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The Spanimax Full-Body Dumbbell Workout

The Spanimax Full-Body Dumbbell Workout is designed to cover all major muscles of the body in one training session. It should be done every other day either at the gym or at home. It's ideal for home training since the only equipment you need is a flat training bench and 2-3 sets of dumbbells of different weights. IMPORTANT: Remember to warm up a bit by doing calisthenic exercises before you start hitting the dumbbells. Try the following routine: - Jumping jacks: Performed by jumping to a position with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead and then returning to a position with the feet together and the arms at the sides. Do this for a couple of minutes. - Push-ups: Performed face down on the floor, palms against floor under the shoulders, toes curled upwards against the floor. The arms are used to lift the body while maintaining a straight line from head to heel. The arms of the subject should go from fully extended in the high position to nearly fully flexed in the low position, while the subject makes sure to avoid resting on the floor. Resting is only done in the high position of the exercise. Chest, shoulders, and triceps are trained with this exercise. Do one set to failure. - Lunges: Performed by bringing one leg forward and almost kneeling on the back leg. Once the front leg creates a perfect 90 degree angle you stand up and alternate legs. Keeping your back straight and chest out is important for proper form. Do one set for each leg to failure, but the same amount of reps for each leg.

Full-Body Dumbbell and Bench Workout

While executing this workout, it is my advise that you do the light set 1 on every exercise of the program first, instead of 2-3 sets after each other for the same exercise. In this way you don't need to rest much between sets, thus keeping your heart pumping nicely throughout the whole session. Do the same with the second set. Dumbbell Squats A great overall exercise for the lower body. This version uses dumbbells instead of a barbell. Beginners may find this version easier to perform.
Lightweight set 15-20 reps Medium-weight set 10-12 reps Optional heavy set 6-8 reps

Seated One Leg Calf Raise This version of a calf raise allows you to exercise each leg individually.
Lightweight set 20-25 reps Medium-weight set 15-20 reps Optional heavy set 10-15 reps

Dumbbell Flys The dumbbell fly targets your pectorals with far more focus than the standard dumbbell bench press. You're keeping your arms relatively straight throughout the
Lightweight set 15-20 reps Medium-weight set 10-12 reps

Dumbbell Bench Press The dumbbell bench press is a great alternative to the standard bench press. You can do the dumbbell bench press without relying on a spotter.
Lightweight set 15-20 reps Medium-weight set 10-12 reps Optional heavy set 6-8 reps

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Rear Deltoid Row Rear Deltoid Rows are a simple, yet effective exercise for targeting your lats and rear deltoids.
Lightweight set 15-20 reps Medium-weight set 10-12 reps Optional heavy set 6-8 reps

Arnold Press The Arnold Press is a variation of a standard military press that allows it to also target the rotator cuffs. It targets both your front and side deltoids.
Lightweight set 15-20 reps Medium-weight set 10-12 reps Optional heavy set 6-8 reps

One Arm Tricep Extensions This exercise uses a dumbbell to work each arm individually.
Lightweight set 15-20 reps Medium-weight set 10-12 reps Optional heavy set 6-8 reps

Seated Bicep Curl This exercise is a seated biceps curl using dumbbells.
Lightweight set 15-20 reps Medium-weight set 10-12 reps Optional heavy set 6-8 reps

Leg Raises Leg raises work your lower abs which are usually hard muscles to target.
1 set 15-20 reps 1 set 15-20 reps

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Full-Body Dumbbell and Bench Workout

Date: Exercise Name Dumbbell Squats
Lightweight set 20-25 reps Medium-weight set 15-20 reps Optional heavy set 10-15 reps

Set 1
Lightweight set 15-20 reps

Set 2
Medium-weight set 10-12 reps

Set 3
Optional heavy set 6-8 reps

Seated One Leg Calf Raise

Lightweight set 15-20 reps Medium-weight set 10-12 reps

Dumbbell Flys
Lightweight set 15-20 reps Medium-weight set 10-12 reps Optional heavy set 6-8 reps

Dumbbell Bench Press

Lightweight set 15-20 reps Medium-weight set 10-12 reps Optional heavy set 6-8 reps

Rear Deltoid Row

Lightweight set 15-20 reps Medium-weight set 10-12 reps Optional heavy set 6-8 reps

Arnold Press
Lightweight set 15-20 reps Medium-weight set 10-12 reps Optional heavy set 6-8 reps

One Arm Tricep Extensions

Lightweight set 15-20 reps Medium-weight set 10-12 reps Optional heavy set 6-8 reps

Seated Bicep Curl

1 set 15-20 reps 1 set 15-20 reps

Leg Raises

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Arnold Press

1. Sit on a flat bench, feet pointed forward and abs tight. Using an underhanded grip, grasp a dumbbell in each hand with elbows bent and palms facing in slightly below shoulder level. Using a steady controlled motion, raise the dumbbells while rotating your shoulders and turning your thumbs in to face each other. 2. Using a controlled motion, lower the dumbbells in the reverse manner to the starting position.

Avoid the Arnold Press if you are experiencing shoulder pain. Beginners should try this exercise with light weight to master the correct form. For most people, the rotator cuffs are underused. Keeping the weights light as you master the Arnold Press will help avoid injury.

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Dumbbell Bench Press

1. Pick up your dumbbells and hold them at your sides. Then sit on the edge of your flat bench. Sit back as you use your thighs to lush the weights up to their starting position. 2. Start with your arms holding dumbbells about an inch higher than your chest. The dumbbells should be in line with the middle of your chest so that your arms are comfortably out to the sides. 3. Slowly push the dumbbells up. Focus on using your chest and triceps to push most of the weight. Stop when your arms are straight and the dumbbells are directly above your chest. Don't clank the dumbbells together or spin them around when you get to the top. 4. Next, slowly lower the dumbbells. Don't let gravity do the work. You should be resisting gravity all the way down. The rep ends when the dumbbells are back to 1 inch above your chest.

Breathe comfortably and deeply. Especially while you're pushing the dumbbells up.

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Dumbbell Flys

1. Lie on a flat bench with your arms out to your sides. Your elbows should be pointing down to the ground and your palms up to the ceiling. You should hold the dumbbells at roughly the height of your shoulders. 2. Focus on using your chest to bring your arms up until the dumbbells are directly above your chest. Your biceps and triceps should just be stabilizing your arms. You shouldn't be using them for any of the lifting. 3. In the top position your elbows should be facing outwards and your palms facing inwards towards each other. 4. Hold the dumbbells briefly at the top then slowly lower them. Again, focus on using your chest to control the downwards motion.

This is a very focused and targeted exercise. Concentrate on using your chest to drive the majority of the dumbbell fly. As usual, remember to breathe comfortably. Don't hold your breath.

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Dumbbell Squats

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart with your knees and toes pointed slightly outward. Drawing your abs in descend slowly by bending at the knees and hips as if you are sitting down (squatting). Lower yourself as far as you can control without letting your body shift towards your toes (this will cause you to loose balance). Pause in the downward position and slowly return upright to the starting position.

Practice the squat without any weight to allow yourself to become comfortable with the movements.

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Leg Raises

1. Lie on a flat bench if you have one. If you don't, then just lie down on the floor. Keep your hands under your hips to support your back. 2. Your legs should be hanging off the bench from your knees down. With your feet together and your toes pointed, raise your legs straight up towards the ceiling. Keep your legs straight but don't lock your knees. Pause at the top and lower your legs back to the starting position in slow controlled manner.

The range of motion doesn't have to be large for this exercise to be effective.

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One Arm Tricep Extensions

1. Sit on a bench with your back straight and your abs drawn in. 2. Grasp a dumbbell in your hand and place it behind your neck with your elbow bent. 3. Slowly extend your arm straight up over your head and slowly return to the starting position.

Place your free hand across your chest to help steady yourself during this exercise.

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Rear Deltoid Row

1. Place your right foot on the floor with you left knee resting on a bench. Support your body weight with your left arm. With a flat back, pick up the dumbbell in your right hand. 2. Leading with your elbow and with your arm close to your chest, raise your arm. Pause at the top of the exercise then lower in a controlled manner. 3. Switch sides and repeat.

Keep your back flat and your head in alignment with your body during this exercise.

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Seated Bicep Curl

1. 2. 3. 4. Sit on bench with your feet firmly on the floor and your back straight. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing each other. Lower the dumbbells to your sides and slowly curl your arms up so your palms are facing up. Squeeze your biceps at the top and slowly lower to the starting position.

If possible use a short backed bench to help your posture.

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Seated One Leg Calf Raise

1. 2. 3. 4. Place a block on the floor about one foot in front of a bench. Sit on the bench with a dumbbell across your upper thigh and the balls of one foot on the block. Slowly raise and lower your toe up as high as possible without lifting your foot off the block. Switch feet and repeat.

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