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Viewing a past life is not like watching a movie, not truly.

Nor is it quite as vivid as a vision of the future; where people and places are marked upon a twisting path in a certain sequence, more real than reality as we understand it. But it is the past, we know it, feel it within ourselves. We gaze upon faces, stare into eyes that we may even know now here in the present. Our souls, like crystals dropped into the lake of eternity, we cause ripples. These ripples collide with others, creating currents that even carry us into this future, this life. Cause and effect at the grandest scale; good and bad, light and dark, and many shades of gray in between. On rare occasion, ripples splash with an explosion of color caused by the miracle of life itself, sometimes glimpsed as we look down into this chaotic current and attempt to make sense of it. Each individual that views it, brings back something different, yet somehow it fits together like some cosmic puzzle. So, yeah, validation can be difficult, so some of you may call us charlatans. Trust me, sometimes we disbelieve ourselves, which causes our abilities to waver or wane. Others however, find such abilities mysterious, some become envious of the idea of seeing such wonders. My words and metaphors may make it sound glamorous, but even to us it is enigma that can only be explained in such colorful ways. I didn't ask for what I can do, at least not that I can remember. Perhaps I am vaguely aware before I was born anew into -this- life, being given a choice by the Powers of Creation to suffer in life to help others with these abilities. When I say we suffer, I mean we must go without something most others have, and often take for granted. But to have such abilities one must promise to give up something, to do what we do. It varies in severity depending on what abilities we are born with, and what will Awaken as life happens... For some they go without wealth, others fame, maybe something as simple as common sense. I chose to be a victim, a victim that helps other victims, then victimized by those same people I helped. It is likely even you will make me a victim, don't be too harsh on yourself when it happens. Some things are simply meant to be as they are. But enough sob story....I made the choice somewhere before birth, and now I get to live with it. However, I tell you this as a warning, about coveting such powers. Beware what you wish for...because everything has a price. As I teach you now I am certain you may later describe me as eclectic and eccentric. However, what you have already experienced so far is what brought you to me. I will teach you what I know if we find ourselves compatible, but a woman like myself is fairly easy to get along with if paid proper respect. So we will start with your questions about what you have seen and experienced so far, so that we can lay to rest that you are not crazy. Now even in the mundane world, among mundane society members things are changing. People are Awakening as we approach something important. Everyone has a different idea what that important thing may be, from the end of things to a miracle that unites us all in peace. But this Awakening is causing others to talk, and take notice. The first instance of this is deja vu. Many years ago, 70% of the population of the world had said they have experienced deja vu. Now over the last 10 years that has increased to 85%. Why should you care? What does this have to do with the topic at hand. Well, I'm not one for incomplete knowledge so sit back and pay attention. You might want to take notes. The phenomenon is rather complex, and there are many different theories as to why deja vu happens. A higher number of incidents occurs in people 15 to 25 years old than in any other age group. Note that this is often the end of puberty for most human beings. A time where we will either closed the door to the hidden world that our innocent minds were open to, or we open that door all the way and begin to

wander its mystical paths. Now doctors may tell you that deja vu has been firmly associated with Temporal-Lobe epilepsy, but I can tell you now my last MRI didn't show any signs of epilepsy or seizure activity. That, and the rest of the 84% can't all be having seizures, I'd think we'd notice. Several psychoanalysts attribute deja vu to simple fantasy or wish fulfillment, while some psychiatrists ascribe it to a mismatching in the brain that causes the brain to mistake the present for the past. Well, honestly I think that psychiatrists need to take the blinders off. I can promise you that there are plenty of times that I've experienced deja vu during real horrible instances that I certainly didn't wish for. Us metaphysicists and parapsychologists, however, believe it is related to a past-life experience. I use -us- loosely, I'm not trying to say I'm a metaphysicist or parapsychologist, those fancy terms belong to people with lots of letters before and after their names. From here on out I suppose I'll just use the world Caster, it has the least ill-conceived notions and stereotypes associated with it. As a Caster I have experienced deja vu many times in my life, well beyond the age of 25, and long before the age of 15. Those times were road markers, the universe saying Hey, you made to a mile marker, keep going this direction. However, when associated with people, it tends to be a whole other matter. Have you ever met a person that you could swear up and down you've met before? That weird sense of deja vu when centered around a person is indicative of someone important from a past life. Friends, relatives, lovers, even enemies or perhaps rivals. So don't be too mad at yourself if you find yourself hating a person instantly for no obvious reason, or falling in love at first sight. Just try to remember, they are not necessarily the person you remember them as. Act like an adult and use your logic first, emotions second. Us ladies will always have the hardest time with that, how we feel is stronger due to the nature of being female. That is an analysis for another time, but always be honest with yourself, knowing thy self is crucial for what we do. Regardless, when you are meeting a person again in the present, there is reason you're meeting them again. Even if there time in your path is fleeting, you will always remember them. Now before we continue on about past lives and deja vu, there is one more important misconception I need to break for you. I apologize beforehand but I'm about to be blunt, prepare your ego. Sadly, it is going to yet again break your romantic view, apologies, but the truth is a twisted mistress. There is no such thing as Soul Mate, singular, it is Soul Mates, plural please, because sorry, you have many. The world is too big to have just one, and even in rebirth they still get a choice as to who or what they come back as. It would be a logistical nightmare with a world and population the size we have now to hopefully throw you in the path of one single entity, and hope that even through your free will you fall in love. Even with as many as you may have, it doesn't mean you'll even meet one in your lifetime. Sometimes you'll meet many, sometimes they're not meant to be with you this Cycle around. Deal. Harsh I know, but I'm telling this to prepare you. It can be complicated, your soul can still stir up feelings you have no right to be having when you're already with someone you love. So be strong, be logical. The next thing to remember that soul mates can also be people that you've met so many times in past lives its like your souls are simply attracted to one another, some sort of constant cosmic magnet. I know, sounds vague and mysterious, but hey, we won't know the why's until we're suppose to or until its too late. Universe has a sense of humor and all that. Confused yet? I told you to take notes. So quick overview, Soul Mates with a capital S is ones that may be lovers, soul mates with a little s are other souls we are simply entwined with. Now that I'm done explaining some relevant ideas, back to the juicy story, because I can tell by your expression you want an example. Fine, I'll give you one, but let me tell you about the gentleman. No, not the Soul Mate I'm married to this Cycle round, that deja vu and past life vision is too intimate

and juicy, and rated X. So I'll give you PG-13 with another gentleman I've encountered. I've had five different past life visions since our first meeting with this man. His name this lifetime is Alexander, he goes by Alex. I keep telling him he should go by Xander because its sexier, he'd attract more guys that way. Right, I suppose I should have prefixed the fact that he's homosexual. Hate to buy into stereotypes, but he is the stereotypical dead-sexy gay man. Sculpted abs that makes every woman want to count to six several times over when they see him without a shirt. Not too tall, not to short, not too bulky. His hair is a white-blonde that no one could get from a bottle if they tried, and naturally wavy. Its long, all the way to the top of his trousers if left loose. Fabio probably calls him for hair care advice if you catch my drift... To top it all of he is a professional make-up artist and hair dresser, I have the pleasure of having him as close friend and hair dresser. He too is a Caster, and a pretty wise man for someone his age. But if what they say is true, with as many lives as he's lived, he probably can't help but be a bit wise and mysterious. Casters draw things to them, their lights are bright, and he is no exception. I had the pleasure of being introduced to him in a gathering of Believers. Believers can consist of actual Casters, posers or something in between. But its the easiest place to talk about what we do and find others without ridicule or suspicion. Believer gatherings can be dangerous too, because those that carry the will of the Dark within them can be present as well. I hope you're still taking notes...Sorry, tangent, but I want to make sure things are as detailed and clear as possible for you, you're new, and as a possible apprentice, its part of my duty to keep you safe till you can be out on your own. Now, where was I? Right, Alexander. Now just viewing Alexander for the first time told me he was a Caster, the pressure alone against my shields told me that. But as soon as we were introduced and shook hands I had the moment of deja vu. I think he did too, because he gave me that charming smile of his that he saves for his friends, and pulled me into a hug. The deja vu itself didn't set off the past life regression, but what happened next did. It was one of those rare occasion he was wearing his hair down. As he pulled me into a hug I felt those flaxen waves against my cheek, it was soft as silk, and thick. It wasn't just the texture of his hair, but the smell of it, of him. That indescribable earthy smell, like he bathed in the smoke from incense. You might not remember right away, but your senses usually will. My touch and smell, along with sight threw me through a past life vision instantly. It was the Victorian era, circa 1845 I think. His hair was that same white-blonde and long, held back in a silver clasp that was emblazoned with his family crest. He was impeccably dressed in a black suit that fit his form perfectly. Lace from his shirt peeked out from under the cuffs of his jacket, that had silver cufflinks to match the hair clasp. His hand held a black cane, with a silver accents that yet again coordinated with the rest of his ensemble. I distinctly remember his fingers, decorated barely with only one ornate ring on each hand. His fingers are what you'd expect to see on musician, best described as elegant. His face was angular, some would say almost androgynous, but not me. Not with that perfectly set jaw, and Adam's Apple. Michaelanglo couldn't have sculpted a more perfect bone structure. No, he was most definitely French, the angles of his beautiful face and those perfectly blue eyes. He certainly had my attention, as well as most of the ladies in the room. Two of which happily hung on each arm, talking and laughing. We were at a party of some sort, quite the ostentatious gala from what I could see. I was staring and he caught me in those blue eyes, and he gave me that same smile that he gave me in the present. I could feel my breath catch, and my cheeks heat in a blush, I swallowed hard and averted my gaze, deciding to distract my beating heart with glass of wine. I began walking toward one of the servants, grabbing a glass of red wine from his tray. That's when the present me noticed, that I was no longer a she, but a he. I was a man, not to badly dressed myself, if I do say so. I drank down the whole glass of wine in one go as I tried to regain my composure. I passed by the mirror to make sure my mask hadn't fallen too much. I appeared to be in my early twenties, a little on the short side perhaps, but I had a dazzling set of green eyes, and perfectly straight brown hair, tied

back in a ponytail. I didn't appear to be quite as monied as Dimitri, my clothes not quite as fancy. Dimitri, yes, that was his name in this life time Dimitri. He came from a rather wealthy line of frenchman, with many titles, while I was what they termed at the time 'new money'. I was helping my aging father in the merchant trade, importing from England and the Orient to here in America. Regardless, I got the strong feeling that this wasn't the first time I had been attracted to a man, but such behavior was nearly unheard of, and inappropriate in this era. So I spent much of the rest of the evening trying to avoid Dimitri. Blocking my view of him, idle chit chat with others that didn't seem to want me there. As the evening went on I found myself in a corner, watching the debauchery as everyone got became more and more inebriated. I too had quite a few drinks, just enough to be vaguely warm and comfortable. I just watched, lost in my thoughts of not belonging at this event, among these people when I suddenly heard a evocative voice speak. 'He then visualized men as they really are, insects devouring one another on a little atom of mud.' I attempted to be witty to cover up the fact I was startled, though it came out a tad snippy as I was a bit perturbed at myself for letting someone sneak up on me. I didn't think anyone here would be of mind to even have read Zadig ou la Destinee, let alone understand Voltaire. No sooner had it left my mouth that I looked over and saw exactly who was speaking. I met those striking blue eyes again, edged with humor, trying not to be obvious about my embarrassment of my venomous retort to this beautiful man. His chuckle was warm and made my heart beat faster, he obviously wasn't angry. Nor I. I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised that there seems to be someone of class at this gala. Come friend, let us away from these insects and speak on more interesting things. He handed me a full glass of wine, he placed a friendly hand on my back, ushering me out onto the veranda and into the garden. The night was warm enough that the luscious grounds were lit up with fireflies. We wandered over to a stone gazebo, covered thickly in vines of Moon Flowers in full bloom. It was quite lovely and we talked for what seemed like hours, of literature, and of life, of art, music, we talked of many things. I was fascinated and attracted to this man, but he didn't make me feel different. The two of us alone talked with ease, until finally it came to that pause when you've exhausted subjects. He was suddenly gazing deeply into my eyes again, I went to look away and he grabbed my chin gently. Dimitri spoke softly, pulling me to look into his eyes again. Don't look away, your eyes are quite lovely, I wasn't done admiring them. He smiled slowly, Besides, you are a man, you should never be intimidated so easily by another man's gaze. I could feel my heart beating in my chest, hear it in my ears, as Dimitri drew closer to look at me. He smiled as though he could smell my nervousness, he leaned in to whisper in my ear. Everyone else is drunk, passed out or gone. We are alone, you have nothing to fear from me when we are alone, nothing to fear from their prying eyes. I swallowed hard to feel his breath against my ear and the flesh of my neck. Then suddenly he drew my earlobe between his full lips and sucked slowly, nibbling gently. My breath caught and instinctively I grabbed the front of his shirt, unsure what to do. I couldn't deny wanting this man, but it was taboo to even think about it. Part of me considered slapping him, but my heart could hit that perfect face. Dimitri pulled up to look me squarely in the face, a smile like a cat that ate the canary played along his lips. Unable to stop my desires I kissed him fiercely, his tongue sensuously slipped past my lips for me to suck on gently. Of course, that's where the vision ended. Talk about awkward. Luckily visions are like dreams, a lot happens over a short span of time. Alexander held me out to look at me, he could tell something had happened. He was kind enough to lead me off away from the curious onlookers, much like he did in the vision, which just made the feeling of deja vu even stronger. He went and got me a bottle of water while I collected my consciousness back to the here and now. We talked, I told him I had what I believed to be a past life vision of the two of us. I informed him quickly it would be more then embarrassing to describe to someone I just met, he was gracious enough drop the subject. We talked for

a long time, and found it easy to talk about ourselves, like we had known each other forever becoming instant friends. What? Don't give me that glare. We don't always get to decide where a vision starts or stops, its just there. Welcome to the chaotic world of the casters, my little noobie. Glad to know you liked the lesson, hopefully that means you kept good notes. I might quiz you on this soon, I -did- mention to take notes, right?

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