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The memory of the event keeps coming back. What can I do to forget it?

Its been fourteen days since it all happened. Yet every time I try to fall asleep at night, flashes of those images are so intense, so vivid, that it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand. Every effort I had made to try to forget it was futile. My eyes well up in dismay. What have those innocent creatures ever done to give us the authority to treat them with such brutality? Every inch of fibre in my body is screaming from my insides, demanding for a reasonable explanation for what Ive seen. And throughout the fortnight, I cant seem to come up with anything relevant to counter my conscience with. I am disappointed and upset over how life has turned out. And just when I thought famine and war are the worst things anyone would face, a new abstract has been added into the context. It is cruelty. It was a dull and grey Tuesday morning. I was woken up by the sound of raindrops splattering against the window, followed by an irritating ring made by the alarm clock. Ugh, another rainy morning, I said to myself as I pulled off the covers to head for the bathroom. Reaching out for the towel on the rack next to the bathroom door, I suddenly remembered that I had to walk to school today because both my parents are away on a business trip. That means I got nobody to send me to school. I started grumbling to myself, thinking about where I had left the raincoat that Im going to need later. Im a very forgetful person, see. So if I am told to complete a task, I would never, ever tell myself that I would do it later. Because if I did, then expect me to forget about getting it done. After the warm shower I had, I stepped out of the bathroom with a sense of enthusiasm. Showers always made me feel that way. Maybe that is what showers are for on rainy, cold mornings like these. To give me some form of optimism to look forward to the day, as I hate waking up early. Right after dressing up and giving my hair a nice blow dry, I head over to see Riley, my pet rat, fast asleep under his gigantic bed made out of newspaper bits and cloth. Riley and its three other siblings were abandoned by their mom when they were just hairless pink pups, deaf and blind. Sadly only Riley made it alive with my clumsy feeding methods and care. Riley was one of the best pets Ive ever fostered, even if it is a rat. I opened the bar cage to give it a treat before heading off to school. I marched out to the driveway and up to the corner of the pavement. The rain wasnt as heavy as it was earlier, so I was able to make my way through the traffic lights across the road. The breeze was icy as it brushed across my bare face. The street lights switched off one by one, signalling the rising of the sun. I held up my wrist to catch a glimpse of what time it was. Fifteen more minutes until the school bell rings. I heaved a heavy sigh as I held my weighty school bag, knowing that Im going to be late for school if I dont quicken my pace. As hasty as I was, I was already making a bend at the corner of a street when something caught my attention. Right at the corner of my eye, I saw something anyone would turn away in disgust from. The colour drained off my face as I heard the piercing howls of puppies being butchered. That man was insane, I thought. I stood there frozen in shock as my eyes locked its vision towards the gruesome scene. Blood splashed in every corner, dead bodies sprawled among the puppies still alive, and the mother dog. She yelped hopelessly seeing her children die. Tied to a concrete pole, there was nothing she could do to save her young. Throughout 17 years of living, this was the most disturbing thing I have ever witnessed. I couldnt even scream as no voice could come out of my mouth. Shivers went down my spine as my mind was racing through my thoughts, figuring about how to make sense of everything. Do something! my mind shrieked in horror.

Suddenly my body caught hold of itself. I ran away as fast as I could. I forgot about being late to school. I forgot about how my parents would be furious to find out that I skipped classes. I forgot about the oral test I was going to have to do that day. All I could think of was how stupid I was for not stopping that man from hurting those innocent, beautiful creatures. I cannot seem to grasp my sanity as that memory replayed itself over and over in my head, loud and clear. I almost choked in my own tears, knowing that all those puppies are dead, because I have not attempted to do anything about it. I cannot fathom what has become of my own people, to have the hearts to injure another living being. Then I realized that being alive in todays world isnt a blessing. It just means youve survived each day of living because love and empathy has become so scarce.

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