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Using Computer Simulations to Facilitate Conceptual Change in High School Students Sonia E. Milbradt, 92234129 University of British Columbia January 19, 2013


Abstract This research paper investigates how computer simulations can be used to present subject matter that has traditionally been hard to visualize. In particular, it addresses the ability of this technology to facilitate conceptual understanding in high school students. Anecdotes from practicing high school physics teachers were gathered via a voluntary online survey in order to gain practical knowledge about their use of computer simulations in the classroom. The most common simulations are the Physics Education Technology Project simulations coming from the University of Colorado at Boulder (PhET, 2011), and this was the focus of the survey. From the literature review and resulting survey responses, it was found that simulations can be a useful in order to enable students to experience conceptual change particularly for concepts that may be difficult to visualize. The findings presented in this paper suggest that thoughtful implementation of PhET is advantageous for the growth and development of high school physics students conceptual knowledge. Considerations, such as the need to scaffold concepts, are also discussed. Keywords: conceptual change, computer simulations, PhET, constructivism


Using Computer Simulations to Facilitate Conceptual Change in High School Students With the rise in the use of computer technology over the past few decades, it is increasingly important to consider the most effective application of this technology in the classroom to engage students in the study of science (Zietsman & Hewson, 1986; Geban, Askar, & zkan, 1992). In particular, the availability of computer simulations to demonstrate scientific concepts has led to their increased use in science classrooms (Rutten et al., 2012). In this paper, I investigate how students engage with these simulations to learn about physics. The focus is on how simulations are effectively used in high school settings and how they can be used to enhance traditional instruction. In particular, I focus on how simulations can be used to present subject matter which has been traditionally hard to visualize in order to facilitate conceptual understanding in high school students. My goal with this research is to consider concrete suggestions of how to best implement simulations in a high school physics classroom. According to de Jong and van Joolingan (1998), a computer simulation is defined as a program that contains a model of a system (natural or artificial; e.g., equipment) or a process (p.180). Computer simulations allow students to investigate phenomena which are difficult to experience in a classroom or lab setting because it is extremely complex, technically difficult or dangerous, money-consuming or time-consuming, or happen too fast (Jimoyiannis & Komis, 2001). Thus, the use of these simulations provides teachers with an opportunity to present students with a unique learning environment. One question that this paper focuses on is how the illustrative power of simulations can be utilised for topics such as electricity and magnetism to help students with conceptual change


transforming their understanding of concepts in terms of content as well as the concepts organization. I believe that teachers need to make evidence-based decisions in their classrooms. How best to use this technology will be a big question moving forward in the modern classroom. It is important to teach effectively so that students are engaged, motivated in their learning, and gain conceptual understanding. I have a concern that some technologies are being used for the sake of using new technology - not because of their effect on learning outcomes. This research will help inform how secondary teachers can use simulations in the classroom to benefit the students and their understanding and intuition of physical phenomenon. Looking at what is currently accessible online, there are many simulation tools available for learning physics concepts. One of the most popular resource websites for this is the Physics Education Technology Project simulations developed by the University of Colorado at Boulder (PhET, 2011; Weiman et al., 2008). I have seen firsthand how simulations can be particularly beneficial for concepts which are difficult to visualize with traditional methods, having used similar tools when I was first learning physics in high school. Positioning of the Researcher I am writing on this topic as a prospective secondary physics teacher. I have had limited time in high school classrooms since I graduated; however, I had the opportunity to be a teaching assistant (TA) for three lab-based courses throughout my master's degree. This allows me to recognize strengths and weaknesses in traditional laboratory settings. Based on my experience as a TA, I feel this gives me a unique opportunity to compare and contrast the use of simulations to teach concepts versus the use of traditional labs. In particular, my experiences prompted me to wonder if PhET simulations are more effective for helping students undergo conceptual changes,


in which their interpretation of phenomenon becomes more in line with that of the scientific community, than the traditional laboratories I have observed. Theoretical Framework I will be approaching this topic from the theoretical framework of constructivism, in which a students understanding of a concept is subject to progressive knowledge construction (zdemir & Clark, 2007). Students construct their knowledge through individual and social experiences. From this framework, the activities and experiences in the classroom are very important in how students will develop their conceptions. Every individual learner has a unique way in which knowledge grows and is configured. In my interpretation of this point of view, effectiveness is defined as producing a learning environment in which as many students as possible evolve their knowledge and undergo conceptual change such that their prior conceptions can be adjusted in order to align with that of the scientific community. Literature Review There may be many reasons why a teacher would want to incorporate simulations in their high school classrooms. These reasons include: the saving of time, allowing them to devote more time to the students, instead of to the set-up and supervision of experimental equipment; the ease with which experimental variables can be manipulated, allowing for stating and testing hypotheses; and provision of ways to support understanding with varying representations, such as diagrams and graphs. (Rutten et al., 2012, p. 136)


This list emphasizes that simulations provide powerful modelling environments which may not be possible to experience in a traditional classroom because of time, expense, supervision, safety, repeatability, and situations that cant traditionally be recreated in the classroom. While all of these reasons are valid considerations, the focus of this paper is on conceptual change. A number of studies have suggested that the use of online simulations can enhance traditional instruction by facilitating students understand of physical concepts. For example, Jimoyiannis and Komis (2001) investigated computer simulations as a type of teacher intervention aimed to help students' alternative conceptions transform (p. 183) for concepts related to kinematics. They found that students who took part in the experimental group with computer simulations exhibited significantly higher scores on a conceptual understanding test than the control group. This suggests that computer simulations can be used complementary or alternative to other instructional tools in order to facilitate students' understanding of velocity and acceleration (p.201). Zacharia (2007) found a comparable result when it comes to enhancing students conceptual understanding of circuits. Conceptual tests were used to test an experimental group that was exposed to both traditional labs and simulations and a control group that was only exposed to traditional labs. They found that the use of VE [Virtual Experimentation] implemented through simulations can enhance physics learning when properly integrated within a substantial physics curriculum emphasizing the evolution of conceptual understanding (p. 129), as the students who used simulations performed much better. From this result, it can be inferred that the combination of real and simulated labs can support student learning.


In a similar study, Finkelstein et al. (2005) investigated the effects of using a computer simulation to carry out a DC circuits lab substituting simulation for traditional lab. They found that students who used computer simulations in lieu of real equipment performed better on conceptual questions related to simple circuits, and developed a greater facility at manipulating real components (p. 010103-7). One caveat to this finding is that the simulations should not be implemented simply due to cost consideration they must be properly designed and applied in the appropriate contexts (p. 010103-7). It may be that the concepts involved in a unit on circuits are well suited to simulation over hands-on labs where the realistic limitations of the equipment may be detrimental to effective learning. This concern for applying the simulations in an appropriate context is echoed by de Jong and van Joolingan (1998). They suggest that studies in which simulations did not positively affect the learning outcomes may have been due to lack of instructional support. When learning with computer simulations, students can have difficulties in regulating learning. Adams et al. (2008) found that in the use of PhET simulation minimal but nonzero guidance with many of these simulations promotes optimum engaged exploration and learning (p. 1). Through extensive interviews they established that if the simulation is too complicated or too intimidating, students do not spontaneously explore the simulation. The driving questions [open, conceptual questions] provide some direction so that students explore the aspects of the simulation that weve asked them about - sometimes spontaneously and other times after we repeat the questions. A significant advantage of these driving questions is that, for some simulations, the students explore more deeply than they do with [no guidance]. (p. 3)


Support from teachers may be necessary to provide sufficient prior knowledge or scaffolding throughout the activity so that students can learn from the simulations (de Jong & van Joolingan, 1998). Podolefsky et al. (2010) also found that fostering engaged exploration depends on building implicit scaffolding into education materials (p. 020117-10). In implementing this idea in a classroom this means that while the learning is student centered, teachers must be active in supporting and assisting the students in the use of simulations. Rutten et al. (2012) suggest that by placing emphasis on the learner as an active agent computer simulations can support authentic inquiry practices (p. 136). These authentic inquiry practices can provide an environment for conceptual change (Windschitl & Andre, 1998). They show that a contradictory simulation experience could be more effective in altering learners misconceptions than a confirmatory simulation experience (p. 158). This supports the conclusion that students will learn concepts better if they do it themselves, rather than being shown. Windschitl & Andre (1998) also point out that simulations are particularly adept at representing complex processes (p. 148) which gives this tool an advantage when presenting a complex process or hard-to-visualize concept. Perkins et al. (2006) discuss the construction of PhET, and emphasize that sims are specifically designed to support students in constructing a robust conceptual understanding of the physics through exploration (p. 18). The fact that the construction of the simulations includes consideration of conceptual understanding suggests that PhET has an advantage over other computer simulations when it comes to their effective use in the classroom. This is because the research based designs of these simulations are specifically planned and designed to help students undergo conceptual change. Other computer simulations often do not reflect this consideration.


Research Methodology The participant population was a subset of high school physics teachers who use computer simulations in some capacity in their classrooms. These teachers, who have experience with PhET or other computer simulations, were interviewed using a survey developed online through Survey Monkey. The participants were self-selected those who participated voluntarily chose to contribute their experiences when asked via the British Columbia Association of Physics Teachers (BCAPT) mailing list. The survey did not track the identity of the respondents so that all responses were kept completely anonymous. Examples of questions asked include: In what ways have you used PhET/other computer simulations ( in the high school classroom in the past? (pre-lab, homework, demonstration, instead of traditional lab, in addition to traditional lab, etc.) What do you feel were some benefits of using PhET/other computer simulations? What were some troubles/concerns you found when using PhET/other computer simulations? Did you find that PhET/computer simulations were helpful in changing students prior conceptions (or potential "misconceptions")? In what ways did it help? Which topics did you find PhET/other computer simulations were most effective for changing students' "misconceptions"? (electricty, kinematics, vectors, magnetism, etc.)



In this way, I was able to gain further insight and perspective on the effectiveness of this technology. Thus, the research is mainly qualitative, motivated by findings from the literature review. Results Fourteen practicing teachers responded to the survey questions. All had used PhET in a variety of ways. The most common responses to the question In what ways have you used PhET/other computer simulations in the high school classroom in the past? were pre-lab activities, homework, instead of traditional labs, in addition to traditional labs, demonstrations, and as introduction to new concepts. This illustrates the versatility of the simulations. When asked for their own opinions on the benefits of computer simulations, many of the respondents answers were aligned with the literature. This included considerations such as cost and time. Many also commented on the visual nature of the simulations being very beneficial to students. The following are examples of responses that focus on this idea: Highly visual and engaging. You can change variables and show the effect of those changes. It makes things very visual for most students. Underlying this idea of visualizing is the implication that [p]roceeding through a simulation can gradually lead learners to infer the features of the simulations conceptual model, which may lead to changes in the learners original concepts (Rutten et al., 2012). This interaction with the visual nature was addressed in responses such as:



Some students like/enjoy the fact that they can 'see' what is happening, and can see what happens with their adjustments immediately as they do them.

The animation makes it easier to see the effect of varying parameters.

These ideas tie into the theoretical framework of constructivism. By providing an avenue for students to experiment with parameters, students are given opportunities to construct their knowledge and challenge their prior conceptions. Another comment that stood out for me was: It always WORKS!! Circuit labs are notorious for not working correctlyand the kids don't always know what they are looking at. The implication I draw from this is that simulations may be useful if the goal is to have students focus on understanding the underlying model without extraneous information due to the imperfect conditions in the real world. The results of Finkelstein et al. (2005) further indicate to me that PhET simulations may be particularly valuable because of their clear and uncluttered nature. For circuit labs in particular, students may be confused by the lack of 'ideal' components or behaviour which makes conceptual understanding challenging. With PhET, there is no confusion over whether a light bulb is on or not. From my experience with first-year labs, the colour and length of wires can also be a complicating factor that is eliminated by using a simulation. When considering which topics these simulations are most effective for changing students conceptions, the responses were varied. One respondent stated that PhET is excellent for concepts that cannot be perceived by the senses. Another teacher elaborated to state I use them [PhET simulations] particularly for abstract concepts like electromagnetism, electrostatics This idea was echoed in the fact that the majority of practicing teachers felt that



PhET was effective for conceptual change in the topics of electricity, circuits, and magnetism. The general trend of responses seemed to point to PhET and other computer simulations as being particularly effective for conceptual understanding when it comes to hard-to-visualize concepts. While the responses suggest that the practicing teachers who use simulations in their classrooms feel that PhET can be used effectively in bringing about conceptual change, there was no single clear use of this technology that stood out. The literature on the subject is also quite varied. Thus, my investigation was inconclusive in finding the most effective application of simulations in the high school classroom. This suggests to me that there is no one way in which to use PhET that is more effective than another. One teacher commented that The teacher needs to 'experiment' on ways that will best fit the students. Thus, the context of the class must be taken into account. The practicing teachers also provided suggestions from their own experiences on how to use and support the PhET in order for it to be most effective in helping students undergo conceptual change. Many recommended discussing terminology and demonstrating some aspects of the simulation prior to their use by students. One teacher clearly summarized this idea by stating that the steps required to support their students included: Class discussions on the topic involving the simulation'run' the experiment as a demo before asking them to do it on their own. Another response stressed that without a bit of preamble, some of the controls can be overwhelming. I conclude from this that in my future classroom, and for practicing teachers who use PhET, it is very important to go over the simulation capabilities before students use them to ensure that they are not wasting time and becoming confused over the use of the controls. If students are adequately prepared, the focus of the exploration with the simulations will then be on the concepts represented.



In addition, another consideration is the level of support a student will require as they use the simulation. Many of the respondents suggested that a worksheet is useful in guiding their students. This can be in the form of a lab or as a homework activity. Another teacher emphasized that it is possible for students to ignore the education side of some simulations and just play, so the teacher has to reinforce objectives. A number of teachers proposed that this must be balanced with the need to allow students [to] enjoy the freedom to explore. This balance between guidance and freedom was also presented as a concern in the literature (Adams et al., 2008). Based on the responses of practicing teachers, it seems to me that a teacher must have an understanding of the capabilities of their own class and this will aid in the decision of determining how much scaffolding is necessary. Thus, from the perspective of practicing teachers who have experience with PhET, students should not be left completely unguided with simulations. They must be supported through initial understanding of terminology and use of the simulation controls, and provided with resources and guidance when the simulation is in use. This is well summarized by the statement of one teacher: Simulations, like any other tool that can be used in the classroom, must be used with great planning in order to maximize its use. Practical concerns are also necessary to consider in the real-life environment of the classroom. For example, it was pointed out that some simulations may have bugs that have not been addressed by the PhET team. This makes it very important to prepare by investigating each simulation before assigning any work involving that simulation to the students. As well, the use of PhET is contingent on the accessibility of computers and the ability to connect to the website (either during class time or before instruction in order to download the simulations in advance).



These are logistical considerations that a teacher must take into account before choosing to use PhET in their classroom. Implications for Teachers and Conclusions Both the literature and responses from practicing teachers suggest that simulations, in particular PhET, are very effective for students conceptual change for hard-to-visualize concepts. This effectiveness is not automatic, and thoughtful scaffolding must be in place to support students learning using this technology. This suggests that high school students conceptual understanding of topics will benefit from the well-planned-out implementation of computer simulations. In particular, high school physics teachers should consider using PhET simulations for topics involving electricity and magnetism. Teachers must consider that some guidance is recommended to scaffold students prior conceptions to scientific conceptualizations of physical phenomena. Although some support is necessary, a benefit to using simulations is that there is freedom for students to explore and challenge their own conceptual understanding. The structure of simulations provides a learning environment in which student autonomy and student-centered learning can be implemented. This balance of exploration and guidance is at the teachers discretion and is based on the abilities of the students in their class. The use of simulations in the classroom was varied, and none showed an advantage over the others. This speaks to the wide range of opportunities a teacher can consider for the implementation of simulations. Many different implementations can be equally effective if they properly balance the need for student freedom to explore and the need for supportive scaffolding.



Future action research on my part as I go into the classroom will help shed light on this concept further. As technology plays a larger role in schools, it is clear that careful consideration of each new educational tool is necessary to make informed decisions about their inclusion in the classroom. It is very important that each teacher reflect on how new tools may be implemented in their own classroom. In this way, the students may benefit from computer simulations as an effective tool to create a learning environment which facilitates their own conceptual growth.



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