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Concepts to study for Quiz 5 Bandura and Mischels conceptual focus Cognitive Variables Takes context into account

nt not just personality Mischels criticism of personality development theories (355) That except for intelligence many traits are not as consistent or affect behavior as pervasively as typically thought Personal constructs Vary from one person to another. How they view people or situation which determines how they will act Delay of gratification The ability to defer present gratification for a larger future goal. More difficult if the reward is visible Early control of this in preschool students predict future class performance Generalization Modeling In children Behavior observed in another is copied Vicarious learning Similar to modeling Spontaneous recovery Behavior that has been eliminated in but resurfaces for no real reason Identification Varieties of influences on childrens behavior (figure 12.5 pg 374) Model punished for aggressive behavior resulted in less modeling by children Aggression in boys vs girls \ Girls were less aggressive Incentives/ rewards/reinforcement Positive, Negative ? Retention process (370) Symbolic coding, Cognitive Organization, symbolic rehearsal, motor rehearsal Remembering what a model has done Reciprocal determinism (365) The interacting mutual influences of the person, the environment, and the behavior The person, the environment and behavior all influence one another Self-regulation People have considerable control over their behavior May set themselves up for success or failure by picking an environment that will either facilitate or deter their desired behavior Banduras concept of moral vs immoral behavior (377)

Moral disengagement can cause or enable people to behave in ways that are not up to moral standards Dehumanize the victim, the ends justify the means, using euphemisms, compare it to worse behavior or displace blame onto the victim. Banduras concept of therapy (375) Criticized therapy based only on talking Should use modeling and social learning principle to treat both adults and children Motivation (372) Unless motivated a person will nor produce Self-efficacy (367) How strongly a person believes that they can perform a behavior or how positive an event will be Determines the likelihood that the behavior will be attempted or event approached. See chapter 12 assignment Outcome expectations If the behavior is successfully done it will lead to a desirable outcome Start of chapter 13 Kellys underlying philosophical assumption Jackass theory. Is more concerned with the nature of the person (animal) rather than the forces that push or pull the person. Preverbal concepts Constructive alternativism Reasons for personality change Life Choices Permeable constructs Concrete constructs Core constructs Kellys reason for inconsistent behavior Commonality Corollary

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