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50 Uses for vinegar

50 household uses for vinegar.

1. Stainless steel: Wipe with a vinegar dampened cloth to clean.

2. The inside of the dishwasher: Pour a cup of white distilled vinegar in the dishwasher and run a full cycle to freshen.

3. Plastic food containers: Wipe with undiluted white distilled vinegar to remove stains.

4. The inside of the oven: Saturate with full strength white distilled vinegar and let sit for 10 or 15 minutes, wipe with a sponge to remove greasy messes.

5. The microwave: Put 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar and 1/2 cup water in a microwave safe dish. Bring to a rolling boil in microwave. Wipe clean.

6. The garbage disposal: To freshen, make some ice cubes with undiluted white distilled vinegar. Run a few ice cubes down the garbage disposal while running the cold water.

7. The refrigerator: Clean the inside with a mixture of half white distilled vinegar and half water. Clean the outside with full strength white distilled vinegar. To get rid of odors place 1 cup apple cider vinegar in a glass and set in refrigerator for two days.

8. To remove lime buildup use a paste of two tablespoons of baking soda and one teaspoon white distilled vinegar and scrub.

9. Sponges: To freshen, put them in just enough water to cover them and then add 1/4 cup 1

white distilled vinegar. Let soak overnight.

10. Cutting boards: To disinfect and clean your wood cutting boards or butcher block counter top, wipe them with full-strength white distilled vinegar after each use. Never use water and dish washing detergent, because it can weaken surface wood fibers. When your wooden cutting surface needs deodorizing as well as disinfecting, spread some baking soda over it and then spray on undiluted white distilled vinegar. Let it foam and bubble for five to ten minutes, then rinse with a cloth dipped in clean cold water

11. Remove odors from jars: Rinse smelly empty jars with white distilled vinegar.

12. The grill: spray white distilled vinegar on balled up aluminum foil. Scrub with the foil.

13. Grout: Soak with full strength white distilled vinegar for a few minutes. Scrub.

14. To make your own scouring scrub mix 1/4 cup baking soda, 1 tablespoon liquid soap. Add just enough white distilled vinegar to make a thick paste.

15. Shower door tracks: Fill tracks with full strength white distilled vinegar and let sit for a few hours. Rinse with hot water and scrub.

16. Shower head: To unclog a shower head mix 1/2 cup baking soda and 1 cup white distilled vinegar in a sandwich bag. Tie around shower head and let soak for an hour after the bubbling has stopped. Remove bag and turn on the water.

17. Toilet bowl: To freshen, pour a cup of white distilled vinegar into toilet and let sit overnight. Scrub.

18. Linoleum floor: Mop with one cup white distilled vinegar for each gallon of water. For stains, 2

let full strength sit on stain for 10 to 15 minutes. Sprinkle with baking soda for extra tough stains.

19. Retainers or dentures: Soak overnight in a dish of half water, half white distilled vinegar.

20. Eyeglasses: Wipe each lens with a drop of white distilled vinegar.

21. White rings from wood: Use a solution of half vegetable oil and half white distilled vinegar, rub with the grain.

22. Fireplace: On bricks, use full strength distilled white vinegar and scrub with a brush. To clean glass fireplace doors use one part white distilled vinegar to two parts water.

23. Hardened paint brushes: In a pot, soak brushes in full strength white distilled vinegar for one hour. Then bring the solution to a simmer. Rinse clean.

24. Window blinds: Put on a white cotton glove, the kind sold for gardening is perfect, and moisten the fingers in a solution made of half white distilled vinegar and hot water. Slide your fingers across both sides of each slat. Use a container of clean water to periodically wash off the glove.

25. Remove candle wax: To remove candle wax from wood furniture, first soften the wax using a blow-dryer on its hottest setting and blot up as much as you can with paper towels. Then remove whats left by rubbing with a cloth soaked in a solution made of half white distilled vinegar and half water. Wipe clean with a soft, absorbent cloth.

26. Cane chairs: Revive sagging cane chairs by sponging them with a hot solution of half white distilled vinegar and half water. Place in the sun to dry.

27. DVDs: If you have a worn DVD that has begun to stick or suffers from the occasional freezeframe, wipe it down with white distilled vinegar applied to a soft cloth. Let dry completely before use.

28. Cleaner clothes: Add 1/4 cup white distilled vinegar to the last rinse. The acid in white distilled vinegar is too mild to harm fabrics, yet strong enough to dissolve the alkalies in soaps and detergents. Besides removing soap, white distilled vinegar prevents yellowing, acts as a fabric softener and static cling reducer, and attacks mold and mildew.

29. Whiter whites: Add one cup white distilled vinegar to a large pot of water, bring to a rolling boil and drop in items. Let soak overnight. (Im assuming not boiling all night.)

30. No run colors: To prevent bright colors from running, soak your new garments in a few cups of undiluted white vinegar for 10-15 minutes before their first washing.

31. Pantyhose: Add one tablespoon of white distilled vinegar to the rinse water when washing, and your pantyhose will last longer.

32. The washing machine itself: Put one cup white distilled vinegar in the washer and run it.

33. Barbecue, spaghetti, or ketchup stains: Use a solution of half water half white distilled vinegar.

34. Smoky smell in fabric: fill the bathtub with very hot water and add one cup white distilled vinegar. Hang clothes in the steam and close the bathroom door.

35. Wrinkles: get the wrinkles out of clothes after drying by misting them with a solution of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water. Once youre sure you didnt miss a spot, hang it up and let it airdry.

36. The Iron: To remove scorch marks from the bottom of your iron, scrub it with a paste made by heating up equal parts vinegar and salt in a small pan. Use a rag dipped in clean water to wipe away the remaining residue. To unclog steam holes, pour equal amounts of white distilled vinegar and water into the irons water chamber. Turn to steam and leave the iron on for 5 minutes in an upright position. Then unplug and allow to cool. Rinse with water.

37. Water and salt stains on shoes: wipe them down with a solution of half white distilled vinegar and half water.

38. Hair Rinse: Rinse hair with one cup of white distilled vinegar and warm water. Brings out highlights and removes shampoo buildup.

39. Hair protection from chlorine: Keep your blond hair from turning green in a chlorinated pool by rubbing 1/4 cup cider vinegar into your hair and letting it set for 15 minutes before diving in.

40. Acne: Use a solution of half white distilled vinegar and half water.

41. Aftershave: use full strength white distilled vinegar.

42. Fresh breath and white teeth: brush teeth once or twice a week with white distilled vinegar.

43. Heartburn: Drink a mixture of vinegar and water to relieve yourself of the severe chest pain caused by heartburn.

44. Backaches: Soak in a bathtub of hot water and 2 cups white distilled vinegar for 30 minutes. It will help relieve a minor backache and soothe sore muscles.

45. Leg Cramps: Use a soft cloth soaked in full-strength vinegar as a compress to ease pain.

46. Sinus infection and chest colds: Add 1/4 cup of white distilled vinegar to vaporizer.

47. Sunburn: spray with ice-cold white distilled vinegar will feel great, and may prevent blistering and peeling.

48. Insect bites: dab them with a cotton ball soaked in undiluted white distilled vinegar.

49. Cuts: use white distilled vinegar as an antiseptic.

50. Bruises: speed healing and prevent bruises by soaking a piece of cotton gauze in white or apple cider vinegar and leaving it on the injured area for one hour.

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