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Money Vocabulary Word List

A afford ATM auction B bailout balance bank bankrupt bankruptcy bargain bill bonds borrow bought budget business buy C capital cash cent change cheap check collateral commodity compound coupon credit credit card currency D debt deficit deposit depression dime discount diversify dividend dollar donate donation donor down payment E earn earnings economy economics economist equity estate Euro exchange expense expensive F finance financier fund I income interest invest investment investor L lend lender loan loss M margin market money mortgage N nickel note O outgo overdrawn P pay payment pence penny percentage poor portfolio Pound profit purse Q quarter R rate rebate receipt recession rent reserve rich risk S sale save savings security sell seller sold spend stocks surplus swap T tax teller thrifty trade treasury V value vault W wallet wealth withdraw Y yield

keyword: Money A Fool And His Money Are Easily Parted (foolish people lose money easily...) A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted (foolish people lose money easily; it is foolish to waste money...) Fork Money Out For Something (to pay for something when you don't want to pay...) In The Money (have a lot of money; become rich...) Money Does Not Grow On Trees (earning money takes a lot of hard work...) Money Is The Root Of All Evil (wanting more money causes people do very bad things...) Set Someone Back Some Amount Of Money (one had to pay that amount of money; it cost that much...) Time Is Money (time is valuable; wasting time has the same result as wasting money...) A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned (saving money is just as important as earning money...) Balance The Books (make sure the money spent is not more than the money earned...) Breaking Even (getting back the same amount of money that you spend...) Breaking The Bank (spending more money than you have...) Bring Home The Bacon (make money to support the family...) Bringing Home The Bacon (earning money and taking it home for the family...)

Cutting Corners (spending less money and doing cheaper quality work...) Delivering The Goods (give them what they paid money to get...) Do Something For A Living (the work you do to earn the money to pay your expenses...) Doing All Right For Yourself (making money and succeeding at your work and in your life...) Expense Is No Object (do not worry about the cost; I can pay a lot of money for it...) Extend Someone Credit (allow a customer to pay at a future time for goods given now; lend someone money to be paid back later...) Extending Credit (allow a customer to pay at a future time for goods given now; lend someone money to be paid back later...) Feed The Kitty (you must put money into the "kitty" if you want to gamble while playing cards...) Feel The Pinch (one has less money to spend because of hard times...) Flat Broke (having no money at all...) Float A Loan (put up an amount of money to be loaned...) For Chicken Feed (for almost no money...) For Free (it does not require any money...) Get Along On A Shoestring (be able to live while spending very little money...) Give A Blank Check To Someone (give someone the freedom to spend as much money as

they think they need...) In Debt (one owes money; one has borrowed money but not yet paid it back...) Jump Bail (one has given money to the court to get out of jail temporarily, then one runs away...) Laughing All The Way To The Bank (one is happy because one got a lot of money...) Line One's Own Pockets (keep the money for oneself...) Live Beyond One's Means (spend more money than one is able to earn...) On A Shoestring (while spending very little money...) On Credit (paid for by borrowing money; one buys the thing now and will pay later...) Out Of Pocket Expenses (one has to pay with one's own money...) Penny-Wise, Pound-Foolish (cautious with small amounts of money, but careless with larger amounts...) Riding The Gravy Train (getting money from...) Save Up For Something (save money for the future...) Take Out A Loan (borrow money from a bank...) Take Someone To The Cleaners (take all of that person's money...) Well Off (more polite way to say that someone has a lot of money...)

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