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First Year First Semester


Introduction to computers and operating environment Program development cycle Algorithm - Representation of Algorithms - Pseudo code - Flow chart Programming Languages Introduction to PASCAL Control Structures - Conditional execution and transfers - Repetitions Subprograms - Functions - Procedures - Parameter passing String processing Structured and enumerated data types - Arrays, lists, stacks Records and Sets Files Pointers Recursion Structured Programming 112. DIGITAL LOGIC

Number system and codes - algorithms for conversion between different number systems and between different codes; representation of real numbers as fixed point and floating point signed binary numbers, IEEE standards of representation. Error correcting and error detecting codes. Boolean algebra - postulates, fundamental theorems and fundamental operations, Boolean functions and their representation using Venn diagrams, truth tables and Karnaugh maps. Duality and complementation. Canonical SP and PS forms. Minimization of Boolean functions through fundamental theorems, Karnaugh maps and Quine-McCluskys tabular method.

Common Combinational Circuits like encoder/decoder, code converter, comparator, multiplexer/demultiplexer, parity generator/checker, adder/subtractor, etc. Design of combinational circuits using universal gates, multiplexers, ROMs and PLAs. Introduction to Sequential Circuits, Different types of flip flops and their characteristic and excitation tables. Simple sequential circuits like storage registers, shift registers, counters, etc. Design of binary, decade and modulo-N counters. Counters using shift register with feedback. Design of finite state m/c's. 113. Diode: BASIC ELECTRONICS Basic characteristics of diode Rectifier circuits and DC power supplies Filter circuits for power supplies Diode clippers Zener diode Basic transistor amplifier NPN & PNP transistor Transistor characteristics Common base amplifier Common emitter amplifier Common collector amplifier Field effect transistor MOSFET & CMOS


Operational amplifier: The operational amplifier The inverting amplifier The non-inverting amplifier The differential amplifier Analog computer solution of linear equation Analog simulation Concept of Triac, SCR, Diacs and UJT's Digital logic circuits: RTL, DTL, TTL, CMOS & Emitter coupled logic. Timer circuit: 555 114. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT

Accountancy - Its origin & scope. Fundamental principles of it.

Double-entry system - Single entry system. Books of Original entry and Prime entry. Cash book and its different uses. Trial Balance. Preparation of Final Accounts and Balance Sheet. Accounting for non-trading concerns. Financial Management - Discipline and scope of Finance as distinct from Accountancy. Analysis of the Profit & Loss A/C. and Balance Sheet, including Ratio Analysis and their implications. Fund Flow Statement. Business Budget & its control. Concept of Cost and method of costing and their applications. 115. MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS I

Sets, Operations on sets, Cartesian products, Relations, equivalence relations and classes, partitions, Functions, natural numbers, inductions and inductive definition and proofs, cardinality of set-finite, infinite, countable and uncountable, digitalization argument. Binary operation-- groupoid, semi-group and monoid, subgroup, cosets, Lagrange's theorem, cyclic group, order of a group, generators, normal subgroup, quotient group, homomorphism, isomorphism, permutation group, direct product. Rings, sub-rings, ideals and quotient rings, integral domains and fields, field of fractions, Euclidean domain and unique factorization domain. Posets, Lattices and Boolean Algebra. Vector spaces, linear transformations, Matrices ands Determinants, characteristic polynomials, Eigen values. Propositional calculus-- propositions and connectives, syntax, semantics- truth assignments and truth tables, validity and satisfiability, tautology, adequate set of connectives. Introduction to predicate calculus. Concept of quantifiers. References: 1. D. F. Stanat and D. E. McAllister: Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science. 2. Fraleigh: A first course in Algebra 3. S. D. Conte and C. De Boor: Elementary Numerical Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach 4. E. Mendelson: Introduction to Mathematical Logic

First Year Second Semester

121. 122. 123.

BUSINESS DATA PROCESSING AND FILE STRUCTURE Introduction to Data Processing: Basic terminology data, information, system Basics of file organization Data collection, Preparation, Verification, Editing and Checking. Business files: Master and transaction files file generations backup and recovery procedures. Introduction to COBOL: Language structure, Identification Division, Environment Division, COBOL words, Data names and Identifiers, Literals, Figurative constants. Data Division - Level structure, Data Description Entries, File section, WORKING STORAGE Section, Editing. Procedure Division and Basic Verbs, Arithmetic Verbs, Conditional and Sequence control verbs. Table Handling and other Data Description technique. Sequential Files Sorting and Merging of Files Relative Files Indexed Sequential Files Character Handling COBOL Subroutines DATA STRUCTURES Data Types and Algorithms: Time and Space Analysis of Algorithms Order Notations Linear Data Structures: Sequential Storage Representation - Arrays, Strings, Stacks, Queues, Dequeues and their applications: Linear Data Structures: Linked Storage Lists, Circularly Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists. Applications. Recursion - Design of recursive algorithms, Tail Recursion, When not to use recursion, Removal of recursion; Non-Linear Data Structures : - Trees, Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, Traversals and Threads, Insertion and Deletion Algorithms, Height-balanced and Weight-balanced trees, B-trees, B+ -trees, Applications of Trees. Graphs - Representation, Breadth-First and Depth-First Searches, Spanning Trees. Sorting and Searching Review of various algorithms, Hashing. MICROPROCESSOR & ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE Introduction to microprocessors

Microprocessor architecture Organisation and programming of microprocessor Intel-8085 Data transfer techniques and their implementations Programmed data transfer DMA transfer, Interrupt driven data transfer, Serial and parallel communication. Some common peripherals & their interfacing: Key board & display, Programmable parallel interface, Programmable timer, ADC & DAC etc. Development aids and troubleshooting techniques: Self test concepts, Memory testing techniques, Single stepping technique etc. Basic features of some advanced microprocessors: Single chip microcomputer 16-bit & 32-bit microprocessors, RISC & CISC concepts, Idea of transputer. COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE Introduction to basic structures and operational concepts: Instruction formats, instruction execution process and addressing modes. Stacks and subroutines. Control unit - hardwired and Microprogrammed control, concept of horizontal and vertical microprogramming, nanoprogramming. Bit-slice processors Emulation. Main memory organization and memory interleaving. Memory hierarchy virtual memory; cache memory and secondary memories. Input/output organization: memory mapped, standard (isolated) and linear selection techniques of I/O addressing. Data transfer through programmed I/O, interrupt and DMA I/O processors. Data transfer over synchronous and asynchronous buses; discussions on some standard interface buses. A brief introduction to RISC processors and parallel processing techniques. ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Understanding an organisation as a socio-technical system (for appreciating the inter-relatedness of the technical and human sub-systems in an organisation). Understanding 'self' and others (for interpersonal competence). Understanding work-motivation (for influencing healthy and positive work attitude). Understanding group dynamics and the role of the Manager/Leader (for analyzing functional or dysfunctional activities of members in a group and how the Manager/Leader can influence the group to have commitment to the task). Understanding the process of communication and achieve proper understanding without distortion (for proper and timely execution of works). Understanding conflict and collaboration (for improving the quality of work life).

124. 125. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS II Combinatorics: quick review of permutations and combinations, Binomial Theorem, Multinomial Theorem, Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion. Recurrence relations (applications to recursive algorithms), Linear homogeneous relations- characteristic root method (distinct and repeated roots). Generating functions: ordinary and exponential. Introduction to Polyas theory of counting equivalence classes, Burnside's Lemma. Graph Theory: graphs and digraphs, subgraphs, complement, isomorphism, walks, paths, circuits, distance, connectedness and reachability, cut-sets, adjacency matrix and lists, Eulerain trails and Hamiltonian cycles, spanning trees, Planar graphs, Kuratowski's Theorem, dual, independence number, clique number, chromatic number and 4-color theorem, matching. Probability and Statistics: Total and conditional probability, Distributions- Binomial, Poisson, Normal. Tabulation, Frequency Distribution, Measures of central tendency, Dispersion, Moments, Curve fittings, correlation and regression.

References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. L. Liu: Elements of Discrete Mathematics R. A. Brualdi: Introduction to Combinatorics J. L. Mott, A. Kandel and T. P. Baker: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists. N. Deo: Graph Theory with applications to Computer Science W. Feller: Introduction to Probability

Second Year First Semester

211. COMPUTER ORIENTED NUMERICAL METHODS Prerequisite: A good knowledge of linear algebra and calculus. Introduction: Floating point numbers. Finite precision arithmetic and its limitations. Approximation. Round off and truncation errors. Operational count of a numeric algorithm. Stability of a numeric algorithm. Linear Systems: Solution of a system of linear algebraic equations. Gaussian elimination, LU factorization with pivoting. Operational count for Gaussian elimination. Error analysis of Gaussian Scheme. Ill-conditioned systems, condition numbers. Generalized inverses. Idea of iteration, fixed point mapping theorems. Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and SOR iteration. Matrix Eigenvalue problem. Jacobi, Givens and House holders methods. The Q-R algorithm. Polynomials, Piecewise polynomials, Splines, Cubic and B-Splines.

Interpolation methods for polynomials. Lagrange, Hermite and Chebyshev interpolation. Divided differences, Error analysis for polynomial, piecewise polynomial and spline interpolations. Finite differences. Differentiation and integration of functions. Classical formulae for equally spaced abscissas. Romberg integration. Gauss Quadrature. Adaptive Quadrature Monte Carlo method for multidimensional integrals. Error estimates of differentiation and integration rules. Root finding and non-linear equation. Analysis and comparative study of classical iteration methods. Acceleration of convergence. Method for non-linear system. Ordinary first order differential equation. Difference equation, Single and multistep methods. Predictor corrector methods. Convergence and stability of difference equation solution. Error control. Partial differential equation, Second order linear partial differential equation of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic types, finite difference methods for these three types. Initial and boundary value problems. Explicit and implicit schemes. Approximation of functions. Method of approximation by least-squares. Fitting a curve by Q-R algorithm. Least square error norm.

References: 1. Numerical Recipes in C: The art of Scientific computing - William H. Pras et al. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988 reprint. 2. Mathematical method for CAD - J. J. Risler, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992. 3. Numerical Methods, Software and analysis - John R. Rice, McGraw Hill International Ed. 3rd Printing, 1987. Numerical Methods Lab: Lab experiments can be designed on the basis of programming problems discussed in Reference 3 above.


SYSTEM PROGRAMMING Introduction - What are System Programs - Utilities. Text Editors - Line mode and Screen mode text editors Introduction to DTP Software. Program Profile Monitor - Features and Design. Program Text Formatter - Language directed editors. Debugging Systems - Interactive symbolic debuggers. Assemblers - One-pass and Two-pass designs. Loaders and Linkers - Absolute loader, Bootstrap loader - Program Relocation and Linking - Linkage editors, Library Managers, Programming Manager, - The Make Utility. Dynamic linking - Overlay programs.

Macro Processors - Macro Definition. & Expansion - Macro Parameters - Label generation - Conditional macro expansion - Recursive design for macro expansion. Interpreters. Phases in Compilation Process - Interactive Development Environment, Window Management Software. Introduction to O. S. - File Systems, Shells, etc.

Books: 1. System Software - An Introduction to System Programming - L. L. Beck 2 nd ed, Addison Wesley. 2. System Programming & O. S. - D. M. Dhamdhere - T. M. H. 3. Systems Programming - J. J. Donovan - McGraw Hill. 4. Structured System Programming - Welsh & Mckeag, EEE, PHI. 5. UNIX & Borland C Manuals. 213. OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING

History of the development of Object-Oriented-Programming Languages; Objects - Attributes and Methods, Message Passing, Classes: Notions of abstraction, encapsulation/information hiding and modularity: Instantiation and initialization of objects - Constructors and Destructors: Class Hierarchy - Single, Multilevel, Multiple and Repeated Inheritance, Polymorphism: Object Hierarchy - Aggregation; Advantages and Disadvantages of Object-Oriented Programming. Language Features of C++, Smalltalk, etc. 214. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS Basic Concepts: Complexity measures, worst and average case, upper and lower bounds. Algorithm design principles- divide and conquer, recursion, greedy method, dynamic programming. Bounds for Selecting and Sorting -- finding maximum and minimum, and finding k-th largest elements in order, median. Selection sort, heap sort, merge sort, quick sort, radix sort. Searching and set manipulation-- for static tables binary search trees, construction of optimal weighted binary search trees by dynamic programming, for dynamic tables randomly grown binary search trees, AVL trees and (a, b) trees. Hashing - basics, analysis with chaining and open addressing. Union-Find algorithms. Graph algorithms-- Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, topological sort, connected and biconnected components, Minimum Spanning trees- Kruskal's and Prim's, shortest paths - Dijkstra's, Bellman-Ford's and Floyd- Warshall's.

Algebraic algorithms- Evaluation of polynomials, multiplication. Pattern matching algorithms Introductory concepts of program correctness proofs. Introduction to NP-completeness.



References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 215. U. Manber: Introduction to Algorithms. T. Cormen, C. Leiserson and R. Rivest; Introduction to Algorithms. Randomized algorithms by R. Motwani & P Raghavan. Cambridge University Press, 1995, ISBN 0-521-47465-5. Text algorithms by M Gochemore & W Rytter, Oxford University Press, 1994. Analysis of algorithms by M Hofri, Oxford University Press, 1995. SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Information Systems: Systems Development Life Cycle; Structured Systems Analysis and Design - Physical and Logical Data Flow Diagrams, Requirement Analysis, Design of New System, Data Modeling - Data Dictionary, Entity Relationship Diagram, Structure Charts - Transform and Transaction Analysis. Coupling and Cohesion. Process Specification - Structured English, Decision Tables, CASE Tools, Structured Programming; System Implementation - Chief Programmer Teams; Planning for coding and testing, Verification and Validation, Changeover Phase; Project Review and Walkthrough; Alternate Life CyclesEvolutionary Design and Prototyping. Feasibility Study - Cost Estimation, Cost Benefit Analysis; Input-Output Design - Forms Design, Dialogue Design, File Design; Security and Control; Codification and classifications; Documentation.

Books: 1. NCC - Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design, Vol. 1 and 2, Galgotia. 2. Hawryszkiewyez - Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall. 3. Whitten, Bentley and Barlow - Systems Analysis and Design Methods, Galgotia. 216. MIS & COMPUTER ASSISTED MANAGEMENT Accounting and Financial Management, Organizational Structure and Personnel Management, Business Data Processing. Study of the Management Processes - Planning, Organizing, Directing, Communicating, Controlling and Coordinating. Study of Decision - making process, utility theory and utility functions, decision making under uncertainty and risk, Quantitative techniques for decision making;

Discriminant Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Factor analysis, technological forecasting for business decisions. Information System for management and decision making. Computer applications in different functional management areas viz. financial management, material management, production management, marketing, planning etc.

Books: 1. Birkle, J. & Yearsley, R.: Computer Applications in Management, Staples Press, London, 1969. 2. Koontz, H. and Others: Essentials of Management 4th Edn. McGraw-Hill Book Comp. New York, 1986. 3. Massie, J. L.: Essentials of Management 4th Edn. Prentice-Hall India, Ltd. London, 1985. 4. Higgins, J.C.: Computer Based Planning System, Edward Arnold (Publ.) Ltd. London, 1985. 5. Morris, W. T.: Decision Analysis, Grid Publ. 1977. 6. Tummala, V. M.: Decision Analysis with business applications, Intext Education Publ. 1973.

Second Year Second Semester

221. DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Concept of Data Base System Data Base Models: Entity Relationship Model Object Oriented Model Record based logical Models [Hierarchical, Network & Relational] Relational Model - Definition & Properties Relational Algebra & Calculus SQL Functional Dependency, Multivalued Dependency, Join dependency Normalization Database storage structure, Indexing, Hashing. Query Optimization Security, Integrity, Recovery Concept of Distributed Database Concept of Object oriented database and its strengths.

Study and use of at least one available relational database system (ORACLE / INGRES /SYBASE) SOFTWARE ENGINEERING


Software Crisis, Importance of Software Engineering Paradigms; Life Cycle Models - Waterfall Model, Spiral Model, Protyping Model and other models: Structured Analysis and Design Techniques - Data Flow Diagrams (DFD), Logical and Physical DFDs, Data Dictionary, Design Process - Transform and Transaction Analysis, Structure Chart, Design Methods - Jackson Structured Programming (JSP) and Jackson System Development (JSD): Object Oriented Analysis and Design. Software Project Planning - Software Metrics, Cost Estimation - COCOMO model, Software Quality Assurance - Software Testing White Box and Black Box Testing, Design of Test Cases, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Verification and Validation of Software: Software Reliability. 223. 224. COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND CAD Display devices: Raster, vector devices; colour display techniques; colour look up tables. 2-D graphics: Line and curve generation algorithm; polygon filling; 2-D transformations; windowing and clipping. Interactive graphics: Interactive input devices; Interaction handling. 3-D graphics: 3-D surface modeling; 3-D transformations; Hidden line and surface elimination; Rendering of 3-D objects. Graphics Languages : GKS, PHIGS CAD : Introduction to CAD, Different CAD tools; Introduction to Auto-CAD. OPERATING SYSTEMS Idea of multiprogramming, multiprocessing, batch processing and time sharing Real time systems Concurrent processes Critical section problem Semaphores & synchronization CPU scheduling: Scheduling concepts and algorithms Memory management: Static & dynamic partitioning, Dynamic relocation, Paging & demand paging memory management, Virtual memory, Replacement algorithm, Segmented memory management, Thrashing Device management: Scheduling concept and algorithm, spooling.


Deadlock detection, prevention and avoidance File management: File concept, access methods, allocation methods, Directory concept, FAT & I-node structures File protection: Protection mechanism and policies Concept of distributed systems Overview of DOS, Windows and UNIX operating systems. COMPUTER ORIENTED STATISTICAL METHOD

Prerequisite: A good knowledge of elementary probability theory and Statistics. 1. Sampling Theory: Introduction. Objectives of a sample survey. Sample estimate of the attribute of a population. Selection of a sample without bias. Simple random sampling. The sampling distributions of an estimator for large and small samples. Central limit theorems. Confidence interval. Tests of hypothesis and significance. Statified and cluster sampling. Multivariate Analysis (MVA): Study of p variables on each of n individuals. Some application areas of MVA like agriculture, anthropology, archaeology, economics, education, industry and remote sensing. Introduction to multivariate distribution. Marginal and conditional distribution. Mean, Variance, Co-variance and correlation of a p-dimensional random vector. Multivariate normal distribution. Processing of multivariate data. Principal Component analysis. Derivation of Principal components through sample covariance matrix. Matrix Eigenvalue problem. The scaling problem. Factor analysis. The factor analysis model. Estimating the factor loadings. Cluster analysis. Objectives of cluster analysis. Hierarchical trees, Single link clustering. Dendrograms. Forecasting: Forecasting the future values in areas such as production planning, sales and stock control. Time series. Some representative time series. Objectives of time series analysis. Techniques for analyzing time series for trend and seasonal variations. Autocorrelation and correlogram. Probabilistic approach to time series. Univariate and multivariate procedures for forecasting. Exponential smoothing. Holt Winters Model. Box-Jenkins model. Regression model.



Reference: 1. The ideas for sampling - Alan Stuart, Charles Griffin (1984) 2. Sampling Techniques - W. G. Cochran John Wiley (1977) 3. Introduction to Multivariate Analysis - C. Chatfield & A. J. Collins Chapman Hall (1989) 4. Classification - A. D. Gordon Chapman and Hall (1981) 5. The analysis of time Series. An introduction - C. Chatfield Chapman Hall (4th Edn. 1991) 6. Statistical Programs in FORTRAN - Ronald D. Schwartz & David T Basso Reston Publication Co (1983) Statistical Lab

Lab experiments can be designed on the basis of programming packages discussed in Ref. 6 above. 226. OPERATIONS RESEARCH METHODS Introduction to OR-- origin, formulation of OR problem, developing a model, adequacy of model, evaluation of solution. Mathematical Programming Geometry: Hyperplanes, half spaces, polyhedral sets. Affine sets, convex sets and cones. Extreme point and basic feasible solutions. Non-degeneracy and adjacency. Revised simplex method: --- duality, sensitivity analysis and complexity. Karmarkar's algorithm. Transportation and assignment problems. Integer Programming, Cutting planes, branch and bound method algorithms, enumerative algorithms. Dynamic Programming Bellman's principle, capital budgeting problem, reliability problem. Quadratic programming, Inventory problems. Network flow- shortest paths, max-flow min-cut theorem. Probabilistic models of OR: Project scheduling by PERT-CPM. Queuing models: Birth and death models, special types of Poisson queues and their performance measures. Simulation: general ideas, classification models, simulation languages, simulation packages (TORA and SIMNET II).

References: 1. 2. 3. H. A. Taha: Operations research S. Fang et al: Linear optimizations and Extensions H. M. Wagner: Principles of OR with applications to managerial decision

Third Year First Semester

311. COMPUTER COMMUNICATION NETWORKS AND APPLICATIONS Goals and applications of computer networks: Private, public and value added networks. Difference between computer networks and distributed networks. Data communication fundamentals: Signals and communication channels. Baseband communication, modulation and MODEMS. Channel sharing techniques - FDM, TDM, polling and concentration. Error detection - CRC codes, framing techniques. Stop-and-wait (PAR) protocol with efficiency analysis. Network structure and architecture: Communication subnet and local access. Circuit, message and packet switching. Elementary queuing theory (results only) with network applications. OSI reference model. Local area networks: Ethernet and token ring LANS.

Network layer services and functions: Routing techniques. Network access protocols - X.25 and IP. Important functions of transport, session and presentation layers - TCP and ISO protocols. Network application: File transfer and file servers, electronic mail, virtual terminals, distributed systems, ISDN. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & EXPERT SYSTEMS Introduction - What is AI- Importance of AI-Objectives. Introduction to LISP and PROLOG. Knowledge - Its representation, Organisation - Manipulation and Acquisition. Predicate Calculus in AI - First Order Predicate Logic & its use in Knowledge Representation - Resolution Principle. Use of Resolution in reasoning and Question answering. Production Systems and Search Strategies - Production System and its variants - Heuristic Search Methods, AND/OR Graphs and AO* Algorithm. - Searching Game Trees. Uncertainty Management - Fuzzy Logic, Bayesian inferencing, Dempster Shafer theory of Beliefs, Structured Representation of Knowledge - Semantic Networks, Frames, Conceptual Dependency & Scripts. Expert Systems - Rule Based System Architecture - Non-production System Architecture - Knowledge Acquisition Methods - Explanation Methods - Expert System Shells, Application of AI in Natural Language Processing, Speech Understanding, Computer Vision, Planning, etc.


Books: 1. Introduction to A. I. & E. S. by D. W. Patterson, PHI. 2. Introduction to A. I. by Rich & Knight 3. Principle of A. I., by N. J. Nilsson, Narosa. 313. THEORY OF COMPUTING Finite state Automata and regular languages- recognition of a language by an automaton, equivalence of DFA and NFA, minimization of FA, equivalence of FAs, pumping lemma for regularity, closure properties of regular sets, MyhillNerode's theorem (statement). Context-free languages and push-down automata: non-regular CFLs, closure properties of CFLs. Properties of grammars- emptiness, ambiguity, LL & LR undecidable problems of CFLs. Computability: Turing machines and its variants, Universal TMs, halting problem, Recursive functions and sets, recursively enumerable sets, arithmetization of TMs. Production systems, acceptors and generators.

Elements of Complexity Theory: Space and time complexity, Ram programs and TMs, PTIME, NP, PSPACE, Polynomial reducibility.

References: 1. 2. 3. 4. J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman: Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation. H. R. Lewis and C. H. Papadimitriou: Elements of the Theory of Computation. J. Stoy: Denotational Semantics The language of machines: an introduction to computability and formal languages, by R W Floyd & R. Beigel, Computer Science Press, 19924, ISBN 07167-8266-9. LANGUAGE PROCESSOR Introduction to Language Processors: Interpreters, Compilers, Assemblers Overview of a Compiler Elements of Formal Language Theory Regular Grammars and Regular Expressions Lexical Analyzer Context Free Grammar and Parsing Techniques: Shift reduce parsing, Operator precedence parsing, Top-down parsing, Predictive parsers, LR parsers Intermediate Code generation, Symbol Tables, Code Optimization, Code Generation Error Detection and Recovery


31E/1. SIMULATION & MODELING TECHNIQUE System- simple, complex; language of system theory - goals, objectives and indicators, Attributes & Resolution levels, System Measurements, Taxonomy of System concepts; The modeling process - Models, Model Building, Simulation, Algorithms and Heuristics; Primitive Models - Establishing Relations using physical laws & via curve fitting, Complex Parameter Estimation problems, Elementary State Transition Models; Forecasting - Data, Statistical Attributes of Data, Probability Distribution, Generation of Random Numbers, Time Series, Recognition of patterns - problem of recognition, Neighborhoods and Distances, Hierarchical & non-hierarchical Approach to clustering, Individual & Group Preference Patterns; Static Equilibrium Models; Analysis of competitive Situations; Linear Dynamical Structure; Growth & Decay Processes; Simulation - Modeling- Statistical, Continuous & Discrete, Methodology - Time, Entities and Resources, Events, Static & Guess,

Activities & Activity Diagrams, Executive, Pseudo-code, Preparing a Simulation Model; Simulation Languages; Collection & Analysis of Results; Modeling Techniques & Complexities; Validations & Experimentation Techniques, Advances in Computing Simulations.

31E/2. COMPUTER VISION Prerequisites: 1. Programming in C/Pascal 2. Data Structure 3. Probability & Statistics 4. Numerical Methods Techniques of image acquisition - use of CCD Cameras, Scanners, Image Devices, Frame Grabbers, Gray levels, Coding of pictures, binary pictures, Histograms, Edge deletion and Region Grouping techniques for Image Segmentation, Textures, Line Tracing, Hough Transform for detection of lines and circles, recognition of 2D objects. Use of stereo cameras and Structured lighting for recognition of 3D objects, use of Range Data for determination of depth, Motion Estimation, development of rule-based systems for image segmentation, Document image processing, Data compression, Character recognition, Special architecture for image processing, Mathematical Morphology.

Books: 1. Digital Image Processing - Gonzalez & Woods - Addison Wesley 2. Computer Vision - Ballard & Brown PH 3. Computer & Robot Vision - Haralick & Shapiro - Addison Wesley 31E/3. GRAPH THEORY AND COMBINATORICS Graph Theory: Operations on graphs, Connectivity, Menger's Theorem, Partitions, Factorization, Coverings, Critical graphs, Graph matrices -- incidence, cycle, Groups of a graph -- automorphism, and symmetric graphs. Enumeration. Graph Isomorphism. External graphs, Intersection graphs, Perfect graphs-chordal, comparability, split, permutation, interval. Approximation algorithms for some NP-complete graph problem-- TSP, vertex coloring, maximum independent set. Combinatorics: Polya's Theory of counting, Pigeonhole Principle, Ramsey theory and applications. Block design, Latin squares-- orthogonal families. Coding theory- error correcting codes, linear codes, and use of block designs to find error correcting codes.

References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. F. Harary: Graph Theory J. Bondy and U. Murty: Graph Theory with applications M. C. Golumbic: Algorithmic graph theory F. S. Roberts; Applied Combinatorics A. Tucker: Combinatorics

31E/4. PATTERN RECOGNITION Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Classifiers, Discriminant functions and decision surfaces, Bayesian Decision Theory, Supervised learning - Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Nearest Neighbour rule - Discriminant Analysis, Perceptrons, Potential Functions, Linear discriminant Functions, Clustering and Unsupervised learning. Feature Selection, Feature Extraction and Dimensionality Reduction Techniques, Syntactic and Fuzzy Set theoretic approach, Learning & estimation of grammars. Pattern classification and scene analysis by R. O. Duda & P. E. Hart, Wiley. Pattern Recognition technique by Tou & Gonzalez, Addison Wesley. Perceptrons by M. Minsky, MIT Press. Syntactic Pattern Recognition by K. S. Fu, Prentice Hall. Statistical Pattern Recognition by K. Fukunaga, Academic Press.

31E/5. USER INTERFACE DESIGN Importance of User Interface (UI) in Computer Applications. UI Design as an Engineering Problem. I/O Devices for User Interface Ergonomic aspects of UI Cognitive and cultural Aspects of UI. Principle of UID - Ease of Learning. Ease of Use - Consistency- Terseness. Usage of Special Keys and Functions Keys. Methodology for Design of Command Names and structures, Error messages and Exception reporting, Dialogs, Menus, Forms, Windows, Windows Programming -Case Studies - Design of Graphical User Interface (GUI) - Object Orientation. GUI Tools - Case Studies. UI Management Systems. Advanced UI's - UI's for groupware - 3D and Multimedia UI's - Multilingual UI.

Books: 1. Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction by M. Helander, ed. Elsevier Sc. Pub. Amsterdam, 1988. 2. The psychology of everyday things, by D.A. Norman, Basic Books, N.Y. 1988.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Designing the User Interface, by B. Schneiderman, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass, 1987. The human factor, R. Rubinstein & H. Hersh, Digital Press, Bedford, Mass, 1984. The Art of Human Computer Interface Design, B. Lausel ed., Addison-Wesley, Reading, Ma, 1990. Graphic Design for Electronic Documents and User Interface Design by A. Marcus, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Ma, 1991. Usability Engineering, by J. Nielsen, Academic Press, San Diego, Ca, 1992. Coordinating User Interfaces for Consistency, by J. Nielsen, Academic Press, San Diego, Ca, 1989.

31E/6. MANAGEMENT ECONOMICS The theory of Consumer Behaviour: The concept of utility, Indifference Curve analysis, Demand Analysis, The concept of 'Elasticity'. Supply Analysis: The law of supply, Derivation of Supply curve, the concept of 'Reservation Price'. The Theory of Production: The production function (Cobb-Douglas), Law of Production (laws of Returns of Scale, The law of Variable Proportions, Equilibrium of the Firm, Choice of Optimal Combination of Factors, Choice of Optimal Expansion path). The Theory of Costs: Analysis of the concepts of costs, the traditional theory of cost (Short-Run costs, Long-Run costs: The 'Envelope curve'), Modern Theory of costs (Short-Run and long-Run costs, The 'L' shaped scale curve), The Analysis of Economies of Scale (Real economies of scale, pecuniary economies soft scale). Theory of the Firm, Market Analysis: Perfect competition (Assumptions, Short Run and Long - Run Equilibrium, Dynamic changes and Industry Equilibrium), Monopoly (Definition, Demand and Revenue, Costs, Equilibrium of the Monopolist, Predictions in Dynamic Changes, The multiplant Firm), Price Discrimination (Assumptions, Types of price discrimination, Price discrimination and Elasticity of Demand), Monopolistic Competition (Assumptions, Product differentiation and the Demand Curve, Equilibrium of the firm), Classical Oligopoly (Assumptions, The 'Kinked Demand model, Price leadership (Collusive Oligopoly)). Theories of Pricing: Full-cost pricing principle, Average cost pricing principle. Theory of Distribution: The marginal Productivity theory Rent - Modern theory of rent, Wages - Meaning, determination of Wages in a competitive Market, Monopsony in Labour market, Unions and Wages, Interest - Time preference, the classical theory, the loanable funds theory, Keynes Liquidity preference theory, Profits - Meaning, Different Theories of Profit.

Books: 1. D. N. Dwivedi: Managerial Economics, Vikas Publ. House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1986.


R. L. Varshney & K. L. Maheshwari: Managerial Economics, 9th Edn. Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 1988.

31E/7. CORPORATE PLANNING Corporate objectives, goals and policies; Process of corporate planning; SWOT analysis, Gap analysis, Strategy formulation. Environmental scanning and analysis; Technological forecasting, Economic and Social environment, Business forecasting, Market dynamics, Government policies, Elements of futurology, Strategies for growth and survival; long range planning of R&D, Strategies for technology based industries, Multinational operations. Investment evaluation, Capital budgeting, Risk analysis, Computer modeling. Organising for Corporate Planning, Implementing Corporate strategies, Business plans, Resources planning, Management Controls and Information Systems.

Books: 1. Lorange & Vancil: Strategic Planning System, Prentice-Hall Inc. 1980. 2. J. L. Harvey: Management guide to mergers & acquisition, A New Garden Wiley, 1969. 31E/8. INDUSTRIAL QUALITY ASSURANCE Basic concepts of Quality Assurance System: SQC, Control Charts for process control, Acceptance Sampling, Concepts & Plans, Sampling Tables; Product & System Reliability Measurement, Prediction, Evaluation & Optimisation; Fault-tree Analysis, Maintainability; Total Quality Control, Case Exercises.

Books: 1. Grant, E. L. & Leavenworth, R. S.: Statistical Quality Control, 5th Edn, McGraw-Hill, 1980. 2. J. M. Juran & F. M. Gryna: Quality Planning & Analysis form Product Development through Usage, 2nd Edn. McGraw-Hill, 1980. 31E/9. COMPLEXITY OF COMPUTATION Turing machines and their different variants, Space and Time complexity, Universal Turing Machines and Undecidable problems, Space and Time hierarchy, Relationship between deterministic and non-deterministic complexity, Properties of complexity measures - gap, speed up and union theorems, Reductions and Completeness,

NP-complete problems, PSPACE complete problems, #P complete problems, Relativized Computation - Oracles, Approximation and complexity - MAXNP, Circuit complexity, Co-NP and function problems, Provably intractable problems. Books: 1. Introduction to the theory of complexity: D. Bovet & P. Gescenzi, Prentice Hall, 1993. 2. Introduction to automata theory, languages and computation by Hopcraft & Ullman, Narosa. 3. Handbook of theoretical computer science - MIT Press 4. Computational complexity: C. Papadimitriou, Prentice Hall 5. The complexity of Boolean functions by P.E. Dume, Academic Press. 6. Limits to parallel computation: P. completeness theory by R. Greenlaw, H. J. Hoover, W. L. Ruzzo, Oxford University Press, 1995. 7. Computers and Intractability: a guide to the theory of NP-completeness, by M. R. Garey & D. S. Johnson, W. H. Freeman & Co., 1979

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