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Study Guide GI Assessment: Auscultation: hyperactive, hypoactive, normoactive bowel sounds and what they indicate Palpation: mcBurney,

murphys sign, Purcussion: high pitched sounds (air), flat/dull sounds (fluid) Stoma: how it should look, output and skin Small Intestine: 3 parts and what makes them different from the other 2 How long each one is if I have a Crohns client who has had resection of their small bowel at what point will they be at risk for dumping syndrome? For B12 deficiencey? Short bowel syndrome? What do we do for a small bowel obstruction (SBO)? Is this condition possibly life threatening and if so, how? An end ileostomy is formed from the ileum of the small intestine. It is brought through the abdominal wall and secured to the skin. Basic ostomy care (recall from fundamentals) is needed for this client as well as lots of teaching and self-image evaluation and reinforcement. It can be permanent or temporary. The most important thing about ostomy care is skin care. The most important ostomy client care is their hydration status, then nutrition status. Ileostomies can be continent pouch formed inside and emptied either through the anus or through a tube inserted into a flush stoma with a valve. Clients with a Kock (pronounced coke) pouch are strongly encouraged to wear a medical alert so that healthcare personnel do not mistake their continent ileostomy stoma for an un-pouched classic stoma. This could cause rupture of the intestinal pouch if not emptied. Loss of motility (ileus) and circulation [one usually leads to the other] can lead to perforation (or leaking through stretched mucosa) of the bowel causing peritonitis. Large Intestine: How do we help a client when they have difficulties and life impairment due to flatulence? Colostomies can be trained and do not always need to have a collection pouch but can have a cap instead. How is this done? Obstruction of the outlet for an ostomy is a serious and can be life threatening situation. What advice would you give a client to help them resolve an obstruction at home and when should they come to the ER? What is the difference between Crohns and Colitis and Irritable Bowel syndrome? Whats a sitz bath, how do we give one and why? Diverticulosis s/s can be reduced in frequency by increasing what in the diet? What is the usual medical management for diverticulitis? How would you explain a diverticula to your client? Liver: Bilirubin buildup causes jaundice which looks like what? What causes ascites? What is the difference between Hepatitis ABCDE? HBV vaccine is given how? When? To whom? How is it stored?

HAV vaccine is given how? When? To whom? How is it stored? Epogen is a medication that can be given by what route? What is it for? Hows it work? Gallbladder: What is the most common cause of gall stones? How to we treat gall stones we dont always have surgery. What sign goes with this? Pancrease: refer to DM/endocrine Spleen: holds RBC and filters antigens from blood

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