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sodium salt, beta-naphthylamine-3,6-disulfonic acid, ethyl-mercuric-

thiophenyl-p-sulfonic acid, the disodium salt of 2-amino-naphthalene-

6,8-disulfonic acid, anthraquinone-l-sulfonic acid, or its sodium salt,

anthraquinone-l,5-disulfonic acid, and p-sulfhydryl-phenyl-sulfonic

acid. The solid total alkaloids are treated with a dilute solution (0.1-

0.3%) of one of the foregoing substances, the precipitated alkaloids are

filtered off, and the ergotoxine is liberated from the motherliquor. The

solution is adjusted to pH 2 and is saturated to 50% with sodium chlo-

ride and filtered. The filtrate is washed with ether and chloroform.

The solution is then adjusted to pH 7.2-7.4 with sodium carbonate or

sodium bicarbonate, and is extracted three to four times with chloro-

form, butyl alcohol, cyclohexanol, methylnaphthalene (with 5-20% of

alcohol), but not with ether, benzol, or trichlorethylene. From this

solvent extraction the alkaloid is obtained in the usual manner.

According to the same patent, extraction of 500 lb of defatted ergot

with liquid sulfur dioxide yields 12 lb of residue. This is dissolved in

5.7 liters of 95% ethanol, poured into 25 gal of distilled water, treated

with 114 grams of silver salt, and the mixture is stirred for 3.5 hr. It is

then filtered, 35 lb of sodium chloride is added, and the solution is filtered

again. After having been made slightly alkaline with sodium bicar-

bonate, the alkaloid is extracted with a mixture of chloroform and

ethanol 4:l, followed by two more extractions with chloroform. An

ethereal solution of 10 grams of maleic acid is added to the combined

previous extractions, and the alkaloid is separated as its maleic acid salt.


Although the alkaloids of ergot show some slight differences in their

general physiological actions, they all cause the pregnant uterus to con-

tract. Injection of fluid extract of ergot is followed by a reduction in

the rate of the pulse and a rise in blood pressure. If epinephrine is

administered following a large dose of ergot, the blood pressure dimin-

ishes contrary to expectations. The ergot alkaloids, although rather

slow in their action, are circulatory stimulants. They have been used

to relieve local passive congestions, such as occur in diarrhea, spinal or

cerebral congestions, chronic vasomotor conditions, internal hemor-

rhages, or delirium tremens. For their sedative-like effect they have

been used in asthma, hysteria, and in cures for habit-forming drugs.48

The sympathicolytic and oxytocic action of the ergot alkaloids of

the "ergotoxine" series is already shown in traces by the ergine part

of the molecule.49 Iso-ergine, which is obtained from this series of alka-

loid, seems to be slightly more active than ergine. The alkaloids of the

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