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Sadness and Joy comes with changes

Nearly three years ago Mrs. Marilyn Price became the forwarding agent for Ecuadorian Christian Mission,

From that time she has labored long and hard to do her job. She was not only a lovely sister and sisterin-law but a true part of trying to bring the Christ to Ecuador. She shared her family and home with Ethel

during her illness, at the same time she was a part time secretary for "Capstan News", a missionary news
Keeping her family well cared for and countless other jobs that Christians find to do.

kept up the bookwork, and the correspondence. How is it possible to thank someone like this adequately? Marilyn we love you and miss you already. Thank you for being so faithful and such a hard worker. May
Christ and the Father bless you richly for all your work for Them.


She also

ECM and will be the new forwarding agents. Gary and Polly Vincent have two boys, Keith 12, Philip 10, and one girl, Scarlet 8. Gary is an elder, Bible school teacher, youth leader, and chairman of the worship committee. He is employed by Hackney Corp., and works in Fla. and Ga. Polly is a Bible school teacher, youth leader, girl scout brownie leader, and member of the missionary committee. Tom and Sylvia Perkins have one boy, Tommy 8, and one girl, Stephanie 4. Tom is a Bible school teacher of the Young Adults class, and active in youth church. He is employed by Delta Airlines at Jax airport. Sylvia is also an active teacher in the Vacation Bible school, planning pre-sessions for pre-school age while playing piano for choir and congregational singing. Sylvia is finance chairman of a local PTA. Tom and Sylvia are graduates
of Atlanta Christian College.

Two families from the Englewood Christian Church in Jacksonville, Florida have now joined the board of

If you would like to learn more about the work of Ecuadorian Christian Mission, both Gary and Tom are
available to present programs for groups and/or churches.
News from Ecuador

of Ozark Bible College. Rocio is a native of Guayaquil and she has a strong desire to see Ecuadorians brought
to Christ. Neither Allen nor Rocio desired to be supported by churches, but prefered to find secular
employment to earn their living. This was possible for them since Rocio was a citizen of Ecuador. As a result of Jim Gaither being on the school board of Che Colegio Americano work was found there for Allen. Rocio will be working as a bi-lingual secretary. With this family on the field we now have two families at work in Ecuador. Carlos is preaching for fhe congregation that meets in the Gaither's home.

In Dec. of 1977 Allen and Rocio Williams left for Guayaquil, Ecuador. Both Allen and Rocio are graduates

Report from the Gaithers

We have just completed a very wonderful and successful trip

to FTa., and other parts of the Eastern coast of this United

States, We will be in the Northern and Mid-West until August at which time we will be in California. We are looking forward
to seeing all of you sometime during our furlough. Each church wft have already visited have given us much love and many blessing. Thank you for your continued financial and
prayer support. Without it we would not be able to take
the Christ to Ecuador

News about the Fenners

Fenner was born

" ^

University in 1964 & 1965, before joining the

U. S. Coast Guard for 4 years.
Wayne Gail were married

In June of 1967
her a


S. Marine


graduated from Windham Practical vorking as an

LPN, being a wonderful wife to Wayne, Gail is

Bible College with the purpose of becomming a missionary. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1973. Wayne was ordained to the ministry of Christ at Geneva Park Church of Clirist. During the time Wayne
semester at RBC. Wayne and Gail have two children, a boy, Matthew 9, and a girl, Christa 6. They have worked for the Lord in many different ways since graduation and while they were serving at Englewood Christian Church in Jacksonville, answered the call to go to Ecuador. At the decision of their elders, the Fenners accepted a call from First Christian in St. Augustine, Fla., to go and minister for 2 years for some additional experience in preaching and leadership. They have had a very successful ministery and will be
leaving in June to start raising support to go to Ecuador next January. The Fenners love the Lord Jesus Christ and His people and are dedicated to spreading New Testament Christianity through out the world as
to South America.

were baptized into Christ at Geneva Park Church of Christ in Chesapeake, Va.

Petty Officer, Kenneth McFelea, they had not surrendered their lives fully to Him. In March of 1969 they
Wayne attended Roanoke

an accomplished singer. Wayne and Gail have always believed in Christ but until they came to know Chief

was attending RBC Gail was working at a hospital, had their second child and was still able to attend one

long as they live. They covet your prayers and your partnership with them as they seek to bring the Gospel


Balance forward from 1976


January Receipts

1,027.09 1,809.56


February Receipts


March Receipts

Disbursements (Galthers home for Medical Emergency)

April Receipts





May Receipts



June Receipts

1.144.27 1.434.36 1,628.85



July Receipts


August Receipts

(Purchase of truck)

1,608.23 4,681.21 1,493.55



September Receipts

(Purchase of camper for truck)


October Receipts

1,594.45 2.003.81


November Receipts (Includes loan for $2500.00)

Disbursements (Purchase of trailer)



Disbursements consist of money transfered to missionaries Including salary, postage, supplies, printing cost, (newsletter, etc) medical expenses, trips, and expenses when home. Insurance on Vehicle. $50.00
per month to Sharon, The Gaither's daughter.

Receipts for part of February and March

Debits: Salary James Gaither American Oil Company Travel Expenses (Galthers)
Printing Expenses

700.00 86.44 100.00

(letterheads, cards, envelopes, receipts)

Total Debit through March


' Balance on hand March 27. 1978


CUADaRIAN CHRISTI.AW MlSSfOf IV- 'HacksonviJIe, Florida 32216


2.1c PAID





n i l N. WiW ST.
JOT-LIN. i-'fO 64801


P.O. BOX 17147



PERMIT No. 1309


e/o OZkT(K
i i n N. OfOVLIK. '0 ST. 64801



We had a real thrill when the wheels of the aircraft touched down on the runway here in Guayaquil. We were bock home to continue the work we had started some five years ago. At the airport to meet us were Larry and Irene Wilson, our first converts in Ecuador. The tears of joy flowed down our faces.
After spending the first few days in the home of the Wilsons, we moved to our new home in the suburban

area of Neuva Kennedy. There were many things lacking in the house so we had to start fixing it up to live in. Also, we had many legal things to do, such as put in our passports to receive the registration. So for the last few weeks it has been hurry, hurry and more hurry with a lot of waits in between. How ever, God is blessing and so we ore happy. We found the church here in a state of disorder and so we covet your prayers on their behalf. Wayne has already started working with the English speaking church and he too will need your prayers. I just
today met with our little Maria who used to bring all the children and she is anxious for me to come next Sunday and pick them all up for our services. PRAISE GODI

I recently rode to Quito with our lawyer's daughter and all the way we were talking about spiritual things,
She is hoping that maybe we con start a work in Quito where she could attend. She said that she loves to sing and also would love to learn more about the Bible. Pray for her that fruit might come from our
talks. Her name is Xemana Carrera.

So you can see that God is already opening up many doors for us. There are still many problems that must be solved, but we are confident that God will provide as he always has. We love you all and pray
for you too.

Till next time, "Hasta Leugo"

Jim & Ethel

"not that 1 speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and 1 also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every cir cumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and
suffering need, 1 can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Phil. 4:11-13.

There ore some things I would like to point out about these scriptures concerning me as a missionary re cruit. First of all, they are Paul's wordsnot mine! To be honest with you, I believe the process of "learning to be content in whatever circumstances 1 am" takes some time. It's pretty easy to echo these
words when all the circumstances we're in, leave us contented! But, where we're not content, we might take a long, hard look at this scripture before agreeing. it was easy for me to say, "Sell all and go to the mission field." but, when it came down to disposing of

a lifetime accumulation, it was very frightening. All of a sudden the little things that represent home
and security are gone. As a result, 1 ended up shipping much more than 1 needed I'm sure, and failed

to bring those things I'll probably really need. Secondly, 1 have learned the secret of "being filled" and "living in prosperity" from life in the United States, but, getting along with "humble means" and "going hungry" ore yet to come. Unfortunately,
too many people in Ecuador have learned the latter and never experienced the former.

The romance of the mission field. The dedicated white missionary, with all his training, arrives and immediately wins people to Christ by the score with his mere presence. A pretty picture, isn't it? Un

fortunately it's not very real. What happens is, the missionary arrives, here the similarity stops. Reality follows with hours of intensive language and culture study daily for months and even years before the missionary can even speak to a National about Christ. There is constant study and adjustment and the

apprehensive feeling because nofrhing tangible seems to be getting done for the Kingdom of God. Along with this you must deal with your family's needs. Children need playmates and things to do. Hus bands and wives need time for each otfier. Soon the children find playmates and things to do and rush off out of sight leaving you wondering what is happening to them in this strange place with its odd sounds,
smells, and customs.

Even in a crowd you may feel lonely, isolated. "What are they saying?" "Is it all right to eat that?"

"What more must 1do legally?" The heat is intense. The dust is everywhere. Things are filthy by U,S,
standards. There are fences, gates, and burgular bars everywhere. Watch everything you have - it can

be stolen in a minute. On and on it goes while you, the missionary, adjustand prepare to serve a people you have absolutely nottiing in common with except a need to tell them of God's love for them through

Living by humble means and going hungry for the sake of the Kingdom. Someday it will come, but for

now it's all you can do to cope with living in a foreign culture,.. May God help me if I ever complain
of life in tfie U. S. again.

Finally, "1 can do all things through Him who strengthens me." AMEN! Now this 1agree with, Jesus Christ has given us so much strength through the Holy Spirit, and the truths of His word, until It is AWE SOME to me, PRAISE GOD, He has not left us orphans-1n4his world, but is right with us guiding, teach ing, and protecting us, God has opened so many doors for us and ECM smoothed so many paths, and pro
tected us so continuously in our work that again. It seems awesome to me. Brethren, I am nothing but a scared Gringo who is south of the border. For two cents I'd run back to the States nowl I'm like a fish out of water. But, God needs a body here in Ecuador for the Holy Spirit to operate through. It's His Gospel that these people need here in order to be saved. We received it, now it's our turn to pass It on. And 1, with all my inadequacies, know that "I can do ALL things through HIM

(Christ Jesus) who strengthens me," God bless you. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
1 love you all, Wayne Fenner

I Cor. 15:58, Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor In HieLord is not In vain, IHolal ?Que Tal? (Hello, how goes it?) The flight here went very well, the only problem was when I went through the metal detector entering Branlfe and the detector went off. I was wearing Wayne's Jacket which had his calculotor in the pocket. The guard proceeded to use a metal rod detector to frisk me. He turned me to the wall, legs spready ond arms up. Next time, I'll be sure not to borrow anyone's

The children ore adjusting very well and hove made some Eojodorian friends. Of course with some, there is a language problem but that doesn't seem to stop them. Chrlsta's friend doesn't speak English but they talk anyway. Christa in English and Lupe in Spanish. The city Is very, very busy and just as disorganized. This is the most difficult thing for me to adjust to "disorder everywhere." Our home is very nice but still In the workings (closets, doors, cabinets, etc.), PRAISE THE LORD for His comforter which abides with us always. This power is always there plugged in and available. Not so with our electric power though. They wired the kitchen for 110 instead of 220. Hopefully, they will correct this next week but until then, we do hove a gas stove that the landlord loaned us. Only problem is there Is a gas shortage here.

Somedays I truly feel right In being here, lecrning a new way of life and language. Getting to know people with serious faces and yet expressionable talk. Other days, I'd welcome going home and having people say "1 told you do." For, the struggle to get anything done seems almost not worth it. The lang uage has a way of removing the responsibility or blame from anyone. Consequently, if something goes wrong. It's not a certain persons fault but it's the thing that's gone wrongs fault. Therefore, it is diffi cult to get corrected without a hassel as the buck is passed on and on.. .Having no hot water heater seems very strange in a modern house. The showers ore cool but yet the faucet always has warm water to drink. (I haven't figured that one out yet?) The water must be heated for dishwashing so time In the kitchen is Increased, Ethel is doing the cooking til 1 get use to the way things aren't prepared when you buy them. I must say, I'm grateful to Ethel for breaking me In slowly. Because He lives, we labor for Him in Guayaquil
Love in Christ,

A great many problems hove been worked out for the curriculum for our school In Ecuador. It is truly exciting to see how God continues to bless ond use us as He does. Sue and I will , by the time you
receive this newsletter, have completed our training with A.C.E, to inable us to open the school in

We will be continuing to raise support to enable us to serve the Lord In Ecuador. We have some dates open and we ore available for presenting our work in Ecuador. If^you would like us to visit your church please write us at Boulevard Christian Church, 820 E,. Okmulgee, Muskogee, Oklahoma. 74401. Please keep us In your proyers while are traveling, ond that we will raise the support necessary for us to go to
Ecuador. Our tentative departure date is the end of August - first of September, We Praise God for

bringing us to this point in our lives and look forward to what He has prepared for us tomorrow...
In His Service, Doug & Sue Cage

From the Forwordlng Agents

Well, it doesn't seem possible they have been gone for almost a MONTH. We miss them tremendously.
Pray for us as we make the decisions that not only affect the missionaries lives, but God's work In Ecuador.

Pete is in the process of preparing a financial report fw the supporters . We hope to have It ready by the 15th of April. 1 know that we all hove our own lives, and problems, but I ask that for the next month especially, you remember Ecuadorian Christian Mission In your prayers daily, during this hard time of
adjustment. Thonk you.
In Christ love, Polly, Gary, Pete, Kathleen

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