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Production Module for BMM SAP SDK thread-Functional Document

Owner Modified By Abhishek Jain Abhishek Jain Comments Draft of all the requirements laid out in previous months. Requirements are also merged from Tims original document Date 14/Nov/2011

Changes required in formulation, inventory and system setup

1. 2. 3. 4. Add option in system setup for disabling routing Add capability in formula lines to support labor lines. Hide processes tab if routing is disabled Add potency in formula lines Suggestions by Vinay: Add Co-Product OR Add a way in Byproducts to handle co-products and a way to enter how cost will be shared. in % ages and other options can also be discussed Vinay & Sanjay: Suggested to add a tab finished goods tab on formula where a user can add all the finished good and flag some finished goods as co-products and add %age cost apportion to it. Additionally add a way to automate create FG/Intermediate BOMs Abhishek: Agreed on need to create FG/intermediate but believe that adding mingling FG and Co-Product logic will complicate things and may not work in lot of scenarios. Abhishek will create a prototype and DRB will take a decision DRB: It is decided as of now that a co-product template will work for majority of scenarios. Complex design can be taken in later stages if there is a market for such requirements 5. Automatic creation of intermediate (item + BOM) after releasing of formula. Vinay: suggested to drop intermediate BOM. DRB: Intermediate BOMS will not be dropped 6. A Wizard to create FGs while releasing formulas can also be discussed. DRB: It has been discussed and agreed upon the need to automate BOM creation procedures 7. New options on item detail screen to support a. Replenishment UOM b. Calculate expiry date of finished good based on earliest expiring raw material c. Use lot from child batch instead of picking based on lot issue method. This will ensure that system allocates intermediate from child batch instead of allocating it from inventory based on lot issue method. d. Ability to assign intermediate lot# to FG while doing a fill batch.


9. 10.



13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

e. Add QC lead time. This lead time will be added to calculate overall delivery time of the product f. Add shelf life and then add logic on sales delivery/allocations to support it. g. Add lot potency h. Vinay: Add a label claim to potency and a potency unit (free form field). Vinay: Believes that adding a unit of measure to potency can address catch weight. Abhishek will think over it. i. Add a production UOM. This will be UOM for raw material to be used in production. If not available formula UOM will be used. j. Add a field to store overage% Add following UDFs in Item warehouse (OITW) table a. BMM_PNCOMMITMENTS (Production Commitments). Quantity field. This field will be updated when RMs are allocated against the batch. This filed will be updated both in case of soft or hard allocations b. BMM_ PNONORD (Production On order). Quantity field. This field will be updated when a batch is released and FG quantity will be updates as on order c. BMM_THEORETICALCOST (Theoretical Cost). Price field. This is user enterable theoretical cost. Can be used for picking cost of By Products in certain cases Addition of total shelf life management capabilities like re-testing and re-testing schedules / frequencies (QC Module). Need more discussion Ability to define overages in formulation (need more discussion). Overages are in %age. There is a formula that governs overage calculations. Vinay to give the document. Abhishek: Document received Ability to come up with formulator screen (refined version of feed formulation) that will allow food/nutraceutical manufacturers to formulate products based on nutrients required in formula for a given serving size. Vinay: Feed formulation should create a batch based on lot level potencies. Sometimes toll manufactures create the formula based on raw material available and the available lot potencies. (Need discussion) Vinay: At the minimum there should be way to record lot attributes. Not in standard product, has to go with a vertical solution Add production staging Bin at Whse level Add production staging bin at process cell Items with lot expiration inquiry (form based & CR) report. The report will help in identifying lots which are due to expire (n days from a given date) Disable container BOM option from BOM Entry. Make BOM Code and warehouse primary key (as opposed to BOM Code + whse + BOM type) Addition of container BOMs in BOM module Sanjay sir: Add an account in formula class for production write-off Need to write a utility to update BMM tables when unit conversions are changed.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Production Setup System wide option to switch off routing Modification on formula entry to support Labor line Batch Entry Batch Ticket Batch Sizing Material Issue Material Returns Material Allocation and Staging Enhanced Process Cell Production QC with digital signatures Super Batch Super Batch Close Transfer SOs to Batch Purge Batches (Utility) Production Scheduling Board (include staging here as well) Production Managers dashboard Downtime category Downtime masters Labor Entry screen (without routing) with downtime support Addition of Employee scheduling screen Pick list screen. The screen will be used to create replenishments from WH to staging area Pick list report Raw material requirement analysis report Critical Material report. The report will be enhanced to run from various parameters. The report will now consider time phased inventory calculations to show critical material. The report can also be run on a future time so verify if future batches are critical or not based on open purchase orders (and other receipts) in future date Material Usage report Open Batches report Production History summary report Production history detail report Vinay: Need to revisit the layout. Current layout is not liked by customers Batches with lot detail report Vinay: Need some refinements. Abhishek will touch base with Madesh Critical batches and raw material report Max producible by stock report (Demoes well) Production where used report Serial lot explosion

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

35. Finished Goods labels. Do we need label print control and reconciliation (required for regulated industries like pharma?) Vinay: General requirement is of product identifier. Two layouts (2X3, 4X6)

36. QC labels (pass / fail labels??) (need more discussion) Vinay: Requirements varies, take standard one as Althea. Should be printed from QC screen (automated) 37. SOs transferred to batches report (Form based) 38. Proposed: Raw material issued/FG receipts form based report. This report can show all raw materials issued batch wise or run wise. Report can be called individually as well from batch ticket/batch close screens. A GOTO menu form batch ticket/close 39. Question: How to handle customer inventory (for companies which are toll manufacturers and do not want to account for financial transactions). I thought of using drop ship warehouses, but unfortunately they do not support serial and Lot tracked items. Items with 0 price are an option but we need to discuss in detail Vinay: Iovate implemented it. They sub-contact manufacturing to someone else. Vinay to send Fortitech discovery documents Requirements: When a PO is created need a capability to create a batch 40. Question: Do we need to address sub-contracting?? If yes, any thoughts? We can handle contract-manufacturer but what about a Toller? 41. Question: Support for campaigns/projects?? Points to ponder: As of now we have built a lot of features in our products to help batch manufacturers. The problem is our software records data after the fact. So if a batch is made user can record all data issues, receipts, QC etc. But it does not help a manufacturer to control his process / operations in real time. We also do not have any features to capture process matrices (measurement of temp, pressure, and other process parameters) in real time. I believe real time automation modules that integrate well with PLC / SCADA systems and our batching systems can be thought of in Phase-II. Such systems can be designed keeping ISA-88 specifications in mind.

Production setup
Production setup will drive business rules as well as store some default options.

Fields Generate Auto Batch Number

Check yield% while closing a batch

% yield fluctuation allowed while closing a batch WIP Account number for assembly batch WIP rounding variance account Next Batch No for Batch Entry Default Batch Type Show All finished Goods

Explanation If checked system will automatically generate batch number based on seed provided in Next Batch Number for Batch Entry field. Note that system will only generate number if user does not specifies a batch number in batch entry. If checked system will verify the yield is within limits (lower and upper) as specified in % yield fluctuation allowed while closing a batch See Check yield% while closing a batch This is WIP account will be used for creating assembly type of batches. This account will be used to clear off any rounding variances white closing a production batch See Generate Auto Batch Number. Type of batch to de defaulted on Batch Entry and any other places while adding a batch. Default is Mix If checked a check box Show all finished goods will be visible on Batch Entry and Super Batch Entry. This allows any finished good to be picked irrespective of its formula. If checked system will not calculate sch start date or Sch end date based on process cell capacity. If unchecked system will calculate Sch start date or end date based on scheduling option specified in the setup Specifies the default production warehouse. This will be defaulted in Batch Entry screen. This will allow user not to specify Whse. information while entering finished goods Scale: This option is default option and the system scales raw materials to make up for losses during production.

User Defined dates

Default Production warehouse

Raw material scaling

Batch Series User series to transfer production order

Do not scale: No extra raw material will be added. Allows user to define series for A Batch Super Batch MPS MRP Transfer Sales orders to batches Allows user to setup default series when a batch is transferred from any of these systems. For Production a series Default will be added to during DB install the series will be a simple one with seed from 1. For production series this value will be defaulted to Default. Defines how to cost byproduct Use standard cost (system uses standard cost of the byproduct defied at item master). Note this requires by product to be standard costed Use Batch Master Theoretical cost. System will pick cost form a user field BMM_TheoriticalCost at item warehouse level. The UDF is user enterable Vinay: Suggested to add a way in formula to apportion cost for byproducts (this is on hold as of now)

MPS Series MRP Series SO series Prodn Series By product Costing

Back flush Labor

If this option is checked user will not be prompted to complete labor entry. Labor information entered will be used to back flush (i.e. calculate labor for the batch). If this is unchecked then labor entry screen will be used to calculate labor and labor entered in formula will be used for standard calculation. System will also enforce labor entry at the time of batch close

Field Super Batch Options Assembly Batch Options

Explanation Options are Create a Fill type batch for FGs: System will create a Fill batch for 1st level Finished Goods BOM child of an Assembly batch. This will allow system to reuse any intermediate already available Create a Mix batch: Normal Mix batch will be created UI Default. Default value is Mix This will create Fill batch for Top level Finished goods and will create Mix batches of the required intermediate for the remaining amount. Note that already allocated intermediates will not be considered in calculation

Default Batch Type Use intermediates to fill batches first

Field Scheduling Option

Explanation Forward: System will calculate scheduled end date based on start date Backward: System will calculate scheduled start date based on end date Note: This option only applies to production. MPS/MRP engines will always do backward planning

Field Transfer QC target values to QC tests Allow production batch to be closed without completing QC

Automatically insert QC tests for Auto release hold options

Explanation If checked system will copy target values to the production QC tests created. This will work as reference value to lab chemists. However some companies do not want target values to be copied. If unchecked system will ensure Qc is completed and passed before a batch is closed. This is default option If checked then Production Batches can be closed irrespective of QC outcome. Give options to end user where to copy fished goods tests to production QC at the time of creating the batch Specify default inventory types(Bin implementation required, hidden if not implemented). For qc inspection, qc release and fail statuses.

Field Implement staging

Use a single staging bin defined warehouse Use a single staging Bin defined at Process cell Use a single lot of possible

Automatically allocate batches on release

Back flush raw material

Size Amount of RM to be back

Explanation If checked staging will apply. If staging is applied production system will pick material from staging bin. Allocations will also be done from staging bin. Once allocated system will automatically back flush material while doing a part close (part close with sizing) or full close Enabled only when staging option is checked. If checked system will use a staging Bin defined at warehouse Enabled only when staging option is checked. If checked system will use a staging option defined as process cell While allocating RM for the batches system will try to allocate material from a single lot. Some companies do not want to issue materials from different lot of same raw material for a given batch If checked system will automatically allocate RM when a batch is released. If staging is not implemented then system will try to allocate lots based on lot picking method (FIFO/FEFO/LIFO) in the designated warehouse. If staging is implemented then system will allocate lots from staging area and when material from staging is finished it will allocate material from warehouse. If checked this option will back flush raw material. If material is allocated then system will use the allocation to back flush. If material is not allocated then system will use same rules as automatic allocation of raw materials If checked this option will work as Part close with sizing button in

flushed during part closed

BME. There will be no such button on batch close. This option will determine the logic if partial back flush is required during part close.

Batch Series Definition

This setup screen allows creating and editing batch series. A batch series will allow system to generate a batch number based on combination of parameters such as customer#, Character prefix, Year, month combination. This allows complete control over series generation

Field Series Id Column: Type

Description Allows entering a unique series identifier. Type will have 3 options Alpha: User defined alpha numeric character Year: Year in a specific format Month: Month in a specific Format

Day: Day of the month in a specific format Series: An Alpha numeric series Value will contain: Alphanumeric value date Format valid values are YYYY YY MM mmm DD Series: An alpha numeric series Size will define size in character each option can have When checked system will generate a new series, every Month or every year as selected (This will reset sequence with every new series) Shows a sample value of series based on current system date When clicked shows all the sub series in a given series

Generate new series Sample Value Button, Show series

Business Validations
1. Series number will be unique 2. Maximum series size cannot be more than 35 characters 3. If generate series options is checked then series definition must have Year or Month option selected 4. A series definition cannot be updated if it is used in production, except sequence number 5. If sequence number is updated system should check if it conflicts with production batches created with same series. 6. The series named Default will be system series and cannot be removed by the user 7. If a series is used in production it cannot be deleted 8. System will automatically create batch series when required.

Batch Entry
Batch Entry screen will allow user to create and edit batches.

1. Support for batch series 2. Ability to enter six types of batches a. Mix b. Fill c. Assembly d. Rework e. Repack f. Disassembly 3. Ability to work with a process cell (instead of routing). This will require changes in system setup (routing optional), addition of Labor to formula lines and changes in costing calculations. 4. Ability to specify SO#, Cust# in the batch 5. Ability to import an SO to the Batch 6. Ability to Calculate Sch Start date from Sch End date or vice versa from process cell capacity 7. Ability to calculate runs in a batch and manage Raw material issues and FG receipts by runs 8. Ability to release a batch to the shop floor + auto allocation of raw materials 9. Ability to change fill level of FG (need discussion) 10. Ability to pick FG not associated with the formula (need a setup option) and applicable only for Mix and Fill batches 11. Ability to warn user if there is a capacity over allocation 12. Ability to drill down to formula process cell capacity 13. Ability to drill down for respective formula and BOMs 14. Ability to jump to batch ticket and batch close 15. Ability to add containers to intermediates. This will allow tracking intermediate in their stock UOM but adding containers based on the intermediate unit. Container BOMs will be implemented to support the feature 16. Ability to support rounding off the BOM items to next integer (a switch in production setup is required). Or we can think of rounding per unit master screen. 17. Addition of Process cell instead of routing, System will calculate standard labor based on labor defined in formula (if any) and employee defined in process cells. The standard labor and machine cost will be calculated by calculating hours required by the batch and the number of employees and machines involved with in the process. This will allow to record labor transactions and downtime without routing! 18. Ability to allocate raw materials for the batch while releasing the batch 19. Proposed: Allocation of Batch against PO (PO-MO link). 20. Ability to allocate and create FG lot# while releasing the batch (need an option in FG setup)??

21. Proposed: Ability to allocate FG to SO (and parent batches) after receiving (MO-SO link). This way an allocation can be done automatically to sales order once FG is received from inventory! Also have a way to manually allocate Batch to SOs. 22. Proposed: Critical material notification at the time of creation of batch (only from batch entry). While adding a production against a sales order booking, system can suggest that materials are critical so that prompt action can be taken by production manager in communicating the same to purchasing. For example if batch needs to be started on 27/Nov and if there are no sufficient material including open purchase orders till 26/Nov system will flag the issue to the user and give him option to see the critical material report. 23.

Field Series Batch No Status

Description This will list all the series defined. The series defined for production will be defaulted here Unique alphanumeric number to identify a batch. Unless types in by the user, system will use series definition to create batch no System maintained value. Possible values are 1-Planned. The batch is planned by MPS/MRP engine. These batches cannot be

Batch Type

Formula Id & Revision No

edited by end user. Can only be edited via a planning work bench New. A new batch is created by end user. This batch can be edited by end user. 3-Firm. The batch is now in firm state. User cannot change key parameters like Formula, FG/ quantities, scheduled start and end dates for a batch with status Firm Released. The batch is released for production. Materials can be issued, allocated to it. Here user can change size of the batch if required and can add more finished goods to it. Hold. A batch has been put on hold for whatsoever reason. A hold batch cannot be edited unless it is status is changed to Released. An issued or allocated batch cannot be put on hold it can be cancelled Cancelled. The batch is cancelled. If batch is cancelled after materials are issues then materials and labor cost will be written off by the system (Still not clear how) 7-Completed. All finished goods have been entered by the system PartClosed. Some finished goods have been posted to the system, but batch is not fully closed Closed. Batch is closed. No further modifications are possible to the batch Options are Mix-Creation of formula + filling Fill-Filling of existing intermediates/bulk in FGs Assembly-A discrete assembling batch ReWork-Fixing some properties of finished goods by adding certain raw materials as required. In case of assembly it can be retooling of parts Repack-More like fill but existing FGs can be repacked in other FGs of different fill levels DisAssembly (If required can be taken later) - Dissembling of an Assembly batch. Mix batch: A valid formula with revision is required. Fill caption will change to intermediate and Revision no will change to Whse Others: Not applicable Note: In case of Mix batch if user does not specify a formula the field will be defaulted when user selects finished good Similarly for Fill batch Intermediate will be defaulted when user selects a finished good to fill. This is default production warehouse. Value will be defaulted from production setup Valid for Mix and Fill type of batches. User can pick sales order # for reference here. If sales order is picked customer will be automatically populated User can pick a customer if a sales order reference is not available Describes if this production order was created to fulfill a demand (sales order for e.g.) or individually created in anticipation of a demand (Make to stock).

Whse Process cell Sales Order Customer Demand Type


Req Date Sch Start Date Sch End Date No Of runs

Draw from Whse Post to Whse Show All FG

Select Items Finished Goods Grid

Order weight & Volume

Possible values are Dependent: If So is selected this will be enforced by the system Independent System maintained field specifies source of demand. Values are None Production Order (a parent production order) Sales Order (order created for a fulfilling a sales order) MPS MRP Specifies the required date, values are copied from parent document. For example in case of sales order delivery date is copied Date on which production is scheduled to start Date/time on which production is scheduled to end User entered or system calculated field that determines number of runs required to complete the batch. This is useful when operation is executed in batches. For example if process cell capacity is 1000 Ks, to process 9900 KGs 10 runs will be required by the system. If raw material needs to be drawn from a specific warehouse (whse different from prodn whse) the use this field. Drop ship warehouses are not applicable If finished goods need to posted to a different whse than their BOM whse then use this field If checked system will allow picking all finished goods irrespective of formula selected or intermediate selected. This check box is valid only for Mix and Fill batches. The visibility of the checkbox is governed by production setup. Note that this option is applicable only for Finished Good type of BOM. Intermediate and Assembly BOMs are unaffected from this setting This grid will be visible only if batch type is Repack. User can select one or more finished goods and intermediates to repack Enter what finished goods need to be produced. Following rules apply Batch Type Mix-All finished good type of BOM if Show All FG box is checked, else all Finished Good type of BOM applicable to a formula. All intermediate BOMs attached to given formula Fill: All finished good BOMs if show All FG box is checked, else all FG applicable to the intermediate (i.e. finished goods having same formula as intermediate are applicable) Assembly: only assembly type of FGs are allowed Rework: All types of BOMs (Finished good, intermediate and assembly are applicable here) Repack: Any finished good BOM. Disassembly: Any valid dis-assembly BOM System calculated field to show total weight of formula that needs to be produced in system units (KG and LT for example). Formula= Order weight=Sum of (Standard qty. of FG * fill level expressed in system wt unit) Order Volume=If Density override is non 0 then Order weight */ Den override Else Sum of (Standard qty. of FG * fill level expressed in system vol unit)

Batch Weight & Volume

System calculated field to show total weight of raw materials used in system units (KG and LT for example). Formula Batch Weight =Sum of (Standard qty. of RM expressed in system wt unit) Batch Volume= Sum of (Standard qty. of RM expressed in system vol unit)


Actions & operations

Add This operation will create and add a batch to the system, Default status of batch is New.

Operation Add

Description This operation will Add a batch to the system, Default status of batch is New. A batch with status new can be updated. If batch status is other than new then only editable fields are.. (need discussion) This will release the batch. A status release means that batch is ready to be started on production floor. Based on setting in setup system will also allocate raw materials for the batch Does allocation for the batch. This option will automatically select RM lots for the items based on the issue method defined in item details. This option will De-allocate previously allocated lots to a batch Temporarily holds or suspends the batch. No other operation can be performed (except release-hold) on the batch A batch can be cancelled. If status is New Released Allocated-System will automatically de-allocate material A batch cannot be cancelled if status is Issued Part Closed Closed This operation shows list of process cell and availability on the scheduling board. User can select a process cell and time. System will automatically



Allocation De-allocate Hold Cancel



update the batch with process cell, schedule start end dates and number of runs information after scheduling wizard is closed (design pending) This will delete the batch. Only Batches with status New can be deleted. For batches which have been released and allocated they need to be deallocated first before removal (or should system do it automatically?)

Figure 1: Process cell Scheduling

Import from SO
This will open a wizard that will first show a list of unfulfilled sales orders based on formula selected

When user selects one or more sales orders and presses choose button, a wizard will be shown to show all the finished goods applicable to given formula

On pressing finish system will club all the finished goods and copy them to batch entry

Business Validations 1. All field sizes must be according to the schema set for the table 2. Drop ship warehouses are not applicable anywhere in the Production system. So they should be filtered out in lookups

3. The Series will default to series set in production setup. The default value is Default which is a system series and cannot be deleted 4. If user types in BatchNo field then series will be ignored by the system 5. The default status of Batch is new. The field is read only 6. The default value of Batch type will come from production setup 7. If batch type is Mix then formula is mandatory. Lookup should show only active formulas, Revision is a read only field 8. Whse will be defaulted from production setup. It can be changed by the user. This warehouse will override warehouse defined in formula. All raw materials (unless a warehouse is specifically defined at line level in formula) will be pulled from that warehouse. System will throw an exception if raw material, bom items, and consumables are not defined on that warehouse 9. Process cell is not mandatory 10. Only Open or new sales orders can be selected, if sales order is selected than customer cannot be changed by the user, it should come from sales order 11. Customer can be picked only if Sales order is not selected 12. Demand type should be set to Dependent if sales order is selected and Demand source should be set to Sales order 13. Req date should be set to Sales order delivery date 14. Schedule start date cannot be less than end date. Schedule start date should be defaulted to server date 15. Draw from whse and posts to whse are optional fields. If specified formula raw materials should be drawn from Draw From Whse and FG whse should be defaulted to Post To Whse. System should check that RMs are defined in Draw from Whse and BOMs are developed for Post to Whse. 16. Select items grids is visible only when Batch Type is repack otherwise it should be in collapsed mode (or invisible mode) 17. Finished Goods entry grid should follow the rules defined in the field explanation above 18. Based on settings defined in Production setup system should create a Production QC record and copy finished good tests as required. If batch is made for a specific customer then customer specific tests should be copied. Formula QC tests should always be copied 19. If user used Draw form Sales order wizard then system should keep a record of FG allocations for each sales order. Same should be copied to BMM_FGALLOC table while creating the batch 20. System should calculate number of runs based on process cell capacity. For example if Batch Size is 10000 KGS and Process cell capacity is 1000 KG then system should calculate 10 runs. If for any reason user overrides runs then system should allow doing so. At the minimum there should be 1 run. 21. System should calculate qty that needs to be issued/ received per run and should store them while creating the batch 22. Order Weight a. Batch Type Mix & Fill: Sum of (Standard FG Quantity in stock UOM * Fill level converted in system weight unit) b. Other: not applicable

23. Order Volume a. Batch Type Mix: If density override is defined in formula then Density override * Order Weight. If density override is not defined then Sum of (standard FG Quantity in stock UOM * Fill level converted in system volume unit) b. Batch Type Fill: Sum of (FG Quantity in stock UOM * Fill level converted in system volume unit) c. Other: Not applicable 24. Batch Weight a. Batch Type Mix: Sum of (raw materials wt expressed in system wt UOM) b. Batch Type Fill: Weight of intermediate expressed in system wt unit c. Other: not applicable

Batch Ticket
This screen will be used to handle batch related activities once the batch comes on shop floor. Major functions of the screen are

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Ability to add more finished goods in the batch ticket and size batch if required Ability to add more raw materials in the ticket Ability to print batch ticket from the screen Ability to size the batch based on various parameters Ability to issue/return raw materials from Batch Ticket. Ability to track the operation based on run number Ability to allocate/de-allocate raw material from Batch Ticket Ability to Hold/Cancel a batch. Cancelling a batch should clear up WIP by firing appropriate transactions. Ability to drill to sales order if provided Ability to drill to Batch Entry and Batch Close Ability to show critical material report from the screen Ability to assign FG lot# from batch ticket Ability to track material issues to the batch vs. material used in the batch (Need to determine what constitutes the batch wt (matl issued or used?) Ability to support lot strength. Ability to support Bins if implemented Ability to auto issue raw materials (back flush based on logic) Ability to pick an alternate item on Batch Ticket. A menu alternate items will be available for all the items and that can be picked in batch ticket. (Need an option on production setup to allow alternate items) Ability for scrap management, both FG and RM scrap are supported. Ability to show a report of all issues / receipts from the batch. Ability to show consolidated or run wise

17. 18.

19. Proposed: Make production system S88 complaint. As of now we do not have any inbuilt feature to capture data from PLC or SCADA systems.

Field descriptions Field BatchNumber Description Displays the Batch Number in read only mode. In Find mode this field should get enabled to select a batch from Type Displays batch type in read-only mode Status Displays Status of the batch in read only mode Warehouse Displays the production warehouse in read-only mode Formula & Revision If Batch Type is Mix the caption of the fields are formula and revision If batch type is Fill then caption of fields will be intermediate code and Inter. Whse respectively. The fields are read-only Demand Type Read-only fields shows demand type SO# and Customer# Displays sales order# and Customer#. Can be edited by the user Required Date Displays required date of the batch Schedule start and End Displays schedule start and end dates date Actual Start and End Can be edited by the user, Actual start date will be entered by end user. End dates date if not specified by the user will be defaulted by the server by the system Last/Issue Alloc date Displays last date on which raw materials was allocated/issued. If user modifies this date and then allocates/issue material then this date will be used by the system. Batch ticket Printed This read only field shows if batch ticket has been printed Notes User entered notes Order Weight/Volume These read only fields shows order weight and volume in system units Batch weight/volume These read-only fields show total batch weight and volume in system units Produced Shows total finished goods produced actually. There can be less material weight/volume produced than order quantities due to exceptional losses. Formula: Produced Weight = Sum of (FG Qty posted in stock UOM * Fill level expressed in system units) Produced Volume = if Density override >0 then Produced Weight/Density override Else Sum of (FG Qty posted in stock uom * fill level expressed in system volume units) Total Weight/Volume Same logic as Batch weight/volume but qtyused in stockuom is taken instead used for calculation (Qtyused is a new column in production table. It will show actual difference between qty actually went into the batch vs. issued, since more can be issued due to spillage etc.) Total Weight /Volume Same logic as Batch weight/volume but qtyissued in stockuom is taken instead issued for calculation

Theoretical density Process cell

Density Override Description Current Run No of runs

This filed shows system calculated density (Total RM Weight/Total RM Volume) This field shows process cell. The process cell be changed by the user (question: What needs to be done if user changes process cell? Do we need to change process cell allocations table data?) Copied from formula. If other than 0 this field will be used to calculate order weight and volume. Not relevant for batch types other than Mix If this batch is Mix the field shows formula description Current run Read-only field showing runs

Formula Tab Field Select Line Type Item Description Whse Text Qty required and Qty required stockuom

Quantity columns in StockUOM are always read only and hidden be default Description Checkbox to select one or RM for issue/allocation Shows type of Item. Stores Item, Labor or Boilerplateid based on line type Displays Item name, labor desc. or first 80 chars of boiler plate depending on line type. This field cannot be edited If line type is material then shows whse of the item. This field is Read only. Line text. Shows a text line if line type is text Stores standard quantity per formula required in display and stock UOM respectively.

Act Quantity and ActualQty stock uom Qtyissued and QtyIssuedinstockuom QtyUsed and QtyUsed Stock uom

Stores actual quantity in display and stock UOM respectively Stores actual quantity issued in display and stock UOM Stores quantity actually went into the batch. By default this will be equal to qty issued. But user can edit it to a value less than qtyissued. The value cannot be negative and more than qty issued. This field will differentiate on material that actually went into the batch vs. material issued (to record extra spillages, losses, etc.) These fields store quantity returned from the batch. User cannot return more than issued. Quantity returned will be deducted from qtyissued.

QtyReturned and QtyReturedStockUOM

Finished Goods Grid Field Select FGCode Description Whse Standard Qty and Standard

Description Checkbox to allow various operations on one or more finished goods Finished good code Item description FG whse Quantity ordered during batch entry in display and stock uom respectively

Qty stockuom Actual Qty and ActualQty stockuom QtyProduced and QtyProduced stock uom Unit Status

Fill level Fill UOM SO# Customer BOM Grid Select FGCode FGLineNo Item Code Description Whse Qty required and qty required stockUOM Actual Qty and Actual Qty required StockUOM Quantity used Quantity scrapped

Quantity entered by the user to be posted. By default this is equal to standard qty. Actual quantity column will be set to 0 once user posts FG to inventory. This is equal to total quantity posted to the inventory. Total quantity posted can be more or less than standard quantity. Display UOM Status of the formula line. Valid statuses are New Released Part Closed Closed Fill level copied from BOM or specified at batch entry. This is read only field Fill UOM copied from BOM or specified at batch entry. This is read only field Sales order number specified at Batch Entry Customer specified at batch entry Checkbox to allow various operations on one or more BOM lines The finished good to which this bom line belongs to LineId of finished good. Read-only and not visible by default BOM item code Item description BOM item whse See descriptions of formula items

Defines how much raw material is scrapped vs. issued for Scrap qty for RM = issued-used Scrap for FG = Produced - ?? (need to be discussed)

Byproducts tab Fields Consumables tab Select Item Description Whse QtyRequired & QtyRequired Stock UOM Unit Status Cost tab Shows and allows to edit setup, fixed and variable cost information

Descriptions similar to FG tab Descriptions similar to formula items. Fields in consumables matrix are limited.

Size Batch
This operation can be called from batch ticket, various options are Vinay: There should be option to size order weight on all the options that are sizing by batch weight/RM quantities. For example, options that size the batch based on a limiting raw material have no option to size the FG.

1. Size by Batch Weight

This option scales all the raw materials. Based on the new batch weight and existing batch weight a conversion factor is calculated and applied to all the raw materials. This option does not affects order weight or FG or By product quantities New Multiplying factor = New Batch Weight/Old Batch Weight this factor should be multiplied 2. Size by Batch Volume

Logic similar to batch weight

3. Size by Finished goods ordered

this option sizes the order weight/volume based on changed quantity of finished goods or newly added finished goods (not shown in pic above). This option also sizes raw materials and byproducts accordingly. Per Vinay, ability to add FG should be on batch ticket on not on size batch 4. % Formula in process

this option takes the current order weight as 100% and allows user to enter a new % based on it. A value of 50% will reduce order weight by half where as a value of 200% will double order weight. Raw materials and byproducts will be sized accordingly

5. Premix Quantity

6. Quantity of Available material

this will display all the raw materials with availability (on hand-commitments) of each raw material. System will automatically picks the limiting material and sizes the batch weight and volume accordingly.

7. Availability of one material

this option is similar to Availability of one material, however it allows user to select a material and based on available quantity of that material system sizes the whole batch. Batch weight is sized but order weight is not sized with this option 8. Size by Physical properties

Sizes the batch by adjusting a single physical property. Based on target physical property a factor is calculated and will be applied to all the raw materials. This will size the batch weight and Volume. Order weight will not be affected by this option

View critical items

This option shows a report about critical items in the batch.

This option allocates all the/selected raw materials, BOM items and consumables for the batch. This screen allows manual allocation for the batch. Based on options in production setup batches can be auto allocated on Release. Allocation will follow following rules 1. Lot issue method for raw materials. For example if RM needs to be issued by FEFO the nearest expiring raw material lot will be issued first. System will consider existing allocation of lots 2. If single lot option is selected then system will try to select a single lot 3. If bins are implemented default bin will be given preference after lot issue method

This option de-allocates all the/selected raw materials, BOM Items and consumables for the batch. This screen shows manual de-allocation for the batch. System will automatically de-allocate a batch in certain conditions say Cancelling a batch

Material Issue
This option issues the material. If material is already allocated then the screen will show materials allocated else system will default material picking as documented in allocation section

Temporarily sets a batch on hold. Only a batch with status Released can be put on hold. Once a batch is Issued/Allocated material it cannot be put on hold, unless user manually de-allocates/returns material for the batch. No operations can be done on a batch that is on hold.

Release Hold
Resets hold status of the batch

Labor transactions
This operation will take to labor/employee transaction screen.

In the screen Labor can be entered run wise if required. User has also options to record down times, if any. This will help in creating efficiency reports

Receive Finished Goods

Run number not shown in the screen but is included two options: User production receipt screen for part close function. I prefer first option Using this screen as assignment of FG lots and then use part close button on the batch. In this case most of the header fields are not required and can be removed (as this will become an ancillary screen that cannot be opened directly).

Proposed: A programming event in system where lot numbering can be customized to suit end user needs. This will give full flexibility without having to embed complex rules in the system to suit such needs.

Goto Batch Close

This operation will take user to batch close screen

Batch Close
This screen allows to close / part close a batch. This screen has following features

1. Ability to close individual runs. Closing an individual run will automatically suggest materials quantity of materials to issue 2. Proposed: A Batch run management wizard 3. Part close with automatic sizing (option in production setup) 4. Batch Reversals 5. Ability to close runs 6. Ability to restrict closing of batch if yield does not falls in limit specified in production setup 7. Proposed: Ability to do one shot close i.e. opening a wizard that asks user various options to close a batch a. If RM is not issued then system will automatically propose all RMs, the user has to click next in wizard b. System will automatically assign and pre generate FG lot and the user has to click next c. System will show all important batch parameters like standard and actual order weight, cost of the batch and unit cost of finished goods etc. Once user clicks confirm system will fire the actual transactions and close the batch. 8. Ability to enforce or ignore production QC for closing a batch (production setup option) 9. Ability to calculate expiry date of FG based on default expiry days given in item details or based on nearest expiring ingredient(food vertical) 10. Ability to drill down to all respective masters 11. Ability to generate FG labels and QC labels while receiving FGs 12. Ability to see critical material report from the screen 13. Ability to see what material has been issued to the batch. In contrast to current offering there is no way to see all the issues to a batch (except the last allocation and the reports) 14. Ability to back flush labor cost (need a setup option in Production, as of now two options are proposed a. Labor entry, system can record employee start time and end time (batch wise or run wise). This information cannot be back-flushed b. Based on labor specified in formula line (now a labor line can be added in formula lines) this information can be back flushed (similar to what we are doing as of now) 15. Although not related to production, logic will be added to sales delivery to support shelf life. Any expiry days less than supported shelf life of the product, those products will be disallowed from delivery. (An option is required in item detail screen to warn or disallow the transaction). This will be done only in case of bin enabled companies. 16. Support for FG locking and release by QC (with help of bin management and inventory types)

Super Batch Entry

This screen will be used to create interconnected batches of final produce as well as its intermediates. The main features of the screen are 1. Supports batch series

2. Automatically allocate raw materials for all batches when the super batch is released. Intermediates will be allocated to the top batch when a sub batch is closed. 3. Ability to enter Batches that would automatically create sub batches 4. Ability to fill sub batches from inventory 5. Supported batches will be Mix, Fill and Assembly (other batch types will not be supported) 6. Ability to create sub batches with runs! 7. Ability to create actual batches instead of a run (current batch with runs function). 8. Ability to create Mix or Fill sub batches for a top level assembly batch 9. Ability to copy a Sales order to the super batch (via a draw sales order wizard) 10. Ability to show exploded batch view directly from the screen 11. Ability to auto allocate FG/intermediate receipts from sub batch to parent batch during a part/full close 12. Option in material issue/allocate screen to issue allocate for a super batch 13. Ability to specify time difference between a child and its parent batch (as of now it is 1 hour). Need an option in production setup 14. Ability to generate material issue notes to warehouse (excluding requirements of intermediates that are produced on the floor) 15. Ability to auto-allocate produced intermediates to high level batches. 16. Ability to release super batch. This will release all batches in super batch 17. Ability to drill to all respective masters and to individual batches from super batch. GOTO menu to go to super batch explosion and super batch close

Super Batch Close

This screen will show all the batches related to super batch, and allow them to close in one shot. Features of the screen are 1. Ability to close whole super batch starting from highest level sub batch to the top parent batches. This will also have option to automatically allocate lots of raw materials to intermediate batches and as well allocate created intermediates to higher level batches. 2. Ability to print batch tickets of one more or all batches from the screen 3. Ability to see critical item report (this excludes intermediates) from the screen 4. Ability to jump to formulas, BOMs and individual batch tickets from the screen 5. Trial super batch close 6. Ability to create lots for finished goods/byproducts from the screen. Although having an option will automatically create them without showing the grid to the customer. 7. Ability to print FG labels/Qc labels from the screen. 8. Ability to allocate FGs to SO (MO-SO link) 9.

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