. 13. Newly acquired library materials are informed to the academic community. 14. The library is extending continuous instruction in the effective use of the library through orientation, information retrieval, readers guidance, photocopying services and provision of viewing and listening facilities. 15. Statistical data are kept to measure the usefulness of the library collection. 16. All library fees and funds appropriated for library resources are solely utilized for such purposes. 17. Salaries and wages for the library personnel are drawn from the general fund of the institution. 18. The responsibility of preparing, defending and administering library budget is clearly and explicitly delegated to the librarian. 19. The location and site of the library is accessible from any point of activity on campus, and it is strategically planned and functionally designed to allow future arrangement and expansion. 20. The size of the library meets the standard requirements, and that the reading room can accommodate at least 10% of the school enrollment. 21. Space provision of books, shelves, tables, chairs and other furniture meet the required standards. 22. Space for special services is provided. 23. The head librarians office is readily accessible. 24. Space for the staff is provided. 25. The library is suited for quiet reading for it is well-lighted and properly ventilated. 26. Control and security measures are well-maintained. 27. There is a functional library committee. 28. The library has a weeding program. 64a | C M B E E D I n s t i t u t i o n a l S e l f - S u r v e y R e p o r t

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