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Finding Shelter under the Swastika

Exercising the Will

By Hagur

Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14

Finding Shelter under the Swastika

Exercising the Will
By Hagur 88/14

Aryan man has escaladed high mountains as the Himalayas, penetrated the densest jungles, plodded through ice to the North and South Poles, and even deep into sea and earth. Dauntless Aryan warriors have thus explored the outer world. The world of the mind, however, the vast continent of consciousness, remained more or less as to the psychologists Carl Gustav Jung, Sigmund Freud and contemporaries largely uncharted and unknown. Before them, a number of wastelands had been discovered by psychologists, but beyond them laid vast stretches of unexplored mental territory. In ages gone by, Sages have adventured in these unfrequented areas of human awareness without todays known and scientific results, and from there the world-religions were founded based on pure speculation, where god and man remains a complete mystery up this very day. Carl Gustav Jung focussed our attention on the domain of meanings behind the world of outer things. Today we know the reasons for multitudes of undigested experiences, restlessness, frayed nerves, and mental disorders. From there, the physical body, responsive to the mind also suffers. Unresolved and unexamined tensions that produce illness and disease are built up in the consciousness, while physicians frequently prescribe rest and quiet. It is easy to set the body; it is quite a different matter to quiet the mind. Today faithful Aryans fighting for the safeguard of the White Race, not only a plethora of unpleasant thoughts may well up in consciousness confronting todays multiracial problems, but also they are physically attacked, the Aryan way of life and culture. The hurts and wounds that the multiracials daily inflict upon us are unthinkable painful. It takes us a measure of heroism to withstand the multiracials and minor races around, as through them our Aryan ideals cannot always be maintained into practice. The following pages help us gradually how to develop the will-power within each one of us, the more that we are found today in a swirling, brawling, tumultuous world of conflicting multiracial forces. We watch them, we see them, forced to apply their stupid but dangerous laws, in front of which we often see ourselves helpless until warriors activate. Meanwhile too, we experience a strong sense of frustration because we are driven to unanticipated multiracial destinations. However, in the face of present Zionistic governments, we should never feel ourselves feeble, impotent and weak, as together we can and must change the current of multiracial events. Everyone should think for himself realising that the present governmental actions for multiracial living imposing to us, is doomed to failure, and that all their efforts are finally in vain, the quicker Aryans arise as wielders of power 2

Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 and influence. Aryans all joined together is an enormous power at the disposal of the White race worldwide. Meanwhile, every Aryan warrior individually, as we are all warriors, need to permit inner creative energies to be constructively channelled, and this through exercising the will or will-to-power. With the exercised individual will, finally constituting the exercised collective will of all the White together will re-conquer Aryan earth, sea and air. A changed world in a National Socialist society is to be brought again into being by tapping the vast reservoir of White Power, that finally it may be victoriously found among us and by making positive intentions cherish and direct forces in Aryan affairs. Tolerance is not an expression of the will, but only the strife is in reclaiming our rights. Our attitude must be one of the Triumphs of the Will, over the forces of fanatical multiracial dogmatism as found today. The following pages have been written as an introduction and a guide to the will experience and training. It is a tool for the quick exploration, development and utilisation of the will, describing its qualities and various aspects, and how it can be best operated. Now, I want to express my gratitude to all comrades from North of Europe and America who, while I was writing the book have encouraged me immensely. I also wish to thank Landulph who has made some pages available on his website for my writings to be viewed to the surfers, and in so doing giving me valuable cooperation. A few thoughts from a Nazi pamphlet from before 1933 Those Damned Nazis1, written by Joseph Goebbels: The Nation is the organic union of a people to protect its life. To be national is to affirm this union in word and deed. To be national has nothing to do with a form of government or a symbol. It is an affirmation of things, not forms. Forms can change, their content remains. If form and content agree, then the nationalist affirms both. If they conflict, the nationalist fights for the content and against the form. One may not put the symbol above the content. If that happens, the battle is on the wrong field and one's strength is lost in formalism. The real aim of nationalism, the nation, is lost. That is our real task as National Socialists. We were the first to recognize the connections, and the first to begin the struggle. Because we are socialists we have felt the deepest blessings of the nation, and because we are nationalists we want to promote socialist justice in a new Germany. We are nationalists because as Germans, we love Germany. Because we love Germany, we want to preserve it and fight against those who would destroy it. If a Communist shouts "Down with nationalism!", he means the hypocritical bourgeois patriotism that sees the economy only as a system of

This is a widely distributed Nazi pamphlet from before 1933. The title, loosely translated, is "Those Damned Nazis." At least several hundred thousand copies were printed. It is a good summary of the basic lines of Nazi propaganda just before Hitler's takeover in 1933.

Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 slavery. If we make clear to the man of the left that nationalism and capitalism, that is the affirmation of the Fatherland and the misuse of its resources, have nothing to do with each other, indeed that they go together like fire and water, then even as a socialist he will come to affirm the nation, which he will want to conquer. Todays battle: 1. A ruthless battle against multiracial corruption. 2. Systematic elimination of non-White racial elements from Aryan life in every area. 3. The return of loyalty and faith in our governments, but only when alive in National Socialism.

Honour Loyalty Duty

I trust that the development of the WILL of each and everyone may have a substantial role in the emergence of a new era for National Socialism. I leave the next step to the Aryans. Hagur 88/14 January 30th, 2001 Triumph of the Will Day.

Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14

Finding Shelter under the Swastika

Exercising the Will
Part I Any action can be transformed into an exercise of the will, provided it is done from habit or experienced as duty. An avalanche process is, therefore, set in motion; once we have discovered the power of will, enabling us to perform further acts of will. In this way we increase our source of will, and therefore become able to develop it even further, generating the will. The experience of the will occurs in three phases: (1) The recognition that the will exists. (2) The realisation of having a will. (3) The discovery of being a will. It is true that the discovery of the will is hard to put into words, but the path leading to it and the conditions favouring it can be indicated. An analogy to the discovery of the greatness of Adolf Hitler, while it is illuminating, it arouses an inner awakening which may come when one looks to a photograph and pictures of events during his life and obvious mission. The awakened sense of his greatness though weaker at first becomes clearer and develops through repeated marvelling and desire to become like him, Adolf Hitler the Perfect Example. The awakening can certainly be facilitated by creating favourable circumstances for the purpose of walking in his footsteps, for instance by talking about his excellency, attending meetings of various idealistic nature as in musical gatherings, Reichfolk rituals as the Ceremony for the Dedication of the NS Honour Knife, CDs and Videos, etc. In whatever way the discovery of the will happens, either spontaneously or through conscious action, in a personal crisis facing multiracial problems where our own folk is being attacked, or in the quiet of inner recollection, it constitutes a most important and decisive event in our lives. How did I become a skinhead of the Fourth Reich? Firstly, after having watched a few years ago a program on the VRT (Canvas, Flemish TV) about the Swiss Hammerskins where in the film Comrade Js from Finland extended a few words at his quarters (I was deeply impressed). However, the decisive step was taken when a comrade after a number of beers carved with a sharpedged Swiss knife the Swastika on my back, and the following day all by myself at home I definitely made my decision to become a dedicated 88 skinhead. I am so thankful to him for the kind of push in the good direction he gave me at the time, while he was celebrating his birthday among friends, ever to remember. In spite of the beers, a strong will was needed to endure the carving on a bleeding back. The discovery of the will in oneself, and even more the realisation that the self and the will are intimately connected, may come as a real revelation which can change, often radically, a mans self-awareness as well as his own attitude towards himself, own folk first (the White) and culture, in front of present multiracial confusion.

Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 He perceives that he is a living subject endowed with the power to choose, to relate, and above all Siegheil to bring about changes in his own personality at first, and circumstances around him. This enhanced awareness, this awakening and new vision brings about unlimited potentialities for inner expansion and outer action, giving finally a feeling of confidence in oneself, therefore security, and a sense of wholeness. The awakened awareness of self and will becomes easily submerged by constant surge of drives, desires, emotions respective of, and ideas, crowded out by ceaseless inrush of impressions from that which is appealing to us. So, the need for discrimination of our thought world (universe) is evident, in order to make it a constant possession and utilise its great possibilities presented to us. The function of the will is similar to that performed by Adolf Hitler as a man who triumphed over his people whom he loved in a selfless way, and therefore was loved because of the right goals he had chosen for them. He, inevitably, had a strong will in front of his Zionist enemies, as for us today too in this multiracial world surrounded by immigrants of all kind (Turks, Arabs, niggers) and the present leading enmity trying hard in every possible way to destroy our efforts of own folk first, preventing us the preservation of our Aryan culture. National Socialism in those days, and in the footsteps of the same we follow today, is an world-wide action on Aryan ground for the Freedom and Honour of the White against the anti-Aryan tyranny of the present. We only aim to create a better and nobler world, just, along the traditional Western culture, while our entire endeavour is a new route to power. Adolf Hitler has given us a unique legacy for us to take advantage of, by the power of the will to undertake and complete transformation both innerly and around. Generally speaking, we must not forget that the highest aim of human existence is not the maintenance of a State of Government but rather the conservation of the race. (Mein Kampf, Vol 1, Ch. 3). The greatest leader of modern times as a helmsman of a ship knew what the course should be, and kept her steadily on it, despite the drifts caused by the wind, so is the function of the will. A developed will improves the effectiveness of all endeavours, present and future. Working on the will, one should practice self-control, as without it he is powerless and will harm the goals of National Socialism. The fully developed will can be thought of as having a number of different major aspects, each one to be trained in specific and appropriate ways. The aspects of the fully developed warriors will are the strong will, the skilful will, and the just will, remembering our values of honour, loyalty and duty, as our attitude to life, vigorous and healthy as proud, strong forthright, an inventive warring, cunning, and hardness towards the enemy. We Aryans must learn to know and value our own Aryan customs, as we must seek to emulate the fierce, heroic fighting spirit that is the true and enduring legacy of the Aryans. We must learn to know our enemy, what it is we are fighting and what we are fighting for. If we do this, we will become Aryan again and so achieve that glory which is rightfully ours. (What is Aryan? David Myatt).

Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 The Strong Will: We must start by recognising that the will exists, followed by that one has a will, and finally that one is a willing self, or is a will. Then, one has to develop the will to make it sufficiently strong to be adequate for its manifold uses in all the domains of life. However, the strong will does not constitute the whole will. Strength is only one of the different aspects of the will, and when dissociated from the others, often is ineffectual or harmful to oneself and maybe other people. The Skilful Will: The skilful aspect of the will holds in the ability to obtain desired results with the least possible effort or amount of energy. In order to arrive somewhere one does not proceed by walking in a strait line across or by climbing over buildings, but rather study a road map, using existing roads that although not strait, can lead one to his destination with the least amount of effort. Similarly, as a warrior, in order to use our will skilfully we need to understand ourselves how our constitution is, becoming acquainted with our many different functions, drives, desires, habit patterns, and the relationships between them, the cosmology of man himself, the microcosm in the macrocosm (the inner Wyrd in the outer Wyrd, read my manuscript Where the Aryan is Standing - Thoughts along the Cosmology of the Tree of Wyrd). The Way of the Warrior is a means whereby we can create a civilised society, here on this planet, dedicated to continuing the upward work of Nature. The reality of the present is that there exists on this planet no true civilised society. A civilised society is a society where honour is upheld as the ideal - and all the laws of such a civilised society are based upon a personal Code of Honour and the fairness of the noble warrior. (The Revelation of Cosmic Being: An Introduction to Warrior Culture, by David Myatt.) The Just Will: When the will is endowed with both strength and skill, it is not always enough. In fact, it could be a very uncontrolled weapon for if such a will is directed towards wild decisions, it may become very dangerous even to the extreme. And, would it always get somewhere? A man of strong and very capable will, able of using his natural intellectual gifts even to the utmost can overpower the will of others, daring everything and fearing nothing, whose action are not restrained by any consideration at all. The warrior, even if he is called to destroy, must be just. It does not at all mean that he has to be ruled by any sense of love and compassion, because that also could be very disastrous, but he must be only just. And by this is above all meant that one must learn to choose right goals, as a necessity for our own and Aryan welfare. The will must be just, strong and skilful, if not the chase can become an obsession and the pursuit an illusion. In order to give a solid direction to ones life and estimate correctly ones actions and the possible consequences one has to allow the equilibrium between the will and common sense, or the sword of justice and obvious courage used in fairness and truth,

Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 and never giving way to wild judgements without pondering first. When the will is found in balance, enabling the call of conscience in front of a decision, it gives way to correct procedure. Under the shelter of the Swastika, the Sign of the Dynamic Solar Wheel, the Power under Will, our individual power is enforced by anger and force to exterminate that which is harming pure Aryan life, and that means ourselves and others, but our honourable ambitions need self-control as justice (not love and compassion) is the purifying fire of National Socialism. The right use of the will is male strength used to protect our Western culture and White heritage, motivated by justice, power, and skilfulness. The power-oriented Aryan Empire starts within each warrior. Healing begins with acknowledging the truth of our condition the wonder and mystery of Aryan nature revealed. What are we aiming? We must have a homeland, in which the Aryan men and women can live and work, in their homes and in the streets of our countries, without fear. We must have a government which is not only a guaranty of public order and safe shelter and which preserves the right of Aryan citizens to keep and to bear arms, which is the ancient hallmark of a truly free people, but we must have governments which maintain a continuous vigilance against our enemies the multiracial society and coloured immigrates. Every inclination towards loss and defeat, every threat to our blood, every form of organised crime, every element that threatens public terror or chaos must be weeded out and utterly banned from our soil.

Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14

Finding Shelter under the Swastika

Exercising the Will
Part II
National Socialism believes that most individuals possess the potential to change themselves and this in one way or another as an act of will. Idealism is first required, self-discipline under the shadow of the Swastika; the Triumph of the Will by individual striving and total commitment, obviously with its ups and downs, until the idealistic goal is reached in harmony with Nature. National Socialism is just that, a return to nature, and demonstrating how it is manifest in us as human beings. Once we have understood the fundamental laws of nature reaching us as energies, to depend on as part of living, we evolve in accepting or rejecting it, for good or bad. However, if one intentionally does not behave in respect to laws and principles of nature is acting dishonourably towards himself first and the Aryan race around, as a denial of our very humanity on homeland and own folk. As we have stated so often, a true National Socialist is someone who values honour, loyalty and duty as the fundamental code of practice in every realm of living, in private as in public, such as the governing institutions. National Socialism is a guarantee for the preservation of racial purity of our blood for which we strive and fulfill our duty. We need first to work at ourselves before tackling the strategy in disrupting the present anti-Aryan, multiracial, pro Zionist Systems that prevail in all Western countries breaking with the laws of nature. Exercising the will is a necessary education before starting the route of power with the Swastika ahead, fighting for our rights, on the way of Blood and Soil, Honour and Duty. We can no longer afford the luxury of behaving like landlords, the more that present system has no ear for us, and certainly show any mercy. Ruthless and brutal, the multiracials are determined to reduce Aryans to slavery, but their present power, influence and resources can be defeated as the system they have created is exaggerated and fragile, while through our triumph of will it can be weakened and brought to naught. While reading these words, is our blood not boiling in us, our heartbeat faster and our faces glowing, and our nerves hastening to go on fight! To be Aryans is to accept warriorship for family and homeland as heroic fighters against the enemy until maybe the bitter end, as the future belongs to those prepared to fight and die for it. Complete slavery for our race is not far off if we do not educate our wills for the battlefield, as the dark Messianic dreams of the multiracials come closer to fulfilment every day, and then the Aryan race will gradually be effaced from existence, and our culture with it. This is my point of view today, in all history, no people have ever sunk so low as the multiracial leaders, and they have given cheers and ovations to their own executioners

Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 in allowing them to WIPE US OUT AS A RACE! And, although they do realise their mistake, they have become too rotten to stop their efforts. And the reason we'll "go to battle" is not that we are some kind of monstrous "haters", or even "bigots", etc., but because WE LOVE OUR PEOPLE - the White Race of people given by Nature itself to civilise and dominate this earth, as history narrates to prevent it from becoming the filthy, crazy jungle of darkness and bloodshed which now threatens hard. But how to fight? Where to begin? What to do? The name of one man who had done something naturally is Adolf Hitler. His message in Mein Kampf gives us the key to our questions, finding abundant will-power as mental sunshine, bathing all the grey world in the clear light of reason and understanding. Mein Kampf is the doctrine of scientific racial idealism exposed, while some call it the fundamentals of a new religion, but I would call it philosophy. However, feel free to call it religion, the outcome is the same. I admire Adolf Hitler as the greatest thinker in modern history of the race and Mein Kampf as the most important book of our time, immortal, transcendental and more than human, where the way of survival is shown. On us to carry out his ideas to total worldwide Aryan victory. Personally, I want to live long and healthy enough to help in making the victory certain. The wilful ability to concentrate: The ability to concentrate is a real propelling power of the totality of our psychic mechanism. Nothing elevates our capacity of action more than its development. Any success, no matter what, can be explained by the intelligent use of this capacity. No obstacle can permanently withstand the exceptional power of the fullest concentration. Any human function, be it physical or psychological, atrophies when it is not used. Uncultivated and unexercised, our psychological functions tend to waste away, so that only which habit compels us to use will survive. Concentration means inner vigilance and alertness. All around us today, we have in opposition the disastrous and Zionist-inspired race mixing policies of the governmental Systems, so much that it reaches us within as it makes us to really worry about. Worry and anxiety, stealing away poise and inner tranquillity threaten us. However, when we concentrate on the great themes of National Socialism, it is very difficult for the glamours of multiracialism to enter into us. If we are made uncomfortable, the power of concentration on Blood (race) and Soil (homeland), of Folk and Fatherland, will turn doubt, worry and anxiety into rebellion and even vengeance, the act of will brought into activity. Concentration is the minds dynamic will that operates in us for our acceptance of the National-Socialist society as cultural superiority ethic of honour and vital importance of reason, and all what it entails. Our yielding to the fundamental values of honour, loyalty (comradeship) and duty stirs within he warriors we are by nature. We can concentrate in the mind on achieving the goal of creating a patriotic revolution and building up a National Socialist State, as to stir up the will-power within. Indeed, we want to fight for Aryan freedom, for the future of our race, and for the civilisation which our race, and our race alone, has created. We want to fight as


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 warriors, winning fame and glory, ever to be remembered. By heroically fighting we are acting as Aryans representing the true and unique racial soul. Through these exercises we learn to cultivate the faculty of will, giving it a direction to follow because of the uncertainty about daily living in this multiracial society, and that the Aryan people are increasingly forced to rely on themselves, and not, for example on the actual governments, its agencies (the Police, for instance) and the national providing organisations even basic services. In Flandres (Belgium), since the last communal elections on October 8, 2000, a great majority of us voted extreme right, as we are convinced that the reality in daily life today is accentuated on danger because of crime, increasing poverty primarily among own folk, totally unreliable public and business services, and the reality of our racial problems. When we concentrate we are like a bullet entering into todays problems, and like a magnet defeating our opponents. In our concentration, we look neither forward nor backward, upward nor inward, but we only pierce the object with our one-pointed will-power, through protective actions against anti-Aryanism, multiracial culture in homeland. Concentration comes, indeed, from our indomitable will, or will-power, never forgetting that we are fighting a war for our very existence, while the time for playing games is over. Now as well as in the future, there are only two kinds of Aryans, the hero and the chicken. The hero is the National-Socialist who fights for Aryan freedom and our homeland to be restored and returned to us; fighting to end multiracism among us, and make possible the great exodus(departure) of other races to their reciprocal nations. Are we welcome in their countries? I will not answer the question for you, as I think this is not necessary. At least from our holidays once or more, we have our own stories to tell. Any Aryan who does not fight for the race and civilisation is a chicken. These exercises and others to come are to activate the energy charge of the will itself, where experimentation is essential. Since everything starts in the mind of man (the threefold consciousness), it is in the minds of the Aryans that defensive commitment must be constructed and carried out. Since the appearance in history of Adolf Hitler in life and in death as he is still remembered, remain in White Western civilisation a sufficient spark of selfsacrificing, creative will-power to allow the survival of the Aryans. Our Western world has a common problem, and that is the survival of all White folk. To hell with the sneaky and safer approaches as seen with conflicts today! Think of the many Camp David gatherings in America at the Clintons facing Israel and Jordan, every attempt failed. To create an Aryan society requires from us to act intelligently, with self-discipline, achieving the triumph of the will, unafraid to grasp the mighty hand of Adolf Hitler reaching down to us through our glorious past in history. Let me end with a few examples to activate the will in everyday life, as an everyday exercise:


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 (1) Do something you have never done before. (2) Perform an act of courage. (3) Make a plan and then follow it. Despite our many obstacles, the discovery of the will is quite an elementary experience; and, if we want to facilitate this process we can start doing it as such: we can discover or intensify our will by using it, and each moment offers the opportunity. Any action can be transformed into an exercise of will. By your will-power rise and stand up, for the masses to see what men and women of force look like, the memory of Adolf Hitler burning in our breasts and under the shadow of the Swastika.


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14

Finding Shelter under the Swastika

Exercising the Will
Part III By acts of will the Aryan can change himself the way he wants to become, since he is convinced that the White culture has the upper hand and the better roles as history proves. Adolf Hitler has returned to us the Aryans noble vision, as he was deeply convinced about our power and prestige over the rest of the world and of our goals belonging to the better part of humanitys life to create and achieve far above other races. He gave us the strength to dream, and aspires us to greatness, to restore our civilisation and overcome new challenges. Just as the whole history of our civilisation lead to Adolf Hitler, the right man at the right time, we can today transform our personality at the level of purely Aryan goals shown forth in National Socialism, the only rescue, destiny and triumph of the West. One of the most harmful illusions that can beguile us is the belief that we cannot change ourselves and just remain the way we are, however, with these exercises the contrary is proved as through the courage to act we can work at our own transformation. For us, Aryan conformity is a powerful force; and the cost of going against our culture into multiracialism is standing outside it, and with certainty having the hostility of own folk, which is loss. When someone decides to act on the principles of National Socialism, he will gradually become a transformed individual of blooded character, as raised to a higher level, and participating in a higher and nobler life. The Aryan is known as being inventive and able to create, taking more pride and satisfaction in helping and preserving its own race, rather than personal gain. The best way to describe National-Socialism is by the term racial ecology, own folk first. A mans life is his noblest work, as from the moment one definitely commits himself to own culture, then Aryan ideals develop too. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Action from principle, the perception and the performance of what is right for us as Aryans, changes things and relations, and is essentially revolutionary. Adolf Hitler had the genius not only to foresee his own days, but ours today as well. He literally sacrificed his life by creating National-Socialism, and through his courage, leadership, and above all will, he leads us all to victory in showing the way. He is no longer with us, and yet he lives in our hearts and minds because he is remembered, and we follow in his footsteps. Repetition is also exercising the will, therefore again: National-Socialism represents what is noble and civilised in accord to the Aryan race, expressed in the desire for order and justice, in the reality of striving for honour. About todays multiracial civilisation, we are to remind ourselves the words of Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf, Vol. 2, Ch. 2: The present epoch is working out its own ruin. It introduces universal suffrage, chatters about equal rights but can find no foundation for this equality.


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 What were true in his time, are still of avail and is even a worse problem today! And how is our attitude towards Hitlers prophetic words against our sad reality today? Are we senseless? If yes, we urgently need some psychiatric therapy because of unconnected inner elements, or elements clashing with one another, while our willpower should be trained. No one should be blinded to present situation. Adolf Hitler wrote earlier in the same chapter: Extreme importance should be attached to the training of will-power and the habit of making firm decisions, also the habit of being always ready to accept responsibilities. Those passive to present declining ethnic in our various countries, should work at their will-power to see the truth about todays situation, and wake up within themselves the aggressive energy, otherwise they will become victims of present anti-Aryan, pro-Zionist System which prevails everywhere in Europe. Every day Aryans rights to physical and emotional safety and survival are threatened. Every day the White are being insulted, discriminated against, attacked, tortured, and killed by other races on own land and among own folk. Training the will-power, also means to wake up to alertness the aggressivity energy within us, but respecting rules in certain circumstances, far from the wild use of aggression all at once. I am talking about controlled aggressiveness. Example: This afternoon, while I was on my way to a shop, I saw a group of niggers babbling, obstructing the footpath while standing in the way of walkers and shoppers. Obviously, they saw me approaching, and even then they remained standing where they were without even think to push off and make room for me, so I just walked through their group while I scattered them and they were pushed forcibly at both sides of me. What I did came obviously quite unexpectingly, and even from far I saw them gazing at me. Making a start, this is a way to train yourself to aggressiveness, starting with small things. Hate always comes bit by bit, and growing every day, until the measure is complete. And, then, watch it as it will strike hard and hurt! Again in the same chapter, Adolf Hitler writes and we hear him say as well: All in all, the cowardly lack of will-power and the incapacity for making decisions are chiefly results of the erroneous education given us in our youth. The disastrous effects of this are now widespread among us. The crowning examples of that tragic chain of consequences are shown in the lack of civil courage which our leading statesmen display. Aggressiveness is a natural process, which arises in discontentment and instability, and so we are today: (to name a few) (1) The majority of Aryans have lost faith in the established political parties. (2) The bad economic situation today, and the constant inflation in spite of what the Prime Minister and Ministers say (as for my country). (3) Civil unrest, with armed factions (criminal, political, racial and even religious), constantly clashing. (4) No White protection from Police Force. (5) Increasing ethnic polarisation at street level, and robbery of Aryans racial heritage and culture.


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 Waking up the aggressivity energy means to work away fear, shyness, the unwillingness to break with own standards of courtesy, because that too causes all kinds of psychological harm, while an Aryan is normally a warrior. For the youth, and indeed for the young of every age, Adolf Hitler makes clear: First of all, the brains of the young people must not generally be burdened with subjects of which ninety-five per cent are useless to them and are therefore forgotten again. No general rule can be made for expressing aggression in order to stir up the warrior within. There are enough stoic restraint actions to be taken as it comes forth in daily life, in preparation for direct group and folk action soon to come if there are no striking changes on Folkland. National-Socialism means the opportunity of a happier, more fulfilling life for us all. The present multiracial systems give no quarter to Aryans, and show no mercy towards us, therefore our aggressivity is cold, silent hatred, irritation, brooding, frustrating, vengeful, and hostile. We will aggressively fight until victory is won, and never allow present Systems overall us. We will fight until present Systems are completely undermined. And yet, Adolf Hitler makes the point: Everything contributes to raise man higher and higher above the level of all the other creatures that surround him, thereby strengthening and consolidating his position; so that he develops more and more in every direction as the ruling being on this earth. (Mein Kampf, Vol. 2, Ch. 4) In other words, when aggressive energy at its most primitive level becomes for the mutual good destructive, when victory is reached it is creative power. Down the ages in politics as well as in religion (anyone), leaders have warned against despising or depreciating aggression, pointing to the consequent dangers of inactivity (or helplessness) and resignation. Stirring up your aggressive will-power or energy: (1) Confronting an anti-Aryan activity or project, give steam to your inner aggressive impulses. (2) Now, laying that project aside for the time being, get in touch with your aggressive feelings. Feel their vigour, their vibrancy, the effect they have on your body, and, the hurt that they will cause to your enemies. Give them so to speak space that is, observe your nerves vibrate or go immediately to action if you are prepared for confrontation and cannot wait any longer. (3) Know that these aggressive feelings or energies are at your disposal, precious energies that do things for you. Things can hurt, but it can also be the propelling power for the project or activity you have chosen.


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 The stirring up of aggressive energy is no artificial gimmick. Aggression in many forms has always been the key to trade, as the Latin poet Quintilianus wrote, Facit indignatio versus (My anger creates my verses); and, when Florence Nightingale was asked what had been the motivating factor behind her immensely productive work in hospitals, she answered one word: Rage.


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14

Finding Shelter under the Swastika

Exercising the Will
Part IV When the nature of the present White world struggle is better understood, and its causes such as pluralism or multiracism infiltrating Aryan culture today, rooted on superficial reasoning, grounded on religious arguments and various New Age philosophies, then real progress will be made in the process of freeing own folk from the thraldom and incapaciousness of present governments and from the influence of their forces and wasted energies, responsible for actual chaotic situation. As National Socialists in this conflict we stand, reminding ourselves the great and fundamental nature or cosmic law, that action follows the energetic will-power for the mutual welfare, as one of the conditions to counteract the present stress and strain due to the fact that so many millions of White people are beginning to think seriously about their destiny. This means that the multiracial simplicity after World War II, overpopulating our Western countries with immigrants from Turkey, Arabia and elsewhere, has largely and quite ignorantly begun within various religious circles (in Roman Catholicism since Vatican II) and through the lords of materiality. In todays problems we find the religious element on which governments base themselves, Christendom as latter religion integrated in our culture. From our hiding places, we rise to solve three primal problems: (1) (2) (3) The problem of the Aryan territorial possession that is the race correspondence of White nations and the welfare of the individual. The problem of the Aryan family, which involves a truer understanding of the law of attraction exclusively within the race. The problem of other races within our own territory ever since it began, and outside our nations as the Aryans are the only world rulers, which World history testifies.

The Aryan, men and women, is a masculine, positive power, mentally strong, political, governing, standardising, folk-conscious, occultly inclined, aggressive, full of grandeur, interest in law and in laying the emphasis upon race, empire and colonies. National Socialism and its major intellectual cleavages are based upon the governing Aryan and cosmic influences or energies, active in the following sequential order: (1) The growth of public opinion. Giving your life for the existence of the Folk Community is the highest of all sacrifices. (Adolf Hitler, My Struggle) If the fight for a worldview is not led by devoted heroes, death defying fighters will soon disappear entirely. (Adolf Hitler, My Struggle) 17

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(2) The formulation of a theory as found in National Socialism. National-Socialism means the creation of a new type of person: someone who embodies in real life what is best in our race and civilisation, who expresses in their living, our unique racial psyche, and who understands and knows and accepts the importance of race, of excellence, of individual character. Such a person fulfils, or can fulfil, the unique and great potential of our race. (Reichsfolk, II The Making of a National-Socialist, by David Myatt) (3) The growth of public opinion. Through the attitude of Racial pride as a natural approach of both White men and women. This attitude today puts the National Socialist way of life to the crucial historical test. (4) The imposition of the National Socialist principles on evoking life. For a National Socialist the keynote in life is happiness and joy of life; the attitude and spirit of healthy, strong men and women to whom life itself is joyful and full of beauty. The Aryan world is one world and its suffering yesterday, today and tomorrow are one; our race is in truth a unity, but how many are unaware of this. Its goal is one, and it is as one great Aryan family that we must emerge into the future. I would emphasis this thought: It is as one Aryan family, chastened today, disciplined always but illumined and fused, that we must focus and appear into the future. Those who do not grasp these important facts, whether they are what are called belligerents or neutrals, will suffer deeply as a result of their adherence to multiracialism and in their non-participation on the way to liberation and final Victory. However, the struggle for the soul of the Aryan people and its emergence into control is really taking place in White Europe today, and up our efforts the race depends. I cannot elaborate this further beyond pointing out that both for folk and each individually, present efforts of ours is determining its effects upon the future. Through will-power, we are forging the chains that tie the Aryans together, making it a unity through the will of the people. It is the service of the whole that is being attempted and at a great cost, and the effort is to express the laws of nature as a primary duty, which the keynote should always be, I serve. This thought brings to our attention three methods of activity, as depicted from the National Socialist writings, and they are: (1) Community or group activity for a more scientific relation of both substance and defensive energy. (2) Community or group stimulation through rightly directed forces, as music, literature and electronic communication and others. (3) Correct leadership through scientific study and vital energy.


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We are now part of a scientific age, a science which passes out of the impasses which has reached and having now penetrated as it has into the realm of electronics (the intangible), will further work far more subjectively than before through the emergence of will-power and self-determination. We can truly and freely choose, bearing the full responsibility of self-determination. It is to this evolutionary acquisition, always very much in development, that we give here the name of will-power. Will-power is first of all mental courage, the fight and even struggle for our great ideas, and it enforces courage together with suffering from inner and outer wounds and pains without getting depressed. Discontent, pessimism and despair basically prove weakness, therefore group effort is essential. There is but one vocation, and it lies only in combat. Hoist the banner of courage, sacrifices, and devotion, and watch who gathers around that banner. He who is attracted by the banner is called upon to lead a Nation, and nobody else. (Adolf Hitler at the rollcall of Political Leaders during the Party Day Of Freedom, 14th September, 1935) Will-power has a wide range of gifts to bestow on us. Not only has the will been proven over and over again to be almost indomitable, but also it is a force at our disposal. Our vitality is as great as our intentionality, and independency, and this can make of the National-Socialist the most vital of all beings. A well-developed willpower can transcend any given situation in any direction and this possibility drives him to create beyond himself. Vital will-power is the force of creating or acting beyond oneself without losing oneself. The more will-power of creating or desire to act one has, the more vitality it has. The scientific world today is the most conspicuous expression of Aryans vitality and its infinite superiority over other races ability. The intuition of will-power polarises every particle of our lives like a great magnet, putting an end to purposeless wandering, bodily, emotionally and mentally. An act of will mobilises energy, throwing the switch between the action to be accomplished and the ultimate powers of the source of the will. On our way to Victory, the main objectives in training the will could be summarised as follows: (1) Transforming the will-power into a well-directed, aggressive and defensive will. Never forget that in this world the most sacred right is the right to the ground you want to cultivate, and the most sacred sacrifice is the blood that is shed for this ground. (Adolf Hitler, My Struggle) This is what we have to fight for: that our existence is secure, that our Race and our Nation can increase, that we can feed our children, and that we can keep our blood pure. We fight for our Nation's freedom and independence so that our Nation may grow up to complete the mission assigned to it by the Lord.


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 (Adolf Hitler, My Struggle) (2) Developing the ability to call upon the will-power when required and use it with control. We do not want to fall victim to the mistake of those who say that one becomes a National Socialist and then remains a National Socialist forever. Only he is a National Socialist who constantly feels responsible for the Idea, who serves it, and who spreads the word for it. It is a fact that what we experienced in a long united fight, we must teach anew to the coming generations if we do not want them to soon forget the experiences of the past. (Adolf Hitler; 11th September, 1935) Even the destructive quality of will-power is necessary to liberate us from multiracialism and its obstinate forms. It lies in our own hands to utilise to best advantage the energies of will-power. We must develop: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Dynamic power and drives. Fearlessness and strength. Decisiveness and perseverance. Power to rule, leadership and ability to handle people and affairs. Pride and domination on other and lesser races. Ambition. Rigidity, hardness when necessary.

The Party Program demands your utmost devotion to the Movement. As a Party Member it is an honour for you to incessantly serve the Folk Community and to fight for the National Socialist worldview, regardless of all your personal career goals and, if necessary, to the sacrifice of your life. Make sure you understand that you are more than what you seem to be. The behaviour of a National Socialist is self confident but never arrogant. Daily performance only qualifies you to wear the Party's emblem with pride. The Party Member practices strict self discipline and dispenses with luxury. The Party Member meets his superiors in an upright and disciplined manner. As a Party Member you carry the flag and lead the way for others. Aggressive courage and faithful confidence displayed in a Party Member's behaviour and actions produce an electrifying example that encourages others along. Happy optimism is more convincing than furious argumentation. In moments of great difficulties and frustration, it is courage, confidence, and persistence that are necessary to win through. (The Party's Young Assembly - The Responsibilities Of Party Members, by Reich Youth Leader Arthur Axmann)


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Finding Shelter under the Swastika

Exercising the Will
Part V Adolf Hitler, in Mein Kampf, Volume 1, Chapter XI, wrote: Everything on this earth can be made into something better. Every defeat may be made the foundation of a future victory. Understanding above words of our Fuhrer is crucial, as only one capable of seeing things rightly can make us today to form a proper evaluation of our own situation in this multiracial world of ours, in which we Aryans have to live and educate our children. Everyday, even on own Homeland, the White confronting present situation, we are at war and struggling for our existence, while our present enemies work hard attempting to persuade us of things that do not correspond to the facts. Many of us just hope to survive the present struggle without having to master any crisis, but that is impossible. The multiracial enemy camp is watching intensely and how we react, and how strong we are against their governmental offensives as to the sanitary cordon in Belgium. But, one would have to be very stupid not to see that the enemy air terror with the intent to destroy our morale, and of making us to become discouraged. In front of adversity we do have to make our hearts beat proudly, fighting like tigers for own Folk and Homeland, as the only guarantee of our eventual triumph. We are at war, and the total war we are waging is on the one hand a matter of each one of us individually doing what obviously has to be done. The more we adjust ourselves to the realities of our war against the multiracials, the more we benefit the Aryan Cause, as we all want to see the triumph. Meanwhile, we are finding ourselves in no bed of roses, and must use our full will-power and that means strength, if our chances of victory are to remain undiminished. We are fighting for our lives. If we win, we will be able to restore Aryan supremacy where it is good for Aryans to live; however, in the meantime we have to apply full strength. If we loose, it will mean the end of White history and culture. Our war is a matter of strength but also of strong will. He who is determined to fight in this way is assured of victory, even if at times we cannot see the goal, but that is no prove that it is not there. Besides, we are not waging a war divorced from reality (everyone agrees), nor do we seek to lead the White from one illusion to another, but to final victory. If we are forced to do so, without pity or forgiveness, the blow will strike while multiracialism will fall, and the White be saved! Luck is always on the side of he who has earned it, while history in the end has always sided with those fighting for high ideals and are never giving up. So, as we now see, the necessary strong will is in a sense the most basic as well as the most familiar aspect of the will. In the strength of the will lie its power, its impetus and its energy. In developing the strength of the will we make sure that our willed act of defense and eventually war will contain enough intensity, enough fire, to carry out its purpose. Far from us to want a war, but if nothing else helps, let us act


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 consistently with Nietzsches words: Give a shove to what is falling. The strength of the will can only be developed and increased through practice and exercise. To ensure success in training the will, a proper preparation is needed for arousing the initial urge and impetus, and this should produce a lively, fervid, and intense desire to develop the will, leading to the firm decision to do all that is necessary for attaining that end. The firm determination can result from the initial urge and impetus of a strong desire to triumph over multiracialism, therefore we should remind ourselves again and again: (1) That multiracialism is our destruction, therefore it must be blocked. (2) Each other race in there independency is a sworn enemy of the White race; and, why should we allow multiracism in Homeland and among our Folk! (3) Multiracism is mainly to be blamed for crime, while the White are the victims. (4) Our governments very harmfully protect migrants from Turkey, North Africa, Far East and niggers. (5) We should never reconcile with multiracism, governmental laws against human nature, and drugs. (6) Other races in their own reciprocal countries will only deserve our generosity after the Aryans have won, and they returned where they natively belong. However, in everything we primarily decide, Own Folk First. (7) Only our present multiracial governments are responsible for todays political conflicts. However, during the cold war we find ourselves today, no one has the right to act on his own, but each one has the duty to support extreme (far) right parties and brotherhoods that are acting as a fellowship and under membership. The security of the Aryan world requires that of us all. Exercises: Settle yourself into a comfortable position with your muscles relaxed. The Strengthening of the Will (1) Realising the value of the Will. a) Picture to yourself as vividly as possible the loss of opportunity, the damage, the pain to yourself and others because of multiracialism among the White on own Homeland and Folk. b) Picture to yourself, as vividly as possible all the advantages that an effective will is to share in the combat until victory is won, securing the hope of the Aryan world. c) Picture yourself vividly as a man of heroic mould. See yourself invested with the highest and gravest responsibility, firm and determined, acting in every situation with decision, focused attention, and persistence; see yourself successfully resisting; visualise yourself as you will be when you have guaranteed the Aryans freedom and its future.


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(2) Evoking feelings toward the Will. This exercise consists of using propaganda material for reading particularly suited to the cultivation and reinforcement of feelings and the determination aroused by the previous one (1) in the fight against multiracism. Attending meetings is also of sublime importance. (3) The Gymnastics of the Will and Method The method is quite simple and in the same way of gymnastics, as every organ of our body and every function can be developed by exercise. Muscles become stronger by a series of contractions. In order to strengthen a specific muscle or group of muscle, as for instance in the case of a weakened limb, there are exercises arranged in such a way as to put into motion only that weak part of the body. In a similar manner, in order to strengthen the will, it is best to exercise it, performing deliberate acts with the purpose of training the will. (4) Physical Exercises in the Strengthening of the Will. As the example above in (3), these exercises constitute a very effective technique when used with the intention of attaining the triumph of the personal will. In reality, it involves every physical movement whether it means fighting as an act of will, a command given to the body, and the deliberate repetition of such acts with intention, effort, perseverance, exercise and invigorate aggressive will. Organic sensations are thus aroused, the produce of inner strength, hate towards our enemies and mastery over them. Needless to say, that this exercise should be performed with the exclusive aim of training the will to save Folk and Homeland. Remember, we are fighting for our White lives. Our war is a defensive one, as our multiracial enemies are wishing to destroy the possibility of Aryan life and growth, forcing their ethnics upon us all. (5) The exercise of the Will in Daily Life. Daily life, with its many tasks and occupations, present numerous opportunities for developing the will. Our war, even today, brings countless dangers and risks, as does any hostility, therefore, we must use every occasion in this multiracial society to strengthen the will. In defense, the more you attack, the more you want to attack as an act of will. Nothing is too valuable to be sacrificed for Aryan freedom. Purely as a game between themselves, skinheads fight together as they often do, is an exercise in strengthening the will. Fight is a matter of strength and will, and as war does. He, who is determined to fight, and keep going, is assured of victory. The multiracials hate us from the depths of their souls; therefore, let us also take pleasure in hatred. Remember that they would do much more against us if they had the power. Therefore, we cannot give them even the slightest bit of power.


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We must again and again prove the sick role of multiracialism while carrying on our war, attacking them incessantly, accusing them without remorse of the crimes against our race of which they are guilty until they wake up, even if it may take a long time. We must all keep alert, and be on our guard against the insidious cleverness of multiracialism. And, I like to end part five the way I started with the very words of Adolf Hitler, our great leader and perfect example: Everything on this earth can be made into something better. Every defeat may be made the foundation of a future victory. Every lost war may be the cause of a later resurgence. Every visitation of distress can give a new impetus to human energy. And out of every oppression those forces can develop which bring about a new re-birth of the national soul provided always that the racial blood is kept pure. But the loss of racial purity will wreck inner happiness forever. It degrades men for all time to come. And the physical and moral consequences can never be wiped out. If this unique problem be studied and compared with the other problems of life we shall easily recognize how small is their importance in comparison with this. They are all limited to time; but the problem of the maintenance or loss of the purity of the racial blood will last as long as man himself lasts. (Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter XI)


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Finding Shelter under the Swastika

Exercising the Will
Part VI The most effective and satisfactory role of the will is above all its function which, being at our command, can stimulate, regulate, and direct all the other functions and forces of our being so that they may lead us to our desired goal. In other words, the will is the focal point around which all action centres, whereby schools of philosophy from most ancient times down to the present say that will and understanding are very closely related. The will as a power or force, the centre of mind and body, moves to action all our inner faculties as the determining factor in us. With this understanding, we can choose the most practical, effective, and effort saving means and strategies to proceed on the chosen way, and this leads to skilful direction of the intended activity of the will, and enables us to make countless practical applications under the direction of the will. National Socialism needs cool and calculating minds, withholding attention and selfless interest, to resurrect Aryan folk from todays multiracial governments pretending to be our protectors and defenders. Present Europe in which theory and practice are in glaring contradiction all the time and in all fields, cannot maintain its position except by the propagation of falsehood and hypocrisy. Today, there is a difficult racial problem, and it will not fade away until National Socialism all over Europe and the world solves it. It will be solved when all the White for their own good do what is necessary for their security. The following multiracial activities inventing madness, are meant to cause the downfall of Aryan Blood and Soil: (1) Multiracism as we experience today, where no one is safe, surrounded by profiteers from all over the world such as the Turks, Arabs, niggers, and those from other non-White countries. They came from countries in war, where there is unemployment, poverty, and total commercial disorder. On our Soil, they plunder and murder, and other crimes kept silent as much as possible by governmental officers, because they just fear to be called racists. (2) Giving the same rights or almost to people cohabitating even of the same sex more and more sets the institution of marriage aside. Some governments even allow (or wish to allow) people of the same sex to adopt children. It is an abomination. (3) Non-interference with prostitution and slavery in the domain. (4) Amnesty is too easily granted to sexual criminals such as paedophiles. (5) Our ministers today discuss free use of certain drugs such as tolerating 5gram cannabis per person without being fined for its use; and, at the same time the V.R.T. (Belgian State Television) advertises against drug abuse. (6) The crime of abortion.


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 These and others are truly a case of insanity, which has for its aim the wilful destruction of the White and their civilisation, replaced by simply barbarism as a fundamental principle of todays public life. The inventors of madness lead our world, and today the danger is very real. The crisis is at the moment a broad one; therefore we must look for ways and means to turn again things to the favour of Aryans, the White population of the earth. Two thousand years and more of Western history are in danger, and one cannot overestimate the threat. Everyone must learn to pay heed to war morale, and pay attention to the demand of the White, while we will not tolerate those hindering our efforts. Our present war is not a time for amusement. Until victory is won, we take our deepest satisfaction in our battle for Aryan freedom, and this means that at all times we must use a skilful will. The stages for the training of the will, and in particular the skilful will are five: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Purpose Intention Motive Valuation Deliberation

The purpose of developing a skilful will is self-evident, because it is needed to decide upon and then to persist in, to take the needed time and trouble. There is, however, as seen before, a prior and more immediate purpose in exercising the will, and that is, the will to train the will. The training of the skilful will should be preceded by the exploration of the unconscious, which includes as one of its most important and useful aspects the uncovering of purpose, intention and motive; and, of the rationalisation of the same through valuation and finally deliberation. Purpose: As we are dealing with conscious skilful will the element of purpose or aim is the first essential, for without a conscious aim there can be no real will. There are things in human life that must be done without regard for whether they are successful or not. Certain important decisions can only be avoided at the price of personal and collective freedom, reject, happiness or even ones life. The danger that surrounds us must not weakened us, rather make us fully alert. When the White must take the greatest risks to ensure its survival, it is well advised to banish all doubt, fear and discord so as to concentrate completely on its defence. The will can mobilise the energies of imagination and of thought, and utilise these energies within the individual to carry out its plan. For example, images or ideas of courage and high purpose used skilfully tend to evoke courage and produce courageous acts. Giving your life for the existence of the Folk Community is the highest of all sacrifices. (Adolf Hitler, My Struggle) With our gaze fixed on the goal with unchanging conviction, we will fight and the work goes on


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 Intention and Motivation: After having decided on the aim or purpose comes the intention in order to attain. The purpose, aim or goal is based on intention, motivation and evaluation in order to achieve with great courage as we defend the Cause of the Aryans, which has found its visible form in Adolf Hitler. The demands of National Socialism are as follows: (1) Never forget that you are an exponent and representative of the national Socialist World-wide movement. (2) The multiracials must form their opinion about National Socialism according to the impression they get from you. (3) Therefore, be a National Socialist in all your actions, in everything you do or leave undone! (4) Be an example of courage, discipline, and devotion as if you carry the future of the entire White world on your shoulders. We must function the will with true awareness, choosing the precise motive to which we give free course, the more that we are fighting for a just and clear Cause. The time is now beginning to come that all the omens for victory are on our side. We are clear about what awaits us in our fight against multiracism, and what we have to do. In fact, we face a hard test today, as our present war is not fought with weapons. War today is waged on all fronts, on the economic front and above all on the front of the struggle to safeguard our White nations. We know, we are fighting for all Whites, securing our mutual existence. We certainly do not want to deceive ourselves, or base our hopes on false illusions. We know what exertions victory requires and we are ready to accept them, while we are certainly not living under an illusion. The tougher the climate, the more bitter our determination to overcome the present difficulties. Experience shows that people facing great challenges never loose strength, but only gain strength. It is everybodys duty to serve his Folk, it is everybodys duty to prepare himself for this service, to steel (make as hard as metal) his body and to strengthen and prepare his mind. (Adolf Hitler) Valuation and deliberation: Motivation inevitably implies the unavoidable valuation. True valuation implies a scale of values, which in its turn is the expression of a concept or philosophy of life and of the world. Everyone has such a philosophical concept, often not formulated, hazy and often self-contradictory. However, the becoming aware of the position and attitude of the Aryan towards present world situation is the most fruitful aspect of Existential Analysis. It is quite evident that the purpose or aim towards which the will is to be directed must have an intense positive valuation, or a positive valence. We are fighting for our most valuable possession: Aryan freedom that is ours. We are fighting for Blood and Soil. We are fighting so that our children will not be slaves of multiracism. We are not living in a paradise where no one has any problems or anything, where there are no hurdles, weariness or burdens of all kind in this


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 multiracial world of ours in which we are forced to live with other races and cultures. We are facing enormous problems, where great sacrifices are demanded from us all, to take our courage and fight. No one of us can stand aside from the present struggle, pouting or playing the coward. Whether you are a worker or an employer, merchant, doorman or errand boy, whether you are young or old, man or women, we all are engaged in the fight. Let us walk hand in hand toward the future of our nations. That is the eternity of our White nations, that is our faith, which is our National Socialism. Following valuation comes the point of deliberation, of consideration, of weighing. Deliberation should inevitably go to the highest conceivable aim or purpose, but the matter is not so simple. The purpose or aim must be not only of high value, but it must also be attainable. We can visualise very high aims, but which, realistically, we may realise as being unattainable. Wisdom is needed in the deliberation and consideration of the many factors in any given situation. In working solo nothing is attainable. National Socialism is group work; it is the engagement of the mass, and not the affair of the individual alone. In this folk-community, which is based on the bond of blood, and in the results which National Socialism has obtained by making the idea of this community understood among the public, lies the most profound reason for the marvellous success of our Revolution. (Adolf Hitler, On National Socialism and World Relations) We are certainly not allowed to close our eyes to present situation, and work away our aggressive moods, as well-thought aggressivity skills the will as to save from the disaster Blood and Soil. Each manifestation of the people depends on the individual and the family. The health and vitality of a people and the extent and degree of its culture depends on whether there are sufficient racially valuable groups. The individual and the government have a common task, which they can only meet together: keeping these racially valuable groups and families pure. Adolf Hitler has led the German people to the realization that the Nordic race is the most creative, valuable race on earth. It has determined their nature, their culture, and their history. Therefore, caring for the valuable Nordic Blood is their most important task. Each of us has a role. A consciousness of our proud ancestry must be the guiding force in our behaviour. We do not want to be the last of a millennia old advanced culture that ends with us, rather members of an unending chain extending from our most ancient ancestors to our distant grandchildren. (Heinrich Himmler)


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Finding Shelter under the Swastika

Exercising the Will
Part VII So far, in our considerations of developing the will, the individual has been regarded as an isolated unit, with his will as an instrument of personal achievement, each one working at himself in order to become self-assured and authentic Aryan. To feel authentic means to be free to develop traits and potentials that are innate predispositions. When we accept to work at ourselves in the transforming and the renewal of the mind, in the context of National Socialism and todays White world need, we will gain self-esteem and authenticity as Aryans. The will in its many facets develops only if one wishes to change, totally encouraged rather than disheartened confronting present multiracial worldwide problem. In present world crisis, it is quite easy to develop a strong and aggressive, skilful and just will in front of our enemies on homeland. In the face of our multiracial enemies it is but correct to be aggressive while being just (fair) in all our dealings towards Own Folk, as well as the just verdict for crimes of multiracials, traitors and minor races surrounding us. The better will-power is developed, the more blood is boiling in our veins, and the more we feel strong to attack. An aggressive will gives additional power to physical strength to attack. White world situation has become so dangerously dramatic, that every Aryan young and old has become a fighter according to his possibilities, while only he or she who observe from far and do nothing can be compared with a traitor. Todays problems concern us all. The result of exercising the will gives the comrades power and prestige, goals that take the best part of them to realize Victory even through blood and combat, if necessary. Let us again become a superpower that will not tolerate treachery and the enslavement of the White because of lesser races around us. Let the curtain fall quickly on present act of multiracial shame, that has now lasted long enough. Let us, with dynamic power break down the bastions that our Zionist governments have and are still building but not for long. Let Aryans go on the roads and protest against present racial systems. Never forget that in this world the most sacred right is the right to the ground you want to cultivate, and the most sacred sacrifice is the blood that is shed for this ground. (Adolf Hitler, My Struggle) In reality the isolated man does not exist: he is in constant interaction with those around him, with his family, his working associates, comrades and the multiracial society. Mans relationship is many whether among Own Folk, or facing the enemies around. An individual who fails to take into consideration the present chaotic world of which he is part of, because of total disinterest as a means of seeming selfprotection while at the same time he knows that we are fighting a just war, finally enters into all kind of conflicts and ends defeated, against the warriors presenting the spectacle of a general clash of exercised wills competing for sovereignty in all White fields. No man is an Island entirely on its own; every Aryan is a contributor to the welfare of the White world.


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 How can a man in isolation conflict with multiracism, party against party, and Race against races? We are all part of all that exists, where there is no room for isolation or withdrawal in a hiding place. We cannot even isolate ourselves from the family unit, husband and wife, parents and children, relatives, friends and even enemies. Selfishness and self-centredness in the context of Aryan community living is unthinkable, and comes inevitably into collision with all kind of obstructions blocking our targets in the face of our enemies. We face a hard test today, a war not fought with weapons, waged on all fronts of our White nations. The cold war in which we are in is a gigantic struggle that effects all Europe and all the White nations of the world, together with the whole flood of lies from our reciprocal governments to the destruction of our very Aryan foundations, using selfish and dirty means to advance its own interests, pronouncing the death sentence of the White. The activity of dissolution is the work of our present governments mostly based on Christian ethnics, taking away from us the things that once were purely Aryan. If we let the multiracials persist, it will mean our death, as the most dreadful thing that could have happen to humanity. Multiracism has been an obsession on the part of our Zionist governments, thinking to please the majority of the White world in the service of manipulation. But, it is not a multiracial dream coming true, on the contrary is has already given rise to disorder and injustice. They will be soon bankrupt. For two thousand years of Christianity, the Nazareners theory of love one another has not worked at all. It cant be! The kind of love as faculty in man is non-existent, as either he will love the one and hate the other, as to love friends and enemies alike is totally absurd. Like everybody else can, Christians serve their own interests, and even to the detriment of others. Christians are not better than anyone else; on the contrary they are hiding themselves behind their ethnics. The way love is brought forth, does it exist? True love can only be pictured in the relation between the mother and the child as she will make every sacrifice to protect her offspring, and that is but just. Secondly, the love between man and woman bound to constitute a family, and their children securing our White future, and that too is but justice. Love is a word more often misunderstood with having passionate feelings. I can have a passionate feeling towards a woman, and use every possible way and means to make the necessary and successful approach! Next to the sentimental realm of life as the one of two lovers, I can have a passionate urge to use my fists as a way of defence, bringing my enemy to naught. In both instances, without the kind of love or passion we would really loose contact with Blood and Soil, mother earth. Love towards the family, as to our Aryan race is but justice through the just will (if observed) inherent in each one of us. Justice is the sphere of the formulation of forms such as Aryan rights, protecting the forces expressed in Blood, Soil and Honour, shaping them under the authority of National Socialism, the reflection of Aryan style and observance, against the mushy multiracial confusion. Not love but instinctively justice upholds the nobility of the Aryans; and this means natural and innate justice towards Own Folk and Blood, and at the other hand justice in our defence against the enemy. It is but just that the enemy is defeated. Aryan justice is to be correct and just towards own civilisation, the well-


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 being and the advancement of our Folk, or Folk community united by Race; and, this is threefold: (1) Rectorial justice: The Aryan civilisation and culture under one worldwide set of natural laws and rules brought together in both theory and practice through National Socialism. (2) Distributive justice: The execution of Aryan laws in the form of obedient living to natural laws, or punishment to anti-Aryan practices. Distributive justice is both positive and negative. The positive side may be termed by remunerative justice attaint through Aryan living and idealism. (3) Retributive justice, giving the just penalty to the unjust or criminals. Multiracism is a crime against Aryan civilisation, while every Aryan must defend the honour of the race as well as ones personal honour. Concerning personal honour, duelling should never have been abolished or forbidden, as it belongs to Aryan customs. The way we use justice is Aryan, Natural Justice concluded linguistically and, ethnically in National Socialism as a morality capable of demonstration. National Socialism, as any other governmental rule allows absolute liberty, as its observances and laws acquire conformity to them, but finding liberty within its scope. To say that men only desire pleasure is to put the cart before the horse. Whatever I may happen to desire, I shall feel pleasure in obtaining it; but as a rule the pleasure is due to the desire, not the desire to the pleasure. David Myatt, in The Nobility of National Socialism, paragraph II: The Noble Idealism of National-Socialism, writes: National-Socialism aims to create folk-communities which embody this noble idealism and which therefore can produce more individuals of noble character. It aims to create the right social, economic, political and spiritual conditions, which will enable civilization not only to be maintained but also flourish - to continue to grow upward to ever more heights. It aims, fundamentally, to continue the upward progress of Nature by aiding the creation of better, more noble, more creative, beings. This is justice: (1) National Socialism limits its sphere of internal activity to those individuals belonging to one people, while refusing to allow members of other races to wield over our own affairs, whether political, intellectual or cultural life. (2) National Socialism marvellous success is based on the bond of blood of our Own Folk. (3) National Socialism looks to multiracism as the White worlds peril for which there must be no toleration, using every means in our power to keep Aryans away from peril, and immune peril as far as possible. National Socialism is the place where the truth can be spoken, as justice is the ruling principle for family life, folk, government, and diverse organisations within its scope assuring the freedom of the White. Only when one has reached the Sanctuary of


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 the Swastika, and gradually knows what freedom means can National Socialist truth emerge. National Socialism is a safe place to dwell as within its community of Own Folk and Soil, one can be in touch with his thoughts, feelings and even sensations without being punished by the sight of the multiracials, judged, abandoned or even murdered. National Socialism is a place of trust that you will not be led to but will be free of exploitation, where the other does not feel superior at your expense, nor betray your confidences or intrude upon your boundaries. Today, whatever is discounted by the multiracials goes underground; however, anyone involved underground has the courage enough to live on the summit and fight for National Socialist ideas, while those representing devalued attributes do not. Our Blood and Soil is the realm of everyday experience in which we are all called to fight until victory is won. Only then, we will really discover that there is indeed a unique race living in accordance with the natural, noble instincts of that race, beautiful, harmonious, and sublime. We must remain just, faithful, strong and brave, striding with heads high under the Swastika toward the hour of our proudest triumph.


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Finding Shelter under the Swastika

The miracle of growing National Socialism today is that everywhere in the White world, it succeeds in producing an army of strong and skilful warriors obviously leading to universal power and the final redemption of Aryan world. Today, more than ever, we are using modern methods to win and use power through various electronic systems, the obvious radio and television, to make the world understand that the army of warriors is preparing itself to a coming revolution, although it has somehow already started today against the insane belief in the equality of races. Creative people producing educative programs in the service of National Socialism to make the world think run modern communications as websites on Internet. It has all risen from the depths of the warriors hearts and minds, finding its roots and strength in Own Folk First. While it may be appropriate to have power based on weapons, modern communication is also a powerful tool to win and hold the heart of a Nation. Internet stands open to everybody as a propaganda campaign set forth in its tactical and strategical elements. How deeper we are wounded today about the attitude of Zionistic governments and multiracism, the greater our courage arouses far beyond ones own life and the daily fights to victory, is nothing if the result means the security of our White race, the future of our families, and the safeguard of our children. National Socialism will always consider the family and children as the essential elements of Aryan existence and lifestyle, giving birth again to many children as they are in decreasing number today. It is within the Aryan family that the most intimate power of love, and passion between man and woman lead to complete fulfilment in private life, and as the only contribution to the development of White civilisation. It is from the position of the Aryan family that its children are grown up as the Whites most precious commodity for the furtherance of Own Folk and Homeland. Due to the heavy burden laid upon married couples today, as heavy taxation and inefficient health and other social welfares, and no protection at all while true family life is brought daily to the test, and many others prefer cohabitation mostly without children, as governments give Own Folk no other choice, preferring to give everything away to other races. To unite and fight together is one thing, but the yearning for family life and having children is the security of our White Nations where it is good to live, enjoy true happiness, and at the same time finding satisfaction in fulfilling the duty towards Blood and Soil. While present Aryan warriors are getting older, younger ones must rise to complete the work of the elder comrades, death being part of life as natural and inescapable as birth. Alfred Rosenbergs Memoirs, writes in his chapter, Adolf Hitler, man and myth: During our days of battle Hitler once said to me: To build up a real army requires at least a century. What he meant was that military slogans can turn into deep-rooted traditions only in the course of several generations; that military rules, commands, intra-service relationships, and military forms, must become part of the flesh and blood to guarantee the smooth functioning of a large military body under all conditions and in its most minute details. 33

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The flesh and blood as from above, young and old constituting the Aryan army of warriors is only made possible through family life as an attitude of pride in the Race, the natural behaviour of both Aryan men and women. National Socialism educates men and women who, with their natural mode of living, their mental faculty and their Aryan truthfulness, rise strong new generations, the warriors of the future. We shall, therefore, look among our number and reckon on those who bear the hallmark of National Socialism, being fully guarded by its ideals, and will not rest before its goal is achieved, and once achieved jealously watch over its growth and security. We shall always seek diligently, even as they have done before us during the Third Reich, and Our Fhrer who has started National Socialism, to discover again and again the deeper meanings, those more basic principles, and those profound truths that strengthen and illumine our minds, bringing achievement to our quest. The Fourth Reich that the warriors are now building is the unification and the harmonising of the entire Aryan family. There is the vision and the ideal, one vast brotherhood, Aryan men and women together, each National Socialist smoothly cooperating one with another, each attending to his own task through loyalty, discipline, obedience, sacrifice, modesty and comradeship. Let us all be the living voice of the Sign, as the basis of National Socialist teaching, with no other imposed authority. The Swastika is capable of much significance as found in National Socialism, and the closer a warrior advances towards it to shelter, the more he will see the form and the greater he will extract from the Symbol. Deep underneath the surface of things and behind the immediately appearing warriors, National Socialism is forcing its way out. Its hidden realities that underlie Aryan appearance are on its way to break through today, along the warriors actions everywhere in Europe and White continents where Aryans are present. It is equally true that there are many Nordic mysteries connected with National Socialism, and that there are many multiracial problems to solve before the story of our sublime Race will stand clear and revealed again before the eyes of White humanity, and minor races everywhere. Only Victory is at the side of the White. It can be proven to those who approach National Socialism with an open mind and with an unprejudiced outlook, that the evidence goes to prove that National Socialism provides the truth that is historical where the consciousness of the Aryan is concerned. It can surely be demonstrated that the progress of the individual warrior towards White Victory, along and together with the comrades through National Socialism, conveys a true picture of the progress of White humanity towards its Aryan culture of all who now struggle towards the goal, the White determined by Blood and Honour. All multiracial, political, social, religious or philosophical confusion that hitherto had brought White Nations to suffer has to be brought to naught, even if it means civil revolution as it will be very likely so. Today, here and there, small often neighbourhood revolutions are breaking through, for instance against the acceptance of new refugees of other races, providing them shelter in White neighbourhoods where the safety of the folk is immediately questioned. Those asylums for refugees in wait for official papers are a danger for White neighbourhood. And, why should we accept them on Aryan ground?


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 At the time of writing, while it is Christmas, a time for family life celebration, how many well-meaning Aryans are even unable to drink a decent cup of hot coffee, or even have some heat to warm up their frail and perhaps sick bodies! How many Aryans are unable to get medical assistance! Why should we give our money to meet the problems of Africa, while in our todays multiracial countries poor White people are dying in the streets of our great cities? And, no one cares about Aryans! National Socialism is gathering momentum all over the world where the White is present, by the formation of groups of Aryans trained in will-power and who gradually gain insight into the principles that govern White relationship in world affairs. The White will always be the unique ruling force in the world. Will the niggers independently even arrive at the full control of their own continent without the governing White Race? Niggers are still in the embryonic stage, still to be found as they were some two-hundred years ago or even less, but quite honestly even today still to be regarded as raw savages, divided into countless tribes, living in a state of nature, primitive and totally uneducated from the modern point of view, ruled by chieftains and under guidance of tribal gods in spite of Christian missionary outreach, and still controlled by tribal taboos. Even today, we see them fighting among themselves and raiding each others territory often on a land-to-land scale. Think of Republic of Congo today, former Zaire, and even earlier the Belgian Congo, and surrounding countries how they fight each other to kill. It was a great mistake of Belgium to have given away Congo to the niggers in 1960, as this was the end of many careers for the majority of White citizens in that part of Africa, having to leave their properties and back to Belgium with absolutely nothing, having to start anew at zero. The niggers stole everything, while the Belgian government just gave everything away to them, in fact even the belongings of their own Folk in Congo. Niggers are unable to rule, and should still be under White control in Africa, and completely banished from the Western hemisphere, together with Turks and Arabs. Because of its embryonic state, it is a crime towards humanity to train niggers or allow them self-government, as they are decades away from true civilisation. Niggers belong to a lesser race and blood, and it is something that will ever stay that way. Not only niggers, but the entire self-governing, unorganised power of Africa will remain the seat of the bloodiest conflict the world has ever seen, and that because of Islam mostly, and the two remaining Abrahamic Faiths2 as well. As far as negro Africa is concerned, it shall never be fitted for governmental control and office, owing that they have just come out from the virgin forests and primitive way of living. It is a race unable to live as Aryans do, and therefore they will remain in their embryonic state. The future world peace depends upon National Socialism, White enlightenment, and White statesmanship only. Certain questions inevitably arise in the minds of the White practicing the obvious just will, and here are a few of them:

Old Testament Biblical study instructs those interested in the subject, that there will never be peace in Israel and surrounding countries, as they will always be at war among themselves. They have always been at war as all world history proves, and will remain so until time immemorial. Let them kill each other, it does not bother me in the slightest. They continually perish according to their own laws, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. They are our enemies, and will always remain so.


Skull Press Edition - 2001 2008 Hagur 88/14 (1) Can lesser races be trusted to function independently in the interest of themselves, and the world as a whole, for instance as to being commercially productive without White assistance? (2) Can they function without White political powers? (3) Can they insure justice on their own? NO , they cannot, and need White leadership all the time. There can be no question of practising equal rights between the White Race and other races. The White Race is the only force, power, and strength, which rule the world and other races, even from the ebb and flow of the tides. The White is the only will-power. White Folk! The same iron blood of your mighty Aryan ancestors still flows in your veins. The towering leadership of Adolf Hitler reaches out a godlike hand to lift you all up to world-conquering power. Warriors remain even aggressively active to defy the rats and vermin of multiracism at your feet. Warriors, let them feel the toe and heel of your boots, and stamp them out! Our fallen heroes considered many things important enough to die for if necessary, and that is what we must be prepared to do whenever the time comes. (Adolf Hitler)


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Finding Shelter under the Swastika

Exercising the Will

Foreword Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Epilogue Contents 2 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37

Hagur 88/14 Flandres (Belgium) January 30th, 2001 Triumph of the Will Day.


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