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: Director IPG Kampus Sultan Abdul Halim


: 17 July 2013

FINANCIAL STRESS College students have always experienced academic and social stress. Now financial stress is in the mix in a big way and helping push student anxiety to record levels. The top five reasons for stress is a need to repay loans, cost of education, borrowing money for college, needs to find a job after school and academic challenge of course work. When exploring the top five stressors, the degree of stress was found to increase significantly for students overall top three stressors (Need to Repay Loans, Cost of Education and Borrowing Money for College), which ranked first, second and third from means scores. Very few differences in frequencies for each of the overall top five stressors had Cost of Education (59%) first rating followed second rating Need to Find a Job After School (54%). Academic Challenge of Courses and Need to Repay Loans share the same third rating (52%) and the lowers rating stressor from Borrowing Money for College (49%). Students living with stress conditions as well as an increase in the Need to Repay Loans( means of 3.83), it is reasonable to expect that current college students are working more than ever to help meet the demand of attending. Student colleges also are expected to be elites in the society. Thus, they enhance their stress management to work and numbers are also troubling when they spend more time on work then academic. There its reasons students found why performed stressors in college. The second more stressed than the average student when it comes to Cost of Education that is 3.74 and this stressor completed higher from the percentage (59%). College student especially freshmen, are group particularly due to the transitional nature of college life. In case they must buy a book what they took learn. Such as for medical cost, they must have many books about they learn. So cost of this make them more stress and make them working a parttime. This can give negative feedback opportunities for students physical when they during classes time.

Yet, when survey respondents were asked Borrowing Money for college was found to be top overall stressors for students. The mean scores for this situation 3.67.That financial stressors have had a negative impact on their academic performances. They had reduced their cost load due to financial stress were also statistically more likely to have borrowed private students loans. Survey respondents responded that the more give mental health issue or stress available on campus. But look from percentage this stressor lower rating, it maybe they have their own money and their family give enough money for their. Other than that, maybe they cannot like to repay the money after finish their studies. College students feel relatively more stressors in the career aspect especially find a job after school (means 3.66) and academic challenge of course (means 3.48). Schools are thus suggested to design a flexible cost of career education based on student future career development. College students, regardless of year in school, often deal with pressures related to finding a job or a potential life. They must adjust to maintain a level of academic achievement. In conclusion, the sources of stress identified as the most specific of college students. Certainly, stress in the college setting cannot be eliminated but we can and should do a better good preparing our student to manage it. Today incoming college students are reporting higher levels of poor health than ever before and financial stress is an emerging issue within this trend.

Reported by, ___________________ (KASMAH PAKAR)

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