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Bregman Divergences

Barnabs Pczos RLAI Tea Talk UofA, Edmonton Aug 5, 2008


Bregman Divergences

Definition Properties

Bregman Matrix Divergences Relation to Exponential Family Applications

Generalization of PCA to Exponential Family Generalized2 Linear2 Models Clustering / Coclustering with Bregman Divergences Generalized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization


Bregman Divergences (Euclidean distance)

Squared Euclidean distance is a Bregman divergence

(upcoming figs are borrowed from Dhillon)

Bregman Divergences (KL-divergence)

Generalized Relative Entropy (also called generalized KL-divergence) is another Bregman divergence

Bregman Divergences (Itakura-Saito)

Itakura-Saito distance is another Bregman divergence (used in signal processing, also known as Burg entropy)

Examples of Bregman Divergences

Properties of the Bregman Divergences


a y

Euclidean special case:

Properties of the Bregman Divergences

Nearness in Bregman divergence: the Bregman projection of y onto a convex set .

When is affine set, the Pythagoras theorem holds with equality.

Generalized Pythagoras theorem: Opposite to triangle inequality:

(Regular) Exponential Families

Gaussian Distribution

Note: Gaussian distribution $ Squared Loss from the expected value


Poisson Distribution
The Poisson distribution:

The Poisson distribution is a member of exponential family. Its expected value =. Is there a Divergence associated with the Poisson distribution? Yes! p(x) can be rewritten as

Implication: Poisson distribution $ Relative Entropy Implication: Poisson distribution $ Relative Entropy

Exponential Distribution
The Exponential distribution:

The Exponential distribution is a member of exponential family. Its expected value =1/. Is there a Divergence associated with the Exponential distribution? Yes! p(x) can be rewritten as

Implication: Exponential distribution $ Itakura-Saito Distribution


Fenchel Conjugate
Defintion: The Fenchel conjugate of function f is defined as:

Properties of the Fenchel conjugate:


Bregman Divergences and the Exponential Family Bijection Theorem



Bregman Matrix Divergences

An immediate solution would be the componentwise sum of Bregman divergences. However, we can get more interesting divergences using the general definition.


Bregman Divergences of Hermitian matrices

A complex square matrix A is Hermitian, if A = A*. The eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix are real. Let


Burg Matrix Divergence (Logdet divergence)


Von Neumann Matrix Divergence


Applications, Matrix inequalities

Hadamard inequality:


Another inequality:

Proof: What is more, here we can arbitrarily permute the eigenvalues!


Applications of Bregman divergences


Partition the columns of a data matrix, so that similar columns are in the same partition (Banerjee et al. JMLR, 2005)


Simultaneously partition both the rows and columns of a data matrix (Banerjee et al. JMLR, 2007)

Low-Rank Matrix Approximation

Exponential Family PCA (Collins et al, NIPS 2001)

POMDP (Gordon, NIPS,2002)

Non-negative matrix factorization (Dhillon & Sra, NIPS 2005)

Generalized2 Linear2 Models

(Gordon, NIPS,2002)

Online learning (Warmuth, COLT2000) Metric Nearness Problem

Given a matrix of distances, find the nearest matrix of distances such that all distances satisfy the triangle inequality (Dhillon et al, 2004)

Generalized2 Linear2 Models (GL)2M


GLM Special cases:

PCA, SVD Exp-family PCA Infomax ICA Linear regression Nonnegative matrix factorization

What is a good loss function?

Euclidean metric as a loss function:

instead of 1000 predicting 1010 is just as bad as predicting 3 instead of -7 exp many local minima in dim

Sigmoid regression

The log loss function is convex in ! We say f(z) and the log loss match each other.

Searching for matching loss


Searching for matching loss


Special cases


Log loss, entropic loss Other special cases:


Logistic regression


(GL)2M algorithm
GLM goal: GLM cost: (GL)2M goal: (GL)2M cost:

The (GL)2M algorithm, fix point equations::


Robot Navigation
A corridor in the CMU CS building with initial belief: (it doesnt know which end)

Belief space = R550

550 states. (275 positons x 2 orientation) Robot can: - sense both side walls - compute an accurate estimate of its lateral position Robot cannot: - resolve its position along the corridor, unless its near an observable feature - tell whether its pointing left or right

Robot Navigation
The belief space is large, but sparse and compressible. The belief vectors lie on a nonlinear manifold. This method can be used for planning, too. They factored a matrix of 400 beliefs using feature space ranks l=3,4,5. f(z)=exp(z), H*=10-12||V||2, G*= 10-12||U||2+(U)

A belief vector using belief tracker algorithm

Reconstructions using l=3,4,5 ranks With PCA, they need 85 dimensions to match (GL)^2M rank-5 decomposition and 25 dimension for the rank-3 decomposition


Nonnegative matrix factorization

Goal: Cost functions:



Nonnegative matrix factorization, results

With sparse constraints

Without constraints

CBCL face image database P. Hoyer, sparse NMF algorithm.


Exponential Family PCA



Cost function

Special case


Exponential family PCA, Results


Clustering with Bregman Divergences


The Original Problem of Bregman



Introduced the Bregman divergence Relationship to Exponential family Generalization to matrices Applications: Matrix inequalities Exponential family PCA NMF GLM Clustering / Biclustering Online learning Bregman divergences propose new algorithms Lots of existing algorithms turn to be special case Matching loss function can help to decrease the number of local minima



Matrix Nearness Problems with Bregman Divergences I. S. Dhillon and J. A. Tropp SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol. 29, no. 4, pages 1120-1146, November 2007. A Generalized Maximum Entropy Approach to Bregman Co-Clustering and Matrix Approximations A. Banerjee, I. S. Dhillon, J. Ghosh, S. Merugu, and D. S. Modha Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), vol. 8, pages 1919-1986, August 2007. Clustering with Bregman Divergences A. Banerjee, S. Merugu, I. S. Dhillon, and J. Ghosh Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), vol. 6, pages 1705-1749, October 2005. A Generalized Maximum Entropy Approach to Bregman Co-Clustering and Matrix Approximations A. Banerjee, I. S. Dhillon, J. Ghosh, S. Merugu, and D. S. Modha Proceedings of the Tenth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), pages 509-514, August 2004. Clustering with Bregman Divergences A. Banerjee, S. Merugu, I. S. Dhillon, and J. Ghosh Proceedings of the Fourth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, pages 234-245, April 2004 Nonnegative Matrix Approximation: Algorithms and Applications S. Sra and I. S. Dhillon UTCS Technical Report #TR-06-27, June 2006 Generalized Nonnegative Matrix Approximations with Bregman Divergences I. S. Dhillon and S. Sra NIPS, pages 283-290, Vancouver Canada, December 2005. (Also appears as UTCS Technical Report #TR-05-31, June 1, 2005. 38

PPT slides

Irina Rish Bregman Divergences in Clustering and Dimensionality reduction Manfred K. Warmuth


Inderjit S. Dhillon Machine Learning with Bregman Divergences Low-Rank Kernel Learning with Bregman Matrix Divergences Matrix Nearness Problems Using Bregman Divergences Information Theoretic Clustering, Co-clustering and Matrix Approximations

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