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paul university-philippines
Tuguegaro city

SUBMITTED BY: EDMAR C. SANTOS Msn Student- Cabanatuan City


EXPLANATION This is the capacity for selfdetermination.

2. beneficence and nonmaleficence

Beneficence-do good and avoid evil non-maleficence- do no harm it is oftenly considered to be a corollary to the principle of beneficence. In this respect, it shares the same characteristics of beneficence and is considered as a middle principle. Considered in its own right, nonmaleficence is sometimes interpreted to imply that if one cannot do good without also causing harm, then one should not act at all (in that particular circumstance). The moral obligation to act on the basis of fair adjudication between competing claims. As such, it is linked to fairness, entitlement and equality.

POSSIBLE SITUATION In the practice of health care, the patient will undergo operation. As palliative treatment of his condition. Never deliberately kill innocent human life. (which, in the medical context, must be distinguished from foregoing disprop ortionate means)

ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN Autonomy is exercised through the process of obtaining infor med consent.

VALUES Autonomy acknowledges right for choices of a person and respect individual.

Use wisdom and prudence in all things; that is, appreciate the complexity of life and make sound judgments for the good of oneself, others, and the common good.

There must be respect in all things in the world.

3. Justice

The right to be treated equally, and in some cases equal access to treatment, can be found in many constitutions, but in actual practice, a number of different factors may influence actual access to treatment e.g. age, place of residence, social status, ethnic background, culture, sexual preferences, disability, legal

In decisions regarding the allocation of resources, such as rationing de cisions, the duty of society is not diminished because of the persons status or nature of illness. Everyone is entitled to equal access to basic care necessary for living in a human way. Triage must

Equality in all aspect must be given priority to provide a fair judgment and improve society.

capacity, hospital budgets, insurance cover and prognosis.

4. Well-formed conscience

It is an aptitude, faculty, i ntuition or judgment of the intellect that distinguishes right from wrong.

Sexual exploitation

5. Moral discrimination

6. Double effect

Suggests that being morally discriminating is a way of life that we must adopt and utilize in all aspects of our lives as a commitment to God and to the dignity of other human beings. An action that is good in itself that has two effects--an intended and otherwise not reasonably attainable good effect, and an unintended yet foreseen evil effect-is licit, provided there is a due proportion between the intended good and the permitted evil.

Rejection, restriction or exclusion of a person or a group of persons. They range from the crudest violations of human rights, This exist in the case of pregnancy and abortion

presume an essential equality of persons. In other words, allocation decisions should not be based upon judgments of the quality of persons. Benefi ts and burdens should also be distributed in a just manner. Conscience is a voice of god in the heart. If you have this you will be able to do right thing and distinguished your mistake. Give attention, provide freedom and let them live for who want to be they are.

Allowing god to come within you. And you will have the desire to embrace goodness and truth. Do not judge. Accept and give equal opportunity.

A doctor who believes abortion is always morally wrong may still remove the uterus or fallopian tubes of a pregnant woman, knowing the procedure will cause the death of the embryo orfe tus, in cases in which the woman is certain to die without the procedure

Sometimes we had to let go someone or something to be able to save another one. Dont expect for good to come out all the time because every action we do theres always a consequence that we had to face off.

7. Legitimate cooperation

Portrays the Principle of the Double Effect in a scenario in which more than one person participates in the actions being evaluated.

Crime casualty

8. Professional communicatio n

9. Human dignity in community

10. Common good, sudsidiarity and functionality

Puts forth the need for trust, informed contact, clear articulation, and continuous update and feedback when it comes to moral issues. Puts forth the need for trust, informed contact, clear articulation, and continuous update and feedback when it comes to moral issues. The common good consists of all the conditions of society and the goods secured by those conditions, which

Making letter


(examples cited include aggressive uteri ne cancer ande ctopic pregnancy). In these cases, the intended effect is to save the woman's life, not to terminate the pregnancy, and the effect of not performing the procedure would result in the greater evil of the death of both the mother and the fetus. To be effective in lowering crime and creating secure communities, the police must be able to elicit cooperation from community residents. The format of the document must make easily understand and navigate.

Cooperation and being active community member.

Human life issues

Equity must prevail all the time in every aspect of life.

Practicing both written and oral communication will lead to increased confidence and more effective writing. Fair judgment and decision making must vested by the rights of human to live.

Enjoy the benefits of clean air or an unpolluted environment, or any of our

The community should clean up waste and dispose properly. And love for nature.

We should have concern in our society as a part of the community. Establishing

allow individuals to achieve human and spiritual flourishing.

society's other common goods.

11. Totality integrity


12. Growth through suffering

13. Personalized sexuality

14. Stewardship and creativity

Totality directs that anatomical completeness must not be sacrificed without proportional justification. Integrity focuses on maintaining basic human capacities and provides a hierarchical ordering of higher functions over lower functions for use in decision making. makes implied references to the Christian theological concept of "already but not yet," points us in the direction of a life beyond this, yet makes clear the need to endure and make as perfect as possible the road to that next life, a road that will indeed be laden with potholes and detours. makes implied references to the Christian theological concept of "already but not yet," points us in the direction of a life beyond this, yet makes clear the need to endure and make as perfect as possible the road to that next life, a road that will indeed be laden with potholes and detours. Requires us to appreciate the two great gifts that a wise and loving God has given: the earth, with all its natural

Organ transplant

This must be performed if the patient id uncertainty death to be able to regain body functions.

and maintaining the common good require the cooperative efforts of some, often of many, people. There should be respect in the god given gift of life and body. We must preserve it to maintain good body and mind conditioning.


It assumes that death is better than living with suffering, again ignoring the value that suffering can have for human life even at the end of life.

God must be the center of inspiration his suffering to save us all human being.


In catholic teaching, human sexuality must be use in marriage in keeping with its intrinsic, indivisible, specifically human teology.

Respect to god given gift of personality.

Our planet is constantly getting hotter the direct result of Global Warming; this is not in tandem

Educating others on the principle of nurturing this beautiful world gives back to

Love for god creation, preserving and maintaining it spectacular beauty is a way

resources, and our own human nature, with its biological, psychological, social and spiritual capacities.

with God's plan for us. In many cases some in our society have placed selfish personal agendas ahead of what is right for the planet.

all of us and ensures the success of clean water and air for our children's children.

of giving back for this goodness to us his creation.

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