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Sitapatr School Anuban Weekly Outline

Teacher: Lala Class: Sunny Week: 8 Dates: 08/07 12/07

This week we are learning:

Circle Time Review
In circle time this week we will continue to review emotions including happy, sad, sleepy, thirsty, hungry, scared and angry. We will continue to review the sentence structure: Question: Are you happy/sad/sleepy? Response: I am happy/sad/sleepy We will also continue to do guessing games with the children. We will also review games How are you? and songs including Hokey Pokey and If your happy and you know it.

Activity Time

This week we will continue to review the first set of letters sss,aaa,nnn,ttt,iii,ppp and the second set of sounds ccc/kkk, eee, hhh, rrr, mmm, ddd. There will be no use of the jolly flashcards to review these letters. We will review these letters with the Jolly Phonics songs and games including alphabet hunt, can you guess the sound of the letter and many more.

Vocabulary: Family, mum, dad, brother, sister, baby, granddad, grandmother. Sentence structure(s): Question: Who is this? Response: Its a baby/mum etc Question: Is this a mum? Response: No its a dad Song: Agadoo Happy family Finger family Activities: This is my family photo frame Family Cutting and pasting activity Games: Fly swat game the teacher says flashcard selected students swat the flashcard. Disappearing card game Put all cards out and students repeat all the cards as I take them away including the missing ones. - I've Got It - Have students sit in a circle. Give each student a flashcard or item. Ask "What is it?" and elicit the vocabulary. Call out the vocabulary and have the students stand up and say the flash card. Repeat until all the students are standing, then continue until all the students are sitting. Go at a fast pace so the students are sitting and standing rapidly.

New (letters/sounds/vocabulary)
This week we will be introducing the sounds ggg,ooo,uuu,lll,fff and bbb. We will be learning these letters using the Jolly Phonics CD, games and activities like those mentioned above but adapted to the phonics program. We will also introduce new games including the lake and time blast. Both games involve all students to individually participate in the games and have fun whilst learning.

Writing Practice
This week the students will be tracing and writing letters in their alphabet books. We will begin with the letters C all the way to D to support their speaking learning.

Sight Words
Students are currently not doing sight words.

Parent Follow Up / Useful Websites / Homework:

Hi parents, Thank you for home support and practicing songs and phonics with your child. I hope you have enjoyed the cds as much as your child does! Here are songs we will be doing in the class this week. This is the family finger song by muffin: Agadoo with the dance complete

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