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2013 Pine Ridge Mission Trip Prayer Journal

Pre-departure 3 days to go
Here am I. Send Me!
Read Isaiah 6:1-12
In this passage, Isaiah has some imperfections that God purifies in
him. Are there imperfections/vices" in your life that God has been
working on to prepare you for this trip? In vs. 8 Isaiah agrees to a task,
no questions asked.
Do you typically want details before agreeing to a task that God asks
of you?
Reflect on the following verses as you pray for the team and the
trip leaders.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching
them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with
you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28: 19-20
The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his
voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he
has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep
follow him because they know his voice. John 10:3-4
He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his
names sake. Psalm 23:3
In you, LORD my God, I put my trust.
I trust in you; do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies
triumph over me. Psalm 25:1-2
Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your
truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you
all day long. Psalm 25:4-5


Pre-departure 2 days to go
John 1 says that, The Word (thats Jesus) became flesh (that means
just like and bones) and dwelt among us (right here on
earth). (NIV) Jesus laid down his crown, got off His throne and went
on the most extreme mission trip of all of time. Youd be hard pressed
to find a greater cultural gap than the one between heaven and earth.
Think about it: trading a place of beauty, joy, no tears, no pain, no
worries, for what we see all around us. Take a look at todays news
and its easy to see that this world is no paradise. But Jesus gave it all
up. He knew what was ahead. He knew the cost. But he decided
making a way for you, and everyone else, to know him was worth it.
Theres no greater example of someone who lays it all down so that
others might come to know the Lord. Youve got a great role-model to
look to as you head to the mission field.
What does it mean to you personally that Jesus left heaven and came
to dwell on earth for your benefit?
Read Philippians 2:1-11. What stands out to you about Jesus attitude in
coming to earth?
Jesus sacrificed it all to allow us to experience Gods love. What is
God calling you to sacrifice as you go on this mission to share his love
with others?


Pre-departure 1 day to go
Leave and go
The LORD had said to Abram, Go from your country, your people and
your fathers household to the land I will show you. Genesis 12:1-7
These were God's first commands to Abram (whose name God
changed to Abraham). God was pretty specific about what he was to
leave: his country, his people, and his father's household. Things got a
little more vague after that: "Go to the land I will show you." That's all
God told Abraham about his destination. He called him to leave
everything and start out on a journey of faith. Only God knew where
he was heading. God's commands were followed up with a promise:
God had chosen to make Abraham and his descendants into a great
nation. Eventually all the world would be blessed through them. God's
promise probably helped Abraham obey God's call, but it also
probably brought a little confusion. Abraham's wife Sarai (whose
name God changed to Sarah) was unable to have children. The
likelihood of a great nation coming through this couple wasn't very
great; not by human standards anyway. But the journey God was
taking Abraham on would help him see, step-by-step, that he could
trust God. "So Abram left as the Lord had told him." Abraham did it.
Even though his destination was unclear, and the promise seemed
impossible, he went. The journey included some extreme highs and
lows but God was faithful to his promises. Abraham and Sarah gave
birth to their son, Isaac, long after they'd qualified for senior citizen's
benefits. God led Abraham and his family to the land he had promised.
Your faith in God today is a testimony to the fact that God blessed the
nations through Abraham's descendants. Sometimes we just have to
leave and go


Day 1
Spiritual Warfare
Read 1Peter 5:8
What are your weaknesses, those areas where you need to exercise
self-control? The enemy knows them, making it all the more important
that you are on your guard and alert.
Read 2 Corinthians 10: 3-6
What thoughts are floating through your mind that you need to take
captive to Christ? Surrender them to Him prayer!
Read Ephesians 6: 10-18
Pray these verses out loud and visualize physically putting on the full
armor of God and going into battle, for that is what you are actually
doing every day you live for Christ. Commit your time here to His


Day 2
Loving your neighbor
Read Luke 10:25-37
The situation of grinding poverty is different than the issue of
situational crisis as presented in this story, but the point remains the
Day after day you may be encountering people on the streets with their
hands out, or seeing people living in impoverished conditions. How
do you react to them? Do you give them money? Do you smile, talk
to them or give them food? Do you avert your eyes and continue
Being in a society where the poor are abundant and there is seemingly
nothing you can do to help, remember that they are your neighbors and
deserve your respect, not just your pity.
What character most closely resembles you in this story the priest,
the Levite or the Samaritan?
How do you feel about that?
Which role do you think God wants you to play? Where does God
want you?
If you arent there, what steps can you do to get there?
Conclude this time by asking Him to make your heart and hands like
the Good Samaritan.


Day 3
A Servants Heart
Read Matthew 20:25-28
Aside from the main project you are doing, what are some other ways
you can serve those near you?
In what ways do I prefer to be served rather than to serve?
How can I break this pattern?
One of the best ways you can serve others is with the humble attitude
of a learner. Are you showing interest in those around you by your
questions and willingness to enter in, even if youll look foolish? If
not, ask God for the grace to do this more.
Read Philippians 2:1-11 five times.
What struck you about these verses?


Day 4
Team work/unity
Read Psalm 133:1
Are there things that bug you about some of the people on your team?
Talk to the Lord about it in prayer, making sure to humbly
acknowledge your own shortcomings that may wear on others as well.
Read Romans 15:5-7
What will the Lord give you if you ask Him?
What are we to do toward others?
Why does He care about unity?
Pray for your teammates, asking God to do awesome things in their


Day 5
Fruits of the Spirit
Read Galatians 5: 22-26
Write out each of the fruits of the Spirit in verses 22 and 23
Speak to the Lord and tell him which of these the biggest challenge is
for you right now.
Tell him what your hearts desire is regarding this challenge.
Philippians 2:12-16
How do you feel that God is working in you for His good purpose?
End this time in prayer, surrendering again to His refining work in
your life.


Day 6
Eternal Perspective
Read Matthew 6:19-21
Where is your heart? Are you investing more in temporal things or
things that will last forever? Make a list:
What are some things on this trip that have helped you realize what is
really important in your life?
What things can I change in my life to help me live more for what will
last forever?
How will I do this?
Pray, asking God to help you focus your life on the things that matter


Day 7
End of the Journey
Read Proverbs 4:25-27
What level path has the Lord revealed to you that He doesnt want you
to swerve from since you have been on this trip?
Read Isaiah 58:9b-11
As the Lord five ways you can spend yourself on behalf of the
hungry when you return home (think of the physically and spiritually
Take time in prayer now and ask the Lord to help you be faithful to
continue serving in His name, as well as continue growing and
maturing in your relationship with Him as you return home.



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