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Constantino, Reil Queen M.


POSC 1013 July 3, 2013

Is Politics Dirty or Not? The government who manage, control, supervise, and takes authority or leadership of our country is often considered as the same as the word politics by the general public since it obviously involves the presence of power, influence, rule and authority. If Filipinos were asked whether politics is dirty or not, its inevitable that most of them, if not everyone, will say Yes, it is without having a single doubt. The reason is simple: here in the Philippines and almost anywhere in the world, what you see is what you get. There always something that you could expect to happen at the moment of election. For example, when the time of the voting comes and a senior government official is already too old for running again in his position, a younger member of his family will take his place and win. This has already happened several times here in the Philippines that is why we are already used to it. And if an unusual event that happens every now and then takes places, the family members that are running the race with each other will come to the point of running against each other. In every three years, blood-stained election takes place. Family set against family, friends versus friends and a church contrasted with another church. It always happen every election that almost all of us are already accustomed to it. Every candidates for government positions are only focusing on winning and they are forgetting the main purpose of their candidacy which is to set-up and establish appropriate and organized society. The people that are supposed to formulate policies are the one who breaks policies. They are one who had the given the power to influence people for good but this power is used in the opposite. Thats why you cannot blame ordinary people if they believe that the politics is dirty because they are only basing on the facts that are

presented before them forgetting the look at the bigger picture, the truth behind the unwanted lies. Politics can happen not only in the government but also in our daily lives. It can happen in the school, in the street, in the military, and even in the family. It can take place anywhere that has the presence of power, authority, rule and influence. Lets make the political parties in the school an example. Although they are not upfront in their war, you can still feel their influence on the people. Although its not have the bad effects, the politics in the family is another example: like knowing who is the boss or who has the authority over the other. Many educated people known as political scientists study how governments use politics. But political scientists also study politics in other contexts, such as how politics affects the economy, how ordinary people think and act in relation to politics, and how politics influences organizations outside of government. The emphasis upon government and power distinguishes political science from other social sciences, although political scientists share an interest with economists in studying relations between the government and economy, and with sociologists in considering relations between social structures in general and political structures in particular. Political scientists attempt to explain and understand recurrent patterns in politics rather than specific political events. Given this kind of example, we should learn to look at the bigger picture and not only to the things visible to our eyes. If we just think about it, we will realize that the politics benefits to us and to this country is a lot greater than its shortcomings. We are just being blind. If we keep telling ourselves politics is this and politics is that, we will never reach anywhere. Were just criticizing things. We must look at things more positively. Rather than criticizing, we must learn to find solutions. Its not only the government who has the responsibility of taking care of this country, its also our responsibility because this is our country. We are living in it.

With the help of politics, local laws and policies are made, influential power and authority is honoured and several institution in the society was established and organized. The social status of our country to the outside world is gradually increasing and that is with the help of our influential and charismatic government official. In this case, we can see the benefits and the good side of politics. It helps our country to be developed. Politics may be bad but its not that bad. Some critics and political scientist frequently compared politics to a game. Some said that politics might be a game but its the type of a game that is not meant to be played. And for some unknown reason, if it is to be played, this game must have the right players because every game was made to perfection but the player has his or her own flaws. The one that is on fault and to be blame are the one playing the game. Its not the politics that is dirty but the politician themselves. Though the perfect society is impossible to to get closed to it. When something is dirty, would you just stay and look at it, move and leave it, or you would clean it? If it is dirty, then why not just clean it? If it is not dirty, then why not just maintain the cleanliness? If we really think hard about it, it can be possible. Yes, it is easy to think about it but it it is hard to get it done. Well, easy labor dont exist after all. Now, we when we were asked whether the politics is dirty or not, we can answer Yes it is and I, myself, will help the government to clean it. We should learn from it, adapt and change. Though we really cannot change the things that happened because of politics in the past, at the very least, we can stop it from happening again. We must learn from our mistakes and our past experiences and be able to move towards the future. attain, we must at least try

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