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What had been envisioned as an encyclical in praise of defunding ObamaCare has evolved, 12 hours hence, into a typically busy

version of the too-familiar blast e-mails; to accommodate Guzzardis plea that redundancy is not to be eschewed, updated information that previously been disseminated has been included. PIVOTAL are musings regarding the direction of the GOP, to be punctuated often by juxtaposing perspectivesso as to document personal insights. The implications of both Congressman Fitzpatricks Town Hall and Guzzardis report regarding the RedState Gathering are explored, and available is a compilation of the past five weeks of blast e-mails [~288 pages, containing hundreds of relevant hyperlinks and the BEST of available graphics].

Middle East, focusing on Syria Highlighted occasionally herein have been communications from Dr. Sherkoh Abbas [Kurdistan National Assembly of Syria]; his recent input must be disseminated far-and-wide, for he continues [1]to be validated, and [2]to offer a viable solution to the Syrian quagmire. He was first encountered @ a D.C.meeting [organized by Guzzardi] focused on UNRWA-abuses, and he has constantly emphasized deep linkages between the Kurds and the Americans/Israelis. Related-essays co-authored with Guzzardi were published in the [now defunct] Philadelphia Bulletin [starting in 2005] regarding the overall situation in Syria, the impact of Syria on Lebanon, the Hariri Assassination by Syria, and the UN-indictment regarding the Hariri Assassination [including a single-authored compilation of recent Presidential Doctrines]. Co-authored with Sherkoh Abbas was a somewhat-prescient essay published in 2008 [The Road To Iran Runs Through Kurdistan - And Starts In Syria] which, remarkably, was reprinted [absent knowledge of either author] this past March in Israpundit; this was, of course, gratifying because the conceptual points therein had been applicable both to Iraq and to Syria. Furthermore, the comment added by Ted Belman [following this physicians update] serves to elevate further the credibility of this tireless warrior. This sets the stage for his spate of input during recent days, for it is NECESSARY to back the Kurds as potential LEADERS around which the non-Islamist anti-Assad troops could rally. This point has been made regularly to whomever might listen [including two Congressmen], and recent events suggest the urgency that his sage-input be honored. He predicted the current predicament a year ago [the UN observer mission failed in Syria] and has recently touted a book on the conflict between Israelis and Palestinian-Arabs promoted by Daniel Pipes of Philly-based Middle East Forum: Mr. Honigmans book argues in detail for just such a solution. It presents a look at justice in the region from a much broader perspective than the view that is so prevalent today, which only addresses the Arab cause.

This, in turn, sets the stage for what he wrote today regarding the hypocrisy of the Syrian National Council (SNC), the Democratic Union Party (PYD), and the Kurdish National Council (KNC); one must also take into account musings regarding a recent assassination [assassination-complicated-syrian-kurdishfactions.html] to gain an appreciation of the associated intrigue. He notes the only difference between them and the Assad regime is that they are not in the position of power. Listen to the video of a year ago, and these tensions will be appreciated; essentially, the Kurds were frozen-out from meaningful leadership positions [probably by al-Qaeda elements, directly or indirectly]. He claims all three of the aforementioned [acronym-ed] entities oppress people, particularly those not in agreement with their policies, and adds that all four entities: 1-Ba'ath education or ideology, 2- Serving their masters and not the Syrian people, 3- the revolution and people of Syria rejects them. For greater insights into the interstices of the Middle East conflagration, it is advised that the most recent byplay regarding Israeli reaction to Bibis leadership be independently assessed [Resign, just resign!] including personal comments skeptically-supportive of the PM [recalling the Gaza debacle, with this physicians letter-to-the-editor in the Jewish Exponent having previously recounted]., 2005 Regarding Islamists/Islamism, the us-embassies-were-closed as a manifestation of the global-securityalert-that-notably occurred after-recent-al-Qaeda- mega prison-escapes in Afghanistan/Pakistan/Iraq, as the terrorist-ayman-al-zawahiri-is-urging-all-muslims-to-unite-and-fight-against-the-west. Notwithstanding BHOs claim that The war against al-Qaeda is over, it has been alleged that the statedepartment-terror-alert-was-sponsored-by-the-very-same-terrorists-to-which-obama-wants-to-giveweapons. Meanwhile, Iran's President-Elect Rouhani Corrected a Quote on 'Removing' Israel, [lest the NY-Times be forced to withdraw endorsement of his brand of moderation] and TUNISIA PRESSED HUNT FOR JIHADISTS AMID POLITICAL CRISIS, enhanced by the fact that a Man blew himself up while making a bomb. [Also noted: Egypt-killed-30-palestinian-authority-arabs-last-month.]

Issue-Amalgam Immigration Reform. Illustrating how pressure is being brought to bear upon the GOP-House is how BHO threatens more unilateral actions [recalling declaration of the Dream Act, a year ago] if Congress axes immigration bill and the expressed Opinion that 44,000 cant wait for immigration reform in Congress [absent documentation of the precision of these cases. Economy/Jobs. Noting that The US government has $70 trillion in off-balance-sheet liabilities, multiple analysts of the monthly data have noted how BHOs promise of 5% unemployment has been dashed by recognition that most-2013-job-growth-is-in-part-time-jobs and that ONE IN FOUR NEW JOBS ARE IN BARS & RESTAURANTS; compiled have been Five-things-media-arent-telling-you-about-jobs-numbers. Regulation Nation. House voted to give Congress power over costly regulations, Postal reform was revived in Senate, Pelosi predicted no farm bill by October deadline, and Hal Rogers, a Republican team player, chided his own party.

Socialism. Common-Core-is-In-Jeopardy-As-More-States-Withdraw [including PA] and MSNBCs melissaharris-perry-claimed-more-people-on-food-stamps-now-because-minimum-wage-is-not-high-enough. Pennsylvania. Journalists-noted Corbett is weak but has no primary opponent, thus yet and senator eichelberger decried AG-Kanes decision not to uphold PAs version of DOMA because the-sworn-dutyof-the-states-top-cop-should-never-become-political. Weiner. Humas family feels Huma Blames Self for His Sexting Addiction, as WEINER said 'I CAN'T PROMISE NO SURPRISES' BEFORE CAMPAIGN'S END and he claimed '100 PERCENT NOT' SEXTING NOW. Politics. Thedailybeast has distilled reasons-why-hillary-clinton-will-win-in-2016, as hillary-clinton-toreceive-the-american-patriot-award; meanwhile, a NEW POLL suggests ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT PRYOR'S SENATE RE-ELECTION BID IN TROUBLE. Media. The DbM [Drive-by-Media] are foundering: NEW YORK TIMES SELLS BOSTON GLOBE AT 93% LOSS, Post-Zimmerman ratings showed CNN Viewers Dropped 32% and HLN Viewers dropped 50%, barry-dillers-newsweek-experiment-is-over, and bill-maher-advised ditching-the-department-ofhomeland-security. Racism. In reaction to charlie-rangels having equated tea-partiers to white-crackers-who-foughtagainst-civil-rights, innis claimed rangel is no-better-than-white-southern-dems-who-used-the-nggercard and Deneen Borelli condemned both these Controversial Comments and those of al-Sharpton. [Also noted: the leader of the new-black-panther-party-million-youth-march-north-in-philly was arrested.]

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