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2.l 2.l
Briif Recitations for the Four Preliminary Practices
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H} 7. c.} Jl. 71 Y ( /ri: J6 fhl! !J::) ,
.=z.C1:il 9J
o} g 0:1178 L c1 0:1
Al til t.1 A1 o}.A1JI ArB1
A1 Jl 12-:Q:.tTI "8't1-}
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Gloriolls, powerful omnipresent Lord Tajradhara,
prillcipal of all Buddha Camilie: Guru Karmapa.
Origin or all mandala., gl Iry of samsara and nin'ana
Yidam Vajrayogini,
Tho. c who have power over enlightened aClivity
dharma protector ' Bernakchen and anson,
This yogi how ' 10 YOll wilh one-pointed 'rc",pecl
please protect me fore\'er with your noble compa. SiOIl.

? r ]

-T-T C A] o-l;<l 1fr cJ]1:11 6].2.. ;<}J' d AZl

q . .:l'tl q gO} '6}1f- -c 2.} 9.1 0 ] l;!j cJ] e] "T %'6}.Jl "T
f>1-q .
AJ01] <sF=- .. C ct 2 O}(*) 01] 5! 0] 01= '6} 'Cl 5_.
:r19.l 9l- "'5- 01] 5! i4 J:iL} qj AJ
<5} T- 7} 7.] 0] {l q .
JAH . 23 3 OJI 2.1 OJI!d 2 )
o} US--8'] Z1 9.1 C9 (:1 7}7.] l?l Jl} .:l 9.1 .g- ;!- .j
B-le-] Jl 7] till 0]
% B-7<a 3'1 <5} Jl ?}-0Pl ct g 711 %
Dna indi vidual. have purified their mi ndslrr,a/1/ s wi th the commoll preliminary pract ices,
they should request empowerment and instruction weLL fro m a qualified guru, and then
tra in iT) tlt t recitation medi tat ion of lvlalzamudra's extraordinary preliminal)! practices as
fo llows:
1. Refuge and Prostrations
Fint su that evt rylizingYOtl do will accord 1 ilh the dharma, go for rejilge and give rise to
bodhichitta in two W ~ J : duril/g medit ation sessi ons and i ll betweell medit ation sessiolls.
During meditatio II JeSS10 n J, leaue worldly concerns and other activities aside, sit in a proper
//I pdi lation po on a comfortable seat,

- ..... "

<if cS1 {f- % t A 1; tl}:7- c} c} 7JllJ'i lllJlJI
g 7}:srl '?""l a1 A
Ai 9-} 01 91 A 01 c-l Jl ""1 t9
=r \:3 01 ""1 L-ll.

a1ld ruite:
B fore me in the sky is th Gu r u Vajradhara,
ur rounded by the gurus [the lin age of m anmg
and blessings
And the gurus with wh m I have a it h an d dhar mi c
onn ctions.
In fro nt ar the yidams, to t h rio- ht are t h e budd has.

" -

Aa 01. 7t 9) -eLl],
All Zf71 titt+ i! 0 1 S'_ T:9 ,
.;q .9.l Aa A 2.1g.. LB E- 0 1 3l l:} J <1t
%Aa 01 o}Jl
ill- 1]} g .Q. il}.Jl .!i. t.1 {J c:. 71 Y- 01 q.
B hind 1. the a red dharma; to t he 1 ft, t h sangha.
All are surrounded by oce n-lik r tinues f their own kind.
My mot h r , sentienl beings , and I stand before
The yes of all t he sources of refuge .
One-pointedly we go for refuge nd arouse b od hichitt a .

Ai Q} 0 1 7J1l
-2- -f!- A <:>11 Jll -11 W Y Ii-.
-f!-e<:>11 Jll q .
-- \]7J11 9.l WY r:} .
7} 2 <:>11 Yq.
*7}<:>11 -11 Ii-. (51f)


0 (K f )
All s ntient be ing ' and I go for r fuge in th gu rus .
We go for refug in the idams.
We go [or r efuge in the buddhas.
We go for r fu ge i n th dharma.
W go for re fug in the sangha.
GOfOT ref in Ihefivejewels as man} limes as possible. Maintaining this same visuali;::ation.
flT01LSf bodhi chilla:

12- cl 0 1 rrJ17J}A] .2- '6 JJ11 i>}.2- 01
7r 2 12- 7r
ll .
OlS4 {t Ol
Al B u- .2- --7.1 \3 JJ11-"1
1;8 /\1 Ji. cl {J g, 71 A1 1
;<r0i1 ]i. Ql 1I}- 2 01
.2- g, 0 1 7-11 "8"} 71
/\1 .!il_Cl1J ..2.] 1jl
.2- j,1 7;} Pll
--Al -61 Wjl l:lR --9- ..2- 21 01 q . (3 Jtl )

' 0
, ,
' 0
, ,
' 0 ( * )
Until I reach en li ght nment' essence,
1 go for refuge in the buddhas .
In th dharma and lh assembly
Of bodhisattvas, to , I go for refuge.
Just a in the past the Bliss-Gone Ones
Aroused the mind of bod hi hitta;
Just a they followed s[e'p-by-ste p
Th training of l h bodhisat tvas,
So, too, hall I, to benefi t wanderers
Aro us t he mi nd of bodhicitta.
So, too, shall I follow step- by-s t ep,
Th ' bodhisattva's training.
Recite t!tree time.

Z:.Al 01 Y-711 'O}Al Jl.
t:} I?1 %c'l ()1 01
1:-1 1:-1 '2 <>l L-}71 Wy c}.
<ioj] -i 1 .:r19.19.1 t:41
J - o]
. A}{l oj] 111
,'. ':-- '* ,'.
TIt n recite the fo llowing:
May pr : 'j us nd upreme bodhichi t ta
ri e wher it ha nol ar isen ,
ot d iminis h wher it has arisen,
And conti nuall y increase and incr eas e,
FinaI0', tlt e 'ouree,) oj reJuge mell into light alld Ihen become OIlP wilh lil t .
~ ' ~ 15

p a}g )oll ull}7.17.1 7-}{l
9.1a} g% O.. ;;<1- qA21 oj: A r:H e
{] 01 1:-i 1-}2, 3.!2.. oj1 r:tl"6"} {l {J.l1.} oj1 7-}til {J
0] /--
Between w sions. do nol be jndU/erent. Take up the antidotes: Strive 10 ha ve greater devotio ll
i T! tlr l' gum, 10 riflJeLop as much failh ill the J ewel as jloHibit, and Lo gil'e ri f. 10 greala
alld (Trealer com/InHioll (or smlien l beill gs.


Q{ 'il Aa::}-&1-:-tL AJ 0H 71 !fl <5H
J1fEl-l ).J4 %-
},IH , 3 0H (At 2-1 011Al 2 N )
71 /-..%01
o} ?J-
} 7-H)..l r.-ll
-5} y. .Q.1 -T- 0101 ,
.2.. 2 ii-
J<7<1 7}7-1 "'1JL
L SiP IMJUifiii S Yfflj iii '
2. Vajrasattva
To PUTW' and obscuratioll .l, {ti sl, during mrdit atioll swions, ra il,..
Above th' rown of my h ad, I a lo tus - moon sat,
Is Guru Vajrasallva, whi le i n ajar, adorned wilh
rnament. ,
Wit h one face and two a r ms
Holding a vaj ra Wilh hi s right hand and a b el l wi Lh hi s
left, and seated in vajra p tu r.

i?-7J1[E}.9.j {l.7.JoJ) 'U-C .!f1 oJ) '.:g:.'7.} 7} 'U.Jl, J
A} '?i.Q.j q.2-} q 7t % 21.y,}.Jl q.Jl Ef il} 711 lAJ q-. if7J
1[E}.Q.j .2.. Al Aj?7} Aj
c.l oj) - E1 }{l Qj %4f .Q. cp=-e>l 9-l- 11 .Q..
- e>l 7}1-1, .2.2 AJoH9.l-
.2. Ci q-.2..2, .g. %::. 0 7J{!-E-}Qj
AJ?..?.. :i?}AJ '6}o:l g
Clearly visuali ze at Vajrawl/ va's luarl <"tiller a muon di c, up on w/rirh its a HU,\'C,
wcirril'd hy Ihe man/ rn garland, Supp lil.'ate Vajrasatll1a, and visualize that when ,VOU do
JO, 0 Jlream of am6tafills his lll Liglttentd f orm and thell comes ou t from his righl hzg toe
ill io the Bralllll Oapnture al the top afpur ht ad, Al( )lo ur obscurati(lIls and pasl negative
actions, embodier! ill a Jub l lullcc that Looks li ke ink or dark smoke, leave )'our boy a aLL of
_your o ~ y s parts arefiLled with amnia, While doing this vi,lualizatioli, reci te Vajrasall ,'o's
mant ra a ' maTry l i me as)ou CO il .

% B} ?- c} -)!- E B} A}U} 01=, U}--
B} 7- E 1:1} rri1 x llH} u:J lI}, q s=. ull B}9},
9EEkull B} Q},
A} 2 Q} ull liB A} 2 1:1} lJ} 2 U}
tg- Al=cl 01= i>}i>}i>}i>} -i
tI} 7} A} 2 tI} u:} E} 7} cr} 1:1}?- c} U 1- ull ,
tI}7- cl B}9} u}i>} A} o}0l= A}
% tI} A 2-} Q} 1-.

11811811811811 PI

11 itltm M: Jl;t..t!!. ;t 17 0
HLM H/\ HA HA H H H BH /\ G AN S RV -1' 1' HAGA1'A VA.IR M
--- "'''

'" ,,-

g orAl Aj Acl8:- J-l
Ai Al trll.Jf- E.l
%iL} p} g.2-
-- 7;1 \:1 7}Al jJI. Oi 71 Jl
Q{ 5:. all Oi Al 5! g %1-6}.2.. -y
qJ-l Q{qj -)lAl ?l.2-t:9,
.-8:- .lL} Ji. E- liJ.-Al ?l;4] 71 -6} Y- 01 q .
%::1.21- -cB5l1 i5-
j-1fEl-7Jlj;'1 7j H&j "5}Aj u:l
tl}al 7.}A1S!.l % 4foJl
Then, (On{e I -.vallr POft ntgalilJf action and vow Tlot to pnform them agai n b)' ruiting thl'
follu wing:
Noble Ones who know and s e ev rything, think of us.
Under the power of the thr e p on from
b ginningle s time,
\V have brok n with ur bodie , p eeh and mind
The thr vows and th Victors' ommands .
W ' admit and COl fe S I hese downfalls and misde ds.
We will not do them again. May we no t xpcn nee
their r ults.
Sa)'ing l h i ~ . rUl!fe sand moll'l 710//0 repeat).our mi. dteds. Vajrasallva (rys. '[iillT mi rdw/s
ale purijud, ., and i plro ed. fh melt. into light an d tii.H() / es i1110.yO!! . Rt'st ill eqllipoi e.
"0- ~ ~ * ' .. 25

ILi 01.:: , 71 "C A] :Aj p B i5} 71]
.:: 01]- -6'1 01 /(1% 0] on Al .=:L n1
c.t lo} J:l]A]qjl t}AJ-o}.:il
belwull j f S /OIlS: 1 /tt/ lever af fli ctions or thoughts arise, be min dful 0/ th em as SOO I!
OJ Ihq arise. comp/ettiy rill through litem, and m t withuul fixation. vVhatever sellti en l
beillglyou, JU, or think especiolf), thosP who have don e terrible mi.rdeeds- visuali e
I ajrasatlv{I abo71t their heads olld reci te the hUlidred-s)l llabie mantra.
, )

iil -c l[l:q-2} 27} ?;1
7]- Cr.
:IAH, 3 OJI (:Xl C.! Ojl A1 2 or:= l tg;j )
t:.AJ :A}cJ:7.1 :g
oJ .Q..c.l T: :g-OJ:ttl: -c}2} 27} ?;17} -c}. -"j T
uJ- c}L'-l- B ;:Hli-c -5!0] -'F0d-i4
l-}l:l Joll <i'i * 1 9J.2, u} c1 l- }:A}7} 01
9J.c}. Q L
:-: -"'% 01 7-11Al 2, .2.;:: x-c}, !A
Ac] 'tl, %7} rR - 1.MJ :Ht-ti}.Jl 4'- -'6" .2. .1:i.
t1H7}>}.Jl l[l: =2-} 'T'-J:l:l Al 7' l .::il 9J.
q Jl :tl --?]- r:l. 9.1]:11 zt <'51- 7.A1 :g- OJ .Q.. 't:l -c} .
3. Mandala Offering
The mandala offiring wkich completer the two acwmulalion . ha two parts. First, duri ng
meditatioll srs ions. there arr two type oJ mal/da/as : l/i t mandala oJ accomplishment, Iht
Jipld qf Iocu,\Jur one' gat/UTini!, (II tht two aClllmulalions and (he vjJering mandala, which
cOII/lIins the subsLa71us offired. lVith llu fir I oj lhrse, the manda la '.1 pftp ical /JOSl may be
made of any luilable material. Visualize that ill it. cenler and eaclt oj its Jour direction I"
th ere 1m iolu flo was, upon tach of which stand eight liolls upporling a tliron e made oJ
jJ reciouJ jewels, upon which i a lotllS, un aTld lII oon (a l. 0 11 the center IltrolltJ sil the
gu I/IJ , i,l fron t sit lIu y ida/lls, to lhe right Ihe buddhas, behind the dharma, and tv the lift
the anl'. lw- . o are the rare and JUpmne j ewell arrayed. Tlu dharma proleclors guard lIu
mandala's perimeler. While renumbering its meaning ofler thi j Jellen-branch prayer:
-- -



i>} jl 7?-
JI} 71 ul tl1.9i \3 ji]/'d 01
A}{l.9i {l Y- Al y
t:-1 g Ii- ?t4-{l Ad A c-l -- A
78 ell 1:: 2-1 Y- 01 Ii-,
%JI} wg 4-%-O}.Jl D} g
-tf oJ:JI} 7;1- %2-1 y Pi
'=lFlfmmiZl!'!i '

In lhe dharma xpanse palac of Below None
Is th cs nee of all buddhas of t hree t imes,
Who direc tl y shows my mi nd is t he Dh ar makaya:
I prostrat to t his tr ue and gl or ious guru.
My body, pos ses io n:, a nd all t he pi aSl n things
that my mind ca n im agi ne,
I offer to y u and I p r ai se you.


Al \:l- \t Oll Al .2.. g %l <5} 1-1
0lA1Pf-E,1 qJ-l::: g
R. %Ac3 % 91 {:! -2 g 71
lli <5} t9
7}?J .!i. 9-l Sfl <il 011 "8"J=<5}4
-- 1:-1 lfro11 A1 u}J-l.Jl oa 7J .
01 Ail AJo11 TAl
-9--1 Jl 4- il1- g 7} jl <il +5-- Al.
.'. *


1 confess all the misdeed I have p rformed
And I wil\ nev r do lich things again.
1 rejoic in all sentient bei ngs' vi rtuous acti ns .
I d 'di ' a t all this to t he call c of supr "mc e nligh l nm nt.
J suppli at you to remain and no t pa s i nlo nirvana.
PI 'asc tu rn the d harma whe I of the uns urpassably
supreme vehi Ie.

0 1 -=- l- At l:31sil

Ai :9:. {i -"1 7 t .v..l"8"R -T A1.
Just as the Victors and their chi ldren master
Unbiased loy and compassion, and realize
The ultimat.e co-emergent wis dom,
Bless m that I may directly r ali ze t hat.

" " "

....,.,. c\.......",....,

rH A1oj1 .=1. -t>J g l::l} 2.Jl Ul R {i} n:1
T Ul 9-l %A1 4'T- 7-J .Jl

Xn/. pick up Ihe ofJering mandala and r rile:
The arth is p rfu med with sce nt ed water and strewn
with flowers,
dor n e 1 wit h Meru, he four 'onti n nts ,
Lin a nd moon ,
Vis u a lizing t his as the budd ha r aim I offer it
o t hat a ll being- may enj oy thi s p erf t ly pur re al m.

'il-q4 Q.l i3f>}J?1
1 -B- AJ-C]
.:g-OJ"Q.. %2.1 J.l -El:l} . pl-g 4f
l] m -'- A}
ptA] 3:l 0 01] 3n-
1 .:g-W
AJ-ii} U:] Aj 01] q.
l:l-j 2-] J.!. %JIl-
=;- <5] 71Q.j Q.j C}Ll 4. :J.
% 011 s:. 31f- .:g-oJ %t1 OF
Combine th. emandala recit ation and meditation, and offer the mandala un Ii lyour uisuali.:. alion
of it is vivid. Fi nall}\ m l ill equipoise, free of thoughls of the ojJering s three S/J/uTeS.
Secol/d, in be/ween meditation ses ions, abandon .ielFeentered attachment alzd oifer }our
thru ga tes /0 fhe guru and Ihe j wels. E pecially, oiler respect , 'avice, and venera liOIl to
t l l 8 J ~ sources of rifuge and their s..ymbolic representations.

4. =1- 1:1JI
J.{H, 3 0JI (JJ2.1OJI fd 2
\1'T 3l} .y 0 1 t1J t;'i A}-'8
01 o] 01,'6 g -{!,AJ"i5}'0 q g g
5fl 9J 0 1.%1,
-2-.f!: -",-:;01--8 l:l} .7. c.t-q2.}7}
i>} Al j2
ul?=l Ll y. Al 1-1
Al l:1J{J- A119i . ;AtAj g 'C 2.1 A1Lil.
'i{oJP-i ifJ 7;<1-N- J Jl,
40 "',':-" ,', ", . - .', - '$ * "'. -', '$ *' "*
B ' '

4. Guru Yoga
Gu ru y uga u;hich quickly brings blefJin s. has two parts. Firsl, during medi tati an us ions
/litre is tlu common and Ihe e:ctraordinar) way to do this practice. Hae, do the/orlller by
vi uoli; _your.1 tf! a.1} O!r ),idam, and Ihen reciling:
Above the crown of my head on a lotu , sun, a nd
moon eat
I. my root guru, the mighty Vajradhara,
ky-blll , holding vajra and bell in his crossed arms,
B a ll lified by precious ornaments, blazi ng wi th major and
mi nor marks.
He is vi idl y t he embodi men t of all the t n direction and
t hree times' victoriou ones.
Recite tlte seven-branch pro..yer as above. alld pra)er oj the J OUl' kC,'flS (Tib etan: kll
b;:.hi mal .
+ + . *
' - b P o - l L l k l l o y g 2 " l F l
- f z - & l : 2 - l O h l - o
I Y F f
l f t L { K - . - - { 5 - - ; ; - f z - & l : 2 - T O h l D
. - b P o - l L l k y I Y I Y i . ! ? - t 2 * - = c 5
l f t L % i K - ; . f Z - & l O h l D
. - b R d L l k y F f *
i K - ; . f Z - i t - R > h l D
' i l T h % R > l L l W - [ b . l f o L Y t t o

- . ' - - - . \ : , - . - . - . ' "

' ' ' ' - . - .
. t f . . t f k . t f I I

..cRm 0

..cRm 0
Then fPCitl:
I a nd all m mother senti nt bei no-s, as gr at in numbe r as
spac is vast, suppl icat the guru t he pre iou budd ha.
1 and a ll my mot h r se n tient bei ngs, as great in number
as space is vas t suppli cate the gu ru, all -per vadi ng
dharmakaya .
I and all my mo t her senti ent beings, as great in num ber
as space is vast, suppli cate th , guru , gre at bliss
I and a ll my mot h r sentient beinO' s, a gre at in number as
space is ast, supplicat the gur u, gr a t compassi onat e
ni rmanakaya.
'. '* .', -:'. 43
t. ...".,.., '"

I 11
...,.. ...,.,."


71 llll AlL
{J :;: g %il}A 1 1A11=9
Aj::} "i5}dj g Al Jl,
J,7H g.9i Ad 1Al t9

71 31-- -ail l:lll-Al
\19.1 91 9-
4;: :!::- 2.1 5!.. OJ: g tI}.1f.
Ad "i5} .:Jl 5!..;:; 11l-}ol q.
-.tSilii=;mtJ] , ,
, ,

, '
Recite IlLr JI/ayer oj lilt J Oll T kayns and:
Preciou. guru
Who holds the lineag of meaning
Who gives us blessing,
Who has the onfidence of r a lization,
Who has th clairvoyances a nd eyes,
Who shows displays of miracl s,
Who gi es unb arabi kindness
Wh places buddhahood in our palms,
Who rms ordinary app aran es
And shows infinit puri ty
,0. *' .

Al1 Zl-g :A} fiRol AJ:A}A10i .
J- }.!f-:7.1 :Q
{! '0 7Jll -a}y y
:A}B1 AJ 9 -
l Oi 4-::{:J-l.
9.l 11 1:l } lJ}lt 9.l
%Aj g 9
.!f-<3! .i!} s:. 1:31 JiL W 1:3} g o}-"l
* q
1q .
' ,
, ,
, ,

You are Noble Avalokiteshvara.
rom he dept hs of my heart,
I pray to you t he all-cap abl e.
Please hold me wi th you r compassio n.
T he undisput d Kag u li neage
Holds th e powe r o f t he si ddhi s,
And can ta me wild sentien t beings,
Your enli ghtened activit is p ee rl ess.
Yo u arc the genuine and per fect Buddha .

ol9} {{Ol .:gJi>lL}01 t:}.
:A}1:11 s- =TAl Jl

"8'JAJ- T =TAl -;; 1Al al ,

{l {l.Q.... 41
Dillt'iil'mli ' ,
, '
' 0
or the benefit of all the limitl ess se ntient bei ngs
This ve r y momen t, I ofC r you
My body, sp ech, and mind, and all my roots of virtue.
PI ase ac ept th m wi th your gr eat love.
Havi ng ac pt d them,
o lord and gur u , ul ti mate p rotec t or
Of a ll wanderi ng bei ngs,
PI a e bless me t h t I might b ecome like you.

tI}.7- - r =i-tlj 7111111 .A%.9i % 3*"01jJ'1 .:9=1
-'8 tG1 ;<.3 78 c5}Jl] -o} Al.Jl, 47}Al e>l % Y
E} LB Jl] c5}A 1 E-. }-Or <:rl y. 7.1 % 01] %6R-8 1
Y-.9i {IT.9i 8"1
Y-7} .;.:1e>l 3!}
Rnilp tcKlnmapa, think of me" (Tibetan: karma /In mkhye/t no) and ot her supplicatiun (
at length. thai the Guru Vajradhara i IL tlerfy pleased, a7ldfrom the three places
on his enlightened forlll , there fmanate white, red, and blue Light respectively. These purify
tlu sta ill s of yOl/r own three gaUl , 'yOU receive tlu four empowerm(nt; and you mal/ife t the
fou r kayaI. Finally, the guru melts into light and dissoll)e int oYO II . Rest ill lhe ,quipoiu
of tht guru'r enlightened body, . puch and mind and your own bod)., spuch, and mind being

J-- <:xl ?J- 0}oF il}t9
7l % :g:, if1- ''4'-.A 4'- El -&- -;: <51]2.} JI. 2{il}JI., .A E.l
L}.9i o} g 1Al .!f1 l:lH A] 0lJI. Ii-.:iL
71 t9 -t?-78 1tl 2{ ;;!-. Al 7] c} .
}-,- c O-i Ul ti} 2.} 5:- L Ad Al] il} Jl Jl... ti} 71] ti}
u:l, 78 7-11 Q} r:JP'J- 01
? ilHF ct.
52 ** ....
Secon d, ill between meditalion sessions', i n all tha/j oll do, never be apart from lhe appearance
oj the guru. View all happinw and .\ ulftrinl!, (I S /Iu guru's f,:l.ndntss. Do nO l let),v lI f lord
ill lflllivlls alld.YO lir own desires cOlJlradici each olher, bul rathel; pra)' again and again thai
his enlightened mind alld your OWII mind will mix and become one. In JllOrl, I "/llI levfr oj
the Il rli vi/i,' of !Jilcibillg anrl so for th you uek /0 accomplish, JOil 'Ued 0111' 10 adju. I Jou r
cO ll duc t .l Jocu and lite wa), JOIl think of it and to IUjI/lli ca le Ihe guru- til at will suffice.
l::J<rll 11
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As il was nuded quickly, tlu one called tlt e Karmapa, Orgyen Trinley, GompoTed this
according 10 the Fifth Shamar', pith instmelions on the pr limillllrie.i on the ninth day 0/
tlt e a ~ i n g phase ~ r the sixth Tibetan mon th, August 3, 2006.
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oJ oj : 'i'l"E..fl c:. 1:-11
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f r: T he 17th a ll g Ka rmapa
.hi nl"t' tr<U1 'Li l inn: Kht' npn L(ldro ni Ivliao Ron;;
Korean I I, nslal iol1: T 'm;i n 0 , lIllg (Shih H II (' i mgt
E.l1 gli 'i h I ranshtion: ri C oldfi el d. David Karma Chocpltd

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