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1.write a c program for familearization with editor 2.write a c program for area of triangle 3.

write a c program for working of fundamental data types 4.write a c program for working of arithmatic operators 5.write a c program for working of increament and decreament operators 6.write a c program for maximum of two numbers using comditional operators 7.write a c program for working of relational operators 8.write a c program for shortcut assignment operators 9.write a c program for working of bitwise operators 10.write a c program for whether the given year is leap year 11.write a c program for to check given character is alphabet or digit or special character 12.write a c program for to demonstrate arithmatic operators using switch case 13.write a c program for to calculate factorial of a given number 14.write a c program for amstrong or not 16.write a c program for value of sinx series 17.write a c program for value of cosx series 18.write a c program for palindrome or not 19.write a c program for factorial using recurrsion 20.write a c program for fibnocci using recurrsion 21.write a c program for maximum and minimum number in a given array 22.write a c program for linear search 23.write a c program for binary search 24.write a c program for bubble sort 25.write a c program for selection sort 26.write a c program for to add two matrices

27.write a c program for matrix multiplication 28.write a c program for student grade using structure 29.write a c program for employee details using union 30.write a c program for to swap the content of two variable using pointer 31.write a c program for to count number of character in a file 32.write a c program for to store and print the same data from a file 33.write a c program for to copy content of one file into another file 34.write a c++ program sum of 1st 100 natural numbers 35.write a c++ program given number in reverse order 36.write a c++ program to perform 4 arithmatic operation between two given numbers according to following conditions: a) addition is made by reading 1 b) substraction is made by reading 2 c)multiplication is made by reading 3 d) division is made by reading 4 37.write a c++ program to demonstrate scope resolution operator 38.write a c++ program multiplication,division by using inline function 39.write a c++ program to demonstrate class objects 40.write a c++ program to demonstrate working with friend function 41.write a c++ program to demonstrate working of constructor 42.write a c++ program to generate fibonacci series of number using copy constructor 43.write a c++ program of a constructor member function of a class of students information name,number,height,weight by using a default constructor 44.write a c++ program to demonstrate THIS pointer 45.write a c++ program to find the square of given number belongs to the data types integer and float by using functin overloading

46.write a c++ program to impliment the classes for bank account 47.write a c++ program to impliment the class for library catalogue 48.write a c++ program for single inheritance 49.write a c++ program for multiple inheritance 50.write a c++ programmulti level inheritance

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