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University of Nebraska - Lincoln Year 2009

Sergey Nazipovich

Modernization of Russia:
the post of imperial transit

Sergey Nazipovich Gavrov

Russian institute for culturology, RF Ministry of Culture

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University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Gavrov Sergey Nazipovich Modernization of Russia: the post of
imperial transit. Monograph / Preface Perepelkin L. Nebraska, University of
Nebraska - Lincoln 2009, 319 s.
A new book and political Gavrov, Sergey (Sergey Nazipovich) devoted to
the problems of Russia's modernization and postimperskogo transit. The author
tries to find answers to key questions: what prevents us on the road to cultural and
institutional integration in Erope - for freedom and democracy? And why do we so
often seek to turn into a, for centuries nakatannuyu historic track, leading to
regular neoimpersky historic impasse? The book is intended for political scientists,
culture, historians, sociologists and all those interested in the processes of
modernization in conditions of Russia's transformation postimperskih state and

Gavrov Sergey Nazipovich – Russian philosopher, social anthropologist,

a political scientist. Doctor of Philosophy. Professor of Sociology and Social

Birth year: 1964, Birth place: City of Gorky (USSR). Senior Research
Fellow sector social processes and systems of the Russian Institute for Cultural
Research. Author of five books and over one hundred scientific articles included in
the collection of the Library of Congress, the world's leading libraries and
universities (Harvard, Turabian, Chicago, APA, MLA, University of Nebraska -
Lincoln, Freie Universität Berlin). A member of the editorial board of the journals
Personality. Culture. Community (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of
Sciences) and the Psychology elite, as well as the Commission to study the
complex problems of human culture and society, acting under the Board of the
Russian Academy of Sciences The history of world culture. In the area of scientific
interest - the problem of modernization of transformations in different hypostasis,
including political, demographic, educational, social and cultural as well as the
philosophy of education. Professor Gavrov on the short list of the most well-
known advisory in North America and Europe, Russian scholars and politicians,
best reflected in their political life of Russia in the years 1994-2003. Lives in Moscow.

Table of Contents
Gavrov Sergey Nazipovich Modernization of Russia: the post of imperial
transit. Monograph / Preface Perepelkin L. Nebraska, University of Nebraska
- Lincoln 2009, 319 s.........................................................................................2
Birth year: 1964, Birth place: City of Gorky (USSR). Senior Research Fellow
sector social processes and systems of the Russian Institute for Cultural
Research. Author of five books and over one hundred scientific articles
included in the collection of the Library of Congress, the world's leading
libraries and universities (Harvard, Turabian, Chicago, APA, MLA, University
of Nebraska - Lincoln, Freie Universität Berlin). A member of the editorial
board of the journals Personality. Culture. Community (Institute of
Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Psychology elite, as well
as the Commission to study the complex problems of human culture and
society, acting under the Board of the Russian Academy of Sciences The
history of world culture. In the area of scientific interest - the problem of
modernization of transformations in different hypostasis, including political,
demographic, educational, social and cultural as well as the philosophy of

education. Professor Gavrov on the short list of the most well-known advisory
in North America and Europe, Russian scholars and politicians, best reflected
in their political life of Russia in the years 1994-2003. Lives in Moscow.......................3
Table of Contents...............................................................................................3
The book, which is interesting to argue (instead of the preface) ......................5
References: .....................................................................................................12
Russia after empire..........................................................................................13
Chapter 1. Modernization........................................................................................21
I. What is the modernization ...........................................................................22
Imperial Russia and the liberal model of modernization.................................36
II. Political culture: from traditional society to modern society. ....................43
Man era of Modernism ...................................................................................55
III. The influence of the Russian mentality on the processes of modernization
IV. Russian modernization project in the context of globalized world ..........83
Chapter II. After the Empire ...........................................................................97
I. History of Russia and the USSR of A. Akhiezer, J. Klyamkin, I. Yakovenko
and E. Gaidar ..................................................................................................97
The death of the Soviet empire. Look Egor Gaidar. .....................................113
II. Russia in postimperskom the geographical and socio space ....................118
Postimpersky transit .....................................................................................129
From Kazakhstan to the Republic of Moldova and Prednistrovyu ..............146
Relation to Georgia .......................................................................................149
European integration and the problem of displaced cultural values .............151
Chapter III. From Modernization to restoration....................................................156
I. Conservative No.........................................................................................156
II. Clerical policy of blocking the modernization of ....................................167
Traditionalism and modern art.......................................................................176
III. The Russian State: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow .............................185
Instead afterword. Civil society and power: from confrontation to dialogue
Applications ..........................................................................................................201
Dialogues with the actors of Russian science and policy .............................201
Dialogue with Moses Kaganov ....................................................................207
Dialogue with Alexander Akhiezer ..............................................................212
Dialogues with Irina Khakamada .................................................................217
Dialogue I. On Literature and Life................................................................217
Dialogue II. About the new social currency - 2008.......................................223
Dialogue on Marsh dissenters ......................................................................227
Dialogue with Vladislav Surkov on a political project Our .........................229
Remembering the XX Congress ...................................................................235

The book, which is interesting to argue (instead of the preface)

With pleasure to introduce the reader to a new book Modernization of

Russia: the post of imperial transit Doctor of Philosophy, the lead researcher of the
Branch of social processes and systems of the Russian Institute for Cultural Sergei
Gavrova. For me a particular interest in this book relates to the fact that it is
dedicated not only to consider the theoretical problems of modernization and
postimperskogo transit, but also issues that were and the amount One Day. The
author interprets and analyzes current events based on the situation in previous
works [Gavrov, 2004] world. It discusses topics such as features of modernization
processes in Russia's imperial past of our country and wishes for her future,
internal and external policy of the Russian Federation, including developments in
neighboring countries ( democratic revolution). Discussed in the book and a
private issue.
Analysis of the texts provided a good opportunity to express doubts,
objections, comments. And of course in order to make good . At least, this is a
good opportunity∗conclusions and interpretations to put in order their own
thoughts. Winning side of this book, like other works of S. Gavrova is to limit the
author's honesty. He is not cunning - he writes what they think. The purpose of the
preface - to highlight the author's frame of reference.
It seems that the author belongs to a certain and quite influential Russian
scientific schools in the area of Social Studies, which advocates the following
principles. The most important of them - it is liberalism as a political ideology.
This is followed by a system of positive ( democracy) and negative ( State,
Empire) values. In this coordinate system view of the world purely evolutionary,
that is, it assumes that all societies will evolve in the framework of particular social
patterns. For this view is characterized by what I would call the finalizmom. This
is a representation according to which some modern societies embody the final
characteristics throughout human history. Once these sin GF Hegel, considered
him a modern Prussia pinnacle of human organization. Now the most striking final

can be considered an American sociologist F. Fukuyama [Fukuyama, 2004]. In our
country, finalizm manifested in zapadotsentrizme, in which it is believed that
Russia - not a country, it wrong, it must be transformed other lekalam. With these
views, I do not agree that going to discuss further.
Liberalism. This is a solid ideological doctrine, suggesting that private
initiative is always better public initiatives, public. But like any ideology, a liberal
has its limits in the practice of public life. At least, because the maximization of
private profit is not tantamount to maximizing the public benefit [see the example
of the modern oil and gas complex of Russia: Simonov, 2006, pp. 75-98]. No
society is built exclusively on the liberal or otherwise ideological prescription: the
proportion of private and public initiatives is always consistent with the current
circumstances. Freedom of the individual is always limited: either the laws or his
own ideas (much safer). Speaking on the same liberalism in Russia, it should be
borne in mind that in the early 1990 ies. We have come a benign form of liberalism
and moved to its pathological variant of social Darwinism, ... that show reduction
of development of human society to the laws of biological evolution and the
nomination of the principles of natural selection, struggle for existence and
survival of the fittest as a determinant of social life [ Philosophical ..., 1983, pp.
639]. This view I had in the early 1990 ies. When I first heard the idea that the let
vymrut 20-30 million old, but the reforms will successfully. I think that would
agree with my opinion and many modern liberals - judge for Eugenia Gontmahera
[Gontmaher, 2007, pp. 10].
The state, the empire. Surprising as described here миросозерцание
anarhichno: they rebelled against the state government. I myself do not like any
authority, but the understanding that the State has a special form of self-complex
societies based on the anonymity of citizens, the professionalization of work,
allocation of management functions. Modern society can not survive without
government control. It is clear that it is very difficult to establish a universal
principle of governance, state authority. But izvolte: a sense of legitimacy, that is,
fairness and effectiveness of this power, shared by residents, there is a mandate for

the subsequent management. And in this context, it does not matter how that power
is formed: the laws of monarchical succession, aristocratic consensus or
democratic elections. It added that the Manichean dichotomy between state and
civil society has quite a local character: it appeared in the XVII century. in the UK
during the civil war. To do this through generalizations hardly productive.
Here is another interesting: continuing ideological squabbles around the
notion of Empire. In today's example, the American usage imperial tasks often as
preferred [eg.: Utkin, 2006]. The author uses this word only in a negative context.
This is certainly subject to debate. The concept goes back to a European empire,
and, above all, Roman culture. Emperor (Lat. master) - the title given to a
Octaviano August to replace the unpopular rex, a king. In fact, referring to the
empire, we are not dealing with a universal phenomenon, but the local European
tradition. This is well reflected in the terminology. Russian term dates back to the
king named Julius Caesar, as well as the German term Kaiser - Emperor. Concept
August personage, August family goes back to the name of Octavian Augustus
( August - exaltation gods).
There are some general features of the concept of empire as a purely
European phenomenon. In the first place should be talking about the empire as a
special type of social system in the understanding that, given T. Parsons. American
sociologist defines social systems as a system formed states and processes of social
interaction between actors, and he believed that society - that this type of social
system, which has the highest degree of self-sufficiency on their environment,
including other social systems [ Parsons, 1997, pp. 18, 20]. Following these ideas,
you can take the empire the social system of political (state) of a type, but not
society, and the community - the countries, peoples and lands. This is, indeed, said
English term imperial federation.
A special role is played by the imperial idea, which is an ideological shell of
the Imperial Commonwealth. In ancient Rome such an idea was to bring
civilization and order in the land of another people. With regard to the British
Empire can be said about the white man's burden - introducing elements of

progress in non-European parts oykumeny. Russian Empire in a hundred years
after the fall of Constantinople born the idea of Moscow - the third Rome, that is,
with the idea of preservation and dissemination of Orthodoxy (Russia was the only
one in the world of independent Orthodox state). Imperial imperial idea gives
people more power, some passionarnost for gains control of the occupied territories
and their integration into the imperial space. This is also due to the colonization of
the newly annexed territories. (It should be noted that the modern ex-metropolitan
areas characterized by the opposite process - pull residents of the former colonial
As evident from the above, the imperial social organism must solve a very
difficult task: to reconcile universalism with particularism, different cultural
traditions and territories with different levels of development - in a single political
entity. The difficulty of this task is that it does not have a single means of
resolving, it can be solved only through a unique experience, through trial and
error, the method of accumulation of successes, and errors. Moreover, developed
for one epoch or territory management techniques in other cases may be
unacceptable. The art of maintaining the balance between particularism and
universalism in the political community can be considered a variant of imperial
policy. Its purpose - maintaining the hegemony of the metropolis, as the main tool -
a combination of direct and indirect control. It is in imperial social formations
occur surge higher, Imperial culture.
We should add that empire and imperialism - are not related concepts. With
light hands Gilferdinga and then Lenin, imperialism is defined by foreign policy
activities related to obtaining economic benefits from the dependent status of other
countries and peoples. Here, for example, that on this occasion wrote the current
Dutch economic historian Herman Van der Vee: After the end of World War II
commodity production in the third world has been largely in the hands of the
private sector. Controlled the production and post-colonial European companies, as
well as American TNCs. Last, different dynamic and take the political naivety of
new states have been able to reap profits from the process of decolonization,

establishing control over the global trade in raw materials [Van der Vee, 1994, pp.
78; in more detail this question is contained in the book: Simon, 2006]. Russia,
served as metropolitan in the USSR, such benefits are not received. The same can
be said about the Soviet Union, which played the role of the metropolis for the
Soviet empire as a whole. Therefore, the USSR could be called the social system
of the imperial, not imperialist type.
It should be added, and the following considerations. The author, in one of
the articles placed here, in favor otnesya to express well-known economist E.
Yassin that imperial policy is tantamount to violence. Actually, this is not the case.
M. Weber, for example, thought the right to legitimate violence descent of any
state, but as perpetrators of this right to the Institute and the Police Court.
According to my data [Mastyugina, Perepelkin, 1997], the national (for example)
the policy of Russian Empire was based not on violence. And on the USSR and
about the XX century should be a special call. For example, I still wonder why in
the past century, an unprecedented wave of violence which culminated in the
atomic bombing of two Japanese cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Democracy. This term, unfortunately, lost its contents because of the
frequent use in different contexts. For instance, I refuse to be called democracy
promotion of homosexuality in a gay parade. And I do not care about law of any
minority, especially if they threaten to become bigger than me, the most.
Derivation of the term democracy in Political Science from the area of culture is
very dangerous. In fact and in politics it is not explicitly evaluated positively: to
understand it, bright enough to read the book and the controversial American
political scientist and journalist Walter Lipmann Public Philosophy [Lipman,
2004]. Democracy is the power of people's representatives, on the basis of their
mandates, organizing the life of a modern country. But if you look closely,
democracy - a form of management elites: how five generations of ancestors of the
U.S. President is not studied at university Ivy League?
It should be noted that representative government in its modern form has a
very short history. If not mistaken, only in 1913 for the first time in the world in

New Zealand was proclaimed universal suffrage. The next event - Russia in 1917,
and in most countries, universal suffrage was adopted only after the Second World
War. Only in 1960-ies. in the United States had been abolished the system of racial
segregation. And most controversial achievement of democracy is the practice of
manipulating the public mind, born in the United States in 1950-s. In its origins
was an American psychologist B. Skinner, who wrote: We can achieve this level of
management in which administered, although it follows a much more precisely
than with the old system, nevertheless, feel free. They do what they want to do, not
what they make. Here is a source of great strength of positive reinforcement - there
is no resistance, no outrage. Through careful research, we do not manage the final
behavior, but the intent to behave - the motives, desires, inclinations. Curiously,
this case never raises the question of freedom [op. by: Rimashevskaya, 2007, pp.
228; italics B. Skinner].
Personally for me this democracy is considerably worse than a mere
falsification of the election: it is better to know that you deceived. Confess I do not
see a different fate from the notion of democracy, how to clean water ideologem,
not the leadership to act. In addition, the current state, calling themselves
democracy, differ so greatly that the very notion of it is out of operationalization.
Recently I read that Bush Jr. wanted to Putin that Russia was the same democracy
as in Iraq today. Need comments?
Modernization. This notion, as far as I know, was introduced into scientific
circulation Israeli researcher S. Eyzenshtadtom [Eyzenshtadt, 1999] and was
subsequently rastirazhirovano numerous experts, including the conduct
international sociological research (eg, an American sociologist Alex Inkeles). We
must admit that in a period of scientific maturation the work of this kind exist
zavorazhivayusche: they start to believe. But then, this effect takes place - you
begin to understand that the authors have selected is not the relevant level of
The theory of modernization, of course, the theory evolyutsionistskogo type.
It is well understood (and studied), that the cultural transformation in a small

region of Western Europe were local mutations, resulting in the XVII-XVIII
centuries. to cultural revolution in the form of experimental science, and industrial
production. On this basis there was a special type of social organization, called the
capitalism. Its feature is that any Production Manager forced to withdraw funds
from the consumer, putting them into investments in the expansion of their
business. And indeed, there is the slightest difference, it makes the entrepreneur or
. It soon became clear that the costs of their own∗the State activities and can make
out of the country (see above about imperialism).
This combination of scientific creativity, technical смекалки and business
ethics, you can see the essence of modernization. Moreover, this phenomenon is
clearly manifested itself in the field of demography. But I would in no case has
been regarded as a universal phenomenon of culture moderniti, and in particular
the part which deals with the political organization of society. The point is that in
the history of mankind was a lot of modernization, for example, the Neolithic
revolution. But the last does not mean final. Generally, for human groups tend to
ekvifinalnosti quality, ie the achievement of some objectives in different ways. But
who knows what is in these problems? In this context vesternizm looks like
vkusovschina. Political culture is not nurtured in the beds of culture Agriculture.
When (and this is all), 20-30 years old Lord of the world will be China, will,
probably, a lot of books about the beauty of Confucianism, especially the creative
gifts Mongoloid race, world-historic significance of the uprising boxer.
Honestly, I have a lot of things would like to discuss here. For example, such
a plot. The author, as well as a large part of the Russian writers of brotherhood, has
criticized in the first two sides of modern Russian life: the president's authority and
the Orthodox Church. But if you turn to sociological studies, these two institutions
are most trusted in the community. Moreover, one can clearly say that no other
social institutions do not enjoy public confidence [Rimashevskaya, 2007, pp. 164-
165]. Strange criticism.
Stress that such disregard for life - is not an isolated case. Here is an
excellent example - Section of the Institute of Europe, Dmitry Furman [Furman,

2007, pp. 10]. It begins with a failure of expression of V. Putin. He further writes
that over time political leader loses sense of reality. In conclusion, results compare
quite unbelievable: of course, writes D. Furman, Bush Jr. made a lot more stupid,
but he will go through a democratic process. And Putin is that - do not leave? And
do not understand that the main issue of this comparison is exactly why the
American voter is allowed to involve themselves in the Iraqi adventure, which is
not the end in sight.
I thought the book S. Gavrova - a good example of a certain hanging (in a
computer understanding of speech), which demonstrates a significant part of the
Russian intelligentsia. This is unfortunate, but amendable. I think that you can
make a difference only in the broad - and a public outcry - debates. There was
discussion on the ideas of W. Surkova Sovereign Democracy. But I would say that
looks like it is a pity. It seems that what we think and write very soon will not be of
interest to anyone - not even ourselves. That is why I decided to write this preface
in the genre of criticism - perhaps someone else will understand that it is time to
think and argue, that is to do its work, rather than simply to earn a living.


1 Van der Vee G. History of the world economy. 1945-1990. M., 1994.
Le Havre SN Upgrading for the sake of empire. Social and cultural aspects
of modernization processes in Russia. Moscow, URSS, 2004.
2 Lipman U. Public Philosophy. M., 2004.
3 Mastyugina TM, Perepelkin LS Ethnology. The peoples of Russia: History
and current status (manual). M., 1997.
4 Parsons T. The system of modern societies. M., 1997.
5 Rimashevskaya NM (Ed.), saving the people. M., 2007.
6 Simonov KV Energy superpower. M., 2006.
7 Utkin A. The impact of American Gods. M., 2006.
8 Philosophical encyclopaedic dictionary. M., 1983.

9 Fukuyama F. The End of History and the Last Man. M., 2004.
10 Furman D. Late President / / Nezavisimaya gazeta. 2007. Aug. 21.
11 Eyzenshtadt S. revolution and social transformation. A comparative study
of civilizations. M., 1999.

Head of Sector of Applied Cultural Research and Cultural Policy of the

Russian Institute for Cultural Research, office, and. Mr. LS Perepelkin.

Russia after empire1

Postimperial status our country is confused. Today Russia is not yet full-
fledged national state. I think that it is mutilated, lost at time and space
postimperial formation. There is no concensus in public consciousness about legal
state borders: it is very difficult to answer the question, why some regions
constitute the state, and why other regions do not. As before the country disposes
of imperial body (1) (E.A. Pain), which was got in inheritance from imperial stage
of the territorial expantion. Hitherto the most part of society and political elite
perceive imperial territorial inheritance as certain nearly sacred value, that it is
impossible waive under no circumstances, inspite of “sociocultural vicinity” or
“sociocultural distance” of disputable territory. But the most unpleasant is
concluded, to my mind, in the fact that the threat of disinteration of Russia as state
formation, remained from empire, is saved.
In inheritance from empire we got an ethnonational and socuocultural
flowering difficulty (K.N. Leontiev) of Russian regions: they referes to three
civilizations, three world religions; they resides to different stages of the economic
development: preindustrial, industrial and postindustrial. Besides, from my
opinion, nation did not formed in Russia neither in its ethnic, nor in its
“postethnic”, civil sense. Traditional question – how to agree so heterogeneous
regional interests – is very important for our agenda. But deal is not only in
Translation articles Russia after Empire - LS Perepelkin.

cultural and civilizational differences. On the strength of the positions of Russian
regions (territory, economic) and its differences on the scale of the stages of
development they have different interests and they extremely differ on level of
living, incom and social protection.
The outlying Russian regions often are attracted not to Moscow, but to other
world centres of economic. For example Kaliningrad/Kenigsberge region is
attracted to ES in accordance with some economic, historical and cultural reasons.
In the East side of the country the states or Asian and Pacific Ocean region, first of
all China, are the source of the strong economic attraction. We do not speak about
strictly cultural or civilizational reorientations of Siberia and Russian Far East but
about absolute economic integration of these regions in economy of foreign Asia.
Nevertheless, as we know from history, political integration often follows the
economic integration. Often this is a function of time. We pay attention to these
well-known points to emphasize the differences in interests of Russian regions, to
put a question about possibility to agree so different interests within the framework
of Russian state, leaving but not left from empire.
The World history experience gives two main decisions, individually
executed under influence of different historical and sociocultural contexts. The
First variant expects straightening of ethno-federative relations as a procedure of
regional interests co-ordination, of delimitation and delegation of authority. This is
a long, often nerve-racking process for Russian authorities. Temptation to return to
traditional but failed forms of state management, to simplify the co-ordinations of
interests, to go to order, authoritarian management and unitary state is too great.
This is the Second way.
In its frame the interests of regions are minimum agreed, the main decisions
are taken in the centre, the processes of co-ordination realize in traditions of
unitary imperial state. Such were the practices in the USSR and Empire of
Romanoffs. Though there were the known exceptions with autonomy of Finland
and the Constitution of Polish Kindom in tsarist Empire... This design expects
using violence against nonconformists. This is an inheritance, which unites the

present-day Russian state with the state of Russian Imperia. I agree the key
characteristic of empires, given by E.Yasin: existence of Empires is impossible
without violence, although in soft forms. This is the main identifying sign of
empires (2). To change the vector of Russian development and to get free from
imperial life, it is necessary to enclose the considerable efforts, to form up the real
federalism, to work on shaping of the civil nation, to form the democratic institutes
and traditions.
To continue the motion in a direction of historically accustomed imperial
life, so significant efforts are not required. Now it is possible to observe a
reconstruction of authoritarian unitary state mechanism. But if earlier (in pre-soviet
period) advantages of imperial state and authoritarian rule exceed the costs, after
the Second war costs have gradually exceed the advantage. Today this is the most
essential restriction on a way of the development of the country. I’ll again refer to
position of E.Yasin: a decay of empire began long ago. The country developed,
empire (as its political form) – not, and this fact became the brake of the further
development of the country (3). It is likely that choice between two variants of
development is made. De facto the variant of the reconstitution of unitary state is
chose. As a result we can see refusal of democracy in favour of its “operated”,
even decorative variant. But differences of Russian regions can not to combine the
unitary form of state organization (de jure or de facto) with democracy.
Often the choice of unitarianism affects on situational actions of authorities
in relations with politicians, business, mass media. Possible, today this way is
efficient, but this effect is temporary, especially tactical. If long and firm joint
coexistence of heterogeneous Russian regions and their inhabitants is possible in
principle, this possibility is based on two cardinal principles: existence of real
federalism with elements of confederacy – and existence of civil, multiethnic
nation. Civil, rather then ethnic nation expresses the generic relationship with
citizenship of the empires. To reach this aim our imperial inheritance can be useful:
we can not form the ethnic nation, but can form multiethnic and civil nation. Such

variant is undoubtedly preferred in the sense of observance of civil and political
liberties, human rights in general too.
What can help or disturb to carry out these principles and what can help or
disturb to set right the further joint life of the people on the territory of Russian
It is possible to build the joint life of a civil nation in federative/confederate
state on a basis of consumer and achievement activity of a person. In shoulder
strap for russian daydream in its moscow, jakutsk and other registration he can
(may by only temporary) not to recall, who is he, whence and where he goes, or,
anyway, forget about his cultural-civilizational identity. While his “memory” does
not define his social activity - an postimperial Russian state will exist in its own
present borders. But today traditional religious identity of different ethnic groups is
present in public consciousness often in hidden, latent form. As rule it is washed
away with westernization and with the policy of total secularization, conducted by
soviet power.
As a result of this politicians significant and may be the most part of
population is indifferent to religions. As I.Yakovenko has noticed (4), number of
those who suggest itself as a part of Russian orthodox church forms about several
percents of the society and this number will not grow seriously. This indifference
unites the country and smooths inter-ethnic and inter-religion contradictions. As
soon as process of ethno-religion rebirth will become on-persisting mass, serious
contradictions will arise, putting under question the territorial wholeness of the
country. Degree of expression of traditionalism defines degree of toughness of
Russia. To my mind, today a part of Russian political class tries to rest on some
elements of traditionalism, first of all in its religious variant. This course has not
prospect, as today former imperial mechanisms are destroy for the country. But
during seventy years of the soviet authority not only traditionalists but society as a
whole were greatly weakened. If compare the democratic potential of tsarist Russia
and contemporary Russia, we can deduse, that this comparison will not give the
unambiguous advantage to present-day situation.

For decennial events of soviet authorities our country seriously advanced on
a way of modernization, it made demographic transition, it collected Russian
population in city, destroyed patriarchal, including religious, traditions. The
country passed industrialization, it obtained high level of mass education. But
during this period, especially before 1953, wу have lost many millions of high
educated men, who not only strived to install in Russia democracy and republic,
but who was also ready to take part personally in this process. Before the
revolution of 1917, millions of men in the country rested on furcated system of
civil institutions. They tried to direct the country on European way of
development. But this was not got peacefully, step by step, and it was needed the
revolution of 1905, but then February revolution of 1917.
At the end of the soviet period layer people, comparable with
prerevolutionary on number of human quality - professional and civil, – was not in
Soviet Russia. There were dissidents and sympathizing him, but almost nobody of
them went in post-soviet policy, almost nobody of them renewed rows of Russian
officialdom. The new authority was created with men without experience in
democratic work, it was created with some portion of chance.
In soviet Russia there were not a broad democratic motion, as it was in other
countries of “soviet block”. However there were sewn hundreds of thousands of
people in the country, who took part in demonstrations of 1990-1991. There were
men, who was ready to die for new Russian republic, as it was at August 1991
(events near White house) and at October 1993 (events near Mossovet), but there
were not a necessary number of those, who was capable to take part in everyday
stale work, save the ideals and value them cherish then material advantages.
Moreover, there were insufficient amount of the people in country, who was ready
to consider the democracy as value and use the democratic rights. Democracy – is
a public order for free people. /.../ That one, who uses his liberty, is free (5). But
once so, it is necessary to use others, who, outside of dependencies from their own
glance and past, can and will die to work, capable to quick-and-dirty everyday
official work. They are ready to work for sake of its material interest possess

certain internal discipline. So the rise of number of former members of power
structures in our authorities must not be surprise in this sense. They were added
with traditions of state management. If it is impossible on that or other reasons to
rest on society, authority rests on power structures. Coming from the conditions
before August 1991, such result was more probable, therefore, probably, it became
the reality.
Our common history carrying concludes in the fact that it was realized
certain averaged variant of possible future, not the most good, but also not the most
bad. The most terrible practices of social transformation Russia has shown to
whole world at years of the Civil war of 1918-1921, and terible practices of
transformations of multinational federation - in 1990-e years were demonstrated to
the world by S.Miloshevich and Serbian nationalists in former Yugoslavia.
Considering particularities of soviet inheritance, extreme weakness of the political
class, to say nothing of practical absence of political elite, we have easy finished.
The political class only began be formed, and for its formation and reproducing
from their own rows efficient and responsible elite, it need, to say the least, many
decades. But now it is only formed, including in its composition and rejecting
pretenders not only upon their political glance, but also according their
management efficiency.
The power is intrinsically heterogeneous: therefore it is necessary to take
into account differences in political glance of high officials. The political class of
modern Russia, with the known share of conventionality, is possible to split into
two main groups: liberal bureaucrats and former members of force structures. They
occupy, on statement of Moscow political jokers, different Kremlin towers.
Naturally that each of these groups have its own picture of the world, they have its
own belief about due and non-due, about that what is good and what is bad for
This fission perhaps calls with that, what was at years of great reforms of
Alexander II. So, some foreign historians reveals two types of Russian political
culture, which characterize the enlightened bureaucrat-“zapadnik” (western-

oriented persons) and so named police officials. The system of values of political
culture (the first type) comprised legality, equality of the people, the personal
initiative and legal political power. Central for police political culture (the second
type) were such value, as paternity, trusteeship and confession of personal
authorities of the monarch, rather then law, as well as negative, suspicious attitude
to independent public and peasantry. In ditto time elements of police mentality
come to light in worldoutlook of modern reformers since in base of their glance lay
the confession of the primate of the state interest and conservations (the
preservations) of order and stability (6).
These groups of official express the different public moods. And the largest
threat for democratic development of Russia – at its transiting period from soviet
model of power to modern west democracy – is marked civil opposition, care from
constructive dialogue between authority and society. Responsibility for this lies on
the authorities and on the society. Those who “represents the power as demon”,
they help it to fortify in authoritarian orthodox-autocratic corridor of the
possibilities and they make the greater mistake.
Instead of this, it needs constant dialogue with “sober” people in the
authority, in spite of their former and present professional implements, in spite of
their personal political glance. It is not necessary “to represent as demon” former
and present members of force structures, lamenting about big amount of them in
the authorities. The dialogue washes away the positions of both sides since it can
lead to compromise. Therefore it is so complicated to go in a direction of dialogue.
To stand in side, feeling intellectual superiority to explain, why power is always
wrong, and how bad are all its projects, and why its actions and inactions will
absurdly finished, is easier. It is necessary to speak with power on language of
interests, rather then ideals and principles. Today the real possibility for our civil
society to assist the democratizations of Russia is consist in interaction with power
first of all by means of efficient participation in process of state and corporative
management. As it was got during the hole period of the reforms, for instance, by

Dialogue is successful if it brings to compromise. But what is the ground
this compromise can be reached?
Paradoxically, but temporary, situational compromise is received
spontaneously, and it is concluded in possibility to avoid the history choice during
any time, to avoid any mental decision in connection with our
imperial/postimperial, to avoid the question about ourselves: are we West or
Orient, are we a part of European civilization or not, where vector of our history
development is directed.
The possibility of the compromise is connected with global economic
conjuncture, tempestuous economic growing in countries of the third world, sharp
growth of raw materials and energy resources consumption. In industrial epoch
raw materials and energy resources were wholly enough for economic necessities
of golden billion, today they will be enough for the rest world too, but this will be
more high level of prices. Naturally, such situation in the world trade will bring to
additional financial and global political advantage for countries-exporters of raw
materials, including Russia. That is why it is realizing in our country briefly-level
variant of “energy and raw materials superpower (sverkhderzhava). Now it forms
rare in world history situation: for some times it will be possible to get all
increasing incoms to account of growing of raw material and energy resources
world prices, not fearing of change of price dynamic. Permanent rising of this price
dynamic minimizes the risks of external economic shock for Russia. But this, in
turn, minimizes the risks of internal political convulsions. If we shall be able to
avoid an national-patriotic deadlock end, as well as cutting the intensification of
election competition between different towers of Kremlin, political stability and
economic growing are practically guaranteed.
In other words, positive particularities of foreign economic conjuncture are
capable to freeze ethnic and federative relations between Russian regions, greatly
mute real and potential separate moods, postpone in vast distant future possible of
the third stage of state deconsruction (I speak about state which going from
imperial to national form of its organizations). Historical pause of energy

superpower will be able to become a fairy tale about lost time. But it can enable
more predictable and more firm for self-determination of Russian society and state.


1. Pain E. Between empire and nation. Modernist project and its

traditionalist alternative to the national policy of Russia. M.: Foundation Liberal
mission, 2003, 164 pp. (Pain EA Mezhdu imperiey i natsiey. Modernistsky proekt i
ego traditsionalistskaia alternativa v natsionalnoy politike Rossii).
2. Yasin EG Phantom pain bygone empire / / After the Empire. M.:
Foundation Liberal mission, 2007, pp. 7 (Yasin EG Fantomnyie boly uschedschey
imperii / / Posle imperii, p. 7).
3. Yasin EG Phantom pain bygone empire / / After the Empire. M.:
Foundation Liberal mission, 2007, pp. 10 (Yasin EG Fantomnyie boly uschedschey
imperii / / Posle imperii, p. 10).
4. Yaklvenko I. Empire and the Nation / / After the Empire. M.: Foundation
Liberal mission. M.: 2007, pp. 60 (Yakovenko I. Imperiya i natsiya / / Posle
imperii, p. 60).
5. Yasin EG Choice whether democracy in Russia. M.: A new publishing
house, 2005, pp. 339-340 (Yasin EG Prizhivietsa li demokratiya v Rossii, pp. 339-
6. Op. by: Bolshakova OV Russian Empire: The control system (modern
foreign historiography): An analytical review. M.: INION Russian Academy of
Sciences, 2003, pp. 14-15. (Bolschakova OV Rossiyskaya imperiya: sistema
upravleniya / Sovremennaya zarubezhnaya istoriografiya / pp. 14-15).

Chapter 1. Modernization

I. What is the modernization

Of Modernization - macro transition from traditional to modern society - a

society of modernism.
Today, the notion of modernization is seen mainly in three different
1) as the internal development of the countries of Western Europe and North
America, referring to the new European time;
2) catching the modernization of the country's practice, not related to the
first group of countries, but also seeking to catch up with them;
3) the processes of evolution of the most modernized societies (Western
Europe and North America), ie upgrading as a permanent process through the
implementation of reforms and innovations that today means a transition to a
postindustrial society.
We know that there was cultural anthropology, studying the traditional,
archaic form of human coexistence. Suffice it to recall the work of classic cultural
anthropology A. Krebera, L. White, M. Herskovitsa, E. Taylora.
In cultural anthropology evolution of many traditional local cultures was
seen primarily in two forms.
1) as a linear stadialnoy evolution of the progressive nature of relatively
simple societies to ever more complex. This understanding is correlated with the
classical understanding of modernization processes. These views are more or less
shared in England - G. Spencer, J. McCarthy Lennane, J. Lebok, E. Taylor, J.
Fraser, Germany - A. Bastian, T. Vayts, J. Lippert, France - S. Létourneau, in the
United States - LG Morgan;
2) as a multi-development of different types of crops. In the latter case,
greater emphasis was placed on the originality of modernization processes and
options for modernization, which arise as a consequence. Modernization is seen
rather as the realization of various types of histories. A well-known expert in the
field of modernization of transformations S. Eyzenshtadt believes that there is at

present being developed and many civilizations. The problem is just that those of
civilization, with many similar components, and there are points of intersection
between them, continue to evolve, giving birth, new versions of various aspects of
modernism, each of which offers its own program of cultural development. All this
helps to diversify the approaches to the understanding of modernism and to the
assessment of cultural programs initiated by different parts of contemporary
Talking about the genealogy of the word modern, German philosopher
Habermas Yu notes that it is first used in Europe at the end of V in. in order to
distinguish received the official status of the Christian and pagan Roman past. In
the next era of the contents of the notion of changing, but the Enlightenment and
Romanticism and then filling it with meaning, соотносимым with the modern.
Modern, advanced since then is that which contributes to the objective expression
of spontaneously updating the relevance of the spirit of the time.
As a result of acceleration of development inherent in the new time in
Europe was a special civilization of modern, radically different from traditional
society. Modern emerged in Western Europe due to the formation of the Protestant
work ethic, market economy, bureaucracy and legal system. In Western Europe,
macro modernization - the transition from the traditional (pre-industrial) society to
modernize the society has taken several centuries (the industrial revolution in
England, the strengthening of the bourgeoisie and its acquisition of political power
by the British in 1640-1642, the United States in 1776 and 1789 g of the French .
Usually identify three periods of modernization: I period - the end of XVIII -
beginning of XX century.; II period - 20-60-ies. XX century.; III period - 70-90's.
XX century. Several authors, including Yu Habermas and E. Giddens, believe that
the era of modernization continues today as it continues the process of
modernization. Some authors believe that the modern (contemporary) can not be
completed in principle. Thus, the Senegalese sociologist S. Amin argues that
modernity (modernity) incomplete, it opens the door to the unknown. Today

nezavershaema in its essence, but it involves a sequence of forms, which are very
diverse overcome the contradictions of society in every moment of its history .
Genealogical modern Western civilization dates back to the New Time, in
different regions of the world subject to inherent institutional environment and
elements of value-regulatory system. Modernization as a process and modern as its
consequence, Having emerged in the western world in the XX century. were spread
on a global scale. E. Giddens believes that No other, more traditional forms of
community could not resist it, while maintaining complete isolation from global
trends. Is moderniti exclusively Western phenomenon in terms of lifestyles, which
contribute to the development of these two great forces convert? The direct answer
to this question must be yes . According to the well-known Israeli sociologist S.
Eisenstadt, Historically, modernization is a process of change, leading to two types
of social, economic and political systems that prevailed in Western Europe and
North America in the period between the XVII and XIX centuries and spread to
other countries and continents .
Modern society consists of four basic institutions: a competitive democracy,
market economy, the welfare state and mass communication. Market economy -
the basis of an autonomous civil society, transcends all borders and create an open
society. Unlike a detailed study of the cultural anthropology of traditional societies
modernize society built on the principles: the electoral law, the rule of law; the
universalization of civil rights: the institutionalization of social change, secular
culture and secularization of society, urbanization, the autonomy of subsystems;
rationalization; domination of the market economy, bureaucracy,
professionalization , mass literacy and mass media, the growth of social and
professional mobility.
Society modernization consists of citizens with inalienable rights: civil,
political and social. The scientific revolution of the XVII century. and
technological advances have led to the transformation of members of local
communities of citizens imagined community - the nation-state. Distinctive
features of modernization are as follows: in the field of politics - a democratic

constitutional state, in state-building - go to the national State in the fields of
science and education - the formation of an autonomous science in the economic
sphere - the transition to capitalism. Universal package modernization
transformation characteristic of the XX century., Considered Russia's cultural
anthropologist EA Orlova. At the level of socio-cultural organization of social
modernization in the form of motion from industrialism to postindustrializmu in
the economic sphere, in politics as a movement from authoritarian to democratic
regimes, as in the legal transition from conventional to a legal right. The relevant
changes in socio-relevant knowledge and world view: in the religious sphere is
noticeable shift from the sacred to a secular world justification in philosophy -
from a monistic to a pluralistic world outlook, in art - from the desire for stylistic
unity to polistilistike in science - from objectivism to the anthropic principle. The
combination of these broad social and cultural trends are known as upgrading .
According to the definition of a well-known British expert in the field of
modernization transformation B. Moore, modernization is a total transformation of
traditional society domodernistskogo in a social organization that characterized the
advanced , economically prosperous and politically stable nations on the West.
Professor of Sociology, University of Munich U. Beck believes that the
modernization is not only to education, a centralized state power, the concentration
of capital and all the more subtle interplay of the division of labor and market
relations, mobility, mass consumption, etc., but - here we come to the generalized
model - to a triple personalization: the release of the historically given social forms
and relations in the traditional sense of the circumstances of domination and the
( dimension Liberation), the loss of traditional stability in terms of effective
knowledge, beliefs and accepted norms ( dimension razvolshebstvleniya ) - and
how would reverse the meaning of concepts - a new type of socio-cultural
integration ( dimension control and reintegration ).
The second meaning of modernization understand a variety processes
catching development in less developed or developing societies, modernization as
a response to the challenge of modernizing Western civilization, to which each

company provides, or does not respond in accordance with its principles, structures
and characters, set in a lengthy development . In this meaning of the term
modernization refers to the underdeveloped societies, and describes their efforts to
catch up with the leading, most developed countries, which co-exist with them in a
historical time in a single global society. In this case, the notion of modernization
describes the movement from the periphery to the center of modern society.
Theories of modernization and convergence neomodernizatsii uses the term
modernization in this narrow sense. On the differences and interactions between
dosovremennymi (pre-industrial) societies and modern Art Nouveau in the XIX
century. wrote H. Spencer, A. Conte, G. Meng, F. Tennis, E. Durkheim.
Finally, the third meaning of modernization is understood as a process of
transformation of innovation the most developed countries in Europe and North
America, which first began the process of modernization and long-rooted in the
modernist style. On the topic of transition to a postindustrial society, there is
building works, in particular, D. Bell, JK Gelbreyta, R. Iglegarta, F. Fukuyama, C.
Handy, L. Turou, VL Inozemtsev.
Modernization as a socio-cultural macro has its theoretical basis. It
represents the theory of modernization, the formation of which was influenced by
evolutionism, functionalism and diffuzionizm. A fundamental contribution to the
formation of scientific concepts that explain the macro-modernization, ie transition
from traditional to modern society, have made O. Conte, C. Spencer, K. Marx, M.
Weber, E. Durkheim, F. Tennis, P. Cooley, D. Maine. Theories of modernization in
their classical form obtained scientific and public recognition in the 50's - mid 60's.
XX century. As well known were the work of M. Levy, E. Hagen, T. Parsons, N.
Smelzera, D. Lerner, J. Aptera, S. Eyzenshtadta, P. Berger, W. Rostow.
Among the studies functionalists should mention the work of American
classics and world sociology T. Parsons, the process of segregation of imported
sociocultural experience in modernizing countries. T. Parsons believes that the
constant attempts to divide imported inokulturny experience at an acceptable and
not acceptable tends to preserve the values of a culture of high-level opening at the

same time, the way the radical changes at the next level of value specifications, ie
at the level of major functional subsystem .
Evolutionary, especially G. Spencer (1820-1903) - English philosopher,
biologist, psychologist and sociologist, the main focus of their theoretical
constructions made on the analysis of how society develops. The most complete H.
Spencer outlined his views on the evolution of society as a fundamental work
Fundamentals of Sociology. He and his followers to pay close attention to the
continuity of social change, progressive, positive results of the evolutionary
process, the evolutionary character of modernization processes. They believed that
modernization single transformation: the less developed countries should take the
same path, which have been developed countries modernize, the changes are
gradual, cumulative and peaceful. They stressed the importance of exogenous,
intrinsic reasons and describes the driving forces for change the terms Structural
and functional differentiation, adaptive improvement evolyutsionistskimi and
similar concepts. Professor of Jagiellonian University in Krakow P. Shtompka
notes that in terms of the evolutionary - supporters of the theory of modernization,
it was to be a general improvement in social life and the human condition. The
modernization and convergence were seen as necessary, irreversible, endogenous
and benefits processes. The path of modernization transformation consists of
consecutive phases, segments, or stages, for example, Traditional - Transitional -
Modern, traditional - Stage achieve preconditions to start the change - the
beginning of continuous growth - maturity - to achieve the level of mass
Classical modernization theory focused on the contrast between the first and
the third world. Authors, tyagotevshie to the classical theories of modernization, in
general, converge in the next. The ideology of progress and is becoming
increasingly secular content, throughout the period of modernization determined
evropotsentrizm historical process, assuming the movement of various peoples in
the ascending stairs to the rationalism and ekonomikotsentrizmu. A well-known
American political scientist Robert Nisbet, summarizing the views of the classics

of social and political thought in progress, said that in general the classical concept
of the idea can be seen as a gradual liberation of humanity from fear and ignorance
of traffic on the way to ever higher levels of civilization. In this case, the theory of
modernization is the private expression of the paradigm of progress.
Diffuzionisty (F. Rattsel, L. Frobenius, F. Gröbner) interpreted the
development process, and some of their followers and the processes of
modernization, mainly as diffusion, rather than endogenously-evolutionary in
nature. In contrast to the interpretation of modernization as the spontaneous
tendencies of evolution, self bottom, diffuzionisty believed that he started and is
controlled by top intellectual and political elite, which seeks to overcome the
backwardness of their country through planned, purposeful actions. Diffusion
serves as a mechanism for modernization changes. The interaction between the
more developed, modernized and less developed, modernizing societies is a crucial
factor in modernization. In the transition countries as the desired goal of
modernization are considered developed countries of Western civilization. Hence,
modernization - it is not just a spontaneous development in a progressive direction.
In this understanding, modernization is a direct and desirable to a more accurate
transfer inokulturnyh norms, values, institutions, patterns of work and leisure from
the reference group of their own. Modernization is not a self-sustaining,
samoprogressiruyuschim process. Rather, it is a transfer of specimens, models, and
the achievements of developed countries to their own.
Modernization processes in non-societies might be explained using
evolutionary theory and diffuzionistkoy. Given the interaction of endogenous
(evolyutsionistskih) and exogenous (diffuzionistskih) of the processes of
modernization, the author will present their classification:
Endogenous type of modernization - a process determined endogenous
socio-cultural dynamics. Upgrade due to complex internal causes, self
samotransformatsiey society. An example of this type of modernization, ranging
from Modern Times, is the development of Western Europe and North America.

Adaptive (catching) the kind of modernization. Practiced in states that do not
belong to the western pioneer of modernization, beginning as an adaptation
reaction to processes of rapid social and cultural dynamics of Western civilization
in the modern, passing on a challenge - response. Divided into two subspecies:
I. modernization as samovesternizatsiya. Initiated in order to achieve internal
goals, which include the need to overcome the technological lag of modern
Western civilization and the preservation of the state independence. This type of
modernization, in turn, is divided into two subspecies:
A) defense modernization. A primarily to strengthen the military-political
potential of the state, changing the society serves more as a secondary process of
technical and technological borrowing. Under this model, the strengthening of the
modernization of the state is the absolute goal, but people only means of
subsistence to an end. An example is the modernization of Russia's reforms of
Peter I until the end of the Soviet period, with the exception of the reforms of
Alexander II and the socio-cultural transformation of post-Soviet period. R.
Bendiks noticed that only the first modernizing nation has a chance to follow his
own way independently, without external pressure. All other nations are influenced
by the struggle between the vanguard and the rearguard of modernization. The
threat of military defeat forced laggards (Russia, the Ottoman Empire, Japan) to
reform the bureaucracy and the army. This upgrade is described by the notion of
defensive modernization . This extensive upgrade, based on attribution and the
development of other people's cultural achievements, the results of innovation
borrowing without acquiring the ability to self-innovation, which can not be
B) the liberal modernization. A change of society and the liberation of
human perception, not only the technical and technological tools of Western
Civilization Modern, but also the processes that led to the creation of this toolkit,
the Western perception of his genealogy of the institutions, norms, values,
behavior. A classic example is the reform of Alexander II, as well as the

modernization process in Russia and former socialist countries of Eastern Europe
in the 90's. XX century.
II. upgrading of the foreign tutelage. It is a transformation of the socio-
cultural system, carried out with the direct or indirect participation by the state or
the number of states belonging to the civilization of Western Modernism.
Geopolitical sovereignty, as a rule, not preserved. This type of modernization, in
turn, is divided into two subspecies:
A) the modernization in the form of partial responsibility. A, in the spirit of
the colonial and semi-policy, where one or more branches of the colonial economy
serve the interests of the metropolitan economy, while other industries do not
receive a significant impetus to the development. Modernization of the colonies are
not reviewed and does not formulated as a problem of policy. The development of
social and cultural spheres of the state is controlled by-product of the activities of
the colonial administration. An example is the British colonial rule in India, which
was formed vesternizirovannaya the Indian elite, which began the struggle for
liberation from colonial rule.
B) the modernization in the form of systemic involvement, one or more
states initiate and assume full responsibility for the modernization processes in the
ward areas. An example may serve as Germany and Japan after the Second World
The scheme is conditional, in practice there is mixing of internal and
external factors that determined the processes of modernization, while the diffuse
component dominates in the process of modernization of non-transition societies.
In the 70's - mid 80's. XX century. the concept of progress in general and the
theory of modernization, in particular, have been subjected to substantial
revaluation. In the framework of scientific discourse and public consciousness has
been questioned as a model of the evolutionary arrangement of the world, its
modernization, and the very concept of progress. Critics of modernization theory
pointed to the low efficiency of transformation of modernization in third world
countries, in their partial or total exclusion. It was recognized that persists and is

likely to continue to remain a significant diversity of the country modern. For
example, the famous Israeli sociologist S. Eyzenshtadt noted that the contradiction
- between the uniqueness of the West and the fact that he was like a model for the
rest of the world, but on the other hand, the specifics of the dynamics of other
civilizations, it was not obvious at the time of Marx and Weber, when the spread of
capitalism and modernization outside Europe was in its early stages. But it has
become much more apparent at later stages of modernization after the Second
World War .
As a result of modernization processes in different regions of the world, it
turned out that the modernization process and the results are influenced by socio-
cultural traditions of the recipient countries. Transforming society perceive
inokulturnye innovation, changing them, getting in the output hybrid design,
combining elements of the imported material inokulturnogo and local socio-
cultural traditions. The authenticity of the original samples and the practical
effectiveness of the hybrid structures are usually not high.
With regard to the observed in the XX century. the global spread of
modernization processes and institutional modernization, the picture emerges of
the macro in this way. Until the second half of XX century. real superiority of
Western civilization in the geographical area which gave birth to modern, over the
rest of the world was the predominant, if not absolute. As an alternative for most of
the last century advocated socialist project is, above all in the USSR, a desperate
attempt to achieve the quantitative performance of Modernism. Socialist
modernization options practiced during the XX century. in various countries
around the world, especially in the USSR, was, despite all the ideological
differences, only one of the branches of general modernization process, the
adaptation of non-response. It is no accident that, outside the traditional range of
modernizing it was perceived socialist modernization option, since it is correlated
with the collective mentality of non societies. It is close to socialism collectivism
of Asia, so far as individualistic Euro-Atlantic civilization, where his chances
negligible. Revolutionary situation in Germany and Hungary after the October

Revolution in Russia, as in the case of Russia were the result of defeat in World
War I, the consequence of a predominantly autochthonous development.
The second alternative projects, do not claim to universality, a project of
national socialism. It should be remembered that modernization processes are a
synthesis of progressive and inverse dynamics, progress and regression, though, in
dealing with a long diahronnom context, dominated by incremental dynamic
processes. As a dialectical combination raznovektornyh dynamic processes, an
example of negative adaptive response to the challenge of Euro-Atlantic
civilization modernization can be considered the experience of totalitarian regimes
of the XX century., Including particularly the experience of Nazi Germany and
Stalin's Soviet Union. Using technological advances modernization combined with
the denial of democratic forms of organization of society, human rights, severe
regulations creative potential of individuals.
Due rooting totalitarianism proved most difficult development of culture and
society, have inherent capability of self-organization, the properties of open and
nonequilibrium systems. Totalitarian regimes of the XX century. persistent external
shell modern society, render it essential, ontological foundation. Countries in the
second wave of modernization include Germany last century, behind politically
and economically more developed countries. German National Socialists tried to
adapt the technology to the modern open society goals of the totalitarian, closed
society. Fascism in Germany was a reaction to the strengthening of internal social
and cultural crisis and foreign policy defeat. In this case, rather, on the use of
potency of modernization in the instrumental field of application of advances in
technology, military construction, partly in the economy. Totalitarian regimes have
sought to adapt some of these developments for the re-establishment of a closed
society, an ideology which is a mixture of rationalism and irratsionalizma, reliance
on science and at the same time, the most archaic, syncretic of sociocultural
In the second half of XX century. situation changed radically, Germany,
starting with its western part became part of and, subsequently, a key structural

element of European Modernism. Rather difficult path in this direction and some
other countries of the European continent, including Italy and Spain and later
Poland, Hungary and other former socialist countries, are gradually integrating into
the Euro-Atlantic civilization modern.
The rest of humanity as defined in the years after the Second World War as
the Third World, not only has failed to provide a universal alternative, but effective
local development options for non-states. The situation changed in the second half
of XX century. When modernization has led to the spread of modernization is far
beyond the Western civilization.
One example of this - a dynamic, economically and socially successful
group of Asian States, the processes of modernization in the Islamic civilization,
including the attempt to construct the economy, taking into account the practice
followed in the religious establishment (the prohibition on lending vzymanie per
cent in the Koranic tradition).
Western civilization period modernization mainly develops in the horizontal
plane, leaving behind a brace, the increasingly reduced, the vertical dimension.
Note that the vertical direction, we understand the value of sacred, the transcendent
dimension, and a horizontal direction - the value of the earth's physical life. This is
a departure from the sacred, transcendental values reflected, in particular, to
transform and enrich the new, secular Christian content on their genealogy
structures. Non-civilization is not long enough to answer the call period of
modernization in the West largely because of their civilization priorities lie in the
dominance of vertical measurement above the horizontal. As part of the
modernization process, the desire of catch up and overtake State modernize
without losing or at least not radically transforming traditional civilizational
identity is rather problematic.
In the case of practical implementation of these transformational projects
achieved, usually at the cost of extreme tension of forces of society and the state,
received raznovektornoe direction of movement of the system can not function
effectively in any of these planes. Continues today and infantilism mifologizm

mass consciousness, and not only in Russia, continues to focus on the possibility of
achieving the whole range of benefits of civilization and living standards, nothing
significant will not be donating. So the Arab-Muslim religious thinker S. Qutb
described the ideal Muslim society, which in its material life would be in line with
modern (Western) civilization, and the spirit, philosophy - religious beliefs, ideas
about life, the goal of human life, the place of human the universe, about its unique
properties, rights and responsibilities - based on providentsializme .
Attempts to modernize the plane in the measurement of civilization, which
includes the economy, forms of organization of society, technology, etc., while
maintaining the priority of the vertical measurement of civilization, its spiritual,
religious component - it is not utopia. However, the desire to preserve the
civilizational identity leads to an individual each time the ratio of local
(civilization) and universal (stadialnogo). This ratio in the context of the local
civilization, in turn, is not static, but is determined by the intensity of endogenous
facing its historical and sociocultural dynamics of adaptation in nature with respect
to the dynamics of exogenous, produced in the period of Western civilization
In the second half of last century, the processes of modernization have
become global. Modernization of the previous era of globalization has created.
Globalization has become a source and resource upgrading, initiating dramatic
changes in the living world in which Western societies have been pioneers. This is
a long, historical process, which includes a number of defining elements of culture
and human emancipation.
Today it can be argued that globalization is a modern-up single and universal
project Nouveau. Globalization is manifested in the movement towards an
integrated economic, legal, informational, educational and, ultimately, cultural
space, is the present stage of modernization. It is a seamless, vector flow
modernization / globalization of change, a move towards integrated,
complementary to peace, based on the institutions and values of Western
civilization modern.

Globalization is the product of accelerating the socio-cultural dynamics of
the whole world, that leads to a location geographically, socially, culturally remote
locality in a single spatio temporal continuum in the space of a single cause-effect
relationships. Globalization is the spread of macro-institutional and regulatory
environment, the value of Western civilization modernize globally, resulting in
greater permeability of the borders of nation-states and a significant weakening of
national sovereignty, when a number of government functions are transferred to the
transnational level.
This process is due to various reasons, primarily emerging reduction, noting
the functions of the national state to the functions of local government (postal
services, part of the education system, police powers, etc.). The most important of
them - the completeness of geo-political sovereignty on its territory - subject to
redefinition, evolution occurs in the direction of reducing the powers of the nation-
state. During the late modernize fewer states can seriously talk about national
security with the help of the armed forces, economic, educational, fiscal space is
increasingly becoming supranational character, the less control at the national
In the process of globalization, the identity of the upgraded person
transcends national boundaries, becoming transnational forms of identity. This
increases the level of freedom, transforming the national community and cultural
traditions. The forms of social prestige, reference patterns, norms and values are
simulated and are broadcast within the emerging global information and cultural
space. Now you can identify with the global transkulturnymi forms of social
solidarity, which largely replaces an earlier identification with the world's religions
and nations, nation states.
Today, the vector of historical and socio-cultural dynamics has shifted from
the institutionalized, vertically integrated forms of social solidarity to the network
forms (R. Castells), social movements, global, ie west of its genealogy norms,
values, behaviors. Man era of the late modernization can identify with the
transnational movements, including anti, environmentalists (Greenpeace), sexual

minorities, youth movements Nonconformist type, with the owners of cars,
washing machines, shampoo, with consumers of certain brands of reference
products and services. A person can act as owner of the house built for a specific
project, the car model, make a choice between the huge consumer communities
amateurs Pepsi or Coca-Cola, root for the football team, often representing the
nation state of which he is, solidariziruyas with fans of this club etc. Moreover,
new forms of identity and solidarity constitute an identification with the cultural
products produced by the media on a global scale. Personality may be aware of
themselves as part of a prestigious social groups that are created and reproduced by
means of advertisements in various forms.

Imperial Russia and the liberal model of modernization

In describing the processes of modernization in Russia, a number of authors,

notably A. Kara-Murza and A. Wiśniewski, resorted to the term conservative
modernization, vstraivaya Russia in a number of countries that are seeking a full-
fledged entry into the modern, focused on preserving or slow transformation of
traditional values, institutions and relations.
From our point of view, the use of the term conservative modernization in
relation to Russia does not at least because the aim of dominating the line of
Russian modernization is not the transformation of the system of Russian
civilization in the modern. This distance was shown both before and after the
Bolshevik Revolution of 1917
Thus, L. Pellikani believed that the Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the
radical attempt to stop the spread of Western culture. The Soviet system tried to
take only the civilization of western science and technology, abandoning the rest.
Industrial power of the Bolsheviks used to control the West and building a society
hostile to individualism and secular , that is very hostile grounds modern. Similar
position is of the well-known English scholar in the field of international relations
K. Kouker, thinks that all non-aggravated communism in Russia. Lenin was the

product of the Russian reaction against the West, not the catalyst for
Westernization country .
We do not believe it is correct with regard to Russia, and the use of the term
catching development, although some authors working on the Russian
modernization transformation, and believe that Russia is developing mainly in the
framework of this model of modernization. Despite the fact that in some historical
situations, the direction of movement in Europe (or U.S.) as advanced as Russia
and catching the same, but when considering the situation in the context of a
centuries-old historical interaction / combat Russia and Euro-Atlantic civilization
area members of the race is no longer runner moving in the same direction on
different, but unidirectional tracks. Divergent paths of historical, civilizational
paradigms of development is clear, so it is quite difficult to talk about catching
development in the strict sense of the term.
We believe that the task of understanding the nature of modernization
processes in Russia requires a special term and put in a special typological series.
Our central thesis is as follows. As a result of centuries of historical interaction
with Western civilization in Russia has consistently played ambivalent situation in
which socio-cultural foundation of the Russian civilization, and are determined
internally stabilized pendulum cycle, where the dominant imperial model of
modernization with the alternate components of the model of liberal. This
modernization process has a stable dominant - an imperial model of modernization.
It seems not only possible but also necessary to consider the issue of Russia's
modernization is not as samorazvertyvayuschiysya processes taking place in itself
as something natural, but as one aspect of makroistoricheskogo interaction with
Euro-Atlantic civilization modern.
What is the imperial modernization? Empire is not aimed to evolve in the
direction of integration into civilization modern, in fact, she is afraid of the liberal
transformation and internal weaknesses inherent in the adoption inokulturnyh the
institutions of political democracy, the capitalist market, the need to make
commitments in any significant amount of respect for human rights.

The objectives of imperial modernization is not to be reborn, softening of the
empire, it is important to take from the enemy, only those elements that allow him
to confront (in a soft option - to compete). Imperial modernization does not imply
a structural transformation of society, but mostly the changes in those or other
areas, primarily related to the needs of military construction. Moreover, the
imperial modernization is carried out primarily in the stabilization and
conservation of the basic characteristics of the empire, which served as
inokulturnye borrowing, and the achievement of competitiveness of certain
elements of cultural and civilizational system.
Thus, with respect to private, but it is a representative case of imperial
modernization of the Soviet period, Pellikani believes that if the modern society -
the legal society, the communist states in their actions are not bound by any laws.
Communist states was not the totalitarian version of the modern state, as has
denied all the main principles of modern and borrows only the scientific and
technological advances for the rule of the party bureaucracy .
Imperial modernization is not related to deconstruction empire, on the
contrary, its success contributed to the challenges of building and imperial
reproduction in the new historical and sociocultural conditions. It is the specificity
of the tasks can be considered as a special imperial modernization of historical and
cultural phenomenon.
We presented a general model of imperial modernization, of course, that the
real historical and sociocultural processes proceed not so straightforward and
mehanistichno. Confrontation and conflict are also a form of cultural and
civilizational dialogue, and his dialectic does not fit tight in the mechanistic
scheme. Deviations from these schemes do not abrogate the common logic, built in
the context of the historical interaction with Europe, reflected in asymmetric and
non-combination of imperial and liberal models of Russian modernization.
Under the liberal model, we understand a type of perception of cultural and
civilizational experience of the West, which involves the transformation of Russian
society in a liberal direction. According to the point of view, J. Berbank, imaginary

West has become a model for the imaginary or antimodelyu Russia , and the binary
opposition to cut off the possibility of other cultural projects. Thus, the historical
dialectic of relations between Russia and the West in the context of modernization
acquires another dimension, which is not only an internal dimension of Russian
The imperial and liberal model of modernization in Russia's history is not
just in a position consistent alternation, this sequence is not so linear. As for the
effect of different trends, they almost always operate in parallel. At a time when the
empire is going through a stage of imperial modernization inokulyurnye elements
illegitimate in relation to the socio-cultural elements of the imperial system, the
system will inevitably penetrate: The desire to complete the transformation of the
most archaic social institutions adjoining the negative perception of the Western
experience of capitalist modernization. The desire to preserve the dignity of real or
perceived national culture with one or other of the socio-cultural characteristics of
the structure included in contradiction with the process even highly restricted
military and administrative reforms .
Penetrating into the Russian socio-cultural space, these elements contributes
inokulturnye internal erosion of the imperial grounds, thereby preparing the ground
for the subsequent surge of liberal modernization trends. In turn, the abundance
inokulturnyh elements, accompanied by the weakening of the imperial grounds of
social and cultural systems, ferment in society, and usually varying degrees of
stringency of the repressive response of the imperial system.
Constant penetration in the Russian socio-cultural system of European
influence, infiltration in the Russian socio-cultural system of the West on its own
genealogy of elements largely determine the ambivalent feelings of attraction and
rejection, which is Russia against the West, which was ... for the Russians at the
same time and the aim sought by the and the purpose for which the shoot ... .
What's curious, for the Russian Westerners West - rather, embodied understanding
of the proper state of affairs: West for Westerners - just the ideal point of view,
rather than the cultural and geographic reality. At the other extreme, social and

cultural life, a sign of changing perceptions of the Western civilization on the
opposite: ... the West of us is evil. This encourages fear, active agent for the
protection of our values, active to partitsipatsii and our highest Truth, stimulates
fear of failure, which automatically leads to evil partitsipatsii to the West .
It should be noted that the reflection on the Asian components of the Russian
civilization in the public consciousness is expressed much more weakly than the
constant debate about our relationship to Europe. It is noted that in Russia there are
different inner Asia - Asian peoples and Asian territories, but all the same it can not
be attributed to the East itself, because for many centuries, has modernized its
Empire citizens are opposed to liberal civilization feelings of attraction and
rejection. On the one hand, the empire seeks to acquire attractive benefits of a
liberal civilization - trade, knowledge, technology, but on the other hand, rejects
the imperial consciousness of the whole system, which produces these benefits.
Faced with an abundance inokulturnyh borrowing Imperial sociocultural system is
afraid of rebirth, because, to quantified levels inokulturnye elements of self and
begin to play the system entirely.
Here it is appropriate to recall T. Parsons, the process of segregation of
imported sociocultural experience in modernizing countries, and noting that the
constant attempts to divide imported inokulturny experience at an acceptable and
not acceptable tends to preserve the values of a culture of high-level opening in the
same time of radical change inheriting the road-level value specifications, ie at the
level of major functional subsystems .
From our point of view, in Russia these changes at the level of major
functional subsystems strictly dose because zaimstvuemoe shall operate within the
narrow, tightly bounded through and in no case no root, otherwise disistemnye
elements can make for an alternative system. Therefore, dosing and segregation
inokulturnyh elements is a challenge to the decision by imperial consciousness
always take very seriously.

The existing mechanism for the maintenance of internal stability of Russia's
socio-cultural system, the permanent replacement of imperial consciousness
hinders innovation. System is protected from the environment through control and
suppression of undesirable from the perspective of elites, social and cultural
information. Statistics for the kingdom, the Russian empire, the Soviet Union
sought to take inokulturnuyu, primarily western, information relating to the
technological tool.
Thus was achieved by the reproduction of social and cultural, religious
identity, delaying the historical and socio-cultural dynamics, where the image of
education, devoid of any thorough education and citizenship, and recognized them
(Moscow - SG), the authorities of the best for their nation and the most consonant
with their to rule that the people would have been unlikely to move, if received any
education and a better understanding of God, as well as a good device. To this end,
the kings of destroying all means to improve it and try to avoid anything foreign,
that could change the native traditions .
In summary we note that the modernization process in the Russian society in
the external dimension determined teleology of imperial West confrontation, which
is expressed in an ambivalent relation of attraction and repulsion. In the internal
dimension of modernization process determined the dynamics of the dominant
imperial struggle and serving as components of a liberal model of modernization.


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II. Political culture: from traditional society to modern society.

Political culture - the way people's participation in political life, which

includes norms, values, behaviors adopted in national policies and manifested in
the form of government.

Cultural anthropology has initially primitive, archaic societies, examining in
particular the way of social organization and political structure. In varying degrees,
the subject turned to cultural anthropologists James Feyblman ( Type Culture),
Alfred L. Kreber ( Style and Civilization), Ruth Benedict ( Chrysanthemum and
the sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture and The psychological types of cultures
South-Western USA ), Leslie A. White ( The Economic Structure of high culture ),
EB Taylor ( Prehistoric culture), the latest M. Salins, M. Harris, S. Tyler, D.
Schneider and others, of course, that the very notion of P. r. in the study of
primitive, archaic societies did not have long had been his and the scientific use.
However, since the state in one form or another, there was political life,
especially that expressed PK and political life of society is a process and result of
the political activities of various social groups, sectors, individuals and political
institutions created by them.
Even Aristotle wrote that ... man by nature is inherently political (politikon
zoon), and those who by their very nature, not due to accidental circumstances,
living outside the state - or underdevelopment in the moral sense of the substance
or superman . The inclusion of the political sphere in the space of culture in the
German and Russian traditions it is the traditional research culture: The political
and social sphere are part of the human sphere, composed of a set of humanitarian
problems ... the spirit should include it in this population, which, if it lacks the
political, social element to detect a dangerous culture gap , - wrote in 1939,
Thomas Mann article Culture and Politics .
In Russia in 1896, in the encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Efrona, it
was noted that the consideration of the cultural history of the culture is divided into
physical, mental and social. We include the political sphere of culture, as well as
economic, environmental, legal, or talking about the economic, environmental,
legal and political culture.
Descriptions of national character and to the people of shared political,
religious and other values even in antiquity are found in books on geography.
Interesting in this respect History Herodotus and Geography Strabon generalizing

knowledge about the countries and peoples of Europe, Asia and Africa. From
Modern Times can be the work of S. Puffundorfa (1632-1694), D. Viko
Foundations of the new science of the general nature of nations (1725), S.
Montesquieu the spirit of the law (1748), IG Herder Ideas for the philosophy of
history (1784-1791), G. Hegel Philosophy of History (lectures 1820), etc.
The very phrase P. r. belongs to the German philosopher IG Herder. A Ideas
for the philosophy of history, in considering the political life of the ancient Greeks
and Jews, he uses the term PK But research XVIII and XIX centuries. The term P.
room is rare and often limited to the so-called politics of culture .
The scientific concept of PK has been developed in the mid-twentieth
century. in works of political philosophers, G. Almond and S. Verba, later Robert
Tucker. For the first time introduced into scientific use the notion of P. r. American
sociologist G. Almond in 1956, in the expanded form of the concept of PK has
been presented in joint work with S. pussy 1963 Civic Culture: political attitudes
and democracy in five countries .
G. Almond and S. Verba consider the term culture only in one sense: the
psychological orientation on the social sites. When we talk about the political
culture of a society, we mean the political system, the lessons in the minds,
feelings and evaluations of the population . G. Almond uses the concept of PK for
the analysis of social consciousness that influences the emergence and functioning
of political institutions, individual and mass political behavior. In 1963, the book
Civic Culture. Political attitudes and democracy in five countries G. Almond and
S. Verba define PK as the focus for a political effect. PK - is a set of attitudes about
a certain amount of social objects and processes ... When we talk about the
political culture of a society, we mean the political system, the lessons in the
minds, feelings and evaluations of the population.
They identify three types of orientation to political action: Cognitive
(learning) orientation, covering the knowledge and opinions about the political
system, its roles and the media. Afektivnye (emotional) orientation, reflecting the
feelings experienced in relation to the political system, its role, effectiveness and

engagement in this political system of citizens. Evaluation targeting, containing
personal attitude to the political system, its participants and their actions.
But there is also a broader definition of the PK example, A.Ya. Flier believes
that the scope of PK is composed of specialized areas of public policy, ideology,
managerial work, military and police matter, etc.; everyday - interpersonal
relations between people in a private interaction. In the area of interest PK is
composed of not only the identification of specific forms of exercise of power,
conflict management, cooperation, and social analysis of the mythology in the light
of their rational and historical grounds.
Regarding the typology of PK, the G. Almond and S. Verba in The Civic
Culture identify three main types of PK: patriarchal; poddannicheskaya;
Patriarchal PK (PK or local communities). In these societies, there is no
specialized political roles. Leaders, chiefs, shamans - are mixed political-economic
and religious roles. For members of such societies on the political orientation of
these roles are inseparable from the religious or social orientations. Patriarchal
orientation to include the relative lack of expectations of change, initiated by the
political system. Thus, in the central African tribes and principalities PK largely
patriarchal, although no more specific policy roles in these societies may mean the
emergence of a more differentiated the political orientations.
Even large-scale and more differentiated political system may be in a
patriarchal culture. But on the net patriarhalizm more likely to occur in simple
traditsionalisticheskih systems where political specialization is minimal.
Patriarchal culture in a more differentiated political systems, rather, affective and
normative than cognitively. This means that people in the tribes of Nigeria and
Ghana are vaguely aware of the existence of a central political regime. But their
feelings about the regime of uncertain or negative, and they are not internalized
[not accepted] relationship with him.
Poddannicheskaya PK. There exist strong orientation on the differentiated
political system and that the system gives outlet, but the orientation on the specific

objects at the entrance system and about themselves as an active participant in a
very weak. The subject of such a system (subject) is aware of the existence of
government and sensual focused on her, her pride might possibly not loving it and
appreciating it as legitimate or not.
But the attitude towards the system in general and to the fact that it gives
outlet, ie to the administrative side of the political system or the downward flow,
basically this is a limited form of passive knowledge and participation, which
corresponds to poddannicheskoy culture. We are talking about pure
poddannicheskih orientation, most likely in societies where there are no mature
and differentiated from other parts of the system structures at the entrance.
Poddannicheskie orientation in the political system that has developed democratic
institutions, rather, will be affective and normative than cognitive. For example,
French royalist knows of the existence of democratic institutions, but he does not
consider them legitimate.
PK participation. Culture, in which members of the community is definitely
focused on the system in general, as well as both the political and administrative
structures and processes, in other words, as the input, and in the off of the political
system. Individual members of a political system can be positively or negatively
oriented towards different classes of political objects. They tend to focus on the
active own role in politics, though their feelings and evaluation of such roles can
range from denial to acceptance ...
Civic culture - is first and foremost, loyal to a culture of participation.
Individuals do not only focus on entry policy, to participate in it, but they also have
a positive focus on the front structure and input processes. In other words, using
the terms imposed by us, civic culture - is the involvement of PK, where PK and
political structure are in harmony and consistent with each other.
Twentieth century. as examples poddannicheskoy PK gave an ideology and
political practices of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, although its elements
are present in more developed societies. Actually it should be noted that the
patriarchal, poddannicheskaya culture and the culture of participation does not

always exist in its pure and holistic form vzaimoperepletayas and complementing
each other.
From the standpoint of cultural anthropology can be said about the unit PK
for authoritarian / totalitarian private and civil society (the liberal-democratic)
culture, characteristic of an open society (defined by K. Popper). K. Popper
opposed earlier forms of social organization, tribal society as a closed - of modern
society as open.
The history of social thought in general, and PK, in particular, can be
interpreted as the history of the struggles of these two opposing methods of social
organization. It should be remembered that, originally, historically, society was
closed - closed were tribal culture, despotism Ancient World, the Middle Ages. PK
open society, viewed from the perspective of cultural anthropology - it is rather an
exception to the rule than the rule. From the perspective of historical trends PK
Open Society is an innovation.
Closed society of the patriarchal or poddannichesky type PK in the
classification of G. Almond, authoritarian or totalitarian type PK in the
classification of KS Hajiyeva, PK closed or detainee Society for the classification
of K. Popper.
K. Popper analyzed totalitarianism in historical retrospect, draws a parallel
between the different types of closed societies: the tribal organization, fascism,
communism, religious fundamentalism. For a closed society is characterized by a
tradition of legal team, expressed in absolutism, conservatism, totalitarianism and
kommunitarizme. This tradition, with all the differences, does not negate the
commitment to various forms of team, traced from ZH.ZH. Russo and G. Hegel to
the VI Lenin, K. Schmidt, and other conservative revolutionaries, at least for Yu
For the PK closed societies tend to restrict amateur dramatic society as a
whole and certain groups, including professional associations, self-governing
territories (the limit of federalism), and other subjects of the political process. It is
characterized by the dominance of the horizontal and vertical linkages, the

relationship of subordination, rather than cooperation, power monologue rather
than dialogue with society. A man in a political culture took a clearly defined place
in the social hierarchy, associating himself with the group, whose interests prevail
over its interests. This PK is not nominalistichna, actor it is not an individual, a
people or group: Are you - nothing, your people - all - this slogan of the German
National Socialists was the highest expression of our collective grounds PK closed
In tribal societies are socially established norms, rules and representations
are sacred legitimation. Members of society do not refleksiruyut in relation to the
action of forces which they feel the magic, to the authority of the priests, and later,
and the secular authorities. Magic rituals and taboos regulate all aspects of life in
society, including prejudice individual acts in a particular situation, eliminating
him from the necessity of choice, the need to make decisions, followed by personal
As part of the PK closed society widespread idea of the common historical
destiny for all individuals, otherworldly reward for any acts committed in the
worldly life. The idea of a common destiny, shared salvation, or death, is
dominated by the idea of personal destiny and dostizhitelnosti in all segments of
the social and cultural life.
J. Ellyul wrote: Think about all of the political, mask, all use of the word
(along with references to philosophers, from Plato and others), to give everything
in the hands of the state, to appeal to the State under any circumstances, to comply
with the problems of individual group issues, believing that everyone is up to the
level of political relations and sufficiently mature to deal with them - these are the
factors that characterize the politicization of the modern man .
In the PK closed society articulate the idea of social justice, understood not
as a desire for equal opportunity for competition in different segments of the social
and cultural spheres as well as equitable distribution (eg, in pre-revolutionary
Russian village land distribution by the number of knife and fork, but not able-
bodied peasants). This negative attitude toward profit, non-capitalist approach to

pricing, as the balance between supply and demand, anything that leads to the
individualization and greater autonomization rights from the state, and local high
But today is manifested draft rights to a culture of closed societies. Thus, the
modern German dramatist Boto Strauss argues that the country is only so strong,
how much of its sense of community, or spiritual unity: The history of calls ...
revolt against the dominance of the total, which excludes the individual, denying
him any kind of ill - past, the historical occurrence, mystical time .
This thirst for life in a mystical time, far from being harmless, the fact is that
as he wrote conservative theorist of revolution K. Schmitt, metaphysical picture of
the world, created in a certain period, has the same structure, which is inherent in
this era of self-evident form of political organization . In other words, mystical
updated picture of the world is a threat to the restoration of the political
organization of society, the next disruption in the Archaic, the treatment of socio
heritage closed society.
Characterized in that sense, the long and painful way to Germany from PK
closed society in the PK open society. Back in 1923, a classic of German literature
T. Mann said that the German request to be committed to ... that is called freedom
of the peoples of Europe, it would be ... tantamount to a requirement to violence
over its nature .
As we know, such a disruption in the Archaic, the desire to cross the results
of a new time and the French Revolution happened in Germany 30-40-ies.
Twentieth century. In its totalitarian version of this PK seek to achieve the
modernization of civilization for the rebuilding of obsolete socio-cultural
traditions, while relying on rationalism and irratsionalizm, science and
transcendental essence. K. Schmitt Substantsialnaya homogeneity is to be
established - if necessary - by separation or destruction of heterogeneous ... The
path to the liberation of the German people of the century-old distemper bourgeois
constitutionalism was given by Hitler.

In other words, all individuals who for one reason or another do not fit into
this substantsionalnuyu homogeneity must be isolated or destroyed. Theory of the
State, the proposed K. Schmitt, is one of the many attempts to impose unity and
using the so-called absolute values to commit violence against the person of
irreplaceable individuals.
Thus, the PK closed society the interests of the individual are subordinated
to the interests of known power, the nation state. Legal person is required to live in
the paradigm of service, feel only a small part of the whole, with meaning only
insofar as it serves the interests of the whole.
In the second half of XX century. the situation has radically changed.
Germany, beginning with its western part became part of and, subsequently, a key
structural element of European Modernism. Enough to have already done the
difficult way, or continue to do the other countries of the European continent,
including Italy and Spain and later Poland, Hungary and other former socialist
countries. Today on the way got up and some CIS countries, notably Ukraine. The
process of expanding the geographical boundaries of the spread of PK open society
is not complete. The latter extends farther to the south and east.
It is important to note that PK modern, ie, an open, secular civil society.
Today, in an open public confession of one's religion and adherence to atheism is a
purely private affair of the individual, not as a state ideology.
Since the French Revolution the church separated from state. In North
America and much of the European states to build a society of abundance (or the
consumer society), the most comfortable in material terms in relation to man.
But atavistic ideology of private events are taking place in an open society,
which is reflected in particular in relation to consumer society, his critique of
secular and religious positions. Thus, John Paul II during his visit to Lviv, said
that: We can not move from the communist regime to captivity captive
consumerism, which is a form of materialism, which, although in words does not
deny God, but denies his facts, except his of life .

But the process of secularization immanenten PK open society, gradually
spreading not only in the area of the Christian world, which is now referred to as a
world posthristianskom, but outside this range, for example, in Turkey. From the
speech of Ahmet Evin: It is rather difficult to find a man who would be willing to
openly say that he does not believe in God (if there is, of course, does not refer to
other denominations).
However, such people with each passing year becomes more and more.
Public opinion is learn that the question of faith - an area of privacy rights beyond
government and society. Individualism gradually adopted in Turkey . This is one of
many indications that the PK open society is gradually spreading throughout the
world, although it is uneven and fraught with failures macro. And nothing, it can
not do the group of religious fundamentalists, extremists suicide, preachers and
Modern democratic societies of Western civilization are modernizing classic
open societies, in the terminology of K. Popper. Open society in line with the
liberal-democratic type PK (for classification of KS Hajiyeva) or civic culture (in
the classification of G. Almond and S. Вербы).
You can say that the civic culture - this is PK loyal involvement,
characterized by consistency and conformity of PK and political structures. It
represents a synthesis of PK participation in the patriarchal and poddannicheskoy
political culture. In becoming parties to the political process, citizens at the same
time not abandoning its poddannicheskih or patriarchal attitudes, which makes
civil PK sustained in the process of reproduction, geographical and temporal
PK modernization, involving institutionalized activity of the free individual,
it creates a functional mode of activity of executive power when the main branch
has become a bureaucratic administration, a pragmatic and coherent policy
management. Institutional order policy is becoming a complete system view, which
corresponds to coherent hierarchy of legal institutions.

Development of civil culture, creating a space free of political self-
determination of the associated individuals, requires the executive to act not so
much the state will support or managerial rationality, but rather a mediator and
arbitrator of political communication, no coordination of efforts by the political
order is possible.
Human history can be viewed as accelerating the process of allocating rights
of the first natural and then from a social environment. The most articulate and
clearly this process was reflected in an open society, which arose and was
institutionalized centrality of the individual instead of a tribe, group, nation. You
can talk about modularity rights era of modernization, its ability to be integrated
into various social strata, to choose the professional field of expertise, to
participate in the election of the central and local (regional) authorities. Humans
are increasingly beginning to determine their actions and bear the consequences for
their full personal responsibility.
The most important reason, which is based on the open society is
protoliberalnaya / liberal tradition of normative individualism, the centrality of
megatendentsy, characteristic of the modern era, genealogy dates back to the idea
of social contract, which runs from T. Hobbes, ZH.ZH. Rousseau.
In the history of social thought in this tradition include J. Locke, W.
Bentama, I. Kant, B. Humboldt, J. St. Mill, John Rawls and others as a systematic
concept of the person, property, society and state, liberalism promotes the
emergence and the stereotyping of innovation, favoring individualism,
antikonstruktivizmu and skepticism. In practical terms, liberalism promotes the
development of a market economy, which dramatically improves the welfare of
mankind for the past half century.
Especially civil PK is its autonomy, rationality, democracy, tolerance and
pluralism. Civilian PK has gradually become a reference political culture of
modernity, not only in the area of Christian / posthristianskoy civilization. In the
political sphere, the planetary expansion PK open society leads to the unification
and gradual deconstruction colorful and heroic, but the types of anti-PK

For the last a zero-sum game is not typical, the problems most often
removed in a compromise form, there is a balance of interests, none of the
participants in the political process does not drive in the hopeless situation. The
dialogue takes precedence over monologue, there is a willingness to compromise
with an opponent. In the Netherlands or the Scandinavian countries there are
already elements of a fundamentally democratic everyday life, which everyone
knows that it is impossible to arrange. Political culture needs a good climate - no
Prussian . A. Camus, said that in the Mediterranean (western) world Politics is for
people, not people for policy. It distinguishes the refusal to sacrifice for this greater
goodness, willingness to tolerate ambiguity and difference rather than to remove
them from political life ... This tolerance is not typical of the northern world (we
would say a closed society) - a world of order, violence and unimaginative
tendency to wars, which is German people. These are the Germans before the
Second World War, when they have not yet adopted the PK values of open society
are not included in the Euro-Atlantic civilization to modernize its genealogy.
Today, globalization is happening and in the PK, the cultural impact of
modern society into the traditional society. Forecast Yu Habermas on the possible
direction of further development of the current situation: The future of the various
national cultures could otdifferentsirovatsya general PK.
Features PK era of globalization, of course determined by the processes of
globalization, when the global approach to culture, economics, policy precludes
consideration of the strategies or actions of individual agents, when the old notion
of state sovereignty loses its previous meaning. Globalization has robbed the
nation state has the status of an autonomous player in the international arena, the
center of decision-making has become international. This leads to lively
discussions about world government and a new world order.
It can be assumed that the planetary PK world peace could be a culture of
civil, open society, if only because it led the process of globalization should be the
state of North America and Europe, which is typical of such a model PK At the
same time, the influence that globalization has on nonglobal form of civil rights

and collective action depends on the position in the social structure and place the
country (region) in the geography of globalization. Processes of globalization
relate to the sub-global trends in different parts of the world and are faced with
many kinds of reactions and resistance.

Man era of Modernism

The existence of an objective human nature has always been a tragic, from
the very fact of the finiteness of earthly life. Kind of psychological function to
mitigate the tragedy of the original fabric of life, fulfill and perform the various
world religions, religious sects and movements. The wide distribution and success
of the exercises, apply to the transcendental spheres, largely due to the promise of
eternity, initiation rights to something larger and stable than its short life.
In medieval Europe until the Reformation of everyday life, human behavior
define his place in eternity. Calvinist Reformation Roman Catholic Church has
changed those perceptions about the possibility of human samospaseniya, as
limiting the completeness of the divine sovereignty. Hopelessness predetermination
of human place in eternity depreciated every effort to match the daily life of human
affairs and thoughts of transcendence, allowing the person who ultimately do so, as
if nothing good that is in excess, slow and powerful man simply does not exist.
This feeling of personal freedom, especially in everyday life, allowing life to
realize the project without the need of a correlate their actions with the world of
the supernatural, on the basis of its potential approval or condemnation. The Age of
Modernism to postulate that the definition of truth and falsity of events to verify
the facts, to be confirmed or disprove empirically.
Since the beginning of a new time in Europe has accelerated the process
desakralizatsii world, part of the functions that were previously undividedly were
in charge of the church, gradually move on to the emerging nation-state. In XIX
century the process of samootozhestvleniya people with different ideologies,

including the socialist and liberal, and later in the thirties of the XX century, and
Man tries to Modernism in the personal biographies allow the tragic conflict
between the potency of individual reason and the finiteness of physical existence.
As a stopgap measure to deal with this problem quite fit the various
transvremennye fact, more or less resistant to the passage of time in comparison
with the individual duration of human life.
In the XX century to the clergy and ideologues addition of genetics,
physicians, psychotherapists, or the problem of meaning and the finiteness of
human life has become gradually shift the responsibility of science in general and
medicine in particular. This engrossing care of the body, healthy lifestyles, proper,
balanced diet, visits to health centers, sports clubs. In the era of modern body for
the first time recognized as the main value, which has a man.
Long time reconciliation with the finiteness of human life was achieved
cultural compensatory mechanisms that are, in fact, mythological character. As a
compensatory mechanism for a long period of historical time and used anthropo-
geliotsentrizm (man as the crown of creation, the Earth - the center of the world).
The development of science and technology in the modern era of greatly devalued
such representations, replaced them into the mythical.
The processes of globalization have weakened the compensatory capacity of
the national state, led to the limitation of national-state sovereignty in the
economic, military, cultural and other spheres. These processes are ambivalent
nature, ie, capable of causing as much personal freedom samootozhestvleniya, and
a sense of psychological discomfort caused by the deconstruction site historically
proven to be the era of modern man tied up a sense of national community, of
belonging, empathy.
Freedom samootozhestvleniya, modularity to expand the boundaries of
modern human consciousness and behavior, razdvinuli boundary rules opened the
way for intensive development of the innovation. Innovations are the air, that
breathe Society and Culture of Modernism. Baseline characteristics of modernity is

ekonomikotsentrizm. The success in the economic sphere, involves not simply the
creation of new goods and services but also new markets, which gives the greatest
Generation and use of innovation has become a vital economic stereotypes.
The familiar chain of innovation-stereotype is undergoing the greatest change in
the area of stereotyping, which loses its thoroughness and certainty as the norm.
Rather, with a modernized society, it is a heterogeneous stereotypes that are
relatively small time of existence. Heterogeneity is manifested in the lack of a
unified style, ie in polistilistichnosti, locality stereotype.
Expanding the borders of stereotypical behavior facilitates the dissemination
of innovations. These new capabilities of information systems innovation becomes
available (known) set of people not only in this country, but also in different
regions of the world, where for this set up the necessary technical capabilities.
Today, when deconstruction raised earlier samootozhestvleniya man, his
need for the duration of existence (eternity), the first time in history, can not be
achieved indirectly, ie through compensatory cultural and psychological
mechanisms, and directly, as the decision of a man facing technological challenges.
At the beginning of the XXI century, mankind has proved the new, never
before facing the situation: continuing work on the restructuring, the utilitarian use
of the environment, the material world, we come to the possibility of manipulating
human anthropological parameters using modern science and technology. Features
adjustment samomodifikatsii rights offer new options for the future, the likelihood
that previously either not treated or were not related to the genre of scientific
research and prognostiki.
The development of science and technology is increasingly accelerating,
exponential in nature. Thanks to new scientific discoveries and technologies are
subject to practical solutions, removing the foundations of the fabric of life
tragedy. Already today there are krionika, genetic engineering, may change the
individual and species life span, improve its quality. The dynamics of scientific and
technical sphere may cause some type of interspecific competition between homo

sapiens and his creations. Thus, the performance of human brain yields computer
systems, but may move in the direction of their symbiosis, which can dramatically
increase the possibility of rights. Since the N. Copernicus Astronomical
Revolution, science has rejected the heliocentric model of the world, it became
apparent that the man - dust in the universe and Land lost in the outskirts of the
Galaxy. For the traditional, religious consciousness is - shock opening,
undermining confidence in the election and the power of man. But in the era of
modern humanity even better coping from a distance, communication, energy,
transport substances designated possible development options. Science and
technology are decisive factors anthropological evolution of species homo sapiens.
Calls that are painfully trying to find a positive response mankind requires
creative interpretation, a new interpretation of human capabilities, innovative
approaches. Reference western civilization modernization is a significant
acceleration of the socio-cultural and technological dynamics, supported by the
daily rate of change may not have historical analogs. We are witnessing the
turbulent race of capitalism, kaleidoscopic shifts surrounding human things. Real,
material world is gradually losing its thoroughness, the duration of the temporary
existence made similar in some theatrical scenery, subtly reminding the world
created by Nabokov in the novel Invitation to a Beheading.
Zygmunt Bauman leads the data contained in the report of the UN
Development Program, dedicated to showing the drastic increase in consumption
over the past fifty years. Since 1950, total world consumption of goods and
services rose more than sixfold. The main increase was in the country's
modernization, the most economically developed state. The question arises about
the sustainability of the development model, defined resource potential of the
world and human adaptive capacity.
Predictive models of human development, an extrapolation of current trends
into the future, may not take into account possible future new fundamental
scientific discoveries are based on practical technologies. Civilization
modernization is a creature of rapid socio-cultural and technological dynamics,

which not only causes global problems, but creatively interprets them, offering
innovative solutions. Hope for positive options for the development of mankind is
precisely in these creative people's modern, his faith in science and technology.
This is important, because human existence has always been objectively
tragic character from the very fact of the finiteness of earthly life. Kind of
psychological function to mitigate the tragedy of the original fabric of life, fulfill
and perform the various world religions, religious sects and movements. The wide
distribution and success of the exercises, apply to the transcendental spheres,
largely due to the promise of eternity, initiation rights to something larger and
stable than its short life.
In medieval Europe until the Reformation of everyday life, human behavior
define his place in eternity. Calvinist Reformation Roman Catholic Church has
changed those perceptions about the possibility of human samospaseniya, as
limiting the completeness of the divine sovereignty. Hopelessness predetermination
of human place in eternity depreciated every effort to match the daily life of human
affairs and thoughts of transcendence, allowing the person who ultimately do so, as
if nothing good that is in excess, slow and powerful man simply does not exist.
This feeling of personal freedom, especially in everyday life, allowing life to
realize the project without the need of a correlate their actions with the world of
the supernatural, on the basis of its potential approval or condemnation. The Age of
Modernism to postulate that the definition of truth and falsity of events to verify
the facts, to be confirmed or disprove empirically.
Since the beginning of a new time in Europe has accelerated the process
desakralizatsii world, part of the functions that were previously undividedly were
in charge of the church, gradually move on to the emerging nation-state. In XIX
century the process of samootozhestvleniya people with different ideologies,
including the socialist and liberal, and later in the thirties of the XX century, and
Man tries to Modernism in the personal biographies allow the tragic conflict
between the potency of individual reason and the finiteness of physical existence.

As a stopgap measure to deal with this problem quite fit the various
transvremennye fact, more or less resistant to the passage of time in comparison
with the individual duration of human life.
In the XX century to the clergy and ideologues addition of genetics,
physicians, psychotherapists, or the problem of meaning and the finiteness of
human life has become gradually shift the responsibility of science in general and
medicine in particular. This engrossing care of the body, healthy lifestyles, proper,
balanced diet, visits to health centers, sports clubs. In the era of modern body for
the first time recognized as the main value, which has a man.
Long time reconciliation with the finiteness of human life was achieved
cultural compensatory mechanisms that are, in fact, mythological character. As a
compensatory mechanism for a long period of historical time and used anthropo-
geliotsentrizm (man as the crown of creation, the Earth - the center of the world).
The development of science and technology in the modern era of greatly devalued
such representations, replaced them into the mythical.
The processes of globalization have weakened the compensatory capacity of
the national state, led to the limitation of national-state sovereignty in the
economic, military, cultural and other spheres. These processes are ambivalent
nature, ie, capable of causing as much personal freedom samootozhestvleniya, and
a sense of psychological discomfort caused by the deconstruction site historically
proven to be the era of modern man tied up a sense of national community, of
belonging, empathy.
Freedom samootozhestvleniya, modularity to expand the boundaries of
modern human consciousness and behavior, razdvinuli boundary rules opened the
way for intensive development of the innovation. Innovations are the air, that
breathe Society and Culture of Modernism. Baseline characteristics of modernity is
ekonomikotsentrizm. The success in the economic sphere, involves not simply the
creation of new goods and services but also new markets, which gives the greatest

Generation and use of innovation has become a vital economic stereotypes.
The familiar chain of innovation-stereotype is undergoing the greatest change in
the area of stereotyping, which loses its thoroughness and certainty as the norm.
Rather, with a modernized society, it is a heterogeneous stereotypes that are
relatively small time of existence. Heterogeneity is manifested in the lack of a
unified style, ie in polistilistichnosti, locality stereotype.
Expanding the borders of stereotypical behavior facilitates the dissemination
of innovations. These new capabilities of information systems innovation becomes
available (known) set of people not only in this country, but also in different
regions of the world, where for this set up the necessary technical capabilities.
Today, when deconstruction raised earlier samootozhestvleniya man, his
need for the duration of existence (eternity), the first time in history, can not be
achieved indirectly, ie through compensatory cultural and psychological
mechanisms, and directly, as the decision of a man facing technological challenges.
At the beginning of the XXI century, mankind has proved the new, never
before facing the situation: continuing work on the restructuring, the utilitarian use
of the environment, the material world, we come to the possibility of manipulating
human anthropological parameters using modern science and technology. Features
adjustment samomodifikatsii rights offer new options for the future, the likelihood
that previously either not treated or were not related to the genre of scientific
research and prognostiki.
The development of science and technology is increasingly accelerating,
exponential in nature. Thanks to new scientific discoveries and technologies are
subject to practical solutions, removing the foundations of the fabric of life
tragedy. Already today there are krionika, genetic engineering, may change the
individual and species life span, improve its quality. The dynamics of scientific and
technical sphere may cause some type of interspecific competition between homo
sapiens and his creations. Thus, the performance of human brain yields computer
systems, but may move in the direction of their symbiosis, which can dramatically
increase the possibility of rights. Since the N. Copernicus Astronomical

Revolution, science has rejected the heliocentric model of the world, it became
apparent that the man - dust in the universe and Land lost in the outskirts of the
Galaxy. For the traditional, religious consciousness is - shock opening,
undermining confidence in the election and the power of man. But in the era of
modern humanity even better coping from a distance, communication, energy,
transport substances designated possible development options. Science and
technology are decisive factors anthropological evolution of species homo sapiens.
Calls that are painfully trying to find a positive response mankind requires
creative interpretation, a new interpretation of human capabilities, innovative
approaches. Reference western civilization modernization is a significant
acceleration of the socio-cultural and technological dynamics, supported by the
daily rate of change may not have historical analogs. We are witnessing the
turbulent race of capitalism, kaleidoscopic shifts surrounding human things. Real,
material world is gradually losing its thoroughness, the duration of the temporary
existence made similar in some theatrical scenery, subtly reminding the world
created by Nabokov in the novel Invitation to a Beheading.
Today, increasing the dynamic tension between the highly developed
countries, moving towards a postindustrial, information society and third world
countries, for which malodostizhimoy dream is the construction of an industrial
civilization. This conflict, which is often referred to as the conflict north and south,
is dangerous for several reasons. The difference is huge demographic potential, the
standard of living, economic self-realization possible in a world where consumer
standards set western civilization modern. A lot of people in third world countries
have razbuzheny global mass culture, bearing the high standards of consumption,
reference behavior, including in the sphere of everyday life. In the foreseeable
historical perspective to realize the new standards in the practice of life is hardly
possible for an absolute majority of humanity. Massa razbuzheny, increasing
migration to more prosperous regions of the world, especially in the United States
and Europe.

Historical experience shows that the necessary technical means capable to
remove the most acute contradictions in the next spiral development of civilization,
become available when a society prepared to absorb them, is their domestic needs,
as articulate, as well as implicitly.
Humans tend to identify themselves with something more sustainable, long-
term and fundamental than the end of human life, he has a yearning for solidarity,
group identity. The quest for cultural identity transvremennoy until the start of a
new time in Europe in expressing religious sentiments, in a sense, giving the
illusion of personal immortality.
In Europe, Modern Times was a radical change in attitudes towards the
human person. Sotsiogenez this process was driven transformations taking place in
the later Middle Ages, when society has shown innovation, going beyond, due to
socio-cultural tradition. Medieval society in Europe, limiting the possibility of
individual choice, the person feels himself a member of a particular social group,
parishioner parish, served as a gender role, and the process samootozhestvleniya
with a collective identity has been sufficiently linear, predzadan, askriptiven.
In the process of building societies modernize gradually receive
legitimization of a new personality type. Individuality, independence of the
individual against the collective (community), have theoretical justification, in the
mainstream of moral, aesthetic and philosophical concepts. Status of human social
predzadannost loses, the person can be integrated into various social strata,
subculture, that is a possibility of personal, individual biographies. Unprecedented
in the earlier sections of the historical dynamics of personal freedom
samoosuschestvleniya led to greater freedom of identity, which also lost
askriptivny status.
Paul Sartre said that in modern times is not enough to be born bourgeois,
you need to live like a bourgeois, which was committed unthinkable in the era of
the Middle Ages. Moderniti replaces predetermination social situation of forced
and compulsory self-determination. Sociocultural tradition begins at the very least,
influence the process of facing the experience of stereotyping, the acceleration of

dynamic processes is accompanied by a stream of innovations. Man Modern Times
live in a society at risk. For the first time in the history of the human personality is
drawn to the possibility of rational choices open to a variety of possible actions.
Since the beginning of a new time, a religious collective identity is
weakened, the role of replacement divine discourse largely begins to play a
national identity. Man tries to Modernism in the personal biographies allow the
tragic conflict between the potency of individual reason and the finiteness of
physical existence. As a stopgap measure to deal with this problem quite fit the
various transvremennye fact, more or less resistant to the passage of time in
comparison with the individual duration of human life.
The man himself has become equated with the nation as transvremennoy
essence, which is partly to satisfy cravings for immortality, was the process of
desakralizatsii world, the religious feelings of national replacement. At a later
period, the process of self-identification of people with different ideologies.
Typical for modern socio-cultural dynamics of the intensity leads to a
reduction of ontological stability. Today, in the late modern, dynamic processes of
globalization, the speed of dynamic processes in many ways approaching the
threshold adaptive capacity rights when nothing is permanent, when the risk
becomes systemic in nature, the sequence is violated, the unity of the living world.
National, ideological (partisan) identity gradually supplemented and replaced by
new forms, its substitution of having a serious impact of restrictions on the
completeness of geopolitical, economic and cultural sovereignty of the nation-
New forms of identity is largely shaped by transnational (global) popular
culture. Identity goes beyond national borders, the desire for personal immortality
is expressed in heterogeneous forms of solidarity. As F. Girenok: In accordance
with the laws of personalization, each wants to get its portion of the subjectivity of
(ethnic, linguistic, etc.). Everyone now wants to have his memory, but not
universal; your mind, not machines; their imagination, rather than something that
developed in the bosom of faceless editorial and think tanks conscious machines.

But how to find (and understand) something, if it ever breaks down to something
strange ... subjectivity away from the man and pressed to the car, which produces
images. Subjectivity has become too serial . Identity becomes a modular, found the
illusion of inclusion and choice to many forms of consumer transvremennym
community, let us say, Coca-Cola drink as a brand and how to get there and it is
unlikely that we will end. Today, forms of social prestige, reference patterns, norms
and values are simulated and are broadcast within the emerging global information
and cultural space. Now you can identify with transkulturnymi forms of social
Today, vertically integrated, institutionalized forms of social supplemented
and replaced its network forms. Man era of late modernism can identify with the
transnational movements, subcultures, groups of consumers defined marks
(brands) of goods and services, and alleged that the reference is reproduced in this
capacity, the media, especially in their electronic form. The trend towards
diversification, greater variability of personal samootozhestvleniya not linear, since
the observed effect of the contrary trend of flattening of the identity and culture
under the influence of the growing technologization and standardization practices
of everyday existence.
Nevertheless, optimistic we can conclude that the necessary technical means
capable to remove the most acute contradictions in the next spiral development of
civilization, become available when a society prepared to absorb them, is their
domestic needs, as articulate, as well as implicitly.

III. The influence of the Russian mentality on the processes of


Considering the processes of segregation imported sociocultural experience

in modernizing countries, T. Parsons notes that the constant attempts to divide
imported inokulturny experience at an acceptable and not acceptable, there is a
tendency to preserve the values of a culture of high-level opening at the same time,

radical changes in the way next level of value specifications, ie at the level of
major functional subsystems .
Expressed ambivalence of Russian culture makes it difficult to fulfill one of
its key functions, which is to ensure the legitimacy of political and economic
systems of society. How can a culture at its highest, archetypal level to reject
private property, the desire to sverhmernomu, in her opinion, the enrichment of a
legal right, opposing the truth of his folk, concepts, customary law, to downplay
the significance of personality, giving priority to the community and the State, to
perceive the destiny of the individual as part of the total (which is worldwide, then
babemu son), and at the same time, prevent the realization of the opposite, rejected
parts of dual oppositions. How effective are the following subsystem (subordinate)
levels when the values of higher-level implicit blocking efficiency and
functionality of subsystems. The answer to these questions is a very great
importance to determine the prospects of modernization processes in the Russian
socio-cultural sphere.
Sociocultural environment resists the formation of well-functioning
subsystems in the areas of law, economics, human rights. Soviet journalists,
responding to accusations that the Soviet Union in the absence of basic civil rights,
said that there is no freedom of speech, assembly, political life in the Western
sense, but we are provided with basic, physiological human rights. The right to
reproduce the life of their own with minimal effort the person: work for all, albeit
with low pay, relevant, however, reached the level of labor productivity (the right
to the minimum necessary to sustain life soldering), public concern about child-
rearing, which includes benefits , benefits, orphanages (to raise the present Soviet
The apparent possibility of salvation from the playing of the Archaic, the
possibility of their elimination is the heterogeneity of society and culture. Speed
interiorizatsii, creative development of a new man, which carry the modernization
processes in the different social strata and subcultures. The maximum degree of
adaptation to modernization processes demonstrates the most educated part of

society, part of the Russian middle class, which includes businessmen,
representatives of scientific and artistic intellectuals, and managers. etc. Some of
our fellow citizens combines a high degree of education with a strong
entrepreneurial abilities.
Minimum speed of adaptation processes of the least educated of our citizens,
most of them opting pre-adaptation strategy, including the care of a large economy
to a subsistence economy, in its maximum expression involving an appeal to an
even more archaic form - collecting in all its forms, ie collect not only the fruits of
the earth and everything that is bad. The choice of adaptation strategies, data
showed on specifics of individual and collective thinking, limited or even
impossible to operate capitalist abstractions, most important of which are money,
different kinds of securities, and off-exchange transaction, ie any operations
separated, apart from номиналистических manifestations of the material world.
Typical for the Russian mentality implicit rejection of abstraction is not
unique. In traditional European societies and the man resisted thing shematizatsii,
mathematical abstraction as applied to the economy and society. In the
transcendental sphere of the ideal idea of things is perfectly complemented by the
divine-human prototype. These prefigurations were fairly abstract, but by
definition, isolated, unique. In culture and society modernize numbers, and
symbols, mathematical multiplicity corporeality are replacing the traditional world,
where the thing and its production have been well understood, tangible, concrete. A
man in his hypostasis, as some parish parishioner, member of the craft shop,
consumer goods and services was also more nominalistichen, an individual, not as
easy as the next era, fell under the law of large numbers, becoming of a formalized,
an abstract value. New sprouts being sanctified in religious, social and cultural
tradition of living in an old European city, changing the meanings, values,
destroying the wholeness of existence, the warmth of human relationships,
differentiation is replaced syncretic neraschlennosti: Everything that used to be
tangible eye and hand, she turned to abstractiveness. Bazaar has become the stock

exchange, the club, newspaper, restaurant, beer hall rallies. That was before color,
shape, face, voice, - a figure, mark, letter, symbol .
With regard to wealth and poverty, the Western European nations in their
time share presentation, similar to those preserved in modern Russia. This attitude
is reflected in the late Middle Ages in the social views of the Catholic Church. The
richness of human perceived as God's gift that must be used for the benefit of an
increasing number of people, relatives, employees, just the poor. The wealth is not
condemned, but did not support the quest for its enhancement, European medieval
society disciplined approach to abstract, depersonifitsirovannym, capitalist modes
of economic activity, particularly in the field of finance. The Catholic Church is
considered business as a subordinate locality in the context of the higher values of
salvation, harshly condemned usury as a form of cash, non-productive, parasitic
economy. Lay people, who give money at interest, subject to the condemnation of
church, the priests found to have similar actions curse. With the Catholic Church
sanctions contributed to the spirit of Christian values-regulatory system of
medieval, precapitalist society. Usury has created a bill that divided the duty of
personal relationship lender and credited. Veksel is prescind debt paper, which can
be bought and sold. By the bill goes back the genealogy of shares and securities. A
stock exchange, which occupies a central place in the economic sphere of capitalist
society: float steamers, trains go - this is the result of what happened in the market.
As part of the Russian mentality, preserving important elements of
traditionalism, more understandable, and of course the mere reproduction of life.
The money is already perceived as a sort of abstraction is not conventional, but
preferably when it is necessary for the life of products made with their own hands,
in the natural family farms, the fruits of labor are exchanged for the missing
artifacts the material world, either directly or through a variety of money
substitutes, such as drinking: moonshine vodka fulfill the role of Vice-money, since
at least since the military communism. As part of the Russian socio-cultural
tradition is legitimate rejection symbolization of exchange relations, abstract in
nature, commerce, commodity-money relations in general, the exclusion of trading

sentiment, which is described M. Montaigne with respect to modern Dutch him: In
countries where, as in Holland, dominated the mood of the trade, all human actions
are moral qualities serve as a bargaining chip. The mere service caused elsewhere
simple humanity, are bought for money .
In his memoirs, S.Yu. Witte recalled the atmosphere was typical of Russian
educated society in the seventies of XIX century, when over all dovlel: the spirit of
the well-known hatred of those who by their status or material wealth are issued
from a number of medium-sized people ... this is the mood prevailed throughout
the intelligent liberal layer. This mood is stable, its replacement is quite
conventional in the national socio-cultural traditions. It is present and in a long
history of Russia, vyryvayas out of the peasant, Cossack riots Razin, Pugachev,
Bolotnikova, a huge number of smaller disturbances, with a complete, teleological
expression in the first decades of Soviet power in the USSR. In the art form is a
grotesque attitude, but from the more strongly expressed MA Bulgakov in Dog
Heart. The former pretty dvornyaga became a man of science will, at its core, the
western, urgiynogo (created by labor), the approach to life, singing revolutionary
songs in chorus, plays the balalaika, and the complexity of the world takes a simple
recipe: take everything and divide.
Since the late 50's beginning 60-ies of the Soviet Union rolled a wave of
unrest, massive fights, bullying group, indicating a growing trend towards
haotizatsii social and cultural space. Actually a similar situation was observed in
Russia and after the abolition of serfdom, caused by decay, the transformation of
the usual socio-cultural forms, the overall reduction of the repressive culture and
society. Massive bullying suffered itself as the natural elements, there is little
conscious protest against the external, material life, and were a reaction to the
process of differentiation of the estate, income inequality, the ability to compare
his and someone else's financial situation. Complementarity of people's truth in
relation to the potency of socialist egalitarian ideology was one of the determining
causes of the long socialist experiment in the USSR.

Participants of the mass power of shares to consider their actions as a form
of protection of the communist ideals, as an attempt to return the Party and Soviet
power to the primeval form of the Soviet utopizma. It is impossible not to
recognize that reducing the riots were in a sense, the defeat of the Bolshevik
ideology, a symptom of loss of influence in society its original utopian ideal: it
became less people able to go out of their protection . By the early 70-ies of the
intensity of riots significantly decreased, indicating that the indirect losses of the
peasants and workers, yesterday came from the peasants, the belief that
equalization understood the ideals of social justice are separated by the supreme
state power. Queer pravdolyubtsy, images of which are described with such love,
VM Shukshina gradually attached to the city, (mass) culture, all the better sharing
of public, social and private, local. Life in the first field of a part in the party,
Komsomol, trade union meetings, subbotnik, other forms of public works, the
execution of a certain social role, maintaining the conventional rules of the game.
In the field of private space to relax, drink vodka and philosophize in the kitchen,
to denounce officials, disbosom. Mutiny has been eliminated from the public in the
private sphere of life, while maintaining its illogicality, clear (binary) division into
friends and foes, black and white, good and evil. By the light pole and a good,
unifying their are co-workers, convive, ie, as a rule, people who know each other
personally. To the contrary, the dark pole of the universe, are the world zakulisa,
imperialists, ochkasty private owner, regional or later the Moscow authorities, ie
other strange, incomprehensible, and therefore likely to represent the forces of evil.
In the private sphere of the collective unconscious expressing the same set of
important phrases: We stick here, but they are there with Giroux besyatsya, I
fought, with regard to actual participation in any military action. These
mizanstseny includes the elements of nonverbal communication: a torn shirt on his
chest, knocking a fist on the table, link dishes, a man asked from the world of
another person: I am quite significant for the environment, to peace, I am quivering
creature, or have the right, voproshanie expressed sacramental phrase: do you
respect me?

The phenomenon of the desire for equal (for consumer reviews),
distribution, state paternalism in relation not only to the need of some support for
social and biological reasons, the citizens, but all the rest, including healthy and
strong, not faded with time, modified and reproduced in accordance with the new
historical conditions and socio-cultural dynamics. At izlete Soviet-era B. Yeltsin
came to power on the same wave of consumer claims combating communist
nomenklatura privilege, Prospecting and divide the money CPSU, the
improvement of living standards without increasing prices etc. . The main
accusations against the reformers were not even rebukes the loss державного
status, and indifference to the power of social justice, public indifference to wealth
and poverty, the lack of penalty for wealth and social support in poverty.
During the post-Soviet reforms dislike to people, knock out the average
number as a mental invariant, manifested in hatred of the oligarchs, the people of
material success, and using the capitalist form of adaptation to a new quality of
social and cultural environment. Equalization, which are prone to paternalism, the
high level of redistribution of the mentality of Russian society in recent years has
changed is not so much as the external cultural, social, economic design life. It is
also evident as the total number of background event, and in separate, landmark
events, shocking demonstration of the Archaic. Chairman of the Union of
Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, AI Volsky, so set out his vision of power relations
and business: Relations with the power must be resolved through negotiation,
direct and secret. But that problem did not arise again, the game should be
conducted on the rules. And explained: Rules - Russian expression is specific and
has a wider meaning than the law. Sam Mr. Wolski agreed that entrepreneurs pay
for their freedom, for example, helping Putin fight poverty, or agreeing to increase
the any special taxes on profitable industry. In other words, today, reform of
Russia, the force is still not in the law, as in archaic folk truth, perceive the
capitalist relations of treason, deviation from syncretism, distribution, weirdness of
the DOS mounting earthly material life.

In 90 of the last century in the Russian economy experienced an
unprecedented use of natural exchange netting. The development of a natural
exchange of goods was due not only situational reaction of the economic body to
reduce the state order and the relative contraction of money supply, but also
practical, real expression of collective unconscious, the truth of people's able to
translate business visible.
Considering the dynamics of modernization processes in the Russian socio-
cultural system, it should be borne in mind that a change in the external
environment, both material and spiritual, has a significant impact on people's
mentality, the question of intensity and duration of uniaxial impact. After the
escape from Egypt, Moses led his people in the wilderness forty years, has not yet
been grown by several generations of people who are not known slavery. The most
important task is to preserve Russia's modernization in a sufficiently long period
for a free socialization and inkulturatsii personality, more emancipated with regard
to Russia's socio-cultural traditions. The need for a sufficiently long and
continuous time interval of freedom, among other things, due to certain restrictions
on the absorption of innovations in the unit of historical time, limiting the speed of
the new personal interiorizatsii that carry the processes of historical and
sociocultural dynamics. The dilemma is trying to deal with modernizing Russia, is
historically determined the need to maintain an increasingly accelerated pace of
dynamic processes, and at the same time, the need to avoid another breakdown in
the social and cultural chaos, archaic egalitarian folk truth. This constant balancing
on the verge of collapse especially pronounced during periods of revolution and
reform. According to GP Fedotova: All the latest development of Russia to a
dangerous run on the speed: that pre-empt - Liberation Europeanization or
Moscow revolt, which will flood and a young freedom smoet wave of popular
anger. Raznovektornaya direction implicit socio-cultural phenomena and processes
leads to a critically high level of variability of possible directions for future
development. In the multiplicity of options for the development of social and
cultural spheres of Russian society is continuously variable, which is the result of

counter-mutual dissipation divergent processes are not planned for any of the
parties, consciously or unconsciously initiated the process.
As a result of continuous existence in a burdened division muzzle the
opposition, the Russian socio-cultural system is in constant proximity to the critical
zone of bifurcation, turning it into one, in another modality, resists entelehii,
certainty, teleological harmony. What does a permanent thirst for physical
nedelaniya, in the form of landmark events in images Emeli, Ivanushki-idiots in
the Russian folk tale, bylinas about Ilya Muromtsev lying on the oven thirty and
three years, if not a desperate attempt to preserve the integrity of vital capacity,
transparency options for development . Ultimately, it is an attempt of emancipation
from personal destiny. Preservation of the opportunity to live in the zone of
bifurcation, and in close proximity to it, moreover, the persistence of belief in
miracle, in the necessarily uneven cause-effect relationship is still significant
elements of mass consciousness. This inherent desire to avoid uncertainty, finality
fate was well-Ortega and Gasset: Life - this is an inevitable need to decide to write
himself entirely to the exceptional destiny, accept it, in other words, it has to be
solved. Regardless of our desires, we are obliged to exercise our character, our
vocation, our life program, our entelehiyu ... Goethe refuses to subordinate their
specific fate, which, by definition, a man leaves only one possibility, excluding all
others. He wants to retain the right to dispose of. Always . In the historical fate of
Russia is implicit ambivalent beginning, the desire to retain the right to dispose of,
to avoid the certainty of fate. There reversionnoe movement, when the desire to
modernize the alternates to the restoration of the Archaic. Raznovektornost, mental
representations of ambivalence is manifested in a variety of practical actions, in all
aspects of material life, society and culture. Hence, the output in the practical
results obtained either se, but hell knows what, a cash position of things in the 90
th of the last century has received a capacious description of V. Chernomyrdin: We
want it better, but it turned out, as usual .
As the success of Russia's modernization, and the degree of radicalization,
directly correlate with the ability to adapt archaic popular truth to the socio-cultural

foundations of civilization modern. AS Akhiezer, in this regard, said mediation,
translating to a value-normative, mirovozrencheskogo, technological language to
another, initiating processes that can result from a historical perspective to the
elimination of dual opposition between archaic and liberal civilization of modern.
The success of modernization processes quite clearly correlated with the rate
of per capita income, the level of which may facilitate or block
samoosuschestvlenie person here and now, in the horizontal plane of existence.
Creating meaningful opportunities for the mass of material zhizneosuschestvleniya
and would mean catching the completion phase of modernization, achieving a
desired collective unconscious end of history, but its irony in secular rather than
religious forms. Combating poverty is important in the context of the formation of
massive layers of successful consumer goods, services, products of culture. The
more successful consumers in Russia, the less will be the life, sense of space not
only for people underground mining vysey and the abyss of the spirit, but also for
the pre-human at all. Zhizneosuschestvleniyu in the plane of material life
komplimentaren image of the world, reduced to a supermarket, where much has
the formal (monetary) equivalent, complementary formed man of late modern life
opportunities of open space.
There are some alternatives, a choice between a successful self-realization in
the horizontal plane of existence and the sublimation of unrealized potential, the
possibility of earthly, horizontal samoosuschestvleniya identity and significance
for the mass awareness of alternative, eskeypistskih life scenarios. Self human
mass in the horizontal plane being pushed out by other, including asocial and
vertically oriented life strategy marginal. If this is not possible, compensatory
options zhiznestroitelstva come to the fore as a Deputy samoosuschestvleniya in
the earth's physical life.
Implementation of the horizontal zhizneustroitelnogo project that, in fact,
involves the modernization, leading to streamline, kosmologizatsii Russian social
and cultural space. The modernization of complementary personality, with its
internal loci of control, self-discipline, willingness to obey the median culture, able

to control their vital activities, correlating them with the conventional ideas of
norm and pathology, to be vital projects. A person with a dominant internal loci of
control may well do without standing behind the backs of Police. Human life in
late modern society appears as a projective chreda dostizhitelnyh action for
implementation, creation, making, albeit often in reduced forms of mass
consumption, which is opposite to a religious worldview nedelaniya: If there is any
religious matter, it is not of this world, and if there is a religious object as the
value, it is conceivable that only the outside world, we are given .
In the absence of meaningful opportunities samoosuschestvleniya in the
material plane of existence unrealized energy cards sent in the marginal area,
which includes the deviant behavior, including alcoholism and drug abuse, and
compensatory scope nationalist, messianic teachings, religious fundamentalism,
secular and religious ideologies. The priority of the vertical measurement of life
and all derivatives, bearing in itself the elements of the measure, including those
related to domestic religious and philosophical tradition, most clearly articulate in
a complex of representations, referred to as the Russian idea. In the post-Soviet
Russia, this set of representations have a symbolic, symbolic meaning, the attitude
that divides society into supporters and opponents of the projects that have a
significant vertical component: The further movement is possible or how to
overcome the Russian ideas , - that is, translated it into purely ethno-cultural terms,
inherited, in history you'd like to remember and know, or as a movement back - to
the national mythology, as a principled rejection of rational approaches to the
problem of the historical path Russia . At the same time having a vertical
dimension of the ideological construction is effective in the process of mass re-
socialization of people in marginal areas of life. Determinancy personal projects
zhizneneosuschestvleniya basic material possibilities of society is the rule, the
most effective in respect of the masses. This rule has номиналистические certain
exceptions, a person can be quite active in both horizontal and vertical dimensions
of life.

In practical implementation zhizneustroitelnyh projects for which
immanenten ascending or descending vector coordinates in the vertical dimension
of existence, there Delocalization marginal areas, expansion of bearing expressed
apocalyptic overtones. Dionisiyskaya element of folk life, pent within a framework
of repressive mechanisms, culture and society, in times of radical acceleration of
the historical and sociocultural dynamics of revolutions and profound reforms took
the bulk of life, when the dominant attitude, life practices, norms and values
inherent in the collective archaic. In a letter to the PB Struve, written in 1918,
when the revolution and civil war begins slightly archetype of mass man, found
him bright and emotional assessment, the VV Rozanova: I was very clear that the
Russian people, Russian soul - totally anarhichna; that she - wistfully, fantastic, so
to hell with little or no class ... I was afraid all his life and hated Gogolya: in 62
years I think: You won, terrible toupee . No, he saw a darling of the Russian Sheol
content . This feature is quite consistent with one of the branches of the Russian
literary tradition of the XIX century: The identity we have yet naklevyvaetsya, and
because Gogolevsky types - while the most loyal Russian types. Belinsky said
about it without much regret, rightly believing that the emancipation of the
individual not as a quick historical process. Pain of this process in the second half
of XIX century was not so obvious, it seemed that the mores alleviated, barbarism
is gradually being replaced by civilization: In all countries covered by the
historical lives, social concepts several reduced forms of life have become
somewhat more reasonable than it was before the end of last Century . These views
are consistent with the European worldview XIX - early XX century, the sublime
ideas of man and culture, on the rationality of human behavior, the entire range of
submissions, broken the First World War, demonstrated the fragility of civilization
and humanity.
At the industrial stage of development of modern society to achieve a certain
level of punctuality, of assembly, technological complementarity and identity of
the industrial economy. Bolshevik terror years 1917-1953 was not only ideological,
but also partly utilitarian justification. This was an attempt, using extreme violence

to instil winning in the context of orthodox values-regulatory system of Soviet man
a moral imperative, even in a simple, utilitarian forms. Historically, in the Russian
socio-cultural system dominated by the external form of control over the
individual, internal locus of personal control did not become dominant in society
or in the Tsarist Russia, nor in the post-period, it did not contribute to the formation
of the revolutionary years of chaos and civil turmoil. From memoirs AS Izgoeva
for the period of civil war: Russian people only such a government and should be.
Others do not cope with it. Do you think the people you (or cadets) respects. No,
he laughs over you, and respects the bolshevik. Bolshevik him every minute shoot
can . In the thirties, forties, at noon, the Stalinist era, in the public consciousness
peg simple truths: do not be late for work, take off (the law of Koloskov), peg nails
almost literally, as in years of civil war, when the same people not allegorical, but
in the literal sense of nail in the officer's head and shoulders. Barbaric methods
solve the problem of mass changes precapitalist Russia's rights, adapting it to the
needs of the Soviet industrial model of modern society.
The problem faced in the various sections of the historical and socio-cultural
dynamics in the process of modernization is Interlaced horizontal and vertical
measurements of Russian life, an abundance of pre-, marginal life policies, all that
does not fit into the framework of rational behavior, with the understanding of
freedom as anarchy and about as authoritarian.
The limit point of the Russian understanding of freedom as anarchy and war
of all against all (Hobbes on) was passed in autumn 1999, a sign there were
explosions of residential houses in Moscow and Buynaksk, after which began
reversionnoe motion to order as interpreted in line with the national socio-cultural
traditions. In this limit the field of freedom of deconstruction of external control
over the person only partially offset by increased internal locus of control,
radikalizuetsya social and cultural chaos, a general weakening of the normative,
the reduction of capacity of government, accompanied by localization of potential
emerging civil society. Sociocultural space proved penetrated raznovektornymi,
chaotic impulses, but it is in transitional periods in culture and society was called

the maximum degree of freedom for innovation, competitive selection, the struggle
for the future, for the opportunity to move the individual elements of innovation in
conventional modality. In a further innovation occurs stereotyping, which combine
a complementarity with regard to socio-cultural traditions with the instrumental
efficiency in the new stage of historical and sociocultural dynamics.
A major natural constraint is the modernization processes inversion of
dynamic processes in the sphere of social and cultural life of Russian society, an
abnormally high degree of localization of the median area of culture and society.
Some of the amplitude fluctuations inherent processes of historical and socio-
cultural dynamics in general and are apparent including the most developed
countries modernize, the question of the extent protivohoda, presence or absence
of common sense and a certain ambivalence extreme positions, the overall
semantic space for dialogue. For the countries of the Western classical modernism,
these variations provide a means of breeding innovation, incorporating parts of
them in the conventional space of the social and cultural traditions. The subsequent
stage of development remains a high degree of continuity with the previous, are
subject to correction of the local, номиналистические trends and artifacts. As part
of the Russian socio-cultural system, not the terrible oscillation, but the magnitude
of its amplitude, the absence of the minimum necessary complementarity between
the poles, reversionny move-protivohod modernization processes.
By the end of the past historical period is accumulated considerable potential
for inconsistency between the underlying fundamentals of syncretic folk truth and
the trend towards more discrete, specialized in the sociocultural sphere. Ship
breaking the old order is perceived in excited tones, there are widespread hopes for
an absolute, revolutionary rebuilding lives. Here, thank God, was launched, said a
trooper in the memories F. Stepuna of the February Revolution of 1917, becomes
the earth, is baptized. Upon learning about the revolution in Petrograd, non-
commissioned officer of the people near Tchoulkov said: Now is not a sin. The
new historical stage in the beginning perceived as an attempt to build the kingdom
of God on earth, or at least reward for the sins of the ruling elite, and later simply

intellectual, a man with glasses and tie. The Bolsheviks were able to get and retain
power in Russia is largely due to coincidence with the people's true understanding
of original, though drowsy, hostile Russian people not only to the fist and
tolstosumu as to the gentleman, that is, man may not be rich but bearing a coat and
collar, read books, living unintelligible and useless people of life .
A part of society, the losers from the changes in the last period, has
considerable negative energy directed against post-Soviet reforms, perceived as a
form of destructive development that destroys the legitimate within the framework
of national socio-cultural traditions of value-regulatory system of the Russian
society. Just a cautious attitude towards the gradual departure from the paternalistic
model of the welfare state, a radical increase in income inequality, divergence of
life chances of young people, growth strategies individualistic life personality.
What we are witnessing today is a form of public reaction to the interim results of
the post-Soviet reforms. The question of the extent of radical action, arising from
the results of this reflection, remains open, causing concern for the rational and
intuitive levels of the successful and adapted to the reform of society. Extreme
elements of the post-Soviet era have become the ethnic separatists, criminal and
semi elements in virtually all spheres of society, holding the media merchants of
fear, negative information shock. Consequently haotizatsii socio-cultural space in
Russia's public consciousness emerged sustained dichotomy, a choice between
freedom, redutsiruemoy to anarchy and security, perceived as an authoritarian
order. The reaction is always and everywhere is the inevitable consequence of the
appearance on the stage of extreme elements, a general historical law. The question
is: what is the reaction and how does it work? Vosstanovlyaet Is it only what you
need, based on the healthy and moderate forces of society, or she, in turn, run to
extremes, and thereby cause further fluctuations? .
The genesis and stability of civil society is clearly correlated with the level
of economic development, so that, as a result of this development gets people.
According to E. Gellneru civil society can be likened a bicycle: it crashes when
loses speed when loose economy can no longer ensure the continuous

improvement of the welfare of the majority of its members. Most of it is ready to
abandon the great principles, sacrificing for the welfare of illusory real freedom .
Post-Soviet wave of modernization has brought the triumph of locally defined
vector of the dominant social and cultural development from general to private,
polistilistichnosti values and relativism. What used to be public, while in the
interests of the state, was kept private. There is an enormous expansion of private,
while narrowing the scope of subject to public control. Go, man, be free - he alchet
Grand inquisitor, who said: I know how to. This is the only Russian. Not much
idea, but physiology - the feeling of freedom as something bogoprotivnogo -
slavery, as a charitable ... In Freedom - sinful, slavery - the saints. Saints slaves.
Holy Russia - the land of saints slaves . Exchange of freedom, autonomy, locality -
for authoritarianism and the Cathedral, conditionally speaking, the festival of beer
at a military parade and torchlight procession, giving a sense of unity: I was not
alone, many of us, we the people.
Formation of the Society for the dominant type of personality, with internal
loci of control, tolerance to different ethnic groups and cultures, is a consequence
of long historical processes and sociocultural dynamics. Let us recall the policy of
sanctions, substantial fines imposed by authorities of medieval towns of mud,
debris and dirt in front of private home, a policy which eventually led to the
formation of responsible and balanced behavior of Western Europeans, their
aesthetic relationship to the surrounding material, including the natural
environment . As a grass lawn becomes a complete, teleological form of a few
hundred years, and a rational, civilized, median human behavior is achieved for a
sufficiently long historical time.


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IV. Russian modernization project in the context of globalized


In recent decades, a trend towards the formation of a single prototsivilizatsii

Modern, where the institutions and to some extent the value of the Western world
have become reference for a large part of non-humanity. We are witnessing not the
end but the beginning phase of globalization, when the private, in large-scale starts
to go to the periphery of history, is compensatory, complementary role.
Referring to the view of anthropologist Peter Uorsli, E. Giddens notes that
so far as the whole of humanity did not exist, the formation of social ties in the
whole of humanity. The world has become a common social system as a result of
increasing interdependence, now affecting almost every human being. Social,
political and economic ties across borders and the power of States to invade the
fate of living in them
people. The increasing interdependence of the global community can
designate a universal term globalization. It would be a mistake to think of
globalization as a process of growth of world unity. Globalization of social
relations must first be understood as a transformation of space and time of modern
existence. In other words, our lives are increasingly affected by actions and events
taking place sufficiently far from the social reality within which our daily
activities. Despite the fact that today it is developing most rapidly, globalization is
by no means something totally new, since this process began about two-three
centuries ago, when Western influence was spread throughout the world .
We are witnessing and participating in the process of creating the
infrastructure for future global peace, the overlap and complementarity of
information, energy, financial systems.

This natural interlocking of markets caused by the improvement of the
industrial, transportation, information technology, on the one hand, and
virtualization money and money from another.
Ideological basis of modernization and globalization is a Christian
universalism (neither the Hellenes, or Jew). Modernization is a vector change in
the socio-cultural sphere, the reduction of local and universal component of the
increase, megatrends of lokalizma to universalism. Globalization also updates the
universal, promoting deconstruction of national, local. Globalization is the product
of accelerating the socio-cultural dynamics of the whole world, that leads to a
location geographically, socially, culturally remote locality in a single spatio
temporal continuum in a space of a causal effect. A mosaic of humanity as a whole,
when in some part, not indifferent to what happens in other parts, especially the
dynamics of money and commodity markets. Important events at any point on
Earth is reflected in the common information space, suggesting, if not a direct
response, at least some formation of public opinion.
Increasingly, the processes limiting the role and functions of the nation-state,
much note of the functions of local government (postal services, part of the
education system, police powers, etc.). The most important of them - the
completeness of geo-political sovereignty on its territory - subject to a radical
rethinking, deaktualiziruetsya. In the period of globalization, fewer states can
seriously talk about national security with the help of the armed forces, economic,
educational (the distance form of education), fiscal space is increasingly becoming
supranational character, all the less control at the national level.
In recent decades, an intensive process of formation takes place in
international, globalized elite, which is the basis sotsiogeneza activities of
transnational corporations, the emerging interdependence of economic, cultural,
political and media space. Globalized elite is a heterogeneous formation, consisting
of segments of national elites, the foundation of economic, cultural and
information activities, which makes use of, primarily, the capacity of integrated
international (global) markets. The interests of the new international elite gradually

diverge from the interests of that part of the elite, which maintains the national
character, guided in its work for the most part on the national market. It is
envisaged increasing the income gap between the part of society, mainly uses the
national economy and the part that is more use of the potential of international
(global) markets. National and, increasingly, the emerging globalized elite, not
only susceptible to accelerate the socio-cultural dynamics, but more than that, they
are largely of its source.
Globalization is a process of forming a unified institutional space, leading to
a maximum permeability of the borders of national socio-cultural systems and their
contextualization, when a number of features of the system are transmitted to the
transnational level, to open the channels of intercultural communication.
Genealogical new global commonality in their origins in many ways goes back to
the modern Western civilization. She sees it, above all, institutional environment
and of the value-normative system, where institutions and, to some extent, the
values of the Western world have become reference for a large part of non-
In this part of its globalization process is repeated, overlapped, reinforcing
the process of modernization. Perceived by those elements that are either able to
demonstrate its operational efficiency, promote the development goals, or are still
perceived as such, the rest of the world. As an example can serve as a policy
commitment to democracy, which promotes a higher rating of the nation-state,
providing a greater flow of investment, increasing stock prices, government and
corporate bonds, etc.
Another question, how democratic governance works adequate to the level
of development, which is the State. In the context of globalization, nation-state,
forced to play by certain rules, can not, any time obstruct the process of
modernization, including in the political sphere, these processes are largely
autonomous from the requirements set by the social and cultural tradition.
The processes of globalization are a synthesis of progressive and inverse
dynamics. Backward movement is possible, in particular, as a reaction to the

financial and economic crises, for example, a vast drop in the regional financial
and commodity markets as a result of the process of the steep decline in the
mobility of financial capital. Globalization processes are open, nonequilibrium,
nonlinear nature, which largely determines the specific features of national social
and cultural dynamics. Historical, social and cultural alternatives that we can
handle, have a certain limit, determined by the amount of cause-effect
relationships, accumulated in the process diahronnogo development, they are in
many ways and that номиналистическую determine the proportion of local and
universal, that is in the culture and society of experiencing the impact of
globalization processes.
Speaking of globalization, it is necessary to avoid the reduction to the model
of makdonalizatsii world, international interests, transnational business, in terms of
maximizing profits, given the prevailing demand of national cultural
characteristics, as the successful promotion of national markets as a universal
consumer product in the field of tangible and spiritual (cultural) consumption, it
requires a partial interpretation in the spirit of national socio-cultural traditions.
We see globalization as a movement towards universal economic, legal,
informational, educational and, ultimately, cultural space, in large part as a modern
adaptation transformation project, the next, we advanced, stage of modernization.
Globalization is a modern stage, we deploy a single and universal project Nouveau.
An important question is whether it should be considered a complete
modernization, embodied shot process in achieving the main characteristics of
modernism in various spheres of human life. The processes of historical and socio-
cultural dynamics not only slowed, but show dramatic acceleration continues
samotransformatsii as in the modernization of Western civilization, and its new
eastern area (Japan, dynamic Asian countries). What are these processes: the
continuation of modernization, or postmodernizatsiyu? If postmodernizatsiyu, she
continues to deny or modernization process? Globalization, rapidly unfolding in a
changing world which is losing many of the established characteristics, genealogy
go back to the dawn of a new time. AI Neklessa notes that the New World time

rapidly back and forth, accompanied by the systemic crisis of the foundations,
structures of society, based on the sustainability of national cultures and forms of
value-rational world. Nation-state system of international relations, international
law, based, beginning with the Peace Treaty of Westphalia, on the inviolability of
national sovereignty subject to the processes of deconstruction. Going through a
serious transformation of the classic manufacturing economy, is superseded by the
pressure of the virtual neoekonomiki on the periphery of economic space, not less
serious transformation in the field of ideology and national culture. Put into
question as a model of the evolutionary arrangement of the world, its
modernization, and the very concept of progress.
Today, globalization has become affixed a planetary community of people,
of humanity as a whole when any significant event in any part of the Earth is
becoming the province of a single information space, suggesting, if not the
reaction, at least some formation of public opinion. The processes of the world
division of labor in a world where prevail Western capitalist civilization, can
hardly be equitable and fair, as it is not within the rules of the game that are the
The countries of Western civilization were almost complete monopoly on the
so-called closing Technology, that not only can bring their owners excess, but also
economically destroy competition, closing the entire industry. They are able to
produce goods with a maximum added value, export of new technologies, make
the production of a large part of financial products across national boundaries.
Newly industrialized countries have to import technology, largely paying for
the scientific and technological progress in a post-capitalist economy, especially in
the United States. They can produce and sell products with less added value.
Developing countries, third world countries are forced to sell raw materials, ie, the
first processing products, for which the typical minimum value added. This
nonequivalence is caused by the exchange of basic, systemic causes. The most
problematic countries in the post-transition group, since the achievement of this
objective goes far beyond the industrial breakthrough, which, in particular, showed

the world the new Asian tigers. Industrial efforts, using other people's technology
will inevitably lead to further build and perpetuate the industrial civilization. To
move towards postindustrializma needed its own creative interpretation of the
problems of scientific and technological progress, developing its own technology.
Since this is the way makes it possible by maximizing the value added to obtain
the maximum profit and to achieve maximum efficiency.
Western civilization is modernizing the locomotive of global development,
accelerate the socio-cultural dynamics of a planetary scale. The domination of
modernist paradigm, suggesting accelerating turbulent race of capitalism, in which
the rate of change reaches a certain critical level, including in relation to adaptive
capacity of human psyche. Medical statistics reported a significant increase in
mental health, psychosomatic diseases, indicating that people are simply not able
to adapt to the flow of social and cultural change, where nothing is permanent,
when the risk becomes systemic.
Real, objective world is losing its certainty, duration of existence, is
accelerating the change of fashion, almost every year are updated range of
technical devices used by humans. A kind of ideal was the single thing that after a
single or a very short use of the name of further development of the economy can
even simply discarded. Permanent economic growth, requires for its maintenance
of a growing number of resources, many of which are irreparable, leading to
environmental pollution. Climate change is also largely a consequence of the
continuous growth of production and consumption.
Models, which dealt with the development of these trends over the next
century, clearly show that the system can not grow sustainably over any long
period of time. Are effective resource, environmental, social restrictions, a general
depletion, degradation of natural systems, and as a consequence, the issue is not
only achieved the quality of life, but also the physical survival of a large part of
humanity. Environmentalists, антиглобалисты offer in this regard go to the
deceleration in growth, move from the expansion, the expanded reproduction of
humanity to a simple reproduction, balanced with the capacity of the environment.

These attitudes in many ways similar to traditional beliefs, dominant in the more
traditional, non-civilization, which assume a more harmonious coexistence of
human and natural environment.
In this century, humanity faces a difficult and extremely important in its
consequences the choice of two paths of development. The first involves the
further acceleration of economic development, social and cultural dynamics that in
the medium term, lead to disastrous consequences for biocenosis the planet,
including mankind. The second path involves the transition to a more static society,
which is characterized not only by the use of new, energy-saving technologies, and
a slowdown in all the forms of human dynamics, the move away from the ideology
of progress.
This development is not a conflict of good to the best, so characteristic of the
artistic method of socialist realism, leaving little room for historical optimism.
When considering biocenosis, the resource potential of the planet Earth as a
whole, as a closed system, both ways are a difficult dilemma. This choice is valid
for closed, equilibrium systems, and becomes less important when considering
today's environment as an open and nonequilibrium systems.
Western civilization, focusing on the explosive development, which by
definition is synonymous with life, understood as the expansion is the only leader
of mankind, can literally push him into space to begin a new great epic space
colonization. In a universe of matter, which could serve as a resource base for
further expansion of the capitalist economy and humanity, which is, in this context
that Western civilization is modern. Economic man receives habitual physical
motivation, much like the one that moved people in the process of colonization of
the planet Earth. It was the lack of harmony, biocenosis practical destruction of the
planet Earth, that is, in many ways samoedsky nature of Western civilization can
lead either to a serious systemic crisis of humanity, or, as a positive alternative to
the space expansion.
Probably not a coincidence coincided with the beginning of the
modernization of the great geographical discoveries and the closure round the

world expedition of Magellan, and the beginning of globalization - with access
rights to the space that gave the opportunity to see the entire planet and the
instrumental work on a planetary scale.
Globalization has become yet another step in the process of modernization
and historical perspective leads to the formation of a common humanity, united by
the economic, informational, and possibly Police integration.
It would seem that today's globalization is not an ideology. Formally, this is
the case, but the general background ideology of global peace is still visible. This
background is represented the ideology of global mass culture.
Despite its global spread, mass culture of origin, the production of
predominantly Western, in fact, American. This is largely secular culture, with
multiple inserts and pagan neyazycheskih motivation, mysticism and superstition.
This is clearly not monotheistic culture, it is increasingly turn away from the
Judeo-Christian religious tradition, or rather not providing it a host of pagan gods,
extraterrestrial minds, games of light and darkness.
This is in stark contrast to what is happening in the area of non-primarily the
Muslim world. Becoming more crowded, the world still remains committed to
religious tradition.
According to population projections, examines the potential for population
growth in some regions and the whole planet, its strength will reach a historic high
at the end of XX century, after which begins a long historical process of
depopulation of mankind. Population growth during this period will be achieved by
developing countries, with their lower per capita income, education, health care,
women's inequality, ie the developing countries for some time will continue to
follow their own socio-cultural traditions. In the northern regions of the Earth
today and prevail over this century finally established a very different model of
human reproduction, implying a nuclear family with one child that does not
provide a simple quantification of population reproduction.
In the coming century XXI society are huge non-demographic potential,
introducing a lot of people, gripping material temptations, assuming

dostizhitelnuyu modernist motivated, dynamic, but largely for good reasons not
likely to get what they perceived internally as needed for a decent, modernistkoy
life, the success of the personal life project. The variance of demographic
potentials poses a threat to the conflict between North and South, but in the longer
historical perspective, becomes a very real threat of dissolution of the Western,
modernist, faustovskogo humanity in the ocean more than an inert non-most.
The processes of globalization contribute to the creation of special support
groups, neophytes West, took not only its institutional environment, but also of
values, the organization of daily life behaviors. This is the least smaller, but most
vesternizirovannaya and laicize of non-peace becomes a chance of western
civilization while maintaining cultural continuity with change in the ethnic, racial
relations between different parts of humanity. It is relevant to conduct a historical
analogy between ancient Greece and Rome, where the process of cultural
expansion has led to the perception of the Greek cultural tradition as the common
traditions of antiquity. Something similar to a new spiral of historical development
may occur in relation to modern Western socio-cultural traditions and this is likely,
is the historic mission of globalization.
We believe that the acceleration of the historical and sociocultural dynamics
dramatically alter our usual card evropotsentrichnogo peace, progress, leads to a
deconstruction of the elements of modernism, which have lost their effectiveness,
have become too stiff, exhausted, or are close to the exhaustion of its adaptive
capacity. In particular, the above applies to the wide use of the heritage of
European instrument of education and the French Revolution, with its sacramental
slogan Freedom, equality, brotherhood. With the passage of time is quite clear
realization that this part of the European socio-cultural heritage is not
technological, can not be used for the purpose of effective implementation of
policy in a non-peace.
This policy is pursued at the level of political, economic, social and cultural
activities has expressed ambivalent basis. On the one hand, it is a posteriori
awareness of the ineffectiveness of the practical application of the European

cultural heritage, on the other - for greater pragmatism, cynicism and double
standards. Several redutsiruya, you can talk about the different standards in the
West and non-peace, the various approaches to the Western and non-Western
world, which have different types of strategies and technologies of human
In the context of violent institutional and value-normative transformation,
which is experiencing a modern world, primarily the most modernized, dynamic
parts, both in the West and the East, the question arises about the effectiveness of
strategies for catching the modernization that practice, many non-Western
countries, including and Russia. Not only is the most advanced countries have
moved to a post-industrial society, they are still part of dekonstruiruyut inefficient
with low adaptive capacity, the effectiveness of institutions and values of
modernism. In these circumstances, we (Russia), or is completing a national
project to create a modern society, with the subsequent deconstruction of its
elements, or once again try to turn history. Today, the trick may be to try to enter
through the door post, go directly to the post-industrial economy, multicultural,
multikonfessionalnomu society and culture, the legalization of our local
differences, treating them not as a brake on development as well as the source of
excessive creativity, innovation potential, which may be claimed at the present and
future stages of the historical and sociocultural dynamics. But it should be
understood that the danger of such creativity, the next search third way
zashkalivayusche high.
We know that the modernization of the earlier era of globalization has
created. Globalization has become a source and resource upgrading, initiating
dramatic changes in the living world in which Western societies have been
pioneers. This is a long, historical process, which includes a number of defining
elements of culture and human emancipation.
Globalization is an exogenous engine of modernization in the local
communities, affecting their reproduction and the degree of radicalization. The
intensity, depth, focus of modernization in many ways defined by the processes of

globalization, resulting in adaptive responses, and restructuring of the socio-
cultural system.
The processes of social and cultural regulation in the modernizing society
are determined by the action of the two, in many ways opposite, the sources,
namely the social and cultural traditions on the one hand, and the influence of
exogenous (globalization as an exogenous agent of Russian modernization).
Sociocultural tradition, in turn, is ambivalent, which in no small measure, due to
adaptation processes of modernization, which the socio-cultural spheres of society
is exposed for about three centuries. During this period, with the failures and
retreat, the process of adapting the economic, military, socio-cultural and political
spheres of society and the state of Western civilization to the challenges of modern,
mature in the New Era.
I. In today's world, in which a single information space, ideology
pochvennichestva (samobytnichestva), Third Way is not a good option for Russia.
The global interchange of ideas, technologies, knowledge becomes the determining
factor in the historical development of mankind on the path to creating a common
space of culture.
II. The successful modernization of Russia's socio-cultural system requires
openness both external and internal socio-cultural and economic communications.
III. Further movement of Russia on the path of modernization in many ways
equivalent to the movement of ecumenism, tolerance, rejection of the messianic
role of political, economic and cultural integration in a unified Europe, the western
model of civilization of late Modernism.
IV. Critical to the success of modernization processes is a departure from the
archaic syncretism, which to a large extent, determines the characteristics of the
Russian socio-cultural traditions, can be on the way polikonfessionalnosti,
improving the overall level of tolerance in culture and society.
V. The success of the modernization project in Russia requires a clear
understanding of what Russia is part of the European (Christian) civilization, in the
direction the Russian socio-cultural system in a long historical period.

VI. Globalization is the next stage of modernization, marked by the
formation of an integrated economic, informational, political and cultural space.
VII. Globalization is a vector flow changes, the movement of inter-related
and complementary to peace, based on the institution and, to a lesser extent, the
values of Western civilization.
VIII. Globalization is a powerful exogenous engine of Russia's
modernization, its influence on reproduction and the degree of radicalization. The
intensity, depth, the priorities of modernization processes in Russia is largely
defined by the processes of globalization, resulting in adaptive response of the
Russian socio-cultural system.
IX. The dichotomy of universalism and lokalizma in the Russian socio-
cultural system is reflected in the variation of regional development, the
availability of pre-industrial, industrial and postindustrial areas. Russian
modernization constitutes a hybridization and enclaved development.
X. The emerging Russian middle class is a potential subject of Russia's
modernization, the inherent social force that can make the process
samopoderzhivayuschimsya, regardless of the will of the modernization of the
political power.
XI. Heterogeneity of the Russian social and cultural spaces is a challenge,
find the answer to that is continuing today, as well as a source of excessive
creativity, capabilities, options for future development.
We know that starting with the New European time and historical
sociocultural dynamics in Russia is characterized diahronnym megatrends of a
movement from traditional to modern institutions and values-regulatory systems.
Formation of megatrends is due to adaptive response to the explosive growth of
social and cultural dynamics within the framework of Western civilization. There is
a different degree of intensity of the dynamics of megatrends movement unevenly
carried out fits and starts (reform, revolution), followed by back (inversion)
motion. At this stage, establishes only a part of innovation characteristic of the

period of intense dynamics. Nevertheless, the inverse, reflexive movement should
be considered only as a fluctuation in the megatrends.
His appearance is a response to the challenge of Western civilization, which
the Russian empire could not accept. Megatrends is inherent inertia, but the nature
of the inertia varies in different historical eras and in different social strata. During
the period of the Russian empire, the Soviet Union and the first post-Soviet years
(90-th years of XX century) the nature of inertia modernizatorskimi determined by
the supreme power, the society has played only a complementary (additional) role.
The current stage of development of social and cultural areas of modernization of
Russian society is developing in the context of globalization, which is seen as a
continuation of our modernization project. The processes of globalization in many
ways the role of external actors of Russian modernization, resulting in adaptation
response of the Russian socio-cultural system.


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Chapter II. After the Empire

I. History of Russia and the USSR of A. Akhiezer, J. Klyamkin, I.

Yakovenko and E. Gaidar

In October 2005, the fund Liberal mission and New Publishers published a
new book of famous Russian culture and political Alexander Akhiezer, Igor
Klyamkin and Igor Yakovenko - History of Russia: the end or new beginning?
Despite the fact that the court presented to the reader the philosophical, cultural,
political oposredovaniya sensitive historical events in Russian history, is written, it
surprisingly simple and clear language of literature. There is the impression that
the book is written in one go in one sitting. But this presentation is misleading, like
the ease of writing is achieved only work, work on many of the text. The text itself
was sealed and very helpful - this is a rare case when the words closely, and
spacious thoughts. Finally, the book is simply fascinating, very soon notice that
you can literally start reading from any page, and away from the text is already
Alexander Akhiezer, Igor Klyamkin, Igor Yakovenko, combined their efforts
to ensure that the reader can better understand the phenomenon and the evolution
of the Russian state, its basic political-ideological and socio-cultural reasons.
Authors and, accordingly, readers interested in ways to consolidate political power,
the elite and the population used the state at different historical stages.
Nevertheless, the reader might be quite a fair question: Why, again appeal to
the stories? - The historical events described in a long time, and many of them
entered the reader at the rate of school history. Rhetorical question, but how many
of our fellow citizens to read not only the shell of Pipes and Robert M. Geller, and
the classics of historical sciences - SM Solovieva, VO Kluchevskoy, GV

Vernadskogo, MN Pokrovskiy ... A new book by Alexander Akhiezer, Igor
Klyamkin, Igor Yakovenko, the reader can not only refresh and renew their
knowledge of Russian history, but also an explanation of causes and effects of
certain historical events and processes. Based on a representative for the works of
national history, the authors examined the enormous historical material, the
chronologically covering a period from the origins of the formation of Kievan Rus
to the present day - we are immersed in the flow of Russian history, in many ways
defines our present and possible future scenarios.
But the main reason for this interest in history that the Russian (Soviet) past
did not go now, and in order to better understand the possible alternatives to
current and future of Russia, we need to think about in the history of unresolved
problems and faults nesrosshimisya social and cultural divisions. Suppose that in
the new form, they played today - we have to tackle them in the name of the free
development of the Russian and European elections the country. Despite the rather
fashionable in the 90-th years of last century the alleged end of history, this is not
about us, we still live in its midst.
Note that many well-known events, and even a textbook of Russian history
and modernity, Alexander Akhiezer, Igor Klyamkin, Igor Yakovenko reflect in the
context of a liberal approach, which corresponds to the original intent of the book.
We fully sympathize with authors wish to draw the attention of the reader how the
Kievan Rus and Muscovy to take root in the first axial time and in the process long
and painful, but not yet completed entering Russia in the second axial time - the
time of the rule of law, respect for human rights and property rights - Learning
country of the European values. But they do not leave unattended, and macro-
reproduction, and gradual izzhivaniya of authoritarianism (or so-called Russian
Since it is especially Russian Systems directly determine the content of our
history, and indirectly, and the present, we point to its main features. First of all,
Russian system - a system in which the Russian Authorities block subjectivity of
elite groups, with the passive or active support to deprived people subjectivity

(126). In other words, the policy is the subject of power, personalized to specific
historical images of the great prince, king, emperor, general secretary of the CPSU
Central Committee - and they alone possess the fullness of subjectivity. The people
of this subjectivity does not have, except for times of severe crises of statehood
(vague time major Cossack and peasant revolt, revolution).
But the peculiarity of this system in that the subjectivity of elite groups in
society is also undergoing the largest possible in the given historical
circumstances, the restriction. Specific historically caused, methods of blocking
subjectivity Russian elite are in a wide range: from massive physical repression to
a relatively mild extrusion of some members of the elite teams in the Russian
political and economic fields in the European and North American emigration. As
a historical example of such repression can recall antiboyarskuyu oprichnina I.
Grozny and the destruction of the party elite I. Stalin, but there are also
intermediate methods, for example, can now serve the arrest and imprisonment
MB Khodorkovsky and PL Lebedeva.
The basis of Russian System is the so-called father - paternalistic - the
matrix based on the provisions and powers Bol'shakov in the patriarchal peasant
family. For a typical military / paramilitary matrix organizes society and the state,
which is especially evident in times of internal crises and turmoil, when the system
itself grassroots people's movement, and in the foreign policy of the state, it
manifests itself in an effort to voennoderzhaviyu. Military / paramilitary matrix
organizes and Russian authorities: Russian power - is, of course, the power-
monosubekt. But only because and in so far as to limit it - Power-militarizator,
hence, ultimately, its historic identity.
For its existence and reproduction of this authoritarian system has to seek
and find external or internal enemy, divide the world into we and them. According
to his mental grounds she mobilization and isolationist-defense, but its adherents
are inclined to look for the causes of injuries are not flaws in the system, but
explain them in a spirit of konspirologii and the criminal neglect and errors of
individual performers. Sama Russian system infallibly, she only suffered from the

machinations of internal and external enemies, as well as errors and neradeniya
artists from which you can always choose the perpetrators in all. So, intimidate
enemies and about punishing the perpetrators, you can continue to pursue similar
policies, commit an error and nelepitsy, which, incidentally, from the viewpoint of
the system itself, are not.
Together with the authors of the book The history of Russia: the end or new
beginning? Would alert the reader to another source of the formation and
reproduction of Russian systems. This feature of our adoption and interiorizatsii
Christianity. We know that European Christianity emerged as a popular movement
in the geographical boundaries of the Roman Empire, with all the excesses of a
period, while maintaining continuity with the late antique culture. Later
Christianisation captured and marginal European nations where the spread of
Christianity was no longer the bottom, but on top of power, not having this any
serious conditions. By the time the spread of Christianity in the Kievan Rus local
paganism was still very viable, for a century thereafter, while the foundation on
which overbuild Institutes of Christian churches. The result was the postponement
of their pagan genealogy presentations on the evolving institutions, including
institutions of power. In a phenomenon popularly dvoeveriya when spontaneous
rural pagan accepts external (ritual) Christian piety, without changing its internal
quality. In government there are similar processes, when the orthodox direct
successor to the king and the embodiment of the pagan totem, of course, in the
frame of Christian phraseology. Thus, during the centuries of Christianity there is
only a form separated from content, the weak and partially penetrating into guschu
people's lives.
In summary, one could argue that the Russian system is expressed in the
synthesis' paternal 'cultural matrix, a pagan interpretation of Christianity and the
army of life.
With sustained volatility, this system is, paradoxically, of its archaic
dogosudarstvennogo beginning of the relationship and the state contributes to the
reproduction of deep socio-cultural division, drawn up in the spirit of the time

situational shape. And the main reason for replacement of old and new lines
(cracks), the social and cultural divisions in national history was that the cultural
foundation design has remained divided. Divided, it was because of the large,
state-organized societies have been transferred model of the fabric of life of local-
tribal, worlds dogosudarstvennyh.
It is important to remember that in itself a social and cultural division is not
unique and isolated, through him all peoples were at the stage of their
transformation into a state. We are different from other people, only a special
resistance to the flow split of historical time, its reproduction when the nations of
Western Europe, he was not only broken, but has become a distant past. Naturally,
the exterior design and informative content of specific forms of social and cultural
divisions in each historical epoch with its unique conditions, and that they are
expressed by its main contradictions.
With regard to the intensity of division, it differs in different periods of
Russian history. Not going into empiricist its many historical manifestations, such
a thorough review of the book The history of Russia: the end or new beginning?,
Dwell only on the transformations of social and cultural divisions in Russia XX
Century. In pre-Soviet Russia the situation is the social and cultural schism was
evident - but the various social groups and subcultures gravitated to one of the two
poles of stably reproducing the binary opposition. We believe that by the end of
XIX - beginning of XX century with the well-known shares can be formed to talk
about extreme social and cultural dynamics, which is grouped around the educated
and economically successful social groups - consumers and creators of the
technical achievements of civilization and high (elite) culture, in a sense,
modernists striving for the future. The second pole, conventionally referred to us as
a pole of sociocultural statics, led to the archaic, often dopismennoy popular
culture around it focused the bulk of the peasantry and Philistinism small Russian
Once in power, the Bolsheviks gradually weakened both poles, depriving
them of their former strength and certainty. We understand that as a socio-cultural

reality, and its poles can not be played back in time without the living, human
action, and contemporary events accomplice. The Bolsheviks gradually destroyed
physically, out of the country, ousted in the marginal area of the vast majority of
educated and economically successful people, often removing the very name of
their social groups. But the social and cultural dynamics of the pole can not be
completely eliminated, because it means the disintegration of society and the loss
of the state. The Bolsheviks filled modernist socio-cultural dynamics of a pole, but
it was already a high-quality content, particularly after large-scale purges of
Stalin's Party cadres second half of the 30-ies of the XX century.
With respect to the poles of sociocultural statics, the archaic and the mass of
the peasantry Philistinism been fragmented and grind Moloch collectivization,
industrialization, state repression. Here, the Bolsheviks have not able to make full
or preferential elimination of members of these groups, because they collectively
accounted for more than 90% of the population. Therefore, although their physical
destruction was partial - it is millions and millions of our compatriots - the exact
figure of deliberately killing people we do not know today. As a result of the Soviet
period of our history, the second expressing the Archaic, pole of a binary
opposition, lost the certainty of its quality system, has weakened and partially
dismantled. As a result, has become a very dilute binary opposition sociocultural
poles, markedly decreased, and the symbolic distance between them.
For a number of historical and cultural factors have both in the realm of
Moscow, Russia and the USSR was formed comparatively slowly cultural meaning
complex mediating breeding these cosmological poles. Torn country lacked
mediation, dialogue between the poles as the conversation of people and ideas,
which reduces the interests of the existing median area of culture and social life.
However, the formation of such a mediating cultural-semantic complex
dramatically accelerated in Russia / Soviet Union during the last century.
Mediation, dialogue with all occurred during most of the XX century in the camp
barracks, on the fronts of the world wars and local conflicts in communal
apartments, stuffy eseninskih beer, on trains, in geological expeditions in the

development of Siberia and commodity stocks rise Kazakh ground. Thus, at the
expense of physical and social isolation useknoveniya ordinary people that were
previously the basis of social and cultural dynamics of the poles, on the one hand,
and the introduction of universal secondary education - on the other hand,
podtyanuvshego to middle-level people from the social and cultural sectors of the
Archaic, the society by the end of the Soviet period became much more
Returning to the text of the book The history of Russia: the end or new
beginning?, Which led us to these thoughts, noting that it dealt with four periods of
development of the Russian state, each of which will sooner or later ended in
disaster. The book, in fact, consists of historical periods corresponding to these
sections: Kievan Rus': the first state and the first crash, Russia Moscow: Second
state and the second crash; Empire Romanovs: the transformation of the new
Russian state and the third accident, Soviet Russia: rebuilding державности and
fourth crash .
And only the last, fifth, part of it is called post-Soviet state in retrospect and
prospect, when the current period has not yet been completed and the future is still
probabilistic. But in today's post-Soviet period, we relaxed and played a reduced
systemic weaknesses and flaws formed in the realm of the Moscow, the Russian
Empire, Soviet sociocultural traditions Russian systems. And it is inheriting these
ills and shortcomings, despite the marked decrease in the depth we have and
reducing the intensity of the traditional socio-cultural division, suggests the
possible opening of this disastrous series of national history.
What is, in fact, we see a possible future socio-cultural prerequisites stall,
where the trend indicates the potential volatility of the next stage of development
of the country? Unfortunately, these trends are already evident today, when
historical time is accelerating, and the result of errors does not make itself wait too
long. We believe that finding recipes for solving new problems and challenges in
the era of authoritarian socio-cultural tradition, updating the experience forced the
Moscow kingdom dopetrovskogo period in our history - leads to a repetition of the

same historical mistakes. Now pull the company back in the Middle Ages, not only
claiming orthodoxy as the dominant state religion, but considering it almost as a
state ideology - there is a danger of confusion. This action can not consolidate, but
to undermine the socio-cultural foundation of the post-Soviet states, thereby
calling into question its territorial integrity.
Despite such serious implications of such policies today are more distinctly
heard voices of modern pochvennikov, denying the universal essence of
Christianity, which has no Hellenes, nor Jew, voting, in which all semantic
emphasis shifted to underline bogoizbrannosti, nothing on like the identity of
Russia and Russian human self. In doing so, Christianity itself is considered
merely as a convenient tool for the consolidation and mobilization of the ethnic
Russian people, a marker that can clearly divide humanity on the we and them, our,
and not ours, righteous and sinful.
The idea of such a privatization of Christianity and use it for these specific
needs is not new, but in pre-Soviet period of our history such plans, to some extent
overlap with the sociocultural reality in which the country lived. We fully agree
with A. Akhiezer, J. and I. Yakovenko Klyamkin that ... Derzhavnaya-imperial and
orthodox forms of public identity in those days were not as relaxed as after the
collapse of the Soviet empire, despite everything over the course of time to impose
a country atheism and to deprive the church of its traditional functions: a source of
legitimation of the supreme power, it ceased to be a return to that role in a secular
constitutional state is not possible.
But the erosion of traditional values that have taken place in recent decades
as the late Soviet Union, both in post-Soviet Russia (in the most explicit form),
today led to a sharp activation of protective traditionalism. Today hear the
statement, according to which a person can consider themselves Russian only in
the case of belonging to orthodox religion: Orthodoxy for us, the Russians - our
matrix and the base of our historical existence. Yes, for many centuries of Russian
history that was so, but after more than seventy violent repression of various faiths
such generalizations questionable. The Russian empire was predominantly

Orthodox country. But by the atheistic Soviet period and the post-agnostic, during
which maintained the secular nature of education and mass culture - the Russian
society has become far less religious.
It needs no further explanation of why, today, after the Soviet period of our
history, we live in a fundamentally different reality. Specify only the results of
sociological surveys conducted in 2004, the All-Russian Center for the Study of
Public Opinion, where only just over half (51.7%) of respondents belonging to a
variety of ethnic groups in Russia, said that they believe in God. More than half of
them (57.5%) in parallel, like just in case, believe in such supernatural forces and
phenomena such as witchcraft and magic, the resettlement of souls, destiny,
horoscope, signs, UFOs and aliens.
In addition, the majority (48.8%) positive attitude of Russians to the
proliferation of festivals in Russia, came to us from abroad, such as the Catholic
Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc., are not revealing any desire to defend traditional
country religious values. These statistics also show that of any anti allegedly
inherently peculiar Russian man who does not have to say.
But all the same that the data of opinion polls indicate prevailing in Russian
society, indifference with respect to matters of faith. Today votserkovlennyh
Orthodox people is not much in the total number of those who in some way
identifies itself with the Orthodox faith. In other words, all attempts to build on
Orthodoxy as state ideology have little instrumental capacity, as a few per cent of
Russian citizens constitute an absolute minority of the population.
In addition, to Orthodoxy as the dominant state religion and the only true
ideology is not only government but also the actual ecclesiastical dimension. We
know how to Marxism in the USSR became responsible for the horrors of
Leninist-Stalinist period in our history, although the inherent prerequisites for that
at the very Marxism was not so much. The Orthodox Church, putting the burden of
state ideology, thus assumes responsibility for the goods and secular, by definition,
public policy decisions that are not always popular. As an example, a recall has
caused so much public interest law on monetization of social benefits. And if the

My Kingdom is not of this world, and human hands to build the kingdom of God
on earth is impossible, then is it worth for the sake of psevdopatriotam and
lzhepravoslavnym worldly temptation to yield to another? And here we think it
appropriate to recall the admonition Russian philosopher Ε.Η. Trubetskoy, noting
the dangerous tendencies of his time, quite clearly, and reproduce in the bottom of
this: Gromily, lzhepravoslavnye, lzhepatrioty, and with them new and false
prophets will prepare a new and more horrible than now, the explosion of
Bolshevism - in our current reality can pave the way for a new, fifth on the
account, the Russian catastrophe.
In modern Russia are increasingly visible, and of ideological innovation
Patriots-pochvennikov is that reliance on Russian ethnic nationalism. This
nationalism is a particular kind, it aims rather than on building a nation state, but
the revival of the empire. Another thing that is meant the construction of ethno-
national - Russia, not the world - ideokraticheskoy empire. Suppose that in varying
degrees, but the Russian empire and Soviet Union were the world aspire to
ideokraticheskimi empires. The trouble is that coming from the aforesaid category
of innovation, our fellow citizens, as well as an appeal to archaic social and
cultural, is exactly the same to the country and the tragic events of contemporaries
Here, the author of these notes is difficult to avoid the few ernicheskogo
retreat. If it is in the Patriotic-pochvennicheskom spirit pofantazirovat on the World
(zhidomasonskogo) conspiracy against the holy Russia, the Russian Empire, Soviet
Union, the picture emerges as follows. Imagine some kind of powerful and
zlokoznennye forces that not only planning to destroy the holy Russian
government, but also provide for these purposes bogomerzkih some money, have
the information and other support of the projects, tasuya stocks available in the
country of political forces, choosing - who will be able to address the role of such
an unsightly pogubitelya?
The answer, at first sight paradoxical, but a closer look at all becoming to
their seats. In multi-ethnic and multi-state bid for Russian nationalism and

nationalists could only lead to a radical increase in nationalism small peoples, to
strengthen the country is not centripetal, but the centrifugal force. In ethnic and
polikonfessionalnom Russian society is extremely dangerous to play on ethnic
sentiments - the emphasis on ethnic and religious identity to anything except
increase the likelihood of the collapse of the state, can not lead.
Unfortunately, the rudiments Russian Systems present in the mentality of the
Russian political elite and of society, functioning as an integrated system presented
in the wide range of historical variation. For the Russian public consciousness not
lost long selection of power work, where any personal wish is gradually deprived
of authenticity, and translated into a relative outsider to the impersonal and at the
same time personalized public need. Moreover, it must be seen not as something
imposed and prescribed from the outside, but as the ultimate expression of
personal want. In other words, the person required to want only the conscious and
strictly subordinated royal will, seeing in it the supreme virtue.
We fully recognize that the Society for the most part, rejects attitude towards
himself as a passive object of state administration and guardianship. The Russian
system, it has developed during the communist regime, which has become the
main cause of the fall of the latter. Further modernization is blocked is not the
mentality of people and the Russian elite are not ready and not able to control the
free people . However, the Russian elite is also a part of society, and its
unwillingness to control free human beings, coupled with the latent persistence of
the mental elements of Russian systems, even a part of society, with a particular
confluence of historical circumstances may lead to trying to institutional
reproduction. The fact that any such attempt will fail - it is understandable now, we
are in solidarity with the authors that the vital soil, feeding projects, XX century
left in the past. Nevertheless, obviously fails this Project does not reduce the
degree of their danger to man, society and state. Recall that the national-socialist
project in Germany, too, was unfortunate, but how was the tragic attempt of its
implementation for the Germans and other European nations.

To paraphrase Chekhov, one can say that all of us, regardless of our shared
scientific concepts and practiced political views, to one degree or another are
forced to drop out of a residual mentality dogosudarstvennogo rights and
державного / imperial servant. Note that the residual mentality
dogosudarstvennogo person down to the archaic doosevomu time and державного
/ imperial servant - by the time it has taken root in the first axial time. The process
of healing, with the understanding of the norms and values of the second axial
time, difficult and tortuous, but without him the unenviable prospects of Russian
society and people - and this book helps to heal a lot of Alexander Akhiezer, Igor
Klyamkin, I. Yakovenko History of Russia: an end or a new Home?
So, for the very existence of the post-Soviet Russian state is not only
inefficient, but extremely dangerous as the reliance on ethnic nationalism and
neoimperskuyu policy, and attempt to transform Orthodoxy into a national
ideology. Today, citizens of Russia are in front of another historic choice, but the
clear answer to the question of what Russia we want to build - there is not a
political elite, nor the society. It is clear that the main options for this building are
grouped around two fundamentally different alternative projects. Either we build a
democratic, rational, successful and high-tech post-Russia, or the desire to
reproduce the spiritual, and even the institutional elements of Russian systems.
Today in society there are both heterogeneous and multidirectional trends.
But the desire to simultaneously translate the leads not only to a maximum of
inefficiency, but to knowingly infeasibility project to build a new Russia,
incidentally contributing to a split of mass consciousness and introduce into
society a well-known element of schizophrenia.
We, as the authors believe that the strategic building of development can not
be simultaneously transmitted in opposite directions, sooner or later will have to
make a historic choice. As Russian political elite and society at large enough
coquet and hide from history - Russia is Europe, the political will needed to
identify the strategic vector of development of the country: Giving Russia a

European identity, its integration in the whole western civilization with its strategic
interests, not less than the interests of the West.
Adhering to a rigid belief that the strategic vector can and should be aimed
at the integration of Russia into the Euro-Atlantic civilization to modernize its
genealogy, we note that this type of integration can not be edinomomentnoy, a
complex and lengthy macro. Recall, for example, that Turkey is seeking to Europe
since the time of Mustafa (Kemal) Ataturk. Yes, it is long, but now Europeans are
seriously discussing the institutional integration of Turkey into the European
Community. But Russia is far more reason to include Europe, not only a clear
political choice, and patience, and whereas a tactical failure on the scale of several
years - not decades - forced political elites sharahatsya from side to side,
eskeypistski to turn away from the present and future in the name of a distant past.
It should be noted that the main problem of Russia is the need to transition to
organic intensive self, can not be solved within the framework of Russian systems,
as it always used the extensive model of development. It is obvious that the
extensive development - the development by the attribution of others' resources.
Resources may be natural (land, people) and cultural (knowledge, technology). But
in both cases they were assigned to the shelf ... extensive modernization, ie
appropriation and exploitation of other people's cultural achievements, is different
from intensive that includes a drawing of the results of innovation, without
acquiring the ability to self-innovation, which can not borrow.
With regard to the use of extensive modernization, the process of transition
to a postindustrial economy, inefficient methods of the period of accelerated
industrialization. Today nekonkurentosposoben slave labor, can not return to the
status quo, in which non-free scientist and engineer to achieve the military-
technical parity with the most developed countries of Europe and North America.
Of the witnesses recollections of events, historical documents and artistic works,
we know that pay-for scientific discoveries and technological inventions have
served on the acceptability compared with the rest of the living conditions of the
Gulag system - beds with linen and plenty of bread with a little oil.

The success of modernization in the post-Soviet Russia determine the
availability of free and open to the world, the formation of productive innovation
sociocultural space. Need modernization is not for the sake of permanent
strengthening of the military and political power of the empire, but for the sake of
development of society and man. Need an air of freedom, which is so little space in
the socio rife efflux Russian systems.
In terms of post-Soviet Russia extensive type of development
maloeffektiven to maintain its resource base is not old. But we now live mostly in
the extensive paradigm, using the last resource of extensive development - an
abundance of oil, gas and other natural resources. The availability of abundant
natural resources in prolonged opportunity for extensive development, in making
the transition to an unknown far-intensive innovative development on the basis of
revolutionary technologies. Living through the use of the natural rent, you can skip
the next technological revolution, smooth and stepwise increasing the catching of
the regions, using the paradigm of intensive development.
With regard to the resource constraints of extensive development, but today
is almost impossible territorial expansion of the Russian state, is difficult to
establish political and economic control over the neighboring territories. Although
there is not all lost, remember at least a project to establish a liberal empire. For a
relatively new restrictions that prevent extensive development is the reduction of
manpower and dissemination of the European model of demographic reproduction
of population. Note that this is not only the most important domestic constraints to
extensive development, but also for the institutional reproduction of Russian
systems, including in its державно / imperial hypostasis.
The most serious internal restriction transforms Project to restore the
imperial grandeur and power in a purely ideokraticheskuyu plane belongs to the
field of demography. Without going into a detailed consideration of this matter, we
note only that, rooted in modern Russia model of the nuclear family with one child,
fails to provide not only an increase, but a simple reproduction of the population.
But the more valuable each human life, the fewer opportunities for large-scale

military action, koimi was so rich in Russian history. In the stories were the words,
General Field Marshal BP Sheremetev addressed to depressed by the huge losses
Narva Emperor Peter the Great: Do not sorrow, the father-king, Baby still
narozhayut. In the post-Soviet Russia - will no longer narozhayut, as long as you
want, you can dream of imperial power and greatness державном - without the
large patriarchal family, these dreams will remain in the area of utopia. End of the
patriarchal family in Russia, the transition to the predominantly nuclear family
with one child - and this is synonymous with the end of Russian imperialism. No
masses of young people - not the physical ability to retain, much less restore the
empire nor in the 1991 borders, much less 1913.
For the Russian political elite, conservative and authoritarian policies
neoimperskoy most serious external constraint is the institutional expansion of the
European Union and Euro-Atlantic defense alliance. Today Russia is in contact
directly with NATO in the north-west, and indirectly, through Ukraine and Belarus,
almost throughout its western borders. We are witnessing unprecedented in its
scale and speed of the ongoing expansion of a united Europe, to seize and Slav
brothers, which makes absolutely unequivocal choice in favor of the West rather
than East, European integration, rather than a union with Russia. Thus, the
majority of Orthodox people today focus on the integration of Western civilization
and the leadership of Russia and care on its part needs no (682), and ... (Ukrainian
people. - SG) demonstrated clear willingness to sell in imperial primogeniture
chechevichnuyu pottage membership in NATO and the EU.
But if there is independent Ukraine, then there can be no full-fledged
empire. If there is a Ukrainian nation, there is no imperial Russian people, which
includes large-, small and belarosov. Ukrainians are our eyes betray a great
principle of otherness Russia in relation to Europe, a great deal of confrontation,
fear and hatred toward the West, have bequeathed to us by Alexander Nevsky.
Much is seen at a distance, and more or less adequate understanding of the
importance of what happened in autumn / winter 2004/2005 in Ukraine will be
recognized as a people, and some later historians, for their more distant outcomes.

We believe that the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, was not local and reparable, but
a final and irreversible defeat of the draft of a new Russian imperialism, not
enough to start, failed attempt skolachivaniya anti-Western bloc of the CIS states.
So, the Russian society and political elite are dealing not just with the
expansion of European and Euro-Atlantic structures to the east of Europe, but also
with the active participation in this process as close as the Russians Slavic peoples.
Today, an independent Ukraine, tomorrow, with great probability, Belarus. We
believe that pro-choice Slavic nations dramatically narrows the possibilities for any
form of imperial restoration, this can only dream, but such projects are inherently
untranslatable into the language of practical politics. Thus, all neoimperskie
Project like that are doomed to maintain its simulation-farcical character, as well,
and other attempts to recreate these or those elements Russian systems.
We completely agree with the authors that the integration of the European
(western) civilization presupposes a merely sequential zhiznevovoploschenie those
legal principles which are recorded in the current Russian Constitution. But from
the Soviet history, we know also that the declaration of democratic principles does
not mean their actual compliance. Here is enough to remember Stalin-
buharinskuyu the constitution in 1936, and negotiations with the 1965 presentation
of human rights under the slogan - Follow your constitution. Today we are
witnessing the restoration of the model simulation and legal state, where
imitational inevitably extends to democracy, ie the sphere of political rights and
freedoms (658). Moreover, Simulation - this is the way to the functioning of the
state in society protogosudarstvennoy culture, and yet protogosudarstvenna culture
and society atomizirovano - can not a priori exclude the possibility of negative
scenarios of our future.
Russian Europeans can not samouspokaivatsya and blagodushestvovat:
playing great rhetoric, the political elite is able to tune up, under the influence of
their own propaganda to go beyond the boundary of common sense, against his
will be dragged into a situational logic neoimperskogo process. Follow
neoimperskoy practical politics catastrophic, inevitably fraught with human

suffering and the territorial disintegration of the Russian state, the destruction of its
geographical integrity.
Today we are all contemporaries and involuntary witnesses / participants of
events occurring in the country. We know that in the post-Soviet Russia, said the
word little effect on changing the social and cultural reality, but can lead to
scientific and public interest. We also know that the role of personality in history,
opened today, yet we remain contemporary events, we have at least a theoretical
chance to change something, try to avoid the most negative scenarios of Russia's
future. Tomorrow, when the ordinary historical events already occur, it will be is
impossible, so we followed the authors of the book The history of Russia: the end
or new beginning?, Trying to catch today. This desire to have explained our desire
to not only respond to the analytical discourse Alexander Akhiezer, Igor Klyamkin,
Igor Yakovenko, but also to identify their academic and citizenship in relation to
the changing interpretations of our past, our hope for a historic European choice of
our present and future.

The death of the Soviet empire. Look Egor Gaidar.

The death of the Roman Empire, Byzantium, the Empire heroically

Romanov took place, a thriving, providing a bright, invoice material for future
generations of historians, poets and musicians. This material is for the ancient
tragedy, epic, for Wagner, finally. Not that the loss of Soviet empire - it's not
Shakespeare, not for the romantic poet and not even for Prokhanov. This story for
an economist - and here we book economist Yegor Gaidar on the death of the
Soviet empire. This is a story about the time that it did lose about an insane
organization of the economy, massive food imports, saving and deadly surge in oil
prices. The Soviet empire fell under the blows not external enemies, but decayed
from within, its economy has not been able to not only introduce the Soviet people
in the consumer society, but just feed him.

It seems that the loss of empire happened so recently, but over the decade
and a half, managed to grow up and socialize a new generation of Russians for
whom the empire was left in the tender recollections of a happy childhood pioneer,
pyatachka at Metro and other small, but so lovely joys of the Soviet era. For them,
there were children, and no matter how good they were today, wealth and a high
level, stand in the social hierarchy - is still a child, there, in the Soviet era, it was
better. Just believe, and many more of their adult compatriots, for which the
beautiful Soviet far-left youth, hiking, singing at the campfire, endless
conversations in the kitchen. The property of human memory is such that all the
bad with time spent on the second to the third plan, a good, even if it was quite a
bit, remembered as the most important as main contents of the era. We had a
wonderful era, we are ahead of world-wide, we are respected and feared - we had a
great empire. And there was supposedly no good reasons for its dissolution, so evil
will geopolitical rivals yes sold they fifth column - Democrat. These are the
sentiments and evaluation occur in the mass consciousness, so is born so well
described by Gaidar postimpersky syndrome.
But when it comes to the breakup of the Soviet Union, the same here with
Russia, which these lessons can be for the modern Russian state? After all, most
recently 90 years the new Russian government tried to curtail naezzhennoy with
centuries of imperial gauge, but it seemed that we are forever renounce the
imperial ambitions.
The Soviet experience shows that the imperial way of development of the
country leads to disaster. Nevertheless, today the risk of movement in this direction
is high. Gaidar compares the post-Soviet Russia with the Weimar Republic, citing
examples of almost verbatim matches out of the spirit and the symbols of
democratic nation-state in favor of the imperial past - imperial national symbols
has been restored in Germany in 8 years after the collapse of the empire - in 1926,
in Russia - through 9 years - in 2000 . But postimpersky syndrome in Russia is
inextricably linked to the syndrome of the authoritarian, in fact to the authorities so
great a temptation to avoid the long and sometimes painful procedure of approvals

under the democratic system, the various economic, political, social and ethno-
religious interests. Gaidar formed today, the system calls the closed (managed) or
the soft authoritarianism of democracy.
Indeed, it is difficult and at times excruciatingly difficult in negotiations,
public dialogue to align the interests of different social groups, territories, so far
from each other both geographically and culturally, such as the North Caucasus
and the Far East. Where is easier to build the power vertical, piercing being the top
down, amounting to every social, professional and ethnic groups, economic actors,
political parties and nonprofit organizations - to send them to the power supply
chain orders and superiors.
But if the simple solutions authoritarian course, their effectiveness is quite
conventional, in fact, they can bring only the current, short-term gains. Winning in
tactics by raising the current level of controllability, authoritarian power plays in
the strategy, jeopardizing the future of the country, our own future. Gaidar believes
that the appointment of the presidents of the autonomous republics of the federal
center provides a powerful trump card in the hands of nationalists, allowing them
to easily prove that Moscow sees no Autonomies residents as full citizens, but as
conquered subjects. The best gift to the separatists think hard.
Authoritarian politics in the spirit of the Russian socio-cultural tradition
leads to self-destruction, as evidenced by repeated failures can serve as our history,
revolutionary rather than evolutionary path of development, where each
subsequent stage negates the previous one, comes a gap of historical and cultural
continuity. Only in the twentieth century the country experienced two break with
the past, the first - the tragic gap first decades of Soviet rule and the second -
purificatory, surprisingly mild, in the social revolution of the 90-ies.
Introducing the reader to specific figures, excerpts from a strictly secret, and
then letters of memoranda from various levels of the Soviet nomenklatura, E.
Gaidar shows how neadaptivnaya authoritarian system was to his self-destruction.
In the last period of its existence, the Soviet empire had ceased to meet the
challenges of our time, in fact solve the accumulated problems. Even under Stalin

their decision to deliberately substituted the removal of people and social (ethnic)
groups who voice these concerns. But even after the disappearance of people,
turning it into camp dust, not artikuliruemaya a problem remains, gradually
destroying the system, which has nothing inside, all decayed to ashes, and left only
one outer envelope. Gaidar believes that it was Stalin largely responsible for the
collapse of the Soviet economy, in fact it lays its foundations: I. Stalin, the model
of industrialization, the opposite buharinskoy, laid the foundations for economic
and political system, which over time have been formed large cracks, creating the
risk of their destruction with relatively modest external impacts .
But the Soviet empire collapsed not only due to defective economic
foundation, insufficient funds for the maintenance of grain imports, a sharp drop in
oil prices and a surprising intellectual weakness and rigidity the ruling
bureaucracy. All this with the arguments and facts, with the set and the little-known
archival materials, academic, and strictly told readers E. Gaidar. There is another
important reason - when there is no democracy, there is authoritarianism, then the
probability of self-destruction system increases dramatically. It does not need an
external conspiracy, it is part of an authoritarian system, and therefore unavoidable,
is not known in advance only to the specific time frame. These dates are unknown
poet, but known economist.
Today, Russia as the USSR and the seventies, eighties, depends on the
situation of world commodity markets, particularly hydrocarbons, is dependent on
food imports. And if we add to this economic crisis of a possible rejection of
democracy - the harmonization of interests within the country and the open and
covert imperial expansion outside - but a repetition of the fate of the Soviet Union
is becoming increasingly likely. Only far from clear that the stories there is another
version of this surprisingly gentle dismantling of the continental empire, as was the
case with the collapse of the Soviet Union. So no need to tempt fate tendency
towards authoritarianism and empire, that has been making the same mistakes, it is
necessary to learn lessons, teach the Soviet Union, the lessons, which so clearly
and cruelly reminded us all Yegor Gaidar.


1. Akhiezer Α., Klyamkin I. Yakovenko I. History of Russia: the end or new

beginning? Μ.: The new publishing house, 2005. 708 pp.
2. Akhiezer AS Russia: historical experience of the critic. T.I. M.: Philos.
Society of the USSR, 1991. 318 pp.
3. Akhiezer AS The split / / Russia: historical experience of the critic
(Sociocultural dynamics of Russia). T. II. Theory and methodology:
Glossary. - Novosibirsk: Siberian chronograph, 1998. S.390-394.
4. Akhiezer AS No attempt to split the dialogue in Russian culture
nepreodolim / / Westerners and nationalists: Is dialogue possible?:
Proceedings of the debate. Moscow: OGI, 2003. P.73-76.
5. Akhiezer AS The specifics of Russian political culture and the subject of
political science (historical and cultural research) / / Pro et Contra. 2002.
T. 7. Number 3. P.51-76.
6. Three B. Veydle Russia / / Dying Art / Comp. and auth. poslesl. VM
Tolmachev. Moscow: Republic, 2001.
7. Dugin AG Russian Orthodox Church in the space of Eurasia: A speech at
the VI World Russian National Cathedral (December 2001, the Cathedral
of Christ the Savior) / / Basics Eurasianism. M.: Arktogeya Center, 2002.
8. John, 18, 36
9. Trubetskoy, Prince. From a refugee travel writing / / of the past.
Memoirs. From travel writing refugee. Tomsk: Aquarius, 2000.
10.Kutkovets TI, Klyamkin IM Modernist project for Russia / / Vedomosti.
11.Besancon A., Russia in XIX century / / Soviet and now Russian history:
The collection of articles / Per. with fr. A. Babic (Chapters IV-XI) and M.
Rozanova (Chapters I-III). M.: Publishing house IMCINE, 1998.
12.Yakovenko Igor, Ukraine and Russia: Subjects relevance / / Herald of
Europe. T. XVI. M., 2005. С.63-76.

13.Gaidar Е.Т., The loss of empire. Lessons for Contemporary Russia. M.:
The Russian political encyclopaedia (ROSSPEN), 2006. 440 pp.

II. Russia in postimperskom the geographical and socio space

The problem of geo-political leadership today as well, and in other historical

eras, did not have and can not be easy and volyuntaristicheskogo solutions. An
attempt to achieve leading positions must be backed by significant socio-cultural
superiority over the alleged agent, a local expression which are available
innovative technologies and strong investment potential. The desire for formal and
informal leadership is inseparable from the formation of a field of attraction and
affection, positioning itself as a referent, a model sample for the world at large and
/ or its individual regions, to model the desired state of the state and society. It is
the achievement of these positions allows the reference to broadcast near and
distant peoples of their norms, values, patterns of everyday behavior.
Such a collective leadership is showing the old country in Europe -
Germany, Britain, France, for its success creating an example to be emulated,
resulting in a desire to join these successes, to integrate into the interstate system,
capable to promote the development of less developed nations. To a large extent on
such grounds is constructed as a rational and informed, and the subconscious
desire for European integration in the second half of XX - beginning of XXI
Today we are seeing more and more institutional expansion in Europe,
where the expansion of the European Union to the east includes all new regions,
including those who have never belonged to traditional Europe. The observed
expansion of European borders is unprecedented, but even more curious possible
future transformation of the EU. We have in mind that perseverance, which seeks a
united Europe in the Republic of Turkey, aims to catch on to the concepts of a
clash of civilizations and cultures, despite their confessional past and present, in

spite of the imperial tradition, which so consistently and confidently fought
Turkish reformer Kemal-Westerners Mustafa (Atatürk).
In Moscow, a lecture Dilemmas of Europeanization in the light of
competition within the elite, on the comparison of Turkish and Russian
modernization experience, made the founder of the Istanbul Center for Political
Studies Ahmet Evin. Matches are probably greater than the differences, but these
are the matches more to the period of imperial Russia and Turkey. Only in the
Turkish imperial tradition was interrupted in the early 20-ies of the last century,
while in Russia the empire still existed around seventy years. Soviet Union and
became a perelitsevavsheysya, assuming the new Marxist-Leninist ideology of the
Russian empire, the new wine, pour it into old bottles, quickly gaining the usual
taste, color and odor of Russian imperialism.
It is amazing perseverance Turkish elite, with which it is not simply seeking
to united Europe, but also takes on its own genealogy of western norms, values,
behaviors, and that relates to the erosion of traditional Islamic values.
We believe that the main difference between Russian and Turkish political
and cultural elites, despite the similarities of social and cultural tradition, which
involves long periods of authoritarianism and empire, is as follows. Turkish elites
since the times of Ataturk's sincere desire for the West, to Europe. For several
generations of representatives of the Turkish elite, not only civil but also military,
got a full Western education, complete a full course of study at leading universities
and military schools in Europe. The duration of this process over many decades,
resulting in the progressive Europeanization of the Turkish elite. Today, European
identity - it is largely her own identity, so deeply entrenched that it is ready to
protect it by all possible means, including use of military force.
We know from history that at the slightest threat from the Islamists,
traditionally oriented part of the Turkish people to always joined the Turkish army,
which for decades has been and remains a stronghold of the Turkish Westerners, by
force guarantees the West, the secular path of development. So changing attitude
elite, but it is usually the first change their cultural and even religious identity.

In the Russian case, easily reproducible, with a different historical and
sociocultural circumstances, the desire to preserve its special, self, search for a
mythical third way, the desire to remain competitive with the collective subject of
Western power. Imperial ideology and empire as the natural and socio-cultural
education have the potential to serve this a priori, something even the subconscious
to the objectives of the Russian establishment. It is within this self-picture of the
world empire is seen as a great value because it is imperial resources can bring this
military-political, economic and cultural confrontation with the West beyond the
situation obviously anecdotic. Note that this is why the post-modern Russia, at
least its political and military elite, so pulls to create a kvaziimperskoy grouping of
countries satellites. A key role in this neoimperskom construction was to play a
pro-Russian Ukraine, but after the popular Orange geopolitical revolution, these
dreams are not only preserved but also strengthened its virtual status.
Today the Ukrainian political elite is very clearly identified with their
ideology and value preferences, including the geopolitical orientation. The
orientation is quite clear: Ukraine - it is an integral part of Europe, the Western
world in general.
We believe that the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, was not local and
reparable, but a final and irreversible defeat of the draft of a new Russian
imperialism, not enough to start, failed attempt skolachivaniya anti-Western bloc
of the CIS states. Much is seen at a distance, and more or less adequate
understanding of the importance of what happened in autumn / winter 2004/2005
in Ukraine will be recognized as a people, and some later historians, for their more
distant outcomes. The author is a wish to believe, and this is very serious and
significant assumptions that are not so very distant, no later than 2008, the result of
Orange Ukrainian revolution will be the dismantling of authoritarianism and
democratization, and neoimperskosti in the modern post-Soviet Russia.
Another question that the geopolitical game in the post-Soviet space has not
yet been played, and here we can expect some surprises. Part of the Russian elite is
increasingly clear browsable on a course of authoritarian rule. We know that this

has dragged on for such, so now inevitable search of those regimes and political
leaders who profess themselves of authoritarianism values, identity, confront the
West in all spheres of life. And here the choice is limited, if any exist. Perhaps one
or two leader in the strength of the political situation which it is possible to doubt
today, and no doubt probably not tomorrow.
You can probably try to play a wah-bank, as has already been played, Mr.
Slobodan Milosevic, several recent rearguard battles, and even win some of them.
But the current state of affairs in the world is that in the struggle against the
collective entity the West can be won, if very lucky, some fighting, but you can not
win the conflict in general. What courage, kurazhnee will play against Western
institutions and Western culture authoritarian elites in the former Soviet Union -
the higher the level of final costs, both for them and for the peoples of these
The paradox of history is that the reckless and tough play, the faster will
enter the Hague, and is not as carefree tourist. Of course, the prisons in the EU are
better similar institutions in Russia and other CIS countries, but still .... In addition,
an example of that Slobodan Milosevic can be seen that beyond hard-earned
money kept in Western banks, which are not free of loose political expediency. In
consideration of these constraints on volyuntaristichnoy domestic and foreign
policy becomes more understandable reluctance persistent E. Shevardnadze,
Kuchma and L. A. Akayev to play tough, to use in the fight against the people's
revolution and the army special services. It may be that not all have forgotten, and
the fate of C. Ceausescu - is history and so ....
But you can try to avoid such developments, to repent, to seek a strong
nizhayshe world immunity from prosecution, in fact backed their petition
exemplary conduct during the period of revolutionary crisis. Following common
sense, consisting of the recognition emerged in the world balance of power may
well get their reward, including a calm and secured a long vacation in the
picturesque corners of the planet - somewhere in Tahiti, the French Riviera, etc.
Such a fate may well be expected to politicians adaptive, able to dialogue at the

level of ideological abstractions, but of interest. We talk about the possibility of
choosing political leaders, but their choice seriously affects the life of the nation.
Yes, it would be my choice, but the degree of humanity and bloodless change
depends largely on national leaders, political and military elite, it is their historic
But the rulers have come and gone, but people still remains a geopolitical
situation remains moist wind from the Baltic and Europe, remains a historical
inevitability of European integration. We believe that major positive strategic
foreign policy objectives for the peoples of the European part of the post-Soviet
space is the integration into the EU and NATO. Such integration not only means a
change in the geopolitical orientation and foreign policy in general, but also
change the internal situation, which includes democracy, human rights, social and
cultural space of the alignment on the European model. We have no illusions with
regard to ease this way, knowing that each successive step in the direction of
European integration will require changes to the mental, and institutional levels.
But we must understand not only the complexity of the task, but its practical
solution in the not too distant historical perspective.
The historical alternative to the developments in the post-Soviet version of
an imperial restoration, is not compatible with political democracy, observance of a
minimum set of democratic rights and freedoms. We believe that the attempt of
imperial restoration leads to the inevitable narrowing of the personal living spaces,
dramatically reduces the likelihood of self-human in virtually all occupational
fields except those that directly or indirectly serve the interests of neoimperskogo
state. There are two main actors - official and siloviki (a man with a gun), and
Catch - providing ideological cover for active new generation of advocates and
outreach workers.
Implementation of such a historical alternative to us is not satisfied, we
believe that we must now clearly and most severely to say no neoimperskim
popolznoveniyam in the former Soviet Union, to try to prevent further extension of
the existence of the empire, as it was after the Civil War in Russia / USSR.

What's happening in the country now - the construction of a national state or
a path of imperial revenge? The issue in relation to Russia no longer seems
rhetorical, as it would have been even ten years ago. And here we do not save
history, because her experience is to be realized otrefleksirovan society - just as an
antidote can be developed from the imperial ideology, and imperial forms of
Work on historical errors had not been in the public consciousness has
become a popular false impression that the Soviet empire has become a victim of
short-term external circumstances and treachery of the political and intellectual
elite - Democrat. But if all that easy, but rather try to change external
circumstances, enhance geopolitical position of the Russian state, attached to the
Transdniester, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and, what features are not jokes, Ukraine
and Belarus. That's is organized neoimpersky project - glove would perceive it as a
bad joke pervoaprelskuyu, but hampered by an increasingly clear sense that this
project not only real, but is already in progress. It is evident that its implementation
can not lead to the most serious foreign policy costs, put Russia on the brink of war
between the cold - latent and hot - open.
Naturally, however, that the most serious losses from this military-political
confrontation will be very Russian society, so apathetic dealer Today the
democratic gains of the Yeltsin-Gorbachev period. But democracy - this is the only
way to protect yourself from society foreign policy adventure, because it is kept to
a decorative, purely external, are devoid of references to the refusal of most
foreign-policy Insurance. We know what a huge price to pay the people of
Germany for the rejection of democracy and the unleashing of the Second World
War. Just as the price paid for this choice of the German political elite and the
peoples of Europe. But this is someone else's historical experience, too distant for
Russian society, the analogy, we even own historical experience teaches nothing.
Building in Russia of controlled democracy minimized public participation
in decision-making, both domestic and foreign policy. Decisions of this takes part
of the political elite, which is known to share can be defined as nostalgiruyuschih

of the Soviet empire statesmen. The key question, to which they are responsible, is
as follows: Russia - is part of Europe, the potential of the West, or an independent
power center - as the EU, USA and China? From the answer to this question
depends our present and future.
If the Russian political elite said that the Russia part of Europe and the
potential of the West, along the lines of Germany, which is just after the Second
World War joined the Euro-Atlantic civilization, then the expansion of the EU and
NATO to the East and South, on Ukraine and Georgia do not not only dangerous,
but also desirable. Then this movement, along with Russia - they are in NATO and
the EU before, we again later. Naturally, the integration of these international
structures in the small Georgia and Russia can be a big different.
There is another option - Russia is an independent power center, an
independent Eastern Christian civilization, embodied in the earlier Russian and
Soviet empires, and which should translate into a new empire. This response
suggests that NATO is a military and political rival, whose promotion to the
borders of Russia poses a serious threat - a threat to the very possibility of imperial
How serious that threat is perceived and how far can go the Russian
military-political elite in order to neutralize this threat? In the case of Ukraine the
most serious threat is perceived. Because only together with Ukraine, Russia may
in some way to go back to the imperial ways of development based on Orthodox-
Slavic identity. Without the Ukrainian Center of the Russian empire will inevitably
shift to the East, the two heads of double-headed eagle will be rotated from the
Euro-Byzantine heritage to the legacy of the East, Mongolia, China. And if you do
not have long to Byzantium, the growing economic and geopolitical power of
China is today. Without Ukraine, a new Russian neoimpersky project could be just
the project return to Ordu, ideological and military-political distancing from the
West, the departure from Europe.
Today the Russian statesmen sympathetic to the traditional imperial project -
Russia, headed the Slavic state of education - at the head of Ukraine and Belarus.

This kernel is the dissolved Soviet Union, the traditional core of the Russian state -
so, let the language of geopolitics, the majority of the Heartland. For some, very
little historical time, it may be enough resources to deal with the European Union
and NATO, will be followed by another geo-political and social disaster - is also a
repetition distance. It is important for the Russian political elite is that when
neoimperskom uniting Slavs label on reign will be issued in Moscow, in the case
of the East, to China, the distribution of labels may move to Beijing.
It is clear that under this set of alternatives neoimperskaya part of the
political elite of Russia is desperate to fight for Ukraine, for its imperial
integration, or at least the pro-Russian course. Indeed, the integration of Ukraine
into EU and NATO removes even the theoretical possibility of the traditional
imperial restoration.
The stakes for Ukraine zashkalivayusche high, it is here possible powerful
geopolitical scrapping with Russian participation, in contrast to developments in
the Caucasus, in Georgia, which, with all its severity and the possible tragic could
not go beyond a local conflict. Not the Caucasus, but the Ukraine sent the
geopolitical edge of imperial restoration. Do this geopolitical scrapped, the
division and the division of the country to its west and its east by the Ukrainians? I
think not - irrespective of political and party loyalties, even regardless of the
language - Ukrainian or Russian. And it is not already, it is important to support the
Ukrainian voters' Party of Regions, Yulia Tymoshenko, Our Ukraine - all of them
do not need. This is just outside the Ukraine neoimperskim forces.
No imperial restoration and the peoples of Russia - prekrasnodushnye
neoimperskie dreams a cup of tea costly when you try their practical
The main issue that arises in the political, economic and cultural elites of
post-Soviet states, is taking place within the globalization process limits of national
sovereignty. This restriction includes the transfer of national sovereignty to the
supranational level, it is quite objective and rigorous in its embodiment of the

process. You can take it and under it to adjust, but it is possible to resist and go
against confusing the feet of the wind of history.
The fundamental mistake of the Russian political elite who believe that there
is a chance to build an effective and viable poluavtarkicheskoy political system
that preserves within its territory the full sovereignty, it splits into a series of more
localized errors. So, try to address some of them.
First, the process of democratization on Western, not only introduced from
the outside, but also has a certain number of followers around the world, including
in Russia. Let the number of these people are not so great, at least not
predominantly, it is the most active, young and successful part of the nation. This is
a strong people who do not need paternalistic state, people who do not want an
empire, the people who will not sacrifice their resources, energy, and even more
lives in the name of any anti-Western political project. In addition, they are not
dissipated in a huge country, but mainly concentrated in the two capitals - Moscow
and St. Petersburg. Needless, perhaps, to recall that revolutions tend to occur in the
capitals. And nothing spishesh to konspirologicheskie theory, foreign financial
assistance, and the machinations of the CIA Mosada. This is all outside and inside
of these people is almost instinctive rejection of authoritarian and imperial state.
Secondly, we have very recent experience of political-military confrontation
with NATO, the confrontation, accelerated the fall of the Soviet Union. But the
Soviet Union was much stronger than modern Russia in various fields, including
economy and the military. The Soviet Union possessed a much larger demographic
resources and benefit geopolitical position. All of this is lacking in modern Russia,
the attempt of military-political confrontation with the West will lead to a rapid
collapse of the new post-Soviet state, will accelerate the onset of the third phase of
deconstruction of the empire. The paradox of history is that any attempt to impose
its influence in the former Soviet Union, to begin the next phase of arduous
gathering of Russian lands will lead to a serious risk of losing even the remaining

In addition, an attempt to confront an objective process, forming of anti-
Western political-economic project will inevitably require resort to the
mobilization of ideology, as the only outright violence to such a regime can not
exist for arbitrarily small historical time. In this regard, we note that Russia has
experienced a historic temptation of international socialism, to raise public
consciousness, even a certain antidote, but not in relation to socialism as such, but
at least with respect to its international dimension. The Temptation of national
socialism, more or less aggressive forms of nationalism is still ahead.
The essence of the next wave of velvet revolution is otbrakovyvanii political
regimes that claim to the traditional, but the excess in the current context control of
the processes taking place in the national territory, in the traditional sense of
national sovereignty. Who wants to consciously resist the stories - this performance
of their personal crosses, the path leading to the end, if not in Nuremberg in 1946
samples, at least in a comfortable and civilized time trial of the Hague, Slobodan
Milosevic. But, gentlemen, as the jump from the aircraft with known defective
parachute - it could be your personal political choice - no need to involve people in
it, there is no need to insist on a collective suicide subjects.
We insist that any political project that would preserve the traditional level
of national sovereignty, has a more or less significant anti-component, and
therefore doomed to failure. The ratio of power in the world is not in favor of those
who relied on such projects, it is known to be losing. Worst ill for their peoples, as
patriots, statesmen, now just does not exist. As you know, the road to hell is paved
with good intentions, and patriots, statesmen can lead people into this hell, nothing
more, they are not able to lead.
Some Russian politicians, in particular, G. Pavlovski, argue that the
revolution was over, the time counter. Note that the question of whether the
finished really a revolution, both in Russia and throughout the post-Soviet area,
remains at least open. Velvet revolutions in Eastern Europe (Yugoslavia, Romania)
and in the former Soviet Union (Georgia), and today, and Ukraine show: the
revolution continues. In other words, the third wave of liberation revolutions, the

wave, which changes the authoritarian political regimes, insist on the full national
sovereignty and with hefty anti-Western accent. This release of the European
countries is part of a general process of the dismantling of authoritarian regimes
around the world, from Afghanistan, Iraq continues, then everywhere.
This new wave of liberation goes back, in particular, to fight the Soviet
Union and the countries of Western democracy with national-socialist, fascist and
authoritarian regimes in Europe and Japan during the Second World War. The
process of ridding the world of anti-Western wing authoritarianism, and continued
during the Cold War years, when able to stop the spread of communism around the
globe, and later when in 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed, is the most serious and
sustained anti-alternative to global development. What is happening today and will
be tomorrow - is a continuation of the deconstruction of the global anti-Western
authoritarian regimes. We allow ourselves to assert that in the world, there is no
force capable of stopping the dismantling of these regimes, at least in the
geographical limits of Europe.
Orange revolution in Ukraine, with all the attendant risks of destabilization
in the post-Soviet geopolitical space is undoubtedly good for the liberal
modernization project in Russia, our institutional integration in European
structures, particularly in the EU, and eventually to join NATO. A positive
response to the challenge of the era requires compliance with the rules of the game
the West, including respect for human rights, the maintenance of parliamentary
democracy, a compromise policy with regard to the western counterparts. In the
economic sphere, the adoption of this process involves building the system of
global division of labor, cooperation with leading manufacturers, multinational
corporations, where their interests are taken into account in the fullest possible
extent. A positive response to the challenge of the era was the shift from national
security through military means delegating responsibilities to the international
(western) institutions. Russia as part of NATO, not only leading, but also
knowledge-tuned their policies under the policy of the block - that's a real

opportunity to solve the problem of national security and the democratization of
post-Soviet space.

Postimpersky transit

We consider the strategic choice between the preservation / restoration of the

imperial / kvaziimperskogo state and the nation-state formation in Russia, the
contradiction between the policies of imperial conservation / revenge and politics
of modernization.
Since the era of Ivan the Terrible, when adherence to Moskovia Astrakhan
and Kazan khanate, and continuing until the end of XIX century the Russian
empire expanded, absorbing the small and large adjacent, and even quite distant
peoples. Since the defeat in the Russian-Japanese War, and later with the Russian
Revolution of 1917 - megatrends gathering a growing number of the surrounding
land was completed, the process has gone backwards, with the tide of territorial
expansion was followed by its ebb. The Russian Empire began to leave with the
will and captivity associated territories, and this process is no less long than the
collection of large and small land. During the XX century the Russian empire
experienced a deconstruction of two phases - in 1917-1921 and 1991. Two recent
phase - this is not an end, clearly ahead proglyadyvaet and the third stage of
deconstruction of the empire, where the most likely candidates for independence
and statehood, becoming the North Caucasus republic.
The famous paradox of the Russian socio-cultural system is that its separate
parts (subsystems) closer complementarity with respect to Western civilization
than others.
Historical phases accelerate the socio-cultural dynamics of lead, as a rule, to
dezintegratsionnym processes, since the rate of change acceptable to the various
territorial, ethnic and cultural entities, much different.
At different periods of the Russian state in the orbit of its military, economic,
political and cultural influence reached neighboring territories during the long
historical period, with varying degrees of intensity process of their institutional
integration into the empire. Russian Empire went to their natural geographic
frontiers, at times their passing, as in the case of territorial expansion in North
America, the colonization of Alaska.
But the challenge facing any imperial state, is that the territory not included
in the state, it, figuratively speaking, it is necessary to digest, obzhit, equip, ie
included in the integrated economic, political and cultural space. To solve this
problem could not be in any empire, of course, that was unable to do so either in
the Russian Empire or the USSR or its legal successor - the Russian Federation.
Neorganichnye no longer part of the Russian state in 1917 and 1991 XX
century. The Russian state at different stages of development resembles a kind of
incubator, where the stage of national, state preparedness vyzrevayut protonatsii
and protogosudarstva. Then, usually in times of turbulent institutional
transformations of the Russian state body, was more or less painful process of
separation, secession from the Russian state ripe for the beginning of an
independent nation-state of living entities.
During the entire XX century, in the first half of XXI century is likely to
continue the painful process of searching for national borders, the exclusion
inotsivilizatsionnyh, inokulturnyh entities in due ripe to initiate and okrepnuvshih
as independent public entities. Some of the regions is capable of finding consensus
on the chosen direction of the country's identity as a democratic nation state, either
as neoimperskogo education. The other part, did not support a choice for Russia,
but at the same time is not ready for an independent state living will, though on
other grounds, to grow within the Russian Federation.
The Russian state is different from other countries, not only size, but also a
different level of development of their regions. Russia is divided into regions that
are at various stages of modernization development. It includes post-regions, such
as: Moscow, near Moscow, St. Petersburg; industrial: Norilsk, the Urals, Nizhny
Novgorod and preindustrial presented in the national republics, in particular,
Tuvoy, Altai mountains, Chechnya, Kalmykia . The country is not simply divided

into a variety of social and economic development areas, but this division is clearly
correlated to the ethnic composition of the population, are living, most vividly in
relation to pre-industrial regions. Russia has evolved long enough for imperial
type, seeking to unify certain legal, economic, social and cultural space that is not
always coincide with the aspirations of ethnic minorities.
Modernization processes taking place in such diverse socio space, would
inevitably have lost the homogeneity, internal coherence. Regions, which for any
reason will not be able to develop in the post area, are likely to contribute
dezitegratsionnym processes. Russian modernization is largely self-hybridization
and enclaved development. The processes of hybridization most likely in the pre-
industrial regions, where the modernization projects could be reduced to local
conditions, losing their semantic content, the depth, authenticity. In contrast,
hybridization, enclaved develop more typical for the most advanced on the path of
modernization postmodern regions surrounded by regions of Russia, which is
usually at the early stages of modernization development. Creation of inter-
regional transport, information communications, linking the horizontal, achieving
the economic basis of greater interregional personal mobility can, to some extent,
mitigate the effects of enclaved, ie uneven modernization.
It should also be noted that the process of gaining national independence, the
state does not edinomomentny, not to declare independence, and even get her
confirmation by the international recognition - it should still reach actually reach
some of the safeguards against popyatnogo motion, or unwillingly, the
reintegration of the former metropolis.
At the same time, the status of our state postimpersky troubled. Russia today
is not yet full-fledged nation state, but pokalechennoe, lost in time and space
postimperskoe education, then, that the empire remained. In the public mind there
is no consensus about the legitimacy of state borders - it is very difficult to clearly
answer the question of why the state is composed of some regions, and why others
are not included. The country still has a imperial body (EA Pain), get us a legacy of
the imperial phase of territorial expansion.

Until now, most of society and political elites perceive imperial territorial
heritage as an almost sacred value, what can not be set aside under any
circumstances, regardless of socio-cultural proximity or alien controversial
But the most unpleasant for his contemporaries and collaborators of events is
that Russia has not yet become a nation state, and the threat of the third stage of the
disintegration of Russia, as public education, the remainder of the empire, remains.
The legacy of the empire, we won and ethnic and sociocultural blossoming
complexity (KN Leont'ev) regions belonging to the three civilizations, the three
world religions, in different stages of economic development: pre-industrial,
industrial and postindustrial. In addition, Russia has not formed any nation in its
ethnic or postetnicheskom, civic sense.
Traditional has a question - when nesformirovannoy nations to agree on such
a diverse regional interests, moreover, that in some cases these differences are
cultural, civilizational, religious foundation. But it is not only in the cultural and
civilizational differences. Because of its geo-economic situation and the difference
stadialnogo development have different interests and property of the Russian
regions, where the ethnic Russian, in stark differences in living standards, income
and social security.
Marginal regions of Russia today tend rather than to Moscow, but to the
world's centers of economic power. In western countries, in Königsberg /
Kaliningrad, the economic attraction for the more developed EU stadialno stratify
on the historical and cultural attraction. On the east of the strong economic
attraction of becoming the Asia-Pacific countries, especially China. In this case, it
still is not a proper cultural and civilizational reorientation of Siberia and the Far
East, but rather on the absolute economic integration in the economy of this part of
Asia. But, as we know from the history of economic integration often should the
political integration. This is largely just a matter of time, perhaps a distant, but this
danger should not be underestimated.

Although we are dealing with processes that are not only subjective but also
objective component, the strength of their human accelerate or retard, choosing a
policy. We believe that we should not help but be against the process of
disintegration of the country, choosing for this purpose the relevant policies.
Maintaining State within its present borders is only possible within the framework
of the harmonization of the interests of regions, but not build them into a single a
by order of the neoimperskokoy policy. Despite the apparent current efficiency, it
is losing not only in the long term, but in the medium-term historical perspective,
dramatically increasing the likelihood of future decay.
We once again draw attention to those things known to stress the difference
between the interests of Russian regions, once again turn to the question of how to
possibly negotiate a variety of regions of interest within the past, but not yet gone
before the end of Empire, the Russian state?
World historical experience provides two main solutions, individually
designed for different historical and sociocultural contexts.
The first option involves networking etnofederativnyh relations, procedures,
harmonization of regional interests, a clear distinction between the delegation of
authority. This will be a long, often painful process for the Russian authorities. Too
great a temptation to revert to the traditional, albeit historically izzhivshim a form
of governance, simplify the harmonization of interests, to abandon them, to
manage the order, a de facto authoritarian governance and the unitary state. This is
the second path.
In the framework of the interests of the regions agreed to a minimum, the
major decisions taken at the center, the process of agree takes place in the tradition
of a unitary imperial state, which actually was the Soviet Union and the Romanov
empire. Although the Tsarist empire and was known exception to the autonomy of
Finland, the Constitution of the Kingdom of Poland ... The construction involves
the use of violence against dissenters, not a harmonization of regional interests, but
the imposition of solutions federal. This is a legacy that today's native Russian
government with the imperial state. I close the definition of the key properties of

the empire, the E. Yasin: Empire impossible without violence, no matter how soft
or its form. This is the main identifier empire .
The theme of empire and postimperskogo development includes an
additional dimension. I am referring to the problem of international leadership. The
problem today is, however, and in other historical eras, did not have and can not be
easy and volyuntaristicheskogo solutions. An attempt to achieve leading positions
must be backed by significant socio-cultural superiority over the alleged agent, a
local expression which are available innovative technologies and strong investment
potential. The desire for formal and informal leadership is inseparable from the
formation of a field of attraction and affection, positioning itself as a referent, a
model sample for the world at large and / or its individual regions, to model the
desired state of the state and society. It is the achievement of such leading and
attractive to other positions allows broadcast near and distant peoples of their
norms, values, patterns of everyday behavior.
Such a collective leadership is showing the old country of Europe, its
success creating an example to be emulated, resulting in a desire to join these
successes, to integrate into the interstate system, capable to promote the
development of less developed nations. To a large extent on such grounds is
constructed as a rational and informed, and the subconscious desire for European
integration in the second half of XX - beginning of XXI century.
Today we are seeing more and more institutional expansion in Europe,
where the expansion of the European Union to the east includes all new regions,
including those who have never belonged to traditional Europe. The observed
expansion of European borders is unprecedented, but even more curious possible
future transformation of the EU. I have in mind that perseverance, which seeks a
united Europe in the Turkish Republic. Endeavor of the fashionable concepts of the
clash of civilizations and cultures. Endeavor, despite their confessional past and
present, and its imperial tradition, which so consistently and confidently fought
Turkish reformer-Westerners K. Mustafa (Atatürk).

Matches in the modernization of two postimperskih States is probably
greater than the differences, but these are the matches more to the period of
imperial Russia and Turkey. Only in the Turkish imperial tradition was interrupted
in the early 20-ies of the last century, while in Russia the empire lasted another 70
The main difference between Russian and Turkish political and cultural
elites, despite the similarities of social and cultural tradition, which involves long
periods of authoritarianism and empire, is as follows. Turkish elites since the times
of Ataturk's sincere desire for the West, to Europe. For several generations of
representatives of the Turkish elite, not only civil but also military, got a full
Western education, complete a full course of study at leading universities and
military schools in Europe. The duration of this process over many decades,
resulting in the progressive Europeanization of the Turkish elite. Today, European
identity - it is largely her own identity, so deeply entrenched that it is ready to
protect it by all possible means, including use of military force.
We know from history that at the slightest threat from the Islamists, based on
the traditionalist-oriented part of the Turkish people, to always joined the Turkish
army, which for decades has been and remains a stronghold of the Turkish
Westerners, by force guarantees the West, the secular path of development. So
changing attitude elite, but it is usually the first change their cultural and even
religious identity.
In the Russian case, easily reproducible, with a different historical and
sociocultural circumstances, the desire to preserve its special, self, search for a
mythical third way, the desire to remain competitive with the collective subject of
Western power. Imperial ideology and empire as the natural and socio-cultural
education have the potential to serve this a priori, something even the subconscious
to the objectives of the Russian establishment. With this self-picture of the world
empire is a great value because it is imperial resources can bring the military-
political, economic and cultural confrontation with the West beyond the situation
obviously anecdotic. Note that this is why the post-modern Russia, at least its

political and military elite, so pulls to create kvaziimperskoy groups of countries
I believe that the orange revolution in Ukraine the draft of a new Russian
imperialism suffered not local, and remediable, but the final and irreversible
defeat. Another point is that the geopolitical game in the post-Soviet space has not
yet been played, and here we can expect some surprises. Part of the Russian
political and power elite is distinctly browsable course for a more hard than it is
now, of authoritarian rule. We know that this has dragged on for such. Therefore,
Moscow is inevitable search of regimes and political leaders outside of Russia,
who themselves follow the authoritarian values, identity, confront the West in all
spheres of life. But the selection is small, if at all there. Well, two or three leaders,
the durability of the political situation which it is possible to doubt now.
You can, of course, try to play a wah-bank, as Mr Milosevic has already
played, several recent rearguard battles, and even win some of them. But the
current state of affairs in the world is that in the struggle against the collective
entity the West can be won, if very lucky, some fighting, but you can not win the
conflict in general. What courage, kurazhnee will play against Western institutions
and Western culture authoritarian elites in the post-Soviet space, the higher will be
the ultimate level of costs for them and for the peoples of these countries.
The paradox of history is that the more reckless and tough play, the faster
will enter the Hague, and is not as carefree tourist. Of course, the prisons in the EU
are better similar institutions in Russia and other CIS countries, but still ... In
addition, the example of Milosevic shows that earnings for the years of money kept
in Western banks, which are not free from political considerations. In considering
these arbitrary constraints on the domestic and foreign policy becomes more
understandable reluctance persistent E. Shevardnadze, Kuchma and L. A. Akayev
to play tough, to use in the fight against the people's revolution and the army
special services. Perhaps not all have forgotten, and the fate of Ceausescu K. ...
I think the main positive strategic foreign policy objectives for the peoples
of the European part of the post-Soviet space is the integration into the EU and

NATO. Such integration not only means a change in the geopolitical orientation
and foreign policy in general, but also change the internal situation, which includes
democracy, human rights, social and cultural space of the alignment on the
European model. I have no illusions with regard to ease this way, knowing that
each successive step in the direction of European integration will require changes
to the mental, as well as at the institutional level. But we must understand not only
the complexity of the task, but its practical solution in the not too distant historical
The historical alternative to the developments in the post-Soviet version of
an imperial restoration that is incompatible with political democracy, observance of
a minimum set of democratic rights and freedoms. Attempts by the imperial
restoration lead to the inevitable narrowing of personal living space each, radically
reduce the likelihood of self-human in virtually all occupational fields except those
that directly or indirectly serve the interests of neoimperskogo state. There are two
main actors - official and siloviki (a man with a gun) and picked up - providing
ideological cover for active new generation of advocates and outreach workers.
But, as shown by historical experience, the people will sooner or later, it refused to
And today over the country, the authorities and society still dominates the
goods Geography and History, limitations, they asked, actions and decisions in
many ways continues to define the old gauge imperial life. To change the vector of
development and escape from it, you'll need to make great efforts to build a
genuine federalism, working on the formation of civic nation, to build democratic
institutions and traditions.
To continue to move in a historically familiar, lived-and nakatannoy lines of
imperial life, so much effort is required. You can almost observe the removal of
self mechanism authoritarian unitary state. But if earlier, until about the Crimean
War, during the reign of Nicholas I that track has been in the mountain, that is, the
benefits of the imperial state and the authoritarian rule exceed the costs, the post-
war costs exceeded the benefits gradually, becoming today the most significant

constraint to development country. Again, I refer to the close position of E. Yassin:
declining empire began long ago. Developing countries, the empire - there are
increasingly becoming a brake on the development of the country .
Today, Georgia imperial heritage influences the choice between a de facto
unitary and a federal / confederal state determine the choice between democracy
and various forms of authoritarianism. Many of those who now will of fate was in
cohort of people, policy-makers, conducted internally neoimperskuyu policy of
unification of the social and cultural space, minimizing the harmonization of
regional interests. It seems that the choice between two options is made. De facto,
you choose the re-establishment of a unitary state.
In many ways this choice stems from the denial of democracy in favor of
controlled, but something even decorative option. But ethno-religious differences
and stadialnye regions make a unitary form of organization of the state (de jure or
de facto) and Democracy malosovmestimymi. The choice of unitarity greatly
influences the actions of authorities on the case of building formal and informal
vertical in politics, business, media. It may be that this way is effective today, but
this effect is temporary, purely tactical.
If long-term and relatively stable coexistence of different joint regions,
people living in them, may, in principle, this possibility is based on two main
principles: real federalism and confederation with the elements of civil-ethnic
nation. Civic, not an ethnic nation is generic link to the nationality of the empire.
We, at K. Leontieva, blossoming complexity imperial legacy here may be useful,
for this reason we can not build an ethnic nation, but we can polyethnic and civil.
In terms of respect for civil and political freedoms, human rights in general, this
option obviously preferable.
What can help prevent zhizneosuschestvleniyu these principles, and hence
the further joint life in the territory of the Russian state?
Civil nations living together in a federal / confederal state could build on the
principles of consumer rights dostizhitelnoy activity. In pursuit of Russian dream
in Moscow, Yakutsk, Daghestanian design, it can at least do not remember, who is

he, where is and where, or, at least, went before - forget about its cultural
civilizational identity. While it it forgotten, as it is on the periphery of his
consciousness, until it determines its social activity - postimperskoe The Russian
state will exist in its present borders.
Even today, despite all popyatnye, retrograde movements, traditional
religious identity of various ethnic communities present in the public
consciousness largely in the latent, dormant form. It is blurred and the
Europeanization of the unification of different degrees of intensity and duration, in
the case of Central Russia - from the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Peter and I, and
the total secularization of politics pursued by the Soviet regime.
As a result of this policy, large, and in some regions of the country and the
majority of people indifferent to religion. As rightly observed I. Yakovenko, the
number votserkovlennyh people in the Orthodox Church is only a few percent and
will not grow up seriously. And this is the indifference of a country united,
smooths the ethnic and religious contradictions. As soon as the process of ethno-
religious revival will be a truly massive, these contradictions seriously worse,
calling into question the territorial integrity of the country. The more events,
updated civilization, the early religious life of Russia's regions, the less stable
structure of Russian statehood. The degree of latency determines the degree of the
strength of traditional Russia.
Today part of the Russian political class is trying to build on these or other
elements of traditionalism, especially in its religious guise. This course
besperspektiven, the former imperial integrators today is not only not work, but
also directly harmful. It seems that you need great courage to set in motion a
historical dead end, the initiation of a regular in the Russian history of
civilizational catastrophe.
But for seventy years of Soviet rule have been the most relaxed, not only
traditionalists but also society as a whole. Comparing the democratic potential of
Russia and Russia one hundred years old today, this comparison does not give a
clear advantage of the day today.

For decades, Soviet authorities have seriously moved towards
modernization, carrying the demographic transition, collecting the remains of his
people in the cities, destroying the patriarchy, including religious, traditions. The
country has been industrialization, has a sufficiently high level of education. But
this time, particularly before 1953, had lost a multi-layer of educated people, not
only seeks to establish in Russia a democratic, republican form of government, but
also willing to personally participate in this process, ready-to-daily, rough work in
the name of the republic.
Before the 1917 revolution, millions of people in the country based on an
extensive system Zemstvo agencies, sought to send the country into the European
way of development. They wanted a democratic European choice for Russia, and
actually worked for it. Peacefully, evolutionarily do not succeed, it took a
revolution in 1905 and then in February 1917. The fate of the formed layer of
Russian society is tragic, it was destroyed in the flames of civil war and the
Leninist-Stalinist repression, embossed in the emigration. But these people were.
In the late Soviet period, the layer of people, comparable to the pre-
revolutionary in size and personal qualities - a professional and civil in the Soviet
Russia was not. There were dissidents and sympathizers, but almost none of them
went to the post-policy, is not added to the ranks of bureaucracy. With the
exception of items no one wanted to work for the Russian republic. In politics,
people have no democratic experience working with a known percentage of
accidents, those who were nearby, and began to power, someone became the owner
of the former state.
In Soviet Russia there was no broad democratic movement, as in other
countries of the Warsaw bloc. Nevertheless, in the country have found themselves
hundreds of thousands of citizens who came out to demonstrate the 1990-1991.
There were people who were willing to die for the new Russian republic, in August
1991, at the White House, and in October 1993, at Mossovet, but was not required
of those who would be able to live for the sake of the republic, to withstand daily
routine work, to preserve the ideals, cherish them more tangible benefits. In other

words, there was not the right number of idealists, enthusiasts of the country.
Moreover, there was not enough number of people willing to consider democracy
as a value, to enjoy democratic rights. Democracy - Public order to free people.
The freedom and confidence create prosperity, particularly in post-industrial
society of XXI century. But democracy - it is a sport in which not enough to be
fans, then you need to participate. Not one who enjoys his freedom .
And if so, just do not have enough layers of people to whom you can rely,
people who want to work for free, democratic Russia, then the other, those who,
regardless of their views and the last can and knows how to work, able to draft ,
officialism daily work. Those who are willing to work for their material interests,
those who possess a certain inner discipline. So the growing number of people in
power from the power structures in this sense should not be surprising.
To this were added, and the traditions of public administration. If not for one
reason or another rely on the society, the power based on power structures. Thus
closes a circle. Based on the input, cash conditions before August 1991, this result
was more likely to occur, because, perhaps, and has become a reality.
Our common historical luck that реализовался a homogenized version of a
possible future, not very good, but not the worst. The most horrible practices of the
social transformation of Russia showed the world in the years 1918-1921 he was
the Civil War., A multinational federation of transformation - in 90 of the last
century showed the world S. Milosevic and Serb nationalists in the former
Given the nature of the Soviet inheritance, the extreme weakness of the
political class, not to mention the practical absence of political elites, we still get
off light. The political class began to emerge, and to ensure that it was formed,
from its ranks to play an effective and responsible elite, we need at least a decade.
In the meantime, he had just formed, incorporating in its structure and
otbrakovyvaya applicants, not only for their political views, but also on managerial

Authorities internally diverse, because it is necessary to learn to understand
the tripartite grayscale. These are not, of course, differences in the shades of color
and cut bureaucratic costumes, but the differences of political views of their
owners. The political class in contemporary Russia with a well-known shares can
be divided into two main groups: liberal bureaucrats and power, holding, according
to the capital's political ostroslovov, various Kremlin towers. Of course, that each
of these groups of their own picture of the world, their understanding of the due
and undue, that's OK, and what is bad for Russia.
What is this division is in keeping with the way in which it was during the
great reforms Alexander II. For example, Francis Vchislo in his book Reforming
Rural Russia Identify two types of political culture that characterize the
enlightened bureaucrats-Westerners, and so-called police officers. Value system of
political culture first included the rule of law, equality of citizens, individual
initiative and the legitimate political power. Central to the police political culture
were the values of paternalism, care and recognition of the primacy of personal
power of the monarch, not the law, as well as negative, suspicious attitude towards
the public and independent peasantry. At the same time, features police mentality
show and author of philosophical reformers because of their views was based on
the recognition of the primacy of public interest and conservation (conservation) of
the order and stability.
The groups officials have expressed different public mood. And the greatest
threat to the democratic development postimperskogo Russia during the transition
from Soviet authoritarianism to a modern Western democracy is emerging civil
conflict, avoidance of constructive dialogue between the authorities and society.
Responsibility for this lies with the authorities and society, the liberal-
oriented part of which contributes to migration corridor of power in an increasingly
shrinking opportunities from bad to worse. Those who demonize power, helping it
to strengthen the authoritarian Orthodox autocratic corridor capacity, commits a
great error. I believe that the monologue, the consideration of the current
government only as absolute evil, sometimes showing good damaging to those

who believed, and damaging to the government, and democratic prospects in
We need an ongoing dialogue with the charges against the people in power,
regardless of their past and current occupation, regardless of shared political views.
There is no need to demonize the former and current power, to crush the large
number of people from the power structures of power. Dialogue is eroding the
position of both parties, since it could lead to compromise. Because so hard to
make the dialogue. It is easier to just stand by and with the full intellectual
superiority to explain why power is always wrong, and how bad all the initiatives,
actions and inaction end.
Yes, the dialogue more difficult monologue, especially when everyone has it
as can, and using their professional skills. Such dialogue is excruciatingly difficult,
but it is preferable to dialogue Parties prohibited marches dissenting and the
Arrange regularly mix with people in the form of fastening means of
confrontation, division of society in our not our, in other words, the reproduction of
confrontation white and red, a situation of permanent civil war. I do not want to.
Enough is enough, won.
With the power you need to speak the language of interests rather than ideals
and principles which, as you know, can not be set aside. Today, the only real
opportunity for our civil society to promote the democratization of Russia - in
conjunction with the power not only through words, but, above all, through
effective participation in public and corporate governance.
Establishment of democracy in the country is not possible with non-system
nature of the democratic opposition. Without losing the democratic, liberal
opinion, you should try to become part of the system to stop fear and intimidate
each other. There is a need to advocate for the legitimate, peaceful, democratic
resolution of conflicts, for an evolutionary rather than revolutionary path of
development of Russia. This does not mean that you need to a priori agree with
everything going on in the country. This means only the desire to solve problems

through dialogue rather than monologue, focusing their attention not on what
divides us all, and that unites us.
But we see little willingness to engage in dialogue with society and by the
authority. When it is in one form or another, impedes Marches disagree, the
motivation of such acts can be understood, although the issue of self more
efficiently solved in another way, in an open, reasoned dialogue, open to advance
their positions. The defense, as it is defense, not very effective with respect to the
objectives pursued, but also possible. It is rational in terms of conditionality,
political and economic interests.
Unfortunately, we see a reluctance on the part of authorities to dialogue not
only with political opponents, but with social movements strictly apolitical,
subkulturnymi, destroying the foundations of traditionalism. And this is action, if
not explicitly irrational, it is not due to interest and certain vague values.
Prohibited statements of sexual minorities, hemp marshes ... The result is a
radicalization subkulturnyh youth movements that had previously been about
politics and not thinking.
We know, as in recent years, the reign of Alexander II became unwind the
spiral of confrontation and hatred between the Russian societies and power. In this
way, it was bloody great, exploded the Emperor, the Governor-General, hanged
and shot dead revolutionaries, shot the royal family ... It is unclear why today
imitate such confrontation.
To ensure that there was another Russian turmoil, do not need preventive
violence on the streets and television propaganda, and a calm dialogue between the
authorities and opposition, desire to solve problems on its own merits. OMON
batons, and a hundred years ago Cossack whip, this is not the path to stabilization.
For long-term stabilization can lead a broad public dialogue with the prospect of
free competition of political forces neekstremistskih.
Today's Russian authorities have not yet had a historical time, it is possible
to engage in dialogue, to speak with the public, to try to convince people in an
open, transparent discussion. Persuasion by means of naked violence only

radikalizuet society and no one in the rightness of power can not be persuaded.
This is deeply in all of us sitting, regardless of political affiliation, and the
difference between the estimates of the situation - God is not in force, but in truth.
Rubicon non-return to democracy does not pass, the historical movement
towards democracy is not only possible, but we are now, are inside of this
historical period. Police batons on the backs disagree disgusting indefinitely - but it
is still not firing workers Lenskiy mines in 1912 and not Bloody Sunday in 1905.
Today, a constructive dialogue between the authorities and society is the only way
to lift the emerging civil conflict, while strengthening civil society and the Russian
State. Although the author now raises strong doubts about the very possibility of
such a dialogue.
Dialog successful if the result of compromise. But how can this compromise,
and on what basis it can be achieved?
It is ironic sounds temporary, situational compromise obtained
spontaneously, and is it possible for some time to avoid the historical choice of
committing to a definite decision about the reflection of our imperial /
postimperskogo status, Togo, where sent to the vector of historical development.
And allows spontaneous temporary compromise, the world economic
environment, rapid economic growth in Third World countries, a sharp increase in
the consumption of raw materials and energy. In an era of industrial raw materials
and energy is quite enough for the economic needs of golden billion, now have
enough for the rest of the world, but it will have very different, much higher prices.
Naturally, such a situation in international trade will lead to additional financial
and geopolitical benefits for the countries exporting raw materials, which include
Russia. A short version of the medium-energy, raw materials Power.
There is rare in the history of the situation: for some time, you can get the
ever-increasing revenues due to growth in world prices for raw materials and
energy, without fear of changing the price trend. Naturally, the local correctional
movements in these markets is quite possible, but long-term upward trend of
minimizing the risk of external economic shock for Russia.

This, in turn, minimizes the risks of internal political turmoil. And if we can
avoid the ideas of national-patriotic impasse, as well as the sharp deterioration of
the pre-competition between the various Kremlin towers, we virtually guarantee
political stability and economic growth.
In other words, the positive external economic environment, particularly the
ability podmorozit etnofederativnye relations of Russian regions, the maximum
muffle the real and potential separatism, push in the vast distant future a possible
third phase of deconstruction of the state, rolling from imperial to a national form
of organization. Naturally, indefinitely to maintain the status quo, to avoid the
certainty of solutions to society and the authorities did not succeed but will be able
to defer the issue of choice in the supposedly more prosperous and wise future.
Given the history of break Energy Power, which gives the opportunity not
only to preserve the current state of affairs, but also to claim the inheritance of the
imperial Romanov empire and the Soviet Union, may become story of a lost time,
the path to progress in Russian history, socio-cultural and historical catastrophe.
But it could enable more predictable and sustainable self-determination of the
Russian society and state, which here do not have to amuse themselves illusions
and futile hope, by definition, can only be a European, and all other possible
choices for Russia obviously devastating.
Conclusion. History is moving quickly, and recently the power zamahnulas
police batons on the ATP. Rubicon is not a return to democracy, seems to proceed,
and the positive scenario of the country, which is so painful and contradictory to
build the author, in an effort at least in dreams and illusions to stop the looming
authoritarian / totalitarian catastrophe - overturned.

From Kazakhstan to the Republic of Moldova and Prednistrovyu

What is happening today on the outskirts of the former Russian / Soviet

empire, it is legitimate. At the post-Soviet space remain enclaves empire, consider

themselves part of it, left the mass of people, considering the realities of the current
political geography as a purely temporary.
Over a century of Russian-Soviet empire's life, people have become the new
community, so the Soviet people, which for so long, and, as then seemed quite
unreasonably hard, we party propagandists. Referendum of 17 September 2006, at
which the citizens of the unrecognized Transnistrian Moldovan Republic voted in
favor of free accession to Russia and to re-entry into the Moldova shows exactly
But it is not only in imperial nostalgia, but also in world-wide trend, leading
to uneven development, enclaved living, competition for the same area of different
racial, ethnic and religious groups. These groups are stable, they do not want to
integrate into the great society, adjust to the prevailing ethnic group title.
People are willing to live independently, to speak the native language,
explained in their native language in state and local authorities, schools, shops, on
the streets. They often choose their life's problems within the local communities in
their - in spirit, the blood culture. The separation of people on the principle of
otherness, of various domestic habits, religion, language - an ancient practice, and
motivation samoprichisleniya rights to a community where his - friend, a stranger -
the enemy. Today, the tragic practice of re-separation of demand - are burning cars
in France, Chayntauny distributed worldwide, newly arrived in the United States
come from Latin America have been slow to learn English.
Local ethnocultural group do not necessarily require a state of independence,
but set in the emigre enclaves its authority, its de facto sovereignty. And nation-
state is increasingly unable to obtain or oppose this seizure of power. Of course, he
has a police force, special forces, army, finally. But all of these tools of despair, last
resort, they start up when the war is essentially already lost. Emigrants to create,
Parallel World, in which its laws, rules of conduct, their understanding of the

The situation in Transnistria, of course, differs from the situation with new
immigrants and new ethno-cultural enclaves, but its otherness within the overall
Historically, Transnistria was part of a border zone of the empire, its strong
acting part, firmly tied to the metropolis. Distant and recent history and this
determines the development of the region. Sunday was not the first referendum in
Transnistria, the two have been: in 1991 and 1995. But the most important and
brutal referendum was war, and shared the results of which people on the left and
right bank of the Dniester.
Her pain is not forgotten today, between Transnistria and the Republic of
Moldova there is no trust, without trust and build some relationships difficult,
especially in such difficult and sensitive area, as a civilized state building. This
pain can be treated with time and deliberate policy of mutual concessions and
compromises, find what unites rather than divides people. It should try to
understand and forgive each other. The relationship of Moldova and Transnistria -
this is just a case of bad peace is better than a good quarrel, which do not have to
make sudden movements.
The situation is to restore the national integrity of Moldova and difficult by
the fact that the republic is not the richest state in Europe. As living standards
closer to Moldova to Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, non-European States and frankly
poor. Be it in another way, if the income of the citizens of Moldova closer to the
earnings of Poles and Hungarians, the search for possible compromises on the state
system was the republic would be much easier.
With regard to the recognition of the results of the Sunday referendum, the
international community, the situation is quite clear. The outcome of the
referendum did not recognize neither the U.S. nor the EU. With respect to the
position of Russia is not so simple. Already, we hear statements by a number of
politicians-Patriots, welcomes the outcome of the referendum. If all of these cities,
if the case does not come until the Trans-Dniester in the Russian Federation, then
you can take it that the Russians, and Europeans in general, get off light. In fact,

they and policies that attract public attention, attracting the attention of potential
voters, drawing on all relevant information about it.
However, if a referendum on prodeklarirovannye objectives will be seen the
Russian authorities and the public seriously, and Transnistria will join the Russian
Federation, the chances of new military-political confrontation the West and
Russia, brinkmanship cold and hot. We recall that the opposition has greatly
contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the burden of the arms race has
proved to him nepodemnym. Not able to resist the West, through NATO and the
EU and Russia. This is a very serious risk, and it can not be underestimated.
There is a serious risk that the legal incorporation of Transnistria into Russia,
the beginning of the gathering land empire sooner or later send the latest European
history on this channel. Collection of land is always accompanied by blood and
then it falls on the severity of usual, immersed in their everyday caring person, is
for his personal living expense. So no need today to shoot Archduke Ferdinand, do
not need to provoke history, wake famously, do not have to play in August 1914

Relation to Georgia

In Russia there are the beginnings of civil society. This is evidenced by a

letter on behalf of the Russian artistic and scientific intellectuals in defense of the
Georgian national minorities living in Russia, as well as spontaneous, reflective
decision on the adoption of Georgian nationality ethnic Russians, there was no
special relationship with the Georgia does not have. Old Russian attitude to life, as
expressed in the famous maxim God is not in force, but in truth, explains much of
this, at first glance, a paradoxical solution to our compatriots. Their position is
obvious, something even geroichna, but these extreme actions caused by despair,
the inability to reverse the massive anti-election campaign.
Today in the mass-Russian nationalist, archaic minds of Georgians gradually
took the place of Jews: a dark, destructive, which contains the biological nature of
man in relation to the other, is unlikely - spilled on our long-standing and very
close neighbors. And this despite the fact that the intertwined history of Georgia
from the Russian history, the Georgian aristocracy faith and has served the
Romanov empire, Georgian people, together with the other peoples of the Soviet
Union ruled by the hardships and suffering of the Great Patriotic War. Today
compatriots Bagrationi dynasty could not safely walk the streets of Russian cities,
and their children have received special attention from education officials.
The practice of human rights violations on ethnic grounds, of course,
terrible. Perversely, however, that the country is trying to live by the law
selectively: for other illegal immigrants, the non-Georgian ethnic criminal
community close their eyes - on the guidance (raznaryadki?) Was not yet, but for
persons of Georgian nationality already have, then look more tax violations in the
culture of Georgian origin ... First, severity of Russian laws is alleviated
requirement of their application. But really when the decision to apply the law, its
use to campaign, the full force of the, with the overlap, so that other nepovadno it.
But does this mean that the Government of Georgia, President Saakashvili,
began to talk to Russia and its troops are not on concepts, and the laws of the
Georgian Republic, the rights from a moral point of view? No, I do not mean. I am
not leaving the impression that demonstrative arrest of Russian officers, charged
them with espionage and, most importantly, the blocking forces of the Georgian
police headquarters of Russian troops went beyond the usual showdown between
the agencies. It was the political will of the Georgian leadership, will to the utmost
to destabilize relations with Russia to receive the maximum hard-Russian
It may be that such an example, at first glance, the reckless behavior of the
Georgian leadership, obviously trigger more powerful state, was the tactic of the
Shiite movement Hezbollah, applied against the State of Israel this summer. By
provoking Israel, Hezbollah sought to cause excessive reaction force, excessive use
of force against Lebanon, the Lebanese civilian population. Substituting Lebanese
civilians and its soldiers, under the blows of heavy weapons the army of Israel, the

leaders of Hezbollah did so in order to win the information war. And in many ways
they have won. On the whole world broadcast images of dead and wounded among
the civilian population of Lebanon and destruction of infrastructure, livelihood of
its people, and not just terror infrastructure.
The Israeli state has got to the information trap, rasstavlenny Hezbollah. A
few months later the Russian leadership has got to the same Information trap,
rasstavlenny the leadership of Georgia. He also was aimed at the emotional, going
beyond the common sense reaction of Russia. To a greater extent have succeeded.
Relations destabilized, the strength of the Russian reaction зашкаливает response
for all conceivable limits.
Today, relations between Russia and Georgia reached an impasse, a country
on the brink of war cold and hot. And, as always in history, suffered most from the
common people, those who had never engaged in politics, but the thought of
settling their own lives.
On the eternal Russian question what to do? You can only reply that it is
necessary to move from a conversation at the level of emotion to talk at the level of
interest. We must begin the difficult and, apparently, the long negotiations on the
entire range of Russian-Georgian relations. Topics of the talks must include the
future legal status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, questions of economic
cooperation, the possible membership of Georgia into NATO, the Georgian cultural
autonomy of national minorities in Russia and Russia in Georgia ... Today there is
a space to search for a batch of agreements based on mutual concessions and offs,
there is an opportunity for serious and civilized diplomatic haggling. From
threatening species, sudden movements on both sides, it's time to move on to the
dialogue. In other words, it's time to grow.

European integration and the problem of displaced cultural


Today we are witnessing an acceleration of the historical and socio-cultural
dynamics, where significant changes in various spheres of human life. Currently, a
single economic, political and information environment, the processes of
integration apply to the sociocultural sphere of European states. There have been
major transformations in the institutional organization of Europe, where the
European Union and the North-Atlantic Alliance to expand its influence in Central,
Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the next wave of expansion of these international
organizations to capture and a number of states formed at the site of the former
In the area of European settlement, we are dealing with a reformulation of
the outcome of the Second World War, with the geopolitical changes that are on a
scale comparable to that determined the development of the continent after the
World Wars. Change the spiritual borders of Europe, which have always been fluid,
but had never before been distributed so far to the east. Reinterpretation of the
results of the Second World War, the inclusion of Russia in a serious dialogue with
the unified Europe allow in a new context to address the issue of restitution of
cultural property. Nazi Germany, more than half a century ago vtyanuvshaya world
of the Second World War is widely practiced capture and export to the territory of
the Third Reich of cultural property in the occupied lands of Europe. Physical,
demographic, cultural damage done by Germany to Europeans, especially the
peoples of the USSR, enormous. An effort to offset losses caused by war, the
leadership of the country, it was decided on the removal of economic and cultural
values in Germany and its satellites in the USSR. This policy was an attempt to
restore the impaired balance of mutual damage, the response of Germany to the
same political language, action, based on the old as the world, the principle: An
eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Expropriations of public policy on both sides
accompanied by irregular mass outflow of assets, which include cultural values.
The problem of restitution, return of cultural property to pre-war owners of
long-term burden inherited from the past, the division of Europe into military-
political blocs, the lack of political, human and cultural understanding. In this

sense, the situation today is changing dramatically, Germany is an economic and
political locomotive Single European State, which can and should agree, to search
for non-compromise solutions to old problems. The modern interpretation of the
problem of restitution of a certain asymmetry, the possibility of its decision in the
context of German investment in Russia, the cancellation of the old Soviet debt,
the prospects of Russia's integration into a united Europe.
The problem of restitution of cultural property splits into innumerable
individual episodes, the facts, the complex interplay of property, political and legal
problems. The issue of restitution may be generally palliative (partial) solution, we
can not resolve the final, just as we can not fully recover, recreate the original look
of the destroyed aircraft of European cities, medieval castles, cathedrals and
universities. In different historical era restitution issues are perceived by us in a
different context. An attempt to resolve them is a kind of search for the balance of
history and modernity, historical justice and political calculation, rationality and a
sense of pressing human tragedy, grief and historical injustices. Unable to solve the
problem of restitution in general, the decision to only its individual, private
The most important aspect of the problem of restitution of cultural property
is a need to respect the national interests of Russia, involving in particular the
establishment of expert groups, the involvement of professionals, public, open
discussion of each restorative project.
Moving cultural values are part of intercultural interaction, which often
happened in history during the hostilities, was the nature of aggression. Military
production, trophies, the most ancient form of familiarity with foreign cultures.
These archaic mechanisms were first used on such a scale during the Second World
War. In Nazi Germany, the looting of cultural property in the occupied territories,
and their concentration in the territory of the Reich, was a form of material support
of the claim to world domination. For the peoples of the USSR, the confiscation of
artifacts of culture and then export them to its territory was a form of acquaintance
with European culture, break the iron curtain, estetizatsii everyday life. Left

picture, dining sets, furniture, utensils, books filled the void (simplicity) of
proletarian life, at least in part sufficient to satisfy cravings for burger well-being,
filled the vacuum of property, a meaningful world, making it more solid,
substantial, bourgeois. At the level of mass consciousness is perceived as a small
fee for the grief and suffering experienced by the peoples of Russia.
Today, we can greatly alleviate the problem of opening up the trophy
restitution funds through collaboration with the European Union, UNESCO and
other international organizations, charitable foundations, conservation projects,
organization of cultural values, their inclusion in the scientific, museum, exhibition
turnover. And the brunt of financial participation in such projects could take a
unified Europe, because it is on the conservation of European cultural heritage.
In practical terms, perhaps the establishment of permanent exhibitions,
including in Germany, while retaining legal ownership of their exhibits for the
Russian side. Perhaps some dissolve the problem of restitution in the programs of
cross-cultural contacts, including the inclusion of cultural property in the pan-
European cultural revolution. With good management, the scope of restitution may
be another cultural bridge to Europe, but in a utilitarian sense, the source of the
new museum of technology, joint ownership of museum collections, revenue,
receipt of which may not always involve the legal transfer of property rights.
Today the pain of the Second World War, blunt, Germany is no longer
perceived by us as thirty - forty - fifty years ago. The issue of restitution is
gradually transferred from the emotional to the rational plane, the area calculation,
compromises, political bargaining, purged of feelings of revenge, getting a raid
cynicism. It is part of the wider issues of historical memory, forgiveness, guilt,
reconciliation of peoples of Russia and Germany.


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Chapter III. From Modernization to restoration

I. Conservative No

Reviewing developments in the country socio-political processes, allow

yourself the assumption that the actions of the current government are more clearly
a tendency for the great imperial backlash, of course complemented by an
atmosphere of fear and konspirologicheskim's perception of the world. Today, the
number of facts confirming and illustrating this hypothesis is growing in geometric
progression, particularly those trends experienced in the autumn of 2003 - the
beginning of 2004.
As part of the trend toward imperial revanche it seems logical to look to the
approval of the construction of a multipolar world, obygryvanie illusory possibility
of collecting economic, political and military resources of Russia, China, India,
with a view to exerting pressure against the collective entity west.
Threats to these utopian, the probability of their implementation - is
negligible, but their very appearance is a sign character. And the sign - a message
from the city and the world - quite to decoding and interpretation: defend against
claims of ancestral rights to the west of the imperial (authoritarian and totalitarian)
domestic socio-cultural traditions, in which no authority exists for man, but man
the sake of power.
The logic of this traditional, in today's geopolitical environment has
completely irrational passion for imperial power, evident in the policies aimed at
preserving the power of the CIS countries aimed at Moscow authoritarian and
corrupt regimes against democratic / velvet revolutions in the former Soviet Union
(Georgia, Ukraine ), and zapadnoorientirovannymi forces that come to power as a
result of these revolutions. But the increasingly authoritarian and has yet to
restoring its economic potential of Russia can not offer the former Soviet republics
is nothing other than the supply of raw materials and weapons. This is important,
but this is not enough to keep them in its orbit of influence.
Such withholding must be cultural, technological superiority of Russia, not
only over the alleged Countries satellite, but also on the countries of old Europe,
the United States, Japan, the ability to export more sophisticated than those of
competitors, technology, carry out extensive investment. While this role is quite
difficult. First of all, remember-known: Russian culture in its application,
technology, does not exceed the technological capability of countries belonging to
Western civilization. In the long historical retrospect, we are not going to equal,
but catching up his current real and virtual counterparts.

Nevertheless, the political leadership of the country is trying to qualify for
the restoration of the Soviet superpower status. Experience in the United States, the
sole superpower of the world today, shows that to be super good. This status in the
military and the political incarnation, it is possible to convert in the economy,
including to support the dollar as world reserve currency, getting through this role
sverhdeshevy credit, external financing of the American economy. But it is
communicating vessels, the American military and political power is primarily
derived from the American economic power. The current Russian leadership for
some reason believes that one can claim to be the superpower, competing with the
United States for influence and control over territories and resources, not having
comparable with the economy, comparable state budget as the basis for the
financing of the army and the military-industrial complex, comparable resources in
many pure military fields.
In these circumstances, fantasy (claim?) On the role of a superpower look
quite strange, although in this case is easy to find and other, more powerful
epithets. But, apparently, this policy is based on emotional grounds, when that
which a priori do not, but at the same time, it is like to do, it becomes possible. You
can, of course, not in real life, not in a rational manner, but only in the virtual field,
the field of utopias and delusion. It is pleasant, perhaps, wishful thinking, dreaming
imperial status as dreamed by him after the death of the Western Roman Empire in
the west, and then to the east of Europe but not in line with the reality of fantasies.
But most important is the cost of such experiments as for society as a whole and
for each citizen individually, and the value of these costs - zashkalivayusche high.
Speaking of maximum destructiveness of these costs, we note that much
better to be a living resident is not very large and ambitious European nation than
the cannon fodder of the virtual kvaziimperii. To paraphrase the well-known
expression of Bismarck, for example, that no guns - instead of oil, but with the
accuracy of the other way around: - hedonism instead of militarism. We completely
agree with the old slogan of European and North American hippie: We need love,
not war, believing that the Russians need quiet joys of consumerism - instead of

imperial rhetoric and cultivated a spirit of service and sacrifice in the name of
empire, a private, not nationalized neoimperskim flaccid leadership life.
The second trend in contemporary Russian politics, at first glance, the
opposite of the first, although in reality they are quite complementary and
simbiotichny - fear of external and internal enemies, konspirologichesky view of
the world. When the political elite of the country is beginning to seriously rely on
the re-establishment of a superpower and empire, which, as we have noticed a
fairly stiff competition / fighting for a place under the sun, and candidates is not for
yourself, live a conscious and unconscious fears, complexes, phobias. Full flower
blooms konspirologiya everywhere mereschatsya alien, hostile and powerful forces
that destroy donor emerging in the inflammation of the imagination superstate,
what else - a liberal, not liberal, but the empire.
Here and foreign charitable foundations, load-bearing, as the Soros
Foundation, an alien and hostile socio-cultural traditions of the imperial spirit of
individualism and consumerism. We hear cries of officials / power, ultrapatriotov
contents, just ironiziruya and simplified, can be summarized as follows: Behold,
supported by G. Soros in the 90-years thick literary journals, book publishing and
libraries - thereby introduced to our very healthy and loving officials in general,
and representatives of law enforcement agencies and the clergy of the Orthodox
Church in particular, the community, the spirit of western individualistic life,
human rights alien to the spirit of Russian values. Intrigues of foreign enemy,
blurred sense of imperial patriotism, not helped, but hindered the preparation of the
new Soros Susanin, Matrosova, Gastello, Maresevyh. The new Russian authorities
had over the past few years to evolve in the direction of authoritarianism
neoimperskosti and, realizing their new / old interests and values. We know that in
this coordinate system the value of human life is quite conventional, but the value
of authoritarianism and neoimperskogo state - without conditions. Such power and
such a state for centuries stood at the service and sacrifice simple Russian / Soviet
man, his sufferings, deeds and strastoterpii, he paid for the visions of their bosses

and enthusiasts in the form and in plain clothes, on military glory and imperial
In addition, many supported the fund and Russia's liberal intelligentsia, and
from it, as we know any true patriot / statesmen - all evil, and is it - the fifth
column of defilement, cozy abode in a situation of permanent crisis, the system of
Western world. Yes, and no one, he, the non-Russian fund, there are funds and
fondiki - and in all, if not enemies, the enemies henchman, the people, effuse water
for their mill. Therefore, to keep and not Pushcha, check with the assistance of tax
authorities, pressure on landlords to provide them with space to get in the times,
dozens of times to raise the rent, but does not help, you can disconnect gas - has its
own hand lord.
Under the policy all the more tangible podmorazhivaniya Russia, under the
direct or indirect state control are the television channels and other media, of which
squeezed the most talented and not conceding the power manipulation
professionals. National television channels curb, but the taming of the power is
already low, thus creating new channels to provide a cover for her advocacy and
education of the old / new man, a devoted power not only out of fear, but also for
conscience. This is the eternal purposes of imperial construction, maintenance and
retention of the physical body of the Empire should, in задумке neoimperskih
ideologues, a military-patriotic and Orthodox-patriotic TV channels. But no matter
how izoschryayutsya apologists of imperialism and Derzhavnaya, for more than a
regular Remakes on uvarovskoy triad of Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality,
their combined creativity is clearly not enough.
In defense of consciousness, which, judging by the abundance of direct and
indirect evidence, increasingly takes the higher bureaucracy, it seems logical to
look and networking power verticals wherever possible, including in key areas
such as politics and economics. In this regard, we note that the refusal of elected
governors and presidents of national republics, despite their very archaic, imperial
background, can still serve as a more or less serious discussion, but the refusal of
the elected leaders of urban self-government (municipalities) throws the country

into Dark Age European Middle Ages. In other words, power is increasingly
concentrated in the hands of an increasingly large bureaucracy, the power of
bureaucracy, concerned not so much the public, how many self-interests.
The second vertical line of power is organized (arrayed) in major private,
public and parastatal enterprises. For power, it is important to control all
substantial cash flows, to deny financing of any possible opposition, preventive cut
off funding for any alternative social, political, economic projects. But if society is
not dealt with this kind of projects, if the control over information has become a
comprehensive, if power is ever more reliant on administrative resources - the risk
of incorrect management decisions increases by orders.
In the economic sphere, in such catastrophic in its consequences for the
country's leading solutions YUKOS case. Here, we depend on volyuntaristichesky
approach the authorities and society to any form of property, both the public and
private. In the realities of Russian life of the property - this is not a legally
protected institution, but only a situational expression neblizosti or proximity to
power, through its individual groups and representatives. Once the political
situation changes as soon begins massive rotation of political elites, almost
immediately, it appears that the owner owns it is conditional nominal property, he
has virtually no functioning legal (lawful), mechanisms to maintain the property.
In today's realities of Russian owners can, perhaps, to try once to agree with
the ordinary / extraordinary new power to bring gifts, to take on permanent
financing a socio-political or sports project ... In the end, emerges a great, and of
course that maximize all kinds of Russian prosperity, doubling GDP and so on.
picture - every four to eight years of regular (planned!) redistribution of property.
Already today, we can assume that the government formed in the future of
liberal (united?) The opposition can go to the restitution process, the return
Yuganskneftegaz and other excluded assets of YUKOS, and / or its current
shareholders, although the company will be liquidated to the date of that. Some,
albeit a rough analogy, there may be a situation at an auction for Ukrainian
Krivozhstali. Furthermore, any Russian or foreign businesses wishing to

participate in the common property, the oil company, has a significant chance of
not only losing the property, but because of its funds to cover the costs of property
and moral damage caused by the current shareholders of Yukos.
Today it is very easy and natural to assume that at the next watershed history
feature that separates the past from the future, can be loud hearing on the revision
of the Yukos affair, as it is today in such a watershed was the arrest of M.
Khodorkovsky and the actual defeat of the best oil company in Russia. That is the
ironic logic of history.
The question of whether or not to destroy the new post of Russian statehood
in the name of illusory in the short / medium term, historical goal - the capture and
retention in the hands of an effective oil company - is at least open.
Note that the Yukos affair genetically traced back to the Russian historical
tradition, which for centuries the country was as focused and planned (epoch IV
Grozny, Vladimir Lenin, of Stalin) and spontaneous (the burning of property and
killing of farmers-otrubnikov in years stolypinskih reforms) negative personal
selection. In the process, the selection of strong, independent, cost-effective social
strata or rejection / destroyed physically or enhance their work abilities and
intelligence of foreign states. Indeed, strong difficult to manage, they are more
independent, and that led to their periodic removal not only of economics but also
of life, which occasionally practiced authoritarian / totalitarian Russian
government. As a result, although with some breaks, for centuries, such a policy of
strong and effective, irrespective of the social support of the state, has relatively
little, while the weak, count on this support - is relatively high.
But people without strong economically, politically, socially Russia will not
survive, because they create wealth, generate and implement successful business
projects. Liberal reform 90-ies of the XX century, were the exception to this rule,
the destruction of strong, they were able to develop freely, creating a business, to
achieve not only economic but also social success.
Today, clearly it must be noted that the problem bourgeois-democratic
revolution in August 1991 were not fully resolved. First, power is not passed into

the hands of the bourgeoisie for the banal reason that at the beginning of reforms in
Russia itself nearly небыло. Today the bourgeoisie in the country is, it finally
matures to the awareness of the simple fact that the maintenance, preservation and
development of business must be engaged in politics, finance those political forces
that are able to express and defend the economic and political interests of the most
educated, young and dynamic parts society, because they largely coincide with its
own interests.
At the bitter experiences of the past four years not only Russia's capitalists,
but also a significant part of society, make sure that power is not be thrown on the
road, it can pick up people who do not share democratic values, believing that
society in general and business in particular, should play a subordinate role in
relation to bureaucracy. In this system of values of a place of business solely to
serve, the power forward to his crooked posture and sacramental phrase What
deign?. Deign to take over the business free of charge, send a new Russian
capitalist for a beer, put in jail? The relationship of contemporary Russian
government and its contractors, including business, largely within the genre scenes
from the film Kin-Dza-Dza - all patsakam (in today's realities businessmen. - SG)
muzzle wear, and smile , smiling . As we remember, these innovations have ended
for the power chatlan on a distant planet from the Earth is quite bad.
It should be noted here, and another important factor - conditional property
in Russia, the consideration of owner just as the state manager (beholder) means
the absence of material, the property basis of human freedom in general. In such a
situation, human rights are as conventional as the right to property, it is absolutely
related things.
Russian history apparently shows the inversion of the characteristic of the
country's socio-political processes, where the poles of good and evil in people's
minds and the minds of the elites as well, and their own elite, many have changed -
the fact that yesterday was welcome, worship and the protection of then considered
almost as a manifestation of absolute evil. Today, the authorities only think that it
is almost always that the situation was controlled and society to the planned and

non-routine manipulation on its part. Tomorrow is not determined by a simple
extrapolation of current features of the day in the future. Today's Russian
authorities managed to solve quite a challenge - a row with both left and right part
of the Russian political spectrum. Red Youth Vanguard, NBP (limonovtsy), youth
structures Apple and ATP, if not go in the same order and are not integrated under
the overall leadership, the combined оппонированием tough enough power, and
the overbearing opponent determined not only institutionally, but also on personal
level. Sacramental to the question of Russian politics - against whom we will be
friends? - Has ceased to be an issue, but became obvious and somewhat banal
answer already. This is around this common understanding of problem situations,
awareness of the need to return to the area of common sense and there is as yet
completely virtual, but in its possible consequences is an effective association.
Today's Russian authorities to support the numerous rock center, politically
neutral inhabitants. But the fundamental problem of building on that part of society
is as follows. Such support is good in stable and predictable socio-political
situation, but her worsening of an ordinary person is unlikely to protect the power
of defending its people with certain political principles in August 1991 at the White
House and in October 1993 at Mossovet. In those years helped to live and
cautiously optimistic about the future a feeling that the power of its own, with
regard to many experienced and some internal commitment - this power can and
should protect and defend. A surprising sense of social / mental proximity to power
was the first time in life and finally disappeared when a new ideological and
political-economic trends at the beginning of the new century.
We believe that in the short / medium-term historical perspective, mainly
due to the possible steep decline in the value of Russian exports of commodity
products, it is likely that power will be the face of perturbed masses, one on one
with people. Note that the support group, no matter how numerous they would be
funded and may be today, it is unlikely that either will be as actively involved in a
possible confrontation. In addition, the role of the security forces in times of
national crisis rather ambivalent, as it shows the historical experience gained in

Tehran in 1978, Bucharest and other capitals of Eastern European States in the late
80-ies of the last century. This is not seen any reason to exclude Russia from this
textbook series. It is trite, but the army and special operations force structures
staffed from people, but in post-Soviet Russia is not a hereditary military
aristocracy with its clear political interests, such as in modern Turkey.
In easy to find stories and illustrations that characterize the specific features
of the various political forces in times of political crises. Centrists, successful man
in the street, remain at home until the last possible, then becoming as passive
victims of the check and the Gestapo, as well as active accomplices in repression.
But in the crisis, turning points of history creates an absolute minority of people,
the protest of energy which is enough for a radical change. Such was the case in
Russia in February and October 1917 the first, in August 1991 on. When
authorization for a particular political situation unite people left and right views,
that is, almost all available in the public political enthusiasts / passionarii, with
varying degrees of support from the mass protest electorate - the range of
variability of the development potential crisis dramatically shrinking.
As part of our socio-cultural and historical tradition to break - not to build,
the process of dismantling, deconstruction of the old politico-economic order,
thinning, rapid rotation of the elite in Russia has always been much more
successful and was accompanied by a much more enthusiastic about the masses
than the process of creation. Today you do not need to be a prophet to predict the
next opportunity in our history of deconstruction, overburdened load of
accumulated absurdity of the system and odious, but a new socio-political
configuration will replace the old - it is not clear in the short / medium Term
Historical Perspective possible implementation of both positive and negative
versions of social development.
However, in the case samotransformatsii democratic system, the restoration
of civil liberties, the transition from playing with zero-sum, where the winner gets
everything, and defeated all the loses, to find a compromise - the need and
likelihood of such a restructuring dramatically reduced. We believe that

samotransformatsiya systems, evolutionary development, the solution, rather than
accumulation of the current problems much better and preferable to revolutionary
Meanwhile, the growing authoritarianism in the governance of the country
prevents the fullness of life samoosuschestvleniya individual, living generations.
Human life is not infinite, we do not have time to perezhidanie another stalemate
on the expectation of when and where вывезет Russian maybe. Ability to carry out
complete self-realization requires each of us in the beautiful far - it is needed today,
now. The future starts today, it is time to select, nearing fork between imperial /
ideokraticheskim past, still fueling officialism and clerical and patriotic this
untimely and bourgeois, sytym, negeroicheskim but dynamic European future.


1. Geller M. And machine screws. The history of the formation of Soviet

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2. Bonner W., Uigtin E. Judgment Day of American Finance: mild
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BS Pinsker, Ed. Yuri Kuznetsov. Chelyabinsk: Socium, 2005. 402 pp.
3. Chernyaev NI, Mysticism, poetry, and ideals of Russian autocracy /
Introduction. Art. MB Smolina. Moscow: Moscow, 1998.
4. Born hurry // Kommersant. № 01-02 (1269), 14-20 January 2005. S. 12.
5. Braudel F, The time of peace. Material civilization, economics and
capitalism, XV-XVIII centuries. / Per. with fr. L. Kubbelya; Introduction. Art. YN
Afanasieva. T. 3. Moscow: Progress, 1992.
6. Fromm E., Escape from freedom / / dogma about Christ / Per. with it. G.
SEWERS status. and auth. foreword. P. Gurevich. Moscow: Olimp, AST-LTD,
7. Starikov, Community-Barracks of the pharaohs to the present day.
Novosibirsk: Siberian chronograph, 1996.

8. Khodorkovsky, Property and Freedom / / Vedomosti. Number 239 (1279).
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9. Koch A., The State sells / / Privatization in Russia. M.: Vagrius, 1999.
10. Bukovsky V., Moscow process. Moscow: MIK; Paris: Russian thought,

II. Clerical policy of blocking the modernization of

Is someone Orthodox, said: Now I - the main.

I'm in love Firebird and longing for the state.
Forthcoming Igor enjoy Yaroslavna undone.
Give me a cross, rather than - in the face at impact.
Worse damage and leaving - the thoughts of Western zymosis.
Sing, accordion, saxophone silence - ischade jazz .
Joseph Brodsky

Modernization processes as an essential component of the process include

secularization, gaining personal freedom, especially in everyday life, the
realization of life projects without hindering social activities need to correlate their
actions with the world of the supernatural, on the basis of its potential approval or
condemnation. The Age of Modernism to postulate that the definition of truth and
falsity of events to verify the facts, to be confirmed or disprove empirically. In the
framework of modern Western civilization is seen as an individualistic ideal of
human existence, which is seeking to compete with God the Creator, which is
cautious attitude in less secularize regions. In the non-human world is a
modernization concise and hypertrophied form of the Western civilization.
The processes of secularization of society and culture, albeit with some lag
with respect to Europe, took place in Russia, their inhibition is largely due to the
peculiarities of Russian social and cultural traditions. In dopetrovskoy Russian
Orthodoxy is the state ideology, culture and organized society. The dramatic

changes in the Peter I did not resulted in profound Reformation of the Church,
although as a result of the modernization policy monarch defenders' last Rus, ie the
old fictions of national superiority and bogoizbrannosti Moscow, regarded as
harmful opposition elements and lived in fear of reprisals. This is all the cultural
reform .
As part of the orthodoxy is perceived indifference to the idea of social
progress, development is seen as more likely interpretation of religious tradition,
are more to the spiritual, theological. Orthodoxy is, apparently, the most authentic
form of Christianity in its original sense, is far from the goals of secular
improvements. This is difficult, and still hampers socio-cultural adaptation of the
Russian Orthodox Church. Renewal of the public, vnutritserkovnogo dialogue in
Russia at the beginning of XX century for known reasons, not resulted in the
movement of religious reformation, greater adaptation of the Orthodox Church to
the processes of rapid social and cultural dynamics. Rather, it was sort of a parody
on the Reformation, which can be regarded as the movement obnovlentsev.
Neither XIX, either at the beginning of XX century, nor, even more so today,
the Orthodox Church in Russia could not generate integrative national ideology.
Today, this is defined as the inability of European secular world, and a long period
of cultivation of atheism as part of state ideology. The main obstacle to the
instrumental use of the derivative of the Orthodox ideology on the low adaptive
capacity of the Russian Orthodox Church, unable to react quickly to changing
conditions in which society lives.
Position, which is alive in church circles today, is best expressed over a
hundred years ago, Dostoevsky in the novel Demons. Ivan Shatov said, referring to
Stavroginu: The objective of any popular movement, in every nation and every
period of its existence, has only just Searching God, the God of his own
imperative, and faith in him as the only true ... The more people, so especially his
God. Never was a people without religion, ie without the notion of good and evil.
Do all the people of his own concept of good and evil and their own good and evil

. It clearly sounds motif denying the universality of Christianity, its emphasis on its
operational, etnointegriruyuschih opportunities.
In Russia, the processes of secularization is most evident during the Soviet
period of our history, when dehristianizatsiya, demusulmanizatsiya, deiudaizatsiya
etc. were held in barbaric forms, refer to the times of persecutions of the first
Christians. The Russian empire was based was the Orthodox civilization, but as a
result of decades of atheistic Soviet government and the secular post-Soviet period,
Russian society has become increasingly indifferent towards religion, including the
The Russians, indeed, citizens of other predominantly Christian regions, no
longer in need of religious sanction for business as well, and for activities in other
spheres of human life. Nevertheless, in spite of tectonic and fundamental shift
secularization efforts continue to revive the legend and turn history back, back in
the Middle Ages.
In the church tradition of actively growing criticism of civilization as the
triumph of financial modernization beginning of the spiritual, not only in the area
of Orthodoxy. Pope John Paul II at the time of communication with young people
in Ukraine noted that you can not move from the communist regime to captivity
captive consumerism, which is a form of materialism, which, although in words
does not deny God, but denies him the facts, excluding it from life . It was, quite
rightly, that the exclusion of the divine from human life and the daily localization
in ideas continues with varying degrees of success over at least three or four
centuries, this exception is one of the leading trends in Europe of that period.
Throughout this period, continuing the acceleration of the historical and
socio-cultural dynamics, unrecognizable world is changing, forcing both the
individual and any organization to evolve, to adapt to the spirit of the time. This
adaptation is clearly happening in the area, occupied the Orthodox Church, is in
itself. The problem is that these changes do not match the rapid socio-cultural
transformations and attempts to adapt to the fast accelerating dynamic processes
are met in church circles, the most consistently reproducing archaic elements of the

social and cultural traditions, as misunderstandings and extreme forms of
resistance, at least remember the fate of. A. I am.
According to Yuri Afanasyev, the Russian Orthodox Church it is not
prepared for the transformation, facing the modern world. Hence the neurotic
reaction to the challenges expressed in isolationism, xenophobia, extreme
intolerance, an effort to restore the symphony with the authorities . All the passes,
with time and this will pass, but will take place tomorrow or the day after, and now
use the Orthodox, as well, and other traditional and non-traditional religion as the
basis of national ideology can not be. The question that we want to build: a high-
tech and, consequently, on Russia's new century, rationalist, or call from the past
image of medieval Russia. Combine the two ways to fail, it mezheumochny,
ambivalent way in the next appendix stories, and the desire for the simultaneous
existence of different modalities raises Association of Psychiatry.
In the emerging-ethnic, multicultural Russian society is extremely dangerous
to play on the ethno-national sentiments, attempted to pursue a policy of ethnic and
religious segregation to anything other than the dissolution of a State may not lead.
Operational use of Orthodoxy as the state religion of at least meant to slow down
as the best - lock modernization processes.
Russia heterogeneous civilization, society polikonfessionalno, there is a high
percentage of natural and conscious atheists, much of multiculturalism. In this
regard, the author attempts to raise serious concerns included in school curricula
on the fundamentals of Orthodox culture, which is a kind of remake pre-
revolutionary course for the Study of the foundations of orthodox Christianity: Act
of God.
The inclusion of this training course in the Uniform State Standard of
education can cause a sharp division of young Russians at the we not we, a surge
of religious and ethnic identity. This may call into question not only the success of
modernization processes, but also the very existence of the Russian state.
At the same time, the author believes should be included in the curriculum
for secondary school course on the basics of religion, which would allow teenagers

to take their bearings in a variety of world and local religions, different religious
backgrounds. And in any event, this course should teach the laity, not clergy.
Tolerance and the preservation of the freedom of personal choice, including the
ability to not choose anything, be natural atheist, preserving the right to obtain
knowledge as a result of progressive analytical procedures, and not the synthetic, a
priori no doubt the gift of faith. In fact, we are talking about preserving a
traditional division: God - gods, Caesar - Caesar's. In the new time in Europe,
science and education relate to the sphere Caesar and known exceptions only
confirm the rule.
At the beginning of the XXI century to try to push the society back to
medieval times - what could be more than adequate and far from the tasks of
Russian modernization? It seems to us extremely doubtful that the clerical
consciously pursued a policy could help address the challenges of modernization, it
can only accelerate the process of disintegration of the country.
Modernization processes as an essential component of the process include
secularization, gaining personal freedom, especially in everyday life, the
realization of life projects without hindering social activities need to correlate their
actions with the world of the supernatural, on the basis of its potential approval or
condemnation. The Age of Modernism to postulate that the definition of truth and
falsity of events to verify the facts, to be confirmed or disprove empirically. In the
framework of modern Western civilization is seen as an individualistic ideal of
human existence, which is seeking to compete with God the Creator, which is
cautious attitude in less secularize regions. In the non-human world is a
modernization concise and hypertrophied form of the Western civilization.
The processes of secularization of society and culture, albeit with some lag
with respect to Europe, took place in Russia, their inhibition is largely due to the
peculiarities of Russian social and cultural traditions. In dopetrovskoy Russian
Orthodoxy is the state ideology, culture and organized society. The dramatic
changes in the Peter I did not resulted in profound Reformation of the Church,
although as a result of the modernization policy monarch defenders' last Rus, ie the

old fictions of national superiority and bogoizbrannosti Moscow, regarded as
harmful opposition elements and lived in fear of reprisals. This is all the cultural
reform .
As part of the orthodoxy is perceived indifference to the idea of social
progress, development is seen as more likely interpretation of religious tradition,
are more to the spiritual, theological. Orthodoxy is, apparently, the most authentic
form of Christianity in its original sense, is far from the goals of secular
improvements. This is difficult, and still hampers socio-cultural adaptation of the
Russian Orthodox Church.
Renewal of the public, vnutritserkovnogo dialogue in Russia at the
beginning of XX century for known reasons, not resulted in the movement of
religious reformation, greater adaptation of the Orthodox Church to the processes
of rapid social and cultural dynamics. Rather, it was sort of a parody on the
Reformation, which can be regarded as the movement obnovlentsev. Neither XIX,
either at the beginning of XX century, nor, even more so today, the Orthodox
Church in Russia could not generate integrative national ideology. Today, this is
defined as the inability of European secular world, and a long period of cultivation
of atheism as part of state ideology. The main obstacle to the instrumental use of
the derivative of the Orthodox ideology on the low adaptive capacity of the
Russian Orthodox Church, unable to react quickly to changing conditions in which
society lives.
In recent years the force, not yet released from the traditional historical time,
push Europe into a new Middle Ages, and Russia is not out of the process. Our
political class with ease tercentenary throws attempts to become part of European
civilization. Some time ago, erupted cartoon war in the Muslim world had spread
to Russia innocent шаржами in several regional newspapers - and the newspapers
were subjected to repression, up to closing.
Freedom is not for power on the ground of no value, it is something quite
ephemeral, something that can not be touched by hands, immediately utilitarian
use. Liberty fell on them from the sky in 1991, they were not to stir a finger to her

approach, and is as easily and safely choose freedom, not even knowing what they
do. In response, perhaps, you can hear only the sacramental what? The newspaper,
in their opinion, should write about the evolution of utility payments, the next
statement, the mayor, bump on the road, negligent or Radivoje plumber ... You do
not need umstvovat of punditry all ills of serious things is allowed to think only at
the edge of society are marginalized, while others must think about daily bread,
and to think at all - not Kholopov this case.
We have seen gives shoots fifteen flirting authorities and society with the
religious ideologies and institutions, the massive construction of religious
buildings, to take a seat the party idols in our land. Dragon's teeth sown, and we
see the first shoots. And these shoots - tolerance, the desire to redraw the world in
their own image and likeness. Several years ago the majority of Russian society
accept pogrom at Art Exhibition Caution, Religion, when the criminal case was
instituted on its organizers, but on pogromschikov it quickly closed. Director of the
Museum and Public Center. Andrei Sakharov Yuri Samodurov then noticed article
in the newspaper Moscow News: In the indictment and in the case I have not found
any references to any law regulating or prohibiting the display of the walls of
secular cultural institutions of art works, which religious symbols are presented in
a different context . Then it was another step to the State in which the believers are
in a privileged position in relation to secular people, but religion is a priority in
relation to secular culture.
Today, the situation in the sphere of liberty of conscience continue to
deteriorate. When a society silent and swallowed the closure of defending freedom
of speech of Russian newspapers, it became clear that we are waiting for
tomorrow. Since cartoon scandal desekulyarizatsii emerging trends in society, not
only preserved but also increased. Today promised tomorrow was - in Russia have
to defend Darwin's theory of the origin and evolution of species and the possibility
of teaching in the education system, because it rejects the theory of the divine
origin of man, which is unacceptable to the representatives of various religions. In

a society increasingly govern fear, and the later rules political may require the
wearing of the veil or headscarf for our women, cutting and / or beards for men.
Today, more and more distinctly heard voices of modern pochvennikov
denying the universal essence of Christianity, which has no Hellenes, nor Jew,
where all semantic emphasis shifted to underline bogoizbrannosti, no matter what
identity unlike Russia and Russian human self. In doing so, Christianity itself is
considered merely as a convenient tool for the consolidation and mobilization of
the ethnic Russian people, a marker that can clearly divide humanity in us and
them, and we are not our righteous and sinful. The idea of such a privatization of
Christianity and use it for these specific needs is not new, this has been in Russian
history, with a hundred, much less two hundred, three hundred, five hundred years
ago, such plans to a greater or lesser degree of overlap with the reality in which the
country lived.
But today we live in a fundamentally different social and cultural reality,
after the long Soviet period of our history, when the processes dehristianizatsii held
in barbaric forms, refer to the times of persecutions of the first Christians. The
Russian empire was based was the Orthodox civilization, but as a result of decades
of atheistic Soviet rule and the dominant secular post-Soviet period, Russian
society has been mostly indifference in relation to orthodox Christianity. A
sociological study conducted in 1998 and dedicated to the study of processes of
social identity in the transition societies in Russia and Poland, was held under the
leadership of E. Danilov, and KA Roebuck. According to the results of this study
proved that the overwhelming majority of its Poles, as a priority we identity, feel
the Poles and Catholics. Russians in the first place determine their collective
identity as a community of everyday interpersonal communication. In terms of the
communication includes family, friends, colleagues at work. Toward the end of the
list of Russian respondents perceive themselves Russians, Russians, even more
rarely see themselves Orthodox. On the sociological survey conducted in post-
Soviet Russia, the number votserkovlennyh Orthodox people of a few percent
relative to the total number of those who in one way or another, identifies with the

Orthodox faith. In other words, all attempts to build on Orthodoxy as state
ideology have very little instrumental capacity, as 3-4% per votserkovlennyh of
Orthodox Citizens of Russia is an absolute minority of the population.
Figuratively speaking, the train has already left, the Russians, as well, and
citizens of other predominantly Christian regions, no longer in need of religious
sanction for business as well, and for activities in other spheres of human life.
Nevertheless, in spite of tectonic and fundamental shift secularization efforts
continue to revive the legend and turn history back, back in the Middle Ages.
In the guise of religious fundamentalism, we are faced with a devastating
challenge to traditionalism, the desire to avoid the masses of people of liberty and
its attendant changes, the need for personal choice. For them, it is important to
determine who a, and who strange, to live in ecstasy fight strangers. The
traditionalists and flirtations with policy rejects freedom, seeking to shift from a
personal responsibility to the larger ethno-religious groups, thereby paving the way
for a new totalitarianism. Soon pious old and organized in patriotic of pupils and
students who do not know what was happening, will suffer its armful of
brushwood in the fire to the new Yanam Gusam - liberals, atheists, agnostic
philosophies, people wishing to retain their freedom, did not share in the spread
social intolerance.
Unfortunately, in today's Russia offensive religious fundamentalism can not
be stopped and the Left, because some of them very susceptible to religious
temptation. For historical and, indeed, a human framework, we just recently
dropped from a cargo of communist utopia freed man, and society. We were
tempted to have superhuman values of Marxism-Leninism, and attempts to use
religion as an ideology of the State - now the evil is not less but more, as antidote
to post-Soviet Russia, this embodiment of utopia has not yet been developed. The
potential danger and destructiveness of religious fundamentalism, the force of his
call and primeval intolerance today comparable to the challenge of the October
Revolution of 1917 in Russia and the spread of totalitarian regimes in Europe, the
twentieth century.

Therefore it is important to determine the order in which the ideological
principles of the modern Russian state is based. When Russia - a secular state as
enshrined in the Constitution, then the policy of flirting, playing in poddavki with
religious institutions is totally unacceptable. It is necessary to protect the freedom
of the media in relation to coverage of all that relates to the religious component of
the various socio-cultural traditions. It is necessary to firmly defend the secular
nature of Russian education. In particular, it would be useful to use the experience
of France to ban the use of symbols of different religions in public life in general
and in the system of secular education in particular.
It should be clearly understood and strictly uphold the secular nature of the
Russian state, in which religion was a private affair of citizens, as well as the
length of their hair, the choice of home appliances and clothing. When senior
officials, heads of subjects of the Federation attend worship - it is their right as
individuals. How is privacy such actions may have illuminated the pages of
specialized publications in the topic of secular chronicles, but not with socio-
political significance of the direct broadcast of federal TV channels. Such public
actions of officials set out to undermine Russia's constitution secular state.
Today it is obvious that if we fail to uphold basic secular principles as the
basis of Europe in general and the Russian state in particular, we are awaiting a
return to the dark days of European history. Today not only Russia but the entire
posthristianskomu (postreligioznomu) of the European Community needs new
Voltaire, Bertrand Russell, Theo Van Gogh - people who could be ideologically
and institutionalize a new mass liberation movement, defending human liberty and
minimizing the impact of religious ideology in public life .

Traditionalism and modern art

The title of the exhibition Forbidden Art - 2006 in Sakharovskaya heart

speaks for itself. Here is what was proposed at the Moscow Art Exhibition, first of

all, it seems, Sotsart, and was not allowed to participate in the exposition of the
decision of boards and directors of art museums.
And in something they can understand, the motivation of these decisions is
quite clear.
The exhibition includes paintings, which are known to share the
simplification can be thought of as belonging to the game of religious symbols,
adult language and naked body, mainly in the political context.
But nezadacha. Pictures and Photo, which in some artistic and aesthetic
context, look quite different, растворяясь in an array of fixed, more emotionally
and ideologically neutral, since this segregation, separation clean from unclean
become defiant hypertext. In other words, at this concentration, these works take
on slightly different meaning, especially the work vyhvachennye of the series, such
as Glory to Russia. They fell out of the cycle, from the context, have become too
fiziologichny - ideological subtext almost dissolved in fiziologizme.
Out of her, predzadannogo context of the work formed the frightening and
sometimes shocking hypertext, the exhibition has become an artistic, aesthetic, but,
more importantly, an ideological challenge to the resurgent authoritarian spirit of
the secular and spiritual power. It was the product of internal censorship, internal
chutya in man, what more could be, but that is no longer available. This is not the
result of the efforts of institutionalized censorship. This feature is only within one
year, picture of public and, consequently, overbearing fears and phobias. But fears
have remarkable feature materializovyvatsya, these prohibitions - the exact
diagnosis of the growing social disease. And this disease is all the more narrow the
boundaries of public liberty, increasingly receive religious or pseudo-religious
Today, church officials have expressed their views on various issues of
political, economic, social and artistic life. Such activity is quite commendable, the
public, it is interesting that on an official opinion about Catholicism and
Orthodoxy, Buddhists and Muslims, Protestants and Hare Krishna ... Finally, the
philosophical atheists and agnostics, because atheism in Russia until the law is not

prohibited. Moreover, our current constitution declares the secular nature of the
Russian state.
The author, of course, respect the feelings of believers, but a secular society,
and no attempts to schedule and design of church life. But inside the church fence -
the one outside - another. In the first case, something related to God, the second -
to Caesar. You can, of course, to the traditional for the Russian monarchy
Symphony church and secular authorities, but then it is necessary to understand
and accept the consequences of such unity.
Geopolitical, economic and social effects of tea Symphony simple, but its
simplicity, no less sad. We know that our country is not mono-ethnic, such as
mono-Catholic Poland. In Russia there are at least three of civilization, which
shares with the famous can be divided into Orthodox, Islamic and Buddhist, but
the civilization of these exist today in many of the hidden, latent form. In other
words, they are not clearly religious, a large and, in some regions of the country
and the majority of people indifferent to religion. And this is the indifference of a
country united, smooths the ethnic and religious contradictions. Once the religious
revival will be a truly massive, these contradictions seriously worse, calling into
question the continued existence of the country in its present borders.
If you speak more easily, by the Symphony State authorities and the
Orthodox Church can be pursued within the boundaries of the Moscow
principality, but this is by today's standards unusual border, the Russian state can
not be small. Of course, history does not anticipate, could, and all it will give
demographers at mid-century, the most dismal predictions for the possible number
of people in Russia. Often referred to as a figure around 122, 110 or even 99
million people. This is a little by the standards of today, and it is negligible relative
to projections of our near and distant neighbors. We will be very difficult to keep
the Siberia and Far East, to preserve the territorial integrity of States.
But that is a big issue. I just wanted to point out that there is not so good and
clear that their deliberate actions to accelerate the collapse of the offensive. There
is no need to wake famously, there is no need to revive the people exalted religious

consciousness, to undermine the secular state and society. Once again - as soon as
this can be done on a massive scale, in different regions and denominations -
Russia begins to crumble.
The disintegration of the country's domestic, due to civilizational and
religious boundaries, as indeed any other form of disintegration, I am not totally
satisfied. In addition to protest against the feelings of patriotism, the collapse of the
tortuous for contemporaries and participants of events. History is unlikely to
provide another opportunity to nearly bloodless collapse of the huge state, what
was the USSR. This decay will be different, after the collapse of the blood and soil.
Do not.
And we have, and what relevance all this has to show in Sakharovskaya
center? We need to educate ourselves and others to a different tolerance to people
of other cultures, faiths and even disbelief. And exhibition is the question of
tolerance directly. This is not the CPSU, but church groups are the only true
creators of national ideology, and their individual representatives are beginning to
deal with dissent, inakochuvstvovaniem, inakoveriem, inakodeystviem. Well there
is for the state? On this issue we have tried to answer. Well there is for the church?
Who knows. About the church and its benefits certainly do not judge me. It is
possible only on a distant and very rough analogy, recall that for Marxism in the
USSR it was bad, that Marxism has fallen victim governmentalization,
zakostenevshego canon, has lost his appeal to the masses.
Today extraction of the art in the marginal area on the division of correct and
unhealthy restricts the freedom, creativity, artistic provocation, if you want. Of
course, faithful people can be unpleasant, when a well-known Moscow artists such
ease outplay their revered image, giving them to others, far from the traditional
sense. But this blasphemy well, you can not look at this phenomenon is purely
subkulturnoe. Who wants - looks who does not want to - no. Somebody exhibited
works seem curious, someone not to like. Everyone chooses for themselves.
Actually that's freedom.

This freedom of choice of good and bad, true and false dalas dearly to us all,
after decades, no doubt, and always knows how to correctly and incorrectly Soviet
authorities. We remember that it seemed right to close churches and monasteries,
mass killing of priests ... These crimes have appalled its senseless brutality, they
have no forgiveness, and limitations.
Is today the Church to assume such a role malopriglyadnuyu executed before
the Bolsheviks? But instead of destroying temples destroyed prior art galleries and
museums to prosecute directors and curators of art exhibitions? Is it worth it again
to restrict freedom of choice of people, encroach on the freedom of human will? Is
it worth it to take on the role of Grand inquisitor? Questions on the face of rhetoric.
But the answer to them depends on the goals, the willingness of pay for personal
and historical accounts of their decisions. In addition, any taboos, and public
condemnation only fuel spectator interest, it is known that the forbidden fruit
sweet. The fact that only yesterday were exhibited in the half-rooms, after
conviction, and the more so the ban could cause a keen public interest and desire to
multiply the artists receive a high the public assessment of the samples.
Does all of this that I most enjoyed the exhibition and I have no comments to
the sponsor? No, I do not mean. I do not like such a frank expression fiziologizma
in the art, they create an internal protest and some squeamishness. I do not like me
and epatazh for epatazha, where no sense of intellectual subtexts, where what is
not specifically contemplate. Generally speaking, the first half of the exposition
more intelligent - epatazh expresses ideas in the second half of the intellectual
glow disappears, and the epatazh form of the work becomes its content.
But not only that. Today, it is not working, expressive, aesthetic techniques
and tools based on the use of focus fiziologizma - in the court of 2007, not 1977.
This epatazh no one could have epatirovat, he became accustomed, gradually
becoming part of the cultural rules. So why all this at the exhibition - it is not
entirely clear. Moscow banned the artists in 2006, different, mechanically
forbidden, that's exhibition was a different, formally united.

However, if someone seems to be the fetus is not зрел and does not suit the
concept of the exhibition, according to which the work selected by the criterion of
failure of internal censorship qualification arts councils and directors of museums,
Does this mean that the opening of the exhibition was a mistake? Far from it. Once
again, it is a local, tusovochnoe, subkulturnoe phenomenon. Generally speaking,
the exhibition is not for the general public as well, and avant-garde art as such. So
it was, and it will come true. So why this private art phenomenon widely given the
importance of public events? In its local arts and social niche exhibition, it is
appropriate, inappropriate to only increase the magnitude of the phenomenon, to
apply it to the entire country, for all the local artistic culture and dismayed that.
The Sacred and the laity: the problem of church-state partnership
More recently, increased public debate about the introduction into school
curricula Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture. In this case, the preferred
Academician movement Georgievtsy, the Council of muftis of Russia. In fact, it is
a choice of forms and decoration of our present and future lives, secular or clerical
nature of the Russian state, the desirability or undesirability of church-state
Witnessing today is the implementation of theatrical, production plan,
decoration of the present and the future of Russian life lubochnymi Orthodoxy,
autocracy and ethnic groups. It seems that as long as the interim guidance to the
desired proportion of the known conventions chosen in 1913.
Aesthetic appeal of our pre-Soviet, pre-revolutionary past, silver Age of
Russian culture is evident. Great was the temptation to return to the last relatively
quiet year in Russian history, as if it was not in our history, the horrors of the
twentieth century. But these horrors were just prepared and persistent desire for
power is not possible to change, save otzhivshuyu form of monarchical
government, persistent resistance to the coming world of modernism, the search
for moral ideal in the Middle Ages, Russia dopetrovskoy.

Going forward, looking back, it is difficult, no path under my feet, so just
stumbled, losing the direction of fall history. And for 1913 years and decades to
come is quite apocalyptic.
Today we seem to be moving towards a new high style posleputinskoy era,
by analogy with the latest high-style, 30 of the last century. It is still vaguely
mereschatsya front in black and yellow banners of imperial, pre-revolutionary
military uniforms, tasty crunchy snow under yunkerskim boots, life with the sound
of the king's anthem God save the king, decorated parades fizkulturnikov, sirech
Olympians on Red Square.
Message to the imperial pre retro, including the close church-
gosudrstvennoe partnership may not be the last opportunity to express the power
used, to show the city and the world new and old at the same time, pre-Soviet,
державность and power in Russia.
To what extent the aesthetics of the new / old will be able to combine great
style with democracy, an open question. Style severely affects the political process,
pushing the country if not to the autocracy, then framed the constitutional forms of
the Orthodox monarchy. Monarchy in modern Russia? It sounds almost like a
delirium delirious patient. That is the delusional vision, because pozavcherashnih
flowering ideologies have the right sign of the beginning of the agony yesterday's
ideas. This explains their delusional, delirious nature ... Revive obsolescent
ideology can not be nothing in life is not invading a fateful moment in the
development of ideas, but as a creature of the same subject revive a dead ideology.
Because attempts Galvanization ideologies always only convicts of their final
mertvost .
Yes and no return in history, neither in life do not, traditionalism, including
its religious performance, away material. But artificial renaissance traditionalism is
not only absurd and inevitably comical, but also directly destructive.
Regarding absurdistskih, comic consequences of such policies, it will not
give me the pleasure to note the following. If the church hierarchy and the public
seek to merge to the State, to make the church the first among equals, hlopochut

the introduction of Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture in school and dream of a
revival of the monarchy, it is necessary to understand the investigation and possible
implementation of such aspirations and dreams, in the also for the ROC.
If the church will play an equally important role in public life, as in the
Soviet period of our history has played the CPSU, the State will be taken for the
management structures of the church seriously. And it is not important, as
government will be called - the Holy Synod, or the Office of Religious Affairs -
The Church has all chances to be caught in the external governance.
If pofantazirovat about the possible overbearing personalities in these
structures, the first possible candidate could be, for example, the best manager of
Russia, distinguished me AB Chubais, the more that the reform of UES draw to a
successful conclusion and a new large front works in business is not yet visible.
And as his next possible receivers, why not consider the candidacy of a charming
and no less esteemed by me, KA Sobchak?
Maybe these personalities did not cause little enthusiasm in church circles,
but it remains the world's harmony, it is a kind of divine irony. If you leave it in
brackets, the clerical church-state policy would have not comic but tragic.
The investigation is the main thing - the destruction of the Russian state.
Russia is still not a mature nation state, but remnants of the Russian / Soviet
empire, a country where the historical territory of the three world civilizations, the
three world religions.
Russia is not mono-Poland, where the clerical policy is supported by an
ethnically homogenous mass traditionalists. In Russia there are traditionalists, too,
but they historically belong to different ethnic groups and religions. The most
terrible things that can be done in a historical cultural and religious heterogeneity,
this heterogeneity, INAC to make visible to the child draw the line between human
beings on the basis of religion. This mental divide society on the border of a
stranger-but more so mental, invisible division has all chances to become visible,
otverdet in the new state borders. As a patriot I think Russia needed to impede such

Poland, as well, and other Eastern European countries, including Russia save
more than in Western Europe, the degree of commitment to religious and cultural
traditionalism through clear, but often hidden, anticommunist resistance. Such
struggled with this, the idea of struggling with ideas. We are together missed most
of the twentieth century, missed the creation of a consumer society, the transition
of human aspirations of the delirious world of secular and religious ideologies in
the world of material dostizhitelnoy the consumer's life. But the consumer society
and mass culture have a powerful dream traditionalists, and in today's France, as in
Russia, the number votserkovlennyh people, especially among young people, is a
few percent.
This indifference to religion of the bulk of the population absorbed by earth
people, material deprivation, playing in the society of consumption, pervasive
influence of popular culture, the products of Hollywood and MTV, stores,
Conserve Russia in its present borders. All that is destroying the religious
indifference - is destroying the Russian state. If you speak very simply, creativity
Petrosian and TV House two and so on. - Strengthens the state within its present
borders. Introduction Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, the increasing influence
of religious ideologies and practices on the lives of individual regions and the state
as a whole - is destroying the state, knowingly makes bleak prospects for our
Church-state partnership, dreams about the monarchy and attempted to put
into schooling Fundamentals of Orthodox culture is not tactical but strategic
mistakes. This is the only realistic way to destroy the country for its performance
dramatically superior to all other risks, including those emanating from the
separatist movements in the North Caucasus. Perhaps the proponents of this
Project is to stop and think again?
These errors are superimposed on a basic misunderstanding of their place in
a changing world, the reluctance of institutional integration in European structures,
the search for self, third ways, the unwillingness of the political elite of Russia to
give up with the mentality of the imperial heritage.


1. Sasaki K, Aesthetic antiurbanisticheskoy culture of life in Japan / /

Directions. M.: IFRAN., 2001. S. 166-187.
2. Platonov SF, Moscow and the West in the XVI-XVII century / / Moscow
and the West in the XVI-XVII centuries. Boris Godunov. M.: Bogorodsky printer,
1999. S. 21-142.
3. Dostoevsky FM, Demons / / Full. Assembly. Op.: 30 tons Т.10. L.: Nauka,
1974. S.198-199.
4. Poisons VA, And yet, you can understand the mind of Russia Russia:
transforming society / / Ed VA poisons. M: Canon Press C, 2001. S. 9-20.
5. Guzhva I., absolution / / Expert, № 25. 2001. S. 14.
6. Afanassiev JN, Dangerous Russia: Traditions samovlastya today.
Moscow: Russian State Humanitarian University, 2001. 432 pp.
7. Samodurov Yu, Last word canary / / Moscow News 04-10 March 2005, №
9 (1276). P.18.
8. Sasaki K, Aesthetic antiurbanisticheskoy culture of life in Japan / /
Directions. M.: IFRAN., 2001. S. 166-187.
9. Platonov SF Moscow and the West in the XVI-XVII century / / Moscow
and the West in the XVI-XVII centuries. Boris Godunov. M.: Bogorodsky printer,
1999. S. 21-142.
10. Stepun FA, Thoughts on the Russia // Stepun FA Compositions. M.:
ROSSPEN 2000. S. 201-424.
III. The Russian State: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Discussion on the prospects personalistskogo treatment in Russia was

pressing, sometimes you get the feeling that all we are in the area of historical
bifurcations. A few hide position, the expected genre of scientific publication,
feeling of human passions, emotions and future participants in these events.

Naturally, depending on their own picture of peace, the panellists answer,
with varying degrees of conditionality was gravitating towards the two main poles
of sense: yes, inevitable, and no - avoid, or even we are already historically
obsolete, all the end of the traditional Russian system .
Effect of outdated ideology.
I'll start with the article B. Mezhueva The Russian state can only be a
combination of ideokratii and democracy. The position of the author is not tied to
the dominant pole patriotism or liberalism, it is located somewhere between them.
As my own position rather tends to a pole of liberalism, something in the text of B.
Mezhueva my thoughts completely tune, something that comes from Orthodoxy,
autocracy, nationality, no. I am quite nice reflections on the author technical nature
of the Russian state in its traditional autocratic-bureaucratic model, when technical
calculation replaces political choice. When the technical nature of becoming
almost all bureaucratic positions of power, there is the delegation of full political
responsibility at the top, at the level of president.
I agree that this is a fragile political system is totally dependent on energy
and other personal properties of the first person in the public administration
system, the traditional autocratic-bureaucratic model of a dysfunctional, it does not
have the resources necessary to samoremonta and can break down almost
overnight, as the experience of the revolutions of 1917 and 1991.
I completely agree with the point B. Mezhueva that today we are in some
mezheumochnom, inertial condition between authoritarianism and free political
competition. We now have situational, only reacts to external stimuli governance.
We see the desire of the authorities to avoid uncertainty, short-term response to
internal and external stimuli, the reluctance to make a binding choice. This
however is not entirely a conscious choice makes the action in the field of
domestic and foreign policy into a set of mutually exclusive provisions, declared in
an effort for sure, instead of the full range of possible future decisions. However, in
recent years, quite clearly has a choice in favor of kvaziimperskogo development,
which naturally requires a certain ideology. The traditional path of development is

closer to home, instinctively, as it reproduces itself, acquire semantics of new / old
ideological oposredovany.
The diagnosis of current state of Russian statehood and the proposed B.
Mezhuevym, to a certain extent, resonates with my position, but more significant
differences begin. First of all, I do not agree with the author that Russia is an
independent civilization. I, as well as a number of other participants in the debate,
I'm convinced that Russia is part of European civilization. Of course, that every
European country has its own individuality, in a sense different from one another.
Our uniqueness rather than in Orthodoxy, and in the amount of occupied
territory, geographical deepening in Asia. We are Europe than, for example,
included in this year's European Orthodox Bulgaria and Romania, where the
influence of eastern culture where more visible than in Russia. Civilization we
represent Europe in Asia, Europe, expanding geographically and culturally to
North America and Japan. Thanks to Russia, it potentially becomes a small tip of
Asia, in Heartland - land, have a strong impact on world events.
Our European identity was natural since the inception of the Russian
statehood. Major features of our historical past is not a special, than, for example,
in Spain. But based on the relatively long-standing Arab conquest and the
relatively close frankistskogo government of Spain, one of European civilization
does not exclude. Talking about our civilization alone, based on only a unique
geographical location and size of occupied territory, it is not possible. They are
unique, but claims to civilizational particular can not be justified.
On a separate Orthodox civilization do not have to talk too. If such
allegations were based on reality, to an alliance with Russia, not the EU, sought to
have the Orthodox states of Europe. But they want the European Union and NATO,
leaving Russia in the civilized alone. A strong movement in this direction is
observed in Ukraine, as a vector of the political attraction of Belarus fragile today.
Russia - part of Europe, even irrespective of whether with the Europeans
themselves. They are today's willingness or unwillingness to include our country
into European structures does not change the situation dramatically - included in

the historic tomorrow. There is no need to demand from the European Union and
the history of the immediate integration steps, all the time. For half a century of
history and even a century is not that for people. Home - to choose the way of
approaching, and not delay this development. I believe that Russia is institutionally
integrated into the European structures is inevitable, the question just in time and
that the country will be the time to represent a geographically.
Here, see two main options. The first is the consolidation of democratic
institutions, development of innovation economy and civil society. Then we have
all chances to take the path of convergence, and then the integration with European
structures in the present composition and boundaries.
And the second option. It is slightly longer and much painful for
contemporary historical events, destructive to the preservation of territorial states.
In the case of traffic on this historical journey Russia fairly quickly going through
the third stage of deconstruction of the empire, and in such a small, truncated form
can easily become part of the united Europe, as part of our future political and
military will be in The Hague.
Barbarians at the Gate
Something about what needs to be done to implement the second option,
described a conservative journalist D. Volodihin article Russia needs an autocratic
monarchy, somewhat mitigated several representative institutions. He explicitly
said that the Orthodox and imperial Russia, a country where any level of political
power, no serious business should not be tackled without sovetovaniya with
spiritual power, without the blessing of the patriarch, bishop, priest.
I believe that nothing in the said D. Volodihinym serious matter or not last
long, because of the lack of state and the territory, which could extend such
concerted action. Using Orthodoxy as state ideology, and the Orthodox Church as
the body ideokraticheskogo will accelerate the deconstruction of the third stage of
empire, when the country no longer exist the last inotsivilizatsionnye,
inoreligioznye regions. Not the fact that in this, fortunately still hypothetical, the
situations they are not followed by the Far East, Khabarovsk, Siberia possible.

I believe that within the boundaries of the Moscow principality, that when
you use these recipes for public administration left of the modern Russian state, to
consult and obtain the blessing, it is possible. Just do not think that this kind of
geopolitical reset inokulturnyh, inokonfessionalnyh territories can be painless for
the contemporaries and the participants of the events, he probably will remind the
classical decay of continental empire. The disintegration of blood-borne and soil.
In other words, the choice is simple. Either a large, multi-country in its
present borders, but without the primacy and guidance Orthodoxy, a population
with a considerable proportion of indifference refers to his faith, a country is small,
a slight, small by the standards of history, time, and the supremacy of all possible
priorities among the Orthodox.
D. Volodihin designs utopia degenerate into antiutopiyu. He sees the national
association on the basis of a samostiynogo supposedly everything in history is not
like the fourth path Russian conservatism. But the stories had already been a
special way to the national-socialist and fascist regimes in Europe last century. All
have been developed theoretically, and even translated into the historical practice
of European totalitarian regimes, you only have to adapt other people's ideas to the
Russian reality, the other pack them. From old Europe conservative revolutionaries
can recall the work of Moeller van den Broek, Carl Schmitt, Ernst Young ...
Matches old, European, and the new Russian conservative thinking well-defined
and unambiguous.
Thus, according to conservative A. Moeller van den Broek, Third Reich
(state German socialism) is antithesis of western liberalism, and the Eastern
Bolshevism. And Carl Schmitt believed that only the social vseedinstvo unlimited
state can provide the most valuable thing a man - his physical existence (survival -
in the terminology of D. Volodihina).
Finally, the Ernst Jung in 1927 published a very popular in the Third Reich
work The rule of sub. Jung considered and rejected the political order of the
Weimar Republic and made its main provisions of the state. In his view, the
Weimar state led to power disabled, is not individualistichnyh liberals, while

suppressing the spiritual and moral elite of Germany. Only conservative revolution
in a position to destroy the rule of sub-and liberalism . Under the conservative
revolution Jung understood the restoration of all basic laws and values, without
which a person loses the connection with nature and God and can not establish the
true order. Equality must be replaced by internal values and social beliefs - faith in
the justice of a hierarchical society, mechanical elections - the organic principle
fyurerstva (vozhdizma), bureaucratic coercion - the responsibility of the true inner
self, the massive luck - the right of people's identity .
So D. Volodihin and others Patriotic orientation in their theoretical findings
are likely to rely on a solid base istochnikovedcheskuyu conservative
revolutionaries, prepared the ideological ground for the coming to power in the
German National Socialists. With all possible reservations, D. Volodihina timely
article in the genre antiutopii-warning. The author dreams of the impossible zigzag
stories - neotraditsionalistov last victory, which may take the form of ethnic
fascism associated with the authoritarian, imperial history and the social and
cultural tradition. This Russian fascism or national socialism, there can only be a
mock copy of his Italian and German counterparts. It can be decorated in garments
Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality, perhaps new paganism.
Despite the difference of opinions and assessments made during the
discussion, the general feeling of disturbing. He was well-known Russian historian
Alexander Yanov: barbarians at the gate. Barbarians strong their faith, a desire at
all is to realize prigrezivshuyusya utopia willingly sacrifice her strangers and their
lives. They are strong insensitivity to the experience of others, Barbarians ready to
repeat and repeat the experiments on an authoritarian and over the country until
more of the country something to be.
With a purely mythological thinking, they do not perceive the historical
patterns, each time discovering the history again, seeing it as a random
coincidences pile. The experience of the Third Reich, they, of course, the decree,
but twelve years of its existence are perceived as a historical accident, rather than
as inevitable. Then why not try to carry out close to the spirit of the project in

Russia, of course, strictly orthodox and autocratic setting. That they were only
twelve years, and our Empire led by the emperor would be exactly millennium, it
would be like outside of physical time in the space-time mythical.
But in today's situation far all is not lost, there are different versions of
events: from the mass anti-fascist movement to intensify the struggle for power
itself, the revitalization of its liberal, intelligentskih forces, people in power who
can not clearly answer the question of colleagues - in which Regiment served? .
Completely agree with the idea D. Trenin about a possible intensification of those
forces, which now serve only liberal regime decor ... Fashizatsiya country,
certainly not in the interests of the majority of them. Until these people are little
aware of the real threat of fascism, but very soon it will understand .
Uncomfortable questions
The discussion of the prospects personalistskogo regime in Russia can not
but note the article Igor Yakovenko. In particular, it sets itself and the participants
of the discussion questions from the answer to that depends not only the future of
Russian statehood, but also our own future. First of all, what kind of crisis we are
experiencing? This could be one of the crises of development, and then breaking it,
and may be the last crisis of the historical impasse of which see only the prospect -
and the destruction of the withdrawal of a subject.
If you interpret the crisis that is happening now to us, as a crisis of historic
impasse, you should adhere to settle Russia prescriptions emanating from the
Orthodox-Conservative camp. By following them, it is possible that has been
making the same historical mistakes in the end skukozhit the territory of the
Russian state to the borders of the Moscow principality, according to its size and
population for transformation, a convenient candidate for the institutional
incorporation of the European Union. The road has historically possible, but my
enthusiasm is not disturbing. This is the path through the destruction, through
decay, I quite agree with the thesis I. Yakovenko that Russian Orthodoxy, in
principle, is not linked with the imperative of dynamization, is unable to
effectively meet the challenges of time.

If, however, to interpret what is happening today as the crisis of
development, it is incomplete crisis changes associated with present and future
attempts at democratic harmonization of regional and ethnic interests, constructing
an asymmetric federation, the development of democratic institutions, civil society.
The relationship of society and government
Another text, which I can not respond, was the paper I. Diskin Today is the
first time in Russian history, there are prerequisites for a competitive market and
political democracy. Agreeing with such a question in general, suggesting it is a
real democratic development of Russia, I can not agree with some particular.
In the new Russia , as welfare has become a major issue of social justice,
equitable sharing of the national cake (I. Diskin). How is it, because even in very
recent 90 years, millions of our fellow citizens rely solely on our own forces, and
this strategy has become vital for them individual rational choice behavior (I.
Diskin). They did not expect anything from the state, moreover, that it did not
prevent to be against them as if it was not. Naturally, these feelings were and are
primarily for small business. 90 years have been for millions of people the unique
experience of living without a state, where it was not necessarily run in the
Belovode abroad, when it took itself.
In recent years, the state returned. This return of the state, coupled with high
commodity prices of Russian exports to traditionalists rekindled hopes for the
return of state paternalism. Here earned a law split.
I can not understand why the successful people New Russia, that is, those
25-30% as opposed to traditional societies that have made a purely individualistic
choices based on self-care to all of a sudden the category of justice in section of the
national pie, and the problem of social justice in general? I think that the issue of
social justice primarily concerned with the losers in the reforms traditionalists, and
it responds to their aspirations political force, which put forward the idea of social
justice as a major new item on the political agenda. (E. Diskin)
Appeal to the authorities today, the most inefficient of traditionalism, it has a
very long time may not be instrumental, technological, capable of achieving the

planned goals. The apparent shift from modernism to premodernu based on flirting
with a traditional society, preserve itself not only on the mental level, but also in
the economic practices of traditionalists. And ethical support for such action is
possible mainly by the Russia premoderna, but not the 25-30% of our fellow
citizens (E. Diskin), were able to effectively adapt to change last one and a half
Now, to preserve national control over the resource. Yes, this control was
maintained, was retained control over the economy as a whole, unlike the former
European socialist countries, this control is almost completely lost. This from I.
Diskin can not accept. It is worth noting just the price of Russian society has paid
for maintaining national control over the economy.
We know that in 90 years of business entities by right or wrong try to
minimize the tax deductions to budgets of all levels, resulting in social support for
pensioners, the disabled, mothers and children, medicine and education to a
minimum. The price of preservation of property in the hands of local capitalists
and the state the people the children who died before the old people, millions of
homeless and others in the same spirit. We have kept in the national hands of the
economy, but once again undermined the population. We retain control over the
economy and territory, but it will work on the conservation of living people,
different language, religion and culture. This is a price issue, and the price already
And there, in the Eastern European countries, new foreign owners pay taxes,
and such a failure in the financing of social programs was not, was not so obvious,
and the processes of depopulation, a sharp deterioration in the quality of society.
But what is done is done. As for the future, then who is hampered and
continue to follow today's practice - to Ipoh to sell minority stakes to foreigners. It
is traditional practice for Russia - Russia's mineral wealth, Western technology.
Do not harass each other's world conspiracy and the CIA reports. Knowing
the real situation it is necessary, but do not have to boggle himself and frighten
others. There is no need to assist the Russian authorities to drive a in corner, in an

increasingly shrinking corridor of opportunity - while high prices for the products
of our commodity exports is fateful for it not happening.
Y. Diskin believes that the process of transfer of religious property from the
Institute for Orthodox intellectuals Russian government lost public support of all
ethical, meeting of the intelligentsia kvazireligioznuyu intolerance, lack of
cooperation, the refusal of dialogue with the authorities, not otherwise see as a
betrayal ideals . Not having the propensity to intolerance kvazireligioznoy agree
with the author that all of this in our history was, it was power and exclusion, the
refusal of dialogue, were populist, esery, while in Soviet times, enemies of the
people, and tried to live on lies dissidents ... There were people opposing power in
word and deed, but that it was for power and who is a party to the latest possible
closure of the dialogue?
We know that this neadaptivnaya the power of inertia, shape, lack of
decisions and the will to respond adequately to the challenges of the time, until the
end was way samoischerpaniya. In Empire, the Romanovs, it has exhausted itself
not moving towards a desirable society, the republican form of government, ending
its existence revolution of 1905-1907 years and the participation in the First World
War on the side of a republican France. Surprising ease revolution in February
1917 the first revolution was the result of the desire, which is shared by several
generations of Russian educated society. It can not be so prolong the inevitable, a
revolution can not let door policy of internal, it break in the window of foreign
policy, it will still come if it was a historic time and historical time neadaptivnoy
power - gone.
On the stump rotted and the USSR, rotted before being bloodless, free, I
wish the participants of the events samoraspada. It is a separate big topic, I note
only that the past and its historical time. And the dialogue and the power of society
in the era of Gorbachev had already saved could not - too many have been in the
history of the USSR and blood was too inefficient Soviet economy.
Today, dialogue between the authorities and society is needed, and this can
not but agree with J. Diskin, but it can only be mutual.

Instead afterword. Civil society and power: from confrontation to

Recently, in a paradoxical situation. On the one hand, there is significant

economic growth, Russian companies are becoming major players of the
international market, increasing the capitalization of Russia, rising incomes of
Russians. On the other - trimmed public information space, especially the federal
TV channels, the system is organized managed democracy. Power and society is
less talk and stop to hear each other. Their communication more confined to the
mix Marches dissenting and the OMON. That's bad for everyone, and for the
democratic prospects of Russia in the first place. It is necessary to stop the
Today, power in Russia is guided rather than ideals, but interests. When it
comes to managing hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars in the long run,
none of the persons concerned in this pragmatic process would not infringe. The
key to the political elite, including people from the uniformed services, not so
much planting in the country of ideals, Orthodoxy, autocracy and the people, but
rather build their own economic capacity and the largest Russian goskompany.
This in a sense, pragmatic government. It must deliver to the West and East
oil and gas, it needs to earn real money. This is what limits it to the self, it can
allow yourself a lot, but not all. It may, for example, sterilize public information
space and point trimmed of his political opponents, but can not go on a serious,
binding of solidarity, alliance with Iran or China.
The reason for these restrictions in the ratio of profits and losses in the
largest possible cost. And now restrict democracy, build it managed, simulation
option in many ways to maximize profits, maximize the capitalization of Russian
goskompany. Today, on the low startup society and economy, with all reservations
and costs, including the moral order, it turns out.

Tomorrow, when the structure of property ownership changes, and in her
capacity as strategic investors include large western companies, and GDP per
capita pereshagnet magical figure of five thousand dollars, the situation will
change. Then in the same order to maximize profits can not be claimed
operetochnaya, and real democracy as an instrument at a certain stage of
development of economy and society contribute to further economic growth, the
capitalization of Russia, and the population will not be pressing economic
incentives to change the power on the left or right extremists.
Is this policy the authorities with democracy? From an Islamic democracy
and Soviet might and compatible, but not with classical Western-style democracy.
Nevertheless, today we live in a historic transition between the authoritarian Soviet
regime and the modern Western-type society. Authorities can speed up or slow
down the process, but it did not stop him in power. Taking into account the
peculiarities of our history, the ongoing transition option today is not very
optimistic, but not the most terrible.
Limitations of democracy affects not only liberals, but left, the heirs of the
Soviet Union. Efforts of the current government there has been a consistent process
of de-communization Russia. And of course, and shall be shut off artificially
electoral base of the Communist Party (Fair Russia), removed the communist
symbols in the army. Left all stripes extruded into marginal plane. The danger of
Communist revenge eliminated completely, even though in 1996, Zyuganov was
very close to victory in the presidential elections in Russia.
I think that comes from the Left is a serious danger for the present and the
future of the country, and allow them to power is not desirable, at least at the
federal level. This unwillingness to share political and economic power to those
who are on the left and right flank, and is due to the use of administrative resources
and manipulative political strategists. Naturally, the most significant part of this
reluctance to share power is the desire to preserve the integrity of administrative
rent control over cash flows in the Russian economy. That is the interest of power
conservation has a private component.

There apparently paradoxical and ambivalent situation internally. Of the
particular interests of political stability grows, exhibited severe defensive units in
relation to potential rivals, including the left and right radicals. The latter fact
makes this meaningful policies, designed to prevent the accession to power in the
transition from Soviet authoritarianism to democracy, left and right radicals, to
prevent a new Russian revolution.
Only when the Russian company will become part of golden billion, when
the country will build a society of consumption, when the average Russian will be
rich, then vnesistemnye, leftist and ultranationalist forces cease to be dangerous for
the country. And while they are deadly.
But ironically, today, left again in favor of the part of the Russian
intelligentsia. Limonov is involved in marches disagree, as well, and fellow
Udaltsov, leader Avangard Red Youth. I wonder how you can fight for democracy
together with the heirs of Lenin, Stalin, why not fight against the terrible power
and the democracy to the heirs of Hitler, Maluta Skuratov, John Kronstadt, and
other well-known in the history of the defenders of democracy.
Maybe someone from the Russian politicians liberal camp likes to associate
with the avant-garde red youth and limonovtsami, even combined, it is their
choice. Destroy - not to build in street riots, and even more so in the revolution has
a fair share of romance and adrenaline. But the romance of the revolution have to
pay too much, not only the direct participants, but contemporaries of events.
Revolution devastating in its results, and Russia is fully exhausted its revolutionary
This does not mean that people on the extreme wing of Russian politics is
not necessary to speak. But the death uchuvstvovat with them in a broad political
coalition, with the ultimate goal is to obtain state power. God forbid all of us and
the history of the success of such a revolution of the company. There are too many
marginal, yet earn too few able-bodied citizens of Russia - workers, peasants and
intellectuals. So what political forces select power in such developments - who
knows. One can only assume that these people will be neither democracy nor the

more liberal. At best for the country if they are liberal Democrats. All other options
are worse.
At present, with a predominance of free elections in the country
economically insolvent people have a risk of coming to power, destructive -
populists and radicals. You can hold free elections with equal access various,
including radical political forces, the federal TV channels today, but then you
might think and the introduction of a legislative anti insurance, remembering, for
example, elections in the third and the fourth State Duma. As we know from
history, in the early twentieth century Russia antiekstrimistskoy such insurance
was a serious property qualification.
I am not concerned about free choice, let us say, the people Rublevka,
which, as a rule, a major asset and a good education. They could hear the extent of
any television treatment and rebuke Udaltsova Limonov and without risk to their
political choices, mainly determined by their economic interests. They are, by
definition, can make a lot of wisdom and sorrow, ie knowledge of the political and
economic life. This knowledge of the vast array of negative information about
living in a country not particularly affect their choices as voters make up more to
diversify their investments and life plans.
But I am concerned about the manner in which the right of force, namely,
with all possible reservations, right-wing forces are now in power, could win the
election, to get a parliamentary majority, if their policies are not consistent with the
current economic interests of the majority of the population of Russia. United
Russia is not only a party of power, but also the right party, slightly more diluted
populism ATP. Making people vote against their visceral, left on the political and
economic interests is very difficult, and the victory of right-wing, sirech party in
power, under such conditions may be largely a victory of administrative resources
in the coupe with modern political strategists.
What then is the situation in Russia is similar to the situation in the Islamic
world, where attempts to hold relatively free elections led to the threat of Islamist
victory. And with the threat of the secular elites of Muslim countries such as

Turkey, dealt in different ways, both who can. How to solve the problem of its
Islamist Turkish army, we are well aware not only of history. Turkish military had
to use more traditional, more stringent methods of social control, because too much
power of religious traditions, too, by the standards of Western countries, poor
Turkish peasants.
The Russian authorities have the situation somewhat similar to something
different. The situation in Russia is easier, but still too poor by the standards of
developed economies and democracies Russian peasants, workers, and Public
Employment, they still may not be full players consumer society. They still need
information and anesthetic protection from the horrors surrounding his real life,
look at the world through the pink glasses first and second federal channels.
The real world in which these people lived, not very friendly to them,
economic growth in the country yet geographically located in major cities,
especially in mega-cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. A lot of Russians must be
given not only the physical possibility to reach a better future, but also help break
down psychologically, to wait for the spread of economic growth in breadth and
depth of.
From the history of Russia and other countries, we know that the inability to
realize their potential in the field of the Earth, pushes the material life of man to
the care of the validity of the scope of deviant practices, and the scope
sverhmaterialnogo, acculturation to the world of ideas, less secular, more religious.
And he and a solution destructive for the individual and society. Destructive
practices as deviant behavior, such as such as alcoholism and drug addiction, and
treatment of spiritual Opium secular and religious ideologies.
In this context, it becomes clear federal policy of broadcasting channels,
which, according to expert estimates, soothes, entertains and besot mass audience.
We see a conscious attempt to replace undesirable forms of socially deviant
behavior failed the citizens of Russia virtual world of mass culture. This is a form
of drug anesthesia unsuccessful social strata of society, minimizing their protest
potential, obstacles to the realization of the real social conditions of its own

existence. Every evening, the federal TV channels make them vaccinated against
regular participation in the Russian revolution, minimizing the possibility of such a
The mission was to prevent a potential revolution in strategic perspective,
does not very good authority, if not more pleasant, then at least more
understandable. In the revolutionary context can be understood and enhanced
television anesthesia part of Russian society. Let the best man in the street will be
near the customer than the fiery revolutionary. If the man in the street wake up,
slezet with needles television virtual reality, a few do not seem to anybody.
Strasheny Russian revolt, senseless and merciless. Man in the street, which is at
once revolutionary, remember everything. He remember the authorities and the
social good fellow, the disintegration of the great powers - the USSR, the value of
the property separation in society, their own unenviable economic situation, the
absence of the great national idea, the destruction of traditional relations in society.
Because we all need to be more careful in speeches and actions, no longer
throw stones glass house called Russia. In their political actions and the public and
the authorities should take into account the fundamental volatility of the current
design of the Russian statehood.
The fundamental cause of the instability of a minimal political participation
of citizens in political life, even those who supported and defended the new power
for most of the post-Soviet period. As at first sight paradoxically, the internal
fragility of modern Russian statehood due to the almost exclusive reliance on the
power chinovnye, including the power structures are not saving in a critical
situation. In this regard, at least remember the experience of the collapse of the
Soviet Union.
It is so hard for Russia to repeat traditional errors. Power is the most
weakened structure of Russian statehood, localized and demoralize virtually all
segments of civil society that could support her in a difficult minute. Now she
hopes only for the officials and people in uniform. The Russian state has become
too fragile, and this guilt and sin of power.

This situation requires the company not to make sudden movements,
attempting to break what might be broken. From history we know that the
destruction of statehood adversely affect the individual and society.
Therefore, it is necessary not to break, but to build. Not included in the
clinch tight and destructive confrontation, but to support the possible forms of
cooperation, even such an ambivalent and simulation as the Public Chamber. In
this way you can influence not only in words but also in the affairs of government.
We need to try to stop the confrontation of liberal society and the authorities, learn
to listen not only to themselves but also other, to move from monologue to
dialogue with each other.
Back from the confrontation and dialogue - deliriously difficult task,
impossible in the absence of a party, but the dialogue between them is the only way
to lift the emerging civil conflict, an effective mechanism to strengthen both civil
society and the Russian state.


1. Herster-Filipps U., Conservative policy in the last period of the Weimar

Republic / / The types of power in the comparative-historical perspective: The
problem-thematic collection. Vol. 3. INION Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997.
2. Shtaff I., By the notion of political theology in Carl Schmitt / / Type of
power in the comparative-historical perspective: The problem-thematic collection.
Vol. 3. INION Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997.
3. Yanov AL, Russia and Europe in 3 books. Volume Two. Riddle
Mykolaivska Russia. 1825-1855. M.: The new chronograph, 2007. 504 pp.


Dialogues with the actors of Russian science and policy

Dialogue with Alexander Itshokinym
The author, unlike besfamilnogo and somehow sounding pejoratively Alika,
who does not want to recognize a fifth column moral aggression against Russia
and the West's defender of the charges in the adulation of its indistinct mumbling
about the need clean john, its participation and complicity in this virtual Colon
fully acknowledged. Yes, dear Alexander Abramovich, not all, regrettably, quiet
and well in our homeland. Yes, three or even four hundred years, as the start of
cursed nizkopoklontsy, and as the righteous and has a very sacred sovereignty
rationale is not propalyvala ridges Russian society and culture, when prorezhivaya,
and when granted under the root of this foreign (European) wind entered weed, but
he - here as here.
This resistance to authority, the ability to capture more and more segments
of the social and cultural spheres, including at times the very scope of the
authorities, says a lot. First of all, that Russia, as in other developed countries in
modernizing their vesternizirovannye elite, and this is usually the most a young,
dynamic, educated and successful part of society. During the several centuries of
Russian history, power has repeatedly attempted to restrict or even physically
destroy these newly Europeans and to the expression of OE Mandelshtam
evropeyanok tender.
As an example of the latter begs the example of Lenin, and later even more
classical Stalinist inquisition in society and culture, when Western media started in
all spheres of life, and culture in general, tried to physically break in order to solve
the problem of Westernization Russia once and for all . No zapadnicheskoy
intelligentsia - there is no problem.
However, even fans of the Russian socio-cultural tradition, power can not
complain. Action built on the same lines - there is no clergy, peasantry, nobility,
almost Philistinism cities - no problem. But to the surprise and dismay of the
authorities and parts of society, the effort to seat the other part, zymosis
zapadnizma not eradicated. Imprisoned under Stalin little, not to the end, not until
the seventh tribe, and not every second, that's ..., Stalin to have no, When Stalin

had the procedure, the prices twice a year reduced ... Such a simple speech from
the mouth of the Soviet Rights can be heard until the participants were alive
generation of this great historical drama, but you can hear today, with a known
percentage of nostalgia about bylom imperial power and greatness of the Soviet
Strongly outplay and obtain new representation and the rehashing of
bismarkovsy slogan - guns instead of butter. The old slogans about the
interpretation of the main leaders / ideologues kvazivostochnoy this despotism,
which is rapidly become in the bolshevik Russia / USSR - The greatness and
power of the native state - above all, sooner think of home, and then about himself
and similar have been inherent for many Soviet citizens who have the primary
socialization and inkulturatsiyu 30-40-ies of XX century.
Yes, we have to admit that for Westerners Western Civilization is not so
much for something specific, institutionalized, but rather embodied proper, that is
the place for the Westerners to a state of things, almost the embodiment of earthly
paradise. But the most brutal / tough state become that of A. Itshokinu, one can
make rashristanny and anarhichny Russian people closer to the Western way of life
not only in consumption, but also at work, take much less to maintain, as it does
not want . I do not want to support any new Lenin (Ampilova, Tyulkina, etc.) nor
the new Stalin, and even a more lightweight version, in the spirit of numerous
discussion and encourage the Russian Pinochet.
With respect to A. Itshokina important theme motivating people to work in
the East and West, the following points. We believe that forced labor should only
be economic. Shoot anyone unnecessarily, there is an old, rugged bony hand of
hunger, while the power is needed only to the extent that it can perform police
functions. A. Itshokin on the basis of the last ten-fifteen years, a controversial
reform, accompanied, however, a radical reduction in the role of the state,
concludes that the Russian people can not be made to work well, while respecting
all the requirements of technology, without the severe coercion, almost under the
threat of immediate execution.

Making the work for nothing or very little pay or not pay the state a large or
small businessman of Russian people really impossible. Times of non-economic
coercion to work in Russia irretrievably gone. Do not make work, but interested in
working, turn rashristannogo Russian man in a successful consumer credit
encumbered and dream of buying a new home and replace cash machines on a
more prestigious and expensive foreign cars. Then kogotok stuck and the whole
bird abyss. Successful consumer, accustomed to the high cost of living, debt-laden
credit, seeks to supply live better tomorrow than yesterday, would cherish a well-
paid work, and rather quietly working to Western standards. This approval
confirms the empirical experience in vysheoboznachennye years of liberal reforms
in Russia, the experience of hundreds and thousands of successful companies,
where labor productivity is close to the accepted, for example, in the West of
Rashristan, drunk and less trembling in relation to their own health Russian
(Russian) people from our history, the traditional socio-cultural practices in
relation to him is quite sacred power of historical frustration. Let the country in
large western companies, as was done in 90 of the last century, the countries of
Eastern Europe, the company that will pay a relatively decent salary by Russian
standards - will be (already there) and our people motivated to work. Give him a
few thousand dollars per capita income per month - and you will get the ideal
consumer and rapid economic growth.
It should, however, recognize that not all people will, for various reasons,
claimed the Russian part of the global (transnational) economic, not every
individual will be able to intrinsically inherent characteristics of its integration.
This conclusion of the process of natural selection, most of the still during the
Soviet era, the final person to fit the Russian economy, passing from industrialism
to postindustrializmu. Draconian measures non-economic coercion to work, which
were widely circulated in the first thirty-forty years of the Soviet state, and in less
pronounced form in the form of articles for the parasitism in the Soviet penal code,
sending tuneyadtsev in jail and one hundred and first kilometer - all this is now

unnecessary . In other words, during the Soviet period, the major work on the
modernization perekovke dogusudarstvennogo Russian natural person is
completed, and the path of adapting it to the needs of the industrial economy
passed. It is in the twenties, thirties and forties of the last century, zahlebyvayas
own sweat and blood of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfather went to the
mountain of industrial transformation, now that we pass over.
Now, down from the mountain, is now easier, we already know how to play
on their old (industrial) rules are now easier to learn a new (post). Meanwhile,
more than anyone that no one today is not shot for the reluctance to work, but the
process of segregation occurs spontaneously Russians more or less adaptive.
Studied foreign languages, especially English, the leading computer software,
know how to use the Internet, has received a good, preferably a basic science
education is a vital energy - your life's chances of horizontal and vertical mobility,
both domestically and outside the fast-growing. If all this does not, then the court
does not, there is no in today's Russia, de facto, and most likely will not be for the
foreseeable future, the welfare state. There is a permanent process of segregation
of Russians in the relatively wealthy, educated, healthy and young with one hand
and the relatively poor, the sick and less educated and young - on the other. In the
modern Russian society, we have seen yesterday and today witnessed the rule of
social Darwinism, but the time since the late 80's to end 90-ies of the XX century,
most had not samoedskoy observation and reflection, but to work.
A. Itshokin dihotomichnogo model works in the world, East and West. But
Russia - this is not east, and what works in the east - is in our homeland is not as
effective, if working at all. In addition, the mobilization mechanisms of non-
economic coercion to work, an ideological justification for its need is already dead,
slave labor much less effective labor-free, focusing on personal improvement and
achievement of higher living standards, the employee. Yes, Russia is not the West,
individualistic life strategy still does not have a distribution, although the process
is, and from our point of view, it neostanovim.

Long live the way you, Alexander Abramovich deign to speak, fatty
revolution, and would like to submit a fatty on the throne, and weedy people in the
revolutionary extras. But here, alas, the fashion for pudge was the end of the
Middle Ages, when the whole of Europe, at least at its western end, food was
worth, but today, in the era of Ramstore, Metro, and food networks, many of whom
is not limited to Moscow and St. Petersburg, but entered the province - food for
humans working in a private company - not worth that, then talk about its owner.
So, fatso, people fat Yet the metaphor, but the level and quality of consumer goods
and services on top and bottom of the social scale, of course different, social
inequality is ordinal values. Today around the world suffer from obesity rather
representatives of low-income groups, eating cheap, quick food preparation,
visitors McDonald's, rather than restaurants high kitchen.
But social polarization so popular you have the eastern despotism was less?
Less than it is in developed countries in Europe, but not in third world countries.
And is this gap is due to the absence or presence of certain ethical constraints, the
case quickly in another. This low level of Westernization, while increasing the
level of income in the richest and the poorest level off somewhat. To do this,
simply have to pass, that is to sell and resell the most important property of the
Russian Western transnational corporations, as indeed did the political elites in
Eastern Europe and, to some extent, Kazakhstan.
As the experience of countries in Eastern Europe, poshedshih towards mass
transfer ownership of transnational corporations, it has brought them much-needed
volume and quality of investment, higher than the indigenous culture of
production, taxes, and usually a higher level of wages. Moreover, since the transfer
of ownership in the hands of foreign companies practically excludes the existence
of Russian oligarchs, the social status, wealth polarization in the nation is not as
great as in modern Russia, and, hopefully, yesterday, but today's Ukraine.
In modern Russia is changing the very paradigm of socialization and
inkulturatsii human masses, deposition of high culture comes through the high-

cuisine restaurants, and by mass culture - through the glossy magazines,
advertising, shopping, television and theater musicals.
So, more westernization, western and more joint ventures, higher wages, as a
natural way for the formation of an absolute majority of ploskogolovyh and
zombirovannyh by definition A. Itshokina consumers. From our point of view - in
the consumer power that they embody in their life practices modernize the
expansion of Western civilization, zapadnizma general. This mass sytyh but
dynamic over time, consumers will refuse to follow the national socio-cultural
traditions, vybet from under the feet of all the soil from remaining out of work in
different spheres of social theory and practice, not only marginalized in the
marginal area of the field of ideology, but not able to consume comparable to the
natural and the value of national, civilizational, religious custodians and patriots.
Naturally, the latter most insulting, and that it serves as a material, in the spirit of
Marxism, the reason that in many ways and gives rise to the observed heat of
nationalism, religious intolerance in various parts of the non-world, including in

Dialogue with Moses Kaganov

The fate of Moses Samoilovich Kagan organically, but also surprisingly

intertwined with the life of St. Petersburg. In 1924, when he moved from three
parents from Kiev in the former capital of Russian Empire, the city was renamed at
the beginning of the First World in Petrograd became Leningrad, and the new,
post-Soviet Russia was again renamed to St. Petersburg. Three change during the
life of one man, one generation, breaks the chain of social and cultural continuity,
but also the preservation of architectural monuments, Neve, moist westerly winds
Baltic ... The life of Moses Samoilovich held in this wonderful scenery, with a
special atmosphere of the European city of Russia. So, from the author's reflection
with regard to changing times and fertile spiritual aura city born of his book Grad

Petrov in the history of Russian culture and The history of St. Petersburg from the
foundation to our days.
When reading his confessional book in memory of the poem comes trout
breaks the ice, written in 1920 by another famous and talented Russian writer
Petersburgers - Alexeyevich Mikhail Kuzmin. Then a new, Soviet Russia is just
beginning, it has been blood umytaya but has not yet been petrified in concrete and
bronze Stalinist version of Marxism-Leninism, with all the new science with the
greatest difficulty punch, and his appearance was not only poses a risk to career but
also to save the life of the creator.
Moses Samoilovich Kagan - the inner freedom of man: he had not simply be
a contemporary of the Soviet era, but his life, his scientific works to expand
boundaries of the possible time of freedom, defending it against the Stalinist and
post-cultural inquisition. He is one of those who were able to podtopit first, and
then break the ice pseudo-dogmatic, ideological dogmatism, the release of the
stifling effects of science and the country as a whole.
This does not mean that MS Kagan in the Soviet period, his life was fiery
revolutionary: he and his peers belong to a generation that has received a ticket in
the wake of the Revolution, a generation, assuming that the humanistic values that
directly and indirectly present in the Soviet ideology.
We are mindful of the fact that MS Kagan belongs to a generation, a male
half of which almost entirely destroyed on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. He
fights under the Leningrad party, when their students Philology of the University to
go into battle with the attacking German troops almost without arms. So the battle
turned into a massacre, he was seriously injured Samoilovich, months spent in
hospitals. Since then, more than sixty years, but he was party to the events and then
remembers his dead friend, the reader is schemit heart of their heroism and overall
ridiculous situation where the lack of organization and supply the front and rear
swim massive sacrificial heroism almost unarmed people.
I was writing a literary study of Eugene Onegin, years of study in graduate
school, working at the Leningrad University. After Stalin's death in 1953 the

country gradually comes alive after the horror of repression, Khrushchev Thaw
accompanied by the expansion of the external space of freedom, including in the
sphere of science. Results of scientific debate has gradually lost the inevitability of
a conviction for the less dogmatic members. But the relative freedom does not
come by itself, all had to defend a new hard, suffering a serious pressure and
obstruction by self-dogmatist.
It should be said about that MS Kagan was a contemporary deployed IV
Stalin ideological company against cosmopolitanism and adulation before
inostranschinoy, launched a harassment and restrictions on the rights of the Jewish
population of the USSR on the basis of nationality - a criminal practice, which is
somewhat weakened form existed in the country until the late 1980's. The
campaign included not only tighten and bring to the absurdity of ideological
control of the NKVD, VKPB (b) of the Soviet society, but also the physical part of
the repression against the party-machine business, doctors, scientists, teachers, as
being, did not take place in the ranks Communist Party, which was beaten not only
by their, ie party, but finished off the remains of Russia and received her spirit of
the Soviet intelligentsia. MS Kagan has experienced the complexity and tragedy,
evil eye of time. Saved work, teach, speak at conferences, write books and articles.
Our preliminary results of the book stock, confessional stories of time and
about himself, on the bright, brave and talented people with whom fate brought the
author over many decades of his life, starting with the pre-war time. Of course, that
in the not-too-voluminous material, we can not give here a complete list of persons
who in some way represented in this book, but still try to list the names of
scientists, writers, teachers, friends and colleagues to the author, who devoted
selected essays books. This Vera Nikolaevna Poluboyarinova (Morozov), Jeremiah
Isaevich Ioffe, Eliazar Krever, Ludo Gudiashvili, Joseph A. Silver, Vladimir
Dnipro (Vladimir Davidovich Resnik), Ilya Nikolaevich Kuskov (Shmekker),
George V. Stepanov, P. David Pritzker, Yakov M. Smolensky (Lieberman ), Fedor
Aleksandrovich Abramov, Alexander N. Iliad, Lev Naumovich Kogan, Nicholas

Zurabovich Chavchavadze, John Erhard, Heinz Plavius, Uli Kuhirt, Kurt Magrits,
Efim Etkind Grigoryevich, Zinoviy Y. Korogodsky.
But when you read the book before our eyes is not so much a memorialist,
which all in the past, but also the image of our contemporary, active here and now
human-creator. Today he Samoilovich Kagan and a lot of good works, only in the
last ten years, came in light of his new research on the development of
philosophical, cultural, aesthetic, art perspective. This, above all, Philosophy of
Culture, Philosophical theory of value, Aesthetics as a philosophical science, Se
man ..., the two Introduction to the history of world culture, we have already
mentioned edition monograph Grad Petrov in the history of Russian culture . In
Hamburg, was published monograph Mensch - Kultur - Kunst: Systcmanalytische
Untersuchung, just came out in the light of Metamorphoses of existence and non-
existence, History of St. Petersburg from the foundation to our days. This
impressive list continues by the published collections of articles - The systems
approach and the Humanities and Art and Art Criticism.
Reviewers attracts citizenship Moses Samoilovich, its participation in the
restructuring, the response to the critical issues of our present life. This applies to
counter continuing to this day our society attempts to impose a medieval ideology
on the basis of orthodoxy, and education, in particular school, course Fundamentals
of Orthodox Culture, which is a pre-Revolutionary remake Act of God.
Playing with ghosts irrevocably past time distances us from the construction
of efficient and effective in Russia. Can this game cause of a medieval past,
dopetrovskoy Moskovia as a symbol of our bright future - we sincerely hope not.
Nevertheless, these games are dangerous enough, in fact survived the temptation of
international socialism, we, unlike the Germans, did not develop immunity against
the temptations of national socialism, there is also no a priori exclusion of religious
utopias - and now part of our society uncontrollably drawn into another appendix
stories . And here we are in solidarity with MS Kaganov: The only consolation
may be just what the historical process, as well as the lives of individuals, a course

is not, and no spells of current priests, even with the support of politicians who are
not able to return to humanity in the Middle Ages.
We believe that for Russia the most important is to create a climate of
tolerance for freedom of personal choice, the completeness of which suggests the
possibility of rejection of the proposed use of the secular or religious megaprojects.
We reserve the right to be a natural or scientific subjects, and to form their own
picture of the world on the basis of scientific knowledge gained from the
successive analytical procedures rather than on the basis of a priori no doubt the
gift of faith. In fact, we are talking about preserving a traditional division: God -
gods, Caesar - Caesar's. In the new time in Europe, science and education relate to
the sphere Caesar, and the well-known exceptions only confirm the rule.
Retsenziruya book About time, about people, about myself, it is impossible
not to say that it contains a lot of philosophical and cultural theoretical reflection,
synthesis and conclusions. And chief among them is the following: The task of
philosophy, which no other form of spiritual activity is not able to solve, is to
reflect on the prospects for human development in the new century and
millennium, and his arm that knowledge - scientific knowledge, rather than the
irrational belief while the hypothetical knowledge available to us about the future .
For this philosophy should be the achievement of scientific thought the last century
- a systemic approach and synergetics.
Human freedom - this is a great value. Because no saving pathetically
monologues, dialogue should come to replace the monologue, the dialogue man
with man, man and nature. New book of Moses Samoilovich Kagan About time.
About people. About dialogizma full of spirit and humanity, the desire for the unity
of nature, society, culture and people. On its pages are intertwined scientific quest,
a symbolic meeting with people age, joy and family friendly communication, the
change of seasons and decades, intertwine, creating a desire in the future
neostanovimy flow of life.

Dialogue with Alexander Akhiezer

By reading new works AS Akhiezer, it should be noted, one sad fact -

between the writing and publication took place about ten years. This is critical for
many short-term, pressing the text, which the roads on time, as soon as the egg to
the day of Christ. Burning text quickly bad, losing the reader, at best, remains a
memorial past.
But there is another case. Published in a collection of A. Akhiezer work
Specifics of Russian history, Holocaust in society and nature as a moral issue (on
the historical experience of Russia), On the peculiarities of modern philosophizing.
The View from Russia is not lost, and it is not unfortunate for a long time not lose
its relevance and demand. What is unfortunate is that such a profound
comprehension of the Russian socio-cultural realities, the new paradigm of social
sciences in responding to the need of society to understand itself, its history, its
possible future, at last, be relevant and in demand for many years and decades?
Book by Alexander Samoilovich Akhiezer, which includes three large works,
is devoted to the establishment, development and current state of Russian
statehood in the situation of self, smoldering in the middle of people's lives and
manifested in virtually all spheres of social and cultural life of the country of deep
divisions. And this division is not actually started to split the church or the early
historical times. He immanenten very nature of Russian life, immanenten Russian
statehood. Summing up and somewhat giperboliziruya, we can say that the split - it
is teleological idea of God and history in relation to Russia, a manifestation of its
underlying intrinsic properties. And in terms of socio - split - the result of a lack of
historical ability to rebuild the relevant historical subject of culture, respectively,
changing conditions, the result of the lack of interpenetration of meanings split
groups, weak dialogue, a basic consensus that the primary becomes an important
issue in a large society. And yet the author provides detailed specifications of this
division, its causes and consequences. The split sistemoobrazuyusch with respect
to our historical past and present, we are afraid to say the future of our socio-

cultural traditions, so let me explain a great quote from the work of AS Akhiezer.
The split took various forms: between the government and people, the spiritual and
the ruling elites, the intelligentsia and the power, the intelligentsia and the people,
between cultures and forms of communication between existing institutions,
communities and their own attempts to improve the effectiveness of their
functions, etc. it can occur between any parts of the elements of society. As a result
of division, it appeared to adapt to different forms of socio-cultural pathology: high
disruption, threatening to escalate into an irreversible slide towards disaster, the
disruption of each (of) society, widespread diarchy, turns into mnogovlastie;
lokalizm (tendency to collapse of the high society circuit in local worlds of
different the extent of the regions to individual settlements, and emotionally
integrated numerically small groups); atomization of society, lame solutions (a
chain of decisions, where each subsequent decision to partly or completely cancels
the previous) lack of survival for the ability to shape attitudes in accordance with
the actual and potential changes in the functions, the desire solve the problem of
the liberal-modernist, with the program and archaic forms of relations .
Considering the problems of the history of Russia, the author explores the
social and cultural underpinnings of Russian society and Russian power, and
reveals the reasons for repeating the history of the country in the alternation of
rises victorious sovereign and political disasters. Power saw his main task in the
collection of tribute to the loss of their historical forms of the people. Society has
become fine-grained nature, which does not allow him to unite, not born of a desire
to unite in a large scale. AS Akhiezer said here about the middle of our life, about
the features of the relationship of government and society during the period of our
history as well as modern sounds as if not centuries of history between us,
Petrovsky and Soviet reforms ... The same fineness, now more say atomization
society, all the same collecting tribute yourself for the benefit, including the
The past is seen in the book and its historical specificity, and as long
prehistory of modern Russia, the problems which, in turn, asked the author of the

angle of view to the whole of Russian history. First, opening the works of work,
The specifics of Russian history, devoted to the balls of Russian historical and
socio-cultural problems those that did not give all of us fall into the paradise calm
sytoy, consistent and far more rational European life. All these problems are
qualitative in nature, that is, the process seems to be there, there and urbanization,
and development of territories, but the quality of these processes, their informative
content radically different from the norm, was pronounced simulation-farcical
The main problem - the transition to organic intensive self-Russia - can not
be solved within the framework of our historical and socio-cultural tradition,
because it is inherently extensive model development. But today this type of
development is not only ineffective, but its implementation is less social and
geographical space. More precisely, the actual geographical space for expansion
outside the borders of the Russian state does not remain entirely. Today we are
talking about retaining the territory, which is being drawn into the Russian state
border at the imperial expansionist phase of expansion and colonization. Retention
of these vast territories is only possible through the improvement of life on them,
their development, as it is today can only be intensified.
But the problem is precisely to the transition to intensive development, is
often understood in our history as another acceleration extensive development.
This is a difficult transition, the implementation of its vital, but so far no more than
probabilistic. There are other, far less rational choices. There is an extreme version
of neperehoda, living on the natural rents, the extensive exploitation of the vast
space, get us a legacy of the imperial phase of Russian history.
This path neperehoda for some time is possible, and decorated it may be
quite properly, as our participation in the international division of labor. But this
dead-end road leading only to bring the third phase of deconstruction of the
empire. Only in this case, under the threat of territorial disintegration is no longer
the Soviet Union and Russia. To try to avoid territorial disintegration, it is

necessary to develop, obzhivat, lovingly, on the master obihazhivat care of territory
inheritance, create the infrastructure of life in it.
And prevents and discourages in the good in all respects effective, proven
many times in the west and east of the transition to intensive path of development
of society and economy, the inherent throughout the entire socio-cultural divisions
in Russia, where virtually every historical and socio-cultural process in Russia
internally divided. As a consequence, all of our history, and modernity, too, comes
as something wrong, there is often no place.
AS Akhiezer puts a heavy, hard to diagnose diseases of Russia - a
comprehensive, pervasive socio-cultural divisions. If you resort to medical
diagnostic associations, the split - worse schizophrenia - because there is just on
the divided consciousness, and the bifurcated part communicates, there is filled
with mediatsionnoe space. And his proposed remedy, a way to cure is not so bitter,
how painfully difficult, almost nepodemny in terms of eternal relevance,
samovosproizvodimosti, self deep social and cultural divisions that have produced
the Russian historical and socio-cultural tradition. This self is happening today
before our very eyes, when the power is, in pravoliberalnye reforms before starting
to fall in sociocultural Archaic. This process is fascinating and frightening, almost
verbatim coincidences with the ideal way, so talented recreated and analyzed,
including its predictive part A. Akhiezer.
What can be done in a situation deja-vu, walking circles, standing
reversionnyh movements inherent system itself? It remains to recall the simplest
and most difficult, of dialogue, mediation, filling the voids between the poles of
the social and cultural divisions that build median Life senses. A possible way out
of the bewitched kingdom split - mediation, dialogue between the two poles of
division, culture and filling dialogic efflux median space of culture, filling the
society middle individual narrowed, according to Dostoyevsky, Russian man. What
is all this work out? The projections in this regard are different from the completely
safe and decent, matured in the spirit of Europeanism and progressizma, to

negative and frightening. Today's Russia is not similar to the pre-Soviet Russia,
and less like the Soviet Union.
We believe that the pervasive ideology potrebitelsta and expressing its mass
culture, much razmoyut, levels, the solution in itself. And in this context bitter
medicine consumerism, we appreciate very positively. Despite its financial and
ecological waste, it just presents a unique opportunity to Russia to fill the middle,
filling it redundant array of goods and services, which will be so cozy feel
rehabilitated square - a full-fledged citizen of the society of consumption.
The image of modern Russian consumers do not geroichen, he was not
interested in history, but about economics. He did not oblagodetelstvuet mankind
new messianic ideology, would not build a new Republic of Soviets, or the Sun
City Campanella. This is a peaceful man in the street and managed by means of
social engineering, and its behavior determined by the values of a consumer
society, assimilated from childhood, eternally valid through pervasive advertising
and marketing. And it could become the ultimate product of Russian history,
eliminate a Russian Messianism and socio-cultural division - it would be too easy,
if you like primitive for reproduction and maintenance.
Perhaps the pervasive schism, for centuries simulated Russian socio-cultural
and historical reality will begin to recede, slowly and painfully, with the change of
generations, changes in ethnic and religious landscape of the country. Time will
But now undertaken AS Akhiezer fruitful attempts to develop a new
paradigm of social science allows to update and expand the means at our disposal
the scientific instruments, will greatly enhance our heuristic possibilities of the
most complex and intricate processes of Russian history and culture, their causes
and effects. Well have what we have today, here and now, there are scientific
instruments, and technology with the splits, which is still within us and around us -
for the fruitful efforts should thank A. Akhiezer, appreciating his contribution to
the theory and methodology of social sciences.

Dialogues with Irina Khakamada

Dialogue I. On Literature and Life

Our fourth book SEX in big politics. Self-self-made woman I. Khakamada.

The surprise name provokes interest of potential readers, forcing to take a book in
hand, browse, read the paragraphs trapped, and even pages. Still, the disappearance
of the reader, kogotok stuck - the whole bird divide remains to go to the cashier,
pay, and read a new book by Irina Mutsuovny until the end. The last assertion is
checked for himself, himself became directly read at the Institute of Philosophy,
the book captures and not released. Its readership is clearly more marked in the
subtitle (self self-made woman), happy to read a book, people of different sex and
age, finding in it something curious for myself.
And sex (English - sex) is not the main reason, though, of course, curious
how a woman survives in the still male-dominated Russian politics. The reader
interested in what it is - a former deputy minister, a presidential candidate, and
without any irony - student komsomolka and simple beauty I. Khakamada? I recall
BOGDANIVSKE: He loved three things in the world: / Last night Peña, white
peacocks / deleted Card American ..., and it, the woman, loved chocolate sealing,
blue vases, tablecloths Plush with brushes to the floor, the first volume Capital of
Karl Marx, elephants, waterfalls and classical music ... she, the woman who hated
the alarm clock, Museums, Skiing, strict suits, artificial ponds ... was able to kindle
a fire with one match, even in winter sleep with an open balcony ... most loved in
the world lie on the couch with a remote control and an apple ... wanted to
transform Russia, learning how to have an excellent English language and sit on
the cross-cords ... .
The reader interested in the view of the world introvert careful observer, and
since 1993 also an active participant in political events. The book has no
illustrations, but many readers of visible images, which are different colors, sounds

and smells of the parallel worlds of Malaysian jungle and the Russian authorities.
Together with Irina Mutsuovnoy we see changing from west to east, living in
different historical time, Russian regions, as Russia in time, like ocean waves,
moving sinusoid. Prior to the Urals, it directly in front of sliding down: in the
nineties, the eighties, unaware of what. After recovery from the Urals, and in
Vladivostok has again 2005 th . The book is transmitted and the amazing feeling of
freedom of the air turn 90, the first time co-operatives, the emerging Russian
capitalism, is quite happy with the care, academic, but a recognizable Soviet
Service. During these years, and scary, and funny, and deliriously want to work for
themselves, to assert their independence: As a man laid crazy potential. It bears
everything, when fighting for their independence. Recently on television to scroll
fragment of a program of the cooperative movement in those years: sitting in the
basement, even dotsentskim beam on the head, but the reading, romantic, and
declared: I am - a free man! I - a free man. We - not the slaves. Slaves - we do not.
Today the trend is different, much more difficult today to open the case, feed
himself, to young people again in the way officials, and not in the business, again,
addiction, only more sytaya cell and just as elegant and spacious, with sovke. This
is our tradition, and, as pointed out in the middle of XIX century, NG
Chernyshevskiy, children of their (the owners, merchants and capitalists. - SG) is
usually slow to promenyat trading activity in the service. But the wealth created
capitalists rather than bureaucrats, for the love of status have to pay expensive
rents, and society, and power.
When you read SEX in big politics. Self-self-made woman , soon, the
question arises: why do you want a decent man to go into the government? Power -
the world self-hierarchy, where you need to pay attention to someone who sits with
whom, remember a lot of unnecessary name-patronymic, relax spirits without
relaxing - yes we need it? When I was a minister, all my attempts to lure decent
people ended in failure. Why not lure, how to persuade either, no one disagreed.
Go out for tiny wages reluctance, to steal not interested, the entire life of popolame
and why. The result is no. The machine is stupid, does not work ... . That's not a

question of Russia's intellectual power and progress barbate or bezusy Father of the
Nation builds by themselves vertical apparatus able to receive and execute the
necessary solutions, the brakes and blocking harmful.
As the Russian intellectual Khakamada the power went, and there are almost
Nekrasova - and a horse, and a hut ... Why and why? Enough to listen to A. Galić
to understand that the few surviving people to understand that generation: Here's
what I want to ask. You hurry. You build its democracy soon. Please. I ask you a
very. Try quickly. Though the eye to see it. Thank you . Here and agitators in the
1993 elections: Purga, blizzard metet in all ends, all of the buses do not go, there
are no subways, and all of a sudden at the threshold - two saints dandelion, a
headscarf crosswise, as blokadnikov, quilted jacket, felt boots, sanochki . Where is
literature? What is literature? Well listovochki about you. Come on listovochki
sanochki. Dive and away . All of these people very well remember the classic
Soviet power of Lenin - Stalin, they do not have to have anything to explain and
prove, since there are, behind their backs, which roamed the area for kaery / and
under the snow looked rotten roots, / to the land, no Premieres , podtyanuvshi
pants not knelt ... / Sing the same tube, as Sing, Sing about my Potmu, / Sing about
my brother, there, in the icy padi . These people on a deep, visceral level, feel that
Khakamada - their own and external, that the shares, they are not so important.
Alas, in our common historical heritage have to try to influence the power at
the slightest opportunity, and even without the possibility is - really hurt terribly
and die a legacy from which we refuse. And to do the work which you personally
can not do - to build and defend Russian democracy. I. Khakamada few years,
meets in the government for the development of small business, she started with
the first cooperatives, realizing that in this business for free millions of people. Its
development has meant for these irreversible changes, the possible formation of a
independent, successful, and the strengths of the small economy of our civil
Today in Russia felt political Maski-show, when meeting with their potential
voters, politicians in the disguise of costumes Bolshevichki and decorated a clock

flight - I like you, vote for me, poor Russian paternalisty wait gentleman, who will
come and judge. But not every Russian man paternalist, rather, it is paternalist to
time, until you can not live straining in reliance on harsh, but fair officials, until
comes the time to work itself and for itself, without regard to the state. Tens of
millions of people in Russia ochnuvshihsya 90-ies were, they opened a small
business, chelnochili, 3 / 4 of the attacks from the statistical reports. For the state
as if they were not, they often do not pay taxes, but they were the most active and
widespread group of support for President Yeltsin and the reform policies.
In this economic behavior reflected the traditional understanding of freedom
as a will, the freedom from government, and when the power that will give - the
millions of people say: this is our power. Let us recall the phenomenon of the
presidential election of 1996. If it were not for those millions of small businesses -
millions of which the first time in life feel that the economic freedom - no use of
administrative resources, financial and promotional opportunities for big business
are not allowed to re-BN Yeltsin for a second term.
Ironically, the power did not understand that small businesses are the
backbone of it, which further on decreasing were liberal intellectuals, and big
business. Today, power is understood, but that is another power, it does not need
the support of economically independent persons, such people are suspicious, if
not hostility. Social support for the current government make up power - a man
with a gun - and the officer - a person receiving the rent status of rubles.
This is a qualitatively different level of social support, prilnuvshie to the
government and large goskompaniyam successful centrists-man in the street is
good in this role until then, until all is quiet and calm, the price of oil and other
commodities, Russia's exports are growing, and received billions of dollars can be
bedaub almost any problem. Such social support is good in stable and predictable
socio-political situation, but her worsening of an ordinary person is unlikely to
protect the power of defending its people with certain political beliefs in August
1991 at the White House and in October 1993 at Mossovet, believing that this
power of its own. Centrists, successful man in the street, remain at home until the

last possible, then becoming as passive victims of the check and the Gestapo, as
well as active accomplices in repression.
But in the crisis, turning points of history creates an absolute minority of
people, passionarii, energy which is sufficient for the initiation of social change.
Generally adrenaline - this is the soul of Russian oil. Who is extracted, that they
(and the oil and soul) and reach the . The release of adrenaline important to the
Russian soul, and therefore engage in politics today is interesting. What is the
interest in training policy, when in meystrime, and not scared. That I have never
Khakamada, and himself.
What else hooked to this book and what not to say impossible? For me, it's
the Malaysian jungle, a cave with a myriad of swallows and bats - another parallel
world. View from this world for us and it helps us to understand the smallness of
our men, including political issues. World largest Russian politics, where someone
in the face by an opponent pleschet juice, someone allows himself to steal and lie,
where the tabloid press and political opponents make of thee terrible and
treacherous Mrs. Mamba, when looking through the eyes of birds, frogs from the
Malaysian jungle skukozhivaetsya, assuming its real shape. Main view it in
In flow nahlestyvayuschih each other of events public and private life, in
unconsciousness days, in which no notice krugoverti During the years, hard not to
lose themselves, those past, present - with control panel and apple. Looking at the
world through the eyes of emerald frog helps here - the thing is how to look, what
are your system. Also see, and just remember that this is not the whole life, this is
only part of it, and the world around the great and free.
Openness and self-author striking. We must confess that I almost did not
read glamorous books, although I know that there are books M. Arbatova, the show
business - perhaps because I was not very curious to privacy of people who write
them. When the author is interesting to you, read it, taking as it is taking and the
human, too human, that is, in the book. The book SEX in big politics. Self-self-
made woman diverse, and that part where the actual self to woman, to the reviewer

theory. Present possible, and feel almost as difficult as to see the world through the
eyes of the amazing emerald frogs from the jungle of Malaysia. So what about this
part of the author's text does not judge me.
Following I. Khakamada E. Tregubova mention only because of its subject
SEX in big politics. Self-self-made woman overlapped with Baika Kremlin diggera
. Both books presented a critical view of the female Russian politics, and even
powerful personalities in question, often the same. But Khakamada not burn a
bridge and does not want to huddle in a corner of who you stronger, because when
the ruler of Russia to bring to the pen, he becomes a tyrant. This is a rational and
pragmatic view, it Khakamada politician. Tregubova is not a politician, it was
romantic, she has passion and hunter look at how to defend democracy. At the sight
of male biased reviewer, good to see bright, intelligent, critical, and more women
were in politics and in life, then increases the likelihood that the country live an
independent life and is self-built civil and democratic society.
Now let me say a few words about the presentation of the book, more
precisely, one emblematic details. Russian man in the street used that power once,
then on her neck must be a chain of yellow metal, which has historically caused
brutality pendant highlighted with the imperial crown, almost Monomakh cap,
which, as everyone knows, hard. Heavy metal is almost as chains, which took
guests on hundred Balu Kings Bulgakov's Margarita. On the front cover photo
book physical severity of the yellow metal is not visible, the blood from under him
sochitsya, this allegory, noticeable only by its aesthetic severity and impropriety, in
conjunction with the childishly helpless collarbone. Well, what authority, and such
In another very recent 90-s in the power mechanism are quite decent people,
the same B.E. Nemtsov, who was standing in the office of his doll of the same
program of NTV. Now Nemtsova nor the power nor the program Dolls, or the old
NTV. It seems that today's drab, bleak and beznadega almost forever. But no, not
forever, drab over time, quietly and calmly and quickly and rapidly, but will leave.

And then there shall not confident but hope that will not be an official to
apply for a royal heavy chains and prilipchivoy Russian authorities, and pulled to
hard and not quit. The official, who employs a civil society through the mediation
of control by and accountable to the state itself could become another: I have
always argued that Russia will save the lazy officer. The one who wants to make
love to women and novels. For novels requires leisure. But leisure would provide a
system that can operate without it.
Meanwhile, another trend, more and more spheres of life are built in the
power vertical, power seeks to control the politics, business, media, civil society
organizations ... This trend may soon result in bringing the power of verticals to
each individual, as in our the recent Soviet past, with his party, trade union and
Komsomol meetings. All and all, under the supervision of officials, this approach
seems to power better than the trouble with the independent and laugh your
opinion have the civil society. The space of public freedom today is shrinking
disastrously, we were again, as in prisnopamyatnye time, drive to the kitchen. The
space of freedom must be protected, internally free man is free everywhere in the
inner freedom of the era of change does not affect. Khakamada, a free man, and it
helps to become free to other people, especially young people, those who watch -
to make life with someone.
Irina, thanks for the book and for all that you did and do in the late 80-ies.
Today, only a twilight of history, they will still be. A potential reader to say - read.
You'll like it.

Dialogue II. About the new social currency - 2008.

On 18 April 2007 in the House of Journalists presented the New Social

Course - 2008. The project was prepared under the guidance of Vice-Chairman of
the Presidium of the Russian People's Democratic Union Irina Khakamada and
proposed as the basis of pre-candidate for the President of the Russian Federation,
who will become the single candidate of the opposition forces. The panellists were:

Lyudmila Alekseeva, Sergei Havre, Sergei Glazyev, Eugene Gontmaher, Lev
Gudkov, Tamara Zamyatin, Kirill Kabanov, Mikhail Kasyanov, Elena Lukyanova,
Lyudmila Telen, and others.
Ideology of a new social course made Khakamada I.: We need a national
social policy as a new form of patriotism. A single social space, common social
rights, the unity of the main objectives - that's what would unite the nation. Our
program can use any candidate who would agree with it . This unity of rights and
unity of purpose, something that can unite the country, contribute to the formation
of ethnic, civic nation.
In fact, the program is to build a social state, to build the social fabric, which
today still remains largely on the Soviet legacy. From istlevayuschey and
disintegrating social fabric could not be more country. Today it is depleted, the
Soviet legacy in education, science, health care is almost exhausted. Its restoration
is necessary, it is gradually beginning to realize the need to not only society but
also in business.
A third party has not yet been held on the social contract - the authorities do
not fully aware of or do not want to understand the criticality of today's social
situation, their actions to remedy it sees as a purely secondary in relation to PR-
companies that create the appearance of solving social problems in the virtual
information space. Eugene Gontmaher, head of the Center for Social Policy,
Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences and one of the main
developers of the program, commented: We can expect that by the ruling party,
followed by some lotion to rectify the situation before the elections, but they did
not save.
Speaking about the importance of the social part of the future presidential
candidate of the opposition, I. Khakamada noted that it is because the Democrats
were full of a loss that ottorgli people. In order to implement social policies that do
not necessarily use, as proposed by the Communists, the endless spending of the
budget. You can create a very efficient market mechanisms are working effectively,

and give not only the quality of social life, but also investments in the economy.
But for this you need to do this a priority and work on it honestly .
I believe that the power to improve the social quality of life within the
framework of market mechanisms, it seems, can not work effectively. This can be
seen and miscalculations in the monetization of social benefits, the limitations of
the pension reform. Authorities can not solve social problems on the merits, and
when to do something does need to tend to the PR-solutions.
And if the power in their real actions often have quite right-centrist, in the
information area of its face uncontrollably leveet, getting so accustomed to Russia
paternalistic connotations.
The company sees this left ideological shift of power, feels Information
disease of leftism. Today, increasing expectations of citizens are not on our own
forces, and on the redistributive capacity of the State. Community leveet,
increasingly find themselves in demand social democratic ideas.
The question arises - why? Indeed, in the not too distant 90 years everything
was in a different way, people will be happy to go into business, start their own
business, changed their places of residence up to the immigration from the country.
In other words, had hoped for themselves, not the State.
The reasons for this sudden change of public sentiment, at least somewhat.
First, it became difficult to work in small and medium-sized businesses,
soared entrance fee, his case can be opened, with much greater resources than the
90-ies. During these years there was competition, which is pushing small
businesses out of business. For example, in trade small, and medium-sized
businesses can not compete with large retail chains. This process pushes small and
medium-sized business market with retail sales has not only to Russia. In the
United States such example is the proliferation of commercial network Uol-March,
causing loss of business retailers, smaller carriers, vendors, lawyers, they serve.
The third is the insecurity of property rights. Since the feudal imperial
system of ownership of power determines ownership of property and the property

itself, despite a number of pravoustanovleny, almost vulnerable, the officials and
the situation in the hierarchy which is higher than that of the formal owners.
In the fourth, increased bureaucracy and the criminal charges and
restrictions, increased appetite officials, their active participation in the
redistribution of property, dramatically increased fee bureaucratic permits,
approvals, inspection. Do not make any products or services itself, and to
participate in the development and assignment of administrative rent - a favorite
activity in Russia since ancient times.
The fifth of the business, and then at his own expense and the state, there
will be real money, a fact that you can share, redeploy. A government surpluses, the
growing Stabilization Fund, gradually increasing funding for social programs.
Again, you can ask the state for which there were some means to partially or fully
meet the requests. The problem here is, and how, supporting the weak, does not
undermine incentives for capitalist activity of strong, those who own the major part
of creating national wealth and jobs. An example of the Scandinavian versions of
socialism demonstrates the extent of this threat.
So, there is public demand for social-democratic, on the left, turn. Today it is
the way to win votes, to strengthen its position in the coming electoral cycle. Since
all possible reservations of some leftism is in the new social currency - 2008. But
this theoretical leftism is not evil, it is akin to leftism Democratic Party in the
United States. People are less socially successful is always more, especially when
put in terms of comparison is high, the list of states and the owners of the
magazine Forbes.
People are not very economically successful are almost always in favor of
income redistribution, the redistribution of rich to the poor. They are almost always
higher, even more so that the Russian authorities is strongly pushing people into
the marginal zone of weak. And this public policy should be changed.
On the theoretical part of the new social course of the anticipated change in
society, social policy worked many authors Developers New Social Course - 2008.
It is now up for its practical realization. Mikhail Kasyanov, summing up his

attitude to the program, noted that it is a social unit of civil society, which will be
posted as punishment future candidates or candidates. This is a very high score, the
recognition of the universal relevance of the stated social objectives.

Dialogue on Marsh dissenters

In Moscow on Saturday, 16 December 2006 was march dissenting. Marsh

dissenters - is not a rehearsal Russian maidan. It is more like a demonstration of
other Romantic Revolution - Trotskyite in 1927. This is not new chords, portents of
great turmoil, a rearguard battle, followed by withdrawal from the actual historical
scene. That is the logic of Thermidor. Today the country has come a classic in all
the history books magistral Thermidor period, after the inevitable revolution. Our
revolution was in 1991, fortunately, it turned out to be polubarhatnoy -
polubarhatnym was our Thermidor.
Still Thermidor unpleasant thing, and the desire to continue at the same time
revolution and the counter united people of incompatible political views and
positions. The fight against, rather than unites yesterday irreconcilable adversaries.
In the single line come and sit at the table Comrade Anpilov and some Russian
liberals. The combination of striking, extreme, almost prohibitive. Against whom
will be friends is defined so that the work, gentlemen and friends. Motivation
Ampilova comrades and Limonov else can understand, they are almost
professional revolutionaries.
With the understanding of motivation of Lords-revolutionaries tricky. Good
to deal with authority, knowing that with one hand did not plant, and on the other -
to become a power did not succeed. And if pofantazirovat on - suddenly succeed?
Then the next day begins tough opposition on situational попутчиков Other
Russia, in advance and understand the perspectives of such a confrontation.
Liberals do not outflank the heirs of Stalin, reaching under the slogan Stalin, Beria,
Gulag, in the three- the future of the place of liberal intellectuals in the Gulag.

If you speak seriously, there are no democratic (orange) revolution in
modern Russia is impossible. Civil society is weak, there is almost no internal
constraints in order to strengthen the power vertical, and managed to build
democracy. If a society is a revolutionary potential, it should look to other political
flank - at xenophobic and ultra. And intoxication romantic revolution of the liberal
intelligentsia can ease their way into power. Do not give us the God of
revolutionary upheavals - they can bring to stage stories ultra, the National
Socialists and the like, destroying sustainable over the life course, reject the
country to the worst times in history.
Does every word that the author is willing to abandon democracy, accept its
limitations? Far from it. Democracy - it is the highest value. But it requires a
certain adherence to democratic procedures, an evolutionary rather than
revolutionary in nature. In the framework of democratic procedures, power is not
trying to pick up on the street, the tactics of street confrontation, regular fisticuffs
with OMON - it is already too much. Too democracy, of course. For the
revolutionaries of all stripes and street campaigns, opposition to the confrontation -
the purpose and way of life, and the theory of permanent revolution ideology. Of
course, everyone is looking for its meaning in life, and participation in the fight for
the process itself also has a right to exist.
Moreover, civilians, doctors, teachers, entrepreneurs are strong in their
professional field, stronger than the power of their own, including the street
confrontation. Who is on that study. So the outcome of this confrontation is largely
predetermined in advance. And the outcome of this, besides the defeat of
democratic movement, will be accompanied by an increasing authoritarianism.
But even improbable victory in the street confrontation would be a victory
for pyrrhic. Yes, today's power have done much to build a system managed
democracy, it has many flaws and imperfections, but this does not mean that it
should be to break on knee - is more likely, almost inevitable that over time the
democratic process and institutions are strong. Under the pretext of the
imperfections of democracy is not worth destroying yourself democratic

procedures and institutions that do not need to compare the sample Bolsheviks
October seventeenth, killed a young Russian democracy - it's not a good role in the
history of Russia.

Dialogue with Vladislav Surkov on a political project Our

Today, some portion of the Russian political elite, willing to hedge in case it
is already foreseen changes in our lives, began to build a youth support group.
Assuming a priori the values of this part of the elite, consisting in the retention of
power for its own sake, the idea is quite understandable, and at first glance seem to
be even reasonable. It is from the eternal series about straw, which is a good idea to
bed zagodya, without waiting for the painful contact between the modern Russian
state space uncomfortable with popular discontent, the growing alienation from the
political establishment who share left and right political views.
The author, the initiative power is different historical associations, most of
which are harmless beginnings of the Interim Government of Russia to form a
women's shock battalions, which were to save the situation on the front, and, if
necessary, to support the authority in the rear. The need for such support has
emerged very soon, but hope that the women's battalions will be able to defend the
Provisional Government of the external and internal enemies, as is known, proved
Naturally, the story almost never be repeated verbatim, but now more visible
and the lines and intersection with the 1916/1917 year, and, above all, with time
before the February revolution. Today, as then, almost all available in the Russian
society passionarii have concentrated on the left and right political flank. In the
center is the traditional swamp, people moderate and accurate, which may be
formal and slow to play in anything, including the custom-political games. And it
is these young people center and draws power politproekte Our.
The second historical allusion, after daily author of women's memories of
the battalions as the last hope of the authorities then, time, links the current

nashistskoe power of today's enterprise with a history committee functioning as a
reserve detachment of the Communist Party in the late period of Soviet history.
Rhetorical question, but who saved and protected the Soviet Komsomol era of
decline? - In any case, not their employers, and financiers of the CPSU. With good
direction from above, young people today can pay a membership fee and go for the
performance-elected assembly, to hold rallies, flares and other mass marches,
picket performances and impromptu dip in the toilet bowls, send in the dustbin of
history books and portraits of unwanted politicians, writers, directors ...
The next historical analogy, which arises in connection with the nashistskim
Project least harmless. Although the movement and positioning itself as the anti-
fascist in its symbolism, there have been some semantic overlap with the symbols
in the time of the German National Socialists. This symbolism was represented by
the general public on 14 May 2005, when tens of thousands of young people,
students of senior classes of secondary schools, vocational schools, colleges and
universities in Moscow and other regions of Russia have been an area of Gagarin
and Lenin Avenue struckthrough under white flags with red crosses.
In 30 of the last century, Hitler read treated the color symbolism of National
Socialist Party of Germany: The red color symbolizes the idea of social ... The
white color of the idea of nationalism. Swastika - a mission for the victory of
Aryans ... . Of course, the swastika on flags nashistov No, its appearance would be
too provocative in the country, winning Nazi invasion. But the red ensign, embody
social ideals of the Communists / Socialists - is, as there are white national purity
(white cross). Yes, and goes beyond the horizon a column of young people under
the red-white flags most resemble frames from the film Leni Riffenshtal Triumph
of the will. We understand that the verbatim repetition of history will not, but that
happens has its own logic, its vector of development.
These extras tragicomic tragic fact that the logic of theatrical and political
action within the framework of a specific historical tradition. Collect all the books
would be, and to burn, this recipe is as safe and flexible to deal with sedition
offered at the beginning of XIX century, still Skalozub, and followed it and similar

boards of the National Socialists in Germany, 30-ies of the XX century. But today,
a time, and yet informal and formal leaders nashistskogo project is not identified
with his ideology and the desired reputation. It remains an open question about
how we need to be intolerable and severe (severe) and extent permissible actions to
cause such a candid historical reminiscences. In the direct predecessors of motion
Our - Movement Walking Creativity and rigidity enough to Zadornov scansion -
enemies of the people - to answer, recycling Book V. Sorokina, picketing the
Bolshoi Theater with clearly readable passionate subtext: we censor, censorship .
In this logic, all our troubles are attributable mainly to the positions
konspirologii, implying the separation of the nation, citizens of Russia to the first
people (going along) and second (breduschih alone) sorts. In the context of our
present social and cultural context this might mean about the following. Those
Russian citizens - who is with us / our - it is the people, which is known to be
always right. But those citizens who Nenashev - it still has to be closely look and
decide who, how and under what circumstances, is in Russia, not mishandled
whether CIA agents and Mosada or, at worst, not lived there in the occupied
territories and have no questionable whether the relatives in foreign countries, such
as in the Orange Ukraine.
Therefore, in the futuristic, but equally likely to run, all not our brothers and
sisters can give to individual drop - to the yellow star on the quilted jacket, and
who simply quilted jacket with unique markings. If you get down to business twist
nuts pomyagche little that could be possible against the not-too-dangerous
opponents of the regime - that the validity of their citizenship could be mitigated
limitations (restrictions) on the profession and the failure of the votes cast at the
election at any level.
The key question to be answered by the authors, designers of any project,
including the nashistkogo - this is its efficiency and effectiveness, the ability to be
realized in accordance with the plans. And here in relation to this project raises a
number of questions and bewilderment.

First of all, this power venture, like many other ventures before, and dare to
assume, then, did not even bring the account to any specific consequences, apart
from large-scale development of the money the state and / or mortally frightened
them large / medium-sized businesses. The mountain gave birth to a mouse - this is
about us, this is the most common and familiar version of the completion of any
undertaking in the Russian / Soviet history. Therefore the realization politproekta
with the unit in our society and Nenashev could be such a trite, ignominious
But there is another paradox, but equally and perhaps more realistic version
of how to evolve nashizm and what role it may play in the not too distant future. A
common place is the claim that in Russia / Soviet Union, any initiative to break
down painfully, which fully applies to the emergence and institutionalization of
civic movements and public organizations. Today, when Russian civil society is in
poluzachatochnom state, grass-roots initiative rarely appears, and even less
frequently executed as sustainable forms, quite often, all the initial energy is
dissipated cash, do not lead to the achievement of stated goals.
Also it is well known that when the formation of different structures happens
at the initiative of the authorities, using the entire strength of its administrative
resources, such undertakings are usually institualiziruyutsya receive some funding,
increases state-paid functionaries, etc. This organization not only has access to the
media, and formal / informal support from the state apparatus. Despite the
substantial content differences of the day today with the communist era of romance
and enthusiasm is almost VV Mayakovski And if the party in the small crowd -
sdaysya enemy - Zamri and lyag. Party - millionopalaya hand, compressed into a
single fist fulminatory . And because - trepidation enemy external and internal.
Note that experience with the use of youth movements, youth in general for
political purposes has long been well known around the world. There are also the
pioneers of the Soviet Komsomol, the youth organizations and the Spanish
Falanga, the Italian fascists, Hitler adults with the National Socialists in Germany.
It also can be attributed, and a massive use of children and teenagers as a cheap

and effective military force governments and / or the opposition in a number of
third world countries, particularly in Cambodia, Sri Lanka and some African
Children and adolescents, young people in general can be a terrible
destructive force, clean sociocultural space under the new political, economic,
social configuration. 5 April 2005, the leader of the movement Our Vasily
Yakemenko said literally the following: We need wholesale change political,
economic and media power in the country, acting as a network of mutual support.
Most of the call recalls the words of Mao Zedong, directed to youth at the
beginning of the Chinese Cultural Revolution: opened fire on the headquarters (ie
the elites - SG).
This calls for a change of elites is another apparent consequence: if we can
together change the political, economic and masmediiynuyu elite in the country -
this will open the way for rapid vertical mobility, as the great cleansing thirties in
the Soviet Union opened the way to a dizzying career come from grassroots
society. Another issue that the nominee on blood were often incompetent and does
not meet the new, just drop them a high social roles. As we know, history is often
presented to us as tragedy and repeats itself in the game, reduced, farcical form.
And today, we most likely it appears that - farcical part of the historical process.
But today power is not off to pay their voluntary / forced aides to the vertical
acceleration of the mobility and prochischeniem its channels in the spirit of Mao
Zedong and Joseph Stalin. Note that the monuments of Mao Zedong, as well, and
Paul sweat put in today's Russia as it is not in your hands, but I. monuments to
Stalin, to direct their teacher and leader of all nations, beginning to grow in cities
and vesyam of our fatherland in the set, benefit the socio-political climate here has
become (become) well - to become a leader.
However, the situation in our, and can be quite ambivalent. In situations of
possible social and political crisis, accompanied by a sharp decline in
administrative capacity, power, position and the possible role of
institutsianalizirovannyh nashistov little predictable, because the young

revolutionary simply because of age, lack of degree of adult cynicism and excess
availability of vital energy. Therefore, hypothetically, we can not exclude the
likelihood of such developments, in which nashisty can get out of control of their
creators / puppeteers, to change the ideological orientation and personal political
preferences. By an irony of history, they can suddenly become just a social and
political force, which in Russia would be a kind of remake of Georgian Kmara,
Kyrgyz Go-go, Ukraine pores.
Such developments may contribute to two different but complementary to
each other circumstances. First circumstance: Young people are a revolutionary,
not conservative, they probably want to scrap and change, but not to protect old
arising before them, and often not their values - they want to be revolutionaries and
winners. And the second fact: in some situations it is possible mass buying elites
and institutions, a kind of auction, which can compete both internal and external to
the forces of Russia. None of this is not done, the world in which we live is
increasingly globalized, and this is something given, something that is outside the
scope of our control, our acceptance or rejection.
Historical events and the situation does not mirror repeats, each new
situation, despite the possible adherence to the general historical trend and even the
external similarity is drawn up taking into account the context, given the national
socio-cultural tradition. Accordingly, Russia will be a different situation than in
Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. A person familiar with our history can
easily assume a similar situation, especially in Russia, where the initiative of
popular discontent could pick the top and the organization created for his own
account-equipped and financed, as the other youth organizations with specific
resource and mass of the country simply do not.
For historical essays and memoirs of contemporaries, we know the events of
a textbook account of the events that took place during the Russian revolution of
1905-1907 years. We remember the history of trade union workers in St.
Petersburg, union no policy, established under the patronage of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs. These unions had been entrusted with the well-tested and loyal

priest Gapon system, which, however, subsequently organized a peaceful march to
the Winter Palace on Jan. 9, 1905. What it ended up, we know from history
textbooks - 9 Jan., 1905 was the beginning of the first Russian revolution.

Remembering the XX Congress

XX Congress of the Communist Party became a Soviet version of the

Nuremberg process, which, despite its softness and half, broke the cornerstone of
the foundation of totalitarianism.
Today, all the louder voices of critics of the revelations of the cult of
personality, the crimes of Stalinism, the sharpness with which it was done NS
Khrushchev at the XX Congress. Many states that have had to act more softly, to
speak the truth are not at once, but piecemeal, in order to preserve the long-term
purchased on the basis of the Second World War, the geopolitical advantages and
not to scare the left intellectuals around the world.
But with all possible sympathy to the abundance of the monitored areas and
leftist political ideas must be remembered that in the incremental steps to dismantle
Stalinism simply was not time. When Allied troops entered the German destruction
of the camp - it was also a shock to Europeans and Americans, the shock, exposing
extraordinary horrors that carries with it the practice of National Socialism.
Commander of U.S. Allied forces, General George Patton organized study visits to
the death camps of journalists and politicians, who see firsthand that this was not
just the war.
To better understand the realities, ideological recovery European
intellectuals left orientation need not only awareness of the horrors of the everyday
practice of National Socialism, but also to the Stalinist version of socialism. It was
necessary to bring them out of the Communist Youth intoxication utopia, they all
have to grow up and abandon the illusion. More truth about the crimes of Stalinism
was needed Soviet society need not only now but also in post-Soviet Russia.

Allied troops for obvious reasons, not part of Stalin's death camps - camps
opened doors NS Khrushchev, for the release of the surviving prisoners had a
change of party-state policy, ideologically enshrined in the XXth Congress of the
CPSU. The Congress revealed a giant abscess of Stalinism, he began the process of
liberation from totalitarianism, the process that led then by August 1991.
Often compared sharpness, and one speech NS Khrushchev and the gradual,
step-by-step policy of democratization during the adjustment. But after the death of
Stalin's totalitarian system has been able to change from within, evolving into an
authoritarian system. By the mid 80-ies of XX century, the USSR was not already
a absolute evil empire, which he had been under Stalin. There is no morili famine,
millions of peasants, not shot by millions of potential and real political opponents,
shut down the enormous camps of GULAG, the scale of political repression has
become incomparably smaller. In other words, it already was not the totalitarian
system of Stalin's type, changing it could afford not to hurry. In 1956, it was
impossible not to hurry - in the camps people are dying. They have become a little
issue, but the public should have to explain what happened in the Stalinist country
in decades.
It should be remembered that the international communist movement, the
communist parties around the world, behind the red terror and the crimes of
Stalinism, the Khmer Rouge and cultural revolution in China, the original
equipped own versions Treblinka, Dachau and Auschwitz. Building a house brave
new world at a foundation, you can not count on the persistence of long-term
political and geopolitical benefits, preservation of the world communist movement,
the sustainability of the Warsaw Pact, to count on winning the global expansion of
communism. For all of history has to be paid.
At the end of 80 - 90 of the last century of the crimes of Stalin's regime was
told everything, or almost all. This truth inexhaustible, it is no statute of
limitations, it can not be written off and forgotten. But today a large part of
Russian society, it does not know or does not wish to know, considering that the
state guaranteed chowder important freedom, but Stalin was much better than

Gorbachev and Yeltsin. English football club Chelsea property from Roman
Abramovich divideth the many of our fellow citizens far more than Stalin's
genocide. So, healing did not happen, vaccinated against this evil is not now, and
because the theme of our Nuremberg - XXth Congress - does not belong only to
the past, but present.


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