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The historic opportunity is being lost by the solidarity movements to secure the future of Palestine.

I am writing to you because I know you are concerned about the Palestinian people. An historic opportunity is being lost by the solidarity movements to secure the future of Palestine. The racist Zionist state is able to continue ethnic cleansing with the support of Western Elites, and because of the weakness of the Arab World. What is needed are strong Arab states, not dictatorships who use the suffering of the Palestinian people. Much verbiage has been directed at the Support Middle East Democracy Debate? As serious commentators note, there is no elite in the world that really wants democracy in the Middle East. What virtually no one is saying, which is unbelievable given the occupy protests in recent years, is that we the 99% should, can and must direct our countrys foreign policy to promote genuine democratic rule abroad, for those other 99% ers. The far right say what is it to do with us?, while the far left question the motives of Western Elites. They both ignore the increasing asymmetric nature of modern warfare. As you know Israeli arms companies test their drones and other weapons on Palestinians, and boast of doing so. Modern gangster states like Assads Syria can murder their citizens more effectively than in the past. It was the potential of the revolt of the mob that pushed and enabled democratic progress in Europe. I expect you know what I will ask if you have read this far, and I pray for your support but do not realistically expect it. The Assad clique in Syria has ruled since 1970 by fear and the use of torture. The popular revolt in 2011 was crushed by military might. Eventually Syria will be returned to Assad dictatorship as happened in Algeria in the 1990s, when the Algerian regime incorporated corrupt elements in the opposition that they had radicalized with a decade long reign of terror. This is what the Syria Peace Process is aimed at, and will set a blueprint for the erosion of the gains of the Arab Spring throughout the Middle East. It is a bitter option, but the only spiritually defensible path to rip aside the wordage, and demand our government arms the moderate opposition in Syria, with the anti tank and anti aircraft weapons they need in sufficient quantities to defeat the Assad regime. To demand as a condition for this support a transition process that involves a peace settlement with the Alawites, and sets out the full measure of equality as core of the new Syrian constitution. Two more reasons to support the Syrians putting their lifes on the line for a promise. Netanyahu is privately briefing Western leaders about the advantages of keeping the Assad regime. We have built a wall around the democratic ideal in Europe, which is dying for the want of light.


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