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Walking the Absolute Truth Awakening of Your Heart

The Journey of the Heart is the waking of sleeping hearts...Walking the Absolute Truth of Your Life will teach you about your environment and social structure of society. The social structure foundation is based on two belief systems; negative teachings and positive teachings. The most dominant belief system practiced by our social structure is known as the 'negative teachings' which are fear based and is unbalanced. The ancient wisdom which is known as Absolute Truth of pure love, peace and unity is the 'positive teachings'. Our Ancient Teachings included-positive emotions, thoughts, actions and feelings: Love Honor Respect Integrity Pride Compassion Manners Ethics Morals Common Sense Patience How to use intuition How to read people How to work with mother earth Hunting skills Gathering Skills Medicinal Plants Scheduling Survival Language Culture Belief Systems Working with the Life Force Giving Energy Teachers to children of all of the above and more...

This is what society and the Social Structure teaches us and what we now teach our childrennegative emotions, thoughts, actions and feelings: Denial Gossip Nepotism Racism Bullying Judgment Criticize Jealousy Favoring Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse Mental Abuse Psychological Abuse Emotional Abuse Emotional Control Lying Cheating Sneaking Hate Manipulation Scared Control Wars Genocide Rape Taking Brain Washing Grooming Greed Neglect Conning Anger Rage Egotistical ways Rules with consequences etc...

What is the Absolute Truth The Journey of the Heart...Walking the Absolute Truth is the whole exact truth of your own life, it is looking at the whole picture of the first instance of what truly happened to you, from your first memory until now. It is understanding the history of mankind, how it affected you and how you reacted thus revealing patterns in your life and what did you learn from it; the Cause, Effect, and Reaction. It works, by bringing all your lifes experiences to an understanding, letting go, removing the memory cells, forgiving once from the heart and calling your permission back, power back and pure spirit back. It is that simple...and can be done in a matter of hours...this shifts the energy in your mind, body and spirit which frees your heart and allows it to be open again and allow that child within to come out once again, our purity and innocence comes back. Understanding your lifes experiences... Before a person can succeed in balancing the mind, body and spirit, a person must understand the social structure. The social structure is the society that we live in, it is the norm. Where all the negative actions that we do and see in others are normal, not questioned and is a part of who we are. We live right smack in the middle of it all, in our homes, social life and work environment. The Social Structure Negative Teachings was brought to us, was taught to us and it does not belong to us. The people who caused our negative life's experiences were all innocent, whatever they did to you-it was done to them when they were young too. When negative lifes experiences happen to us (sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse or emotional abuse, addictions, violence, etc.) we have three choices in our lives 1) we run from it; 2) we become what was taught to us or; 3) we react to what was done us...through our whole lives. To understand the perpetrator or the person who hurt you, they too were innocent, we can now call them teachers because they taught us how to act, feel and think. We have to remember the services, knowledge, teachings and wisdom we have now-it was not there 20 + years ago. Everything was "mum" and those victims who became perpetrators had no one to talk to, no one to listen to them and nowhere to go for help...and therefore reacted and did only what they knew. Even thought they remember how they felt, how it changed them...they had no control over what they did, they were groomed into thinking it was a normal part of life because things such as abuse were not talked about and were kept hush hush. Do you understand how all people are innocent?

Letting go... Using positive wording is also key in Walking the Absolute Truth...The Journey of the Heart. What we think, what we see in our minds and what we say falls right in front of us and we walk into becomes us, it happens to us and gives our bodies permission to follow it. Our voices vibrate with sound throughout our bodies, therefore commanding and giving permission to whatever it is you are thinking, seeing or saying...then you act it out. Therefore there are four main tools we need to use when we are dealing with everyday life: 1. Mind-learn to clear mind and focus. Learn to control your own thoughts and kick ego out the door. It is easy to do, when ever your thoughts go nuts, sit down, ten three deep breaths right down to the bottom of your tummy and tell yourself "clear mind and focus" with each breath. To control your own thoughts, all you need to do is pay attention to your thoughts, whenever you say something negative state out loud "delete, delete, delete" and replace it with a positive comment. These self help tools train your mind, kicks your ego out and rewires your brain to the positive. 2. Heart-Talk from your heart...when we talk from our heads no person listens and our ancestors, god, creator, etc cannot hear you, even if you are loud and yelling. When you talk from your heart, your children, family, friends, coworkers, ancestors, god, creator, etc will hear you loud and will notice they will slow down and listen. It is easy to get to your heart: take three deep breaths, think of a time when you were sad and lonely, you will feel yourself go into your heart, take deep breaths so control your emotions..And talk from there. Now you are in your heart...your voice is lower, you are calm and you will be heard...piece of cake. 3. Breath-The breath is very important, it carries the vibration of your thoughts, actions and voice to our bodies. It sends it through the oxygen in the blood, downloads it to your memory cells and therefore commands and gives your body permission. Breath is also very important in controlling your emotions, when an emotion comes through, you will sense it first, at that point it is your choice to bypass it or react to it. When it comes, recognize it, and state "I recognize (emotion type) anger, I realize I have the choice to bypass you or react to you, I choose to bypass you". And deep breathe to control all emotions, with each breath state out loud or in your mind "I love you". By saying I love you, you will download every cell in your body to love and therefore control your emotions. 4. Voice-Your voice commands and gives your bodies permission. So choosing good words also help you change your memory cells to the positive. You can keep a little book with you and write down what you say when you catch yourself saying something negative and rewrite it to positive and state it out loud. This is also another way of reprogramming your mind, body and spirit. Wording is also very important, when a person says "I can't" literally cannot, your body will feel heavy. When you say "Try" it is like a never ending busy feeling, and you will do it over and over again and never get there. When you say "Am, Will, Can" it is solid, it is done and will be done. It

is the same thing for the word abuse...ab means to take away from its originality...use is a tool or a finding a solution. The word together stops you from finding a solution and moving forward. So replacing the word abuse with the wording "life's experiences" will allow you to find a solution and move you forward in life with ease.

Can we let our lifes experiences go? Yes we can...piece of cake. It is simple, remember the voice and how it commands our body? It is simple all you have to do is say "I let it go" or "I let my lifes experiences go".

Learn about Ancient psychology, Ancient parapsychology and Energy Healings... A quick summary of Ancient psychology is human behavior, it is the cause-what happened to you? The effect-how it made you feel? And the Reaction-What you did in you life in reaction to the cause and effect. It is the understanding that what happens to use in our formative years (0-7) has an effect on who we are, what we do, how we feel about ourselves, how we act, how we see the world, our belief systems, how we think, etc. With the understanding, it is easier for us to let go, remove memory cells, forgive once from the heart and take our permission, power and spirit back. Thus we are a whole person once again like the day we were born...pure and full of unconditional love. It is learning about the physical body and mental body how it works and how to take care of it in a good way. A quick summary of ancient para-psychology is understanding the spiritual world, the unseen to most and seen or felt from gifted people. It is the understanding of the life force giving energy or the spirit within the human body, how it feels emotion, has its own spirit eye and how it fuels the body of heat. It is also knowing the human body is like mother earth, they both have a protective layer, grid lines, elements, magnetic fields, and cycles. It is understanding emotions, how they are taught to us, how our bodies store them in our energetic body (aura) with every trauma and negative life experience we have in our lives...when unresolved it is stored and later on in life causes aches, pain, discomforts and or diseases. Our memories are also stored in our memory cells in our blood, DNA and throughout our body. Here are some clues that may help you understand why you feel aches, pain or discomforts: Temples Eyes Ears Throat Shoulders Breast Think too much Seen a lot or there is something a person is not ready or does not want to see Don't want to listen to what is being said or heard a lot of negativity in life Unable to speak your truth from your heart Hold a lot of responsibility Lack of support for self or others

Heart Stomach Bladder Uterus Prostate Legs & Hips Knees Body Stings

Someone is attacking your love-lack of joy and happiness Confidence issues Stopping of your creativity, taking a lot of criticism Sexuality issues-denying who you are as a human-denying or angry at opposite sex for hurt caused Sexuality issues-denying who you are as a human-denying or angry opposite sex Lack of self support Hard time moving forward or being held back Psychic attacks from gossiping or bad talking Understanding the balance of the Physical and Spiritual Worlds

It is also understanding that good and bad spirits exist. There are good ones like our family members who have passed on, have gone home to the other side and have come back to watch over us, also our grandmothers and grandfathers who are all our family descendants who have passed before us since our families time has begun, our guides, teachers, masters and all the good spirits on the other side who walk with us. We each have guides who help us. The bad ones or dark ones come in forms of dark human spirits who have died and are stuck here on mother earth. They are the ones who chose not to go to the other side, to find hosts (alive humans), to enter them and relive what they loved doing in the physical world. If they loved drinking, sex, drugs, violence, arguing, comedian, rage, anger, suicide, etc when they possess a human, the human takes on the characteristics of the dark human spirit, do what they love and have little or no control over it. The dark ones also come in the form of dark entities, demons, devils, funny looking entities that look monster like and they exist everywhere. It is the dark forms you see at night, the ones that stop you from moving in your sleep, the ones that shake your bed, the red eyes you see, the ones that cause anxiety attacks, the sexual dreams you have, the rapes you go through at night, the voices that you hear and tell you to do unsafe things and the dark ones that you see at the corner of your eyes. Their whole purpose here on mother earth is to shut your light out, to keep you in the dark so they own you and feed directly on your fear. They are like sales people, they will not stop until they have you right where you are, they own you and when you attempt to leave or make positive changes in your life, they block you, send people to you to influence you, stop you and convince you in your mind what you are doing is evil, witchcraft, devils way. When you decide not to do it, they win. When you fear it or disbelieve them, you essentially give all your power to them and that is EXACTLY what they want. This way they can do anything they want to a person...whenever they want...make you think funny, act funny, talk funny, throw off your balancea person becomes a puppet to the dark spirits.

It is also learning that when we have trauma's that we are weakened in the mind, body and spirit and is a perfect doorway for emotions, rage, anger, hurt and dark ones to easily take over. The dark side feeds itself on negative emotions, when they are around you or in you...all negativity feeds it, it is just like throwing gas on a fire. Using alcohol in large sums (four drinks or more) and chemical drugs are an immediate possession, it cracks your protective layer wide open for them to enter you, your spirit leaves and wanders and you change...your beliefs, attitudes, actions, thoughts and emotions. (If interested in learning more on the Alcohol effects on the physical body and spiritual body you can find it in the "notes" section among many other notes written up to educate the people:) It is also learning about energy healing, pain removal, disease removal, balancing, exorcisms, spirit removal, exorcisms, soul retrieval through various forms of healing with Energy Workers, Traditional Healers or Shamans. Always follow your intuition or gut feeling when choosing someone right for you. You also have to realize that the fear you feel when you are seeking help can sometimes come from the dark sprits changing your mind through fear of not knowing what will happen or feeling unsafe, putting obstacles in front of you, sending someone to change your mind, disturbed sleep to sleep in or feel too tired and your mind is changed in going because of exhaustion, sending people to you to distract you. They will use your fear to stop you. If you have the will to get better, you will get there and push forward to get the help to feel better. Just remember who is the boss. The hurt, pain and sadness that you carry can be removed, there is hope for mankind. Now think if 6 billion people are hurting, and we are directly connected to her through the elements, grid lines, magnetic fields, cycles...then how does mother earth look? It is called global warming, when it reality it is the direct connection to how do we fix mother earth...we fix starts with "you", one person at a time. When you start with you, you will have a positive effect on everything and everyone around you...the ones who don't fit will leave, the ones who are seeking help and change will come to you...with your foot steps you can guide them out too. The teachings we share are to empower you, to make you a leader, so that you can become the teacher and help others. If you feel you need help with removing dark spirits and memory is out there...all you have to do is ask and you shall receive. Energy Healing, Traditional Healing, etc. When you find the right person to help you, you will know. The work that we do is amazing, we educate, stimulate your interest, share all the tools you need to keep you safe, how to clear your home, self clearings, clearing your family, land or home, how to create powerful prayers, how to meditate and if sent by spirit we can teach you how to conduct the highest form of energy healing using pure unconditional love.

We also provide energy healing sessions that leave a lasting and positive impression; you leave feeling like you are on cloud nine, no pain, no sadness, just pure love, harmony and unity. When we work with people who are willing, it is the safest place you will ever be in your life, everything is strictly confidential and sent you off with all the tools you need to keep you going and keep you safe. Removing Memory Cells Can we remove our own memory cells? Yes we can...a piece of cake. All you have to do is talk about the life experience, when you feel pain, sadness, tingles, tightening or anything out of the ordinary in your body all you have to do it pull it off. You too can do this, by speaking, feeling where it is on your body, put your hand on that area, take a deep breath, on that breath out grab it, pull it off with your hand and throw it up. Ask your higher power and/or guides to take it, bless it, purify it and send it back to your higher power. This way it will not hurt you, loved ones or anyone else. Forgiving once from your heart... Calling your permission, power and spirit back... To understand what forgiveness is, it is good to know the meaning of the words broken up to see the larger picture: For: Give: Forgive: Forgiveness: In support of To let go and to share To cease to feel resentment against End of blame and willingness to let go

So how do we know when we have forgiven? It is easy we have forgiven when we can talk about our lifes experiences without negative emotion, without anger, crying, resentment, pain and frustration. It is when we can talk about our negative lifes experiences it and have no mental, physical, spiritual or emotional is like talking about going to the store and buying food. It is just a matter of fact. Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give yourself, once you have forgiven yourself first it is then easier to forgive others. Forgive yourself for carrying what does not belong to you anymore, it was passed on to you through the grooming and teaching process when you in your growing years from the age of 0-7. Forgiving is not giving permission, it is not saying it is okay what happened, you were both innocent and were taught and groomed that way, it is a part of letting go, soyou can be free of any burden, sadness and pain you carry in your body. A person can forgive from their mind over and over and when it is done from the heart it is done only once. And then it is doneit is a memory that is all.

We unknowingly give our permission by not speaking up, by not stopping and allowing the life's experiences to happen in our growing years, sometimes the fear was too intense to speak up and it was not our fault. As children we did not know that we gave our permission by letting it happen, we honestly did not know any better, we trusted adults and the people around us. We unwillingly gave our power away, it is the ability to do or act and stop what happened to us. As children we did not know the impacts it would have on our lives, we honestly did not know any better, we trusted adults and the people around us. With each negative life experience pieces of our pure spirit was left behind in that moment when confusion, scare, fear and negative feelings came into us in those moments in time. As children we did not know the impacts it would have on us to learn these new negative feelings and emotions that it would take our spirit away slowly, we honestly did not know any better, we trusted adults and the people around us. How do I forgive and call my permission, power and spirit back? It is easy...piece of cake By stating out loud "I forgive you my brother or my sister (or state name), I understand you now, the pain and sadness you carried, you passed on to me, it was not your fault, it was not mine, we were both innocent. I let you go now, I will use your teachings to help myself and to others to become better people. I call my permission back, I call my power back, I take my pure spirit back." Take a deep breath, feel the shift and good energies that come back to you.

How to Walk Journey of the Heart the Absolute Truth of Your Own Life Now that you understand that all the teachings were brought to us by the western culture, we can now proceed to continuing your walk...only you know you and only you can fix yourself. It is a very simple process to do. When you are born, you are pure, your brain is unprogrammed and everything in your life is taught to you positive or negative and that is what you become later in life. It is a matter of going back, analyzing of what happened, how it happened, why it happened without judging or criticizing and remember it only happened once. When you walk your mind must be clear, no emotion and remember how children are when they are purethey just observe and remember the feeling and that is all you need to do. All you have to do is take private time by yourself, in the tub, in your room, in the bush to speak out loud about your life's experiences from your earliest memory until now. Here are the simple steps:

1. Create a sacred space, pray to your higher power, God, Creator, etc. Ask for the purest white light and healing energy to surround you, that only good guides of divine love, light and energy is allowed in your sacred space and that you are extremely protected. Burn a candle, or burn smudge, or put sea salt around you and then start. 2. Give yourself permission to walk your heart journey of your life. "I give myself permission to walk my absolute, the exact truth of what happened in my life, from the earliest memory until now." 3. Ask your ancestors, guides and higher power to walk with you, take the negative energy away-bless it-purify it and send it back to the higher power to be used as healing energy for all of Creation, keep you safe with the white light around you. 4. State out loud "I am only speaking about my life, my absolute truth, I will look at it like watching television, with no negative emotions, pain or sadness. I am looking at it through a childs point of view with no judgments, no criticizing and no denying, I only know exactly what happened to me, I am going to speak about it, pull of the pain and breathe through my emotions and take all the teachings I need from each life experience. 5. Start talking about what happened to you (the cause), find the seed, go right back to when things first happened. The earliest memory, these are your first teachers. 6. Starting talking about what it did to you did as a result of what happened as a child (the effect) 7. Start talking about what you did in life in your teenage and growing years (the reaction) this is where you have to be absolutely honest with self because only you knew your thoughts, plans, actions and words. 8. If you need help ask your guides for the Absolute Truth and they will show you like a flash in your mind to let you know if it is real or not. Remember facts only with no emotion, the purpose is to gain knowledge, wisdom, what did it teach you, how can you flip it for goodness? 9. Pull off memory cells, pain, tightness, tingle or sensations on your body, with the breath out, throw it up and give it to your higher power and guides. 10. Forgiveness, calling permission, power and pure spirit back-state out loud: "I forgive you my brother or my sister (or state name), I understand you now, the pain and sadness you carried, you passed on to me, it was not your fault, it was not mine, we were both innocent and we were both taught that at a young age. I let you go now, I will use your teachings to help myself and to others to become better people. I take my permission back, I take my power back and I take my pure spirit back." Take a deep breath, feel the shift and good energies that come back to you and the negativity leaving. This can be done with every person who has been your teacher in the good and bad. 11. When you have done this right, the trigger will be minute, until every stone is unturned and then the triggers are completely gone. It is like an onion and your body will allow you to remember what you are ready for. Until then read all the notes, the website to the tools are there for you when the memories come to light.

12. Remember dont own anything, everything in life is your teacher, when you own it, the energy is transferred inside you, and you want your energy to be clean, to be the bluish white light where we stand and pray with the Creator and all that is connected and divine. Remember no excuses (no buts), only you know what happened and what you did in life the trick is to be absolutely honest with yourself and your guides. When you are walking the Absolute Truth, you are walking with your Guides who have no judgments, criticizing or denial. They are there only to love you unconditionally, support, help you and guide you. Understanding Negative Emotions Everything in life has a life force giving energy, every plant, seed, animal, rock, element, everything on mother earth has a life force. This can be seen when you close your eyes and see lights or the outline of an object. Emotions too have a life force energy that is there to stop spiritual growth, it was words created by man, to allow an energy to enter you and control your emotions. This energy can only enter you with permission, so reacting to it-is permission, not talking about it-is permission, saying nothing when it is near-is permission or when you agree to a negative emotion-is permission. When our negative emotions are at a high, there is no sense talking to a person, it is a matter of waiting until they are calm enough for them to hear a person. When you are feeling any type of negative emotion like guilt, shame, blame, denial, etc. remember it has its own spirit, address that spirit and tell it I acknowledge you guilt (or whatever negative emotion you are feeling), I take my permission back, my power back and my pure spirit back, you do not have my permission, I will teach others on how you work to stop growth, how you work, get away from me, NOW Deep breathe I Love You, pull off the negative energy given to you with the negative emotion and keep moving forward in what you are doing. This can be used in any situation. The Benefits of Walking the Journey of the Heart... People who choose to help themselves will see a difference in their children, by letting go their negative life experiences, making good choices and walking their changes their memory cells, the recycled negative behaviors stop and awareness begins big time. As a mother, you will see the direct affect on your children, they will come home, they will start changing for the better, this is the memory cells passed on from mother to children that has been proven scientifically. When a mother changesher children changes through the mitochondria passed on through the direct blood connection in the pregnancy process. You heal one man, you heal one manYou heal a woman you heal a nation ~ Wisdom of a Wise, Gifted and Elder Rosalie Austin.

You feel lighter, more confident, your personal self love, honor, respect, integrity, pride, belief, commitment, loyalty and all that was once lost comes back with your spirit. The way you were always meant to be pure and full of unconditional love. Facing your fear will be easier and easier, you will know that only you can face fear, that fear itself is knowing what the outcome is. When it is good go with it, when it is bad shift it, change it, pray on it, dont do it and keep walking in the light. Once you have done this Journey all the other tools will come to you on this path. There was a time where you had to go home to become a better person...this was when the ancient teachings were intact. Now you have to leave home in order to heal yourself to become a better person and show those at home your footsteps to guide them to a better way of life...the way it was always meant to be. The best part of this walk, is if you are gifted and you complete this walk your gifts are enhanced BIG TIME. All the negative gut shots, looks and energy sent to you will feel like someone poking a balloon on the outside of you, it does not enter you anymore. There are no more trigger points, the trigger points are huge targets for the dark ones to enter you, influence you and affect you. Trigger point are or was the trauma you were holding on to and did not know how to get rid ofnow you know. Once you understand, let go and forgive from your heart with the seed that happens in your formative years from 0-6, it is like dominoes the rest comes tumbling down. When we get to those memories of the dominoes, you walk right through it with ease because the seed was taken care of. Keep on walking until today. The seeds are psychological abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, chemical drug abuse, alcohol abuse, spiritual abuse, etc. Remember Walking the Absolute Truth is like an onion, once you understand, let go and forgive with the memories you do remembermore will come. This is when you do the walk again and again. The more you do it, the better you get, the faster it gets, the easier it gets, the better you feel, your gifts get jacked up, you earn more gifts and soooo much more. Your spirit, Guides and higher power only gives you what you can handle. Journaling is also key, writing down your memories of the seeds, you will notice as you write more memories will come, we use post it notes to add to it when the memory arises, or write with lots of spaces in between the paragraphs. It is to only understand, let it go and forgive from the heart. Then when you are done take the negative teachings and flip it to positive teachings.

Some examples are: Learning Adult Sexual Energies, you now know what hunting (predator) is, how they taught you to sneak, seek out thrills, keep secrets, use fear, hide, lie, deny, fill needsnow turn it into a good thing. As a parent will know who your children will be safe around, because when you let the negative life experience go, you can see it outside yourself clear as day-like a big neon sign, you know the signs of a child sexually abused, etc. Now use it for good to teach your children what to watch out for in hunters, you will know which place is safe for your children to visit, what the signs are, how the body reacts, how the child reacts, etc. A person will be able to use their lifes experiences, share with others and guide them out of their trauma-only in a good way, an educational way, safe way, unconditional way, positive way, without emotion (it manipulates the absolute truth), teaching them signs, teaching them how to Walk the Absolute Truth, share the knowledge and wisdom you gained in life and provide solutions giving them the choice on how to deal with or fix a situation. It is about flipping it like a pancake from negative to positive. There are many out there who are gifted, they are either born with it, earned it or it was triggered by traumas in life. Learn to use your intuition, gut feeling, inner knowing, inner voice, read energy, control your own energy and emotions, remove, reprogram and use energy in its highest form of unconditional love. This is when we highly recommend people to pray every morning and every night, with your own words right from you heart, just like talking to a best friend, asking for what you need and giving lots in return with Thank yous and offerings. We also highly recommend people to meditate everyday for at least five minutes to 20 minutes, this has so many health benefits and those who really want to see, feel and enhance their giftsthis is the ticket to opening that door and making it stronger. These are the tools every person needs to keep them safe in this world; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Everything in life is a choice, yes or noit is about using the tools to keep you safe and doing what is right from your hearts center of pure unconditional love. A person will know when they have changed when they are faced with a fear, faced with a circumstance that use to make them run, hide or shut up and this timethey face it head on with confidence in a good way, with good words and unconditional love in their heart. They make better choices based on past eventsthis is when you have forgiven self, forgiven others and no longer reacting because now you have the tools and solutions to become a Heart Walker and a Heart Talker. Made with Unconditional Love, Frank J. Austin, Manyhorses (Teacher) Barbara M. Moreau, Angel who Dances on the Clouds

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