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1. Artes elocutvas. 1.1: Ars dictaminis. 1.2: Ars poetriae. 1.3: Ars rhetorica y ars grammatica. 1.4: Ars praedicandi. 2. Autores. 2.1:Beda. 2.2: Boccaccio. 2.3: Dante. 2.4: Hugo de San Vctor. 2.5: Juan de Salisbury. 2.6: Marciano Cpela. 2.7: Petrarca. 2.8: San Agustn. 3. Crtica Oiteraria y textual). 3.1: Crtica textual y codicologfa. 3.2: Escritura. Historia del libro. Bibliotecas medievales. 3.3: Hermenutica. Traduccin. 3.4: Medievalismo: teora y metodologa. 3.5: Recepcin y lectura. 4. Discursos formales. 4.1: Mtrica. 4.2: Narratologa. 4.3: Msica y poesa. 4.4: Oralidad y recitacin.

4.5: Teora literaria y teora del estilo. 4.6: Verso y prosa. 4.7: Voces narrativas. 5. Gneros literarios. 5.1: Gneros literarios: teora. 5.2: Exempla. 5.3: Historiografa. 5.4: Libros de caza. 5.5: Teatro. Teora dramatrgica. 6. Historia y sociedad. 6.1: Contextos cortesanos. 6.2: Educacin medieval. 6.3: Filosofa y lenguaje. 6.4: Historia y geografa. 6.5: Judaismo. 6.6: Religin (vida monstica y peregrinaciones). 6.7: Trovadores. 7. Materias y temas. 7.1: Bibliografas. Glosarios. 7.2: Fuentes. Temas. 7.3: Materia caballeresca. 7.4: Materia clsica. Latn medieval. 7.5: Materia pica. 7.6: Materia religiosa {mracula, vidas de santos, teologa).


7.7: Materia troyana. 7.8: Sexualidad (masculinidad y feminismo). 8. Perodos. Escuelas. 8.1: Escolstica. 8.2: Escuela de Chartres. 8.3: Humanismo. Italia.

1.3: Ars rhetorica y ars grammatica

Badia, L., Teoria i prctica de la literatura en Ramn Llul, Barcelona, Quadems Crema, 1992. Casas Rigall, Juan, Ad grammaticos pertinent. La teora de los vicios, figuras y tropos en diez gramticas hispanas del s. XV, en La Cornica, 24:2 (1996), pp. 78-102. Castrillo Fernndez, Nieves, Terminologa sobre el Prohemium de un discurso retrico en la Rhetorica ad Herennium, Cicern y Quintiliano, enBerceo, 128 (1995), pp. 23-38. Cizek, Alexandra, Jmitatio et tractatio. Die literarisch-rhetorischen Gnmdlagen der Nachahmung in Antike und Mittelalter, Tbingen, Niemeyer, 1994. Courcelles, Dominique de, La parole risque de Raymond Llull: Entre judasme, christianisme et islam, Pars, Vrin, 1993. Grotans, Anna A. y David W. Porter, eds. y trad., The St. Gall Tractate: A Medieval Cuide to Rhetorical Syntax, Columbia, Camden House, 1995. Johnston, Mark D., The evangelical rhetoric of Ramn Uull: lay leaming and piety in the Christian West around 1300, Nueva York, Oxford Univcrsity Press, 1996. Knox, Dilwyn, Ironia. Medieval and Renaissance Ideas on Irony, Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1989. \AvA\,^ambn,RamonLlull's New Rhetoric: Text and Translation of Llull's Rhetorica nova, ed. Maik D. Johnston, California, Hermagoras Press, 1994. Netzer, Nancy y V. Reinsburg, eds., Aemory and the Middle Ages, Boston, Boston College Museum of Arts, 1995. Parens, Joshua, Metaphysics as Rhetoric: Alfarabi's Summary of Plato's Law, Albany, State Univ. of New York Press, 1995. Troyan, Scott D., Textual Decorum: A Rhetoric ofAttitudes in Medieval Literature, Nueva York-Londres, Garland, 1994.


1.1: Ars dictaminis

Banker, James Roderick, ed., Giovanni Di Bonandrea, Giovanni di Bonandrea's ars dictaminis treatise and the doctrine of invention in the Italian rhetorical tradition and early fourteenth centuries, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.M.I., 1988. Camargo, Martin, ed., Medieval Rhetoric of Prose Composition: Five English Artes Dictandi and their Tradition, Binghamton, Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, 1995. Polak, E. J., Medieval and Renaissance Letter Treatises and Form Letters, 1: A Census of Manuscripts Found in Eastem Europe and the Former USSR, Leiden, Brill, 1994. Riquer, Alejandra de, Teodulfo de Orleans y la epstola potica en la literatura carolingia, Barcelona, R.A.B.L., 1994. Transmundus, ntroductiones dictandi, ed. y trad. Ann Dalzell, Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1995.



Geoffrey de Vendme, Oeuvres, ed. trad. Genevive Giordanengo, Pars, C.N.R.S., 1996. Purcdl, WiUiam M., Ars poetriae: Rhetorical and Grammatical Invention at the Margin ofLiteracy, Columbia, Univ. of South Carolina Press, 1996.


Ward, John O., Ciceronian Rhetoric in Treatise Scholion and Commentary, Turnhout, Brepols, 1995.

1.4: Ars praedicandi

Briou, Nicole y David L. d'Arvay, Modern Questions about Medieval Sermons: Essays on Marriage, Death, History and Sanctity, Spoleto, Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medievo, 1994. Ctedra, Pedro M., Sermn, sociedad y literatura en la Edad Media. San Vicente Ferraren Castilla (1411-1412), Salamanca, Junta de Castilla y Len, 1994. Tovar Paz, Francisco Javier, Tractatus, sermones atque homiliae: el cultivo del gnero literario del discurso homiltico en la Hispania tardoantigua y visigoda, Cceres, Univ. de Extremadura, 1994.


Beda, Bede: On the Temple, trad. Sean Connolly, Liverpool, Liverpool Univ. Press, 1995. Higham, N.J.,y4 English Empire: Bede and the Early Anglo-Saxon Kings, Manchester-Nueva York, Manchester Univ. Press, 1995.

quattuor species dividuntur: Essays on Dante and Genre, Reading, Univ. of Reading, 1995. Baranski, Zygmunt G., Sol nuovo, luce nuova: Saggi sul rinovamento cultrale in Dante, T\irfn, Scriptorium, 1996. Botterill, Steven, Dante and the Mystical Tradition: Bemard of Clairvaux in the Commedia, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994. Cachoy, Theodore J., Dante Now: Current Trends in Dante Studies, Notre DameLondres, Univ. ofNotrc Dame Press, 1995. Chiamenti, Massimiliano, Dante Alighieri, traduttore, Rorcncia, Le Lettere, 1995. Franke, William, Dante 's Interpretative Journey, Chicago-Londres, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1996. lannucci, Amilcare A., ed., Dante e la bella scola dellapoesia: Autorit e sfida potica, Ravenna, Longo, 1993. Kay, Richard, Dante's Christian Astrology, Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1994. Morgan, Alison, Dante and the Medieval Other World, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990. Nassar, Eugene Paul, lllustrations to Dante's Inferno, Londres-Toronto, Ass. Univ. Press, 1994. Trigueros Cano, Jos Antonio, Conceptos fundamentales de la potica terica de Dante Alighieri, Murcia, Universidad, 1992.

2.2: Boccaccio
Fumi, Pier Massimo, Adventures in Speech: Rhetoric and Narration in Boccaccio 's Decameron, Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsilvania Press, 1996.

2.4: Hugo de San Vctor

Illich, Ivan, Du lisible au visible: la naissance du texte: un commentaire du Didascalicon de Mugues de SaintVcor, Pars, Cerf, 1991.

2.3: Dante
Baranski, Zygmunt G., Libri poetarum in

2.5: Juan de Salisbury

Foulechat, Denis, trad.. Le Policratique de


Jean de Salisbury. Uvres l-lll, ed. Ch. Brucker, Geneva, Droz, 1994.

Teske, Roland J., S.J., Paradoxes of Time in San Augustine, Milwaukee, Wis., Marquette Univ. Press, 1996.

2.6: Marciano Cpela


Moretti, Gabriella, ed., / primi volgarizzament italiani delle Nozze di Mercurio e Filologa, Trento, Univ. degii Studi di Trento, 1995. Westra, Haijo Jan, Vester, C , eds., The Berln Commentary on Martianus Capella 's De nuptis Philologae et Mercuri Book I, Leiden-Nueva York-Colonia, E.J. Brill, 1994.

3.1: Crtica textual y


2.7: Petrarca
Petrarca, The Canzoniere or Rerum vulgarum fragmenta, trad. Mark Musa, Bllomington-Indiana, Indiana Univ. Press, 1996. Recio, Roxana, Petrarca en la Pennsula Ibrica, Alcal, Universidad, 1996.

2.8: San Agustn

English, Edward D., ed., Reading and Wisdom: The *De doctrina Chrstana ofAugustine n the Middle Ages, Notre Dame, Ind.-Londres, Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1995. San Agustn, De doctrina Christiana, ed. y trad. R.RH. Oreen, Oxford-Nueva York, Clarendon Press-O.Univ. Press, 1995. Scott, T. Kermit, Augustine: His Thought in Context, Nueva York-Mahwah, Paulist Press, 1995. Stock, Brian, Augustine the Reader: Meditation Self-Knowledge, and the Ethcs of nterpretation, Cambridge, Mass.-Londres, Belknap Press of Harvard Univ Press, 1996.

Beadle, Richard y A.J. Pipper, eds., New Science out of Od Books: Studes n Manuscripts and Early Printed Books in Honour of A.I. Doyle, AldershotBrookfield, Scolar Press, 1995. Hamessc, Jacqueline, ed.. Les problmes poses par l'diton critique des textes ancens et mdvaux, Louvain-laNeuve, Universit Catholique de Louvain, 1992. Hamesse, Jacqueline, ed., Mthodologies informatques et nouveax horzons dans les recherches medievales: actes du Colloque international de SaintPaul-de-Vence, 3-5 septembre 1990, Tumhout, Brepols, 1992. Leonardi, C , ed., IM critica del testo mediolatino. Atti del convegno, Firenze 6-8 dicembre 1990, Spoleto, Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 1994. Machan, Tin William, Textual Critcism and Middle English Texts, CharlottesvilleLondres, Univ. Press of Virginia, 1994. Smeyers, Maurice, La miniature, Tumhout, Brepols, 1985. Sirat, Colette, Du scribe au livre: Les manuscripts hbreux au mayen age, Pars, C.N.R.S., 1994.

3.2: Escritura. Historia del libro. Bibliotecas medievales

Bekker-Nielsen, H., Borch, M., Sorensen, B.A., eds., From Scrpt to Book. A Symposium, Proceedings of Seventh International Symposium Organized by


the Centre for the Study of Vernacular Literaturc in the Middle Ages Held at Odense University on 15-16 November, 1982, Odense, Odense Univ. Press, 1986. Belletti, Gian Cario, Saggi di sociologa del testo medievale, Alessandn'a, Edizioni deirOrso, 1993. Bessire, Jean, Mythologies de l'criture, chatnps critiques, Pars, PUF, 1990. Bischoff, Bernard, Manuscritps and Libraryes in the Age of Charlemagne, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Boutet, Dominique y Harf-Lancner, Laurence, eds., criture et modes de pense au Moyen Age, VIIF-XV sicles, Pars, Centre de l'colc Nrmale Superieure, 1993. Browring, Linda L., ed., Making the Medieval Book: Techniques ofProduction, Londres, Red Gull Press, 1995. Cavallo, Guglielmo, Le Bibliotheche nel mondo antico e medievale, Roma, Laterza, 1989. Cavallo, C , Leonardi, C , Menesto, E., eds.. Lo spazio letterario del medioevo, I: II medioevo latino, I: La produzione del testo, 1, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 1992. Cavallo, G., Leonardi, C , Menesto, E., eds.. Lo spazio letterario del medioevo, 1: 11 medioevo latino, : La produzione del testo 2, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 1993. Cavallo, G Leonardi, C , Menesto, E., eds.. Lo spazio letterario, L- II medioevo latino, II: La circolazione del testo, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 1994. Clanchy, M.T., From Memory to Written Record: England(I066-I307),Ox{oTdCambridge, Blackwell, 1993. Chartier, Roger, El orden de los libros. Lectores, autores, bibliotecas en Europa entre los siglos XIV y XVIII, Barcelona, Gedisa, 1994. Gasparri, Franfoise, Introduction

l'histoire de l'criture, Turnhout, Brepols, 1994. Kapr, Albert, Johannes Cutenberg: The Man and His Invention, trad. D. Martin, Aldershot-Brookfield, Variorum, 1996. Ornato, Monique y N. Pons, eds., Pratiques de la culture crite en France au XV' sicle, Louvain-la-Neuve, Fdration Internationale des Instituts d'tudes Medievales, 1995. Schieffer, Rudolf, ed., Schriftkultur und Reichsverwaltung unter den Karolingern, Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1996. Shailor, Brbara A., The Medieval Book, Toronto, Univ. of Toronto Press, 1991. Stiennon, Jacques, L'criture, Turnhout, Brepols, 1995.

3.3: Hermenutica. Traduccin

Beer, Jeanette y D. Lloyd-Jones, eds., Translation and the Transmission of CultuK, between 1300 and 1600, Kalamazoo. Medieval Institute Publicarions, 1995. Copeland, Rita, Rhetoric, Hermeneutics and Translation in the Middle Ages. Acamedic Traditions and Vernacular Texts, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Chavy, Paul, Traducteurs d'autrefois: Moyen Age et Renaissance. Dictionnaire des traducteurs et de la littrature traduite en ancien et moyenfranjis (842-1600), 2 vols., Pars, Champion; Gendve, Slatkine, 1988. Domnguez Caparros, J., Orgenes del discurso crtico. Teoras antiguas y medievales sobre la interpretacin, Madrid, Credos, 1993. Van Riel, Gerd, Carlos Steel y James McEvoy, eds., Johannes Scottus Eriugena: The Bible and Hermeneutics, Leuven, Leuven Univ. Press, 19%.


3.4: Medievalismo: metodologa

teora y

Baschet, Jrome, Christine Lapostolle, Michel Pastoureau, Yvonne RgisCazal, Profession mdiviste, Medievales, 7 (1984), pp. 7-64. Besserman, Lawrence, ed., The Challenge of Periodization: Od Paradigms and New Perspectives, Nueva York-Londres, Garland, 1996. Bloch, R. Howard, New Philology and Od French, The New Philology, cd. Nichols, pp. 38-58. Bloch, R. Howard y Stcphen G. Nichols, eds., Medievalism and the Modemist Temper, Baltimore-Londres, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Brown, R. Alien, The Origins of Modern Europe: The Medieval Heriage of Western Civilization [1972], Nueva York, Boydell and Brewer, 1996. Bunson, Matthew Z., Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, Nueva York, Facts on File, 1995. Burkc, James F, A New Critical Approach to the Intetpretation of Medieval Spanish Literature, en La Cornica, 11 (19821983), pp. 273-279. Cerquiglini, Bernard, La paraphrase essentielle de la culture scribale, en Cahiers de linguistique hispanique mdievale, 14-15 (1989-1990), pp. 9-16. Cerquiglini, Bernard, loge de la variante: Histoire critique de la philologie, Pars, Scuil, 1989. Damico, Helen y J.B. Zavadil, Medieval Scholarship: Biographical Studies on the Formation of a Discipline. 1: History, Nueva York-Londres, Garland, 1995. Dembowski, Pcter F., The French Tradition of Textual Philology and Its Relevance to the Editing of Medieval Texts, Modern Philology, 90 (1993), pp. 512-532. Dupr, Louis, Passage to Modemity: An

Essay in the Hermeneutics of Nature and Culture, New Haven-Londres, Yale Univ. Press, 1993. Egen, John van, The Past and Future of Medieval Studies, Londres, Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1994. Flcischman, Suzanne, Philology, Linguistics, and the Discourse of the Medieval Text, The New Philology, ed., Nichols, pp. 19-37. Guichard, Fierre y Danile, AlexandreBidon, eds., Comprendre le XIII' sicle: Etudes offertes Marie-Thrse Lorcin, Lyon, Presses Univ. Lyon, 1995. Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich, (N)On (Literary) Interpretation, Poetics, 18 (1989), pp. 375-87. Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich, A la sombra del reino hermenutico. Filologa, 24 (1989), pp. 165-180. Habermas, Jrgen, Modernity's Consciousness of Time and Its Need for SelReassurance, The Philosophical Discourse of Modemity: Twelve Lectures, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1987. Haidu, Peter, Alexandre Leupin, and Eugene Vanee, Medievalism: Testing Ground for Historicis(m)? Round Table Discussion, Paroles geles: UCLA French Studies, 9 (1991), pp.1-32. Hamessc, Jacqueline, ed.. Les problemes poses par l'dition critique des textes anciens et mdivaux, Louvain-la-Neuve, Universit Catholique de Louvain, 1992. Hamesse, Jacqueline, ed., Mthodologies informatiques et nouveax horizons dans les recherches medievales: actes du Colloque International de SaintPaul-de-Vence, 3-5 septembre 1990, "nimhout, Brepols, 1992. Heinemann, Edward A., Textual Criticism or Literary Criticism? Echo (Or Is It Redundancy?) and the Shifting Text of the Od French Epic, Text: Transactions of the Society for textual Scholarship, A {\9SS), pp. 121-33.


Jackson, W.T.H., The Challenge ofthe medieval text: studies in genre and interpretaron, ed. de J.M. Ferrante y R.W. Hanning, Nueva York, Columbia University Press, 1985. Le Goff, Jacques, For an Extended Middle Ages, The Medieval Imagination, Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1988, pp. 18-23. Lerer, Seth, ed., Uterary History and the Challenge of Philology: The Legacy of Erich Auerbach, Stanford, California, Stanford Univ. Press, 1996. Nichols, Stephen G., Commentary and/as Image, Commentary as Cultural Artifact, ed., Lee Patterson and Stephen G. Nichols, South Atlantic Quarterly, 91 (1992), pp. 965-92. Nichols, Stephen G., Philology and its Discontents, en The Future of the Middle Ages (Medieval Literatura in the 1990s}, ed. de William D. Paden, Gainesville, Univ. Press of Florida, 1994, pp. 113-141. Nichols, Stephen G., ed., The Legitimacy ofthe Middle Ages, en Romanic Review, 79:1 (1988), pp. 1-248. Nichols, Stephen G.,ed., The New Philology, en Speculum, 65:1 (1990), pp. 1-108. Owens, Joseph, Mediaeval Studies Fifty Years After, Mediaeval Studies, 50 (1988), pp. 11-16. Owens, Joseph, Towards a Philosophy of Medieval Studies, Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1986. Paden, William D., ed., The Future of the Middle Ages. Medieval Literature in the 1990s, Gainesville, Univ. Press of Florida, 1994. Patterson, Lee, On the Margin: Postmodemism, Ironic History, and Medieval Studies, The New Philology, ed., Nichols, pp. 87-108. Patterson, Lee, Negotiating the Past: The Historical Understanding of Medieval Literature, Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1987.

Poirion, Daniel, ed., Intertextualits medievales, Littrature, 41 (1981), pp. 1-28. Richards, Earl Jeffrey, Modernism, Medievalism and Humanism: A Research Bibliography on the Reception of the Works of Emst Robert Curtius, Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fr Romanische Philologie, 196, Tbingen, Nierrieyer, 1983. Solomon, Michacl, Para quin edificamos torres? Theory and Hispanomedieval Studies, en La Cornica, 24:1 (1995), pp. 2-4. Spiegel, Gabrielle M., History, Historcism, and the Social Logic in the Middle Ages, The New Philology, ed., Nichols, pp. 59-86. Sturm-Maddox, Sara y D. Maddox, eds., Transtextualities: ofCycles and Cyclity in Medieval French Literature, Binghamton-Nueva Yoilc, University of Nueva York at Binghamton, 1996. Uiti, Karl D., The Poetico-Literary Dimensions and the Editing of Medieval Texts, What is Literature? France nOO-1600, ed. Comilliat, Langer, and Kelly, Lexington, French Forum, 1993, pp. 143-79. Uiti, Karl D., ed., The Poetics of Textual Criticism: The Od French Exemple, L'esprit crateur 27. 1 (1987), pp. 1128. Ura Maqua, Isabel, Panorama de los estudios actuales sobre literatura medieval espaola, en Medievalismo. Boletn de la Sociedad Espaola de Estudios Medievales, 3 (1993), pp. 97-118. Varash, Olga, Los estudios medievales en la Rusia actual, en Medievalismo. Boletn de la Sociedad Espaola de Estudios Medievales, 5 (1995), pp. 257-261. Varvaro, Alberto, Ispanismo e filologa romanza, en L'apporto italiano alia tradizione di studi ispanici, Roma, Istituto Cervantes, 1993, pp. 33^2.


Weiss, Julin y Joseph T. Snow, Hispanomedievalismo, en Revista de la Universidad Complutense, 2:4 (1984), pp. 171-194.

3.5: Recepcin y lectura

Coleman, Joyce, Public Reading and the Reading Public in Late Medieval England and France, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996. Dagenais, John, The Ethics of Reading in a Manuscript Culture: Glossing the Libro de Buen Amor, Princeton, Princeton Univ. Press, 1994. Cavallo, G., Leonardi, C , Menesto, E., eds.. Lo spazio letterario del medioevo, 1: II medioevo latino, III: La ricezione del testo, Roma, Salemo Editrice, 1995. Green, D.H., Medieval Listening and Reading. Primary Reception of Germn Literature, 800-1300, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ Press, 1994. Huot, Silvia, The Romance ofthe Rose and Its Medieval Readers. Interpretation, Reception, Manuscript Transmission, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993. Jager, Eric, The Book ofthe Heart: Reading and Writing the Medieval Subject, en Speculum, 71:1 (1996), pp. 1-26. Krueger, Robera L., Women Readers and the Ideology of Gender in Od French Verse Romance, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993. Lerer, Seth, ed., Reading from the Margins: Textual Studies, Chaucer and Medieval Literature, San Marino, Calif., Huntington Library, 1996. Lewis, Suz&nne, Reading Images: Narrative Discourse and Reception in the Thirteenth-Century Illuminated Apocalypse, Cambridge, Eng., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Petrucci, Armando, Writers and Readers in Medieval Italy: Studies in the History

ofWritten Culture, Londres, Yale Univ. Press, 1995. Reynolds, Suzanne, Medieval Reading: Grammar, Rhetoric and the Classical Text. Cambridge, Eng., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996. Sidwell, Keith, Reading Medieval Latin, Cambridge, Eng., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Spearng, A. C , Readings in Mediaeval Poetry, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987. Telan, John, Petrus Alfonsi and His Medieval Readers, Gainesville-TallahasseeTampa, University Press Florida, 1993. Toohey, R, Reading Epic. An Introduction to the Ancient Narratives, London, Routledge, 1992.


4.1: Mtrica
Heinemann, Edward A., L'art mtrique de la chanson de geste: Essai sur la musicalit du rcit, Geneva, Droz, 1993. Thiolier-Mjean, Suzanne, La pratique des troubadours: Trois tudes sur le sirvents, Pars, PUF, 1994. Toswell, M.J., ed., Prosody and Poetics in the Early Middle Ages: Essays in HonourofC.B. Hieatt, Toronto-BufaloLondres, Univ. Toronto Press, 1995.

4.2: Narratologa
Bekker-Nielsen, H., Feote, P, Haarder, A., cas.. Medieval Narrative. A Symposium. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium Organized by the Centre for the Study ef Vernacular Literature in the Middle Ages. Held atOdense University on 20-21 November, 1978, Odense, Odense Univ. Press, 1979. Boland, Margaret M., Architectural


Siructure in the *Lais of Marie de France, Nueva York, Peter Lang, 1995. Burgess, Glyn S., The Od French Narrative Lay: An Analytical Bibliography, Woodbridge, Suffolk, Rochester, Boydell-Brewer, 1995. Gier, A. y otros, Narrativa breve medieval romnica. Granada, Universidad, 1991. Gonziez-Casanovas, Roberto J., The Apostolic Hero and Community in Ramn Llull's Blanquema: A Uterary Study of a Medieval Utopia, Nueva York, Peter Lang, 1995. Haug, Walter, Wachinger, B., eds., Positionen des Romans im spten Mittelalter, Tbingen, Niemeyer, 1991. Manhes-Deremble, Colette y Jean-Paul Deremble, Les vitraux narratifs de la cahdrale de Chartres: tude iconographique, Pars, Lopard d'Or, 1993. Nieto Garca, Mara Dolores, Estructura y funcin de los relatos medievales, Madrid, CSIC, 1993. Stanesco, M., Zink, M.,Histoire europenne du romn medieval. Esquisse et perspectives, Pars, PUF, 1992. Sullivan, C.W., ed., The Mabinogi: A Book of Essays, Nueva York-Londres, Garland, 1996.

Fallows, David, Songs and Musicians in the Fifteenth Century, Aldershot-Brookfield, Variorum, 1996. Fowler, Barbara Mugues, trad., Songs of a Friend: Love Lyrics of Medieval Portugal Selections from Cantigas de amigo, Chapel Hill, N.C.-Londres, Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1996. Gallo, F. Alberto, Music in the Castle: Troubadours, Books and Orators in Itallan Courts ofthe Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, Chicago-Londres, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1995. Switten, Margaret L, Music and Poetry in the Middle Ages: A Cuide to Research on French and Occitan Songs, 1001400, Nueva York-Garland, Garland, 1995.

4.4: Oralidady recitacin

Banniard, Michel, Viva voce: communication crite et communication rale du V' au IX' siecle en Occident latin, Pars, Institut des tudes Augustiniens, 1992. Foley, John Miles, The Singer of Tales in Performance, Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press, 1995. Nicolaisen, W.F.H., ed.. Oral Tradition in the Middle Ages, Binghamton, State Univ. of New York at Binghamton, 1995. Pilch, Herbert, ed., Orality and Uteracy in Early Middle English, Tbingen, Gunter Narr., 1996. Zumthor, P., Introduccin a la poesa oral, Madrid, Ctedra, 1991.

4.3: Msica y poesa

Baltzer, Rebbeca A., Cable, Thomas, Wimsatt, James I., eds., The Union ofWords and Music in Medieval Poetry, Austin, Univ. of Texas Press, 1991 Boockmann, H., Grezmann, L., MUer, B. y Staehelin, M., eds., Literatur, Musikund Kunst im bergang vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit, Bericht ber Kolloquien der Kommission zur Erforschung der Kultur des Sptmittelalters, 1989 bis 1992, Gttingen, Vandemhoeck & Ruprecht, 1995. Earp, Lawrencc, Guillaume de Machaut: A Cuide to Research, Nueva York-Londres, Garland, 1995.

4.5: Teora literaria y teora del estilo

Minnis, A.J. y A.B. Scott, eds., Medieval Uterary theory and criticism, c. 1100-


c. 1375: the comentary-tradition, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1988. Poirion, D., cd., Styles et valeurs. Pour une histoire de l'art littraire au moyen age, Pars, Sedes, 1990. Weiss, Julin, The Poet's Art. Literary Theory in Castile C. 1400-60, Oxford, The Society for the Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature, 1990.

4.6: Verso y prosa

Dronke, Peter, Verse with prose from Petronius to Dante: the art and scope ofthe mixedform, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1994. Houwen, L.A.J.R. y A.A. MacDonald, eds., Loyal Letters: Studies on Mediaeval Alliterative Poetry and Prose, Groningen, Egbert Forsten, 1994. Kelly, Douglas, The arts of poetry and prose, Tmhout, Brepols, 1991. Pabst, Bemahrd, Prosimetrum: Tradition und Wandel einer Literaturform zwischen Spdtantike und Sptmittelater, Colonia-Weimar-Viena, BOhlau, 1994, 2 vols. Pastemack, Carol Braun, The Textuality of Od English Poetry, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Stella, Francesco, ed., // verso europeo, Florencia, Consiglio Regionale della Toscana-Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 1995. Storey, H. Waync, Transcription and Visual Poetics in the Early tallan Lyric, Nueva York-Garland, Garland, 1993.

von der Walde y C. Abelln, eds., Voces de la edad media. Actas de las III jomadas medievales, Mxico, UNAM, 1993. Dronke, Peter, Las escritoras de la Edad Media, Barcelona, Crtica, 1995. Farrell, Thomas J., ed., Bakhtin and Medieval Voices, Gainesville, Univ. Press of Florida, 1995. Kimmelman, Burt, The Poetics ofAuthorship in the Later Middle Ages: The Emergence ofthe Modem Literary Persona, Nueva York, Peter Lang, 1996. Minnis, A.].,Medieval Theory ofAuthorship. Scholastic Literary Attitudes in the Later Middle Ages, Aldershot, Wildwood House, 1988. Seymour, M.C., gen. ed., Authors of the Middle Ages (English Writers of the Late Middle Ages), Aldershot-Brookfield, Variorum, 1994.


5.1: Gneros literarios: teora

Boitani, Piero, The Tragic and the sublime in medieval literature, Cambridge, C.U.R, 1992. Chance, Jane, ed., Gender and Text in the Later Middle Ages, Gainesville, Univ. Press of Florida, 1996. Errera, Andrea, Arbor actionum: Genere letterario e forma di classificazione delle azioni nella doctrina dei glossatori, Bolonia, Monduzzi, 1995. Gaunt, Simn, Gender and Genre in Medieval French Literature, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Lonard, Monique, Le dit et sa technique littraire des origines 1340, Pars, Honor Champion, 1996.

4.7: Voces


Brown, Cynthia, Poets, Patrons and Printers: Crisis of Authorlty In Late Medieval France, Ithaca-Londres, Comell University Press, 1995. Company, Concepcin, A. Gonzlez, Lilian

5.2: Exempla
Berlioz, Jacques y Maric Anne Polo de


Beaulieu, eds., Les exempla mdivaux: introduction la recherche, suivie des tables critiques de I'Index exemplorum de Frederic C. Tubach, Pars, Garae/Hesiode, 1992. Scheller, Robert W., Exemplum: ModelBook Drawings and the Practice of Artistic Transmission in the Middle Ages (ca. 900-ca. 1470), Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 1995.

5.3: Historiografa
Coleman, Janet, Ancient and medieval memories: studies in the reconstruction of the past, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Chronica hispana saeculi XII. Pars 1, ed. E. Falque, J. Gil, A. Maya, Tumhout, Brepols, 1990. Chronica hispana saeculi XII, 2: Chronica naierensis, ed. J.A. Estvez Sola, Tumhout, Brepols, 1995.

5.4: Libros de caza

Strubel, Amaud, de Saulnier, Chantal, La potique de la chasse au moyen age. Les livres de chasse du XIV* sicle, Pars, PUF, 1994.

inferno. Dramma bblico. Tecnologa dell'allestimento. Vitertxj 10-15 luglio 1983, Viterbo-Roma, Centro studi sul teatro medioevale e rinascimentale, 1984. Chiabo, M. y Doblio, F., eds., Diavoli e mostri in scena dal Medio Evo al Rinascimento, Atti del convegno di studi, Roma 30 giugno/3 iuglio 1988, Viterbo-Roma, Centro studi sul teatro medioevale e rinascimentale, 1989 Chiabo, M., y Doglio, F , eds., Esperienze dello spettacolo religioso neWEuropa del Quattrocento, XVI Convegno, Roma, 1777-20 giugno 1992, Anagni, 21 giugno 1992, Viterbo-Roma, Centro studi sul teatro medioevale e rinascimentale, 1993. Chiabo, M., y Doglio, F., eds., Teatro cmico fra Medio Evo e Rinascimento.La farsa, Atti del convegno di studi, Roma 30 ottobre/2 novembre 1986, Viterbo-Roma, Centro studi sul teatro medioevale e rinascimentale, 1987. Harris, John Wesley, Medieval Theatre in Context. An Introduction, London, Routledge, 1992. Kelly, Henry Ansgar, Ideas and Forms of Tragedy from Aristotle to the Middle Ages, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993.


6.1: Contextos cortesanos 5.5: Teatro. Teora dramatrgica

Aubailly, J.Cl., Dubruck, E.E., eds., Le thtre et la cit dans l'Europe medieval, Actes du Ve CoUoque International de la Socit Internationale pour l'tude du thtre medieval (Perpignan, juillet 1986), Stuttgart, Heinz, 1988. Chiabo, M., Doglio, F , Maymone, M., eds., Atti IV colloquio della Socit Internationale pour l'tude du thtre medieval. Processo in paradiso e in Ascheri, Mario, stituzioni medievali: Una introduzione, Bolonia, II Mulino, 1994. Blanchard, Jol, ed., Reprsentation, pouvoir et royaut lafindu moyen age, Pars, Picard, 1995. Boitani, Piero y Anna Torti, eds., Intellectuals and writers infourteenthcentury Europe: the J.A.W. Bennett Memorial Lectures. Perugia, 1994, Tbingen, Narr y Cabridge, Brewer, 1986. Busby, Keith, Kooper, Erik, Courtly


Literature Culture and Context. Selected Papers from the 5th Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, Dalfsen The Netherlands, 9-16 August 1986, Amstcrdam, Philadelphia: J. Benjamins, 1990. Dronke, Pcter, Intellectuals and Poets in Medieval Europe, Roma, Edizione di storia e letteratura, 1992. Dunn, Diana E.S., ed., Courts, Counties and the Capital in the Later Middle Ages, New York, St. Martin's Press, 1996. Gellrich, Jesse M.,Discourse and Dominion in the Fourteenth Century: Oral Contexts of Writing in Philosophy, Politics and Poetry, Princeton, Princeton Univ. Press, 1995. Godman, Peter, Poets and emperors: Frankish politics and Carolingian poetry, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987. Gonzlez Muoz, Fernando, Latinidad mozrabe: Estudios sobre el latn de Albaro de Crdoba, La Corua-Crdoba, Universidade da Corua-Univ. de Crdoba, 1996. Gualdo, Germano, ed.. Cancellera e cultura nel medio evo. Comunicazioni presntate nelle giomate di studio della commissione. Stoccarda, 29-30 agosto 1985. XVI congresso intemazzionale di science storiche, Citt del Vaticano, Archivio Segreto, 1990. Guglielmi, Nilda, Rucquoi, Adeline, eds.. El discurso poltico en la Edad Media/ Le discours politique au Moyen Age, Buenos Aires, Programa de Investigaciones Medievales, 1995. Jnson, Einar Mar, Le miroir: Naissance d'un genre littraire, Pars, Les Selles Lettres, 1995. Kent, Bonnie, Virtues of the Will: The Transformation of Ethics in the late Thirteenth Century, Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 1995. Lemaire, Jacques, Les visions de la vie de cour dans la littrature frangaise de

la fin du moyen age, Bruselas, Palais des Acadmies-KIincksieck, 1994. Markale, Jean, L'amour courtois ou le couple infernal, Pars, Imago, 1987. McCash, June Hall, ed., The Cultural Patronage ofMedieval Women, Athens, Ga.-Londres, Univ. of Georgia Press, 1996. McKitterick, R., ed., The Uses of Uteracy in Early Medioeval Europe, Cambridge-New York, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990. Parsons, John Carmi, Eleonor of Castile: Queen and Society in Thirteenth-Century England, Nueva York, St. Martin's Press, 1995. Real Ramos, Elena, El arte de la seduccin en el mundo romnico medieval y renacentista. Valencia, Universitat, 1995. Rychner, i.,Lanarrationdessentiments, des penses et des discours dans quelques oeuvres des XII' et XIII' sicles, Genve, Droz, 1990. Walker, Grey, Persuasive Fictions: Faction, Faith and Political Culture in the Reign ofHenry VIH, Aldershot, Scolar Press, 1996. Zimmermann, Margarette y Dina De Rentiis, eds., The City ofScholars: New Approaches to Christine de Pizan, Berln-Nueva York, Walter de Groyster, 1995.

6.2: Educacin medieval

Astell, Ann W., Chaucer and the Universe ofLeaming, Ithaca, Nueva York y Londres, Comell Univ. Press, 1996. Bono, James J., The Word of God and the Languages ofMan: Interpreting Nature in Early Modem Science and Medicine, 1: Ficino to Descartes, Madison, Wis., Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1995. Brown, Catherine, Sophisticated teaching: dialectic and the medieval literature of


contradiction, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1993. Crombie, A.C., Science, Art and Nature in Medieval and Modem Thought, Londres-Ro Grande-Ohio, Hambledon Press, 1996. French, Roger y A. Cunningham, Befare Science: The Invenlion of the Friars Natural Philosophy, Aldershot-Brookfield, Variorum, 1996. Gabriel, Astrik L., The Paris Studium: Robert of Sorbonne and His Legacy, Frankfurt-Main, Josef Knotch, 1992. Hamesse, Jacqueline, ed., Manuels, programmes de cours et techniques d'enseignement dans les universits medievales, Louvain-la-Neuve, Institu d'tudes Medievales, 1994. Hamesse, Jacqueline, ed.. Les manuscripts de lexiques et glossaires de l'antiquit tardive lafindu mayen age, Louvainla-Neuve, Fderation Internationale des Institus d'tudes Medievales, 1996. Las abreviaturas en la enseanza medieval y la transmisin del saber, Barcelona, Universitat, 1990. Law, Vivien, Wisdom, Authority and Grammar in the Seventh Century: Decoding Virgilius Maro Grammaticus, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Maatern J.F.M. Hoenen, J.H. Josef Schneider, Philosophy and Learning: Universities in the Middle Ages, Leiden-Nueva York-Colonia, E.J. Brill, 1995. Olson, Paul A., The Journey to Wisdom. Self-Education in Patristic and Medieval Literature, Lincoln-Londres, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1995. Rbade Romeo, Sergio, El renacimiento intelectual de los siglos XII y XIII: un humanismo medieval, en Edad Media y mundo actual. En torno al siglo XIII europeo, Madrid, Fundacin Ramn Areces, 1995, pp. 33-62. Roest, Bert, Reading the Book of History:

Intellectual Contexts and Educational Functions ofFranciscan Historiography, I226-ca. 1350, Groningen, C. Regenboog, 1996. Rich, Fierre, Education et culture dans I 'Occident barbare, VI'- Vil' sicle, Pars, Seuil, 1995. Santini, Cario, ed., Saxo Grammaticus: Tra storiografia e letteratura, Roma, II Clamo, 1992. Verger, Jacques, Les universits frangaises au moyen age, Leiden-Nueva YorkColonia, E.J. Brill, 1995. Weijers, Olga, ed., Vocabulaire des coles et des mthodes d'enseignement au moyen age. Actes du colloque Rome 21-22 Octobre 1989, Tumhout, Brepols, 1992. Weijers, Olga, ed.. La Disputatio la Facult des arts de Paris (200-1350 environ). Esquisse d'une typologie, Tumhout, Brepols, 1995. Weijers, Olga, ed., Vocabulary ofTeaching and Research between Middle Ages and Renaissance. Proceedings of the Colloquium London, Warburg Institute, 11-12 March 1994, Tumhout, Brepols, 1995. Weijers, Olga, Le travail intellectuel la Facult des arts de Paris: Textes et maitres (ca. 1200-1500). 1: Rpertoire des noms comengant par A-B, Tumhout, Brepols, 1992. Wlodek, Sophie, ed.,Socitet glise: Textes et discussions dans les universits d'Europe cntralependant le moyen age tardif, Tumhout, Brepols, 1995.

6.3: Filosofa y lenguaje

Beuchot, Mauricio, Signo y lenguaje en la filosofa medieval, Mxico, UNAM, 1993. Beuchot, Mauricio, Lafilosofia del lenguaje en la Edad Media, Mxico, U.N.A.M., 1991. Beuchot, Mauricio, Significado y discurso: lafilosofia del lenguaje en algunos es-


colsticos espaoles post-medievales, Mxico, U.N.A.M., 1988. Domnguez, Femando y Jaime de Salas, ed., Constantes y fragmentos del pensamiento luliano (Actas del simposio sobre Ramn Uull en Trujillo, 17-20 septiembre 1994), Tbingen, Max Niemeyer, 1996. Garca Cuadrado, Jos ngel, Hacia una semntica realista. La filosofa del lengttaje de San Vicente Ferrer, Pamplona, Eunsa, 1994. Michael de Marbasio, Summa de modis significandi, ed. L.G. Kelly, Stuttgart, Frommann-Holzboog, 1995. Rosier, Irene, La parole comme acte. Sur la grammaire et la smantique au XIIF sicle. Avec la traduction de textes indits, Pars, J. Vrin, 1994.

6.4: Historia y geografa

Archer, RowenaE., ed., Crown, Government and People in the Fifteenth Century, Nueva York, St. Martin's Press, 1995. Bensch, Stephen P., Barcelona and Its Rulers, 096-1221, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Carozzi, Claude y Huguette TavianiCarozzi, eds., Peuples du moyen age: Problmes d'Identification, Aix-enProvence, Univ. of Provence, 1996. Estow, Clara, Pedro the Cruel of Castile, 1350-1369, Lciden-Nueva York-Colonia, Brill, 1995. Fomasari, Giuseppe, Medioevo riformato del seclo XI: Pier Damiani e Gregorio VII, peles, Liguori, 1996. Glick, Thomas F, From Muslim Fortress to Christian Castle: Social and Cultural Change in Medieval Spain, Manchester-Nueva York, Manchester Univ. Press, 1995. Grant, Edward, Pkmets, Stars and Orbs: The Medieval Cosmos, 1200-1687, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996.

Hicks, Michael, Bastard Feudalism, LeidenNueva York, Longman, 1995. Hanawalt, Barbara A. y David Wallace, eds., Bodies and Disciplines: Intersections of Literature and History in FifteenthCentury England, Minneapolis-Londres, Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1996. Hen, Yitzhak, Culture and Religin in Merovigian Gaul, A.D. 481-751, Leiden, Nueva York, Colonia, E.J. Brill, 1995. Horrox, Rosemary, ed., Fifteenth-Century Attitudes: Perceptions of Society in Late Medieval England, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994. Mirrer, Louise, Women, Jews and Muslims in the Texts ofReconquest Castile, Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press, 1996. Nirenberg, David, Communities ofViolence: Persecution ofMinorities in the Middle Ages, Princeton, Princeton Univ. Press, 1996. Palazzo, Eric, Le moyen age: Des origines au Xtie sicle, Pars, Beauchese, 1993. Zumthor, R, La mesure du monde. Rpresentation de I'espace au moyen age, 1993 [traduccin: Madrid, Ctedra, 1994]

6.5: Judaismo
Bonfil, Roberto, Tra due mondi: Cultura ebraica e cultura cristiana nel medioevo. aples, Liguori, 1996. Roth, Norman, Conversos, Inquisitionandthe Expulsin of the Jews from Spain, Madison, Univ. of Wsconsin Press, 1995. Zonta, Mauro, La filosofa antica nel medioevo ebraico: Le traduzioni ebraiche medievali dei testi filosofici antichi, Brescia, Paideia, 1996.

6.6: Religin (vida monstica y peregrinaciones)

Beech, George, Yves Chauvin y Georges


Pon, cds., Le Conventum (vers 1030): Un prcurseur aquitain des premieres popes, Ginebra, Droz, 1995. Bernard, Philippe, Du chant romain au chant grgorien (IV'-XHf sicle), Pars, Cerf, 1996. Brown, Andrew D., Popular Piety in Late Medieval England: The Diocese of Salisbury, 1250-1550, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1995. Constable, Giles, Culture and Spirituality in Medieval Europe, AldershotBrookfield, Variorum, 1996. Crombie, A.C., Science, Art and Nature in Medieval and Modem Thought, Londres-Ro Grande, Ohio, Hambledon Press, 1996. Derwich, Marek, ed.,La vie quotidienne des moines et chanoines rguliers au moyen age et temps moderne, Wroclaw, Publ. de rinstitut d'Histoire de i''Universit de Wroclaw, 1995, 2 vols. Dunn, Maryjane y L. Kay Davidson, eds., The Pilgrimage to Compostela in the Middle Ages: A Book ofEssays, Nueva York-Londres, Garland, 1996. Edwards, John, Religin and Society in Spain, c. 1492, Aldershot-Brookfield, Variorum, 1996. Folz, Robert, Les saintes reines du moyen age en Occident (VI'-XIll' sicles), Bruselas, Socit des Bondalistes, 1992. Jotischky, Andrew, The Perfection of Solitude: Hermits and Monks in the Crusades, States Univ. Park, Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1995. Kuczynski, Michael P.,PropheticSong: The Psalms as Moral Discourse in Late Medieval England, Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1995. McNamara, Jo Ann y John E. Holborg, eds., Sainted Women ofthe Dark Ages, DurhamLondres, Duke Univ. Press, 1992. Metzger, Marcel, Les sacrameniaires, Tumhout, Brepols, 1994. Moonan, Lawrence, Divine Power: The Medieval Power Distinction up to Its

Adoption by Albert, Bonaventure, and Aquinas, Oxford-Nueva York, Clarendon-Oxford Press, 1994. Pranger, M.B., Bernard of Clairvaux and the Shape ofMonastic Thought: Broken Dreams, Leiden-Nueva York-Colonia, E.J. Brill, 1994. Remensnyder, Amy G., Remembering Kings Past: Monastic Foundation Legends in Medieval Southern France, Ithaca, N.Y.Londres, Comell Univ. Press, 1995. Swanson, R.N., Religin and Devotion in Europe, c. 1215-c. 1515, Cambridge, Eng., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995.

6.7: Trovadores
Mancini, Mario, Mettrforafeudale. Per una storia dei trovatori, Bologna, II Mulino, 1993. 7. MATERIAS. TEMAS.

7.1: Bibliografas. Glosarios

Daz de Bustamante, J.M., Lage Cotos, M.E., Lpez Pereira, J.E., Bibliografa de latn medieval en Espaa (19501992), Spoleto, Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medievo, 1994. Dworkin, S.N., Bi\\ick,D.J.,Lexical Studies of Medieval Spanish Texts. A Bibliography of Concordances, Glossaries, Vocabularies and Selected Word Studies, Tbingen, Niemeyer, 1993. Lindsay, Wallace Martin, Studies in Early Mediaeval Latin Glossaries, ed. M. Lapidge, Aldershot-Brookfield, Variorum, 1996. Weijers, Olga, Dictionnaires et rpertoires au Moyen Age: Une tude du vocabulaire, TUmhout, Brepols, 1991.

7.2: Fuentes. Temas

Berlioz, J. y otros, dentifier sources et citations, Tumhout, Brepols, 1994.


Polloni, Domenico, Amour e clergie. Un percorso testuale da Andrea Cappellano aWArcipreste de Hita, Bolonia, Patrn Editore, 1995.

7.3: Materia caballeresca

Boron, Robert of, Joseph d'Arimathie, ed. R. O'Gorman, Toronto, Pontifical Instituto of Medieval Studies, 1995. Chocheyras, Jacques, Tristn et Iseut: Cnese d'un mythe littraire, Pars, Honor Champion, 1996. Chrtien de Troyes, La copie de Guiot, fot. 79v-105r du manuscrit fr 794 de la Bibliothque Nationale, i chevaliers au lyeon de Chrestien de Troyes, ed. Kajsa Meyer, Amsterdam-Atlanta, Rodopi, 1995. Dunning R.y/.,Arthur: The King in the West, Nueva York, St. Martin's Press, 1995. Gaucher, Elisabeth, La biographie chevaleresque. Typologie d'un genre {XIU'-XV sicle), Pars, Champion, 1994. Kennedy, Edward Donald, ed., KingArthur: A Casebook, Nueva York-Londres, Garland, 1996. Lacarra, M. E., ed.. Evolucin narrativa e ideolgica de la literatura caballeresca, A\a\,V.P.V., 1991. Lacy, Norris J., Text and Intertext in Medieval Arthurian Literature, Nueva York-Londres, Garland, 1996. Martines, V., Els cavallers literaris. Assaig sobre literatura cavalleresca catalana medieval, Madrid, UNED. 1995. Tumbull, Stephen, The Book ofthe Medieval Knight, Londres, Arms and Armour Press, 1995.

7.4: Materia clsica. Latn medieval

Baswell, Christopher, Virgil in Medieval England: Figuring the Aeneidfrom the Twelfth Century to Chaucer, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995.

Bernardo, Aldo S. y Levin, Sal, eds., The Classics in the Middle Ages. Papers of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, Binghamton, Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, 1990. Godman, Peter, Murray, Orwyn.Ia/i'n Poetry and the Classical Tradition. Essays in Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990. Leonardi, C , Olse, B.M., eds., The Classical Tradition in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Proceedings of the First European Science Foundation Workshp on The Reception of Classical Texts (Florence, Certosa del Galluzio, 26-27 June 1992), Spoleto, Centro Italiano sull'Alto Medioevo, 1995. Lilly, Reginald, ed., The Ancients and the Modern, Bloomington-Indianapolis, Indiana Univ. Press, 1996. Pecere, Oronzo, Recve, Michael D., eds., Formative Stages of Classical Traditions: Latin Texts from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Proceedings of a Conference Held at Erice, 16-22 October 1993, as the 6th Course of International School for the Study of Written Records, Spoleto, Centro Italiano di Studi sull'alto medievale, 1995. Preminger, Alex, ed., Classical and medieval literary criticism: translations and interpretations, Nueva York, F. Ungarar, 1983. Sherman, C.R., Imaging Aristotle. Verbal and Visual Representation in Fourteenth-Century France, BerkeleyLos Angeles-Londres, Univ. California Press, 1995. Wright, Neil, History and Literature in Late Antiquity and the Early Medieval V/est: Studies in Intertextuality, Aldershot, Eng.-Brookfield, Variorum, 1995. Wright, Roger, ed., Latin and the Romance Languages in the Early Middle Ages, Pennsylvania, University Press, 1996.


7.5: Materia


Clark, Francelin Masn, Theme in Oral Epic and in Beowulf, Nueva York-Londres, Garland, 1995. Davidson, Lola Sharon y A.A. Macdonald, The Epic in History, Sidney, Sidney Association for Studies in Society and Culture, 1994. Frakes, Jerod C , Brides and Doom: Gender, Property and Power in Medieval Germn Women's Epic, Philadelphia, Univ. Pennsylvania Press, 1994. Kay, Sarah, The Chanson de geste in the Age of Romance: Political Fictions, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1995. Mandach, Andr de, Naissance et dveloppement de la chanson de geste en Europe, 6: Chanson de Roland. Transfer de mythe dans le monde occidental et oriental. Gene ve, Droz, 1993. Mora-Lebrun, Francine, L'Enide mdivale et la chanson du geste, Pars, Champion, 1994. Murdoch, Brian, The Germanic Hero: Politics and Pragmatism in Early Medieval Poetry, Londres-Ro Grande (Ohio), Hambledon Press, 1996.

Dales, Richard C , The Problem of the Rational Soul in the Thirteenth Century, Leiden-Nueva York-Colonia, E.J.Brill, 1995. Frank, Isnard Wilhelm, A Concise History of the Medioeval Church, trad. John Bowden, Nueva York, Continuum, 1995. Gaon, Solomon, The Influence of the Catholic Theologian Alfonso Tostado on the Pentateuch Commentary of Isaac Abravanel, Hoboken-Nueva York, Sephardic House, 1993. Jantzen, Grace M., Power, Gender and Christian Mysticism, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Maya Snchez, A., ed.. Vitas sanctorum patrum Emeretensium, Turnhout, Brcpols, 1992. Pelikan, Jaroslav, Mary through the Centuries: Her Place in the History of Culture, New Haven, Conn.-Londres, Yale Univ. Press, 1996. Pulega, Andrea, Amore crtese e modelli teologici. Guglielmo IX, Chrtien de Troyes, Dan/e, Miln, Jaca Book, 1995.

7.7: Materia troyana

Jung, Marc-Ren, La lgende de Trole en France au moyen age: Analyse des versions frangaises et bibliographie raisonne des manuscrits, BaselTbingen, Francke, 1996.

7.6: Materia religiosa (miracula, vidas de santos, teologa)

Constable, Giles, Three studies in medieval religious and social thought: the interpretation ofMary and Martha; the ideal ofimitation ofChrist: the orders of society, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Chtillon, Jean, Le mouvement canonial au Moyen Age: reforme de l'glise, spiritualitet culture,Tumhoal, Brepols, 1992. D'Alverny, Marie-Therse, Pense mdivale en Occident. Thologie, magie et autres textes des XII'-XIU' sicles, ed. C. Burnett, Aldhersot, Variorum, 1995.

7.8: Prodigios y mirabilia. Bestiarios

Balard, Michel, pres., Miracles, prodiges et merveilles au moyen age, Pars, Pub. Sorbona, 1995. Biow, Douglas, Mirabile dictu: Representations of the Marvelous in Medieval and Renaissance Epic, Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press, 1996. Dubost, Francis, Aspects fantastiques de la


littrature narrative mdivale: l'autre, l'ailleurs, l'autrefois, 2 vols., Genve, Slatkine, 1991. Dukes, Eugene D., Magic and Witchcraft in the DarkAges, Lanham-Nueva YorkLondres, Univ. Press of America, 1996. Flores, Nona C , ed., Animis in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays, Nueva YorkLondres, Garland, 1996. Franco, Hilario, Jr., A Eva barbada: Ensaios de mitologia medieval, S3ao Paulo, Universidad de S3o Paulo, 1995. Gigliucci, Robeo,Lo spettacolo delta marte. Esttica e ideologa del macabro nella letteratura medievale, Anzio, De Rubcis, 1994. Hassig, Debra, Medieval Bestiaries. Text, Image, deology, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Hicks, Carola, Animis in Early Medieval Art, Edimburgo, Edimburgh Univ. Press, 1993. Mattoso, Jos, ed., O reino dos martas na idade media peninsular, Lisboa, JoSo S da Costa, 1996. Varvaro, A., Apparizzioni fantastiche. Tradizioni falcloriche e letteratura nel medioevo: Walter Map, Bologna, II Malino, 1994. Vincnsini, Jean-Jacques, Pense mythique et narrations medievales, Pars, Honor Champion, 1996. Von Martels, Zweder, ed., Travel Fact and Travel Fiction: Studies on Ficlion, Lterary Tradition, Scholarly Discavery and Observaran in Travel Writing, Leiden, Brill, 1994.

7.8: Sexualidad (masculinidad feminismo)

Baldwin, John W., The Language of Sex: Five Vaices from Northern France around 1200, Chicago-Londres, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1994. Bomstein, Daniel y Roberto Rusconi, eds.,

Wamen and Religin in Medieval and Renaissance Italy [1992], Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1996. Grana Cid, Mara del Mar, ed.. Las sabias mujeres. 2: Homenaje a Lola Luna (siglos HI-XVI), Madrid, Asoc. Cultural Al-Mudayna, 1995. Kay, Sarah y Miri Rubin, eds., Framing Medieval Bodies, Manchester-Nueva York, Manchester Univ. Press, 1994. Lees, Clare A., ed., Medieval Masculinities. Regarding Men in the Middle Ages, Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1994. Les femmes crivains en Italie au Moyen Age et a la Renaissance. Actes du colloque International Aix-en-Provence, 12,13,14 novembre 1992, Aix-enProvence, Publ. de l'Universit de Provence, 1994. Leupin, Alexandre, Barbarolexis: medieval writing and sexuality, Cambridge-Massachussets, Harvard University Press, 1989. Duby, G., Dames du XW sicle, 1: Helose, Alienar, Iseut et quelques autres, Madrid, Alianza, 1995. Rivera Carretas, Mara Milagros, Textos y espacias de mujeres, (Europa siglas IVXV), Barcelona, Icaria, 1990. Smith, Susan L., The Power of Women: A Topas in Medieval Art and Literature, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995. Surtz, Ronald E., Writing Women in Late Medieval and Early Modem Spain: The Mathers of Saint Teresa af Avila, Philadelphia, University of Pennsilvania Press, 1995. Weise, Angela June, Canquering the Reign of Femeny: Gender and Genre in Chaucer's Romance, WoodbridgeRochester, Boydell-Brewer, 1995. Wilhelm, James J., ed., Gay and Lesbian Poetry: An Antology fram Sappha ta Michelangelo, Nueva York-Londres, Gariand, 1995.



8.1: Escolstica
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