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Atty. Pura Calleja

Martha Rose C. Serrano

11280123 Block G01

I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.i Marilyn Monroe Allow me to begin with my personal dogma by Manilyn Monroe, that nothing happens by chance but for reason. Entering law school entails a lot of hard work, discipline, personal enthusiasm and drive which reminded me to stay focused all throughout the four year journey. Law school and becoming a lawyer may be considered as my long term goal ever since I was young. My persevering attitude towards excellence aims to mark a change in this competitive and challenging world. This view and attitude equipped me to face realities that set forth as an introduction in the beginning of my long quest as a woman and as a person. Passing the bar examinations will be a symbolic mark in the rising action of my personal story where different opportunities and events will eventually rise to its highest point of interest. All throughout my quest, I became a passionate leader who wanted to be in service to my co -students and even to those people who needed my help. Looking back, my experiences equipped me to become an advocate, a leader and a passionate follower. One of the few things which tapped me as an individual are the green projects which made me realize a lot of extravagant opportunities that could postively develop the current state of our country.

"Philippines beauty is truly unmatched by anything I have seen!" I thought with excitement and ecstasy when I first witnessed the splendor of Filipino landscapes and beaches. The majestic forests and blue lakes have surpassed the stories I heard while growing up. However, a puzzling sight hampered my sense of admiration when I have the opportunity to visit to prime cities in Manila.

It puzzled me why so much effort was put into preserving a land already undamaged. At the time, I knew only of the splendor of Filipino rivers and landscapes and felt that it was only natural for people to preserve the constant gem I had witnessed. I have always wondered why so many Filipinos seem disinterested in global inequalities and environmental issues. I do not believe that we are a selfish people without concern for the country's poor or the well being of future generations. So the question is why aren't more of us environmentalists? In light of this question, I suggest we think about our privileged position in the country and in the world. And rather than feeling guilty or self-satisfied about it, we should decide to be energized by our relative fortune and natural resources. This energy might propel us to care for the environment and our fellow citizens at a level not currently realized.

In recent times women have chosen to be free from old traditions, beliefs and feelings which have stopped their self-expression and have been a barrier to their possibilities and their will. Truly, the trend is a healthy one. No gender can make a claim to control abilities and capabilities. We need a healthy environment where all, irrespective of gender, social class, ethnic group or professional belonging that will contribute their best for our collective progress. It is good that women are taking up important positions in our political, social and economic system

of things. The trend must be encouraged. The new world of our dream is one where educate, experience, explore and excellence will be our general philosophy. Women must strive to excel and be counted among our best and brightest.

The efficiency of green advocacy points to 4 major aspects: peace and order, health, sustainability and economy. Whenever we choose to clean our house and environment using our values namely integrity, compassion, working together as one, reverence and commitment for a healthy lifestyle, we are, in effect, doing our part to keep our community sustainable in the years and generations to come.

Deciding to go green in terms of cleaning our environment and in the way we live our life has many benefits. Not only will it be a testimony to our advocacy of preserving the environment, we will personally be rewarded with a healthier life. We are all familiar with the benefits of green cleaning to the environment, but we never really realized how it could help the economy. Fact, we can lessen expenses by using eco-friendly cleaning products. Practicing green cleaning is more than home safety and saving the environment. It is a new way to aid our government and our country's economy, especially now that we are all suffering from the global economic downturn. Today, tons of information about the benefits of green cleaning is

available. We can read about it online and on print media. We could watch it in the news or hear it over the radio. The advocacy is being pushed by more prominent personalities for a greener, safer earth as well as lesser economical problems. If there's lesser health risk, there'll be lesser sick days. Thus, there will be an increase in productivity. The people are in good condition and

can dedicate more hours in work and school. This process benefits both the employee and employer and the youth.

With the ability to choose our actions and modify our surroundings, humans are no longer a part of randomness of nature. Yet nature still holds many lessons for us, and it is crucial that we continue to preserve it. Therefore, a compromise between the nature's preservation and human expansion should be found. We should only exert minor influences upon parts that we do not fully understand, but we should also not hesitate to act when human involvement would aid our prosperity. Today, with the rapid growth in technology, many citizens are ignorant of what will and will not deteriorate the environment. It is urgent to increase the public awareness of facts so a delicate balance between human expansion and natural preservation can be established. Perhaps in the future, mankind will have a new home among the stars, and nature on Earth will finally be left to freely run its course. Certainly, the move would make a bold statement to the entire world on how we are making a stand to make our community a safer, better, and cleaner place for us and our children. Let us switch to greener eco-friendly products and make the world a safer, healthier and more economically viable place for our kids and our future.

As a competent lawyer , its about time that my once upon a time dream will be put into action. The environment, the people and the society will be my priority. Law school will not only build my character, instill knowledge about different laws but will allow me to become an innovative and diversified woman, equipped to face the events and complications in my journey.

Part of my plans as a lawyer is to represent and to litigate. I believe that the true essence of becoming a lawyer is how one will reach out and how one will be of service to others. It is by becoming an officer of the court that will strengthen me as a person and will be an avenue to present these advocacies.

As the journey progress, I will always put God in the center of my life and would offer all the accomplishments and challenges to Him. I will always put in mind that all my hard work and dream will also be offered to my parents and to those special people who became supportive all throughout these years. I am very excited to explore the episodes of this chapter and to see how my dreams be put into action.

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