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Intelligent fusion and analysis of AIRSAR data for SEIDAM Abstract SEIDAM (System of Experts for Intelligent Data

Management) intelligently fuses a nd analyzes remotely sensed data, such as from NASA's AIRSAR. Software agents as sist the users in processing by providing the necessary information to successfu lly complete the sequence of tasks. These tasks include calibration, topographic corrections, and geocoding of AIRSAR data. The resulting geocoded imagery is su bjected to image processing algorithms fused with GIS data in order to extract i nformation on the biophysical parameters of forest objects. In this paper, the u se of AIRSAR data for the estimation of biomass from P-band SAR for a test site on Vancouver Island is discussed, as well as the retrieving and adapting of plan s for intelligently solving queries requiring radar data ----------------Socially Intelligent Agents Socially Intelligent Agents Creating Relationships with Computers and Robots Series: Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations, V ol. 3 Dautenhahn, K.; Bond, A.H.; Canamero, L.; Edmonds, B. (Eds.) 2002, 304 p. The field of Socially Intelligent Agents (SIA) is a fast growing and increasingl y important area that comprises highly active research activities and strongly i nterdisciplinary approaches. Socially Intelligent Agents, edited by Kerstin Daut enhahn, Alan Bond, Lola Caamero and Bruce Edmonds, emerged from the AAAI Symposiu m "Socially Intelligent Agents - The Human in the Loop". The book provides 32 chapters, written by leading SIA researchers, addressing to pics such as: social robotics, embodied conversational agents, affective computi ng, anthropomorphism, narrative and story-telling, social aspects in multi-agent systems, new technologies for education and therapy, and more. This breadth of topics covered in Socially Intelligent Agents provides the reader with a compreh ensive look at current research activities in the area. Socially Intelligent Agents serves as an excellent reference for a wide readersh ip, e.g. computer scientists, roboticists, web programmers and designers, comput er users, cognitive scientists, and other researchers interested in the study of how humans relate to computers and robots, and how these agents in return can r elate to humans. This book is also suitable as research material in a variety of advanced level courses, including Applied Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous A gents, Human-Computer Interaction, Situated, Embodied AI. Content Level Research Related subjects Artificial Intelligence - HCI -------------Research Project 1. A study and construction for intelligent classification/mobile delivery web service (III) NSC 93-2213-E-309-003 (2004.8.1-2005.7.31) 2. A study and construction for intelligent classification/mobile delivery web service (II) NSC 92-2213-E-309-005 (2003.8.1-2004.7.31) 3. A study and construction for intelligent classification/mobile delivery web service (I) NSC 91-2213-E-309-005 (2002.8.1-2003.7.31)


An intelligent image agent based on PACS system

NSC 90-2213-E-309-007 (2001.8.1-2002.7.31) 5. A study and construction for MA web service based on CMMI Level 2 NSC 93-2815-C-309-002-E (2004.8.1-2005.7.31) 6. A study on personalized semantic web based on ontology NSC 92-2815-C-309-002-E (2003.8.1-2004.7.31) 7. A study on personalized semantic web based on ontology NSC 91-2815-C-309-006-E (2002.8.1-2003.7.31) 8. ing A text mining agent with the capability of reasoning and automatic learn

(Institute For Information Industry, III, 2003.5.1-2003.12.31) 9. The ontology retrieval and construction techniques for supporting semant ic space (Institute For Information Industry, III, 2002.5.1-2002.12.31) 10. A study on the technology for automatic document classification (Institute For Information Industry, III, 2001.5.1-2002.12.31) 11. XML-based intelligent agent (CREDIT Research Center, NCKU, 2001.8.1-2004.7. 31) --------------Gray-scale image enhancement as an automatic process driven by evolution. Munteanu C, Rosa A. Abstract Image enhancement is the task of applying certain transformations to an input im age such as to obtain a visually more pleasant, more detailed, or less noisy out put image. The transformation usually requires interpretation and feedback from a human evaluator of the output result image. Therefore, image enhancement is co nsidered a difficult task when attempting to automate the analysis process and e liminate the human intervention. This paper introduces a new automatic image enh ancement technique driven by an evolutionary optimization process. We propose a novel objective criterion for enhancement, and attempt finding the best image ac cording to the respective criterion. Due to the high complexity of the enhanceme nt criterion proposed, we employ an evolutionary algorithm (EA) as a global sear ch strategy for the best enhancement. We compared our method with other automati c enhancement techniques, like contrast stretching and histogram equalization. R esults obtained, both in terms of subjective and objective evaluation, show the superiority of our method. -------------

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