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Cambridge IGCSE

About us
UhiversiIy oI Cambridge hIerhaIiohal EamihaIiohs is Ihe
worlds largesI provider oI ihIerhaIiohal educaIioh programmes
ahd qualiIcaIiohs Ior 5 Io 19 year olds. We are parI oI Ihe
UhiversiIy oI Cambridge, ohe oI Ihe worlds Iop uhiversiIies
ahd IrusIed Ior ecellehce ih educaIioh. Our qualiIcaIiohs are
recoghised by Ihe worlds uhiversiIies ahd employers.
3 Welcome Io Cambridge
4 Cambridge programmes
ahd qualiIcaIiohs
7 Cambridge GCSE
8 Our curriculum
13 Classroom supporI Ior
Ieachers ahd learhers
16 Our qualiIcaIiohs
18 Joih Ihe Cambridge commuhiIy
19 WhaI heI?
We uhdersIahd educaIioh. More Ihah 9000 schools ih
over 160 couhIries are parI oI our Cambridge learhihg
commuhiIy..Our missioh is Io provide ecellehce ih
educaIioh, ahd our visioh is IhaI Cambridge learhers
become cohIdehI, respohsible, ihhovaIive ahd ehgaged.
We are Ihe worIds
Iargest provider oI
ihIerhaIiohal educaIioh
programmes ahd
qualiIcaIiohs Ior
5 Io 19 year olds
Over 9000
schools are parI oI Ihe
Cambridge learhihg
Cambridge programmes
ahd qualiIcaIiohs are
Iakeh ih more Ihah
160 countries
98% oI Cambridge
schools would
recommehd us Io oIhers
WeIcome to Cambridge
Every year, lhousands of learners
use Canbridge qualifcalions lo
gain places al leading universilies
worldwide. ve believe in selling
educalional slandards and lhen
encouraging learners lo exceed lhen.
Underslanding learners needs
around lhe world neans lislening
carefully lo our connunily of
schools, and we are pleased lhal
93 per cenl of Canbridge schools
say lhey would reconnend us
lo olhers.
ve are a parl of Canbridge
Assessnenl, a deparlnenl of lhe
Universily of Canbridge and a
nolforprofl organisalion. ve
invesl conslanlly in research and
developnenl lo inprove our
progrannes and qualifcalions.
University of
ur progrannes are progressive,
giving you and your sludenls a
clearly defned palh lo success
fron 5 lo 19 years. ur four slages
lead seanlessly fron prinary lo
secondary and preuniversily years,
and each slage builds on lhe learners
knowledge and skills developed in lhe
previous one.
ve offer exibilily, allowing you lo
shape Canbridge curricula lo lhe
needs and abililies of your sludenls.
ou can offer progrannes and
qualifcalions for learners al every
slage, or focus on specifc ones.
ur progrannes and qualifcalions
are conpalible wilh olher curricula,
so you are free lo build a unique
curriculun lhal suils your schools
values. And you will have lhe
experlise and supporl of Canbridge
alongside you.
ve offer conprehensive supporl
in four areas, designed carefully
around lhe needs of Canbridge
learners and leachers:
CurricuIum develops learners
knowledge, underslanding and skills.
ur curriculun sels clear goals for
learners and leachers.
CIassroom supporl and guidance
helps leachers and learners perforn
lo lheir naxinun abilily. ve offer
worldclass leacher and learner
uaIihcations provide learners
wilh a global passporl lo success.
ve offer reliable, rigorous and
exible assessnenl, leading
lo inlernalionally recognised
Community brings Canbridge
schools, leachers and learners closer
logelher lhrough lhe sharing of besl
praclice and ideas.
Cambridge programmes and quaIihcations
Cambridge programmes ahd qualiIcaIiohs are careIully desighed Io ehgage your sIudehIs
ahd give Ihem solid IouhdaIiohs Io achieve high levels oI academic ahd persohal aIIaihmehI.
Cambridge Iearners
The Canbridge approach
supporls schools lo develop
learners who are:
conhdent in working wilh
infornalion and ideas,
lheir own and lhose of olhers
responsibIe for lhenselves,
responsive and respeclful
of olhers
innovative and equipped for
new and fulure challenges
engaged inlelleclually and
socially, and ready lo nake
a difference in lhe world.
As weII as substantiaIIy Iifting
the internationaI status of the
InternationeIIa EngeIska SkoIan
schooIs, the partnership with
Cambridge has provided gifted and
taIented students with
fresh chaIIenges.
Damiah Bruhker, Head oI Academics,
hIerhaIiohella Ehgelska Skolah, Swedeh
Cambridge IGCSE is chaIIenging and
prepares students weII for further study.
Dr Barkei, Secohdary CoordihaIor,
Yew Chuhg hIerhaIiohal School, Chiha
The worIds most
popuIar ihIerhaIiohal
qualiIcaIioh Ior
14 Io 16 year olds
500 000 entries
each year Irom
144 countries
Over 2600 schools
worldwide Ieach iI,
ihcludihg more Ihah
650 ih Ihe UK
Choice oI
70 subjects, ihcludihg
30 Ianguages
CelebraIed iIs 25th
anniversary ih 2010
Cambridge IGCSE

Cambridge GCSE is Ihe worlds mosI popular ihIerhaIiohal qualiIcaIioh Ior 14 Io 16 year olds,
alIhough iI cah be Iakeh by sIudehIs oI oIher ages. I gives you Ihe eibiliIy Io choose Irom
-0 subecIs ih ahy combihaIioh, ahd gives your school Ihe buildihg blocks you heed Io build a
relevahI curriculum Ior ihdividual heeds.
Cambridge IGCSE growth
200708 200809 200910 201011



Canbridge C E, which celebraled
ils 25lh anniversary in 2 1 , allracls
alnosl 5 enlries every year
fron 144 differenl counlries.
enehts for you and
your schooI
Canbridge leachers lell us lhal
Canbridge C Es are exible and
slinulaling lo leach. realer freedon
and exibilily of curriculun leads lo
nore enoynenl of lhe subecl for
bolh leachers and learners.
vhen you choose Canbridge
C E, you creale a relalionship
wilh an organisalion lhal has an
excellenl repulalion as lhe leader in
inlernalional educalion. ur repulalion
will help slrenglhen lhe slalus of your
school, as you becone parl of lhe
global Canbridge learning connunily.
enehts for your Iearners
Canbridge C E is an inlernalional
passporl lo progression and success.
l is recognised by leading universilies
and enployers worldwide as evidence
of acadenic abilily.
Canbridge C E provides lhe
perfecl springboard lo lhe Canbridge
Advanced slage, lypically for learners
aged 16 lo 19 years, as well as lhe
nlernalional accalaureale diplona
and olher posl16 roules. vilhin
Canbridge Advanced, learners can
choose fron a range of 55 Canbridge
nlernalional A evel subecls.
Canbridge C E helps inprove
learner perfornance by developing
skills in crealive lhinking, enquiry
and problen solving.
Togelher wilh schools we ain lo
develop Canbridge learners who are
confdenl, innovalive, responsible and
engaged equipped for success in
lhe faslchanging nodern world.
Our curricuIum
WiIh iIs -0 subecIs, available ih ahy combihaIioh ahd ihcludihg 0 lahguages, our
Cambridge GCSE curriculum oIIers a varieIy oI rouIes Ior learhers wiIh a wide rahge
oI abiliIies, ihcludihg Ihose whose IrsI lahguage is hoI Ehglish.
l develops learner knowledge,
underslanding and skills in:
subecl conlenl
applying knowledge and
underslanding lo new as well as
faniliar silualions
inlelleclual enquiry
exibilily and responsiveness
lo change
working and connunicaling
in English
in uencing oulcones
cullural awareness.
chools worldwide have been
and conlinue lo be involved in lhe
developnenl of Canbridge C E,
so we are confdenl il represenls lhe
besl possible inlernalional educalion
for 14 lo 16 year olds.
The syllabuses are inlernalional in
oullook, bul relain a local relevance.
They have been crealed specifcally
for an inlernalional sludenl body
wilh conlenl lo suil a wide variely
of schools and avoid cullural bias.
The conlenl, lhe slruclure and
lhe adninislralive supporl neans
Canbridge C E answers lhe needs
of nore and nore schools worldwide.
uiIding your
The curriculun is al lhe hearl of your
nission and vision. o lhe besl place
lo nake decisions aboul il is wilhin
lhe school. ve will help you nake lhe
righl decisions in curriculun design,
planning and delivery.
Encouraging learners lo engage wilh
a variely of subecls belween lhe ages
of 14 and 16 years is fundanenlal lo
our approach.
Foundation curricuIum
ou can build a curriculun around lhe
core subecl groups of nalhenalics,
science and English. Each core subecl
has a range of allernalive syllabuses
lo suil each sludenl. or exanple, in
science, you can offer:
Canbridge C E iology,
Chenislry or hysics
Canbridge C E ciences
Conbined or Coordinaled
ouble Award
Canbridge C E hysical cience.
roadening the curricuIum
roadening lhe curriculun is easy.
inply draw on lhe wide range of
subecls lo add breadlh and richness
lo lhe curriculun. or exanple, you
can offer:
any of over 3 language syllabuses
herilage sludies, such as Canbridge
C E ndia ludies
eslablished curriculun conponenls
such as Canbridge C E islory
or eography.
Cross-curricuIar perspectives
Crosscurricular perspeclives are
a valuable parl of learning. aking
conneclions belween subecls,
skills and olher dinensions creales
coherence for learners, and increases
nolivalion and engagenenl for
leachers and sludenls alike.
or exanple, Canbridge C E
lobal erspeclives conplenenls
exisling subeclbased syllabuses,
encourages crealivily and crilical
lhinking, and pronoles a oinedup
view of lhe world.
The way EngIish subjects are taught is
amazing. After some months of doing our
Cambridge IGCSE course, three-quarters of my
cIass were abIe to speak EngIish uentIy.
BeaIrice Scocchera, SIudehI, Liceo Luigi Galvahi, Ialy
Cambridge IGCSE subjects
egularly updaled and exlended, Canbridge C E provides you wilh a wide range of wellresourced and
supporled courses.
Cambridge EngIish
Canbridge C E English
syllabuses are available for sludenls
whose frsl language is English and
for lhose wilh good English skills,
bul who are nol nalive speakers.
The syllabuses develop lhe abilily
lo connunicale clearly, accuralely
and effeclively in bolh speech and
wriling, for sludy and enploynenl.
English irsl anguage
English econd anguage
English ileralure
Cambridge mathematics
An essenlial subecl for all
sludenls, Canbridge C E
nalhenalics syllabuses encourage
lhe developnenl of nalhenalical
knowledge as a key life skill, and as
a basis for nore advanced sludy.
alhenalics Addilional
alhenalics wilh coursework
nlernalional alhenalics
Cambridge sciences
ludenls learn how science is
sludied and praclised, and becone
aware lhal lhe resulls of scienlifc
research can have bolh good
and bad effecls on individuals,
connunilies and lhe environnenl.
Environnenlal anagenenl
hysical cience
cience Conbined
cience Coordinaled ouble
Cambridge Ianguages
Canbridge offers a wide range
of language syllabuses, including
irsl and econd anguage oplions
for nalive speakers, and oreign
anguage oplions for nonnalive
speakers. earners are encouraged
lo enoy and appreciale lhe variely
of language, and lo undersland and
respond approprialely lo whal lhey
read and hear.
Cambridge humanities
and sociaI sciences
The sludy of Canbridge C E
hunanilies and social sciences
subecls enables sludenls lo gain
a deeper insighl inlo lhe differenl
connunilies and cullures lhal exisl
around lhe world.
angladesh ludies
evelopnenl ludies
lobal erspeclives
ndia ludies
akislan ludies
eligious ludies
Cambridge business,
technicaI and vocationaI
These Canbridge C E subecls
inlroduce sludenls lo lhe lheory
and concepls lhal underpin lhe
subecls. The syllabuses provide
bolh a solid foundalion for furlher
sludy al Canbridge nlernalional
A evel, and an ideal preparalion
for lhe world of work.
Arl and esign
usiness ludies
Child evelopnenl
Conpuler ludies
esign and Technology
ood and ulrilion
nfornalion and Connunicalion
hysical Educalion
Travel and Tourisn
C ech
si ulu
a akh
andarin Chinese
panish ileralure
Leicester High SchooIs exceIIent Cambridge
IGCSE resuIts in French, German and Spanish
prove how important it is to foIIow quaIihcation
courses which not onIy stretch and chaIIenge
Iearners, but aIso increase their cuIturaI awareness.
Diaha Wassell, DepuIy Head, LeicesIer High School, UK
Teacher resources
ve have a weallh of leaching and
learning resources lo help you plan
and deliver lhe progranne. They suil
a wide range of leaching nelhods
and differenl inlernalional conlexls
and include:
reconnended lexlbooks
reconnended workbooks
guidance lo explain how lhe
resources supporl leaching
leaching schenes and lesson plans
assessnenl lools.
The assessnenl lools, including nark
schenes, exaniner reporls, previous
exaninalion papers and global learner
perfornance slalislics by grade
and subecl enable you lo provide
valuable feedback, lo idenlify learner
slrenglhs and weaknesses, before
fnal assessnenl.
ve offer fasl, sinple, reliable and
friendly adninislralion. chools
receive conprehensive help fron
Canbridge Cusloner ervices and
our local represenlalives.
Teacher Support website
ve offer a secure supporl websile
for Canbridge leachers. Access is
free for Canbridge schools. ere you
will fnd all lhe nalerials you need
lo leach our syllabuses, including
pasl queslion papers, nark schenes,
exaniner reporls, and lesson plans
and schenes of work.
Cambridge rofessionaI
DeveIopment for teachers
ve offer regular lraining workshops
for Canbridge C E syllabuses.
nline lraining is also available,
increasing access for leachers who
have liniled line or are a long way
fron lraining evenls.
ve also provide rofessional
evelopnenl qualifcalions for
leachers. They help develop
leachers lhinking and praclice and
build lhe knowledge and skills lhey
need lo help learners succeed
wilh Canbridge.
CIassroom support for teachers and Iearners
Our eIhos oI ecellehce ih educaIioh eIehds Io supporI ahd services, Io help you deliver
ehgagihg ahd eIIecIive courses, ahd develop as a proIessiohal.
Teacher support resources
A wide range of supporl resources
for leachers and learners are available
for Canbridge C E. esources
suil a variely of leaching nelhods
in differenl inlernalional conlexls.
Teachers can access lhese resources
once lheir school becones a
regislered Canbridge school.
What resources are avaiIabIe for Cambridge IGCSE teachers
Traihihg IaceIoIace

Traihihg ohlihe

SubecI commuhiIies ahd discussioh Iorums


Teacher guides ahd schemes oI work

Coursework Iraihihg hahdbooks

Syllabus ahd supporI D D

TeIbooks ahd resources Irom publishers

Secure supporI websiIe

Ask CE IrequehIly asked quesIiohs

asI quesIiohspecimeh papers

Mark schemes

Eamiher reporIs

Eample cahdidaIe respohses
SIahdards BookleI

Ask Ihe Eamiher quesIioh ahd ahswer


Languages onIy
LisIehihg CDs

ocabulary ahd deIhed cohIehI bookleIs

Cambridge continues to contribute to the
deveIopment of education across India through
its intensive professionaI deveIopment sessions
and the quaIity of the assessment it provides for
schooIs taking its examinations.
DermoI Keegah, Head oI hIerhaIiohal Curriculum,
Dhirubhai Ambahi hIerhaIiohal School, hdia
Our quaIihcations
University recognition
any universilies worldwide
require a conbinalion of Canbridge
nlernalional A evels and
Canbridge C Es lo neel lheir
enlry requirenenls.eading U
and Canadian universilies require
Canbridge nlernalional A and
A evels, bul sone U and Canadian
colleges and universilies will accepl
sludenls wilh fve Canbridge
C Es al grade C or above.
n lhe Uniled ingdon, Canbridge
C E is accepled as equivalenl lo
lhe C E, and is regularly used lo
choose belween higher educalion
applicanls. Canbridge C E English
as a econd anguage al grade C
or above is recognised by a nunber
of U universilies as evidence of
conpelence in lhe language for
universily enlrance.
Assessnenl lakes place al lhe
end of lhe course and gives you
oplions lo suil your learners,
including wrillen, oral, coursework
and praclical assessnenl. This
broadens opporlunilies for sludenls
lo denonslrale lheir learning,
parlicularly when lheir frsl language
is nol English.
vilh a liered slruclure for differenl
abilily levels, sludenls of all abililies
are assessed posilively and brighl
individuals have lhe chance lo excel.
rades are benchnarked using eighl
inlernalionally recognised grades,
which have clear guidelines lo explain
lhe slandard of achievenenl.
or nore infornalion aboul
recognilion of Canbridge
qualifcalions, including a dalabase
of inslilulions lhal accepl lhen, go
Group awards
Canbridge CE is a group award
for Canbridge C E, recognised
in lhe U and oulh Anerica. l
allows you lo offer a broad and
balanced curriculun by recognising
lhe achievenenls of sludenls who
pass exaninalions in al leasl seven
subecls, including lwo languages,
and one subecl fron each of lhe
olher subecl groups: hunanilies
and social sciences, sciences,
nalhenalics and crealive, lechnical
and vocalional.
During our research into each topic,
we came across current deveIopments
and discussions concerning the topic,
giving a reaI sense of excitement and
feeIing that we were Iearning about
things that are affecting us and the rest
of the worId right now.
Ale Mackay, SIudehI, Cyprus,
Wihher oI Ihe OuIsIahdihg Cambridge Learher Awards
Juhe 2010
oin the Cambridge community
Joih Cambridge ahd be parI oI a global heIwork oI more Ihah 9000 schools ih over 160 couhIries.
We chose Cambridge IGCSE because it offers positive
benehts for our students, incIuding the exibiIity to cater for
Iess abIe pupiIs as weII as stretching the most abIe.
Jayhe Jehhihgs, Head oI Moderh Lahguages, Abihgdoh School, UK
vhen you becone a Canbridge
school, you oin a worldwide
educalional connunily. ur range of
aclivilies includes connunily evenls
for Canbridge school leaders and
heads of deparlnenl, leacher lraining
workshops wilh Canbridge experls
where you can learn al your own
pace, and online Ask lhe Exaniner
queslion and answer sessions. ou
have free and unliniled access
lo our secure supporl websile,
enabling you lo share resources
and ideas, gel access lo Canbridge
experls and explore discussion
foruns and social nelworks.
earners have access lo online
resources such as revision guides
and sanple queslions. ve also have
acebook pages where sludenls can
lake parl in debale, wilh Canbridge
and wilh each olher. nline evenls
bring schools logelher lo discuss
lheir proecls and aclivilies.
Start working with us
n conpleling lhe regislralion
process, we will send you a Welcome
to Cambridge Pack. This conlains a
range of supporl nalerials lo gel you
CIassroom support
ou will receive a range of excellenl
supporl for leachers and learners,
lo help deliver Canbridge educalion
progrannes and qualifcalions in
every classroon.
ecome a Cambridge schooI
arketing support
To help you nake lhe nosl of your
associalion wilh Canbridge, we will
provide your school wilh narkeling
supporl resources as parl of lhe
Welcome to Cambridge Pack. These
nalerials can help you slarl lo
pronole your relalionship wilh us
and lhe qualifcalions and subecls
you offer.
Administration support
ou will be able lo use a secure
supporl websile which allows you
lo connunicale securely wilh us
and exchange all adninislralive
infornalion, including exan enlries
and resulls, enlry inslruclion booklels
and olher docunenlalion. ou can
always conlacl us if you need help, or
sinply have a queslion lhals on your
nind. vere pleased lo say lhal our
cusloner service is raled as lhe besl
in ils class.
ve charge each school an annual
regislralion fee, plus fees for each
exaninalion enlry.
ou can fnd nore infornalion on our websile:
What next
I you would like Io Ieach Cambridge GCSE ahd are already a Cambridge school, please
cohIacI our CusIomer Services Ieam cohIacI deIails are below. I you are hoI a Cambridge
school already, you heed Io regisIer IrsI. There are Iour simple sIeps ahd we will guide you.
Cambridge provides a
fantastic support service, on
their website and aIso from their
representatives. For me there
was no one eIse.
SIepheh OCohhor, HeadmasIer,
HeaIhIeld hIerhaIiohal School, Thailahd
Learn more
GeIIihg ih Iouch wiIh Cambridge is easy
Email internationaI
Call 44 01223 553554
isiI our websiIe igcse
UhiversiIy oI Cambridge hIerhaIiohal EamihaIiohs
1 ills oad, Canbridge, C 1 2EU, Uniled ingdon
Tel: 44 1223 553554 ax: 44 1223 553553
C E is lhe regislered lradenark of Universily of Canbridge nlernalional Exaninalions.
Universily of Canbridge nlernalional Exaninalions, ecenber 2 11

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