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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2012)


Trends in Fractional Order Controllers
Karanjkar D. S.
, Chatterji. S.
, Venkateswaran P.R.

Head, Instrumentation Engineering Department,
Institute of Petrochemical Engineering,
Lonere, Raigad, Maharastra, India.
Professor & Head, Electrical Engineering Department,
National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research,
Chandigarh, India.
Senior Development Engineer,
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Tiruchirappalli, India.


Abstract Use of fractional order integral and derivative
operators became very popular among many research areas
during the last decade. This paper reviews the trends in
fractional order controller and ongoing research on tuning of
its parameters. Using n integer toolbox with
MATLAB/SIMULINK, series and parallel connected
fractional order PID controllers have designed for first-order
system and simulation results have been compared. The
application of fractional order calculus in controller design
introduces superior performance than a conventional

Keywords Fractional order controllers, PID, ninteger
Fractional order integral and derivative operators have
found several applications in large areas of research during
the last decade. Application of fractional order calculus to
conventional controller design extends the opportunity of
improved performance. Outline of the paper is as follows.
Section two discusses the introduction and development of
fractional calculus. Third section deals with applications of
the fractional calculus in control systems and introduction
of four types of fractional controller and tuning of
fractional PID controller have been discussed. In fifth
section the design of series and parallel FOPID controllers
are presented using ninteger toolbox. Conclusions and
future scope of work are discussed in the sixth section.
The concept of fractional calculus (calculus of integrals
and derivatives of any arbitrary real or complex order) was
raised in year 1695 by Marquis de LHopital to Gottfried
Wilhelm Leibniz regarding solution of non-integer order
derivative. On September 30
1695, Leibniz replied to L
Hopital This is an apparent paradox from which one day,
useful consequences will be drawn. Between 1695 and
1819 several mathematicians (Euler in 1730, Lagrange in
1772, Laplace in 1812, and so on..) mentioned it. The
question raised in 1695 was only partly answered 124 years
later! [1] in 1819, by S. F. Lacroix. The real journey of
development of fractional calculus started in 1974 when the
first monograph on fractional calculus was published by
academic press [2]. Since then many books were published
until now [3-12]. Fractional calculus is presently being
applied in the field of mathematics, physics, engineering,
chemistry, computer science, mechanics, pharmacology,
material science, neuroscience and neurology. Percentage
utilization of fractional calculus in mathematics is around
25 percentage followed by that of in physics around 20
percentage while in engineering field it is around 14
percentage [13]. Fractional calculus will perhaps be the
calculus of twenty-first century. The fractional-order
differentiator can be denoted by a general fundamental
a t
D as a generalization of the differential and
integral operators, which is defined as follows [14]:

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2012)

, ( ) 0
1 , ( ) 0
( ) , ( ) 0
a t
R q
D R q
d R q t


= =


where, q is the fractional order which can be a complex
number, the constant a is related to the initial conditions.
There are two commonly used definitions for the general
fractional differentiation and integration, i.e., the
GrnwaldLetnikov (GL) and the Riemann Liouville (RL).
The GL definition is as mentioned below:
| | ( )
( ) lim ( 1) ( )
t q h
q j
a t
D f t f t jh

| |
\ .

where, | | . is a flooring-operator. On the other hand, the RL
definition is given by: (3)
1 ( )
( )
( ) ( )
a t
n q n
d f
D f t d
n q dt t

, for ( 1 ) n q n < <

where, ( ) x I is the well known Eulers Gamma function.
Their is another definition of fractional differintegral
introduced by Caputo in [15] which can be written as:
( )
1 ( )
( ) , 1
( ) ( )
a t
q n
D f t d n q n
q n t
= < <

The stability of fractional order differential equations can be
supposed to be as equal as that of their integer orders
counterparts, this is because; systems with memory
are typically more stable as compared to their memory-less
alternatives [16].

Classification of dynamic systems according to the order
of the plant and the controller can be done as: i) integer
order system - integer order controller ii) integer order
system - fractional order controller iii) fractional order
system - integer order controller and iv) fractional order
system - fractional order controller. In fractional order
controller given by, G
(s) = K
+ K
+ K

(where K
and K
are proportional, integral and derivative gains
respectively) more parameters need to be tuned. Its unfair
but, theoretically, always better than integer order

Fig.1 PI


controller: from points to plane

Many control objects are fractional-order ones, so that
the fractional approach for control of the fractional-order
systems becomes a meaningful work. This approach (as
shown in fig.1) has changed the point based control scheme
to plane based scheme. Achieving something better is
always the major concern from control engineering point of
view. Existing evidences have confirmed that the best
fractional order controller outperforms the best integer
order controller. It has also been answered in the literature
why to consider fractional order control even when integer
order control works comparatively quite well [17]. Since
integer-order PID control dominates the industry, it can be
believed that fractional order-PID control will gain
increasing impact and wide acceptance.
The use of fractional-order calculus in dynamic system
control was initiated in year 1960 [18]. Since then
application of fractional calculus was extended to
distributed control system[19], to linear feedback control
[20], for linear approximation of transfer function [21] and
to process control strategy with fractional derivatives
through recursivity [22]. In year 1990 patent was registered
for robust fractional controller (CRONE-Controle Robuste
dOrdre Non Entier) approach [23].



International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2012)

Robust regulators with fractional structure and fractional
order state equations for the control of visco-elastic
damped structures was presented in year 1991 [24, 25]. The
concept of tilt-integral-derivative (TID) (refer fig. 2) was
presented and patent was registered in 1994 [26]. The first
practical application of CRONE (refer to CRONE Groups
introduction and the demo of MATLAB CRONE Toolbox)
control was presented in year 1995 [27]. Fractional order
lead-lag compensator was presented in year 2000 [28].
Application of fractional calculus in control theory was
accelerated after year 2002. In the year 2002 a special issue
on fractional order calculus and its applications was
published in an international journal of Nonlinear
Dynamics and Chaos in Engineering Systems [29]. A
tutorial Workshop in IEEE International Conference on
Fractional Order Calculus in Control and Robotics was
organized in Las Vegas in the year 2002 [30]. Tuning of


controllers is a new research subject during last few
years. Some important articles on design and parameter
optimization of fractional controllers are presented here.

Fig. 2. Tilt-integral-derivative controller

Fig.3. FO-PID (PI

) controller (where, 0 1 & 0 1)

Articles [31-36] present various methodologies to
design and optimize the fractional order controller viz.
PSO, GA, minimization of ISE etc. Many tuning
techniques for obtaining the parameters of controllers were
introduced since inception of PID controller. The most well
known tuning rules for classical controllers are given by
Ziegler-Nichols [37] and strm-Hgglund [38] which
have been the milestones for developments of many other
methods.Several tuning rules similar to Ziegler and Nichols
for integer PID, were presented [39,40,41] in the year 2006.
Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) and evolutionary
algorithms have been used for tuning of a fractional PID
A paper [47] presents a different method for parameter
adjustment scheme to improve the robustness of fractional
fuzzy adaptive sliding-mode control by the use of an
ANFIS architecture for two degree of freedom robot. The
paper [48] describes an application of PSO to the problem
of designing a fractional-order PID controller based on
ITAE. A fractional high-gain adaptive controller for a class
of linear systems was presented in the paper [49]. The
paper [50] deals with the design of FO-PI for a coupled
tank system. A global search optimization method with
bacterial foraging technique oriented by particle swarm
optimization was applied for optimizing five parameters of
fractional controllers in the year 2009 [51]. The self-tuning
regulators form an important sub-class of conventional
adaptive controllers. Design of a fractional order self-
tuning regulator has been presented in [52]. The particle
swarm optimization algorithm has been utilized for the
online identification of parameters of the dynamic
fractional order process while the tuning of the controller
parameters has been performed by differential evolution.
The paper [53] presents adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA)
for the multi-objective optimization design of a fractional
PID controller. The article [54] describes an application of
differential evolution (DE) to the design of fractional-order
controller. The paper [55] presents a robust adaptive
control using fractional order systems as parallel feed-
forward in the adaptation loop based on the Almost
Strictly Positive Realness (ASPR) property of the plant. In
paper [56] the tuning of FOPID controller of
electromagnetic actuator (EMA) system for aerofin control
(AFC) using particle swarm optimization (PSO) has been
presented. Another method for tuning of fractional
controller based on the relay feedback technique has been
presented in [57]. Paper [58] reports about the design of
FOPID using multi-objective optimization based genetic
Another work [59] published in the year 2010, on
fractional PID controller tuning, explains the process of
tuning by internal model control (IMC) based method with
process described by fractional transfer function. A
graphical tuning method of PI

controllers for fractional-

order processes with time-delay has been presented in [60].
In this work a random search optimization method has been
introduced for fractional order model reduction and the
parameters of fractional order controllers have been tuned
by internal model control (IMC) based method. Fractional
order sliding mode control has been presented in [61].
+ Plant

+ Plant

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2012)

The control objectives have been achieved by adopting
the reaching law approach of sliding mode control. In a
similar work published in the year 2010 [62], an optimal
fractional order controller has been designed and the
optimal values of FOPID controller parameters for
minimizing the cost function have been tuned using an
evolutionary algorithm. Design of FOPD for motion
control and minimum integral squared error (ISE) criterion
approach is presented in [63,64]. In another paper [65] a
servo control strategy for tuning of fractional order PI
controllers is presented for fractional order system models
with and without time delays. Recent article of the year
2011 [66], presents the design of internal model controller
(IMC) based fractional order two-degrees of freedom
controller with robust control. The features of the IMC
based PID controller have been combined with fractional
order controller. Tuning of FOPID controller using Taylor
series expansion of desired closed-loop and actual closed-
loop transfer functions has been presented in [67]. This
literature survey reveals that the fractional controller gives
better results as compared to the conventional PID
controller. Tuning of FOPID controller is difficult as five
tuning parameters need to be tuned and theoretically
infinite memory is essential for its digital implementation.
In next section simulation example of FOPID is presented.
Three types of PID configurations have been mostly used
in industrial applications- parallel, series and ideal. Parallel
configuration is commonly used in process control
applications. The response of the conventional PID with
parallel configuration can be represented as:
.e(s) + K

.s.e(s) (5)
Where, K
, K
, and K
are proportional, integral and
derivative gains respectively, T
and T
are integral and
derivative time, and e(s) is error between measured variable
and set-point. Transfer function of fractional order PID
(series configuration) can be represented by:
Where, alpha and beta are the fractional powers of
integral and derivative terms respectively. Response of
Fractional order PID (parallel configuration) can be
represented by:
.e(s) + K

.e(s) (7)
In this section, series and parallel configuration of
fractional order PID is designed in MATLAB/ SIMULINK
using nid block of ninteger toolbox, which uses crone
formula with mcltime expansion for fractional operator
implementation. Simulink model (Fig.4) is designed for
implementation of conventional (parallel) PID, parallel-
FOPID and series- FOPID controllers for first order system
with transfer function s/(s+1). Parameters of conventional
PID have been optimized using SIMULINK control design
as shown in Table.1. Design of parallel and series-FOPID
is done according to the parameters shown in table 2.

Fig.4. Simulink implementation of series, parallel and
conventional PID for first order system.

1.3185 2.2306 -0.2735

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2012)


KP KI KD alpha beta
11 11 03 0.5 0.4
FOPID (case
11 11 03 0.5 0.4
FOPID (case
11 1 01 0.75 0.5
Simulation results (Fig.5) shows that fractional order PID
with parallel configuration gives better response to step
input in terms of peak overshoot and settling time, even
when the parameters of FOPID were not optimized.
Parallel FOPID do not offer any overshoot and settling time
is also much less as compared to the conventional PID
controller. Response of series FOPID - case I, with
(similar parameters as that of parallel FOPID) higher
integral gain and lower values of alpha exhibit high peak
overshoot and damping. The integral gain can be lowered
while fractional order of integration can be increased in
order to minimize the peak overshoot and damping (as in
series FOPID-case II). Fractional order controller provides
additional flexibility in terms of two additional control
parameters- alpha and beta. For second order system it is
seen that series configuration of FOPID also gives better
response like parallel configuration. Based on process
under control one can select configuration of controller.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Responce of PID-optimized
Series FOPID responce with Kp=11,Ki=11,alfa=0.5,beta=0.4 & Kd=3
Series FOPID responce with Kp=11,Ki=1,alfa=0.75,beta=0.5 & Kd=1
Parallel FOPID responce with Kp=11,Ki=11,alfa=0.5,
beta=0.4 & Kd=3

Fig.5. Responses of Fractional (Series & Parallel) and
conventional PID to step input

The use of fractional calculus has gained popularity
among many research areas during the last decade. Its
theoretical and practical interests are well established
nowadays, and its applicability to science and engineering
can be considered as an emerging new analytical approach.
The introduction of fractional order calculus to
conventional controller design extends the scope of added
performance improvement. Many existing control schemes
can be modified with the notion of fractional order
calculus. Conventional PID performance has many limits
due to dead time, disturbances, noise, etc. Fractional-order
PID control is the development of the integer-order PID
control. Design of fractional order controller is an on-going
research topic now a days. Significant work has been done
on CRONE controller and its industrial applications.
Compared to integer PID controller, fractional PID
controller has more advantages, but the difficulty of tuning
methods of the fractional PID is still a challenge to be
resolved. Fractional order PID controllers could benefit the
industry significantly with a wide spread impact when
FOPID parameter tuning techniques have been well
developed. In order to achieve better results and to make
industry acceptable FOPID, a need is felt for designing new
methods for auto-tuning and self-tuning the parameters of

controllers and development digital algorithm for

implementation of FOPID using microprocessor or

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