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46 T H E O RY Artificial light and health 47

Artificial lighting and health Visible part Daylight spectrum

century, when they lent a hand in
demonstrating the advantages of
modern technologies during the
World Fair in New York. These flu-
Text: Alexander Wunsch orescent lamps contain mercury va-
pour that is charged up with electri-
cal energy. During the subsequent
400 500 600 700 discharging process the mercury
New findings in photobiology show that we have to revise our understanding of the anatomical function of the human eye and atoms emit photons in specific wa-
velengths, which are able to excite
brain. Human photo-endocrinology is much more complex than some scientific disciplines formerly expected and lighting en- other mercury atoms they meet in
their path. Only excited atoms are
gineers intend to acknowledge. Since R.G. Stevens put forward his melatonin hypothesis in 1987, an increasing number of prepared for chemical reactions.

Intensity of light
Photographic lamp
Fluorescent light shows mercury-
scientists have been looking for a correlation between the use of artificial light sources and carcinogenesis. But the use of artifi- Incandescent
Spectrum of incandescent lamp
specific energy peaks in its spec-
lamp 100 W trum, a circumstance which John Ott
cial light cannot only induce cancer development, there is also strong evidence for an involvement in the increase of cardiovas- regarded as a problem. We know to-
day, that visible light enters the hu-
cular disease in modern industrial societies. In this article we will put together the pieces that play their role in this dangerous man system via the skin and reaches
the fatty tissue without any pro-
outcome. 0 500 1000 1500 2000 blems; even the skull and brain are
400 500 600 700 highly transparent to light. The fat is
Wavelength in nm
exactly the substance where we find
Spectrum of a glowing black body at the temperatures of a normal incandescent lamp, a photo- the mercury that entered the body
grapher’s lamp and the sun. via food or dental amalgam fillings.
Mercury is a toxic substance and
Danger from artificial light it has been generated in the sun’s white light. The distribution of the language in which all matter com- take a look at the mercury vapour cent light: its high energy consump- hard to eliminate, so the body tries
Light is essential for life on this pla- central regions by the well known wavelengths radiating from a heated municates; every jump (change of lamps, better known as fluorescent tion. Only five percent of investment to deposit it in compartments with a
net. Evolution happened under very fusion process, where hydrogen body is defined in physics as black energy level) of an electron is ac- lamps or so called full spectrum in power comes back as light, the low metabolic activity, so-called
specific lighting conditions: the re- atoms amalgamate to helium and body radiation. The solar radiation companied by photonic activity. lights. rest is transformed into heat, what bradytrophic tissues. This is the
current alternation of night and day photonic energy. This deadly energy energy is distributed as we would Let us now remember why Ein- makes this light comparable to a reason why we find the mercury
has burned the circadian rhythms is transformed on its way from cen- expect from a black body at a tem- stein received the Nobel Prize – it Incandescent light kind of tamed bonfire. The incan- concentrated in the fat layers under
into the genes of all forms of life, tre to periphery from inconceivably perature of 5700 K, which equals was not for his Theory of Relativity. There are many different types of descent lamp is the only electrical the skin and in the neuronal myelin
which is highly adapted to the pho- high frequencies into the range of the sun´s surface heat, with one ex- It was for explaining the photoelec- light sources, so this article will only light source which deserves the la- sheaths of the brain. Mercury light
Alexander Wunsch is a doctor by tonic conditions of the environment. optical radiation: more than 40 per- ception: a black body shows no tric effect. This effect occurs if a me- concentrate on three important bel “full spectrum,” because it deli- percolating through skin and bones
profession ans has a practice in The specific composition of sunlight cent of the solar energy given off Fraunhofer lines. For that reason it is tal electrode is treated with photons, ones: incandescent, fluorescent and vers all wavelengths without any counteracts the body's endeavours
Heidelberg, Germany. After study- as well as the properties of the at- lies in the visible spectrum. While already a simplification if we say that which liberate electrons if their LED light. If we approach this chro- gaps or energy peaks. When a fila- to detox this fatal substance. While
ing Medicine in Kiel, Giessen and mospheric layers play important the radiation coming from the pho- sunlight has a colour temperature of quantum energy is high enough. In nologically, we have to start with the ment bulb is operated with direct sunlight with its Fraunhofer gaps in-
Heidelberg, he began to develop roles for the life-aiding qualities of tosphere is really full spectrum light, 5700 Kelvin, which ignores the inner simple words, photons can make incandescent lamps. This electrical current, it produces a completely duces a suction force for elementary
appliances for electro-medicine and natural light. Under today’s view- the outer layer of our central star, spectral composition. (We will re- ions thicker or thinner, depending light source was invented by Ger- clean light, free from modulation wavelengths, the elementary spec-
light therapy. Since his university point we have to suspect that every the chromosphere, removes all ele- turn to the term “colour tempera- on absorption or emission activity. In man watchmaker Heinrich Goebel in frequencies and flicker. tral lines create a pressure, exactly
days, his focus of interest has been aberration from these properties ment-related emission lines from the ture” when we look at some photo- the age of quantum theory we 1854, six years after he had migra- the opposite. Sunlight has a calming
biophysical therapy. Biological as- make artificial lighting potentially whole spectrum. We understand metric definitions and measure- would be well advised if we exten- ted to the USA, but he was not able Fluorescent light effect on chemical elements; mer-
pects of light and the effect of light dangerous for health. what this means if we use a spec- ments of artificial light sources later ded the findings made with metal el- to market it. So it took another 25 Let us now take a look at mercury cury light induces excitation of this
on the cells of living beings are sub- troscope, so we can see the Fraun- in this article.) ectrodes to effects which light can years before Edison succeeded in light sources, which entered the poison.
jects that Alexander Wunsch conti- Sun physics hofer lines: after perambulating the Why should we think about these yield on biological membranes. Sup- introducing the lamp to the market stage in the late thirties of the last
nues to research, specializing in What are the aberrations we are chromosphere, sunlight shows an Fraunhofer lines at all? How can posedly the Fraunhofer lines in sun- and developing a business out of it.
photoendocrinology and the appli- talking about, and which sensory absorption spectrum, which can be they matter, if we are unable to see light act like photonic suction gaps But he was working with direct cur-
cation of photomedicine. Alexander modules in our anatomical nature characterized as full spectrum minus them with the naked eye? The eye is influencing the molecular mem- rent, which cannot be transported
Wunsch is a member of the German are responsible for detecting them? elementary frequencies. definitely not the only receptive or- brane passage in the capillary sy- over long distances. Before the
Lighting Engineering Society and If we want to understand this, we gan for light. Human skin is transpa- stem of the skin, the largest organ world could be electrically enlighte-
has been President of the Internatio- first have to take a look at the subtle Colour temperature rent to light. Even short wave- for light reception, and in the ned, another genius, Nikola Tesla,
nal Light Association since 2007. photonic consistency of sunlight it- Light and colour are the consequen- lengths like UV radiation reach the ground substance outside the cells. had to invent alternating current
The ILA is an international organisa- self. Astronomers tell us that it took ces of heat: if we increase the tem- capillary layers and the blood inside This could give a deeper explanation technology. These two components,
tion based in Belgium and is dedica- around one million years to produce perature of a metal filament, it will these delicate vessels. All the pig- why well-performed heliotherapy al- filament lamp and transportable
ted to light therapy for the treatment the photons we are receiving and emit electromagnetic radiation. First ments and molecules with chromo- ways creates a harmonizing balance, electrical energy, were the keys to
of human ailments and illnesses. consuming right now. There are my- we can feel the heat and then we phoric groups in our body absorb regardless if the patient’s condition opening doors to our modern world.
riads of occurrences like scattering can see the wire glowing in different and emit photons. Each single atom is characterized by hypo- or hyper- In the first decades of electrical 400 500 600 700 and acts of collision until a photon colors: the red heat will turn into has the attribute we could call pho- activity. We want to keep these con- lighting no one had a problem with reaches the surface of the sun after orange and yellow until we see tonic metabolism. Photons are the siderations in mind when we later the only disadvantage of incandes- Spectrum of discharge lamps.
48 T H E O RY Artificial light and health 49

Light Emitting Diodes work. A new melanopsin pigment-

LED light sources are luminescence containing receptor system was Table 1: Effect of sun light and artificial on the human body. Table 2: Properties of artificial light sources.
radiators which are available in diffe- found in the retinal ganglion cell lay-
rent colours. They are often called ers that is sensitive to blue light and Sunlight (5700K) Properties of artificial light sources
monochromatic light sources, but connects to the hypothalamus, pitui-
this is not really true. Depending on tary and pineal gland. The human Location of effect ACTH Stereoids Vitamin D Light source Colour temperature in Kelvin True temperature in Celsius Chronobiological effect
the wavelength or colour, they show eye seems to harbor a sensor system Red LED 1000 < 100 ---
a narrowband or broadband spec- for the measurement of the color CNS ↑ ↑ -
Orange LED 1500 < 100 --
trum, but never emit real monochro- temperature for incoming light. Why Skin ↓ ↓ ↑
matic light as a laser does. The ad- do we need this and what are the Yellow LED 2000 < 100 -
vantage of LEDs lies in their low consequences for artificial lighting? Artificial light (5700K) Candle 1500 1.230 -
energy consumption while the han-
Incandescent lamp 2000 - 2600 1730 - 2330 0
dicap often is found in the type of Blue is different Location of effect ACTH Steroids Vitamin D
electronic circuitry used for driving Blue light plays an extraordinary role Halogen lamp 2600 - 3300 2330 - 3030 +
them. The so-called pulse width mo- in the eye. Regarding the process of CNS ↑ ↑ - Fluorescent lamp 2700 - 4000 < 100 ++
dulation (PWM), used for control- vision, blue light hampers the forma- Skin - - - Full spectrum lamp 4000 - 6000 < 100 +++
ling the intensity, especially utilized tion of a sharp image on the retina,
in colour changing products, often therefore nature uses some optical ACTH = Adrenocorticotropic hormone (Stress hormone cocktail), White LED 4500 - 10 000 < 100 ++++
operates on low frequencies (under tricks to enable focused vision: on CNS = Central nervous system Blue LED > 12 000 < 100 +++++
100 Hz).This leads to a flickering ef- the one hand, the macula lutea or
fect, which is only noticeable under yellow spot area of sharpest vision
certain conditions or by measure- carries the yellow pigment for filte-
ments. Flickering light can cause ring out excrescent blue portions;
headache and discomfort and on the other hand, the receptors for
should be avoided in artificial blue are relatively infrequent com- fluence of this radiation. This light- neutral light sources. Avoiding mer-
lighting. LED technology is mentio- pared with the green and red ones. driven endocrine cutback normally cury-based light sources and white
Pineal gland
ned here because it can be used in An average eye comprises about Incidence of light optic is compensated for by the activation LED lights (both have high colour
treating SAD; using blue LED lights four million red receptors, two mil- nerve of the retinohypothalamic tract with temperatures) may be a rough rule
Eye VIS Sun
is much more effective for control- lion green receptors and only one Ganglion cells
consecutive distribution of releasing of thumb. Another indication of un-
ling the biological clock than white hundred thousand blue ones. factors and new hormone produc- natural light is the difference
light for its deeper impact on mela- While blue tinted light reduces Amacrine cells Skin I V U tion. between colour temperature and

Sun hormone
tonin inhibition. sharp vision, it has the highest im- R I V true temperature.
Bipolar neurons Pituitary S

pact on the energetic portion of the Skin Energy fools the brain
Energetic pathways and the optic nerve by telling the organism Horizontal cells The problem that occurs is that Let there be healthy light!
circadian clock that it must be quite sunny outside. Thyroid Skin when we use artificial light sources
When light shines on a human But it is not really the blue our body Rods and cones with high colour temperatures that

being, it has a number of different clock is looking for: in nature bright Parathyroid Skin tell the energetic pathway through

Pineal hormone
Choroid layer
effects: blue light always comes together the eye that there is a high amount
We use light for orientation in with ultraviolet radiation. The hypo- Thymus Skin of UV outside. The organism starts
time and space, as a source of thalamus has to coordinate different producing new stress hormones and

energy as well as for information hormone concentrations and adapt Light-processing layers of the retina. Skin waiting for solitrol – but solitrol is

purposes. Our system has to know if them to the environmental condi- not forthcoming, and existing stress

it is day or night, summer or winter, tions. There is one very important Skin and sex hormones are not destroyed

Sleep hormone
dangerous or safe outside and so hormone that is not excreted by a because there is no UV in the light

Kidneys Skin
on. Since man lost his hairy coat, the gland but produced directly in the and the skin is covered by clothes.

Vitamin D
body has had to change and im- skin under the influence of ultravio- 4 000 000 The result is an increase of stress
Gonads Skin
prove the light processing mecha- let radiation with wavelengths be- and sex hormones with typical con-
nisms it applies – not only in unpro- tween 290 and 320 nm: Vitamin D. sequences for health (under long
Reproductional system Skin

L-Cones (red-sensitive) Luminance System

tected skin, but also in the regions of As vitamins by definition are sub- term conditions): cardiovasculatory

Summer hormone
Winter hormone
the brain which are responsible for stances which the body cannot pro- 2 000 000 diseases and hormone-dependent
Blood Skin
hormonal and vegetative homeosta- duce independently, the name Sun cancers.
sis. The region of interest is the Hormone or Solitrol is a much better Salutary light
M-Cones (green-sensitive) Red-Green-System Bones Skin
hypothalamus with the appending expression for this particular sub- The positive thing is that we do not
pituitary gland which is accountable stance. Solitrol is antagonistic to 100 000 Growth Skin
have to wait for tomorrow’s inven-
for endocrine control and coordina- melatonin and a number of other tions: we can start right now in im-
tion. In recent decades another en- hormones, so it is essential for the Skin proving the artificial lighting condi-
docrine organ, the pineal gland, has system to foresee the dispersion of K-Cones (blue-sensitive) Yellow-Blue-System Melatonin + - Melanin tions, if we respect the chronobio-
also gained in importance. In the this sun hormone in the organism by logic effectiveness of the different
past five years we have been con- extrapolating the amount of ultravio- Principle behind the switching of colour-sensitive receptors in the human retina. The effect of light on human skin, the human eye and the human hormone system. lamp types. Chronobiologically
fronted with new scientific findings let radiation outside. While the UV effective does not always mean
describing how the controlling me- builds up solitrol in the capillary lay- healthy. Depending on the intended
chanisms between light, the circa- ers of the skin, other hormones like purpose it might often be less detri-
dian clock and pineal gland really steroids are destroyed under the in- mental to use the chronobiologically

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