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Sid & Marj Boudreaux

Foivarding Agent;
Robert P. Olson

Box 49 Aparri, Ca^ayan


February 1, 1976 1118

Rt. 1 Howajrd, Ohio



Bear Friends in Christ,

In February 1958 we were eagerly anticipating the birth of oiir first


Now, eighteen years and five children later, we are anticipating the
Not so eagerly, though, for
The Lord

graduation fiTom high school of our Roberta Lynn.

graduation means separation and we don*t look forward to that.

comforts us, though, with the thought that other missionary parents and children have lived throtigh this painful parting and so shall we.

Roberta has enjoyed singing this year in a special group at Faith Academy, the Madrigals and Guys. The "Mads" will tour the West Coast, U.S.A. immediately
after graduation April 30--ttiat should be a great expenence! Berta needs money for her ticket immediatelylike last month!because Faith Acadeny has already

naid the air fares and needs to be reimbursed in the amount of $368,
help you can giveo

One special

gift of $35 has been received towards this, and some of the special gifts given us at Christmas will probably be applied to her need, too. We'll appreciate any
I*m always grateful for the Lord's help in small matters. Teaching a song to a g2?oup of students, I couldn't figure out the timing to make it sound right; took it to the Lord in prayer, and today a talented young guitarist accompanied us and changed the song to the sparkly piece it should be, simply by changing
the beat an infinitesimal amount.

The Lord, helps in matters not so small, too. Right at supper time Tuesday night I learned that .several ^rls in our dormitory had been playing a "game"

which bo3?dered on the occult (calling on the s'nirit of a "glass" in a prescribed ceremony to help them find lost articles, etc.). Thoroughly upset, I reported
it to the Dean of Women. She didn't seem to want me to speak to the girls, but I felt I must. After praying about it with Ann, I returned to the dorm, and the
opportunity presented itself so that my speaking wouldn't be an affront to the

Bean of Women.

She backed me up in what I said; we prayed with the girls who

seemed genuinely repentant; and we trust that that's the last of that#

Commencementless than a month away. Papers to correct, student records to review, Candidates' Banquet to prepare for, special music groups to practice; the Conference on Evangelism coming, a multitude of business in Manila, consulting an attorney on legal matters, meeting special visitors from the U.S. including the

Traveling Christian College looks like February 1976 will be an exciting month.
Barb Mangskau is really missed at the Seminary, but from her last letter we ^ther the Ijord is working things out in her life to His good pleasure. We rejoice with her and riray God will continue to use her life to glorify Himselfo

Our deepest gratitude to you for yoiir gifts and regular financial help along with your prayers. Hay our God supply your every need out of His great treasures* Yours in Christ,

Sid and Marj Boudreaux



Sid and Marj Boudreaux

Box 49

For-warding Agent:
R. P. Olson

Aparri Cagayan 1118

Marchl6, 1976

KT. 1, Howard, Ohio 43028


Dear Brethren,

an expectant mother receiving her B, Th, to three ZO-year^olds who were

Our graduates from the Aparri Bible Seminary this year ranged from

graduates from our Christian high schools. Our 22nd Commencement February 27 had ten graduates in all and was highlighted by a message from Ronald Hoffman; "Where in the World are You Going? " -- a challenge to think of
needs in other countries.

Our Annual Conference on Evetngelism produced really great fellowship, unity, and zeal as we heard speakers on the theme: "The Urgent Need for Spiritual Revolution in the Church," Preachers joined us for coffee and cookies after the evening sessions a couple of nights and we had some fine

discussions with them. Around 200-250 people packed into our smaU Seminary
chapel, but seemed to enjoy every crowded minute!

Camp March 28; Intermediate Camp the next week, and Junior Camp April 18
followed by a Preaching Convention April 23-25.

Summer has begun for us and we're busy getting ready for Senior

we appreciate the $200 in gifts she has already received.

to enroll in college. She still needs $314 for her airfare and immigration costs*

^drigals and Guys (chorale) tour of the West Coast. Their last singing date is June 27; she'll then visit her grandmothers, try to locate a job and prepare

Roberta graduates April 30 and leaves for the U.S. May 6 on the

Saturday night Scott had a leading part in the musical "Lightshine" at ^e Fine Arts Festival at Faith Academy. We thought this presentation of the
Beatitudes was very challenging,

Jamie came out as #5 man on the tennis team at Faith and really learned some valuable lessons in relaxation, concentration, and discipline his the Middle School that, had fun! Sharon went to Bataan and Corrigedor with for he a week of activities and learning recently. She also

TWO pairs. At a total cost of $5, 00 I guess that wasn't too extravagant!

^ McKinney into going stores Manila until back we finally gavehours up and Wendy with in her; they were in 1 1/2 with

with these young people. We praice God for you, too.

Students and teachers accepted Christ at our Christian high schools special passes and evangelistic meetings. We praise God for the who becanie Christians. Thanks to your help we are able to stay here and work
the first week of March when teams from the Seminary went down to hold
Yours in Christ,


MLssioneiries 8 Sid & Marj Boudreaux

Forwarding Agent8 R. Po Olson

Aparri, Cagayan 1118

Philippines Dear Brethren,

PoO, Box 49

April 16, 1976

Howard, OMo 4;5028


Rt, 1

Our summer has airived if Carolyn's heat rash is any indicationo

As quickly as I

fasten up her silky blonde hair she tries to take the barrette out, saying, " 'Air, 'air,"

Two or three baths a day are her delightj she shakes her head vigorously ^en I ask her if
she wants outo This noon, however, she was glad to get out when she accidentally tipped
the tub into the sink and went sliding down to one endi

On April Pool's Day we received a telegram that we thou^t was a joke, It reads **Playing basketballo No school missedo Is OKo Keitho" We wondered who Keith was and why
he vme telling us about plajring basketballo The next day we asked the telegraph, office for
Braces on his shoulders like foot

confiimation and received liie all-important first sentences "Scott broke collarbbne#" Then
we remembered that Keith Davis is Scott's dorm parent.

ball pads and straps around his chest plus a rigid posture give Scott a wide-sho]ildered look} I'll have to learn to replace his Ace bandage before he comes home for thp summer. Dro Sarmiento has prescribed calcium pills and emi^asized "shoulders back" and no sports.
How Scott will endure *no spoarbs" for two months I don't know Pray for him.

as well attended as in other years, but had the best student body I've ever worked with
Five accepted Christ that week, and ei^t more during a great Inteimediate Camp the following week. We're looking forward to Junior Camp next week.

[ ^Two good youth camps have been held this summero Senior Camp with 55 students wasn't

The Seminary has ventured out into new fields With offerings taken during Thursday ni^t chapel services, the students voted to support Mke del Rosario, one of our 1976 graduates, as an evangelist in the town of Sanchez Mira ii^ere no congregation exists \ Dennis M6Kinney and his team did personal work and held evangelistic meetings the lait
part of March and reported 23 won to Christ Pray for Mike and the new work in Sanchez
Students Dionisio and Leonardo have returned from Mountain Province to work at the

Seminary this summer

They came over the other ni^t and told us about Baginanay, a

woman who is regarded as Satan's prophet in their town Leonardo said he tried to tell her about God two times but she "dida't mind to listen" The third time he told her about

the resurrection and she became excited "Tell me, is that story true?" she asked "Yes," he answered, and tau^t her more Twice she started out to the chapel but tuzned back because she was ashamed of her "profession" The third time, Isabel, another Seminary student, encouraged her all the way Once inside Baginanay just trembled and shook with rage when the Word of God was preached She kept wanting to leave But she went again and this time when she wanted to leave, an old woman made her sit back down Then a voice spoke from her and said, '?What will happen to us if you keep on doing this, thing?"

and she fell down as if she were dead-^not breathing--but in two minutes she regfiined con
the Lord

She is not converted yet, but be praying with us that she will sxirr^der to
Satan is very strong in her, but praise the LordI Our God is stronger than

all Satan's forces

way God has answered her prayers for her travel needs She's received ^375 which will
pay for her ticket to the UoSo, and her grandparents are meeting her in California so she won't need airfare to Houston She still needs $100 as her share of the Mads' travel expenses in the UpS, but I'm confident it will be provided

During the fabulous Madrigals and Guys Concert April 10, Berta was one of the several young people in the choir who gave a personal testimony She talked about

God has been so good to us this year We really praise Wm for the many blessings we have already received this yearboth tangible and intangibleand trust Elm to continue

to meet ALL our needs

We are learning to praise Him in all clroumstances, believing that

Thank you for

God really does work all things together for good to them that love Him

your part in God's blessingsr-your prayers and your gifts and your kind thoughts
Yours In Christy


Sid and Marj Boudreaux

Box 49

Forwarding Agent: R. P, Olson Rt. 1,

Aparri, Cagayan 1118 Philippines

Jane 3, 1976



4302 8

Dear Brethren,

Where have the summer days gone?

Well, three exciting weeks

of youth camps took a slice. We enjoyed a three-day preaching convention at the Aparri church in April. Dennis and Lorrita McKinney and children
were here with us for that with his mother and her friend from the U.S.

who were visiting them.

Some of our summer was spent in Manila with

our children. We attended Berta's graduation from Faith Academy April 30 and were with her until she left for the U.S. May 6. Berta's letters from her tour with the Madrigals and Guys tell us how good the I^ord is to them in helping them sing as often as three times a day, how tired they get, what great fellowship they have -- she visited a Filipino and his wife and surprised him immensely by conversing with him in Bocanol We had tentatively planned a few days' respite from Aparri's heat in the mountains of Baguio May 18. But our bus ride back from Manila May 7
was so miserable -- hot, crowded, dusty -- that we fortunately decided not to

go. I say fortunately, because Typhoon Olga roared in, flooding and causing landslides that would have made it impossible for us to return to Aparri for weeks. We certainly need to be here now for preparations for the opening of the Seminary. Our mail has been delayed and the Cagayan Valley road, the only road this side of the mountains to Manila, is blocked by a mammoth
landslide, but otherwise we have not suffered from this typhoon. Food prices

are escalating, but nothing like in the flooded areas.

Along with the preparations and planning of the curriculum for the Seminary come the little problems of everyday living. Sid and the boys spent 3 days cleaning out our well so we can have water. Then drainage problems began, so yesterday Jamie worked with Sid and the other boys to clean out the sewage pipe -- not a pleasant job. Scott has the brace off his collarbone, and plays a sharp game of tennis. Sharon is spending this week with the MUMPSl
but has a light case. How excited we are that Charles and Roberta Selby will be arriving June 11, just a few days before classes begin. Our faculty has been praying
this summer that God would send us the students who should be here.

And we believe He is already working -- winnowing out some who should not be here. A very serious problem developed this week with a girl I was training in my kitchen. Hours were spent talking to her; her parents insisted that she come home. Lita is a fine Bible teacher; in fact her "story telling" ability is one part of the problem. But she needs a complete change in her heart and we ask you to be praying specifically for her, that God will work through His Word to change and convict her. We're so happy for your generosity the past few months that met financial needs -- settling our school account at Faith, sending Berta to U.S. We are trusting in the Lord to meet our needs for the coming school year. Berta will definitely be at Ozark Bible College, and so our educatioxial expenses will be roughly the same as last year. Thank you for your part in helping us work here.
May He enrich your service to Him and multiply your efforts.

Yours in Christ,



Missionaries: Sid & Marj Boudreaux P. O. Box 49

Forwarding Agent: R. p, Olson Rt. 1

Aparri, Cagayan 1118

Dear Brethren,

Howard, Ohio 43028

July Z4, 1976 U. S. A.

Carolyn and I rattle around in our apartment as if we were in the wide open spaces. Sid, Scott, Jamie, and Sharon left Monday for Manila; Faith
teen-agers. Frankly I miss our teen-agers.

Academy started Tuesday, July 20. The house is so empty and quiet when 1 come home from devotions at 7:00, I miss the conversations you can have only with

Sid's work has kept him in Manila most of this month: purchasing supplies tor the Seminary, handling immigration and customs for barrels the Selbys shipped, Lonsulting Attorney Molina about legal matters for the Christian high schools. she is running away from her husband, but she says she wants to study here. Could
I have a class right now, but I pity her so much I don't want to

Last Thursday I was about to return home after class when Rebecca Lopez stopped me. "A woman has come, " she said, "to enroll in the Seminary. I think

you talk to her.

leave her alone. "

Full of resolution and firmness, determined to send this "runaway wife" back home, I entered the girls' dorm. There sat a young, frightened mother, holding her two-year old son. "Please, ma'am, I'll do any kind of work if only you'll let me stay here," she said, her mouth trembling. To set her at ease I asked her a few simple questions about her life, and then noticing that her baby was hungry, I suggested we walk down to my house where I gave him some milk and bread, and fixed Kool-Aid for us. Fely was quiet, well-bred, and obviously so deeply troubled about her life that she could hardly respond to my questions. Her husband was irresponsible financially, she told me, and she could not endure to stay with him. I showed her some Scriptures which give God's plan for marriage, and talked to her about her relationship with the Lord, but made it clear we would encourage
her to return to her husband.

with her at my request since I was in class from 12:30-3:00. Under their kind probing, she agreed to let her family know where she was and to return home if they would come for her. As we ate our evening meal she listened to our family laughter and said to me, ' Your family is very happy, " almost as if she didn't know a family could be. Later after the children had left the table she spoke again, "I am sorry for my
walking in darkness and you have lightened me."

In the afternoon Guadalupe and Angeles (Seminary faculty members) visited

behavior today. lam only able to think of my great burden. I feel as if I have been
The next morning her husband and mother came, and we were able to witness

to them, Ben and Guadalupe Castillo came over, and Angeles, and established a friendship that wiU enable us to meet in their home and have Bible study with them.
Lord: Basilio and Fely,

Please pray earnestly for this young couple, that we will be able to reach them for the I have wondered how the uncertainty about their school expenses affected Scott

and Sharon, My heart did a little flip for joy the other night when I heard Scott pray, "Thank you. Lord, for supplying the money for Jamie's schooling. Please give my parents the money they need for Sharon and me and Berta. " We, too, rejoice that the Olsons are raising Jamie's expenses, and we, too, pray that the other chUdren's Regular monthly board and tuition is $86. 50 for Scott; $79. 00 for Sharon. Pray with
us about these needs, will you? And pray for Berta as she travels to Ozark Bible
College next month.

expenses will be met.

Their expansion fee will,cost $250 each, due by October 1,

We continue to praise God and ,give thanks for the joy of working here for i^m. We thank Him for you, who keep us supplied with the money to stay here. May God
richly multiply your every effort for Him.
in Christ,





Sid & Marj Boudreaux

P. O. Box 49

For-warding Agent: Roberta Boudreaux

Aparri, Cagayan 1118

Dear Brethren,

223, Goodman tfell - Ozark Bible CoUege

September 18, 1976
mi N. Main


MO 64801

Visiting Rogelio and Bella Tenorio at our southernmost Christian high school had been in our minds since June. So on a fine Saturday morning in August, Sid,

fe rred once to a weapons car rie r (used as a bus! ), had a two- hour wait "w hile the ferry
was being repaired, and reached San Guillermo around 4:00. Rogelio and Bella spotted
us from their porch and came rushing do-wn to meet us -with their two children, Suzanne

Carolyn, and I left Aparri at 7:3 0 on a bus for San Guillermo, Isabela.


(2) and Allan (l), as -we -walked the ]ast few hundred yards.

Sid preached at the church service held in the school building Sunday morning, and again to the teachers early Monday morning before returning to Aparri. Carolyn and I
stayed on, and I sang and spoke to the students Monday afternoon, to the teachers at a birthday party, and again Tuesday morning to the teachers before I left for Manila. Sid
joined us in Manila the next day, coming from Aparri.

Since we knew our children would be out of the dorms August 12-15, we had planned
to spend that weekend with them at the McKinneys, thus our trip to Manila. We went swimming, shopping, watched TV, attended Ilocano services Sunday morning, visited

Clarita (our helper last year) at the school she is now attending.
(She's fine now; tests showed nothing serious.)

The climax for me was

our Sunday evening worship at the Hoffman's where Charles Littell spoke to us on trusting God as his wife Florence lay in a hospital awaiting tests for a potentially serious con


In our last newsletter we asked you to pray for Fely and Basilio Membrot; she's the young woman who came to the Seminary asking for refuge from a hard situation at home. With our encouragement she returned home, and in our preliminary visits she has shown an eager interest in God's Word. Her husband Basilio avoids us, but pray with us that his heart will become receptive. Ben Castillo and Sid have set up an appoint ment to teach Fely's father, mother, and sisters. Guadalupe Castillo and I are teaching the children in Fely's house and had 25 last &inday afternoon. Your prayers are vital if
we are to reach this family and neighborhood for Christ.


Notice our change of forwarding agent. Bob and Millie Olson have done such a fine work for us throughout the years that it's hard to make a change. We value their labors for us very highly. But it is also thrilling to have our own daughter act as forwarding agent, where she is enrolled at Ozark Bible College. Please send your correspondence and gifts directly to her. Praise God for the gifts that are coming in for our children's educational expenses. We believe God will meet our needs in this
and all other situations.

f/Ki / A
Yours in Christ,



Philippine Mission Churches of Christ of Northern Luzon

P. O. Box 49

Aparri, Cagayan, Philippines 1118

FORWARDING AGENT; Roberta Boudreaux
Hall 223 Goodman 1111 N. Main

Sid and Marj Boudreaux

P. O. Box 49

Aparri, Cagayan 1118 Philippines

September 2S, 1976




The Lord's Reapers Ozark Bible College

1111 N. Main

Joplin, MO
Hi there!


We hope you*ve been praying with us about the Membrot and Dumbrique families we^ve been visiting in Alilinu. Basilio Membrot was there for the Bible study for the first time since we've gone. Guadalupe and Marj teach the children at Basilio &. Fely's house which they share with his parents. Down the road from them, Ben and I teach a Bible class to the Dumbrique family, Fely's parents, 20-25 adults gather in the paths or lean over fences to listen to the Bible story being taught to 30 or more children. Jamie and Sharon went with us the first day they were home for vacation and Jamie told the story of Adam and Eve in Ilocano. That really impressed the children.
Being on crutches with a cast on his left foot didn't seem to

bother Jamie, either.

He broke a bone in his foot playing volley

ball in August and will have the cast on for another 2-3 weeks. Sunday the 19th he celebrated his 15th birthday a day late with several friends who dropped in after church services.

Accompanied by one of their Aparri friends on the guitar, Jamie,

Sharon, and Scott sang a special number for our Seminary chapel last Thursday, and again for worship services Sunday morning. I
think they sound good together. We're grateful for the gifts we continue to receive for the children's education. About half their total year's expenses

have been received.

Another $1650 to gowould you be praying

with us that all will be supplied.

God bless you.

Yours in Christ,

Roberta is certainly having a great time in her

classes at OBC, and we're so glad she's there.



pflUl ILlPS'llMi iflSiri UU


FORWARDING AGENT: Roberta Boadreaux 223 Goodman Hall

nil N. Main

Sid and Marj Boudreaux

P. O, Box 49

Aparri, Cagayan 1118 Philippines


Joplin, Missouri 64801

Dear Brethren,

Seminary, with a total of 50 students enrolled.

This second semester we have six new students in the Aparri Bible

The week of evangelism at the

Christian high schools was a great joy as the Lord added 199 to His church following the preaching and teaching week; several were teachers.

Carolyn's 2nd birthday , October 16. to be the big red and blue balloon we doll, books, blue jeans, and blouses she enjoys them all now. Ice cream

Marj, Carolyn and I went to Manila to be with our other children for

got scant attention that first day, although and cake with our friends the McKinneys
We enjoyed it.
In order to do this

The highlight of the day for Carolyn seemed bought from a man walking by the house. The

and pizza for our family rounded out the day.

The plastic surgeon I went to see the next week urged immediate

we had to borrow $314 for the hospital and doctor's expenses with a promise to
return it by December. The pathology report showed that the lesions were
successfully removed and the doctor assured us that the cancer should not return to those places.

removal of five spots of skin cancer I've had since 1974.

to what is being done here at the Seminary, but in order to do this we need

We would like to begin a new and different printing ministry in addition

If you would like to participate in the publication

working funds for the supplies.

of tracts and papers geared for evangelism, please send your gifts designated
Roberta Boudreaux

"publication" to our forwarding agent:

#223 Goodman Hall
1111 N. Main


MO 64801

your gifts that make it possible for us to be here. We never lose sight of the
here. We thank you for the opportunity to serve Him in Aparri.
In Christ,

We appreciate all of the prayers that are offered in our behalf, and

fact that it is God working through your sacrifices that maintain us in our work


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