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Samsung In App Purchase v2.

0 Programming Guide

Revision History Version 1.0 2.0.1 2.0.2 Created Security-related content added Mode parameter added to getItemList method Description Author Date 13.04.15 13.06.04 13.06.12

Table of Contents
1. Samsung In App Purchase v2.0 ..................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Product Purchase ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 Product Type .................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2. Creating an IAP Link ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Adding the IAP Library ................................................................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Adding Permissions ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.3 Installing IAP and Authorizing Samsung Account ................................................................................................. 7 2.4 Creating ServiceConnection and Binding IAPConnector ..................................................................................... 9 2.5 Processing the IAP Request and Response with IAPConnector ....................................................................... 10 init() method ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 getItemList() method ....................................................................................................................... 11 getItemsInbox() method ................................................................................................................. 11 Payment ........................................................................................................................................................... 12

3. IAP Reference ................................................................................................................................................................. 20 3.1 API Reference ............................................................................................................................................................... 20 init method ................................................................................................................................................ 20 getItemList method ............................................................................................................................ 21 getItemsInbox method ....................................................................................................................... 22 PaymentMethodListActivity ......................................................................................................... 22

3.2. Response Code ............................................................................................................................................................ 23

1. Samsung In App Purchase v2.0

IAP (In-App Purchase) v2.0 lets you use Samsungs payment services inside apps. While v1.0 linked to the library jar file, v2.0 uses the AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) to help the IAP process and applications communicate with each other. The latter makes it easier to link than the former.

1.1 Product Purchase

The below figure shows the process where an application uses IAP to request the purchase of a product.

Proceed with the Samsung account authorization process. Bind IAPConnector to enable the IAP API. Call the init() method start resetting IAP and receive the results as a bundle.

Call the getItemList() method to receive a list of purchasable products as a bundle. Select a product to purchase and call the startActivityForResult() method to call an activity (PaymentMethodListActivity) for selecting a payment method. Then, receive the results as a bundle in the onActivityResult() method. Call the getItemsInbox() method to receive a list of purchased products as a bundle. When the entire process ends, unbind IAPConnector to finish using IAP.

1.2 Product Type

IAP supports the following product types. Type Consumable Product Non-Consumable Product Subscription (short-term product) All Description If you purchase and use this type of product, it is consumed. You need to repurchase it to use it again. e.g. Consumable products such as bullets in games. If you purchase this type of product, you can keep using it permanently. You cannot repurchase it. e.g. Non-consumable products such as a book that you do not have to purchase again. Products that you can repurchase after a certain period of time. e.g. Products such as monthly magazines and short-term passes that can be repurchased after a certain time. All of the three types above are included.

2. Creating an IAP Link

In order to use the IAP payment service in an application, you must follow the steps below. Add the IAP library. Add permissions. Install IAP and authorize your Samsung account. Create a ServiceConnection and bind it to IAPConnector. In the application, request IAP with IAPConnector and process the response.

2.1 Adding the IAP Library

The 'IAPConnector.aidl' and 'IAPServiceCallback.aidl' files are AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) files with the IAP interfaces defined. They use the IPC (Inter-Process Communication) method to provide interfaces for linking with the IAP process. In order to link with IAP, add these files to your application projects as below.

If you use Eclipse:

Step 1) Create a package with the name '' under the src folder of the application project that will use IAP. Step 2) Copy the 'IAPConnector.aidl' and 'IAPServiceCallBack.aidl' files under the '' package.

If you do not use Eclipse:

Step 1) Create a folder with the structure 'src/com/sec/android/iap'. Step 2) Copy the files 'IAPConnector.aidl' and 'IAPServiceCallBack.aidl' in the new folder. Step 3) Use the Ant tool to build a project and create the '' and '' files. Through the process above, create the '' and '' files that were created in the application project '/gen' folder.

2.2 Adding Permissions

In order to use IAP, you must register the "" permission in the AndroidManifest.xml file. Add the permission to AndroidManifest.xml as below. <uses-permission android:name=""/>

! If you do not register the permission, it will always fail in the next step, the Samsung account authorization process

2.3 Installing IAP and Authorizing Samsung Account

Checking IAP installation
Intent serviceIntent = new Intent( "" ); Boolean flag = getPackageManager().queryIntentServices( serviceIntent, 0 ).i sEmpty() If the flag value in the above code is false, it means that IAP is already installed. If it is true, it means IAP is not installed.

If IAP is installed:
Test the validity of the installed IAP by comparing the signature hash codes of the IAP package. public class IAPUtils { private static final int IAP_SIGNATURE_HASHCODE = 0x7a7eaf4b; public static boolean isValidIAPPackage( Context _context ) { boolean result = true; try { Signature[] sigs = _context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo( SamsungIAPHelper.IAP_PACKAGE_NAME, PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES ).signatures; if( sigs[0].hashCode() != IAP_SIGNATURE_HASHCODE ) { result = false; } } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); result = false; } return result; } }

If the validity test of the installed IAP reveals that the IAP is not valid, a message dialog must be displayed as shown below, and the payment process must not proceed any further.
// If the installed IAP package is not valid:

// ================================================================ if( false == IAPUtils.isValidIAPPackage( _activity ) ) { new AlertDialog.Builder( _activity )

.setTitle( R.string.in_app_purchase ) .setMessage( R.string.invalid_iap_package ) .setPositiveButton( android.R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick( DialogInterface dialog, int which ) { dialog.dismiss(); _activity.finish(); } } ).show(); } // ================================================================

If the installed IAP is valid, proceed with the Samsung account authorization process as below. You can move on to the next step if the account is successfully authorized.
// If the installed package is valid:

// ================================================================ else { ComponentName com = new ComponentName( "", "" ); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setComponent( com ); _activity.startActivityForResult( intent, 1001 ); } // ================================================================

Call the IAP AccountActivity to authorize the Samsung account. AccountActivity is used to authorize your Samsung account and reconfirm your password when you make a payment. When you call AccountActivity, the application uses the startActivityForResult method to call it, and IAP returns the Samsung account authorization results to the onActivityResult method in the application.

onActivityResult method
@Override protected void onActivityResult( int _requestCode, int _resultCode, Intent _ intent ) { if( _requestCode == 1001 ) { if( _resultCode == RESULT_OK ) { /* Login successful */ } } }

If IAP is not installed:

To install IAP, go to the IAP details page at Samsung Apps. static final int FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES = 32;

Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setData( Uri.parse( "samsungapps:// ProductDetail/ p" ) );

// For Honeycomb MR1 or higher, add the FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES flag.

if( Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 12 ) { intent.addFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES ); } else { intent.addFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP ); } startActivity( intent );

2.4 Creating ServiceConnection and Binding IAPConnector

To communicate with IAP in applications, you must create a ServiceConnection. Please follow the steps below. Binding IAPConnector Unbinding When Closing an Application

Binding IAPConnector
To connect to IAP in applications, implement ServiceConnection in an Activity and bind IAPConnector. After creating ServiceConnection, use the overridden methods onServiceDisconnected and onServiceConnected to refer to IAPConnector instances.

IAPConnector mIAPConnector; ServiceConnection mServiceConn = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceDisconnected( ComponentName name ) { mIAPConnector = null; } @Override public void onServiceConnected( ComponentName name, IBinder service ) { mIAPConnector = IAPConnector.Stub.asInterface( service ); } };

Bind using the bindService method that has the intent that is referred to for IAP service names and created ServiceConnection objects as parameters.

Intent serviceIntent = new Intent( "" ); bindService( serviceIntent, mServiceConn, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE );

When you complete the process above, you can use mIAPConnector to communicate with IAP.

Unbinding When Closing an Application

You must unbind IAP when closing applications. If IAP is no longer needed, you must unbind the Service Connection object that was created above under the name mServiceConn. unbindService( mServiceConn );

2.5 Processing the IAP Request and Response with IAPConnector

IAP provides the interfaces below. Type Name Method init Method getItemList Method getItemsInbox Activit PaymentMethodListAct y ivity Each interface is described in detail below. Description Setting and resetting of information for using payment services. List of products. List of purchased products. Activity for selecting a payment method and requesting payment.

init() method
This must be called before you use any IAP services, including 'List of products', 'List of purchased products', and 'Payment'. After the Samsung account is successfully authorized, call the init() method to set basic required payment information. The init() method sets up the following basic information to use in IAP: IAP upgrade check, server URL, country code, shop ID, currency (currency unit) information, user ID, and email. Note: If you call the init() method on the main thread, an ANR (Application Not Responding) might occur. Create a separate thread to avoid the error. Bundle result = mIAPConnector.init( mMode ); if ( null != bundle ) { int statusCode = bundle.getInt( "STATUS_CODE" ); String errorString = bundle.getString( "ERROR_STRING" ); if ( statusCode == 0 ) {
/* Successful */

} }

If 'STATUS_CODE' is '0', the initial setup has successfully completed and you can use the services, including 'List of products', 'List of purchased products', and 'Payment'.

getItemList() method
This returns the List of purchasable products as a bundle. Note: If you call the getItemList() method on the main thread, an ANR (Application Not Responding) might occur. Create a separate thread to avoid the error. Bundle itemList = mIAPConnector.getItemList( mMode, getPackageName(), _itemGroupId, _startNum, _endNum, _itemType ); Information about whether the request was successful or not is saved in 'STATUS_CODE', the key value of the returned bundle. (If successful, '0'.)

Using RESULT_LIST inside a Bundle

int statusCode = bundle.getInt( "STATUS_CODE" ); if ( statusCode == 0 ) { ArrayList<String> arrayList = bundle.getStringArrayList( "RESULT_LIST" ); for ( String itemString : arrayList) { JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject( itemString ); String itemId = jObject.getString( "mItemId" ); String itemName = jObject.getString( "mItemName" ); String itemPrice = jObject.getString( "mItemPrice" ); String currencyUnit = jObject.getString( "mCurrencyUnit" ); String itemDesc = jObject.getString( " mItemDesc" ); String itemImageUrl = jObject.getString( "mItemImageUrl" ); String itemDownloadUrl = jObject.getString( "mItemDownloadUrl" ); String reserved1 = jObject.getString( "mReserved1" ); String reserved2 = jObject.getString( "mReserved2" ); String type = jObject.getString( "mType" ); } }

getItemsInbox() method
This returns the List of purchased products as a bundle.

Note: If you call the getItemsInbox() method on the main thread, an ANR (Application Not Responding) might occur. Create a separate thread to avoid the error. Bundle itemsInboxList = mIAPConnector.getItemsInbox( mContext.getPackageNam e(), _itemGroupId, _startNum, _endNum, _startDate, _endDate ); Information about whether the request was successful or not is saved in 'STATUS_CODE', the key value of the returned bundle. (If successful, '0'.)

Using RESULT_LIST inside a Bundle

int statusCode = bundle.getInt( "STATUS_CODE" ); if ( statusCode == 0 ) { ArrayList<String> arrayList = bundle.getStringArrayList( " RESULT_LIST" ); for ( String itemString : arrayList) { JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject( itemString ); String itemId = jObject.getString( "mItemId" ); String itemName = jObject.getString( "mItemName" ); String itemDesc = jObject.getString( " mItemDesc " ); String itemPrice = jObject.getString( "mItemPrice" ); String currencyUnit = jObject.getString( " mCurrencyUnit " ); String itemImageUrl = jObject.getString( " mItemImageUrl " ); String itemDownloadUrl = jObject.getString( " mItemDownloadUrl " ); String purchaseDate = jObject.getString( " mPurchaseDate " ); long timeInMillis = Long.parseLong( jObject.getString( "mPurchaseDate " ) ); String String String String String } } paymentId = jObject.getString( "mPaymentId" ); reserved1 = jObject.getString( "mReserved1" ); reserved2 = jObject.getString( "mReserved2" ); type = jObject.getString( "mType" ); itemPriceString = jObject.getString( "mItemPriceString" );

Make the process so that you can go to the IAP Payment Activity where you can pay for a product. Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString( "THIRD_PARTY_NAME", getPackageName() );

bundle.putString( "ITEM_GROUP_ID", _itemGroupId ); bundle.putString( "ITEM_ID", _itemId ); ComponentName com = new ComponentName( "", "" ); Intent intent = new Intent( Intent.ACTION_MAIN ); intent.addCategory( Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER ); intent.setComponent( com ); intent.putExtras( bundle ); startActivityForResult( intent, 1000 ); When you call the IAP Payment Details Activity, the application uses the startActivityForResult method to call it, and IAP returns the payment results in the applications onActivityResult method. onActivityResult method Data for the payment intents 'RESULT_OBJECT' key is returned as a JSON string as illustrated below. { "mItemDesc":"Learn about the books of the Bible##46;", "mCurrencyUnit":"", "mItemImageUrl":"http:\/\/\/product\/2013\/0510\/000 000524646\/IconImage_20130510095823098_NEW_WEB_ICON.png", "mItemDownloadUrl":"", "mPaymentId":"ZPMTID20130603GBI0000376", "mItemPrice":1, "mVerifyUrl":"https:\/\/\/iap\/appsItemVerifyIAPRece", "mItemName":"Books", "mPurchaseDate":1370253642115, "mPurchaseId":"524822074a3a8671102cbe35bf033f59bcb6f9ec79a950ab5d83de67 b3ff92f8", "mReserved1":"", "mReserved2":"", "mItemId":"000000057508", "mItemPriceString":"1.00" } You can get a desired value by creating a JSON object as below. Additional values such as STATUS_CODE, THIRD_PARTY_NAME, ERROR_STRING and ITEM_ID are included in the bundle.

// 1. Processing IAP payment results:

// treat result of IAPService // ======================================================================== ==== if( _requestCode == 1 ) { if( null == _intent ) { return; }

Bundle extras

= _intent.getExtras();

String itemId = ""; String thirdPartyName = ""; // payment success : 0 // payment cancelled : 1 // ===================================================================== === int statusCode = 1; // ===================================================================== === String errorString String purchaseData = ""; = "";

// 1) If there is bundle information transferred from IAP:

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------if( null != extras ) { thirdPartyName = extras.getString( "THIRD_PARTY_NAME" ); statusCode = extras.getInt( "STATUS_CODE" ); errorString = extras.getString( "ERROR_STRING" ); itemId = extras.getString( "ITEM_ID" ); purchaseData = extras.getString( "RESULT_OBJECT" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------// 2) If there is no bundle information transferred from the IAP:

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------else { showResultDialog( getString( R.string.dlg_title_payment_error ), getString( R.string.msg_payment_was_not_processed_successfully ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------// 3) If payment is not cancelled:

// If payment was not cancelled // ----------------------------------------------------------------------if( RESULT_OK == _resultCode ) { try { JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject( purchaseData ); String paymentId = jObject.getString( "mPaymentId" ); String itemDesc = jObject.getString( "mItemDesc" ); String itemPrice = jObject.getString( "mItemPrice" ); String currencyUnit = jObject.getString( "mCurrencyUnit" ); String itemImageUrl = jObject.getString( "mItemImageUrl" ); String itemName = jObject.getString( "mItemName" ); String purchaseDate = jObject.getString( "mPurchaseDate" );

long timeInMillis = Long.parseLong( jObject.getString("mPurchaseD ate") ); String String String String itemId String String purchaseId = jObject.getString( "mPurchaseId" ); reserved1 = jObject.getString( "mReserved1" ); reserved2 = jObject.getString( "mReserved2" ); itemDownloadUrl = jObject.getString( "mItemDownloadUrl" ); = jObject.getString( "mItemId" ); itemPriceString = jObject.getString( "mItemPriceString" ); verifyUrl = jObject.getString( "mVerifyUrl" );

// a. If the payment result is success:

// --------------------------------------------------------------if( statusCode == 0 ) { String serverUrl = verifyUrl + "&purchaseID=" + purchaseId; new VerifyClientToServer( serverUrl, purchaseId, paymentId ).execute(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------b. If the payment result is failure:

// --------------------------------------------------------------else { showResultDialog( getString( R.string.dlg_title_payment_error ), "-itemId : " + itemId + "\n-thirdPartyName : " + thirdPartyName + "\n-statusCode : " + statusCode + "\n-errorString : " + errorString ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------} catch( JSONException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------// 4) If payment is canceled:

// If payment was cancelled // ----------------------------------------------------------------------else if( RESULT_CANCELED == _resultCode ) { showResultDialog( getString( R.string.dlg_title_payment_cancelled ), "-itemId : " + itemId + "\n-thirdPartyName : " + thirdPartyName + "\n-statusCode : " + statusCode ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

--} // ======================================================================== ====

In order to prevent problems caused by sniffing apps during payment result processing, use the mVerifyUrl and mPurchaseID values in the bundle that came as a result, to check if the payment is valid for the IAP server. For that purpose, VerifyClientToServer AsyncTask is run in the above example. Below is source code for VerifyClientToServer AsyncTask.

private class VerifyClientToServer extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean> { String mServerUrl = null; String mPurchaseId = null; String mPaymentId = null; VerificationVO mVerificationVO = null; public VerifyClientToServer ( String _strUrl, String _purchaseId, String _paymentId ) { mServerUrl = _strUrl; mPurchaseId = _purchaseId; mPaymentId = _paymentId; } @Override protected void onPreExecute() { super.onPreExecute();
// Cancel the task if the server URL, mPurchasedId and mPaymentId are empty.

// ================================================================ if( true == TextUtils.isEmpty( mServerUrl ) || true == TextUtils.isEmpty( mPurchaseId ) || true == TextUtils.isEmpty( mPaymentId) ) { this.cancel( true ); } // ================================================================ mProgressDialog = showProgressDialog( ItemList.this ); } @Override protected void onCancelled() { dismissProgressDialog( mProgressDialog ); super.onCancelled(); } @Override

protected Boolean doInBackground( Void... params ) { try { int retryCount = 0; String strResponse = null;
// For reliability, if an error occurs, retry up to 3 times.

// ============================================================= do { strResponse = getHttpGetData( mServerUrl, 10000, 10000 ); retryCount++; } while( retryCount < 3 && true == TextUtils.isEmpty( strResponse ) ); // ============================================================= if( strResponse == null || TextUtils.isEmpty( strResponse ) ) { return false; } else { mVerificationVO = new VerificationVO( strResponse );
// Only if Status Code is "true", and if PaymentId and // mPaymentId of mVerificationVO match, determine as success.

// ========================================================== if( mVerificationVO != null && true == "true".equals( mVerificationVO.getmStatus() ) && true == mPaymentId.equals( mVerificationVO.getmPaymentId() ) ) { return true; } // ========================================================== else { return false; } } } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } @Override protected void onPostExecute( Boolean result ) { dismissProgressDialog( mProgressDialog ); if( true == result )

{ showResultDialog( getString( R.string.dlg_title_payment_success ), "-itemId : " + mVerificationVO.getmItemId() + "\n-paymentId : " + mVerificationVO.getmPaymentId() ); } else { showResultDialog( getString( R.string.dlg_title_payment_error ), getString( R.string.msg_invalid_purchase ) ); } } private String getHttpGetData ( final String _strUrl, final int _connTimeout, final int _readTimeout ) { String strResult = null; URLConnection con = null; HttpURLConnection httpConnection = null; BufferedInputStream bis = null; ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = null; try { URL url = new URL( _strUrl ); con = url.openConnection(); con.setConnectTimeout(10000); con.setReadTimeout(10000); httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection)con; httpConnection.setRequestMethod("GET"); httpConnection.connect(); int responseCode = httpConnection.getResponseCode(); if( responseCode == 200 ) { bis = new BufferedInputStream( httpConnection.getInputStream(), 4096 ); buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream( 4096 ); byte [] bData = new byte[ 4096 ]; int nRead; while( ( nRead = bData, 0, 4096 ) ) != -1 ) { buffer.write( bData, 0, nRead ); } buffer.flush(); strResult = buffer.toString(); }

} catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if( bis != null ) { try { bis.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} } if( buffer != null ) { try { buffer.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } con = null; httpConnection = null; } return strResult; } }

In the VerifyClientToServer example above, strResponse is JSON formatted as shown below. { "itemId":"000000057507", "itemName":"Additional Game Modes", "itemDesc":"Unlock all game modes. Best value!", "purchaseDate":"2013-06-03 21:04:50", "paymentId":"ZPMTID20130603GBI0000384", "paymentAmount":"1.500", "status":"true" } You can receive strResponse from the server and extract a desired value, such as the creator of the verification class below. The example below is part of the VerificationVO source used as an object for saving task results in VerifyClientToServer AsyncTask.

public class VerificationVO { private String mItemId; private String mItemName; private String mItemDesc; private String mPurchaseDate; private String mPaymentId; private String mPaymentAmount; private String mStatus; public VerificationVO( String strJson ) { try { JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject( strJson );

mItemId mItemName mItemDesc mPurchaseDate mPaymentId mPaymentAmount mStatus

= jObject.getString( "itemId" ); = jObject.getString( "itemName" ); = jObject.getString( "itemDesc" ); = jObject.getString( "purchaseDate" ); = jObject.getString( "paymentId" ); = jObject.getString( "paymentAmount" ); = jObject.getString( "status" );

} catch( JSONException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Omitted }

For safer transactions, you can process tasks such as VerifyClientToServer in the above sample code through a 3rd-party server. If you deliver mVerifyUrl, mPurchaseId and mPaymentId from the client to the 3rd-party server, processing is possible on the server in the form shown in the above example.

3. IAP Reference
This chapter provides reference information to use IAP.

3.1 API Reference

This is the API defined in the '' and '' files.

init method
init( int mode ) This method must be called before you use IAP services, including 'List of products', 'List of purchased products', and 'Payment Details'. It returns results as a bundle. - Parameter details
Parameter Type Value for IAP mode 0: Live (production) mode 1: Development mode (returned results are true every time) -1: Development mode (returned results are false every time) Description



- Key descriptions for returned bundle

Parameter Description Result code (If not 0, error or failure) Message in case of an error or failure


- STATUS_CODE types for result bundle

Response code Code value


0 -1000 -1001 -1002

Description Successful Failure while resetting IAP IAP upgrade required Error while running IAP

getItemList method
getItemList( String packageName, endNum, String itemType ) String itemGroupId, int startNum, int

This method returns the List of purchasable products as a bundle. - Parameter details
Parameter Type Value for IAP mode 0: Live (production) mode 1: Development mode (returned results are true every time) -1: Development mode (returned results are false every time) Package name of the application Group ID of the product Starting number of the list to be shown Ending number of the list to be shown Item type Consumable: 00 Non-consumable: 01 Subscription (short-term): 02 All: 10 Description

mode packageName itemGroupId startNum endNum

int String String int int



- Key descriptions for returned bundle

Parameter Description Result code (If not 0, error or failure) Message in case of an error or failure Product list as a JSON string


- STATUS_CODE types for result bundle

Response code Code value


0 -1002 -1005

Description Successful Error while running IAP No product list requested

- JSON field description for Bundle 'RESULT_LIST'

Parameter Description Product ID Product name Product price Currency Product description Product image URL Product download URL Reserved 1 Reserved 2 Product type

mItemId mItemName mItemPrice mCurrencyUnit mItemDesc mItemImageUrl mItemDownloadUrl mReserved1 mReserved2 mType

getItemsInbox method
getItemsInbox( String packageName, String itemGroupId, int startNum, int endNum, String startDate, String endDate ) method This method returns the List of purchased products as a bundle. - Parameter details
Parameter Type

packageName itemGroupId startNum endNum startDate endDate

String String int int String String

Description Package name of the application Group ID of the product Starting number of the list to be shown Ending number of the list to be shown Start date of the purchase period (e.g. 20130422) End date of the purchase period (e.g. 20130430)

- Key descriptions for returned bundle



Description Result code (If not 0, error or failure) Message in case of an error or failure Purchased product list as a JSON string

- STATUS_CODE types for result bundle

Response code Code value


0 -1002

Description Successful Error while running IAP

- JSON field description for Bundle 'RESULT_LIST'


mItemId mItemName mItemPrice mItemPriceString mItemDesc mCurrencyUnit mPurchaseDate mPaymentId mPurchaseId mItemImageUrl mItemDownloadUrl mReserved1 mReserved2 mType

Description Product ID Product name Product price Currency + product price Product description Currency Purchase date (in milliseconds) Payment ID Purchase ID Product image URL Product download URL Reserved 1 Reserved 2 Product type

This section explains the required bundle information and results that are delivered when the IAP payment feature is used.

- Required bundle information at the time of request

Parameter Type

packageName itemGroupId itemId

String String String

Description Package name of the application Group ID of the product Product ID

- Key descriptions for returned bundle

Parameter Description Result code (If not 0, error or failure) Message in case of an error or failure Payment result as a JSON string ID of the product to purchase


- STATUS_CODE types for result bundle

Response code Code value


0 1 -1002 -1003 -1004 -1006

Description Successful Payment canceled Error while running IAP The product is a non-consumable product and cannot be repurchased Called payment details without bundle information The payment results were not successful, but the list of purchased products needs to be checked because the product could have been purchased

- JSON field description for Bundle 'RESULT_OBJECT'

Parameter Description Product ID Product name Product description Product price Product price with currency Currency Payment ID Purchase date (in milliseconds) Purchase ID Reserved 1 Reserved 2 Product image URL Product download URL

mItemId mItemName mItemDesc mItemPrice mItemPriceString mCurrencyUnit mPaymentId mPurchaseDate mPurchaseId mReserved1 mReserved2 mItemImageUrl mItemDownloadUrl

3.2. Response Code

The below is a list of codes for 'STATUS_CODE', the key value of the bundle returned from IAP.
Response code Code value


0 1 -1000 -1001 -1002 -1003 -1004 -1005 -1006

Description Successful Payment canceled Failure while resetting IAP IAP upgrade required Error while running IAP The product is a non-consumable product and cannot be repurchased Called payment details without bundle information No product list requested The payment results were not successful, but the list of purchased products needs to be checked because

the product could have been purchased

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