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PART A Malaysia, known as a developing country in South East Asia and will be achieved its developed nation by year 2020. Seems like Malaysians consisting of multiracial, multicultural, and multireligion, there are several of different things occur, especially in foods variety that makes the uniqueness of Malaysia. Everyone needs food to stay alive. However, there is no all foods are good and healthy for us and may result negative effects to anybody that consuming unhealthy food regularly. Several researches have done by University scholars to find evidence that unhealthy foods are not good for us nor it was not placed in food pyramid system, though. In this context, we can describe the unhealthy food as junk food. According to Oxford Advanced Learners dictionary (7th Edition) states the term junk food is referring to food that is quick and easy to prepare and eat but that is thought to be bad for our health. Basically, junk food contains artificial colours and tastes, preservatives and other materials that unnecessarily for developing our brain and physical. Thus, we will focus and highlight junk food effects on health, psychological, and social. Today, because of such a hectic life, people tend to do multitask in a same time as they eager to earn money and live in a wealthy environment. Especially in urban areas, we can see the changing of their lifestyle where people chase after time. To elaborate more, an instant and ready-made in anything they do, act and take regardless how much the price they should pay. Junk food can be affected to our health. As we all know, junk food nutrition would only make up a very minimal part of a healthy diet. It contains a high fat, sodium and sugar, which can lead to obesity and a range of health problems, including heart disease, and arthritis. As a result of taking junk food as a regular consumed, we may feel chronically fatigued and lack the energy we need to complete daily activities. Moreover, the high levels of fat and sodium in junk food can cause high blood pressure or hypertension. This thing happens when the high level of sugar puts our metabolism under stress and pancreas secretes high amounts of insulin to prevent a dangerous spike in blood sugar level. In addition, junk food does not contain adequate amounts of protein and carbohydrates. In many cases, our blood sugar levels will drop suddenly after eating, and creating feelings of grumpy, fatigued, and craving sugar. Junk food contains large amount of fat and as it accumulate in our body, we will gain weight and could become obese. The more we gain weight, the more risk for serious chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart attack. Not to be forgotten, excessive dietary sodium can also have a negative effect on renal function, and even worse for kidneys. Junk food also can damage our liver and heart. The high fat and sodium in junk food can contribute to heart disease by raising blood cholesterol levels

and causing to arterial plaque buildup and it leads to fatty liver deposits, it may dysfunction and disease for a long term period. Even in a short term, eating too much of junk food can make someone feels uncomfortable. It can lead to mood swings and constipation, and lower his/her energy levels , resulting him/her to lack interest in the exercise to burn off the extra calories. Junk food can lead to a huge impact on our psychological. Junk food is highly processed and laced with a wide range of synthetic chemicals that were not natural and usually not good for human health. Anyone that consuming junk food as his/her daily meals will be addicted thoroughly. In this context, Beverly Muhlhausler, PhD, study coauthor and head of the Metabolic Health Unit at the University of Adelaides FOODplus Research Centre in Australia, states when someone is pregnant, she craves for cookies or chips may alter her brain chemistry, but also the developing brain of a baby. As a result, her childs brain may be prewired for later junk food addiction. Beverly Muhlhausler also states that junk food has the same effect on the brain as addictive drugs and alcohol. When we eat junk food, it switches on part of the brain known as mesolimbic reward center. This causes opioids to be produced and released, and it initiate a series of reactions that ultimately lead to a production of the feel-good chemical dopamine. In turn, creates a pleasurable feeling thats equivalent to the high experienced from a drug, despite in a milder form. In other situation, celebrities encourage children to eat junk food. There is a study by the American Psychological Association found that the more junk food advertisements children watch on TV or Billboard, the more junk food they eat. And the more junk food they put into their bodies, the greater the effect not only on weight problem, but their brains too. Today, millions of children suffer from mental health disorders, according to a recent report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For instance of mental health diseases, including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety, or autism. Junk food may affects social life activities. We noticed of bad effects of taking junk food in our daily life. Different types of people tend to have their own circumstance and situation. Youngsters behavior is followed by others action, indeed. For instance, a wonderful sayings of the apple does not fall far from the tree, means a child usually behaves in a similar way to his/her parents. In this context, when parents are quite often going out and taking instance and fast food or junk food, like instant noodles, candies, McDonalds, and so on and so forth, then the children will do the same way. Nevertheless, even in schools, a peer group is another strong tendency of someones action to be followed. Likewise, for University students, other than study at University library, students are always study and doing homework at fast food restaurant is a recent culture. In that particular restaurant, there are several types of intensive services provided

by the restaurant, including free WiFi and TV conveniently as to attract their attention. Another result of junk food culture is the loss of the family tradition of eating together. Busy and hectic life tends to ruin familys tradition in eating together. Since, mothers are also developing their career and work, and lack of time to prepare healthy meals for family. Children or anyone hunger for food, just to have bought at any stall. This may weaken the relationships among family members. Eventually, it can create such a problematic person including criminal, abuse, and another negatives impact to the individual, society, and to nation. In a conclusion, as we can see thoroughly to the effects of junk food in terms of health, psychological, and social life. There are many implements made by the government and supported by agencies and Non Governmental Organization (NGO) to show that a pro-diet and healthy food is a must for everyone in order to stay healthy. Not to be forgotten, we can see in general clinics and hospital, advertised the negative effects of taking junk food aggressively. This is a good action made by Ministry of Health Malaysia to show their careness towards the dwellers. In a future, if anybody does not aware of the effects of taking junk food in life, we may face a terrible impact to individual, social, and the country.

PART B Today, deteriorating condition caused by various phenomena has threatened the inhabitants in the planet. This is none other than due to the hands of humans themselves. Among the phenomena that occur in our life is greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is said to give a very bad impression because it can cause the Earth's temperature to heat up. There are several causes of this phenomenon. On earth surface, the greenhouse effect began long time ago before the existence of human beings. Humans activities today, have expanding and generating more towards the effects of the greenhouse. For people living in the modern age and globalization, we must examine the causes of the greenhouse effect and seek appropriate measures in reducing problem discretion to greenhouse effects. Without the collaboration of all, we would not be able to deal with this problem. In our general knowledge, the greenhouse effect is a phenomenon that occurs due to air pollution. As in the context the greenhouse effect occurs because the trapping of heat by greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are commonly existed, including carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. If we examine in early history, we will found out that greenhouse effect began in the days of the Industrial Revolution. At that time, people began to use fossil fuels extensively. This causes the carbon dioxide content increased. As we know, these gases act like a blanket that will allow heat to enter then it will trap heat. This trapped heat will raise the temperature on the surface of the earth. The scientists have made a study of the phenomenon of the greenhouse effect. They found the amount of heat trapped by gases in the atmosphere, known as greenhouse gases growing rapidly since the mid-1800s, when modern industry began to grow. In late 1800, the surface temperatures were increased rapidly. It was named as greenhouse effect because the atmosphere looks like the glass roof and walls of a greenhouse, trapping the heat of the sun. In addition, the condition of the earth's surface shows approximately 15 percent of solar energy will return to the air. Meanwhile, the balance of it will warm the lands and seas. The greenhouse effect is very dangerous to the land and the seas will reverse the heat back into the air, especially in the form of infrared radiation and water vapor. Infra-red almost like a small wave, but cannot be seen by human eyes. After emission from the ground and hit the ocean at certain substances in the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas and debris, this material will continue to absorb the radiation. As a result, gas and debris tend to heat up. It will only be when sending out an infra red beam itself. Some of it will be radiated into space and some back to the surface, which then also increase the heat temperature heat in air surface. Without the natural greenhouse

effect, the average surface temperature is about 59 degrees Fahrenheit or 33 degrees Celsius cooler than it is now. The main greenhouse gas is carbon atoms, hydrogen and oxygen. Next in turn are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. Greenhouse fragments including cloud droplets, soot and dust. As we all know, since the early to mid 1800s, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased by 25 percent and concentrations of methane increased 150 percent. These things happened due to human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels coal, oil, natural gas and land clearing activities. In terms of fossil flaming tend to be dangerous because burning fossil oils containing carbon and combustion produces carbon dioxide. Trees and other plants absorb the gas through the process of photosynthesis. This is affecting the condition of the soil. Land cleared and felled forests are also increased the levels of carbon dioxide. The increase in surface temperature known as global warming also can change some parts of the earth's ecological system. Greenhouse effect could result rise in sea level. For instance, sea level rise in the Arctic and Antarctica caused by melting chunks of ice and flooding in coastal areas such as in coastal towns of Bangladesh. Besides that, the occurrence of spillover into the sea water in agriculture and raise the salinity (saltiness) of land. This makes the land unsuitable for agriculture. The second effect due to the greenhouse effect is the occurrence of climate change. Climate change, including, changes in wind direction and currents cause natural disasters such as storms and hurricanes. In addition, the occurrence of extreme climate whereby, droughts and floods will occur unexpectedly, the phenomenon happened recently in Africa. This reduces the production of forest products and agricultural products. Furthermore, the occurrence of rainfall change and water resources makes it difficult for freshwater accessibility. This is a problem for agriculture and reforestation. Next effect is the impact on human health itself. As we know, the change in temperature can cause a heat wave in some places and especially of older residents can experience heatstroke. Besides that, lack of fresh water, flooding and consuming polluted water, resulting in diseases such diarrhea. Measures to reduce greenhouse problem should be done so that the earth could survive. There are various measures that helped to settle and overcome the problem; one of them is to use green technology. Green technology is essential in reducing this problem. Green technology is the application of environmental science to conserve natural resources and to address the negative impact of human activities. Green technology is a low-carbon technologies and environmentally and user-friendly than other existing technologies. When we talk about consuming green

technology, the resources is natural based. It includes, energy, water, and so on and so forth; as minimum as can to produce a product. The product will be safe and preserving the healthy environment and better for all. It also saves energy and natural resources and encourages resource-renewable resources. Objectives include reducing energy consumption while enhancing economic development. In addition, green technology is to ensure sustainable development and conserve the environment for future generations as well as improving education and public awareness of green technology and expand it extensively. Green technology could also reduce carbon emissions into the air that cause global climate change phenomenon. There are also a variety of materials that can be used as an alternative to reduce the use of fossil fuels such as solar energy (sunlight), water energy, wind energy, hydrogen, and oil palm biomass. For instance, the country of Malaysia is hot and humid climate throughout the year. We can take advantage of sunlight during the day as a source of energy to replace electricity. Although the cost of the solar system is quite expensive, and some areas may not get the sun in a long run because the weather is uncertain, but the benefits cannot be ignored as well. Solar energy can reduce air pollution and greenhouse effect and energy can be saved to use electricity at night. This energy can be used for a lot of light poles in Malaysia. Furthermore, the use of Bio-fuel is also an alternative fuel that enables to replace fossil fuel produced from organic materials. Bio-fuels can be produced directly from plants or waste industry, commercial, domestic, or agricultural. There are three ways to produce bio-fuel of dry organic waste (household waste), fermentation of wet wastes (animal feces) or fermented sugar cane or corn and energy from the forest. Bio-fuel produces carbon dioxide which is much less than fossil fuels that pollute the air. Bio-fuel can be made degradable and bio-fuel source material is assured and able to avoid greenhouse. In conclusion, perhaps in a future, there is a critical even greater impact would be happened to the people if the pollution is still uncontrolled rightfully. We have not to be surprised if someday displayed terror will continue to be a reality in front of us. At that time, have we bear in mind which place and which situation we might go through ever. Measures now need to be taken to secure the future of the next generation. Indeed, what we have today is a loan by the next generation. Indeed, the phenomenon of the greenhouse is very an impact on our lives as human beings. Should we as a people should govern and manage this world without causing adverse effects.

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