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Speak about the importance of school in educating the

young generation.

School is the most important institution where children are educated (where
education is performed in its most organized form called learning process).
We spend the first seven years of our life with our parens and in a
kindergarden.The following 12 or 16 years(which is quite a lot of time)are spend
in school highschool and college.I would define “young generation” those aged
between 7 to 18 years old.It’s the period prevented by many writers in their
writings,for example Mihail Sadoveanu who talked about his favourite
teacher,I.Creanga who presented funny events(amusing)since he was a pupil or
Mircea Eliade with his novel “Romanul adolescentului miop” who evoked his
childhood and teens/youtk.
The most important role of school is the fact that it offers fundamental
knowbedge such as reading-writing.Durring upper secondary school we start
learning more subjects(chemistry,biology,history,geography and foreign
languages).Each one of them offers information which help you in every day of
life,for exmple the cardinal points and if you are lost in a forest you can
orientate yourself ,you find out the significance of certaine days-the first of
December,the 25 of December,the 5 of January-Eminescu-when he was
born.You learn to make the difference between poisons animals and plants,you
finally find out why and apple falls.
In the next level you specialize in the fields you likeand choose.After 12
years of education (just like in my case)school offers me a job.This means the
possibility starting my own life,to have money and practice what I have learned.
Even if tehnology has developed so much and nowadays you can learn alone
in front of a computer,nothing compares to explanations of a teacher,you can’t
establish the same relations wiyh a computer as the one you establish to
teacher;you love teacher and I’m sure that everybody remember the first day of
school when they were welcomed by a kind gentel teacher with a nice smile
willing share her knowledge of the time teachers became models for
students.They are those persons students want to be like.
Apart from learning school represents the place where the children
socialize,they must obey to certain rules they became responsible for their
actions and last but not least they make friends.They share happy,sad or exciting
moment they will remember many years after they became a group they fell that
they have a certain role in this group and all these mean educating a child.

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