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66Th ..u?MD
.l.W 44 th.:ru 45
.... r fo i t' t ' '),-' ,", P. -I. t i G yo C 0 a 1"1 t !: ":'
::'::HJ .... ,
A. P. O. 252
5' octobor 1944
str.3JECT, Trmlsrdttal of papers.
TlIRU I comnanding Officer, combat COMmand "An, 2d Divisi:)!],.
TO comnanding General, 2d .Armored Division.
hereto is R')port of operation for period 1- 31 Algust
1944, for the 66th i.rmored Regir..ent, with S-l, S-2 end S-4 supplements.
por the commanding Offioerr
A. B..';.P..."tOF,
66th .'1rmor':}d R



_ _____tAA .-
IMte laitiek
APO 252
September 1944
Report of Operation for PerioQ
1 - 31 August 1944
1 1944
At OoolB Aug 1944, ooth Armd. Regt, CC"AII, was in contact with the enem.,y in
the vicinity 01" BEAUCOUDRAY, FRANCK (see overlay 11); all elements of the Reg1.ment
(- Hq Co, bbth Annd Regt) were under direct control of General, CC"AII.
At 0500B, a combat team 01' 3rQ Bn, both Armd. Regt, 3rd. Bn, RCT, and. a
platoon of Co B, 70, TO Bn, moved. on order of COJlllllanCling General, CC"A", on
TESSY SUR VIRE .(see overlay A ground. mist screened. the IOOvement of the
combat team advantageously, and. excellent progress was maC1e. A column of enemy
reconnaissance and. personnel venicles was overrun with complete d.estruction
thereof. The leading Co G, met the 1'irst substantial resistance on
the outsidrtsof TESSY SUR VIRE, where two med.ium tanks were destroyed. by ell..,
fire. Two med.iu.ll tanks 01' Co G actually entered the town, but were
destroyed by mines and anti-tank fire, the personnel being captured..
In the meantime, at 0830B, the column was cut along the axis by two Gernan
l.:ark V tanks which approached the column from the left flank. One enemy tank
was destr6yed and the other forced to withdraw under damaging fire. Under cover
of smoke laid by the Mortar Platoon, 3rd Bn, both Armd Regt, the remainder of
the colwnn closed upon on C,o G in the viCinity of LA POElLEWERE. The attached
infantry had been disroounted from tne tan.i<:s at 491475, and moved forward on foot
to rejoin the tanks at LA At 50470, Co G suffered the further loa.
oi' two medium tanks by gun fire from German ;..ark 'v tanks hidden in that vicinity.
At 14308, after re-organizing, the continued astride the road. to
TESSY SUR VIaE with aediwn companies abreast, Co H, b<..lth Regt on left and
Co G, ooth Armd -Regt, on rieht. Extremely heavy resistance again was encountered
in form of d'-lg-in and roving enemy tan.ltS, ca.lSinl a further loss of four medium
taIi{s 01' Co G.
Go B, obtn ,..r.'I1d Regt, provided rear guard for the battalion's advance. .\.
report was received that enem,y taI1l<S were coning in from the flaM to attack the
conibat trains, but the did not materialize.
At approxi.iJately 18000, the Battalion reached its objective s ,lccessfully,
securing the hi:;;h ground N,'I of TESSY SUR VI:U. lS/OOB a platoon of Co H, ooth
n.rlil::1 Regt, was ziven ;nission of cleaning ou.t town of H!iE and the for
Ward slopes of hills to East and SO'-ltheast of toNne The objective was seccU'ed and
neld throu3t1 several heavy artillery conc.;;ntrations on tne area.
T!1e fierceness of this co.'nbat is by the loss of 15 .aediwn tanJ{s
and or,e lii;ht tan.{ by tneoattalion, and tIle ... estruction of two Ger,:k3.n ":arJ{ V and
s ix I V tan;(s, plus 11 other ,:;u!'!s ane! veilic les.
- 1
,. .
- j
"00 1 t -'. t l " 'tW d b C di 0
At 00 S, s ...l.on, n aeCt, ,1.eU:1, w Jr ered. y oronan ng
c;enerol, C:".i.", to :-:.ova into the attac'{ at once with the ll...lssion of seizin,; high
broll:l. G (,-;il::" 11" see overlay !I.e.) and. sec-lrin..; sal.,e. The tJattdlion ;aoved. O'lt with
Co l, uutn .\r!lld. E(egt, and. att3.cned. infantry C01npan,y from on, ,(,.t. aCT, 4th Div,
a platoon 01 Co -t., 70.t!. TO 3n, as the assault ele.'Jents to a line of departure at
tile CR 4744';7, where the 175th In!;t had. est,aolished. its further:10st point of
aovance. At 1:)45B arranGelnents were laade with tne 17,ttl Inf to pass tne tanks
tnru tneir lines.
A. reconnaissar.ce 01 terrain WaS completea ana at 11303, the assault column
swung off the roio\O into tne attack with the left flaM guioing on tne roaa. At
tnis tiJ!1e, two Jer:ll"-l.n tarv.s witn suP?ortiniS infantry ..-.ere observed covering tne
road.. Tne attack was preceed.ed by an artillery concentration of the German tanks
observed, ar.d. in' front of tile leacung assault eleoent.
The attac!< re..1Ci1ed a pcint 403458 at At this time, air reconnaissance
reported tHree enerrv tad-{s to tne front, hidden in a group of houses. The
terrain '.',Qula not ::>er:1it maneuver to flank triese enemy tanks due to presence of
s roaas on tne left flank ana airect fire em the right flank from the south.
A :nedium tank was lost in the attempt. AS artillery fire failed to destroy these
tanks, air support 'NaS requested which arrived 30 minutes. The air knocked out
two tanks and reported seeing no more in The assault elements then moved
for-Nard into the attack, and came under direct from tank that had moved
in undetected 1"rom the left flank, caLlSing a loss of one of our medium tanks. The
entire area was subjected to an concentration of enemy shell fire coming
from the right tlank and front. .
Pl.ans then were formula.ted to move the sector of advance to the 80uth about
300 yaras &nCl U:irll .... oI uUllUl tir. 'rapLd. endeavor to rlAnk
this strong point anCl continue with the mission assigned. The Jwap oft was delayed
by another heavy artillery concentration Which resulted in numerous casualties
among the supporting infantry. While the infantry was being re-organized, instruc
tions were received that the .t!.nd Bn, 66th Armd (reinf) had been committe<1 to
the attack on the left si.o.e of the axis of and. was now 300 yards to the lert'
rear. .t!.nd Bn, obth Armd Regt, had. been following 1st Bn, ooth Armd Regt, on &xie,
contact being maintained between the elements by Platoon, Rcn Co, ooth Armd Regt.
As .the Bn carne abrt:ast at lJOB, the attack jumped cirf; 1st Bn moving aggressively
with Co I in the lead, reached UJe oojective Hill,l12 at 34.5B with but 12 medium
and 1, in combat operation. .
At 13000, Commanding Officer, 41d. Bn, ooth n.lI'ffiCi Regt, Re'inf, recei ved orders
for an advance on 'I'E3SY sua vIP.E along the left of' the axis - VILLEBAUOON
I3EAUCOJDRAY - TESSY SUR iIlRE. Enemy resistance wa:s i'irst encountered at BEAOCOUDRAY
and COmJ"landing Cfficer, "nd Bn, bbth Armd Regt, iSlsued orders for the tank attack
to be made in the l'ollowing fornation: Co I, both
Arm1 Regt, leading with Co D,
bbth Armd Regt, echeloned. to left rear, Co A, bothlArmd Regt, with Platoon of Co B,
702 TO Bn attached, proceeding down axis. The assault gun and mortar
platoons '.-;ere to support the attack from positions, 500 yards aJuth of CHEVRY.
. ,
The attack moved out am Co I encountered a heavy concentration of tanka
supported by inlantry. aggressively into concentration, element. or
Co I destroyed five or the enelll,Y tanks.
- '"
. ..,..:.. . :
t.r ... !. ..... t .",;,E: -11JCe ,,),i . ';; ... t .. _jL, . .l'"C.. ve
,jt::!.;tr'<:c;'u two <:i't::!", C-! lsir.' re':,.,:":,t.:er Lr; sltr.L;rci.....
::1 ",:.CJJ.flter, .:1.0 vvtn n.r:.c ,\.e:"nl, c:c..,'tJ.reo. 10i..' prisoners anu
--'.; 1','),:'-1 .ittl; l:J-:;er, 0elore ;roceeGir.,: "itni.ts Tne .clia Bn
.. ec. t_ ..;.'1t.<.:e to:. ',oiLt '1 : 1'ox1. dtel:' 1,.1-.)(', :'aras ';est or' r.:,.:).ji v;nen
:.:r<.:ereo <: Co;,, ":;ellera1, to lor tne ni<nt \ see over':"::
i\r:;,G. asseabled and S;Jent tnis ,:;eriod re-or in the :,.ainter.ance
01' -Ier.icles ':.oeapons, anc renaoilitatin;,:; ;:>ersonnel in the on overlay
rO. /ill att;;'CIled ur.its were released to orGanizations.
1[1e ...;roullc , wa:..; c onsoliuatea and over by eler:lents 01' tne jOt I. ;)iv.
r'iela l,.rjer ::0.5, CC"J1.", (see supportin,.; papers) v;as receivea anc. rl'lIlS here
lor':lllatea ana perl'ectea lor ar. attack 0!1 tile city of v'IRE.
:.:ainteua.nce 1,;0, uuth nr:na ileGt, wor:<:ea at tne ree :Jvery, evacLl.':l.tion, and repair
01' Qarnac.:ea ','e:licles. venicles ,;ere arawr.. Service Co, ooth .... rmd Regt,
1'es'-lpplied unit ana !lrOCessed re;llaCe;!lent personnel to their organizations. On
.:., tht: naa 8U ;.Jec1i. UI'.J tan"s, 50 li6ht tanks, and 14 arJ:lored cars in
operating conaition. 93 enlisted .nen ana lj officer replacements received.
4 AUGust 1944
The "':nd 3n, outtl Armd Rec:t, reinforced, actinG as aavanc.e guara. lor CC",\",
J;.oved out at Ubr)OB along route shown on overlay i';o. 4. organized resisting Fas
er;COL1!ltered. unti 1 the Battalion reached. Eere a r..ine field. slo"ied the
column until a passaGe was cleared. by the Engineers. The colwnn then ad.vanced. to
...E.SNIL ReBT, RJ Where elements received. direct fire from a
I.i:ark V tank which was destroyed. by artillery fire.
At this point the elements of ncn Co, 60th Armd Regt, leac1i.nG the advance, were
Withdrawn, the Battalion movea forward. in eolwnn of companies, Co n, both armd. Regt,
leading, to clear resistance along axis of advance of the Combat Command. The
advance, continued. against IIlOd.erate resistance to a point rear CHISEL, b00349, where
heavy eneII\}: artillery are and cti.rect AT fire from high grouna. near LA PIUl.ERE,
5993.o!5, destroyed. lour medium tanks and one light tank. The battalion was ord.erea.
to consolid.ate and wi thd.raw to an assembl,y area near LA HUARDIERE, 595356, where
it spent the night.
At laDOB the 1st Battalion was locatea at ,80357 and was given the mission of
and. securing high ground. \,;est of VlRE (Hill 4.9) 015315, after a delay 01"
lz hours due to construction on axis of the ad.vance continued
through mortar a rd machine 6 un ti re to (see overlay No.4) where lead.
ing elements encountered a mine field on the road. The medium tank elements of
the Battalion then were deplored. astride the road and continued the ad.vance until
fired llpon by three enell\Y tanKS camouflaged in houses. These enemy tanks were
inunediatel,y engaged and destroyed by Co I, b6th AR. At this time friendly infantry
troops (con' t on Page 4)
- 3
.J ......1
were cont.acted fro!l Inf Div. Investigation the Linit had the s.."
o\.)jecti ve as toe 1st ,::lll, obth hrmd He6t. By the time co-ordination was affect eo,
it was too for further operation and on order Co:nmandiI16 3eneral, ce"",", the
1st Dn consolidated its position at 583330 for the nit:ht
3rd Bn, obth ",rrnd Regt, was in CC"A" Reserve, H,oved by bounds alonG the axis
and l'fa!> not co;nmitted. The Battalion assembled for night as shONn on overlay 1/4.
:> 1944
Hq ooth Armd Regt received !"ield Order rio, CC"A", 'Nhich constituted the Bns
and gave their missions as follows (see annex No. and overlay ri5).
1st Bn, ooth Aft, Reinf i:3n, 60th Rein! ;rd 3n, 60th nR
1st Bn, ooth A.R En, ooth
1 Co, an, 119 Inf 2n(1 Bn, 119 Inf (-1 Co)
1 Plat, Co A, 17th Engr 1 Plat, Co 17th Engr
14th fA Bn
CC"A" Control
H,-, CenA", Ar",d Di v
o5tl1 fA Bn
119 FA Guard
ooth Ar!:1d J.egt (-'3 i3ns)
(;0 Ito, l'/th ZnL:r Flats)
Co .t, 70"'!' TD Bn
Co Ito, 4Eth ;.:ed Bn
Co D, ISt5 Aa
:)et CO A, bn
1st ;-m Rein': to SeCLlZ'e high eround :;est 01' VIlE to cover passing of
ce"A" th:,u 1IR...-;. follow last unit of CC".It." passin.: thru VIRE.
"'!'nd Dn :teinf: Itottaci<s on order after 1st Bn, oath t\rrnd Rest, objective has
been reached, continues advance to $outh.
jra Dn, '-loth Jt.R: follow ..:!nd 3n, aoth An on order.
1st Bn, t/oth Itor.!ld Reet, Reinf, moved out on its l:ri.S sion at (JdCOB, reaching
point 010j30 where eneJIr' automatic fire Vias received. The si tua tion was vigoro.lsly
developed, pusnin<-:: the enen\y aside and the reinf, reaCiled and secured
tl1e objective at 10153.
The objective "as consolidated and _lade secffe, tIle tc-,m,:s in t)erir.,eter .:.:el'ense
positions Ly fire roads ieadiui from. to ttle \':est and sO'lth. ':;,1all
;Jersistant CO-.l!lterattac;<::s were successfully repulsed on the _:est fh.r,.-:: tl,rOlGIlout
t ne cay.
l\t oraer5 were recei vea from; CC".-t.!I, for t"e 1st. 3n
.vitn attaclnents to attact. , ana East .I.'roIi. its position on hill "::19 ana secure
II ill uue 301ltl: 01 n.tE (ojOJ07). rile jatt.. lion CO::l:..iJ.llcin Ul'icer returnee to CC"IL"
lor anu was cut oi't .L'ro:1l to ilis biJ.ttalion ale to L,e lact tne
e nc,:(, had ilil'iltrateo :H1ci S:lrrounuee tne pos.i:tion. 7ne Co.'.;::a.nciin.; General,
Ce"A", VIas aovised tiht it was tHe belie1 01' tlle 'sattalion,:;-;.2,-J, !l0"( cO::lI..a.nding
tndt u.n',or ::tl.d ill tile vicinity woule ue aol.e to reta:e Hill L19 ii" an
a ttac,<;: as oruereo ::ereludertaKen. urders for were to the extent
- 4

that Co 'G, 119 Inf, wit. 'One co:npany were to nake
The attac;<;: was launched; resistance in the form of small arms lire, bazooka,
and was enco untered L:llllediately llpon the attacking forces leaving hill.
The lorce was ordered to disengage due to the lateness of hour and ret'lrn to its
l' onler position. This was accomplished and lst Bn, ooth AR, rein!', consolidated for
the ni.;;ht on Hill without further incident.
Bn, ooth Armd Regt, reint', preceded by Rcn Co, 06th Regt (-1 Plat)
lloved out at 0800B on its assigned mission, reaching a point 800 yaras North of
,.J1.RTIi.LY, where the force sustained heavy artillery concentrations and direct fire
from Ger.JJan tanks. Reconnaissance was withdrawn at Bn, reinf, pro
ceeding into the attack. Progress was slow, orders were received at 2100B to
the battalion in area 01434-' for night.
The objectives tne 2nd Bn failed to take due to the tenacious German resistance
encountered, later required the use of a rorc. tne aize of an In! Div to secure.
The 3rd Bn, bbth armd Regt, continued to follow the attack by bounds as CCflA"
Reserve, closing in assembly area at 000347 for the night. It was not comrcittea.
o AUUS _4'+
The 1st Bn, Reinf, received orders during the night to attack and secure high
South of VIRE, 030307, starting attack at 0800B. This was delayed until
0830B due to a heavy ground fog. at 0830B, Co F, both Regt and Co G, 119Inf,
a s the assfult wave passed thru lines neld b.i' friendly infantry and ('ere immea1ately
taKen under he a vy Slua11 arms and AT fire. The attack pushed 1" orwara to 014309 in
tile race of increasing eneH\y small arms and antitank fire. The enell\Y, apparently
using one 01 our curnini; tanKS lor a bose point, saturated the area for a radius of
)...:0 yaras ',vith heav,;: ;.Iortar fire. The forward eleiaents were en5aGea in a fierce fire
1 'Nitll the enen\:,- and due to no chance for in the past 4B hours; the
ana F&L situation 'flas critical. The trains were located to the rear of
t;,e b,1.ttalion ana the ene:r,:r fld.d inriltrated between them and the cO..mat ele::lents.
Fer.:ission "3.5 re--.uested and cranted to tlle effect that smll g rO'lps of co,nbat vehicles
:)8 0er,t to t:ie trains tor re-rit tir:;;. This ; started at 11003 ana Que to trle fact
it v'as necessar;;' to tnrou,;h the i}er::lan forces to 6et to the the re
s l;)pl:'itli; was not co.'1pleted until 1'1j03.
I:.Ior .:ti \':as received at llUUD tlld.t ..Ird 0n, oath hrma Reet,
J.eirli, II&'U lieen wa;;; ;ilovir:::; to tile attaCK on the flan;" of the
1st .:Jr.. Trl8 operati'Jli:..ll ,:L.n 'd as l' or trie jra jjn to urav; abreast of ti1 If., t Bn, and
t .!<lli 1:.)1' uotn jjns to ;)USII tae att;;.c,( on lOrWZl.rU to tne hiGH :.;rowla South 01 'IIHE.
At OI'c.ers '\ere receivec. 11'01:1 Co.'lI.:anaing veneral, CCI1AI1, to tne effect that
.lntil l'urt)",er or:1ers :i.a venicles 01' t:le cO,luana weI'e to be Kept 01'1' all roaas,
p riol'it..: :.,oini to tne L9tll 1n1' :Jiv. 1st 3n., Reinl', less venicles resu.ppliea
at tr'-LillS, "-tn )ru 3D, Rein1, consolid.ated on tne nill and preparea cefenses
lor tt:e rac:nt.
triLe: t!le p.-;riou 01 Llei'ense orGanization, s;nall ar;llS lire \'-as observed corning
11'0:-:1 tile ';;OutL anu a t-:t.u.c.{ reconnaissance revealed tnat. 01 tne Ens
- )
01" inl'antr2' llilU ',iitnarawn lro.;l toe ae1'ense of the hill ":ithout
r,otitic3.tion and tna ene:,l,Y, realizin..; tJil:;, hei laLU1cr:ed a cOWlterattack. The ener.lY
co.mteratt'-1C.-{ 3.nd at',e"pt at reca;JtlrirlG tlle growld lost to them was repllsed.
battalion of tne llotil Inf arri. 'led in tue area at this point and over the
uefenses vacated uy trle before .entioned infantry ele!Ttents. The re:nainder of the
Iligut was s;:ent 't;i thout further incident.
"'-no 3:1, uuth "\r:::d i\eo't, Heini., Vias ordereCl to U;J assault positions near
tnose occllpiea tne ena of tile ;;revio.lS This was accomplished at 19003. Not
'ueinc: co::unitteu, tne 3n witt-drew to an asse1nbly area for the ni5ht.
jrd i3n, uoth l.rmd Reclt, Reinf, 'Nith Bn, 41st AriUd Inf Regt, received orders
to :aa.-:e contact/litn the 1st I3n at 009317 and to coordinate with t.1em in an attack
On the 11iZh ;ro;lnd south' of IIE;Z.
At CJ730B, 3rd:3n moved out of asse::lbly area in colwnn or companies, moving SW
t a tnen Sast toward V1:tE. Tne att",cK progressed' rapidly to a point 5983".
Here, a leadin6 tan'{ 01 Co B was aestroyed by artillery or mortar fire. ;;hile
t ryin-:: to l>y-pass toe resis tance a t tIllS point, Co B lost anotner tank by cirect
AT fire fro!:l a point 591jl().
Tlie battalion went into an assElflbly area in the vicinity of RJ at 6(0)1 where
orders for contir:uation of the attacl{ ,,'ere issued and coordination with elements of
the Inf on the riGht l' lank affected.' The battalioniVB.s subjected to
n c1l!lerOUS concentrations of mortar fire while in the assembly area. The attack was
launched 'Nith the hiGhway as the axis, with Co H on the right, Co G on the left.
Co B constituted the reserVe and rear guard. The attack progressed satisi'actorily
aGainst moderate resistance.
The terrain encoWltered by Co H on right side 01' too road was too difficult
l' or a fast ;noveillent, so Co H crossed to the left side and followed Co G. The leaCl
i ng elements of the force, aitar destroying several AT guns ana numerous German
infantry, succeeded in drawing abreast of tee 1st Bn at 15008.
At lo30B, rear elements of tie battalion were counterattacked by German tanks
a nd infantry, three T-:G recovery vehicles and three mediwn tanks vhich were
'undergoing Juaintenance. Co G was ordered to meet and repel this counterattack which
after a fierce f:i.;re fight, it succeeded in doing. Co G was ordered to return to the
battalion assembly area upon the cOlnpletion of the action ana the 3rd Bn, Reint',
coordinating with 1st Bn, Reinf, spent the night in assembly area without further
i nciaent.
7-8 August 1944
On August 7, 1944, orders were received to the effect that Col. Collier was
r elleved of command ooth Armd Regt and would assume commana CC"A-". Lt Col 'IlIWAM
M. JR was assigned both Armd Regt and asswned command thereof.
During this period, all elements of the RegimBnt were withdrawn into assembly
area as shown on overlay #7, continuing with the mission 01' securing the high ground.
at 018315. Much neeCled maintenance of vehiCle., weapons, of personnel
and re-organization was undertaken.
9 August 1944
uoth "rrr,d Regt remained in asse.ably areas ;:aintenance and personnel
Crders were recei Ve<1 at 1700B creating TASK .r'OP..CE "A" (see Annex 3) under
co:nmand ConunandiCl6 Officer, ooth Annd Regt, and consisting of troops as follows:
ooth Armd Regt (-1st and Jrd Bns, Rcn Co, and Co A (-1 Plat)
1st Plat, Co A, 17th Engrs
Bn, 41st Armd In! Regt (-E Co)
Co A, TD Bn
l.4th Armd FA Bn
Det Co A, 48th Med En
Task Force "A" was attached to ;th Inf Div and given mission of passing thru
lines of 109 Inf at lOOoOOB and attack generally down riage toward. Hills 30" j"O,
and 338 in order to secure HILL 367.
At com.':l8.llders of attached units met at CP 6bth Armd Regt where orders
for fullfilment of assigned mission were issued (see Annex #3)
10 August 1944
At O300B the Advance Guard, followed by the remainder of Task Force "A" crossed.
the IP (see FO obth Arnd Regt) and moved. rapidly to an attack position in the
vicinity of CHAMP DU BOULT (54470) closing in attack position at 0530B.
At 0700B, Co D, bbth Armd Regt, reinf, (with platoon light tanks from Co A,
6bth Armd Regt, and Co D, 41st Armd Inf Regt), crossed LD in the assault, nth Co
E, 66th Armd Regt, foilowing in close support.
Enemy fire from AT gWlS located on high ground in vicinity of LA CHARTRIE was
received by leading elements imlnediately after passing thru front lines of friendly
infantry, destroying three tanks before the enemy guns were over-run and destroyed.
Exceptionally diffic ult terrain was encountered; swampy ground, s\IDken roads and.
heavy hedgerows necessitated continuous use of the tank dozer to prepare the advance.
Co D, b6th Armd Regt, advanced under heavy eneIl\Y mortar and artirlery concentrations
to a position SI of GA'n1EVO (570"'35) destroying two German mortar positions, killing
or wounding 75 German infantry and gun crews and destroying six AT Guns of large
calibre. At Ul43 a platoon of tanks from Co A, 66th Armd Regt, entered
and succeeded in reducing remaining resistance within town.
Co I, both Armd Regt, was passed thru Co D, b6th Armd Regt, at this point and
continued the attack against very determined enemy resistance to a point near
LA FOURBERIE (588"'3) destroying four AT guns of large calibre, several ammuniti<>n
carts, miscellaneous vehicles and 50 German infantry and gun crews. The task force
advanced to a point near LA BERTHELLIERE (580"'5) where it .consolidated for the night
Heavy eneII\Y artillery concentrations were received in the asselubly area
periodically throughout the day and night, the 1'ire following any movement of the
force accurately. The enemy had excellent direct observation of the axis of advance.
- 7
Dust clouds created by vehicular movement drew immediate fire.
Remainder of b6th Armd Regt, under control of CC"A" renained in assembly areas
as indicated, performing maintenance, etc.
11 August 1944
At 0800B, Task Force "A", continued the attack ldth Co D, bbth Armd Regt, and
Co D, 41st Armd In! Regt, as assalllt ele;nents, supported by Co E, 6bth Armd Regt ani
Tank Destroyer Platoon. The force advanced to positions near U P.AUlE (bOla9) under
constant artillery tire and meeting stiff German resis tane:e in tie form of
bazooka, AT and small anns fire. 50 to 100 Germans were killed in the advance.
Co D, 6bth Armd Regt, with Co D, 41st Armd .In! Regt, consolidated and l'leld the ground
taken for the night, while remainder of force assembled at lJ;. RuCHE for
tile night.
Remainder of Regiment remained in assembly areas; 1st Bn was put on 30 minute
alert for movelnent to join Taste !,'orce "A" bllt was not committed.
12 Augllst 1944
"t first light the attack of Task Force "A" was resumed with Co E, both AI'Jad
Regt, passing thrll Co D, obth ArllIi Regt, with the mission of seizin6 and securing
CR 338 until relieved by elements of tile ;.::8th 101' Div, which took place at 1330B.
At l500B Task Force "A" rejoined CC"A"; attachments vere released and the 4ld Bn,
ooth Armd Regt, placed in Corps reserve in the vicinity of La ROCHE.
At l130B 1st Bn, ooth Arnxt Regt, received orders 1'rom CC"A" to proceed to
area on North edge of GATHEMO
.tot 1000B orders were received creating a Task Force consisting of Co I, bbth
Arrnd Regt, Co !), L.-lst Armd In! Regt, 1 Plat CO A, 17th Engrs, 1 Flat Co "', TD Bn,
and Assault Gun ana Mortar Platoons, lst Bn, obth A,rmd Regt, under cor!lIlland of Bn
EXecutive Cfl'icer ''lith mission of proceeding by route inClicated (see overlay #9)
South anCl tnen East to GER.
The remainins elements of tne 1st Bn were attacheCl to 4lQ Bn, 4lst hr;na 1m Hegt
(-) put under CommanCl or Co;nrranaill6 Cfl'icer, 4ld Bn, ..1st AL'md In1" :lest. 1845B 1
tCle TaSK force under Bn Exec Ci'llcer, 1st Bn, obth Armel. Regt, ;uoveCl out on its
aSSieneCl mission, moving rapia13 to the town of where a :aine field
was encountereCl. The advance was delayed and leading elements only able to reach
CR at by Tllrning SO:.lth a t that point the leadinG ele;aents i::ur.ediate13
were en6aged by the ene:v with small a rms and bazooka fire. The fire 1'ight con
tinlled for an hour, durin-:; -''1hich tirle the remainder of the force coiled-.J.p behind the
engageCl. The assembly area was subjected to heavJ' concentrations of large
calibre .uortar fire. At orders vere received to consolidate if possible, on
ground held, or withdraw to,UWll distance and secure for night. Growld already
neld Vias consolidated and .nade secure for the night.
3rd Bn, ooth Armd Regt, was placed in CCnA" reserve and ordered to move to new
- 8
assembly area vicinity one mil North of GATHBMO at lbJOB.
Bn, ooth Armd Regt, c ntinued in III Corps Reeerve, and proceeded with
maintenance of vehicles and pe sonnel.
13 August 1944
At 0700B taslt i'orce under Battalion EXecutive Officer, 1st Bn, 66th Armd aegt,
followed by remainder of force un:1er Co;amanding Officer, 41st Armd In! Regt, m.oveC1
toward its assigned objective.lorders were received to secure and consolidate
defenses at CR at 610174. Lea ng elements reached this point at llOOB and re
mainder or closed immediately behinC1 it. Defenses were set up and
Force as constituted remained there thru out day without mking contact with the
enemy. Jl1st prior to dark, Bn, both .\r:rn Regt, was ordered to move to an
asselubly area at OJ1119 , where lit remained without incid.ent for the night.
3rd. BIl, ooth Arnn Regt, norr with lst Bn, U2 Inf Regt attached, in CeliA"
reserve, moved a.t OlOOB to new lassea:bly area one mile East of GATHEMO.
At 0830B, 3rd Bn, ooth Arl d Regt, Rein!, upon receipt of orders, left
asse;ubly area .with infantry mo ted on tanks followed aC1vance 'Of 1st Bn, ooth
Ar:l1d Regt, thru .,OURDEVAL, clo ing into assembly area one mile south of SOURDEVAL.
At 1,OOB orders were received t pass thru 1st Bn zone at 71'173 and continue the
jrd Bn, ooth Regt, ,h1Jth infantry mounted on tanks moved. South in colwnn
of companies to - .:.aORTAIN Road, turned East tovlB.rd G3R, in vicinity
or b401LO.
The a.dvance 1'faS screeneC1 tly Rcn Co, ooth ArIlxi Regt.
At 1900B orders were to an attack East toward to relieve
pressure on Rcn Co, ooth egt. The attac;{ was launchea and continued until
dark. Terrain oi'l'ered consiC1e able cti.n'icLilty and advance was slow. Leading
elements reaChed o501.c5 and were consolidated at this point tor the night.
3n, ooth dr;:ld Regt, rrained in x;rX Corps reserve.
14 August 1944
1st Bn, Qoth .:.,rmd Re;:;t, orders at 0300B for an attaci( on HILL 3L9
(787125) but at 08]OB these orqers were rescinded and instead received a mission
of proceedin.:; tOy'lard l'LERS. approximately 1130B 1st Bn, ooth Ar:nd Regt, moveC1
to an -assef.!bly ';lorea on the of GER (097137) and awaited l\u-tner.oruers. No
furtrler for tbe C1ay w4s oraerea anu grouna hela was
3rd lm, ootn Ji.rnd Rest, to an asse!ably area at llOOB vicinity oJ two
miles of GER. At .cUOOB j a En ruoveC1 to another asse.!lbly area' three !niles
SE of ana spent the nici ht I
.o::na Bn, ooth ",r:r.u rJlJained in XIX Corps reserve.
:lcn Co, ooth Armd ReGt, cc\vered the aavance ot units to new
asseiilily areas. 1st Plat covelj'ed CO A, 17th Enbrs, in nine ::'ifti1lb operations
en route. jrd Plat discoverealiiline 1'ie10 at T709145 whiCh was bY-;:>::l.ssea.
... .
- 9
.-"rc.u. =i.e..;t, ..:itll 13t .on, 11...:: InL' attacIlec, Nceived lllission
'-':i all,} .... rill-": .J"'--1 ,738L::j) T:le t;... lio:l ;;joveo O'lt 01' asse.,;uly
... in col:.L":. 0 ... cros::,,,,u .... ..!. ;{i ver d t l..\.,L..... -
\,';; I C0:1 tiLued at ti:1c:{ to .il i.':" ).c.9.
e..le:.lents recei/t::u uirect lire fron a '1Cjjl.c.U tl1e uattalion
c'vileu or. t si:le 01 roo-a sIIort 01 tnis - .1.tter.c,; Wi.iS u '.l.'1c:leo lrom tllis
po::.ilion witn a [>latooCl 01 Cv iJ, outll ",rraO [\est, on tHe riGHt si:le 01' tlle road
7)-.1110) and Co :;, Qutn R.eGt, secclrinG nieh c;rolnd to left \ 7cloU4).
Co H, both I\rI.:ld aeGt, witn one cOI:ipany of 11..:: In! 3.ed;t attached, was to attack
ani secure li1e road center at ?9)1.c.1, leavin6 a roaa bloCK on eaell road as it was cut.
rhe was lauJlctlf3d at llGOE, ll.eeting lignt enewy resistance and accomplishing
::L;'ssion 01 sec 'lrin..; roae net a t
i\t 1)00i an enei;! ;..<irA I I tani< proceeded by d. ;.iOtorcyc1e and t lr ee recon
vetlicles to la.rce a paSS:iJe tnru tile east road olocK; the
eI181'-.', t'iIl 'IUS ces troyad other verlic1es captured. 1700J ele1:tents of tile
30 Ini' ;)i v relieved tne 3rd JJll, uoth nr.-:ld l1egt, of its sec;.(ri ty i.i.ssion and the
L.attalion asse.:ltled at 7d91.c.O.
1[le 1st 1m, li.( Inf ;{eGt, tnen attachea to Jra un, ooth Armd ..tegt, was
relieved fro:;; at thls time.
1st Itn, 60th nrmd Regt, _was eiven the r.dssion of supporting 3rd Bn, 66th
I\rmd Re6t, in its attac:{ and to be prepared to attack to the East or North while
3rd Bn, ooth ",rmd Ree;t, consolidated its objective.
At 0930B 1st Em, obth Armd Regt, moved to an assembly area in vicini ty of

;..oving by pOWlds, following attacK of 3rd En, oath 4rmd Re6t, lst Bn, both
Armd Regt, proceeded to vicinity of 783113, picking up Co D, 41st A.rmd In! Regt,
en route. Notification was received at 1330B that the 3,rd Bn, 66th Armd aegt,
reinf, wa.s successful in securing HILL 3:t9 and the 1st Bn, 66th Armd Regt, raint,
was not Heavy concentrations of enemy artillery fell in the areas
occupied by 1st Bn, 60th Armd Regt, causing some casualties.
;end Bn, beth Arrnd Regt, was released from nx Corps reserve and at 15008
moved by tuWlds .rollowing attaCK of 3rd lID, 66th Armd Regt, to assemb13 area in
vicinity 01' HILL J;e9 (779118) closing at 10158. 2nd En, ooth Regt, received
enemy artillery fire while in this area but was not committed to action.
Rcn Co, ooth Armd Regt, provided flank security .for oolumns moving on HILL
and outposted same at 1100B.
- 10
J..u n'.l"lst 1744
Orders WEre receivea t.i ti,e effect tr .=..t (')otn Re..;t were to aase;!;cle in
Di vision area 1 cr a '.0 llOur perioc. OJ,." :;':'iir.tenance '.ll' ';enicle sarlo '1\ eapons,
ret)a:il.i..tation 01 persoflLel.
:"-L,t:; Arr:,; Re:;t clc,se,-;' iIi assei(,bly <.lreCi '/icinitj" at
iJ:,oceeded witn n;airltenar.ce and rehaoilitation. lSee overlay .713.)
1'1 A'J."ust 1944
ovth ArJad Ree;t in ass8.abl.,y area vicinity c 01'
::;howaown inspections of clothinG and e(i.ui.pment. Grdnance ins;Jection of vehicles
oy An\:, inspection team. The received a hi..:;;h rating.
orders were recei vea that ooth Ari:ld Regt ;:love froffi present
area to asse;uoly area in viciuity of SEES, at lJ0045B.
ld A.... gust 1944
both Ar:ud Regt moved from vicinity BAtWJTCr; to asse:nbly area vicini. ty SEES,
France, at after halfing traV'eleCl 84 miles (see overlay 1t14). Re
;r,ainaer 01" spent in L.".aintenance of vehicles and ':eapons.
were receivea that recocmai ssauce nad rn<:;.de no contact .a3 ;niles east
01 Sees and ooth Ar;nd Regt \'Quld oe prepared to move after 0700B 19 August in
two columns (See Annex Ifll). If movement W"dS not orc1ered, Clay was to be spent.
i. n rr.aintenance
AUgust 1944
1l0rninG of 19 was spent in the :aaintenance 01 vellicles.
ooth Armd Regt left area vicinity Sees at l.-::lOB anu proceeaea t 0
'" rea in vicinity 01 l..0HGY DUE PERCHE (857181) closing at 1750H, travelillt; 36
miles. No resistance was met. (see overlay H15).
'-::0 Auust 1944
Orders were received that CC"A" would attack l\orth in its tone (see;umex
#1) at LOO800B September 1944.
Rcr. Co, bbth A.rmd Regt, was ordered to proceed CC"A" in its zone, establish
ing and maintaining contact with J) In! Div on right and CC"B" on left. },{ove
rapidly to contact eneJlG"; upon contact brush asicie in1'erior forces, contain and
develop strong forces until passed thru by advance guard. Reconnoiter
crossings of the AURi RIVER in CC"A" zone. Report conc1i.tion 01' bridges and ford
These missions were accomplished and a reconnaissance screen put out across the

1944 (can't)
celiA" Ir.oved in siCl:le C01WIIl1S from asse;!lbly area in vicinity 01' 0501v0 on
route shown (see overlay illo). Co H, ootIl Ari.1Q flegt, wa:;; attacned to ':::nd i)n,
41st ArJ.ld In! ReiSt, forming the Advance Guard for t tie colwnn. 1st Bn, voth nrr:1Ci
Regt, was placed in CC"A" reserve.
,;hile en route, Bn, uoth A.riud r:egt, with one conpan,y 41st Armd Inf Regt,
attached, was given mission of rignt flank guard 01 CC"A
The buth i\rind Regt (-)
closed in aSSe,llbJ,y area vicinity of LA GAJ.;;;u.IER (041343) and spent tne niGht.
Bn, bbth Armd Regt, reiu!', assen,bled in vicinity of (048378).
At this time, all elements 01' the RegiJ[,ent were CeliA" control.
Co H, both Armd Regt, as part of the Aavance Guard, attact<ed at 1450B at
035390 to secure river line alone; ti1e AUhE. The Illssion was accomplished and tne
Advance Guard relieved by Rcn Co, 00th Armd aegt, neini.
August 1944
Orders received gave eleoonts of ootn lir:ad ReL;t Iassion of continuing attac%
in two colu:uns to seize objectives as indicated (see Annex ifl]). Rcn Co, ooth
Arrnd Rest, to reconnoiter in zone and reconnoiter for possible crossinc::s of
I TOr: :u
1st Bn, outh He6t, remained in CC"A
2nd Bn, ooth Armd Regt, in right column areas at 0730B, alone
aXis with objective southeast of :.;.u;{I.LLE Artillery and mortar fire
was received, and an attac."C was launched with Co A holair<;, Co J, 41st ",riIld In!
Regt, attacidnt'; aismounted and Co E in position to support by fire. Right colulIln
secured and outposted this objective at 1830B and securea itself for night. Ten
prisoners were ta,{en.
uoth Armd EeGt (-1st ana Bns, ooth in left colu.1lD proceeded along
aXis to vicinity of RCljilJ, france (081479) and secured for the ni8nt.
Co H, as part 01' the Advance Guard, moved out 01' asse;]bly area at 035380 at
0900B lith the mission 01' securing ilie high 6I'ound $,/ of :JA:.l'/ILLE. Resistance
was light, and objective was taken at 1300B. DAl.:vIll.E was secured for tile night.
(See overlay No. 17).
August 1944
All elements of Doth Ar:nd Regt continued on assigned missions, attacking
north. Co, oath Armd Regt, secured crOSSings of IroN ?.lVER ana also pro
viaed flank security for tne CC"A" column; captured 88 prisoners and inflicted
35 casualties on the Germans.
1st on, ooth Armd Regt, continued in CC"A" reserve, seclll'ity
missions along tne length of tne column.
an, ooth Arrnd Hee;;t, in rie;;ht column laWlcnea attack on objectives D, F',
and H, succeeding in reducinz resistance and securing the objectives by 1305B; the
battalion was tnen given mission of crOSSing ITON RIlER and securing high ground
in vicinity of 3ONi.E"lI.LLE. Final objective being secured at 2030B. All elements
remained at for the night.
ooth Armd Regt (-Rcn Co, 1st and Bns, 66th AR and Co H, oath AR) in left
column proceeded along axis following the attack by bounds and executing special
missions as follows:
At 10006, 3rd Bn, both Armd Regt, was ordered to clean up road between objective
G and H. Co B, ooth Armd Regt, moved out at Ib40B to seCLlre LD (112591). Co G,
ooth Armd Regt, passed thru Co B, ooth Armd Regt'l -at 1715B and continued on ob
jective H. Objective H secLlred at 1830B. Co B,i!ooth Armd Regt, ordered to assemble
at and was secure in t:us assemble area ;G;GOOB, having captured 18
prisoners. '
Co H, bbth Armd Regt, attached to 2nd Bn, In! Regt (-), left assembly
area at 0730B with mission of securing high east and west of JJUlVlLI..i. Ob
jective was secured at 1300B and Co H, both Armd iegt, continued attack along axis
toward CONCHES, capturing 299 enemy prisoners, killing 50 eneJl\Y who offered re
sistance and succeeded in reaching a position 3 miles NE of CONCHES (086365) where
it secured for the night.
At 14306 Platoon Co G, bOth Armd Regt, assigned mission of mopping up
LE SACQ, France.
August 1944
All elements of ooth Arlll.d Regt, received orders to continlle attack North
witn final objective the River (see Annex
hcn Co, ooth Armd Regt, was assigned the of reconnaissance in CcnA"
zone, maintaining contact with CC"B" on left and 8{d Ren Bn to front. 87 pri800ers
were taken.
o6th Armd Regt in two colwnns as constituted was ordered into the attack at
of Right Column - securing successive objective and consolidate on
ubjective R.
3rd 3n, ooth Armd Regt, moved out of &sse.ably area at lOOOB, meeting medium
strength resistance, and reached oDjective N at l400B. At l700B, an attack was
again launched to CR at Ob1911. positions and colwuns were penetrated
and wiped out by successive encircline which threw the into utter
conl'.lsion. At 2030B, the - .EL3ElJr' higi)way was reached, and olockeC1
wi th I'oailolocKs! hS a res..llt of a series 01' indepeqoent actions, l'Jj prisoners
were )0 Germans 30 Oft all types captured, 2 :.:ark
V and 1 ;':ar .. IV t an.:s destroyed. At LJOB, the Battalion went into an assembly area
west of r'OU:"UE'JILLE. illrther action during' the ni3 t accounted for one u.rk V tank,
o Nebe1werfers, J :toci<et Law1cher vel1icles, 7 scout. rs and 50 horse drawn carts,
:nore prisoners were ta..<en and 8 more enelUY
- 13
loSt j,t:, v;.,t'1 .... r.'-< re.. ....,..;.tl8d in "::';/1 " :tescrve :J,!iJ closed in l'indl
d.s..::ie.Jul.,y &.red. '...J7J'IUCI cit ..:J45B
.:.n'J In, uvtr, 1'\1':;,d .-teinf, ;..oved O' lrorl area at llJo)8 at Oo30B,
1; across tile Idver ,'lith ';':;L:,"::J.r' as its fin':l.loojective. iiepeated
t,()rusts penetrations were :;::ace into ene;:l,}' units tryino:: to reaCH tile
c rossir'c': at ;)et'veer. ') j c.nd 100 vehicles ana C oobat pieces 'Here destroyed
er. route, 2;':5 lJrisonerssere taken. The force was assembled S.: of in the
.. of 1')./149 dnd area seclrit./ establisned. TJ:lat nit;nt, Gerlllan vehicles
i llclJ.oin.; one V tanK were destroyed as they atte.!ipted to penetrate the
battalion's roa,;. :Jloc.cs. \.Ine liGht taM 'Hei3 lost thru ene:ny tanK fire. Enemy
Cd.S ,Blties inf..:J.cted were enormous.
All ele.:J.ents 01' the outn Ar:Jd Rec:t continued on originally assiGned mission.
licn Co, 0uth Ar;r,d aegt, provided 1'lank security for all three battalions in
t fie .::.d ilance.
1st 3n, 60tn Regt, Reini, ;iloved into the at '113UB with the mission
01' cutting roais r'll1nin-= west and north out of ?:Li"blJr'. In vicinity of U50949, lead
ing ele:tents received s,fia11:,u',fls fire andcirect fire froffiJ\T 8uns. Heavy rain ;:Ulle
o bservJ. tior. .1.aneuver ai..l'1'icult. Artiller.f and mortar fire came into the
area, and dLrect fire was recei vee. fro.;" eX,eJ,I,/ tanks. Air Silpport was and
a:1 est L:;ated :2 '''ere des troyed. 0rders ':Jere recei ved to consolidate,
'rfllice. ',HS acco,lplisned. UJ' l'J'juB at C,oU'j()5. .Juring this operation, J 1.ark IV,
;"arr: V t and 5 s.'I.o:..111 enem;' vehicles were aestroyed, enemy were killed and
75 prisoners t<...r:en.
Bn, liot:l .-\rmd ;1ez.:t, Rein!, continued in tne m,.; and reac(,eci a point
on road between .;A:U0T ana CAJ0mEC u.: ZJ...3JWf. The battalion later returned to its
area at 1)0949. Several ener:lJ venicles were destroyed, ana Gernans
E;ner;\j' traffic on U;:S ":;L:.)E(;l Roaa was colapletely halted
u:J.;rir.'. tae action.
jrd Sn, uutIl; AI'flld !'tegt, Reinl', asseJabled in are:]. 000914, nad continuous snail
actions J<rir.:; tIle night with ene:ny venicles atteiilpting to penetrate roadblocks.
ullrinc..: cay, uei'ensi ve zone was extendeo to cover area vacated by 1st Bn, ArrOO.
Itegt, Reinl', at u(5)05. 21(jOB, tne battalion consolidated at 001091. During
this :perioe. prisoners were and 4 enemy killed, 5 combat venicles and
a 155m::l';;. P. Gun 'I.'as :moe 0 ut
Co H, liOUl de;;t, attaC!1ed to Bn, 41st Ar:ud Inf Regt, left area at
004915 at v'juOB to attacK and seCilre CR at ST DES FlliUH.:;;. This was accom
p lished at 1300B. t;..Laerous German vehicles were destroyed. Co H secured the town
lor the (See overlay 1118).
- 14
1\11 ,1e..t::I.ts 01' A,l'u:;, cor,ticlcltla on auove
i\cn Co, uut'1 I\rJQQ :iee;t, proviaed a reconnaissance screen ana flam; security
lor 1st Ci!.Cl Ens in their attac,{ on
1st on, wtn it,rI!1d Regt, Reini', by Co E, 41st it,rr..:.d Inf Regt, 1 Co A, 70;t. 'I'D
Bel and Co, Quth a.'md Regt Plats) got under way at 0900B on the u.ission of
cutting the road running west out of ELBEUF. Attempt to 01' area vicinity
of LE THUIT - SIGNOL were frustrated by intense concentration of heavy artillery,
and nebelwerfer fire. Air support failed to relieve the situation. On order
Comruanding General, CC"A", the battalion wi. thdrew to area vicidty U SAUSSAY,
closir.g at It was later fOLlnd that 1st Bn, outh Regt, had
nelci a consiaerable portion of the enem,y's a vJ.ilab1e forces, thUS expiOcll ting
appreciauly trJe advance of the otner two co 1 I.l.inns
Bn, ooth Regt, Reinf, moved into tIle at 1100B, if'. cooroina
tion witn a battalion of the l09th lnf, Jiv. At 2000B, after fierce enemy
resistance was overcome, the objective ri5ht flanK sector of ELi:3EUF Vias securea.
The Battalion asse.:lbled at 13j977 and put out necessary roadblocks. Three M1.rk
IV tan,',s ctnQ two :';'arK V tar.. ;s ,"'ere aestroyeC1. 150-175 Germans were ;dlled and
lCO prisol1ers Co D, tJuth Ar;nd Regt, lost two ene:1.)' tan, .t1re.
3rQ i;jn, outt'J ar:ud Ret;t, itein1', was placed in Reserve at 083UB and all
attached ele.uents released. The renainder of tne day was spent in necessary
maintenance 01' venicles. Location Jo()914.
Co H, both armd Rel5t, attached to 4ld .on, 41st iLr,nd In1' Regt, left asse;:lb1y
area at 0889:>8 at 11COB with mission of securing RJs at KLJlWF 10998b. The ob
jective was taKen aGainst light resistance., at 1400b. 38 co:nbat venicles of
various types were destroyed; one V and one IV tank were destroyed,
Co H aided Bn, 41st n,rmd Inf Re6t, in securinG north sector of L' for
the nignt.
AUGust 1l)44
uoth ArJUd Regt continued on mission 01 securing and the r cad nets
aOJacent tile city. Jrd Bn, both ArlUQ Regt, remained ut 000914, working at
ma1ntenance and re-organization.
Bn, bbth Armd Regt, securea sector in ELBEUF at 133977 until 19.300 at .
which time the battalion withurew to Vicinity of BECHALLE tor the night.
1st Bn, ooth Arma Regt, Reinl', was relievea. 01' a ttacnments and va. thc1rew to
an asse;nbly area at at 105889. (See overlay No. 19).
August 1944
All elements'of the Regiment moved to a new assembly area Vicinity 008910.
- I;'
Auguat 1944
CC"A" moved the entire command from 2nd Armd Div assembly area vicinity of
l179U to vicinity traveling approximately 48 miles. See Annex No. 18
and Field Order No. lb, 'i."( Aug 1944. All units closed by 06000 28 Aug 1944. The
remainder ot the day was spent at maintenance of vehicles.
29 August 1944
The entire command devoted day to maintenance of vehicles and re-organization.
Ren Co, bbth Armd Regt, reconnoitered for crossings o! the SEINE River (see overlay
30 August .1944
both Armd Regt prepared to move under order CC"A" set forth in PO #17, Hq
CCnA" (attached) in two columns.
3r<1 Bn, bbth Armd Regt, Reint, moved out at 0900B of assembly area 475tnJ
as lett column. Co H was detached tor CC"A" reserve. Phase line ifF" was crossed
at l740B; AT tire was encountered at 819957 and battalion coiled at 844937 for
the night. Only light resistance was met. "
2nd an, bbth Armd Regt, Rein!, .left assably area at Ob45B. Meeting only
light resistance, the right colw:m traveled 43 mil.. to a position 3 miles HE
of phase line Ny".
Rcn Co, bbth Armd Regt, provided a security screen for the two columna,
coiling for the night at 49 prisoners were taken.
1st Bn, both Armd Regt, went into Division Reserve.
31 August 1944
The advance was continued in two columns under orders in FO #18, Hq CC"A"
Rcn Co, ooth ArOO Regt, again provided a screen for the tliO columna, advanc
ing to R27'i.388, b3 prisoners were taken. 10 vehicles were captured or destroyed;
two medium bombers were captured, largely intact.
1st 50, obth Armd Regt, remained in Division Reserve.
2nd an, bbth Armd Regt, Reint, a dvanced against light
phase line ilL" at 1100B (.ee overlay #22) and liN" at 1435B. An enelD3' horse-drawn
convoy, including artillery, was Slot up by Co A, bbth Armd Regt, 8-10 wagons and
gWlS destroyed, 11 prisoners taken. At this time, additional orders were received
to attack across the DOMS River and establish a bridgehead at 274355.
- Ib
west of I30RlSSICOURT. This additional mission was accomplished at l800B. The
force coiled here for the night.
3rd Bn, 66th Armd Regt, Reinf, moved into the attack at 0745B and advanced
generally NE, by-passing all centers of resistance. The force coiled at 2333b8
at l7l5B, and received orders to take high ground in the vicinity of ~ 7 6 3 7 9 . The
attacK was launched at 1930B and the objective secured at 20l5B.
The two C01UIIUlS advanced 50 miles in this attack. 65 prisoners were taken.
- 17

b6th ILrIJR)red Re
Maintenance Co:upanj", bbth Armd Regt, during t;he period ILugust 1 - 31, 1944,
maintained the vehicles of the 60th Armd Regt and of all the unite attached to
CCIIA". Three battalion maintenance crews were assignea to the three battalions
of the Re6iment and repaired the vehicles of those battalions on the s pot or if
necessary evacuated them to L:.aintenance Company fdr echelon .naintenance.
of this \'(,)rk was accomplished Wlder adverse donditions ari enem,y fire.
In addition to the maintenance of vehicles, 1laintenanc e Com?any served in
the additional capacity of an intermediate land processing point for all
Class supplies, replacement vehicles "and personnel. During this period, 30 medium
tanks were drawn and issued to the combat of the Regiment.
The combat trains of CC"A" were Wlder cOillinanq. of the Commanding Officer,
1:aintenance Company, and none were lost as a reSUtt of enemy action.
The tank dozers of :;aintenance Company, bothArmd Regt, were attached to
various ele.uents of CC"A" as dictated by the and aided greatly in the
success of tIle operations.
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A. P. o. 252
2 septeDi:>er 1944
9-1 SVfp1ement
Battle c&sualt1.. tor tM period ],,31 .gust 1944
1 .gust 1944 - lOLLED 1 ./J1guat 1944 - CE
ott 11(
- - -

CO "B" 1 2 Ron CO 1
Ron 00 a
CO "B" 2
00 "R" 2 Hq Co 3rd BI1 1
co "G" 1 4
'fotal 1 8
CO "!I" 2
lied net
1 Algust 1944- SWA
ott EJ4 Total 1 13
Ron CO 2 1 A1gust 1944 - SIA
CO "B" 1
ott l!II
CO"E" 1
00 "G" 6
CO "B" 1
CO "H" 1 Co "pit
'fotal 0 10
Total' 0 3
1 Algust 1944 - UfA 1
Algust 1944 - lilA.
. ott II(
Oft 1!J(
Ron CO 1
Co "E" 2
CO "B" 4 Co "!I" 2
CO "P" 1
Hq Co 2d BI1
2 Total. 0

CO "H"

1 Alg11st 1944 - 'fotal.
'fotal. 0 12
AlguSt 194& - LIA.
3 49
ott J!J[
2 Algust 1944 - KILLED
Ron CO 1
ott Dl
CO "B" 1
co "C" 1
total. 1 1
CO "P"
00 "G" 3
00 "lit
0 10
- 1
- 2
- -
- -
- -
- -
0-1 SUfpl'Jr:o'nt fer _llsust 1944, cent Id.
:3 ,iUgust 1944 - l.:IA
5 .41gust 1944 - S'IfA
Orf EM
fig CO 3rd Bn 5
Rcn Co 2 4
CO "e"
Total 0 5
Hq Co 2d Bn 1
CO "E" 3
3 lIlgust 1944 ... Total
Oft 1'10 'Eli
Total 2 9
2 1 19
5 Algust 1944 - LWA.
ott Pl4
4 .Jllgust 1944 ... 5'NA
Ofr EJ.1 Ron Co 1
Hq CO 2d BIt 1 1
00 "G"
1 Co "En
Hq CO 3rd Bn
Total 0 1
Total 1 4
4 lI1gust 1944 - CE
Orf F}.{
5 Algust 1944 - LIA.
orr EJl
Rcn co 1
co "Ett 1
Ron CO 1
Co "F" 1
CO "E" 1
CO "G" 1
Total 1 1
Total. 0 4
lugust 1944: eE
4 lI1gust 1944 ... MI A
otr we
orr EM
Ron 00 3
CO "G" 1 11
00 "D" 2
Hq CO 3rd Bn 1
Total 1 11
Total 0 1 5
4 lI1gust 1944 - TQtal
5 Algust 1944 - 1lIA.
,ott Ell
1 16
CO "P" 2
5 Algust 1944... KILLED
Total. 0 2
- -

JIlgust 1944 - SlA.
Ron 00 2
CO "En 1
00 "nit 1
Total. 0 S
rotal 0 1
- 3

- -
- -
- -
- -
s-1 for Slgust 1944, cont'd.
6 1I1gust 1944 - CE
5 lllgust 1944 - Total
ott ru
otr vro EX
CO "B"

Total 0 8
6 .I\lgust 1944 - lOLLED
ott D!
6 ./Ilgust 1944 - KIA.
CO "B"
1 3
Co "D"
00 "B"
CO "E"
CO "G"
Total 0 1
Total 1
6 lI1gUst 1944 - LIA
6 l&1gust 1944 - SW'A

ott 1!Jl
CO "E"
CO "B"
Total 0 2
Hq co 2d BIl 1
Co "E"
6 lJ1gust 1944 - Total.
CO "G" ,
Total 0 10
6 l&1gust 1944 - LWA .,
}J1gust 1944 - Kn.LED

Ron Co 1
ROIl 00 1
Hq CO 1
00 "Aft S
Kaint 00 1
00 "B"
Hq CO 1st BIl 1
00 "F" 1
00 "B" S
00 "H" 1
Hq 00 2d BI1 1
OO"E" .,
Total 0
Total 1 n
.gust 1944 - SWA
ott III
6 19M - LIJ.
00 "A" 1
00 "P" 1
Kq 00 2d BD 2
00 "B"
total 0 2
00 "I"
00 "P"
0 6
S-1 S\1PPl......t tor 9 u ~ Oont1d.
7 ./JlgUst 1944 LWA
8 AlgUat 1944 - LW'A
ott DI
ROD 00
Bq 00 1st an
co "Art
)led net
00 "C"
8 .It1guat 1944
S1gust 1944 -
sen- CO
Rq CO 1st BI1
CO "An
00 "Fn
CO "I"
" 1
Ron 00
00 "A"
00 "B"
00 "F"
Hq 00 3rd BI1
00 "G"
Total 0
lI1gust 1944
8 lJ1gust 1944 Total
9 Algust 1944 S'II'A
Algust 1944
Bq 00 3rd BI1
CO nG"
'lotal 0
8 Slgust 1944 -
9 JIlgust 1944 -
Rq CO 3rd an
CO "G"
ott g(
00 "F"
~ g u s t 1944
Ron CO
CO "0"
lA1gust 1944 ..
Hq 00 1st BD

total 0 2
- 5
- 6
- 'I
; : , ~ -
- 9
- 10
&-1 sup'p1elOOnt tor 1I1gust 1944. contd.
ott 110 m
6 1 57
SffA 8 0 95
LW'A 9 0 81
LIA 3 0 20
CE 5 3 94
MIA 3 0 34
SIA 0 0 10
34 4 391
,,1 ...
1 .,
.. n ..
. ....- r. ':' - ',)
..... .!.
i,:'T'C,- -;'1:- ,
for ( ri::>d
1-31 lS14

rt'si!llent 9..cvar c:'. or, T:""' y- STT'1- VI'!?::";c9.r'C ; n CO:lt$ct -.dtt. e 3::t s
of ";,8 <?4th I"'.f Jiv., Tnf Ji"V., 353rc: Inf Jiv. one be.ttalion of'
r:i.s:-;Q.ult a.'1d t"te of"'. oOittalion of tu.nIcs (25-
Th-: er:"'my nadt a dete:nn:i"',fr: to retcu-d the advance of the TE' ciment
b" the use of t:ro ini'a.ntr'! on the Cor':5 front. The;,,,, units were
b:,' he!J.vy T:'.crtru" fire 'm:) 2u:rlercnted' by sporac'.ic, he.ras::ir.;;
Clrtil1c-l"" Hr..d t'.:..nk (,r ,1.ll1s. 0"l1'.' a.fter "1C.l.VY ressurc our trao' s
" u v..
':m.s a vrithdrawJ.1 thE' EneDy

The Ener.,y OCCUIJyinC; tr:e hiE:h :;round in the of VI-qS utilized
t}:eir 's to 300cl ad'r... "1.tag;e ard held on "dth dot;;ed c.otE::r:.1ir.ation.
Cont-Soot ,...u.s nad'3 v:ith the 1st 88 !' Z Di v.
7 - 8 .ll.;ust
"ij'ot in contact
9- 15 .'J,lc;ust
The rq;iJr,en".: with the 2nd Battalion. 6()th Regiment in 1ead
inC wave seized a.Gainst r:ctrmined eneIYl'.{ troops which had held up
an infantry divisjon for several days. The now on high
proceeded along the road where small groups of' organized
resistance supported by mortars and artillery were met.
16-19 August
The eneMY. by occupation of selected strong poirts has attempted to deny
our :-rtovement to the In theV:NI:UIL area existed a battalion of
the 17th Regiment of the 344th Inf. Div west of Vt:NEUIL .. elements
of the 344th Inf Div and to the cast were elements of the 17th
of these troops were recently brought up from the area to prevent
Allied troops from cutting off retre 9.ting enemy from the F
20- 22 A1gust
During this period the regiment had numerous minor engagements with
. isolated groups. Over 400 prisoners of war and about 150 enemy killed.
The unamy surrendered in groups. in one case a whole comrany. when
they learned they vrere fighting The '?W's taken were from the 17th
GAF and stragglers from numerous other units.
23-26 SlQlst
During this period the regiment continued to North and link up
with the Canadian XX corps in the vicinity of ELBEUF. The anemy continued
his stubborn resistanoe to our advance elements. Numerous tanks and
isolated groups of retreating enemy were oontinously being reported. The
enemybecmne more confused as our advanoed elements approaohed ELBEUF.
. ,. 1Y
.. -........
r. :cwth 0- '-? ,::n,j- ve,iclGs yr.:;c') 'laiYl r8'lC- in 'ooth'ctions in t02,;C:":' e t},e trap. E'!"9 ti1(; c:. st::-uc':ion of
\I&S decisive and 1ete. ::;lenents of tte 11tii:i1 Fz Jiv., 2 SS
lz "jiv., 21st 1 Z Jiv., 0rd :::ara Jiv., and tho S'ith, 277t,
3::lst, 334th, 348th, 353rc., ;,,26t:-t, Infantry Jivisions. llorale in
J:'.ost cases was poor. lIu.T.crous :-:ussians were a;r!ong the
in the vicinity of '.1.
27-29 ..1ui:,'Ust
in Gontact
The regir.lent a crossL1.g of the S}:;PT"S -qiver at which had
previously been secured by the U. S. 79th Inf. Jiv. only e1euents that
C':lJ18 in contact with our advance elements were stragglers of unjts that
were able to escape across the 3311-::;'
this period no casualties were sustained air. only
an l'one plane was observed by day
..11 cnerr,y night a.ttadc was nade on i}{!'r,::;: -0 on 11 J;Ugust but no
casualtics Vlere sustained.
complete cov: rage in the 1/50,000 and 1/100 ,000 scale was issued
down to include platoons. However, there Ylere limited distributions
on s(;veral 1/:0,000 sheets! There were no- 1/2;'i,OOO lAPS or aerial
photogre.phs availablB.
The terra:i.n for tanks improved as we approached the SEINE River.
The rolling ground and scattered woods provided gpod approaches. In
the vicinit:.r of VIRE the terrain channalized the operation which reflected
on our tank 1(is ses
P7T's 2510
InLLT';D (estimated) 809
TAl'Wc: Ot? C:i'TUR D 62
V::J1ICL S D';ST)OTh1) OR C.iF'WPTD 264
PIT and sip Gll}'rs 1j-.;ST
OY:'ID C:f-TUR D 28
S-4 Annex for Period 1 - august 31, 1944
During the period 1-31, this unit was operating under battalion
Class I - Unit reserve of two C rations and one K ration maintained. Supply
replenished to units daily exception of those times when tactical situation
did not permit the operation of trucks in unit areas. Guides were sent to alter
nate Point, l.!aintenance Company CP, and trucks guided .i'ore"Nard.
Class II - Class II supplies were adequate. They were drawn from foreward
truck heads delivered to unit supply trucks in field trains, and issued to the
individual at each rest period
.Class III - Class III drawn from foreward truck heads and deli vered directly
to units from alternate supply point. Supply adequate.
Class IV - Replacements made available to units as needed. Supply lines
defini tely extended and replace.nent of heavy equipment somewhat slower than
previous month, uut in every respect.
Class V - Class V drawn from foreward heads and delivered, as required,
direct to units from alternate supply point. Suppl,:. adequate and "no unusual
di1'.Liculties encountered.

SeC.J:,U ",rr:.ore\l Ji vis ion
n.P(' :C5..::
;. clSt lc" ... 4
l' v :/ 5
r:ier of "arCIl TL,e HeaL. Cr,Jsses IF Tdil C'::'ears
.tCl, Co, uoth A,.q 8 V400WB u4Gb08B
rlQvance Crua,'u
j0 Go:':;jz, ;,lin
2uQ jn, outh .....R.
;'j:U ..m, 119 1 .. 1' (-1 Co)
..;.. IIJ.t, Co ri, 17tn E:nG
CC 0
;:un VO);..L1 O'lGL;D
.:.";th n. I?,n min 0707: 0736
... 5 t .:Jr., u:.>tn AR \ w/l Co ll';th
..::5 V737';:, G6()2.2
lld (.: 1 F-b.t Co It., lith &'15
;)r, atcho;
H "util All 5 min 080713
3rd .lll, outb .....;t ;iLln J-31713 GB421j
Co ..... , TD En 5
.dn 08473 0056
Co ri, 17tll .cnr,i :"In Flats) 4 :.lin \..()59o
CO A, .. eO Bn
;icin (J)02B
Co, outll Art (w/uet, It. Co
15 min O'J10J l)<.)
.. 1m, 2 ..... 0 & Conbat
Trains, CC "A", CJ. tCtld)
(1) If - .3ee overlay attactled.
Route - See overlay
( 3) Rate of l,;a rch - 1) mph
(4) Distance - 75 .Ids between vehicles.
J min between march units
5 .nin between serials.
(5) Guides - unl ts will furnish OIvn l:,'Uides. AD kFs will be posted a.long
(0) Essential 1"&L & i\Jnrao Trucks released to battalions and separate companies.
Remainder of combat trains iJarch wi ttl .;..ainteuance Co, ooth AR.
(?) iield tra.ins remain present area, to te moved forward by Division Trains
un D dtry, 195th AM. En, ;narch with 14th Bn, and .;.;aint Co J both k"-\.
('1) Control 01ficers: Ir - 5ifano
Tessy-Sur-Jire - Capt LaWler
Fontlaroy - r'urnished by ooth AR
Ho ce"A", J\D
In tlle .r'ield
O,ObjOi; Aug 44
u:&s: JSGS 4-'50 - 1/50,000
1. a. NO Change.
b. XIX Corps continues attacK to secure Corps objective. CC"jjll attac.{s in
zone of 28th Div.
cet/A" continues attack in zone of action of 29th Inf Div to secure objective

a. 1st En, both AR (rein1') b. 2d Bn, 60th AR (rein1')
1st Bn, ootfi AR 2d Bn, both AR
1 Co "d Bn 119th Inf 2d :an 1l9th In! (-1 Co)
1 Plat Co Ita", 17th Eng Bn 1 Plat Co 17th Eng Bn
c. 3rd BIl, ooth AR d.
14th Af'A Bn
o5th Bn
e. CClIA" Control
119th FA Group, consisting of
Hq CCliA", !2 AD 1 Bn, Gun
ooth AR (-3 Ens)
2 Bns, l)mmnow
Co A, 17th Bn Plats)
Co A, 702d Tn Bn
Co A, 48th J,:;ed En
D 195th AU. Bn
Det, Co A, Bn
3. a. 1st En, both AR (reinf) attacks to 3eize high ground west of to
cover passing of CC"A" through VIRE. Follows last unit of CC"4," passing
through VIru;.
o. B!:, ooth An (rein!) attacks on order after 1st 00, ooth JUt (rein1')
oojective has oeen reached, continues advance to fOuth.
c. 3rd an, both AR, Co A, TO Bn, Co A, Iltn Eng Bn (-2 Plats), hq &
Rcn Cos, ootn Aft will 10110-,; bn, ooth (reinf'j on order.
Ce"A" artillery will the action 01' CC"A".
e. D
195th AAA En 'will protect tne a.rli1.1 ery
x. (1) Vellicles not essential to combat 1'or t\,iO dilyperioa will be .:e?t off
roaas and in bivouac areas until 1'urther orders.
(;.::) This order will not be carried into battle by any unit.
4. 1,0
). Q. Current SCI.
b. in CPs to oe QI'lnounced.
c. .\Xis 01' Communication - See overlay.

Cu;,":,AT "A"
Letter 01' Instruction to Conl'irrH Orders.

July 44
TO :. All Jnits, CeIA", .2d Armored Division.
1. a. Intelli
ence Annex to follow.
b. (1) XIX Corps continues attack to S . and SE at loooooJ to secure
Hi(; ,::;round G'1.'niBl.:C - VENG.:W;.JS - o5T SAUVEUn DE CHAUUEU.
Di v continues attack nit:;ht ';--10 AUJust to secure GATH]l.;O.
2. a. A tas>c foree from CC"A", ,""DJ connillded by the CO, ooth AU, is
at L.,cned to ::8th Di v and passes through the front lines of the l09ti1 In!' Heet at
100b003 and attac\cs down tne ridge toward hill 3b7 in order to secure
!lill ')07.
b. TrooDS:
both' AH, (-1st &: 3rd Jns, Rcn Co, & Co A (-Plat).
1st Plat, CO A, l'7th En.:; En.
.an, 41st AIR (-1 Co)
Co A, TD Bn
14til AfJi. Bn.
j)et Co A, L.8th L.ed Un.
3. a. CC uuth Ad, ,'lill 5<3nc1 a liaison olficer luth C.i aul i1: radio to CP
b)th iJiv at once.
10. Artillery:
(1) 14th J\iA En will reconnoiter positions of GJ\T.i&:C aftermon
'; and leave present area at to OCCLAPY pOSitions reconnoitered.
14th .u'A 3n in uirect support of task force. iteinforcinc fires
wi 11 be i'lrnished by 43th Ji v Arty and five (5) Ens of Corps Arty.
c. TaSK force less 14th MA Bn, departs from present area at 1003005.
Route 01 march to be announcec1.
a. Air support wi.l1 De available. Planes rendezvous Git.TH:l!l.!O 100000Bo
4. a. Co. A., 48th ....ed Bn ...ill supply },.ed evacuation.
u. iield trains retain present area.
b. CO'n"';'lications:
a. "Lduio comr.hmi cdti on between 28th Di v and tas k force will be via
C,; and raaio witn liaison officer from ooth it.rmd Regt at 43th Div CP operating
ir, co:x;}and nets of o6th
O. C..1rrent 501, ;.c AD.
Colonel, Cavalry,

.... tr 3
, ,
obTH "Rl:ORED it:;GUiENT
APO '=!5.G
9 A '-lgust 1'144
l.::ap of l"rance, VIRE and Ao;ORTAIN SHEETS and bG/'=!, 1/50,000.
1. 8.". Intelligence - See Div G-2 Periodic Report.
b. XIX Corps consisting 01' :lath and '=!9th Divs arrl Tasic Force buth
Armd Regt will attacK lines along general front 5bo:l38 - 035300
.G. a. TaSK lorce ooth ;;.rllld Regt will move in accordance with attaChed
>:larch table to area GATrlii.,u (5b5.G37) with mission of passin6 through the lines
of the 28th Div and attackin5 down east-west ridge to secure high ground HILL
307 (bb52lb), preparin6 to meet cOW1terattack trom south and. east.
o. Troops:
Hqs ooth 1U'u.d Regt
Bn, both Regt (-A Co plus 1 Plat)
2nd Bn, 41st Armd In.t' Regt (-E Co)
Co A, 70.G TD Bn
1st Plat, CO A, Engrs
14th i"ield Arty Bn
Det 48th J..ed Bn
3. a. Advance Guard (see march table) move rapidly to establish contact
wi th enemy, developing situation to ex.pedi te, coJl'llDitting of min body. Employ
engineers to remove mines, road obstacles and establish by-passes when necessary.
b. 14th t'ield Jorty Bn - support action of colwnn enroute to objective,
displacing '",ell forward. 14th l"A Bn will reconnoiter position NIV of GATHEllO
afternoon 9 Aug and leave present area at 09:l300B to occupy new position.
c. Co A, 70:l TD Bn - cover column against interruption enroute and on
objective against counterattack.
d. 2nd Bn, 41st Jlrmd Inf Regt (-E Co) eliminate anti-tank obstaclee
enroute and secure objective.
e. H Hour - l00300B.
f. Olhen head of colwnn is committed, rear of colwnn coil-up forward.
c. Guides enroute by ;.:!ct AD We and Rcn Plat, .Hq ooth Armd Regt.
4. Administrative:
a. SOl - 2d Armd Div in effect.
b. obth Armd Regt - COillnand Net.
c. Co;xrand Post - At head '01' uain DOdy.
d. Trains: Commander - Capt Headly,' Hq Co, 2nd on, ooth AR.
COj!lbat Trains - To Capt Ileadly - asse:.ibly area to be announcect
Service Trains - Remain in present area.
e. 1;edical: Organization "detachments with organizations. One Section
48th J.:ed 13n establish treatrrent station at Champ du Boult marching in
dependently of main colwnn. To be in position by ObOOB 10 lug 1944. Normal
evacuation from axis 01 ad.vance to this station.
- 1
5. i..arch Taole.
Advance Guard.
1 Plat CO A, I)oth AR 1 0300 0301
Co ubth AR
H pl..J.s
Co D, 41st AIR (-1 Plat)
1st Plat, Co A, 17th Engrs

H plus I) H plus
H plus 10 H plus
1st Plat, TD Bn H plus 12 H plus 14
Plat, 2nd Bn, otlth )
}..ortar Plat, _nO .on, ooth AR )
aied Det )
h plus 14
plus 19
l.Laint Det )
Hqs ()()th Armd Regt Fwd H plus H plus
1a.ain Boci.l:
CO A, TO (-1 Plat)
Ii plus L5 H plus 9
2nd Dn, 41st AIR (-D & E Co) 12 H plus '2.9 H plus
plus 1 Plat D Co
Co E, obth AR
H plus 41 H plus 40
14th FA Bn Independent March Unit
Tr81ns of above units H plus 40
Section 48th }led Bn Independent J..arch Unit
x. IP - RJ at 000335.
Control Officer - Lt Raines, Hqs obth .nnd Regt.
Rate of ).0 mph.
Distance between vebicles - Sight - 75 yds on lirst light.
Blackout lights nay be used.
- :t
5. ;..arch TaDle.
A.dvance Guard
1 Plat Co A., ooth AR 1 0300 0301
Co D, uoth 4ft
Co D, 41st AIR (-1 Plat) 4
H plas o H plus 10
1st Plat, Co A, 17th Engrs H plus 10 H plus U
1st Plat, Co 4, TD Bn H plus 12 H plus 14
.G Plat, :Gnd Bn, obth )
kortar Plat, _nd on, obth AR )
Det ) 5
H plus 14
n plus 19
!'.aint Det )
Hqs (X)th Armd Regt Fwd H plus H plus
Main Body:
CO A, TO (-1 Plat) 4
11 plus .G5 H plus 9
2nd Bn, 41st AlH (-D & E Co) 12 H plus :G9 H plus
plus 1 Plat D Co
Co E, ooth AR 5
H plus 41 H plus 40
14th FA Bn Independent March Unit
TraIns of above units H plus 40
Section 48th Ued Bn Independent J..arch Unit
x. IP - RJ at 000335.
Control Officer - Lt Raines, Hqs oath Annd Regt.
Rate of - 10 mph.
Distance between vehicles - Sight - 75 yds on lirst light.
Blackout lights aay be used.

.. .,.
Hq LB In! Div
u91110L3 All/:: 44
1"0 7
France, GSGS 4L50, 1/50,000.
1. a. Current intellieence reports.
b. nx Corps and other forces contin'le attc.
"'. L8 Ini' Di v:
atchd: bjO TD Bn
447 MA '\., on
744 Tk 1m
TasK !'orce A, L Armd Ji v
1 bn ;"ed T'(s (less Licht Co less 1 pla.t)
1 Bn .t..rI:lc1 Ini' (less 1 Co)
1 :"n !" ie lu Arty
1 Co TU (Sf)
1 Plat
atKs at IGOuOU3 rl,uL:, seizes i:.':.erllleaiate IJbjs in zone ana drives nara to occupy
Corps till'll obj in zone.
Zones 01 a.ction - Uverlay.
j. d. Tas:< force;.. .l.ove earl,y 1') AJ.;'; i'ro!f1 present posi ti or. ana dt OuOO dt:, oojs
A - b - .L) ana plsn on to capture Hill 'ju7. :(evert to CCA 'Nilen it crosses
Div left (E) DOmaar.Y. ill - Overlay.
b. 10'1 lIlt at< lroJ:, present position at 01.)00 in Ta,,'( lorce .h.,
Capt.lre Gbj '" and A-l, and. nola tte!'.. preJLrea to cont,in..l.e advance
on Div .;raer.
c. 110 Inf (-1st .m Div i/.es) at/{ froI:! present at 0000, rapiuly
S in zone Lilld occ'.lPY 0bj B ir. conjunction witt! dot,.: OJ' Tas;{ l"orce A. Or
:,anize and ncld position prepared to advance on Di'j order.
d. Int at...;" fro::l present pOSition at.A)()u, L,bj G and ill conjunction
vnth atr: TaSl( l"orce .h. seize (,bjs D and D-l. urbanize and nola positions
prepared to aavance on Div oraer.
e. :>i v "rty support by s uccessi ve concentrations. ..:aintain wire com to
",rty oJ Ta", k l' orce "'.
f. 1;,.,) C rin rOdd priority to route of Task lorce A. Prepare
to as::>Lt aaV:C1uce 01 tna t Jorce. Appropriate eqJ.ipment Nill (;e available
at selacted locations
.a3 ;{cr. Tr assie;n one plat to each re6tl zone to il.i1.illt ain cuntact.
h. u.31J T:J En cooroin'-Lte ",T defense, one COI.lP"'ny .;irect SClpport eac!. recite
i. -+47 A." Bn - nor 1:& 1 M del' ens e
J. 744 Tr;: oll support :J.i. .. operatint,; initiall.., in 01 ...v'J In!.
i{. Ist 3n 110 I nt' await or ders in present posi tion in :.>i v Les.
x. (1) Houte of Tas.< !'orce - Cverla.y. - ,.ill be clear of all oostructions by
,-".W. All AT t: cU1s portions of roau,.d.ll be off the rOl!1l
road ;)loc'(s (! dnd barricades) if used on this road,
JiJI.lst be re;r.oved lJy u... O.
(L) t'ront lines \'nll :."e oJ.tlined .. ith yellow smor.:e at approach of Task Force A.
0) ",11 personnel 01 t ne Di v will be t'alliliarized wi til tnis plan.
LiRv. r;
-- ---.
Hq Inf Div
. To: Distribution.
1. .Jo:mdaries ana o:)jectives W1cnanged.
'. 109 Inl and nola l.resent position.
J. 11u In1' (-1st Div Hes) attac,<: at hour selected by Cc." seize uuj b,
ane 1101d it. Coorainateattact< with action of Task lorce rt
4. ll:.:! In1' at nour selected by CO, seiz.: (.;bjs C and D, organize and. hold.
posltion arowld Cbj D. Coordinate with action 01' Task i"orce A through
l"orce rl. as:;;ist 01' 110 lui'. AttacK as early as practicaole, overrW1
Gbj D, ::issistin.;;; attac!: of 11.: In1' a.nd pass out of zone to capture Hill 3b7.
v. ':::0 Jiv Interuiction done harrassinc: fires niGht lv-ll Aug
aua 5 ve concentrations on call thereafter.
7. 71, V: i3n: une Co operate in cti.rect 5 upport of each In! HeJt as soon 3,.;; Co
C:Hl contact tne re.::t, novin::; alon::; the highway runnin..; tnrou.,;;h uojs A. - b - D.
(3. u30 TIl En: Coorciinate.T defense, one Co in direct support of each regt.
9. 447 i\AA an: Nor:nal defense.
lC. :tcn Tr -p protect ri!.:ilt of Jiv on roads CO$.p ilU BOULT
l:";;"-:JEE..U; and east to ;)iv Lo.uiC1ary aru ;iaintain contact .dth Cav Gp which is protecting
Di v and Corps rieht 1'laM initially in vicinity of Hill 3J3. Plat 01' Ren Tr maintain
contact witn :.:!9 Inl' Div on .left.
11. 1Uj En.:::;r C 3.n: of roadS in )iv zone, inclt.:iiI16 minefield e learance
ana re:!loval 01' road u1oc'{s.
12. !r.iscellaneous:
a. 'sea;)ons in forwara zone be provided "ll'itn alternate positions.
b. In! establish ana ;!"klintain contact , unit to leftj 109 Inf also
tain contact witn unit on its rignt.
J:1) . N
'I )
H'1 In! Diy
11")j03 44
l"essage To: Distribution:
1. The Diy
Atchd: bJO TO 3n
744 'ftc Bn
447 AM A','; Bn
1lJ Ca'l Gp
TasK r'orce ",,"
att.aci.s Aug maKin;; ef1'ort on its right to seize vbjectives t'-1 and t'.
113 Cay Gp protect Diy ana CQrps right flaM and caintain contact with 9
Inf Div.
3. In!' Regts, atchd Tk ana. di.rect s ;lPPOrt TD Cos attacK in present aones.
4. Taste Force A continues a ttaCl< on (.:bjective D and. Hill 307. ','ihen it crosses
Div left (E) boundary Tasl< lorce A becooes attached. to ;(.9 In! Div.
5. acn Tr continue present
b. 447 AM A':l Bn continue present mission.
7. L8 Div Arty support Div.
8. 103 Engr C Bn continue present mission.
4NNEX. ?
APe '2.70
111500B Aug 44
SUBJECT: Letter of Instructions #17.
TO See Distribution:
1. The enemy is reported retreating along the front of VII Corps. The V
Corps will advance immediate1-Y to a line through Truttemer le Grand.
;,c:. XIX Corps reSU1D1!I8 attack at 1900 driving to the S in its zone.
3. ;,c:9 Inf Div will ad.vanCe rapid1-Y to secure Hill 307 and. the hill south
01' st Sauveur de Chaulieu, prepared to advance to the E to seize road. junction
at bB3,,;,c:J.
4. 43 Inf Div ad.vances to the S in zone and. seize the line Brouains - Sour
deval - ridge at 313
5. 113 Cay Gp is a.tached. to the ;(.8 Inf Div immediate1-Y.
o. XIX Corps Ary will support advance of XII Corps.
7. Task Force A after seizine Hill 3J8 will proceed rapidly to Hill )b7
and be attached. to '2.9 Inf Div when it crosses the lett bound.&ry to the :.:s In! Div.
B. Blements 01' CCA, 2 Armd. Div, when paeel through by infantry, will revert
to Commander 01' CCA, and. will be prepareel for rapiel action to the S.
l4aJ Q' General
' ,

Hq CC"A", AD
In the Field
14"J)OO Aug 44
FO #10
lWlS: GSGS, 4:G50, scale, 1/50,000, sbeets, lroRTAIN.
1. a. Germans are holding defensive positions in considerable strength along the
EGRENNE river. Their defenees consist 01' strongpointe on high groun<1 an<1
stream crossings. Stream crossings are mined an<1 briages are blown. It
is likely that be will continue <1ei'enaive action along the present line,
bolding high ground N and NE of BGRiNNi river. Increased use of arty fire
.from positions along this hign ground may be expected.. Small group. 01'
tanks from tbe 1st as Ps, Adolph Hitler,' have been identified in this area.
b. No change.
:G. a. Collbat ColE&lld "A" continues attack to seize and eecure Hill 3-'9 at OSOCB,
15 Auguat 1944.
3. a. Rcn Co, 60th All assemble in present area, IOOve on order.
b. :Gd Dn, Qst AIR (-1 Co) hold bridgehead of EGRENNE river until passe<1
tlirough by jra Bn, bOth AR (reinf), assemble on order, prepared to IOOve
forward to objective under control of CO, 1st Bn, 60th AR.
c. Bn, bbth AR (If/lst Bn, 1U In!, 1 plat Co A, 17th Eng, 1 Plat Co A
TD Bli atchd) attacks at 15 1944, passing thrOilgh for-HarC1
elenents :Gd Bn, 4lat AIR, seize and hold Hill 3:G9.
d. 1st Bnj bbth AR (W/:Gd Bn, 41st AIR (-1 Co) atchd) follow3rd Bn, 66th Aft
( reinr on order.
e. Co A, 17th Eng Bn (-1 Plat) follow lat Bn, 60th A.R (reW) on order. )f.ain
tarn crossing of EGRENNE river until all elements of CCA have crosse<1
f. . Co A Tn Bn (-1 Plat) follow A, 17th Eng Bn (-) on or<1er.
Proviae anti-tank protection for column enroute to objective.
g. 14th !FA An s;Jpport the action of Combat Command "A".
h. 60th AR (-3 Bna), Rcn and Mt Cos) move forward on order.
x. ocily combat vehicles with the exception of maintelllllCe and medical sectiOns,
will cross the EGRENNE river until further orders.
4. a. Combat trains normally accompaI)3ing units assemble in present area by
battalions. forward on order.
b. Maintenance Co, bbth AR, with current attachment of combat trains remain
in present location. Move forward on order.
c. Company A., 48th Med Bn provide medical evacuation.
5. a. Advance CP, Combat COlIllland "A" follows 3rCl Bn, 06th AR (reinf).
b. Ws of signal communication: GER - WNIAY l'ABBAYE - HIll. 3:l9.
c. Current SOl, 2 AP in effect.
APO :l5:l
18 AugUB t 1944
1.o:.O TO:' All uni ts
1. CC"A", AD moves from present area to an assembly area in the vicinity
of SEES, ","'RANCE commencing at 180645 18 .A.,U8 1944:
:l. March Table
Rcn Co, both AR 10 0045B 0655B
Advance Guard
35 0700B 0735B
1st Bn, 66th AR
Co E, 41st AIR
1 Plat, Co A, 17th Eng
Hq CC"A"
0740B 07408
14th AFA Bn
075lB 081bB
ooth AR (-1st & 3rd Bn, Rcn, Sv &
J..aint Cos & Bn 41st AIR (-1 Co)
08:GlB 09108
Co A, 17th Eng Bn (-1 Plat)
5 OC).GlB 09.GoB
Co A, TO Bn
5 09:G9B 0934B
3rd Bn, obth 30 0939B 1009B
CO A, 48th l.:ed En 0 10UB 10.20B
kaint Co, obth AR 10 lOf3B 1033B
Serv Co, 60th AR
5 lO'3bB
a. IP - 0)8008.
b. Route - To be announced.
c. Rate of, l.:arch - 15 mph
d. Distance - 75 yds between vehicles
.3 min between march units
5 min between serials
e. GLlides: J.Jl guides will be posted at critical points along the route.
acn Co, ooth till I.ill supplement the lil' guides ftlere neCf'ssary.
f. Control ui'ficer at IP - Capt Bifano, Hq CC"A"
-5. Trains:
(1) Organic F & L, maintemnce, 'medical and kitchen sections and one
truck per battalion released to organizations.
(2) All aJ:l!aunition t rucks in exces.s of 1 per battalion march with
t..aint Co, ooth AR.
(3) BaSZage and supply trucKS march with Service Co, obth' A.R under
control of CC"A" 1"ie10 Trains Comlll<Hlder.
, (4) Upon arrival in new area and a1"ter refueling F & L trucs in excess
of 1 ner company 'Nill report to and rellalin with Co, ooth AR.,
. ' (5) Ki tchen v,ill report to ce"A" 1"ie1d Trains Comr:ander on order.
h. :t.oute to IP - dA.,t,;;::;l\,;N - JCIlRur.;T road is reserved 1'or use 01' 'rten
and Ce"B" exclllsive1y. Units of Ce"A,1I on that road will use trails to get to IP.

... --.--
-. ...
T'&l3 (;08.AT c.: G:._.AhD 11 rl. "
18 1944
1. a. Rcn has report-e'd no contact I:,.i.les east 01' SF;1:'S. Ek.;)T of this point
to ZuE river, small groups of eneqy and roadblocks r.ay be expected.
The first ort;anized etlenvr resistance Nill probaole be net along EURE river.
b. (l):2d ArJnd Div be prepired to move M;.)T in m'.J.ltiple ooluruns at any tim.e
after 190700B ilUg 1944.
Probable r.; boundary "rmd Div zone: E - .i line thru SZ3S. S
botmdary ImKnovon.
(3) Probable formtion "rlflci Div: Combat COlil.":ancis abreast, Ce"A"
on tne S (rit;ht), Div to follow CC1'DII, Div I\rty to follow CC"A",
Di\r CP to tollow cOllibat elanents of CCII13", Div Tns echeloned to
right rear followin5 .::>i v "rty.
(4) r-robaule destination - EIJJE ::n hR.
C5) acn Bn now reconnoiterine eastward.
2. CC"A" be to move east in one or two columns at" any ti;ae after
190700B AUG 1944.
J. a. t'ormations of CeliA":
: (.;(;i..UL.N
Ren Co, ooth A..J:i
1/00 & 1 Plat atchd
Right Column Left Column
Hq CeliA"
1 Plat Rcn 00 AR Ren t..IO (-1 Plat)
14th En
1/60 & (-1 lied Co
uuth aR (-1 3 Rcn, Sv &
1 Plat A/l? & plus 1 Co
..:t Cos, plus (-1 Co) atchd)
1 Plat atchd 1 Plat 1../17)
A/17 (-1 PliJ.t)
i-iq CC"a
A/702d TD Bn
14th AF'.i Bn
i1./48 A/I? Plats)
Co, Clbth AR
(-1 Plat)
liq 60th iIt
;.iaint Co, 06th AR
b. 0ther ci!tails to follow.
e. Stand-to l90000B aug 1944 if no orders are received prior to that time.
d. All units on one hour alert for movement effective at once.
e. If no orders are received by 190?OOB Aug 1944, day 19 Aug will be
devoted to raaintenance and reor..;anization until such tiJrle as movement
orders received.
'" ..
.. -- ... ..
Hq CC "A", ;G AD
In the Field
;GOO1OOB August 44
FO 11
GSG8: Map of France, Scale: 1/50,0CJ0 and 1/;G50,0CJ0.
ccu a iwt GACE - WGlK - VERNEUIL - DREUX. The enEllD1
1. a.
llne and act against a breakthrougtl
to the NORl'H of this general line with a stubborn rear-guard action
employing road blocks .. 0:1 mines covered by AT guns, tanks am int' an ry.
The eneJJ13 is capaole of
in our sector are the
following: Armored _ 110 pz Div} with pouible
1. 977 pz Div) tank strength
pz Div)of 150 tanks
177 pz Div)
;Gl pz Div)
:l. Intantrz - Elements of Inf Divs
which have withdrawn rom
the WEST. Total strength
approximately 15000.
In addition to the above, tour InC Divs and 001 Para Div have been
reported to this sector trom PAS DE CALUS area, and. JJAy be 6
expected to arrive shortly. Total strangth estimated as
.30000 In! (no tanks). For additional inforllBtion see Inte gence Annex
to accompany FON1:l, Hq :ld. Annd Div. .
b. (1) XIX attacks IORTH in its zone (see Annex No 1 attached) on
20 A\18Ust 1944
30th Int Div on right! :ld Armd. Div on left, 28th Diy
holding on lett. flank or :ld Armd Div nitial.l.y, folloring .lC1 Armel Diy
'I on order.
Third lB Army attaclcs to the NORTH on right of XII. Gorps.
(.3 ll.3th Cay Group protects lett flank of XIX Corpa.
(4 2d. AI"lDd Div attaclca NORTH in ita SOnl (see Annex No 1 attached) at.
Auguat 1944; celiA" on right, CCIIB" on lAft, Div .s tollCIWina
.t. a. CeliA" attacks NORTH in its zona 'aee Annex JIo 1 and. Annex No ;t attached.)
at . August 1944.
b. Troops - No chang
3. a. Ben COhbbth tt.,v. tro. prea.nt location at 2OObO(Il Auauat 1944,
prec.. ec in its SODI. B8tabUah and _ima1n ooataot with :J)th
lot Divan r1&ht and ce"a" OD lett. Move rapidl7 to contaot With eDU7.
Upon contact, bruah asica. 1nt'er.l.or. torc, cODtaiA 1!Pi:
pt."CC ecl tbroaab 8T. a*anc. ,,-rei. t.. iiMa
o' au. '..o,.. "pert ooildl t.1oD ot all. 11"1.
ot poaaible tarde.


b. CC"A" (-Rcn Co, 66th AR, Combat & I'ield Trains) IWve from present
location over route indicated on Annex No. 2 attached, to contact in
accorc1ance with march table, Annex No.3, attached.
c. Combat Trains under CO, }.taint Co, 66th All, remain in present location,
reconnoIter"?or assembly area, vicinity of MARCHAINVILLE, move on order
CO, both AR. .
d. Field Train. revert to control of Trains Conmander, 2d Armd Div, in present
x. (1) t'fhen head of column is held up for a period longer than five (5) minutes
for any reason, all units coil forward otf the road.
(2) SOP reporte on crossing IP and phase lines and upon initial contact
with enellJ. Combat reports hourly on the hour.
4. a. 2d Armd Div Adm Order to follow.
b. Axis of supply and evacuation - axis of advance.
5. a. Current SOl, 2d Jumd Div in effect.
b. AXis of Signal Communication - !Xis of Advance
CP CC"A" remains present location until Aug 1944, thereafter
follows Advance Guard.
d. Other CPs to be reported.
ANNEX #3 March Table.

I .....
to' '
L.DER l,,;' : .den
En, 41st AIR (-1 Co)
Co J, outh
;; 3try, 14th ,u.'", Bn
1 Plat, Co l','tl! En[; En
1 Flat, Co 70"d TD an
i.l'J cp celiA"
Mil. En (-) Btry).
Hq cC"iJ (-iwd CP) (plus i".ij) CP
oottl ;LR)
3n, oath AR (-1 Co) with 1 Co
t.lst AIR atchd
3rd Bn, ooth AR
Co .'1., 17tll Sne; un (-1 Plat)
Co rl, TD En (-1 Plat)
Hq o6tn AR (-Fwd CP)
1st !3n, uotn An (-1 Plat Co C)
Co 48th En
Rear Guard.
1 Plat Co C, ooth




Hq CC"A",

In the Field
200100B 44



a. IP - See .t.nnex ;'\0 attached.
0.. aoute - See Annex ;;0 :2 attacHed.
c. Rate of - mph
d. ;)istances: 'h between vehic les
j ;ain between iaarch uni. ts
5 ;:dn between serials
e. Control 0fl'icer at IP - l"urnished by ooth "R.
f. l), 195th En marches \'ith units it now supports.

.. J. Ie .l..L:
."l,;'I'Il: CO, ce"A" , 2 "D
L..<!.50, scale: IhG,ooo.
'1. :;l.. Tne eneL..:' i1:3.5 :Jeen iJ. rear-,:;ucl.:ra. action to delay our aaV<.:i.llCe to
the III view 01 prou(.iole lack 01 first class reserves, am tne
current laCk 01 tllis De to continlle. Road.
(mines) covered by sH:ill arr:.5, :aortar ard. anti- _ank lire ,;ill
continue. :a is possitle ti1at counter-attacks ,;ill ue launched
a2airl.St our lel't. flanK by ari:lOr vlhicl1 nas escapea fro::'. the rl.:l.CLl:'l',1.i:
... n.L..... ISE pocket, or iJ.2ains tour r:iht OJ troops moving SvUTH.:EST
from i- ....5 !').c C".1...,IS. Identification of .":lajor e remy units in this sector
include the 344tll :nf Jiv ana the 17th Gr' :Jiv.
D. (1) XIX Corps continues in its zone. 30th Div on the right,
;';d ;1.rl:.o. Div on tne left, <!.<3th Div followinG Armd
Arma Div continu\js tHe attack in its zone 220800i:l AUg 44, CClIAlI
on right, Ce"B" on left, Div Res followinG CC"3

(3) Co :8, 82d :ten En vTill operate in front of CC".I1.", 2d rl.rlfld Div,
reconnoiterirl: to tne in its zone (see o;erations overlay
attacned) and contact witn 30th In! Div on right.
2. CClIAlI, 2d Armd Div continues attack Aug 44 in two columns to seize
Objectives indicated operations overlay attached) and cross ITON River
in its zone, prepared to continue attack to the NORTH.
3. a. Rcn Co, bbth AR move out Aug 44, reconnoiter in zone indicated,
(see operations overlay attached) reconnoiter for possible crossings or
ITON River in its zone.
b. Left Column consisting of 2d Bn, 41st AIR (-1 Co) with Co H, 60th AR,
1 PIat CO A, 17th Eng Bn, 1 Pl." Co A, m BA at.t.&cA8G, attack at
Aug 44 to seize am secure objective C. Upon securing objective
C, be prepared to attack on order to seize and objectives E and G.
If objective C is secured prior-to Aug 44, attack at
Aug 44, tp seize and secure objective E and G .
c. Right Column consisting of' Bn, 66th AR with Co D, 41st AIR and 1 Plat,
Co A, 17th Eng Bn attached, attack at Aug 44 to seize and secure
objective D. Upon securing objective D, be prepared to attack on order,
to seize ani secure objectives F and H.
d. The following elements under CC"A" control follow left colwnn in sequence
indicated on order:
Co AI 17th Ene (-2 Plats)
Co A, 70,d TD Bn (-1 Plat)
Hq CC "A" (-Fwd CP)
3rd Bn, 66th AR (-1 Co)
Hq 66th AR
1st En, 66th AR
Co A, 48th ked Bn
lIaint Co, 66th AR (with Conbat Tna).
- 1
e. 14tn!FI Bn support the action of Combat Comraard nAil.
x. Gerr:.a.n mine fields ilave oeen located in open fields. All persormel
will r)e inatructed to recormoiter fields for mines before enteril1 or
4 ~ " : o Chal1,c;e.
5. a. Current SOl, ~ d Arm Div in effect.
b. CP, CC"A" follows left column.
lil' 1" IeIAL:
. , J
.. :

..... JJ
FO #13
GSGS:' 4:l50, scale: 1/50,000.
In the l"ield
A!30l00d Aug 44
1. a. No change.
b. No change.
, 2d Armd Div continues attack O::!J073OB Aug 44, fiml objective SEINE
River in its zone, for further operations to the N on order.
3. a. Rcn Co, bOth AR move at :l30000B Aug 44 reconnoiter in zone of CC"AII,
on 1elt and 8;a1. Rcn on to the front.
b. Rit;ntColumn as now constitutea attack Aug 44 to secure successive
obJectivea inaicatea (aee opns ovly), on objective S.
c. Left Column as now constituteCl attack ,,3Q'/3C13 Aug 44, to secure successive
objectives inuicateCl, consolidate on objective R.
a.. hemaining elements umer CCIIA" control tollow le1't colwnn on order.
e. 14th Bn, support action 01' CC"I\.II.
4. No chance.
,. a. Current SOl, 2 AD,
b. CF, CC"A", follows left column.
1"0 ri14
:'iAPS: to' ?ANCE, G3GS: , scale: 1/50,000.
1. a. No Chant:e.
b. (1) XIX Corps attacks H-Hour :.G5 Aug 44 to
(2) 109th RCT, assisted by :.Gd Bn, 66th AR,
Hq CC"A", 2 AD
In the .field
Aug 44
seize and secure town of ELBEUF.
attacks on right to seize and
secure town 01' BLOEUF. Div Res, :.a:I. Div will protect rear 01'
:Gci Bn, 41st AIR and 99th In! Bn.
2. a. CC"A", Div, attacks H-Hour 2b Aug 44, to seize and secure objective
shown opns ovly atc-nd).
b. 1st ooth II.R
1st Bn, ooth
Co E, 41st AIR
1 Plat, Co A, 702d TD Dn
d Bn, st AIR - Cos)
Co H, 41st AIR
Co H, both AR (-1 Plat) .
1 Plat, CO A, 17th Eng Bn
1 Plat, CO A, 702d TO Bn
CC"A" Control
Rcn Co, bbth AR
6bth AR (-1st, 2d, 3rd Sn
Rcn Co)
3rd Bn, ooth AR (-1 Co)
l4th AlA Bn
Co A, 17th Eng Bn (-2 Plats)
Co A, 702d TD Bn (-2 Plats)
D Btr,y, 195th AAA Bn
Co A, 48th ::ed Bn
99th In! Bn (reinf)
99th Inf Bn
1 Plat, Co H, 60 AR
Det, 1:aint Bn, 2d Armd Di v
.3. a.
(1) Rcn Co, both An (-2 Plats) move at H-l, protect left fJank CC"A"
(:.G) 1 !'lat, Rcn Co, 60th Ali assemble vic CP, CC"A", prepared to execute
reconnaissance missions on order.
1st Bn, both AR (reinf) attack at H-Hour, secure first objective, block
all roads leadinG to that. objective from Si: and N, move to seize anel
secure final objective (see opns ovly atcnd).
c. :Gel En, 41st AIR (-) (reinf) attack, crossing LD at H-Hour, seize and
secure objective in zone (see opns ovly)
d. 99th 1n1' 3n (rein1') attack, crossing 1.0 at H-Hour, seize and secure
objective (see opns ovly).
Bn, both AR assist l09th RCT in seizing am securing town of EL3EUlo'.
Cos D (,L G, 4tst AIR released from atchd CC"A", effective when elements of
. 109th ReT pass through present position 2d Bn, obth AR, at which tine they
become atchd to Div Res, Armd Div.
l4th it.FA Bn support action of CC"A".
3rd Dn, obth AR (-1 Co) Co A, TD Bn (-2 Plats), & Co iL, 17th 'Eng Bn
(-2 Plats; assemble at H-Hour in CC"A" .in vic of area iBiicated on
atchd opns ovly.
H-Hour to be announced.
- 1 -
4. a. Current SOl, :i AD.
D. Fwd CP, CC"A", initially vic .crossroads 081940.
c. Reports upon crossing LO, phase lirss, and arrival on objectives.
" ,
Hq CCItA", A.D
APO 25<t!
In the Field
1"0 #15
Aug 44
laPs: lORANCE, GSG8: scale: 1/50,000
1. Omitted.
2. a. CeItA" as now constituted will garrison and defend ELSEUF, relieving
all elements of l09th RCT now in the town.
b. FORCE A '
(Commanded by Major Etter)
2d Bn, 41st AIR (with H Co, b6th All
H Co, 41st AIR)
Plats, Co A, TO Bn
1 Plat, Co D, 66th Aft
1 Plat, Co A, 17th Eng Bn
CCnN' Control
Rcn Co, 60th All
1st Bn, 66th All (-deta)
3rd Bn, 60th All (-Hq Co)
CC"A" Hq
(Conmancled by Lt Col Herkness)
Bn, 60th Aft (reinf)
99th In! Bn
1 Plat, Co A, 17th Eng Bn
Hq, 60th All (2d Bn, Co H, Co G-)
Co A, TD Bn (-2 Plata) I
Co A, 17th BDg Bn Plats)
Co A, '48th Ked Bn
3. a.' Force A will garrison and detend the town of ELBlIJF rrom Wand N, etr.ct
renef of &11 ele_nts or l09th BeT, man all road bloclaJ and outpoet. DOW
held by l09th ReT. This relier to be accomplished by 2015O<m Aug 44.
BoWiary, ( e opna 09'13' atchd).
b. Force B will garrison and detend the town or BLBEUF troa B am SK, boundary
( .ee opna ovl,y atchd). '-'
c. B!: In! BD wiU JIIOye re". cOIIp&D.T tl'Olll pre.ent. locat.i.on to ettect
dl&t. rel1et ot all ela_nt.. lO9th BCT in the area or Force B.
Balanc. ot 99th' lot Bn will !IOYa to posit.iona a. ordeNCl by CO, Force OS'
upon heine rel.1e'ftd in prent area by CO, Porce A.
d.' CC-.- (-pore.'" Force B) in "Mm, pre.ent locatio...
e. Utii Al. Bn will .apport entire garri.on.
x. fIl. t;;;n or BIBD will be beld until reliet i. eltected by other trJ.elXll1'
. troops. 'lh1a reliet to b. etr.cti" onorc.ier tra. t.h1. hq.
4. 10 c_12&e.
S. a. ClII'NDt 101, 2 AD 1D eft..,_ . ..
,b. ti,. oe I et....... to .-e. It u ......
. o. If,cIlo -DO _ap., '
'4. ""' CP, rear CP, CC-A ( ... 0,.. "l.r atoDl). ou... to be UUIOUDecl.

',' ; .,,,r
, "
Hq CcnA", :t AD
APe 25'"
In the Fielcl
27l000B Aug 44
MAPS: GSGS, PIWIZ, 1/50,000.
1. a. Omitted.
b. (1) XIX Corp. concentrate. Aug in an area 811 or IlANTBS-GAS5ICOURT.
(2) 2d A1"III1 Di.,. JllQVe. to assenbly area .tarting at :t5;t0()C8 Aug 44. f
2. Ce"A", 2d ArJld Div moves to assembly area starting at 271815B Aug 44.
3. a. March Table (Approximate oDly)
Rcn Co, 66th All 10 1815B 1U5B
Hq eCA 8 18300 1838B
2d Bn, 4ls AIR 30 18538
14th AFA Bn 30 1938B
66th All (-Rcn eo) 135 202JD 22.388
Co A, 17th Eng Bn 8 22538 230lB
Co A, 70:td TO Bn 8 2304B
Co A, 48th Med Bn 8 23l5B 23238
(1) IP & Route: See overlay
(2) ot Karch: 12 mph until 213<E, 10 mph thereatter.
(3) Distance.: 75 yda bet"'1een vehicles.
15 min between battalions.
3 min between march un1t
(4) Halts: None scheduled.
(5) Guides: 2d Arm Div lIPs will be posted at critical points along
route. Co, both AR 111.11 suppl..nt 1CP guides where
(b) Control Otticers: IP - Capt Kay
5T AQUILLtN DE PACY - l.... urnished by I4P
EVEREUX - Furn1s1'8d by MP.
(7) Btry D, 195th AAA an marches .w1th 14th AFA Bn and Jlaint eo, both
b. Each March Unit will coordinate with March Unit ahead for time tail of
unit ahead clears IPj Karch Table, par a, is only approximate due to
traffic coo::litions. Liaison between each unit ard preceeding unit will
be established.
x. Night fighter protection will be over both colU1DD8 tonight.
4. a. Combat trains released to units for the march.
b. Field trains to units in new as.emblJr area at 2807000 Aug 44.
5. a. Radio sileilce, ettective 271530B Aug 44, until further orders. All
stations maintain llstenill6 watch on all receive.ra. _
b. Report arrival and closing in new assembly area.
ANNEX 1i17
Hq CCA, 2 AD
In the Field
310110 Aug 44
FO #18
L1.PS: GSGS: 4l 50, 1/50,000.
1. a. See G-l, 2d Armd Div Periodic Report.
b. (1) ld Arflrl Div continues movement at 310b30B Aug 44.
(2).leather perrnitting, air support will be available.
l. a. eCA, 2d Armd Div continues movement in its ZOI13 at 3l0bJ<l3 Aug 44, moves
rapidlJ', by-passes resistance.
o. Troops - No change.
3. a. Rcn Co, 'ooth AR lnove at 3l00JOB Aug 44, reconnoiter in zone of eCA, covering'
all alternate routes, utilizing one platoon on each axis. 1:aintain contact
with British on left.
b. Column move at 310730B 44 on axis indicated- (see ovly atchd).
Or er of - no change.
c. Left Column move at 31073(1':3 Aug 44 on axis imicated (see ovly atehd).
d. 14th AlA Bn support action of ce "A"
x. (1) All elements of CC"A" will move N of horizontal grid lire 94 in eCA
zone by 3112uOS Aug 44.
(4) Unit s will establish liaison with preceedir; unit in colwnn. Units
will move l' orward when i)reeeedin,; unit clears.
(3) Vehie les v:ill displa.'i only yellow fleurscent panels.
4. Ko ehan.;e.
5. a. Current SOl, 2d &\rmd Div.
b. CP, eCA follows advar:ce Guard, rieht column.


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........ -. ..

.... ,... ..
8 October 1944
1 - 30 iKf1'PlBD 1944
1 aut 19M
66th And -eilDICl to CC
,,-, 2Dcl.lrad. Diy, .. IpUt into two col__
a. abo1rD bektw a.D4 ... l.ocateclln area. ... indicated C oTerlq 11).
2IMl BIl, 60tJa A1wd (-1 Co)
1 00, 2Dd BIl, 4lat A1Wi lilt bet
1 Plat, Co A, 11th" BD
1 BtI7, 14th Fiehl Artr
FwclCP, CC-A- .
14t.b r1el.d btl' (-1 JJt,17)
.q CO-A
2rad :Ill, 4lat AlSi IDt bet (-)
1 Co, 2M Ba, ootJl ArM'bet
Co A, 17th .... Bra f-)
Co A, 7o:l!D Ia (-)
Co H, 06ta AlSCl
Co A, 48tIl et BA
a'", Co, 66th .lae st
Lett Co1__
Hq 6MIl. AnId "It
31'4 BIl, ootll AJ'IMl (-1 Co)
1 Co, BIl, 4lat lilt bit
1 Plat, Co A, 17tb ... BIl
1 Plat, Co A, !D ..
18t BIl, 66th ANd"at .. in DiY1aioa ....m
.It 02CXlt OrMN are rece1yecl tra. CC., ...ian:! DI -.1..10. of 60Ua AacI ..It
.. to1l.Gln. (... ,nDR 11).
JOn 60th Arad. .. Jlgft out at H-BoUl', CUN COIIplete 1at...tloa of
all oro of __ n in CO"I SO_, bT-pua reai.taDce lib.""!' _ ....,.
to aCCOIIpl1ab ...lon. .
Nt Coluua 110ft at H-liour plua hour a10DB axi. .. iDd1catM.
Lett CollalU Koft at H-Hour plu l/2 hour aloaa u1... iDd1oat.ed. i
aen co, 60th AnId _wcl out aa ordeNCl, encountering ........18taaoe
a loas ui. and point 166b9A2 Wbich tiler cured tor tbe Dip'_
IWHIT COLlIDI a4Yucecl ap:lnat ..., rea1ataao. 1;e the Y1c1Jd.t7 of BOU.lcoar
(27*3'5) 1IIbve patNla "N .ent out to iDft8t1pt.e creaa1D&. of til. CWMI. " ,
_. !DI patzro18 UPO. OOIIpletioA of llia.ion NjoiaM the BIl, Obtb 'I11III

. *'" iJt.t; ..
in an assembly area at ;t74355 they aecured for the night.
LIFT COLUMNa AdTanced along axis encountering light enemy resistance anel
succeeded in reaching a point in the vicinity ot bb0945 which they secured for
the night.
Th. RIGHT and LEFT COLIJ(NS advanced a distance of 57 milea.
At 223CB, wbile let Bn, 66th Armel Begt, in Division Ileserve wae closi.Dg in
b17 area ill Tlcinit7 of 4LBDT" FRANCS, (ee. overlay) an enemy convoy ot
trucks and armored car., attempted to penetrate their 11nea, atter a fire fight
lasUng until OlC>m, the attupted. penetration was emaehed am all eI*D.Y vehicles
were either captured or d ., The remainder of the night was spent without
t urtber incident.
2 Sept 1944
lliion ot ID'T OOLUKN under commam of Commarning Officer, 66th .lrnd Regt
waa to a.iz. and aecure high ground EAST of ORCHIES, FRANCE.
LBrT COLUKN moved from ita assembly area along axis as indicated, meeting
light resistance. Leadicg eleDnts reached the objectlye at l055B, securing it at
Road blocks were established. on all roads leading in and out ot ORCHIIS,
FRANCK. At approximately lbl5B, ordera were received to move LEFT COLtIlN to an
aaaembly area in the vicinity of BACAY, BEIDIUlL, and. to secure itself for the
nisht, closing at 174Cm after travelling 43 milee.
IlIGHT COLlIIN lett aaaembJ..y area at 08158, ac1Yanceci along axi. aa 1ndicated.,
reached Corps objective and secured it by l7OCB, remaining theh for the night.
A reconnaiasance partT of b6tb Armc1 Regt cros.ed Belgium bor4er at l,;l3<E.
Orders trom 00-' .ere received a8aigning miasiona of both columns of
o.ccupying and seCuring the area aa ahown. (See overlAy 12 and Annex 11';.).
let Bn, 66tb Armel bgt, in Division Reeerve left usemb17 area in vicinity
of ALBERT, PR1JI:S, proceeded to new ...embl,y area in vicinity ot 82llb;t.
3 Sept 19M
All. el_nta 66th Armd. Begt (-let an) remained in assembly areas as 8hown on
overl.a7 112, performing maintenance of vehicles, weap0nB, and rehabilitation of
OrdeN _re received. (aee Annex 113) to sweep woods am likely hiding places
within areas occupied for the purpoae of flushing the eneJI\Y from them.
lat Bn,bbth Arm bgt, in Division ReserYe moved from. present assembly area
to a DR ...embl1 area in the vicinity of 830240, closing at :lOO5B.
4 pt 1244
OrdeN rMe1ve<l ( Annex 14) to move by infiltration to new assembly
areu in the nclD1tl' of 1f!tJ
IKlAU, BIWlIlJ(. (S.. overlay 13). ltovement started

. ',--,f
.' ' ....
It 1944 (con't)
at 093<11 &Del 66tb AIWl ..It bad '0loaeel at .l.a.1CE in new a....lJr areu. Road
blocka 011 aU road.a aDd yat. of patrols .... activated
. !he r. ,fDdllr of tM dq spent in lI&int.nanc. of vehicle. and _apoDa.
let BA, AnIl, raaained in Diri.ion ...."
.., ... apeAt iIl..uateD&ftCe of eq1l1.-nt.
'. .
At. 184,. __n N ,.eeiYecl coJlt.1DU1D1 til. attack at OOOCB 6 .ept 1944.
66t1l..- .." .. apl1t 1Dto twocol.,. aftoWD (a.. ADDU ").
CoMaM1lll ott1oer, eMA ANd, in of LlPT COLtDOl
. lat, BA, "taI.lJWd "at, NaiDed in Div181011 ...."
o .ept 1944
. .
aDtl Bu. lM)t.b AnIl, .. advance guard tor lIGHT COUJ[l of CC... moYecl
tNII ita .....17 ana at OS3(8, proceeded aloog &Ji- and aucceeclecl 111- reacbiDc
a podUon"" of C&ftlIIII (42730S) where it cared tor the n1cht.
W1' COISOi udlr 00_0.2 Coaaanding ()!ticer, 6bth Arad Beit, left '
area at 060C8 ooat,iDQeCl aloU! axl., moPPini up all "alat&uc. aa encounteNcl and
atter aOaDdDl SO II1lea to aD a.a8lllbl rea, 1n the ncl.Dit7 of STOQOOIS, BKlGltIl,
aet up road blocka aDd .ecured itU tor the night. .
lat 66tb ArIIl, continued in Division
OrdeN .." Nc.iftd at 19SCS to continue attack along axis at 0b()(Ji 7 Sept
( ..., j,nllBY 10).
7 Sept 1944
RIGHT COLtllR lett -17 aNa vicinit,. CANTINBS, advanced along axia,
Closing uemblT area in nc1nity ot ltHODIS SAINTE AGATHI encountering
no enemy reaiatance enroute.
LIFT COLUMN along ax.i8 a distance ot 50 miles, Closing .1nt,o
an. a embly area (a.. overlq 14) in the viCinity of bT'rKNBEBG, BEWIlIt, encount
ering DO resistance while enroute. .
lat Rn, 66th !legt, ruained in Division Iles'ern.
a 1944
Ordara received to conliinue advance and BIGHT COLUlOl a:wed out along axia
encouatering no e...,. N8Uta.nce enroute, cloeed into aemblT area in vicinit,.
of 1mfOO1lT, BlLGltIl (24860:t) aDd .ecured tor the night.
- 3 _.'
~ I
t '
8 Sept 1944 (conlt)
LBPT COLllOl adY&nced. SO .u.. along ax1a aDd cloe--. ill ......q uea (...
oYerla7 15) in Yicinit7 ot DDS!, BlWltIl. A patrol was sent into town ot IBRKPT
and cleared it ot 11 enemy stragglers.
18t BIl, 60th "!'lid Rest, continued in J)iviaioD ....m.
9 See 1944
Day was spent in ..aembl.T areu performing- Minta_nce or equipaent.
Tb. attached infantry reinforced wiih eectioDS of l1cht tanka weN aent
thrOughout areu to PHp them ot &nl' 8DIID.Y that might have infiltrated.
let Bn, 6bth.Arai Beet, r.a1Ded in DiYiaion Bea."_.
10 '.pt 1944
Day W&8 spent in a.aembl areas (aee oTerlq 10) performing _intenance
....pere continued thru out areas for po.aible enaav infiltration.
llCn Co, bbth Arm, patrolled Albert Canal. for pre8ence or enaq anc1
reconnoitered tor possible crossinga.
let Bn, 6bth ArK st, coDtinuec:l in DiYision Ilea."e.
11 Sept 1944
Da7 spent in aas-.bly areaa perforaing maintenance. ot areas continued.
At approximately l5O<B, Co B, 66th Arad 1l8gt, waa alerted tor movement to
t a (Jerman torce report.a to be crosaing tbe ALBBIlT CANAL in assault boata.
The report proYed talse ancl Co B was release<1 from alert at l.8()(E.
Ilen Co continueC1 patrolling canal and maintaining outposts.
lat Bn, b6th Arad aegt, remained in Division .8.8rve.
l:t '.pt 19M
Da7 spent in maintenance, swps of area. continued.
Rcn CoI bbth All, cured bridge aero.. AI,BltRT CANAL.
At 153<8, 3rcl In, both AIWd aegt, was put under control ot CO-"- and alerted.
tor .....nt. At l6CXII Co r, AlB and a Platoon, Co A, 17th Bag-Bn, waa
attach.d to 3rc1 Bn, bbth Arm aeat and Co G released rroa 3rcl Bn, 60th Anna Rest
& nc1 attach.c1 to 2Dd BIl, 4lat Atwl In! aegt. Orders were cbangecl on JDOvemant -tatu
and 3rct. B.D, both .lrmd. aelt, aa now conatltutec1 "'IIi nec! in present area for the
night. .
1, . 1944 (con' t)
Orders wen rece1Tecl fraa COA at (... An_x 17) a8a1p1ng aiion t,o
J rei Bn, 6btb AJWIl at, ot continu1Ds a<1Yance al.oaI axia UMl .e1s.1ng auocift
bOth AIIId (-4t Bu witb Co A, TD Bn att.ached) to
a rea in 00-,- ....rn &ACt Il10.8 011 JO !II1nut4 JlOt1ce.
:v .. " Wi
)N" Ba. 6btJl ArId .." (Niarlt!:" ...ipghq aNa Yio1aU.7' ". lito
.dY&DMCl aloaa &XlI t ...,. re.latanoe Wb1l.e .....te ..... noce.eel
in NUIalDl polDt 4Ou.c. --.. i*7 tor tbe rd&1lt.. (... 17).
2D4 Ill, f$ta AJWd, laft ..... area Yiolr4q- of 1:tBW;IEi proceeded to
..,17 area II:a!II of (3246SO) w.l.UIout I11III._ aa.l,ted.
At l80CII 1:3 1944, f*tA ( .. ) "1Dt, UDdIr ot
Oftic.r, ..ct, coaaiated of tbe :rol.l.GwiDg troope. (... in_x 18)
Rep Amd bat '.
3rC BA, bOtb Aacl ..... (-G Co) /
99t1l IAf BD !
o5t;8' ,i.ld BIl
1ft C. A, 48th ... III
Item BIl, -.lot Wita Co I, 17th IDI BA.
rb. 65th FA Bn went 1Dto poaitloa to .apport tbe tarce at. 18lSB .. __n
ft. 99th lilt BD reported at 19501 aDd .. cl1apoeecl a. abaIrD ( ... oy.rla7 II).
3ft BIl, Obtb Araa4 "It, was till tiM lIDdIar OODtzol of Officer, 00
and .DPPcl Wlt.b t ....,. It ... DOt UIltU that. \be7 _" able to.KlaN
th_el... tor tbI D1gbt. aDC1 at that t:L. tbey NYerted to control of C__
Officer, Obth AIwl COIIpAJd A ADd B, 99tb Iat Bn, _Ie attacbed to 3rcl
lID, bbth ArIId "gt, .and .eN .ed to outpoet aDd secure t. 11,. held bl 3M Brl,
6 bth 11'11d. aeat, NID&1nder of 99th Int an .ere .....la4 1a area .. abo1rn.
Bcn BD with Co D, 17th Dlg BD attaChed aN protecting ]art flank of the Corpe,
with outpost. and. patrols aa indicated. .
14 Sept 1944
Orders were received from COllllBoiing Officer, OO
A8, assigning ion or
bbth Armel aegt as t ollowI:

Attack in two columns in sone assigned, .to secure objectiY as shown OD oT.r1ay.
(see overlay 19).
COJEand1ng Officer, bbth Armd Regt, ordered this attack to be aC1e in two
C01U1DD8, composition as shown below: (Se. PO 13 Hq bbth a, 14 Sept 44 (Annex 19).
- 5 .

_ . __ . __ _ .. ___ __....._ .. _,_ , __', ._ ;,_ ....... ..... ....... -..,........ .... r
14 Sept 1944 (con' t)
Objective 4 at 10JOB meeting light resistance and mineQ road blocks enroute.
Objective 4 being secured, RIGHT OOLWN continued on mission assigned, reaching
OBJE::TIVE 8 at 17OCB.. Reducing resistance at OBJECTIVE 8, RIGHT COLUMN secured
i teel! for the night. Enemy mortar and artillery fire was received during the
occupation of OBJECTIVE 8 and harrassing fire was received. through out the
with no casualties sui'ferea.
LEFT COLUMN as constituted moved into the attack at 09308 meeting resistance
just NOR'l'H of OBJ!X:TIVE 4, redu:ing this the column moved along prescrioed route
atter reducing numerous mined roac1 blocks, resistance in form 01' gun,
mortar and artillery fire succeeded. in reaching OBJ!'.tCTIVE 9 at 1845B, securing
it tor the night at 193C8.
b5th Field Arty was in atpport and. fired missions as called for.
4lDd Bn, both Al'mQ aegt, in 00'- Reaerve left area NORTH of
proceeded along right axle ot CC-A- advance am closed. into assembly area NYf
1st Bn, bOth Armc1 Regt, continued. in Divis ion Reserve.
15 Sept 1944
66th &rmd a-gt (-) Rein! received orders (see Annex 1/10) to seize and secure
OBJJl:TIVE ll, secure approaches into Bone from North at Objective 9, aweep zone
between North boWlda17 and axis, Objective 0 - 8, from East to from Z to Y.
Upon completion or sweep assemble in present area. .
COJllDaDiing Of"ficer, 66th Armd Regt, issued order for attack on Objective 11
to be made from the North from Objective 9 in conjunction With an attack from the
S.outb with a force from Objective 8.
Attack was launched at 0715.8 b,y both forces, the objective was reached at
083CB, found to be free of the enemy except for snipers. At 100CB the force
from the North was ordered to return to Objective 9. Harrassing enem.y artillery
fire was received on Objective 11 thru out afternoon and night. .
SWeeps of areas as ordered were completed and no enemy was found.
2nd Bn, 66th Armd Regt, sent out sweeping force in their zone and two platoons
f* rom Company K were sent to bridge site to help secure it for night. .
1st Bn, 66th Armd Regt, continued in DiVision Reserve.
16 sept 1944
As of 24OCI3 15 sept, the following troops were under command of Commarxling
Officer, 66th Arm Regt, operating as North Foree of Ce"A":
Hqs b6th Armd Regt
3rd Bn, 66th Armd Regt
99tn In! Bn
65th F& Bn
Platoon Co A, 17th Ingre
Oat Co ., 48th Keel Bn
., ,
10 lept 1944 (con' t)
Blements of this tore. were in area. as shown on overlay, eecuring North boundJ7
XIX Corpe between Objectives 0 and 9 and. the 11ne 9 to 10 tUong V.u.m' CANAL. 82c1
Ren Bn under outpoating line b - 9 and maintaining contact with Britiah
to the 'Borth. The following verbal orders were received trom CO,..: -B!fectiY.
first light lb .ept 1944 you will be responsible tor securing tbe Corps Bounc1ry
on tae IIorth rrea e te 9 aDd tlte Iiviaioft front along VAAllT CANAL trom 9 to 7.
JtCn BD (plus D Co. 17th 1Dil'8) 11 attached to your comaand. PlatOon Co H, 17th
.IDe" relJAveci.
At. osoas the toU.lag order (in aubatance) _8 rece1Y8d. from Co-.ndiQg
0.-1'&1, 2Dd Arm4 D1TI "
lifo. 1:1&... add1tloual mi8slon of brldg1ng tbe YMllT CANAL and. clearing all
e ... tfOOpe tram area bet.en the YAAIT CANAL and lfIUSB RIVE in the Division Zone.
Group BDI1_e" will be placed at your dispoaal.
"to initial order, .ecurity of Division Front west of VAlRT CANAL wa
fteeted at relieving element. ot CC"AII at Objectives 7 ao1 10 and Bridge
h .ad south ot 10.
It _21 the neceaeary to set up and effect a new deteasive plan in orcier to
releue nec....ry troops to .stablian new Bridgehead an:1 clear the island. At '
093(8 following verbal orders were issued by Conman:ling Officer, Task Force "Stokes":
Comdg Officer, 8:-ai Ren Bn (Pol-us Plat Co H, bOth AR ani Plat Co B, 99th In! Bh)
take over pNnt .ecurity line. Comdg Officer, 3r<1 an, bbth Armd Regt (-) ana
Coadg Officer, 99th In! Bn (-) will aemble their commama in designated areas.
Gomdg Officer, Group BngrsJ with Coalg 0i"f1cer, Co D, 17th &ngrs, to reconnoiter
for bridge sites and poasible crossings in vicinity BORCHAREN".
Limited bridge tacl1itiea were located near BORCHAREN, and RBCKHAJ&: was chosen
aa the site to bridge.
" At ll3C8, following verbal orders issued by Corndg Or.ricer, Task i'orce "Stokes
to be effective upon complstion of relief and assembly of 99th In! Bn and 3r<1 Bn,
66th Arm<! Regt:
99th In! Bn (Plat Co G, 66th R and Co B, 66th AR, attchd) will secure bridge
site BAST of HECKfW.1, seizing objectives "All to "Ett and clearing area. Bridge
Northeast 1iAASTRICHT will be used for crossing initial elenent.s.
3rd Bn, both!rmd. Regt (-) will be prepared to move on order upon completion
of bridge. You will pass thru 99th In!" Bn at Objective liEN, advance aggressively
to eecure final objective - line UNKI.AER - clearing all enemy .from your
area. A and B Companies, 99th In1" Bn, will be attached to you for this mission.
Co D, 17th Engrs, will secure west bank or Canal at and be prepareCl
to crose elements ot 99th In! Bn in assault boats.
b5th FA Bn in direct support.
- 7
.. ,
1b 8ept 1944 (coni t)
Group Engrs will be prepared to construct bridge at RlCKlWl upon ot
1000 1'U4 bad8ea.a4 oa KAaT bank.
All Wlita on WIlT bank be pre}:8red to support attack with assault guns and
mortars'rEDaining on that side".
At 17()(B Co C (Plat Co B, bOth A.R am Co H, both All) attacked on axLs ,
on overlay. Upon securing line :x - I, they were, reinforced by 99th Int Bn (-Co C)
crossing VAART CANAL on partially demolished bridge at BORGHAREN.
Troops subjected here to heavy artillery tor twenty minutes,
8upplementec1 by direct i'ire i'rom S8lI1ll Guns located EAST of 1;lE.USE.
BY 21300 battalion reached a line 300 yards South of Objective ".let. This
was 8ecured for the night.
Bridge sections were built during the a1'temoon on that part of the Canal that
was cleared and fioated dOWn Canal at night to point near line secured by infantry.
At approximately l()()()J. leading elements of 60th Ju-md Regt crossed into'
Ren Co, 1st Bn, 2nd. Bn, anc1 l.iaintenance Co, 6bth Armd Regt, were under direct
control oi' CC""" and. were split into Task Forces as shown on Annex #11.
1st Bn, 6bth Armd Regt, released from Division reserve and reverted to control
ot CC.,n an:1 moved to an assembly area in vicinity of GROOTSVEi.DEN, HOLIAND,
closing at 1745B.
2nd Bn, 60th Armd Regt, as part of Task Force "A" advanced along axis on
order and reacned a position in vicinity of HDBSTRAAT (b58500) which it secureC1
r or the night.
17 Sept 19M
Task Force "Stokes-: Attack resumed at Qb;tJi. At 0800A., 99th In! Bn,
relnforcec1 with Hn Co, 60th Arm Regt (-1 Plat) Resa tance JIB t consistea
mai.n.l.Jr ot a.utomatic weapoIlS, mortar and bazooD i'ire. IlIape prove<1 inaccurate
and actYance was slowed by dikes, streams J and 'WOOded areas not shown on maps.
Objective "En was secured, bridge completed ana jr<1 Bn, bbtn, Armd Regt,
crossed to islanC1 by loOOl. Reconstitution 01' i'orces am mopping up continue<1
until 1815A.
Due to rain and rog, visibility was very poor. 3r<1 Bn, bbth Armel Regt, mnt ,
ordered to secure at Objective "Ell for night and attack at 070Ql 18 Sept 1944.
Taak Force C t Task Force "C was alerted at 0100 for an attack to start
at 07()Ql on objective in vicinity ot HUNNEKOU. Task Force nCR ..... split into two
co1lU1U'l8 as f
- 8
Right Column (EX 0 let Bn, b6th All Lett Colwm (CO, ],at Sn, c,oth AI
Co I, bOth Armd aegt Co P, both Armd Regt
1 Plat, Co C, 60th Armel Regt
2 Plats Co C, both Arnd llegt
Assault Gun Plat, 1st Bn, 6bth Aft
Kortar Platoon, 1st Bn, both ....
Two '!'D's
;.t m'.
1 Plat, Co A, l7tb:lDa IA
!uk Foree 'C' JIIOftd. into the attack in ODe colUIID, upon pu-iDa tbn
VALDNBURl (658530) .pl1t aa shown above_ Both colu.aa ot Tau Poroe eac
a point in the vic1n1t7 of 1lJ (075555) encounterina ea8ID1' rea1.taace in tbe tora
o t .JD&ll arms 1'ire.
Task Porce "A. at thil time relieved. the rigbt column of Taak Force 'e'
which rejoined the left column, consolidating Task Force C into one colUIID.
Taak Force .,. ancl Taak rorce 'C' coordinated in an attack on objecti".
at b7b585 anet 085585, meetilw light resi8tanCe coll1D& eneJD art11le17 am
mortar fire and auoceec1ed in aecuring objective. at re..ining there for
18 Sept 1944
Task 'ore. Stoke., _weHT seized in initial attack br attack wal
Continued through intezgdiate objectives to !iDal objective. Conaid.erable resistance
.aa encountereet beginning at Objective -Ga. the en..,. ... dug in and npport.a.
by mortara aDd artillery; at tinal objective, tire four 88
... encountered.,
two ot tn.. weN knocked out .b7 direct taDk tire, other. mtutralized by artillery_
The clogs_dne ot the en8ilJl' infantry reeietance waa extreme, in -01' cas.s they
remaioeQ in their trenche8 when the taDks came by, anr:l it .s nacsary to get
them out in aoae ca.e. by WP grenac1es am b7 piatol fire from tank turrets. Bach
town was mopped up by the coni:>ined use ot tanks and infantry.
At 17351 final objective LA.NKI.AER - STOCKH1D4: was secured, organized anQ are.
At ].;lJOA, 82d. Ren Sn, as released from Task Force -Stokes' by order Co!E8llctlng
General, ;(nd lrmd. Div
At 170Ql, 65th FA. Bn was relsased from Task Force Stokes" by order COJIID8Dct1nc
GeMral, Anna D1v .
At 15001, follOWing orders from Commanding General, atd Armd Diva
Upon of mission, turn oyer security reaponaibillt7 to 99th In!
Bn anc1 proceed at 08C>0A 19 sept to area viCinity BiZK (6401) in Division Reaerv.-.
- 9
18 Sept 1944 (coni t)
Task Force "A" and Task Force nc" continued attack at 0700B along axis with
Task Force "A" on the right.
Task Force "A" reached Objective 4, blocked all roads and secured. same for
Task Force "C" reached Objective 5, blocked all roads and secured. same ["or
19 Sept 1944
Task Force "Stokes": Relief of' all Task Force "Stokes" elements by 99th
In! Bn completed at 0 5 4 ~ A .
Movenent to new area begun at 0800A via 1rAASTRICHT, closing new area 104..
Task Force "C" ordered. to continue advance along le1"t axis seizing objectives
3, b, 9, and Lt.
Task Force "An on right of Task Force "C" was to attack and secure objectives
" 5, 8, 11, and. 13.
Task Force "C" launched attack at 0700A, meeting no enemy resistance, crosseQ
GERMAN FRONTIER at l.400A and ac1vanced. rapidly to ObjectiYe 9, reaching it at 1500A.
Task Force "An launched attack along right axis seizing objectives. " 5, 8,
and II and secured. Objective II at 15001.
Task Force C" was ordered to relieve Task Force "An of security or Ob"jective
11. This was accomplished. by lb30l. Task Force "A.Il upon being relieved by
Task Force "C" of security of Objective 11 assemoled. in an area between Objective
11 - 7 - 10 on the right flank of Task Force "C".
At approximately 17304 Task Force "C" received a counterattack consisting of
8 SP guns and. an in!antry regiment. reinforced..
Task Force "C" was ord.ered to hold. Objective 11 agairet this coWlterattack
while Task Force "An launched. an attack against the enemy's right flank and. rear.
The attack was launched with artillery support and. illl SP guns C1estroyec1 and the
counterattack successrully repelled by ~ 0 0 0 l .
Task Force "e" remainea on Objective 11 for the nignt While Task Force "A"
returned. to its rormer assemcly area in the vicinity of 83005'.
3rd. Bn, bbth A.rmd, was in Corps Reserve and located at BEEK, HOLLlND
(041005) performing maintemnce of vehicles and weapons.
,0 Sept 1944
bbth Arma Regt (-3ra. Bn, bOth 1R in Corps Reserve) reaained in areas
indicated. ( overlay 110) outpoating a line as shown and securing ground hela.
-10 sept 19;; (COD' t)
2DCt Bn, 60th 'Nd .est, lent a platoon of light tanka on route reconnai.sance
( ... ov.rla.Y Ill), _chiDI IUD aoc1 .mall anu t1re .. .ncountered at check
point S. 'platoon of _diu. tanka with P.O.' a were sent out to reiDtorce the
lilbt t.aDk recoDD&1ance part7. An art111eZ7 concentration was 1&101n the area
fre. Wltieh the tire .s recei...d and then the area was swept b7 the tankl. The
en..., toree ..... reduced.
;a. Sept 1944
60tb Arad Itest (-3rd BIl, bOth All ill Corps reaerve) remaioeci in areas indicated
( e oYerlq 110) continu1oc to outPOlt and a.cure lroUDtl.
B.D, both 1rac:l .eat, aent out a platoon of tank. OD route and ,eDeral
recoDD&1aACe. the reconaalss&nce torce _t no reaiatance. At approximatel.T
203(8 an counterattack was launchec11n front of polition occupied by Co K,
b6tb Arad aest, .anDi from the ,8D1ral direction of BAUCHIK, GBlIIARY,
of illtantZ7 supported. by tanka. Artillery supportea by tank 75mm tire from Co I,
66th Armel aest, directed by the r .0., J.aid on the en&m1' attacking force &DO.
after the tire had de.troyecr two eneJDJ' tanks the German fore. withclrft.
tJ!.it. 19M
obtn lmc1 a-at (-3d Bn, bbth All, in Corpa rea.rve) raaained in areu, con
t inue<l outpoating and maintenance ot vehicles
:QId h, bOth.llWl "st, sent out a tank: torce ot one light a1X1 one medium tank
platoon on recoDD&1.aanc. mia.ion. Forc. loCateQ infantry ana. 8P guna at
8bObSO aDd the F.O. called tor and NceiYecl a concentration of artillery on them.
En.., actiYity obsernd at 855661 and artillery laid tb.ere a1ao. The artillery
concentratioDa .ere observed to have had good results on both positions.
23 Sept 19!t4
66th Armel (-3d Bn, bOth Ali in Corps Ieaerve) continued holcl1ng mission,
mainteD&nce of vehicle. and weapons.
Dn, 60th Arm.d aest, p-ceiYed orders to be to attack general
route indicated (a.e oyer.L&1 ,ll) Co D, 66th All am Co A, b6th AR with the
mission of destroying and diarupting enemy forces encountered along axis of attack.
The attack was delayed by order of CC"A until Sept.
'4 sept 1944
60th A.rmd Regt (-3d Bn, both Aft, Corps Reserve) continued. holding miSSion, etc.
Bn, bbth Armd Regt, launched attack as ordered by ccnAn, a platoon ot
medium tanks took h1:1li down positiona SOUTH of HILL 103 as right flank guard, one
medium and one light tank platoon proceeded to BER.G.SHOF and took positions to fire.
'}the town of BERGSHQ1e' W&8 screened by smoke fired by the mortar platoon of' ;Q}d Bn,
b 6th Armd Regt. The enemy was strongly entrenched and supported by numerous AT

24 Sept 1944 (conIt)
guns in woods \'lest of NEIDEHEIDE and in the 'WOods \msT of BAUCHEU. The AT fire
received from these locations caused us a loss of five medium tanks, two being
destroyed, three recovered. Artillery was lai<1 on these positions and tank force
ordered to return to assembly area, which it did under cover of smoke laid by
the morta" of the Battalion.
~ 5 - "II!!J Sept 1944
66th Armd Regt remained. in Areas as shown (aee overlay HlO) continuing to
secure ground. held, maintaining reconnaissance patrols into enemy lines, perfonu
ing maintenance of vehicles aDi weapons. . .
On Sept ~ 5 , 2nd Bn, 66th ill (-E Co, 66th Aft) was placed in CC"A" reserve.
On sept ~ , 3rd Bn, 60th Arnd Regt (-G Co) was released from Corps reserve
and reverted to :lnd Armd. Div.
30 Sept 1944
6bth Armd Regt (-3rd Bn, 66th Aft) as relieved by elements of the ;GC)th Inf DiY
assembled in areas as shown (see overlay ilL!.)
Co G, both Armd Regt, released from 113 Cav at ;;GlCXll and reverted to 3rd Bn,
6bth Armd aegt.
Maintenance CompaD, 66th Armd Regt, during tne period 1-30 Sept maintained
the vehicles of the combat command at highest operating point possible. The
Battalion llaintenance Crews worked directly with their respective battalions.
Maintenance Company served as an intermediate supply and proccessing point for all
classes of supply and replacement personnel and vehicles. The combat trains of
CC"A" were under command ot Commanding Officer, lIaintenance Compall3', during this
period and suffered no los8 due to enemy action.
Service Compan.,yJ bbth Armel Regt, remained nth Division Field Trains during
the period 1-30 September.
\ "1
\ l'
I \
J. P. O. 262
'2 october 1946
&-1 SUppl e!MIlt
Battle casualties tor the Period 1-30 september 19"
1 september 1944 - LW..
10 sept 19" - 12 sept 19'" ,. BODe

sept.,.. 19" - LWA
00 "H- I
fotal. 0
1 september 194,. total
2 september 194' - L'W.l
. ott
00 "C-
Hq CO 1st lID 1
'fotal. 1
2 september 19" !fatal
S Sept 19" - 8 Sept 19"
9 september 1944 - LI..
lIq 00 1st BD
00 nDw
Total 0
9 september 1944 - fotal
CO -a
-rota]. 0

13 september 1144: - .A
1 ott
13 Septellbw 19".. total
l' september 1944 - LWI.
00 -B- 1
- KOlle

l' Septellbw 19". SW.A.
. ott

fotal 0 1
l' september 1946.. total. .
- -

1 I

. !




- 1
- .. ..... -
."', .\,'
.. ,
, .
',;, .'
.. .
.... __a
- -
- -
_, I
Y ')
9-1 66th .a. tor Sept 194&,
22 September 19" - SW'.l 26 September 1944 - KIA
ott ott 11(

CO "A" 1 CO "D" 1
'total 0 1
fot;al 0 1
.22 septeJllber 1946 - 1'OteJ. 28 September 1944 - CB

0 I
Co "n" I
)led net 1
IS September 194' - Ilone
fotal. 0 2
.2' September 1944 .. KIA
ott 26 Sept ember 194' ..

00 "D" 1 1 - -

0 !
fotal 1 1
%'I september 1944 - .one
2' september 19". .."
ott 28 BeEamber 19" - LW..&.
- -

Jlq CO 24._

CO "Iw I

1 0
total 0
It sept;aber 194ft - Dr"
, ott
28 Septellber 19" ..
- -

00 ... l' - -

co WI"
0 1
!otal. 1
Ie &epteaber 1"' - LW4

&....., ... 19"' .. tot."

CO "(lw -J.
. -


tot11 0 1
21 l8P'tnber 1Nft - ur...
29 Septa'ber 1946 - CB
c "I)-
1 co "G"
total 0 'I rC7bal 0 1
29 sept... 194' _.A.

.0 1

,-7Otal 1


" {
; j
8-1 suppiement. 66th lB. tor sept 1944, conttd.
29 september 1944 - rotal
ott at
o 3
~ september 1944 - None
KILLFD 3 0 5
SffA 2 0 4
3 0 12
, LIA. 0 0 3
OE 0 0 5
MIA. 0 0 1
8 0 30
- 4
',.-:; '.J E; h {' ....:. ,: :-::...:
.':..:r.(". ?:J?
IYl. J .,., Su;. FIe. Y",r= :1.1:
.(>or 'Jrie:n.
1-30 194'
1- t::o sertcJ.i"C r
.LJ"-tr:>r the c'.""ossing of ... : the of .l1l31',:"t th
Z3..l"'1C general zituc.tio!l exists ',';hicr the en,:"":/ is r!'l.p
nne the only y'Ps t:1V:C:l 1):: C'J!" rlpirl.1y :ldva,n,c r.;;
s tak:>t1 not told cX9.ctly/hcre to ':;0
8xce"[.t to th'9 Lr
". r:'he morale of all F':-ts 'lllaS roor
4.l1 of t'-J.vy.' were ast')undedat the r",pidity of ou!" ?1" s re
frorr the 276th Div:silJl1 rmo. A7th Infantry
9-l -11 ;:e t-3nho r
Foi: in- Ijontact.
12 ser t8:rtber
:)urinc r>0r'iod .:LBE'?T vn.s crossed. The ene17r'J made
no stand at 0ritj poir_"'v. Cur )atrols advanc-=:1d to
the East me3ting sfA fire. SO-:T!C sme.ll grou:?s of'
evjdently unorganizec., ','Jere in llrea. as "Jell 8.3 a fe';" :-,icces of artilJClj"
and 88rmn guns. prp S taken v/ere all mostly infontry.
13-14 september
Not in contaot.
15-19 september
The Regiljlf:nt as HSTOY:S" T.1'.3K ",N.' as a. Fart of C0:mba.t col'im".cDi
n pushed the enemy beyond the EAAS RIY.3R where the rrorared
positions, particularly N. of In this c.rea
the enemy discarded thi8r uni.f'orms for nivilian clothes with
slA. grenades, and some bazook.' s, used hOURns !\long 'thp route
advance for sniping at our troops. MfS taken nIl mostly from
the 22nd 'which -nas 0 rga..Yli as e. ;}sr;na., Infantry
These P'!'1"s pas sed f1 ight exnminat5_ons and vrcrf'J ':1.11 in
excellent physical condition. Some had only 6 to 10 days tre.jning as
Infantry and were then put into the lines. l:orale of t}-:.ese troops
was good in oomparison with that of other troors taken prj.soner. ctl'Pr
units on this front who were under control of the 5th German J.rrr'I
from the 176th Infantry Divicior. 275th rnfDntry Division, and the
271st Infantry Divj.::;ion. During 'all this r criod the enemy 0dtntinued
to resist vigorously our advance vnth hea.vy artillery fire, lYT :.::uns.
Infantry, etnd automatio we"poDs. The enemy infantry althouGh
offering stubborn resistanoe with S/A and automatic Vlcapons, f;enerally

retired on approach of our tanks. During this period 875 prT8s 'Were
taken by the 66th Arroored
20-21 September
l!ot in COntact.
22 september
During this period our troops pushed the enemy l!;ast ot BRL1'T!SSUll
where he dug in. lCotar and a.rl:il1ery fire continued to be received.
units in contact were l76th Infmtry Division with 351st
Infantry 343 Infantry Regiment, and 330th Infantry
Enemy activity Wt1S limited during this !'.eriod to artillery fire and
resistance to our patrols by autoI1'latic weapons.
25- 29 september
Not in contact
30 september
The Regirent continued to hold the line East ot until
relieved by the 29th Division.
During this period it was notieeable of the inoreasing number or
aI"l'II3d patriots that appeared when U.S. troops entered to'Nns. Leading
elements ,mre ableto obtain information from oivilians and use it
in their mvements. The Belgian tmderground were found to be oOlli'letely
and were able to give accurate information. During this
advanoe the Regimental Intelligenoe Offioer was able to make oontaot
with quite a number of underground agents.
During this period oomplete ooverage in the 1/50,000 and 1/100,000
soale was issued down to include platoons. However, there were
limited distributions made on several 1/50,000 sheets. Distributions
on the 1/25,000 were also limited, thus exoluding platoons.
No casualties were sustained by enemy airors.rt during this period.
Enemy aircraft in number were observed at night on several oocasions
but no oasualties were sustained.
The terrain was fair. Due to rainy the tanks could not
get off the road.s without bogging down, although in some sectors the
rolling ground and scattered woods provided gpod approaohes.
Killed (EStimated)
GUns (sip & .tT)

... ,
&-4 .amex for period 1 - september 30, 1944
Class I - DUring the period September 1 - 30 Class I supplies adequate.
Daily deliveries made to troops, and attached Infantry servioed, operated
from forward truok heads.
class II - Class II suplJlies picked up from forward truok heads and deliwl"
ed to unit supply trucks looated "nth servioe trains. Delivery made to oompanies
at appropriate times by individual company supply truoks. Class II generally
adequate, requisitions submitted weekly.
class III - DUring this period the supply lines were extended, F &L was
not avaUable in suffioient quantity to keep the oonmand rolling. .-,proxlmate
1y six days were lost due to laok or ruel. Rationing was necessary and all
veh:i.cles were serviced on a mileage basis. "tt the end of the period the sit
uation had not been relieved.
Class IV - Class IT supplies adequate oonsidering limited requirements.
Class V - Class V supplies kept to unit le-vel, although there 'V,as a de.'...
inite shortage of some types of ammunition. '. R.eq1.:.irements over entire
period. During the period 1 - September inclusive, this unit
extended its supply lines to a great extent. This caused appropriate difficul
ties', both tQ this unit and higher echelons of supply. However, generally the
suprty situation was adequate in that all units in the Division were Given
the prorat a share
. '.
InTE, S-4
Hq CC"A-, .t AD
1PO '5.t .
In the Fiela
OlO.::OOB Sept 44
FO #19
laPs: GSGII ~ 5 0 , FRINCB, 1/50,0CIJ
1. a. It 1. expected that tbe enemy rill _p107 what ant1-taDk detenaes he
baa in this area immediately beyond. our 0PUl
b. (1) CC"B- moves in 301111 beginning at OlObOCB Sept 44, with a:1.ll1lar
mission to CC-A-.
(:.!) 8a1 Ren Bn operatu in S)nes of 00.- and CC.-. )(0.... at OlbOCl) Sept 44.
:c!. a. Ce"A- continues ac1Tance in moe shown on ovlJr, beginning at H-Hour,. 1 Sept 44.
b. Troopa: no change
.3. a. Rcn Co 60th All move out H-Hour, 1 44, priMl7 ada.ion to .ecure coa
plete InrormaUon 01' all crossings 01" SQlO8 liver in zone CC'- b7-paas1ng
all resistance Wherever necessary to acccmpliah this Jld.as1on. -fntonaat1oD
of all crossinga is desired u.pon arrival of leading el....nta of Combat
COJlll8nci on Phase Line SUGAR.
b. ~ h t Column n;LOves at H-Hour plus one half hour, 1 pt 44, on axis iD
catid. (aee ovly). Order ot -rchs DO chang.. .
c. Lett Column moves at H-Hour plus one half hour, 1 Sept 44, on axia ind1cateC1,
ri.. ovli).
d. 14th AlA BDa no change.
x. (1) unit. establish liaison with preceeding Wl1t in (J)lwm. Unita will
move forward when preceec1ing unit clean.
(2) Air aupport ayailable, weather permitting.
(3) OYly accompaIl1"ing this PO is supplementary to ovJ...y accompanying 10
118 this Hq, dated 31 Aug 44.
(4) H-Hour will be announced; be prepared for H-Hour at 063CB.
4. No change.
5. a. Current SOl.
b. CP located at head of }lain Body'right column enroute, thereafter to be

I IllIT, .
aDATE t ept ;
MA.PS ; 4040" !Oh Ie 1 1/ 50,000
8. . TJnknmmQ
b, (1) Inrormatian ot troops is ,hown CD ov17.
(2) 82d Ren :en furnished poet, a. ahOWZlo
ft, CC" A" wi 11 ocoupy And defend the area sham 'lZl OTerla, tor
the Q
Oefenl8 wi 11 b .. lIIe't',up in all dlr.,tians "
e ,
Be prepared ror further an 3 Sept 440
8." 66th (-l.. t 2d &115 " Ron Co) will oocup7 and "erend the area Ihown.,
Td Ib, 66th AR will oooupy .1ld det.,d the area .hOlrllc
1d lb. 41st AIR will, upon arr1ftl in this area, oooupy and der.d the
area. ehown 0 ft will tate over roe.d blooke .anned by Ion Co" 66th ARc
d .... Ron Co 66th AR will oooupy and defend the area to be oooupled by 2d
'ill!! t AiR" When relieved. Ron Co will leaye " sk.letcm or... at each block
in ord to r.1 ve 2d 'Bo .. 41st AIR the advanta'!:. or hann! sem the
graund in dayllghto Purnieh patrol shown on OY17o
eo ,\ COp 702d Tn !b will man t,e road blook. shown on OT17c
fo rCo" 17th Btl w1l1 aesist in oonetruotina; road blOGklo
get Reo.. 66th AR will ooou")y and defend in area shown. Cantaot 1._ rA. upon
arrival in aree.o
h'l 14th API.. Eb will be to furnish oonoentrl.tiorll in tront or 1.11
bloats requested on
Xo (1) F.ftoh unit will Oare or lOOAl s80urity with1u own are
(2) Tele!)hone OO"llllUn tion r.ll be used "fibere pos81ble"
(3) Contaot between -lUtnCMts will be rroa rl/p)lt to lett o
(4) Hourly reporte w1l1 be by .11 unite to this Bq OIl the hour"
f S) All wi 11 be a1 ted lind oarda prepared tor deteafle 0 Road'
will be nhyaioally blocked and pardedo All traffiG will be ohallent;edo
(6) F'umi.8h oTerlflY of positions IIIJld and looationa ot derensive
fires required ..
(1) All vah10lee wi 11 be oamout'lar.ed and during darknell! flourelOent panels
-111 be removed c
4) 1!o c
Oc a" Current SOl.
bo C? 8S ehawno
DIS'I'RIlJJTI:N! C,Sth AR (-).. 3" rtcn Co.. 66th ARc-If 2d lb. 66th Yalnt Co" Set:.
AR-'l" Sen" Co,. 66th AF.-l, H COt 66th "P'-1. 14th .IJ"A en\" 2d 1m"
418t C" A. l11h En,,: Rn .. l" Co 7C'21 TO B:l""l" Co A,; 48th
CClIt." Dt-y .. CC"S"" 2 1\1),1(; ';-3, 2
APe ",,,
3 Sept 44
TO : All units, Combat C01Dlll1nd "A".
1. All units will thoroughly investigate woods and likely hiding places
within their areas without delay for the purpose of flushing the enemy from these
places. Such individuals and small parties are known to be present and. continually
mOving in. Such areas will be kept under constant surveillance.
:G. All roads and trails wi thin areas will te reconnoitered without delay and
report os usable roads made to this Headquarters. Since the TOURNAI - ORCHIES road
is open to single vehicles only, supply roads to all areas are required. 5-4,
,-, will reconnoiter for a supply route to the r ear which vd.ll not interfere with
traffic on the above road.
3. All road blocks will De naintained until further notice and so maintained that
enemy vehicles attempting to enter or leave this area on these roads can l:;e des
troyed or captured.
4. Only single vehicles will utilize the TOURNAI - ORCHIES road.
5. Ren Co, both AR will establish a listening post as far east.on the TOURNAI
ORCHIES road as possible. Radio communication will be maintained. The purpose of
the post will be to give timely warning of any enemy movement toward west or wouth
west out of TOURNAI.
By order of Colonel COLLIER:
-.JI LSON 1i. H A ~ r A I N S
4 Sept 44
TO : All Unite, Wov8Ilent Ort1er.
1. Unite will move to new areas by routes mown beginning on order.
4l. a! .Order ot narcb (Routes shown on overlay)


Bn Bn,lOat AIa bth All
0, th Ing Bn
Ren Co, 66th All
66th AFA. Bn (65th)
60th All (-)
Co A., 48th Ked Bn
Co A, 70;a1 '11) Bn
Co H, 66th AI
b. (1) .ul .. DI' l1a1aon witJl unit preceeding.
81- of unit, time or D)vement, spacing will depend on traffic
on ORCHIJ'B - TOUlUW: h1ry'. Bach unit will poet an officer at the .
of its route am tbe ORCHI18 - TOURNAI Hwy. Kovement acros8
hwy will be only in the intervale between serials am march units
ot convoys moving on ORCHlES - TOURNAI nwy. Full advantage of these
breaks will be taken in ol't1er that the command can close in new
area as 800n as possible.
c. Bach unit w111 be responsible tor own guides along routes.
d. Road blocks as Slown on overlay will be set up immediately and
will be taken in of this Hq after command has closea
in new area.
x. (1) Present biVouac areas will be left in a n excellent state of
(2) Closing reports will be 17lade inunediatel.y.
(3) Upon arrival in new area, W1its will immediately secure the
areas lor 't\Ihich they are responsible.
5. a. CUrrent SOl.
b. CP opens at 89801 on order. Units will be informed.

CO, ce"A.", AD
051945B Sept 44
Hq CCttA", AD
In the Field
051845B Sept 44
1"0 III
J.:u\PS: GSGS: 4330, FRANCE & BELGIW, 1/100,000 1/50,000
1. a. See current G-2 Estinate, Hq, ;t! AD.
b. ( 1) . XIX Corps advances rapidly to E. Bri tish III Corps on left, lIS VII
Corps on right. Corps Cay screen by 113th Cay Group. 30th and 79th
In! Diva advance rapidly E in- zones behind Armd Div.
LC1 Armd Div advao::es rapid.l.y to E at 00060C1J Sept 44 on a wide .
i"ront (5 columns) (ccnBn on right, Div Res in center, Ce"A" on left)
in Corps zone, behiB1 Corps Cay screen, cleCl.lling up pockets ot
resi5U&nee in Corps zone.
(3) Ren Bn operates in i' ront 01' .a1 A.rmel Div in Corps zone.
a. CC".l" advances to E in two columns at ObOo0Ci3 Sept 44 cleaning up
pockets 01" resistClonce in ?DDS.
b. Troop!
Left Column
obth Aft (-1st, Bns, 1 Plat, Co H,
Rcn, &: l.iaint Cos)
Co F, 41st AIR
b5th AlA Bn (with B Btry, 407 AJ.A Bn a tchd)
1 Plat, Co A, 17th Eng Bn
1 Plat, Co A, TO Bn
Detach, Co A, 48th Med Bn
Field Trains, CC"A" (Serv Co, both AI)
J. a. Ren Co, both All, move afternoon 5 Sept 44, to
zone. Uove at 0t>0b00B Sept 44, zen in CO"A"
llight Column
Ad.vance Guard:
;td Bn, both All (-Co' D)
Co D, 4lat AIR
1 Plat, Co A, 17th Eng Bn
Fwd CP, CC"A"
14tn FA. Bn {with Btrl D,
195 AU Bn (-1 Plat) atcnd)
Hq CC"A", (-Fwd Cp)
:lc1;an, 41s AIR Cos)
W 0 D, both Aft atchd)
Co A, 17th Eng Bn Plat)
Co A, 48th Yed Bn (-c1etacn)
Co, both Aft (with
1 Plat, Btry D, 195 AA.l
Bn &1 Plat, Co H, botn
AR atchC1)
vic pMae line DOG in CC"A"
b. Lett Column, IOOve at OoOb0C!3 Sept 44, advance rapidly over axis indicated.
( e ovii), clean up pockets of resistance encountered.
c. Right ColumnA. elemeo
cross IP at 080015B Sept 44, a C1Vance raplC1ly /
aWt tila lncu.cated lee. ovlJr/ clean up resistance encountered.
x. Orc1er of march from present assembly area for Right Column vdll be as
listeCl in par ;G b, abOve of Left Column as designated by CO, 66th AR.
lJovement into column be by liaison with preceeding unit in column.
- 1
j. X. (1) scheduled Halts: There Yd.ll be a fifteen minute halt at the end. of'
the Ilrst one hour and forty-five minutes of narching (0745B-OSOOB),
and at the end of each one hour ani fifty minutes of marching, there
after (09500-10000, etc).
(l) Forward Echelon, Hq, 2d A.rmci Div, will march in the right column
following Hq, ee"A". (-FWd. CP). ;at Bn, 41st AIR will establish liaiaon
witn 1orward eChelon, Hq, ;(d Armc1 Div for movement.
(3) Unit. will retain one hour8 supply of gasoline in their vehicular tanka
at all. times dur.1. ng this mareh. Un!ts will noti!,. this headquarters
When their gasoline supply is nearing the one hour operational level.
4. a. Essential F&L and Ammo sections released to battalions and separate
companies. Reminder combat trains 01' right colwnn move CO,
Maint Co, both AR, of le1't column move &s dlrected by CO, 66th AR.
b. CenA" Field trains lIM:)ve with lett column.
present location until 060600B Sept 44, follows
ad,vance guard., r.igllt column thereatter.
- tI!.

INIT: :nrn
DA'1E: Ob1950B Sept 44
In the Fiela
001950B Sept 44
UPS, GSGS 4330, FRANCE & 1/100,000 & 1/50,000
1. a. No change.

See FO 12.1, Hq CC"A", 5 Sept 44.
3. a. Ren Co, both AR, remain present location, ren in CenA" zone on oreier.
b. Ler Column move at 070000B Sept 44, ad.vance r apicUy along axis (see ovly
atchd to FO Hq CCnA").
c. Bight Column, move at 0700QCe Sept 44, advance rapidly along axis (see OVly
atcHd to FO ii-I, Hq Ce"A").
x. (1) All elements wi 11 clear present assembly a rea by 070830B Sept 44. In
. moving from present area into column on axis vehicles will close up to
50 yds distance between vehicles until assembly area is cleared.
No distance between serials ana march units until all elements clear
assembly a rea.
(2) Unit guides will be posted along route cilring narch. Guides will not
be relieved until of succeeding unit passes.
4. No change.
S. a. Current SOl.
b. Cp, Ce...
remai,DS present location until 07ObCXl3 Sept 44, follows advance
guard, r.i.ght colwnn thereatter.

' l '
.. . . .. ,
titi . ,
DA'IE: 1u345B Sept 44
Hq CCttA, AD
In the Field
B Sept 44
laPS: GSCB 4040, FRAl{:E & BELGIUl4, Scale: 1/50,0q0
1. a. Current a1 A.rmd Div Estimate.
b. CC"B", 2d Armd Div operates on right of CC"A". 11th Annd Div (British)
operates on left.
.G. ". cc.a", Armd Div attacks 1J06JCB Sept 44 to clear enell\Y from Div zone
N of ALBERT Canal.
b. Troops:
Ren Bn 14th AFA Bn
bbth Armd Regt (-1st & Jr<1 Bns) o Btry, 195 AAA Bn w/l Plat,
w/Co A, 70dl TO Bn atchd Btry B, 467 All Bn atchd.
3rd Bn, 66th AR (-1 Co) wj.Co F,
Co C, 17th Eng Bn, w/Co A,
41st AIR & 1 Plat, Co A, 17th Eng Bn .17th Eng En Plats) atchd
atchC1 Co A, 48th Bn
Bn, 41st AIR (-1 Co) w/Co G, 66th A.R
& 1 Plat, Co A, 17th Eng Bn atdld
J. a. Ren Bn move 1300300 Sept 44. kaintain contact between Bn, 41st
AIR &3rd Bn, 66th AR. Protect left (N) flank CC"A". Maintain contact
with 11th "'-rIIld Div (Br) on left. Rcn along left (N) flank of CC"A".
Co 0 in reserve to be committed only on order from tilis hqs.
b. 3rd Bn, 60th A.R (-1 Co) Reini' , move at 130000B Sept 44 over route indicateC1
( see ovlY), attack ani sai ze successive objectives shown. Upon reaChing
objective 5, consolidate prepared. to release Co F, 41st AIR and. to support
attack 01' 41 Bn, 41st AIR, rein! on 6.
c. Bn, 41st AIR (-1 Co) Rein1', atLack at IjObJCB Sept M, seize successive
objectives snown. Upon reacning objective 4, consolidate prepared to t ake
over Co F, 41st AIR aild to attack to seize and secure objective o.
C1. bbth AR Bns) w/Co A, 10 Bn ...tcna, remain in present location in
CC"I" Reserve, prepared. to move on 30 min notice.
e 14th At'A Bn w /Div Arty, d1 Armd Di v in gene ral suppor t, support the action
of ee"A". Firt. na.rrassing and. interdicting 1ires Cllring nignt 1.::-1J Sept
44. Fire min preparations on objective 1 from Obl0B to OoJOB Sept 13,
l' 0 Btry, 19; AU. Bn w/:",,"I-l Plat, Btry B, 467 A.U Bn atchC1, support 14th
lFA Bn, l/I&int Co, obth AR & Se" Co, b6th AR.
g. eoa 17th nBn_w/Co A, 17th Eng Bn Plats) atchd, secure bridge over
ALB T cana at
h. Co A, 48th Med Bn support action 01' CcnA".
- 1
4. No change.
;. 1:11.. Current SOl, <c:c1 Al'fI'i Div in eU"ect.
b. CP, CenA-, move. 1300()(JJ Sept 44 to A JAjo7o, thereafter tollows axis
or ,d Bn, 41st AlB (-) Reinf.
- ~
- \

r:aT: JAP
JATE: IJL300B Sept 44
Hq CC"A"
APu .G).G
In the Field
sept 44
1S: GSGS, 4040, & UELGIU1:, Scale: 1/)0,000
1. a.
See S-J Periodic Report.
CC"Brt continues to operate on right 01 lith i\rmd Div (Br) on left.
CC"AII , A.rma Div, continues atti:l.cj{ at 14004>B Sept 44 to clear enemy
froI'l Di v zone H of nLBErl.T Canal.
b. Troops:
Ren Bn w/Co J, 17th Eng En atcha
Ren Co, both AR
both AR (-1st & :'::d Bns, Ren, Serv &. 1:aint Cos)
w/99th Inf Bn & 1 Plat Co 17th Eng En atehd.
.Gd rin ooth AR (-1 Co)
Bn 41st AIR w/Co D, Quth & 1 Plat Co A,
17th Eng En atcna.
14th Bn
b5th Bn
Btry D
195 AAA w/Btry B, 407th AM En atchd.
Co A, 17th Eng Bn Plats)
Co A, 70.Gd TD Bn
:.:air.t Co, ooth AR
Co 48th Led En
J. a. e.Gd :-'tcn I:m w/Co 1), 17th ine: Bn atchd, move at 14ub45E Sept 44. Laintain
contact between ooth AR (-) & :.::d En, 41st AIa reinf. Protect left (E)
flan..".{ of CCIIAII. contact with 11th Div CBr) on our left.
Ren in CCIIA" zone.
b. len CoA outh AR, outpost at ;:457590 until lurther orders. Love
on ora r to ngnt of ::3n, 41st.JR reint. rrotect right flank of CC"AII,
Ren in zone.
c. uuth AR reinJ attack at 140b45D sept 44, to seize successive objectives
ihdicatesee oviy ). :'.ove in mUltiple wherever perml.t .
d. :.::ct Jll, (Jot!: A.9. (-1 Co) rer.:ain in 'present location in CC"A" :leserve, prepared.
to hove on 30 lfin notice.
e. 3n, AIR reinf, at 14004jB Sept 44, seize successive objectives
indicated ( see ovly). in multiple colw.ll1s wherever routes l)er:ia ts.
14th iiFA Bn, in c:ti.rect support of La 41st AIR r ein1, in G ncral support
ot re:ua.inQer 01' CC"A".
o)th Ar'A Bn in oirect support of ooth;Jt (-) reiru', in general SUrJport of
renAiMer of CCnA".
- 1
h. I3try J, 195 AAA En, w/3try .3, 407 ~ En atchd, support 14tn AYA En, b)th
j:'A Bn, i:aint Co, ooth ~ a ci: Serv Co, bbth AR.
i. Co A, 17th Eng Bn (-.c Plats) secure l ~ side of bridge at I\JJbb.c9.
j. Co A, TD En, reJlJain in present location in CC"A" Reserve prepared to
move on 30 min notice.
k. l ~ a i n t Co, both A.B., remain in present location, move on
1. Co.A, 48th l.::ed Bn, support action of CC"A".
4 Ho change.
5. a.
Current 501, .Gel. Arroo. Di v
C,P! Ce"A", remains present location until 140bJOB Sept 44, thereafter
10 lows axis of ~ Bn, 41st AIR reini'.
- .c
14 Sept 1944
FO #3
1. a. CC"A" continues on original mission in same zone in columns abreast.
b. Information of - No change.
a. This force attacks in t., columns to
secure objectives shown on overlay.
b. Tro0i>s. .
Right Column .
Left Column
3d Bn, 66th AR (-1 Med & Lt Co) 1 l\iedi wn Tank Co
(plus 1 Plat B Co) 1 Plat Co B, o6th AR
Hq ooth AR Fwd 1 Co Infantry
1 Co In! 1 Sqd Co A, :)..7 Eng Bn
Plat Co A, 17 Eng Bn (-1 Sqd)
Co B, bOth Aft Plats)
99th In! Bn Cos)
Hq b6th AR Rear
3. a. Right Colwnn ldll attack at Ob45A, clearing town in ita zone and con
tinuing to other objectives on axis shown on overlay.
b. Left column will assemble in vicinity of town cleared by Right Colwan.
Column to be fomed upon release of Co G, 66th AR, from CC"A" control.
Left column will then proceed along axis securing objective as on
c. Force Reserve under CO, 99th In! Bn moviog initially to a position in
rear of LD when cleared by other elements, will advance along Right axis
by bounds on order Force CO. Reserve CO will be responsible for securityr
of bridge from time bridgehead Co is relieved to form left colwnn until
10rce clears.
99th In! Bn (-2 Cos) will move initially Portee and will be prepared for
dismounted action with either colwnn,or to the south flank.
d. The o5th FA Bn; firing initially from present positions, will be in
support of bOth colwnns.
x. (1) Arty fires called for on objective 1 be cleared with 65th and
lhth FA Bns.
(2) Advance beyond objective 6 will be on order.
4. a. AXis of' prisoner evacuation - axis of advance Right Column.
b. Refueling - When time and supply pennit.
5. a. Advance CP opens 0645B With Right Column.
b. SOl - Normal.
X I 'f... I X
, I iIfI'
ROAD BLb<..k
#1 2 9'.TH 'EMAI IN PLAC.
#3 4 To P RIi.'Mo
D To
, VIC 08J
I "
Z :: L. IN (,-0)
"o II

. -A
0" .: D' FARf<E.
()v I.
/IQ c:.c.
L I . , ; . ) ~

To Au:.OM
, ,
- ... 0a,a
/3y f2d RclV 13 W
N/N I'D r
~ J
,aLoe.. ,3Y:LA
8oc..1( By
aljTH: CO, CCIIA", ;l iJ).
naT: ,1l.H
ii4 :.r:: Sept 44
Hq CC"A", AD
In the Field
1"0 #2.5 Sept 44
loAFS: GSG8: 4040, FRANCE & BELGII.J1l, Scale: 1/50,000
1. a. No change.
b. No change.
:G. a.
CC"A" continues attack morning of 15 Sept 44 to secure W bank of ':iI.r..I..f:l:5
Canal in zone am to clear the enemy from mne.
b. Changes as follows:

Co E, 41st .iLIR from "d Bn, 41st AIR
Co E, 41st AIR to Bn, 60th AR
3. a. Rcn Bn with Co D, 17th Bn attach, move at l50730B Sept 44, patrol
between objectives 5 & 7 until released. Sweep area from E to ;1 between
axis objective 0 - objective 8 and oDjective 5 - objective 7 to Y. Pro
tect left (N) flank of CC"A" oeti';een Y and Z. 1;aintain contact with 11th
Div (Br) on left (N).
b. Rcn Co I ooth AR luove at l5u730B Sept 44, sweep area between S boundary of
CC"A." and route followed into present area from E to to Y. Cover all
roads S of obttl AR (-) - 2ci Bn, 41st AIR Doundary between X and Y in CCIIA"
zone. Laintain presc-ut read block. Lipon completion of sweeping J(ussion
assemble in oresent area.
c. both (-) seize and secure oojective 11, secure approaches into
zone from 1'; at oLjecti ve 9. sweep zone between .:; boundary and axis ob
jective u - oojective 13, from E to .i fro!.. Z to Y. Upon cO"!.i--letion of
In.1.ssion reasser,,'-lle to Sf;;C:.1re line o:..JEct.i "Ie ') - o:)Jective 8.
d. 2d i;n, ooth (-1 Co) witn Co E, 41st AIR atchd, move at l50730D Sept 44
Hitll i:i l'orce consis til16 ol Co ooth AR a nd Plat, Co :::.;, ,,1st AIR to
Slyee:; 1 rOb E to .i i'Nm Z to Y between axis ve 7 - o;)jective 5
exclusive ana aJJ.s of Co, uoth iLfl i:lclusive. Upon cor.c?leticn of tnis
Li.ssion tnis torce viil::. asseliiule E 01' Y on ;.: siue of r''';' ..LS o-:,.:E:cLive 'r
oojective j a,lQ await orders. l(,er..aL:der 01 .:!d :":'n, ooth J1.3, (-, rf;in.::,
re/l,ain in present loce.. tior! to in s't,eepir.-: s,rt::c.. t..e Z
(,( 1. or to hold line on oreier.
1'. rin, 41st AIR (-1 Co) Co !), ovth a I'lL. 1 Ph. L Co '\, 17th Eu
d.tchd., secure line lU - oujective ''/.>riO. ir,tv OH'jectives
? c.: 10 Ira::. S, E, .:... ::,e ::Jreparec. to clSsist i:, s'Wee;:i!;. ""rea between
Z &: Y on eroer. >
opth Bn in (..irecL 01 uv:,u r\..l-{ (-) rE-im, of
1e[s (')vth (- rei..l. Dn in .irect 01 cell:;," ..... ass uut"l ....:: ,,-;, L. tLl'.:!'c..:...L
s u;"port 01 uut!l i\.i (-;.
i. i) 1';1) bn no cIlc..!J,:.;e.
\j Co A, (0"::0 -:;"D Drl "". Co .... , l'ft:J .h:ni) 13n i.-':; : lOots, in :,ret'.'[lt
o !'_;,. r",,,, W 0... r...e _',e';L ::; :'0 1 on oruer.
- 1
,.. Co J Outl, CO AJ Bn support tile action 01 CC"a".
lco :,() C1L.n:.:e.
). ". SCI, .c. .i.J, 1) - <:.1 ;;)ept 44 co.:.)ro: . .ised. RaGio and code and lin.k Sie!lS for
1,;Jt will be usea. In all ot,.er cases SuI, AD lor lU Sept 44 will be
used 1) 3ept 44.
e). CP, CC"A" reluains present location.


- .
S E .c 3 ti'

.. ,."
." .
tA.UTB: 2
,II/IT, ,
IDATE; 1 B Sept '14
. . .. .. .... .,. ............ .
I , . 1
Hq ce"A". 2 AD
APO 252
In The Field
l:S2300B sept 44
P'O !l24
)tAPS, r;SGs. 4040, FRA.'iCE & B1:'LGnJ1J. I 1/50.000
1. 80 See Periodio Repo.-t.
b o CC"3,r oontinues to operate on of CC"A", lH.b AJ'mid Div (er) OIl lett,
CC" Atr .. 2d Anl'd D1T, oontinuee atta.ok at 140645B Sept 44 to olear
trOll DiT sone N of' AL13F.R'l' Canalo
b. troops I
8Zd Ron lh .... ko D. 17th In atchd
Ron Co" 66th lR
66th 4.R (-let a: 2d &1e Ren. S8" &: Main 1:
1t/99th lnl' &l. 4\ 1 Plat Co A" 17th!'llr, Bn.
2d 81 86th AR (-1 Co)
2d 413t ./Co D. 66th , 1 Plat Co
17th "n..-, Bn atohd "
14th AFA lb
Btry 195 AU B. 467th A.U !kl IIltehd,
Co A. 17th Eng En {-2 Plats}
Co A.. -rOOd ro En
"'13.1n t Co, .. R
Co lrIeci In
3. &2C E.g, vr/Co D .., 17th Enl: Bn '\tohd. m?Ve at 140645B Sept 440 Mllintun
ocuteot 66th AR (-1 2d En. AIR reintL (N)
!'lank of llaintain c<:."&ta<:'t with 11t" Div (ar: on our b"to
Rc:} in CO" A" L;)De 0
Rcn Cr:. S6th A.l{. lftIlill.tain at 1':457596 until furthe:r- crder.- Move
on (".rder to of 2d lb. 4!.'.It AIR reinf u Prcteot rip;ht of :C" An
Rou in ,. one, .
0. SSt;u reinf attaok st 140045B Sept 44, [;0 t'lt"ite objet'tivee
1ndiouted ovlYJo Vove in multiple eoluDIl!l whenJver route. p.,rm!t"
0. Zd BIl, 66th AR (.1 Co) remain in location in-CC'lA
RelJerve, prepa!"ed
tomon on min l'.otice"
2d In. 4lftt AIR attaok I1t 140645B' Sept 44, eeize sucJeseive objeottVfl!
1i1dioated !lOTe in mUltiple oolulIID'J wherever route. permit:!o
14th AIA Bn. direot ,')t 2d 1:n.. 41st AIR in IIUppO!"t
of rel'lUlinder of CC" An"
65th AFA In in alreol: of 66th AR (-) reinf. in genl'tral suppct"t of
remafnder'll CC" A" L
H:ry D. 195 .uA Ih. w/ntl"Y n. 461 ",'.A. eo atchO. support 14th AF'! &1 g 66th
IlA-Eol. llaint Seth AR \'0: 66th :'.R.
5 0 &: Plattl) 3e>t}urc l: oforldgs at KSU629
j. Tu a;. remain in pr6eent location in CenA" prepared to
lDO'i'"C Ott 30 1fiin-notice,
L 151l in'c Co.. 6)-;;11 Alt. remain in prel8nt locati on, Jlove en ord.Jro
1Q 48th support aotiaa or A"
50 1\, CU:"i."ent SOl, 2d Armd Dh.
h". CP, CC
Art. remains pre"ent looa.tion until Sept 44. thereafter
folloW!! c.."t i.s of 20 4ht AIR reiuf 0
CFFI C!.4 i:" :
Ex 0
-' 55+.h AI' 5" ::n "' 1
(iC"B". 2r] .\1.1\9(;' Pi" ,-1
PI.}}? (::"'" A:'l
JJ Sir.". J 95 AAA III .. riv ReI. 2d Al"m'd Div -'
(-) i. l";tr. f\l 2d DiT
2Cl lL t
14:::h n,h,',Ll
:.C" ,"
FT 0, ce" ;."
Ma,lnt 'l\, St:th ,\1,
tied in

.. 1
lfht Seat. 2J
... l. ce"l\."
8-1, ce"","
iJ) ... 1
.. 1
, SECaEr
;.\TJ1ti1 ADI
.IIIT, .
:11::::::::::::::::-:: 1
Hq CC"A" 2 AD
APO 252
In the Field
160600B sept 44
M.'PS, OSOS 40&0. It BFUJ!UII. So..le, 1/50,000
1. a.
'! ar. tndloatbnl!l thd entnly is hh ve Un.
behind til. railroad line nmniDC general17 !l out of IlAASl'RICHT to 1605b
thftloe generaU,. Eo
SOth 1111' lIlT holds 011 W bank or MAAS RiTer ..t IIAAS'l'RICRl'o
2d Armed Db oro..,es )IUs Riter at MAASTRICH1 and ad't'al1cell in zone,

," on ril!lht" CenB" Q1 left. '; .
20 a. ee" Aft. 2d Ana'd Di... will to fIlO... on ol;der Arter 1608008
Sept 44 route indioated to' and objective. indioated
(ae. OYly).
b. Troopa I
Ran Co, 66th AR
Tule: Foroe A
2d li'i g 66th A.R (-I Co)
Co D. 41st AIR
1 Plat Co A. 17th 'U
1 Plat Co A, 702d Ib
Tas!( Forae B
2d 41st AIR (-2 C08)
1 Co. Med Tanks' 21 'h. seth AIt
:".,.". Foro'J.C_

I Co. 2d lb, 4lat A.lR
I Plat 00 Af- 171h B1
1 Ptat Co Aw 102d
Ce"A" eonu-ol
lfq ce" An
lUh !FA
Co A, 17th Fng Bn
Co A. ?02d 10 En
Co 48th Ked an
Maint Co, 85th AR
TD en
(-2 Plat",)
(d2 Plata)
3 0 ao ROlll '..!o.e on ord.. r "rter (! over route indioatedo Contact
,.femt"Tlte of' 30th lnf Dt". holdin'!: on CC" A" axis. arl'anp;e for l.adiny.
of ce" A" to pass Poet p;uldee at! neoassar,.o )la intair.
oontaot with CC" B" "4 Pails through friendly front line... Ron in
CC"A" tonf', Ppon with enemy flssemble prepared for" further
on ordero
b o Task Foroe A 1Il0ve 011 :)rder over route paas throur,h friendly
l"ron t Un!'!s vio objectl.... seL. ud aelSure object! ve 1. adV1L'1C e ?1C!1g
axis therearter. seha and seoure 8uooeuive objeoU.... e 2 and 4"
task Foroe C foila. Hq CO"A" (-Fwd CP) over route indioated. advanoe
;:rOllg-feft axb f:'olft obj"Oti.... 1.. 8eb. tlnd ..1eoure obje"the :5 and !'n
d n 14iil AlA :.a support actlon 01' Ce" At'
e. 'uk Foroe B. Co A. 17th. &1 (-2 Plat), snd Co il.
Follow rir.,ht axis trom objeotive 10
702<' TD an in CC",::'
Xo MOT_eDt troa pre.ent areoro" IlAAS RI,"To
(1) Order or Mal"'Ob
Ron Co, 66th All
'oroe A
P'wd CPo Ce"A"
14th AFA BIl
Hq Ce"A" (-Fwd
'ruk Foroe C
1'uk Foro. 8
Co 17th En"'. BD (-2 Plat)
Co A. 702d 10 Bn (-2 Plat)
Co A. 48th Med BD
Ualnt Co. 861:h AR
(2) Task 'oroe A w111 'lDo.,.. 011 lIOft1!M'Qt ot dement. thereafter
will hy l1ahoa wi th .1f'M1lt.
(3) 1st Ih. 66th AR will join ooltan in MAASTRICHT.
40 No
5. "0 Curr6nt SOl. 20 D1-.0
b. CPo Ce"A" remain. pre.f!Ot looation t.:.lltil turther notioe o Ta.k
,",oro., .\ along riltJt ax" froa objeotive 1.
11 O'Tly
DIS'l'RI a;;'T I
,.p ,

66 th ,-1 Cc,
17th Eng Pl:.. -1
Scl, e.C"A" 1
.:;e til 1,1 c:.2

En 40
'j. Co
U"d Ih

S..3. ce" it" =1
.:. 2d Bn AH c.
G,3. 2 AD

8=4,. celiA" =1

t Co 66th
Hit't t 2 AD
CC".\" =1
on, 4 ," : A:R -1 Db Ree =1 Ji'11e

!"f\A !n --1
.. :-y, 1,::5
1 :5 Ott! Tnf Div
" 2 '.

. -.
. ,'. :
", ,"
'''-', .
.... M ..__ ........................ ..
. ....
..... 0Ji-.- Z IJ)
IlDi,. ;;:

: JI'.
Ik-. sa
Mapa. CNG., 4f.)-tc .. 004.. J/OO.OOO, &htIe'ta" tI, Ie. 69..
D A': l1ai 01 PbIlUOII.
..... Ul....V t{t)n'i . - ' '.
eu...) 15 ... aJ''' ..." YUill. o .. 'C4.l iIa 01l.'? .o1Pt' ':
o;n4\ .<t::'\.1op1;;'Oll a bMIL oll'teDllehecl a01'O"
o. lrtli't41 :1 oont....ct ,.,

i.liM3 IGr.1i.i !Il.1lt.DiG P ,h;&lOI.I.
(1.. 5l:iJIfS},r'J"
Q:.J.y ..toc1 SI'O'JpIi 0: ..... c001lDi;.N ,.1"100,
P'7 01.' .cta
}iJ''t .. Ci:.CI a't 6086'lG.
Q .. 6276'2 -: ('1n!1dl
it .
It .' It 11 If ..
(4,1 "" 4v6 :ia CS1H&.

to" lO;>.

ifI... OMlual"t'.... ..
".., t 106'
(). :..--.rO};t 100 Gel'..naM ill. DU1A.db& at. 65a616. All aft
clvt.;;,rol IiIU1 !1"'"fa gJ:".e;nad.ftl W).d. saall Q& eo
;'uel!ll'li. (.;i1t':'i.:i..i.dlb alISO tbel'& 1& .. olcl1llQaU aDA 6 80ae 1Ibo ....
apie,' 1;:. Jj:v1li.,ll oloth1z3g 1:1 .u", 'f'1C11u1t:;...
Ulli;l)'l tl. lQC)-Q,o./54 1xl AlIWIU !lila .... w:i.da-:04
1IJl.<'4 rtl1a; l"W.lhe(i 1 MCl n s.
. (a"j?ortr.. S6 A.L) o.I.e. hClu.1kK\ 1;0 i:rreetlpte "'UI
l..,,: ...l..;.ty.. !
Cl<ii ulJ...l'l' I.
:fo poe!t1o."l.I iw DriW holda. 1IbeA 4ri"ftG 1'NI& Q ... J)OQ'\i
1,):na_ ta 00"l''''," h1a oy f:'1;r;)Zlg I'A...... g\Ul.N Aot1011.e .
Q. .... izl t.ll0 oot:weel.! a1Xl u,o),
OD n .. .. ;" pr'tJPal'eci !Ol1C ..,n; lIWb1a
. .l..iDej.
Ii .,.'(1 11lUl'!\h 10081 0 cur P!'1dceh" 'Y101iDl1w i&1"U.IJilCB!.
o. ... "U1t' .... ;;'8 4'STOI'etJ..
- - ~
2 I
.-...."'T 0 IJ.

N ~ L . A
- P, 4J. L/.
3 0 "f.
/ 11
g ,'
+ ~ ~
/VI AP. t)
'iSO, o 0
.s I-f . t. '-f
ov. LAY Nt:>, ~
t '
" A,Ie,'
DISPc ,-r-'.OA! ,-,AR
--....- 90 SEPT 4J.1J.
'M p,' 0, 0 0 0

- ------ - ~ - -
h'Q r
/0 tI
T ~
' ~
'''''----+-- so
, ~
", -./'
fro, 000
JII ' 1.rlJ>
-/It}'.s t; A.12.


<::> " F
, S <=> 'J.
\ K
t1 : lo, ooo
S J-I E -,- LJ.
- - - - -- - ---- - --

D/sPa I-r. No ~ ' A A Z . .
/0 " EJPr ~
SII c=:> ,
L Y"
~ s ~ , A.I2..
ILl- S ~ P - r lI-fI.
..:a 0 "
............ i
'Is-o, 0 Co:) 0
' 1
, ".I-IQS A,,Q
( V I
. I E SEP, '+L./- .

0 t:) ()
1-1 0'
SH No.ti7
--- -- --

- ... -

fi'OV,G '1fINF(-II
, f
. ..I t:: U 0 17 () e II '
__ _ t-I' .... r;; n
- - - ...:.. - LIlliE H LD '-f.Joo 17 SfiF'T
/' .
, ___ I..INI: HE L-O "'",oolil PT '"


SiD /( Ii ..s I'

'/S6, 00 If)
SI-I E T 48
f7L r G/I.t.
.' t ,00
. ~ , A
MAP' %t>,ooo
OU II.L.AV #D/l...
DADQ1J 4lftR8 68m 4OlORBD DGDIDf
S1JBJJC!. ..pert.r Operati....
t!DI 0 I I ~ d 1 D , ottioer. OIIa1t&1; 00--" Jl'. Jet AJwtre" D1"d.i-.
to o._azldinC General. 24 ....ore .. D1:ri..t.a
..tache" berete. report et operatio.. ter ,the a.tll .-ore" ,
Rep_at dwinC the perio.. 1 - 11 ooteber 1t". with 8-1. 8-2 -.:14 ..,
. I.'; I!J' /J
~ I I
The following
image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.
to CC"A", 2n'd ArrnC"red D::'vision
El of ,?eing relieved of zone of responsibility
b:y tJl4t. 19., X_t'antry D1vision ,anfl, :proceed1ng by infiltratim as
. ,. to ar, area as ,shown (see 0verlay T.o.
Altc 252

Armd Regt, WP.S placed in Division Reserveo
, Ol'dera', wer, !eceivecl f""om CC"A" .:ssicni!l f".J.ture mission. "f
'66th .l?md as!o11owsl (See Annex No.1) I>
'Be tm follow CC"]" in two co1rur:ns throutjh bre:sch in
SIEODIED LINE cre!l.tec1 by 30 Inf Div, c1e,.r area in z-one iUld seellrte
2nd ANOred Division objective in zone.
, '.
2n,d 66th ,A.rrnc
Regt with
HClG [CtIl Arr'Hi Reet
, 1 Plat Co A, 17th Er,.:;r,
1st TIl:.,. 6Cth ATI!ld :ieet
1 Plat Co A, 702 T::J rttt.ached
1 Co 2'r:0. TIn, 41st A!'P!dIl'-f Regt
.:... h4 CP CC"A"
1 ?l;tt, Co A, 17th EIlers .,4,:
14rth l'A' En
1 Co A, 702 TD
2nd :In, 41st k:'T!ld Inf (-1 Co)
e. At 702 TD (-2 Plats)
COlA, 17tr :l.';;2":::: (-2 '?:!.!'te)
, C(th Eec;, \"2':; .1;( '()-;(; "e<'.::"
over both rOc',tcs, l'nntes : :nll L:J' 1..J to
ohjeeti-:6 T:o. 1, 01" c:1)jectiv8 :-'). 1 "';r ,::,J";r
c(")ntact ...'i ....;Y CC"I''' 1);-, :ef't <.n( cont:'ct .,.J'.O
the 0-:" ()Y>:!,. . ,
- 1
Y' ':
-, .. ,,,__.. . '", ... ".,. i
,., J>" ...... .. :.," ..
-:"1"'''''''''' t,." ...... -!. & l.p- r ...i.._.'ri;
. ,.'.. ..
\. \ ,.. Co I '; .. ," . '70'..

, " " ,. ,. " ' . ,'"! : .: " , i
(un'li;:.. command Oommand1ne Officel., 66th Armd Regt) !
'. move. on order over RIGHT ROUTE, pass thru breach in SIEGFRIED LINE, 'i
secure objeotive WOe 1 in zone prepared to 9.dvance on objeotive
l'TO. 2 on order.
"D" Day had not been announoed and elements of the Regiment
remained in areas as Shown perfecting ple..lla for fortho'om1ng mission
e..nd performing maintenanoe.dt vehioles and weapons.
2 October 1944
66th 'Armd Regt C,rd Bn in Div Res) remainedl'1I1 assembly areas.
sa shown on overlay No.1 perf'ormmg maintenanoe"Md rehabilitation
of personnel.
TraininG was ronducted as a refresher oourse in the use of the
flame thrower against pill boxes. All flame throwers were inspected
for serviceability.
Routes were reconnoiterec as far, forward as the situation
permillftted, generally to the vicinity of the WURM RIVER.
, October 1944
.' 66th AITH1 ReCt (3rd Bn, 6Cth AR, in Div Res) remamed in
assembly areas 8.3 ohovm preparec
. to move on order of CC"A". Main
tenance of vehicles continued. Additional route reconnaissance was

4 October 194t.1
66th Ared Regt (,rd Bn, 66th AR,' in Div Res) renained in
assembly areas as shown prepared to move on order of CC"A".
Maintenance" of vehicles and crew traininc VIas conducted through
out day.
At u:!)proximately l500A the Comp:my of Inf8ntI'Jr uttHchec1 to the
RIGHT COLU1',m (Co D, 41st AIR) was relec.sed ;.:m."1 to to
its parent organi2ation. It .., IJat, _ tIIa .... t.a 00..
At unit corlm8nders r.:eetine; at 1900A at CC" A", the Coru:" .. ntling
Officer, 66th Regt, received the following orders:
"Effective 1JpOn cros'Jin:-': t':e bridge ove'r the WU!n'"I RIVE? the
CCLm.m rl111 ;'.dv:mce -l:o (;ctive "frILL!A!,!; upon secuY'il'C it,
'''.11,1 'pce to objective ITo. 2. uf'ter cro;JsiL... :
::I'fr:=: to YOKE, eye"'"'.: by ..ire and roovem::r..t,
- 2
I , l
to, Ant,,_4J181): 41 ",ob .. it ...aU. peatta, _ to_ fit OIDtnu.Ja
...1n "he ...... '1 LBr! C<XLu.
5 00"". 19H
66th Aa4 -eat (.,ft Jill, 66t1l AR. 111 Dly a_) ... placet _
a1nute ale.rt tor lIOy__t at 1000...
01 _41q otfto_. 66th AJ.W4 Ree'.... H1.l..-4 '"- a ...
the UCJIff OOL"'- aD4&1..- the J.Bft .... ne RICHB
\184_ 1.,1 _I .f 01 '''''1nc Ot.tlr, 1.. _. 66't1l .UIIIl Beet .;.ra""
41rMtlo7 _t....v.1 ot 01 .."jDa ottl....
sa ... UMil Iat-tz7 ..."UGhe4 .... LUI 00I.U8 __. UTlftl
a' 66___ he' --lt17 ..... at' 09"'A.
It.mU 01___ g tile :LD! CCL'08" ..,.,... .." .._1lJ' ana
aJ __ ................. n at 12OOJ. (' I I). Ute
....., ..... D1.... at 848",.... ill the ., ..
PAL... .. eta a ..... hM9T ....,. ..ul.l4D7 tin 'lid_ _
ttaa.. -......,.." tIl.4q. a. LKft tSD.ec1 th. at__ __
o.-t-... ____ pU1 lies...... 41" .. -..,. tat-t27
_t ........ Sa fttn, ......n.c a po111U. tor the DiP" _
.0. 1. (I.. '). !we.t CNI" _.... ___ leat
.. a w J;" ., tIaU
'JIll.... 66.. AnI4 ..... sa _ ".w. nedftO. ..... _
...,. -. __ .... at O'I'OOA sa 1M Yio""V .... ..
d 1000A an. v&ft1iD 41....._ ot 6 1d1...t _____
...... J ne1...... .
JM.... " ..... a.rct. .. ,.. ., &Ifill Ocu. ..... 1_

ail........., ... tbe ...... ot ...... act -....

" _Uft' 080Me ... atte .... llJ'fa _ ......
........' n.
... ,
. , U_.... ..__ ." oneA with Ie Be 16. MIll
D __:, ............ til _.-1, .... cae D, "'til A1IEII
.. .sl......... ae OR ill the __ .f &a1lUD
.... ' .. tea ... =:__ nednac ..., fin r... -.u
liliiii ... wId1e .. _ ..................... bf
,', bne 8V" . ., .. :at. " ... u.I ....... Oe
." JlM. ___.... Ce'-_ ....
1IIIIIIiI......... _* ... elnlt. td ....... ..a
. F.t.......,1 .1.
.... AIIII .....t.. ...
.-J.. . ........ -..... _:. e ..........
....lit .. bftl..,. tid..... _
.."............ 11.- .......,. _ ... _
',. '. ,.., at , .. 11ft.- takta, " ...... NIu.-. ..


"' .. --r ."
. '.
, The at'tack1ng BEGGE1IDORF, G!!RMl..:NY, from the IIOIITlf.'::AS'l!
(Co D, 66th AR an4 Co K, l16th Inf Regt) after layinc an artillery
concentration on ! t succeec cd in securing it <-'.ft,er clet!.Iling the
town of numerous German inf&ntry, msny o"f whom were t :-:1cenprisoners,
and destroying one dU8 in tank. The LIIJ:' COLlrll1lT secured
its,elf for the night as shovm (see overla,y ITo. 3)
.At 2100A a COJDpany o"f German infantry was reported in the
vitl ot the ...rea and artillery wa.s on them which succeeded
111 approxima.tely 25 and the remainder. The
. r ....;bld.r at the night passed without further incident.
'r4 Bn) 66th Arad Regt, in Division Reserve remained in present
assembly area
. 1st Bn, 66th Armd Regt,' alerted at 2400A for movement into
attack at 07001 w1'th the '30 Inf Div on tne RIGHT 2nd 2nd DIl, 66th
Arm? Regt, on the LEJT.
,( Col, 66th Armd Regt, with 2 platoons of Co I, l16th Inf Regt,
was assigned mission of lIe1z1ne; and secnrinc the hien. cr01.1nd st
NOR!H of Ati8DOR], (890555). Upon securing obj ective to remain there
in support of 30 Inf Div: until ALSDORF hali been r.!ission
of 'Co I, 66th Annd Regt and Co I, 116th Inf Reet, WD.S accomplished
early in the afternoon force :rej oir. (,d of btto..lion
on the RIGHT FlANK who were continuin.:::: miefJion of seizin!::: hieh
ground WEST of with the front l:i,r:c :position
.illong the highway runninc SOU'1'HWEST ::md into
Co I, 6fth Annd Rest and Co I, 116th Ini' attr.cked ob
jective No . I OIDWEILLER from the 80UTH sccll.rin
to t1'8
SOUTH of objective in vicrn.ity of 940:1:;4.
At 1800A orc1ers ',:erc I'E. ceived CC"A" to ,- iC
in with pll around security usinc [lE'o ,fl'C'r:.t l'inE; tr..:.: 1-:5.,.;1"\',:':.' 1',1J1:1int;
WE and SW from OI1)'A'5ILLER to ALS::';ORF. r:'h(; 1-: ['.nd
SE in vicinity of 901558 was CJ'08scd J ";,.1:':"::
enpmv AT .&'i:'8 was rnceiv'->d
'"" <...,;. .. _..
t ,;7c,)r,r
J.'." __

..- _
. _ .J..
t-,." '7
u ... ,1'.., ..
20 teams ','C7.'e 'f'c; 'nced b:r ':.:::-:;:- .".1
3 SP ..-\.T [717::.' \.'crL b:T t-;__
operrtio'l'1. A' 0:3'-' of +,1,"0 r'.--d5';r; t'rks \"..::t'e ;.''1 . r;"
1st :?n, f'-t: .i.-::'1"1:"
7 Cctobr]r 194/
u., " I .'
..w '1.. .....
, .
7 October 194ft (con't)
C0 :D, ':\:''!!ld ReLt, v:i 116"hlatan'VJ' Reata_t,
. il ""',,. rfCOlltin';1,r,. J
./.1., "",' ",.C' (...... ".'1''V
l. .. 'C;' .L. ". \} I" >,), '-'.i.: ul,'" '_, .j._ 'J........... . . ,. _, "'. J.,
for remcdnin'c enerny uncl J o <.:CC ...!..'s it '...J. ::..-::..elievc': :-'.0C,,):'CC[,
C'::"m;n:", 6Gth Rer.;t. T'e :"p,li'Jf o.t J.1'CO!1. .... G,:o :0,
;:;("LL A''T':d w5th K, 116'th IDt.
forCE: in the on n:.::S:/:;";IL::':;'S.

,tt"'ck on "RA"Ii'S"'\i'IL'I'n
..I...oI.!.. ... ,

W":.8 "'" s"...lcces'\ful. ... ...
mines encountered p.l,-cl a:; 81y 100 :;:.ris or.el':J Y. ere
One TD NIlO, one liCht on'). two l'1ediUI!1 t.:.nh.: I;",.e::..'e 13io.:.:1el'1 fl'C?'
A-T mines in the t orm of pl'ior to its bein,,: o.
platoon fron Co A, 17th
A task force under of dire;' Office.:', 2nrl :,n, h:"LL
AJ:'IIld Reet, consisting of Co E, 66th Armd ReLt ,':' Co L, Ir.f
Regi;, was ordere-d' hy Officer, CCIlA", to 1st ::":n,
66th A
-I- ' "
I -00
t ".
t .
f OI"v11 ''''''IL''P'
....;.; '.,

'0\'.1'1 ...... 1:
G"D.. , .",
T.... ..l:.i.
The task force moved thrl..l. 13AESWEILER and took up
of OIDTWE!LER. In doinC this they c:::'me under direct Af fi::,'e \.LicL
caused the loss of one 'tDnko The AT guns v"er'e ?ll.U OES \1;'!.G
de stroyed0 .
1st Bn, 66th Armd ReCt, . attacked OIDT7/ZILER the fl C'l:.k
with disposed as fo110wal .. Co F attz"cked front:..lll
-, Co I
attaoked' from .the SOtTTH, and Co C was held in reserve. Uncle'l' l2.e 'vy
artillery fire, the lstBn moved toward the objective, by
fire .;i'rom the 2nd Bn, lo10c)ced out two German s:P Cll.llS, destro2rec; or
captured numerous enemy c'nd seized the obj ective
Two medium lOst by eneMY action in this 0
.The at'tack was terminated at l800A by orner of Officsr,
CcuA", and Co E, 66th Armd Regt, was ordered to OCCUDY ,J. (1 cfencive
:position along the SE edge of Co L, 116t1: Inf Re..:;t,
a plDtoon from Co M, l16th Inf ReCt, vr:.s uE:eo to o::trost t11e t".Y'.ks.
Co D 66th Armd Re"t with Co K 1:,1 ..... ,.... 11 "'er' """,tno '"t P"'"
, c. , ,f) J _.J..l.l. ... 'C... W Iv , ..,) _ It...- '.' ,1..1 ,,-, -,-. '-.,.
the line on the nORTH of BAESWEIL-:::E. 1;Jt Dn, F(':th Ar:-1.6 Ee...;J.;, o'U.t. I}, ted
the to"vn of OIDTVmnER for the nic:ht
Bn, 66th ArPld Re2t, iT: Di vi si Reserve rOf-minee' in ,'1'
assembly area.
- 5

\ '
,... -qCi.,;,t (-3r'1 Bll, h(+; ,kR, 11':. RcscJve) rel!lained
:''J.:.: fTJnt li:::.] sec.;.:C:".1;=:; "':l'Cr:Eu t _ken in days ...,
. tt: t .... cl""s
At C730A C.) Z, A1""':!;. =::.',:)t:;t, ./ith [:i of Cc L, ll(th
Ir'.f ReCt, ',1 !.ttc
in 1st "Sll, 60th "i:::';1(1
Rest, Vii. th mis3iOl' c:= cle:'01.niLL: thc woo.':J of OIl;:!:'.1EII.JEP..
T l' Ft''l In.D l;'e'...,
, ""'"" !.. J. _ _ ........ III ,
:"':UPl" ort 0L ('f
tovm for /'}crr:: 118
f5r;t:r. A:r-T'ld Rcgt, in Division Reserve, in
U?AC::, '}Z::<2 '!.1"Y 0 .It Co H, 6;,tl: v:F.ts
.') 3rtecJ for ."_ to the SOWH in 8').)!'ort of CC"A" 0
r;;. .. ; not committed, TO:'rF'inecl in
2rt a.t 1600A.
J Oct obel" 194'"
6Cth :?"c
;-'.; (-3rd. En, 66th Ali) remaineil in, position as shown
(see :TO. ,1) ct}!ltin1.ling to ho1,-"1 ':'J'l(I seC' the t:;round occu:piedo
".' P1,}toon Co A, 17t> Eneineers, att9.chGij to 2nd ::ru, 66th Armd. Regt,
C""lti..."'l.ued t1 ::c.eI tll8 in sector for the presence of mines.
Co I, 6(th ArmJ Regt, from thE' vicl. nity of 904555 attacked
SOUTH. townrd SCH.AUFEN'BERG in snp:,ort of thr; 30 Inf' Divo MeetinG
1i[:ht enf-'my resistp..Ilce in tho fonn of 3:-:1.Jl ; )"!TIS tt.c'y sllccefded
in reachinG a at 915546 where the eround tcl:en
for J.efense.
Cf'l D, 82r:,1 Rcn.TIn, W:.S !'l1.t into rosi tior _ 1Ai&iiu,- .eMU'.r'
nY', (.(.'''C!l ReLt, ::. ...l'ccd Ce"A" :'(sc"Ye.
v ....
"'Pf'I'+ ...
11... '-",......

\..-' ,..:

.... .rJ...... , ....

t.,; _

.j ..:..,,". .It ..'0
'"+c r;" 1 -i:o CcnA" m d "no iY1 of Co I, 66th Arr".0, Re,::t for
':1, 11(')t h:dY)C c:)1", Co E, (.6th Regt, reverted to
!:iv' "':'0"'1 ":::1 ""et' ....rnc''l :!sse-r:lbly area.
3rd En, 6(;;]: AJ:':',) (1 P..c
t (-Co H, 6Gth AR) remained in Di v1. s ion
:?8;3V.'YC ;.r, its aref.
- 6


t "t' .
.. \, '. .. , . .. \ ,
.> "! 19U
, . "', r ',"'" ,.' ;(. -'. '\.

At .n. were moving in front of posttion. !.
held by Co E,. "tlIl Armd Regt, and f1;l"e was laid on them by the F.O.. ..
The area was shelle4 tntermittenly thru out the night. ;
Reoonnai,aanoe Oompany, 66th Armd Regt, continued to hold and
seC1l;l"e the. t OJl!1 of :3EG GEi:nORF, IT..b:HclAlff
. _
. .", ,
.. (-5rd BIl, 66th Jli.) to.hol<\_d:ll
, 1;.,: .. 1iheEngineers th:e mines
and 1)eoby traps; and pa'Wo1.& were sent 'out '0 'uoertain
not there had been any eneJIlY infil "
were conducted as to the l'iest meane of crossing the
ANTI-TANX :QITCITES encolUltered 0
... ".=
66th Arm.:l in condlloted route
reconnais'sance to North, East, arld
, .
11 October 19i4
66th Annd Reet (-3rd Bn) '6Gth'U)"remained in defensive pos1t1&l1s.
Enemy artillery 'wns active th-ru out" day .
At dusk enemy aircr:"ft over the a.rea and fragmentation.
a... 81'.(1. pa)':..tchute bombs were dropped, and som'e stro..ffinG
took _':,'
120otober - 17 October 1944
'.6th Armd'Ree;t (-3rd :Bn, 66th AR) rem..j.1Pc
ill rle:f'cnsi"Tc T'oe:!.. tions o
Enemy' art111ery fe).l intermi'1tently 'thru (:'.)'e8.. w:-'s
act1ve niel:.. fragrnen'tn:tioY!. 1 t]).
12 - 'Z;7"': 'F'.c,.':, ::.-.;./.
(1-' :.""-""oce:: -:;c .. (..{-
:.... ";0 '-: :::::rf(-:' 13l:), :'_ono

,..,.; ';1 .-1'" "' .....u., , -:>:-,,-,! """. .. - -"1"\ co',,,," ... ,'t ,t, 'ek ..,-r e
. !
.... --_ .... - - .....-_.:. ". .. __ , "_.- II .-- .,.1 ......-.1.'_ ..... - .,) .... ...., .... '- _._'. ...._ . .!.
1Ji--,-. !:::. OIl '!.. ..,\'Ty. :::_ .. ..
t;'! .. \,. ,= __ ()f
1.., .'-j .. ,:'-.' 1.:. __ : Jm closu...:_ ill .. '.1",-
(., .:",t to Ir.:.f
- 7
", .. -- --".
to joiY'. at 12'30A, 1:(nr 1CS5'3516. 'At 1800A, Of) II, ECth
!teet, to new :!!.rea P.t K051511 ,'lr.(1 l<]OOA
+'POM C'.t':C\.chod to 11Jtl-:, Inf 'l,nrl c-::.t"b'.cfle
l to 31'c
120 Inf'o
13 'October1944
'3rd Bn, 66th Al'I'lc1 Regt, att['ch'ed to 30th Diyis ior.. had folJm:i..Ylg
of troops'
Co B, 66th AR, 8.t
c:J.chco. to 2nc; En, 116th Inf, 863490; 00 G,
66th AR. attached, to 1st En, l16th In!; Co II, 96th AR, c.tto.ched to
3rd Bn, 120' :tnt.
Co B, 66th AR, . atta.ched to 2nd 3n, 116 In!, mover), into the '..'
to the SOUTH at' 12'30A rea.ched a point 26'3490 pn,:t secured there for
thE;; nieht.
Co G, 66th ,AR, moved into t:te wi-'.:h 1st '2n, 116th Inf, D.t
1400.1 'toward WURSELmr re:,w:;.ed 865492 where the ::l.ttack vrns stopped
by tireI, a.rtillery a:nC1. sffi'-1.ll O,Jm e and there cecured for the ni,)lt.
14 October 1944
'3rd Bn, 66th AR, 'with clements attached to ll6th In:f (-) were
conuiti tted as follo':"ls,
At 06,OA Co G, 66th AR, VIi 1st Bn, ll6tli Inf, l<.:.l(llched ['..!l
attack toward WU!?SEIJElT "lnd upon reachine 866491 recei fire fl'om
a MK VI tank, was on enemy :tt:'.11k and fire f:COf:l the t,,:I'J.:s
brouGht to bear on ito The att'::",ck continued for';/3.rd (SOUTT!) p,nd
Co .G, 66th Armd Re,::t, upon reu.chine the Tj-::'.st '='.1ld ','[est
at .K865485, thE: enemy u heaV1J of
mortar fire with f.,irect AT gun fire on tl' e :p orce
Infantry was forced under a smoke screen l::,i,; 'by the llh:; to Vii th
draw to a
position in defilade
At a.:;'rl'oxir.IlC'.t ely l600A the 1[.),2'101_8(1. a c .c1,: ,-.t
Qo G, 66th Armel ReGt, preceeded by 0'\,].;'
force .. i:ltir: 0: :y
\,i',S ropf:!..sec1 no 10s8 of L).'OlU:::' ,'Ire::."':c' ..
At a:::rroxir:l2tely lE100A, Co c:et:: .. ',,'.':' cl:
to the 3.Ecl s; rC,:".cLed :.l. :;:,oint [,),t K.:?G14G4 v:Le1::'"
secured fo:;. ni.,,'}'t 0
- 8
: t:
\7":: "
. .
15 October 1944
3rd Lt,
8.8 fol10':.'8;
Co 0, 66th AR, attc:.c:>ed to :En,
at with micsion of ,.. ,' c;-:;c '.:,_'i:',
o.<;.vanocd 30C P:
:: 1'c:'\0'
C:l'J.8ing t'_'2:1-:S of Co G, 66th 1.11, ""1"'.; D"..
"stonk" \'las (]erl 01". t},c CRo
A seoon(l ",tt",clr "I"'" 1"-1l1l'C1'f"''l ',,, Co"" . c'- '....... :.. VI(..4"--' """ _L _'._ l . _.,
: ..
lnf, l'.-_'.nc;:.0c.1 <.;.t ":'.ck
C:1 C'(C,'iOf. _2'-1.
(efj_I"JJe '\','ldle D.ll
6':t' ..... 'lll , '0"'" f, ....... nr, __ _ -' T;': .in J _
::.'" "Y\d -' 1'n re0cl'1'l' L,. ..,........ rl)";___ i'l' 0"1 ___ _ OJ . ____ -' c'lccer'd .. ,(1 20C O\.- ( -,.::) -- :.:,'. _.v .,}
froll t 'le o1.-J'ec+-i,re "l}le"''"' A" ..r.>.; 'p. '1("';-'" c'to"'>"'o 0 cl'o
... l: I. ._ , .... v ........ L . , .' ._. ..... ......... ' ...... _4. ""'" . . '. ..... v_ . J . ...
__ '-, ,-, ____ C1, '(.'" ""'tv1 fOl''.'I:J.rd A1'tl'l'el'Y "",C' ,,;.. .. '0.ed _ ... +1,0 .. [J"'i'l _. ............ t'he ;,1 ov<:.; Cl
to 2- point at 866435 where "T,.- -"ji..'O :'.Ylii. forcee:
the to ','i tllC.l'3.W to l;efil.' ;8'3 I,08i tions
secured for the night.
Co G, 66th AR, W9.i3 1.:.11-:Ler [,,::t ill el''y , r:o}:t:'r,
all du.ring the [tbove ::uf'fered 102,: of t
Co TI, 66th AR, to 2nd Bn, .116th lllf, LLuncLt;\'! -1.:.1
attack with the; iYlf::mtry ,.mel succeeded in 861t.80 r/hero it
secured for the' :'1it:ht 0 Co TIt 66th AR, suffered t1-.0 loG;o' of t,o
liGht tanks Que to AT and
Co II, 66th AR, to 3rd BTl, 120 Inf, ImmoLcc. al! <,tt-ck .
and succeeded in reaching thE: rO:::.d at 869489 where it secu:..:ed for
the 'niGht.
16 OctOber 1944
3rd Bn, 66th Armd Regt, 8.ttach cd t () 30 Inf 'Di v Vl:J.S COLlIni ttC(!
follows I
Co B, 66th AR,
the SE at 0800A but
CillJ tank :"i1'8 '1;01'0
3 P-ledium W8l'e
Co G, 66th All,
with 2nd Bn, 116tl; Inf, 1:ll:Jlc1"..8IJ <.::..n to
dl'e to in+uT1"-"!C '''Yl(,T'' mOl't" A.',' .. v _ ........ ............. <.... V ____ _ .. , ... , h O
to c-; C:Tl.kS _"2.i.O,
Gcr.-+:, to S0Clro QR :'..t -:61< 80 '"
't1ith 1st ::?ll, 116 Inf, l:..:.... :.1lc:Lod Gl':
kept tryinC thru l'J.t l)-... LJ t: .E-: 0:'.(;:1./
to.nk, and AT fi:ce wel'O llJ.'l' ,018 to :.
Co H, 66th AR viith 3rcl En, 120th Inf, to :11 1 (; "
forward moveP-lent dne to intonse CIW::l;:,r fire '" ,

17 October 1944
3rd Bn, 66th Armd Regt, wi 30 Inf' Div l'em:':'.inod
. . "
October 1911" ,
6C,tl:.. (-3l'd TIn, 6Gth AR) continl'.ed to hol(:. 1efensively
in ovc:!:'lc1,} 1;0. 4. WEtS
:C'; C'.:; i. '.- _ ':: t c1: ex:tly ''''''.,-:: rJ
?TI, 60th lLl., to 30t'. Iftf Div continue') to hoid .
cf: Ylsi -vel:l are 3. )i el:1.
At l/lOOA, Co B, 6Cth AR, received.a Gerrr19l1 cOlmter
at.L'lCk [l"n''! by l600A '::81'0 ehl'3 to 2'epulse it successfully 'wi th no loss
c,r> . .\
IS 0e': or er 1944 I
, .
66th Annd Rect (-3rd Bn, 66th AR) remained in defense of area "
occupied. Due to :;l,ct ivity qn,9, irlovement, . were alerted' ':j
CIt 0400A for pos;3fble cOlmter-attack. contemp;lated cOlUlter-
did 'not m:lterialj.ze troops r'-.)verted to nonnal stgtus at '. It
20 Or.tober 1944
66th Arrl:l Re:::;t (-3rd TIn, 66th AR) remained in defensive positions
occu:)icd. Enemy artillery fire WHS received intermittently
t'.1rli out the 18,Y, enemy J.ircraft was at dark. Little or no
was by enemy action.
3rd Bn, Armd Regt, attaohed to 30th In! Div remained in
l)osi tiona as llT'evi'ously occupied, minor changes ,.tn tank positiona ,
to irnp:."ove (\8:E'ensive security.
21 Oct ober 1944
66th Armd Regt (3rd :en, 66th AR) rema.ined in defensive positions.
enemy aJ."tiJ:lery ViaS 'active as ll.sual o no l.U1'_lsua1 hgp!,enings occurred....
durinG period o
3rd En, 66th Armd Regt to 30th Inf Div) recei'.red
fire in the area Occ
)_piecl by the batt::ilion trains at
0500A crmsinC the 1083 ot two e;as trucks.
Co H, 66th AR, was ordered to move four tanks EAST alon{; the ..... ,
1m tracks to a point at X87l489 <.UlrJ. oontact the infantry of the'Oth
Division who were supposedly already in position at that: point.
. At approximately 1230A a German tank,
up 'oover,
succeec:.ed in knockinc out two of Co H) 66th AR tanke'." fh:e remain
ing two withdrew behind the line held by the '.
.... . ,'.. #"
""" 10
, ..
..L -_,
'" > ''(, '," ." -, ,,.,.'r.\,.-" ",,>,0
.": .': :':' \ .' <f .?':jr
21 OC11.0ber il.9U (0 an... ). . . . .: L.' ";",,1:';;r ."f'. .. ; .. . "
A tank oIOo G, 66th JR
an 'a: was'knocked'
out by direct "fire of an tank. from '!1 (li8tano',.:ot' :approx1lnately.
75 yards.',

.' ,
'rd;an, All (.-co H);rernained il;l-' assembly area: in 2nd
Divi 81on' rea.rV.. ' , ,
,00 H. -'66'tlJ:.- in assemb1y area 1n CO"A- reserve.
28 ber 1244 .'
At al'}'lroximately 1930A the 1st lID, 405th Inf' 'started tekirig over ";',
the clefense of the sector, relievine a pl[ltoon at a time of the 3rd _ ....
116th Int, in the tront line rrev10usly held by them.
At 2340A orders were received from OO-A" relieving Oommanding
O:':'ficer, 66th Rer.;t, frorl reopon[!ibility for security of the'
sector :lJ1(l th:;.t the COI!'J!l'm<linc Officer, 1st Bn, 405th Int,
. the 8.oo've recron:Jibility.
3rd Bn, 116th- Inf, 'cleared the 0.rea at 2-'40A and 2nd Bn, .. 66th
Arma, Reet, wets alerted to move at 0500A by plt!toon inf'11.tre.t1on to
an assembly area as shown on overlay Ifoo 5.
- 11
rt' '
'-r, _. ..... '
-.-'.;'..: ..-.. ..:,....
was reli eved of dcfensiva
En, :1.11d moved to D.usembly
. -.
... At, 05001 2nd Bn, 66th AR, wi thdrnw:!lrc A Co from its'
nea.r Qlm'NEILER, followed at 0540A by Co E and .elements of
Hq'Co end at had, all elements and begun the
'nf ., ' h' the new assembly ne[l.r' :rt:rDElTBODEM, HOLLJL'r\fDo 2nd En
are3. aii0940A. The forward OP, 66th Armd ne&t, . th
to an assembly area CR 876588
thence .
tG area (see overlay No. ;;) dJ. osing therea.t lO'OA.
AR, oanpleted withdrawal from positions near OIDTVIEILER
'and :closecJ in 'new' &esernbly aree. n'"'ar MERKLEBEEK, HOLLA1ID, 1215.10
1st. Bn:, 66th .AR,'was rlnced in Division Reserve, in :present 10cP.tion.
. .

'66th AR,' in CCA roserve remained in position in the
'ffnft'S of the WORM RIVER Vlere in qC"Att
Resem, Bubj t;ct to IilOV'2mEmt on one hour's notice. A I'eriocl, of
rehabili of !)ersonnel and equipment,
and"lib4ted tr2.:tninC v:as begun for ['.11 ele!"1ento 0
.It 2230A, let TIn,_ 6Cth AR, receiYOr:! or,.1er3. e:r:.tuilinc move to
the o'f'. HOLL!JTD, at .0700A on 30 Oc-cobe:::. The
was l1nder. COr:1El:'nd of Comn.n line Officer, Divi sion b.::;.w:;:.'ve
(Oc-l ..;nd. was for. tl::.c purpose of :Dl"'ovidtn:..; nobile l'::.;serve,
, ,fo.rce astride the -' r;.3 ':', C to ...... ;:."
an, 8.Imored thre:'1.t c1ev(Jloping north of S:TTAI:Il. ..

'0 October 1944

1st Bn, 6F-:th A::cmd ReCt ,
m"'rcl' ed TTE",;'pn:CEK rOL.... J.
CL 1 ('0 .. .w ,.-:..
_ 6ft}-:;. .\l'ndReL:;t (-let 6'-"-::2. X8.) -.'crr,iLc.d. in lei: j,I')J'..C;
,:/;,;., S"'Y"t j:n n .,,;r.r0.> ell' ..,..,;, ' .. ,- '.c-, ""r-l"l:"'" 01" ,"" 'j"-'':('lr.t. ''''
IJ ,- _-- - __ ..L' .... ...; ... .J ..... ..i.. .. ... _ --\..;- ................... ---.:..iJ .........'.. .. ___ It...o"...), '-'oJ, _
ofP:"'01'1 e" '1-," i',,,," li.
'ioY1 0.(> "+., .-c' c"cior,:11
( d(: vi c8 it e;) : _ '.: J ('l' .:-.,. -""1 -0:: ", on:- -I .. '0' . -ud"-'- ,v,;_ '. -'-.4..
'--' ,,' -..... ------'- ...... - _........ .-. J .v..... V _,,,._. .,. .... w ___ ._ Ii,,) .'" .......
v,'hel1 OY"" ., .. ) = -:::"cn'tn'r."; ',r","'ce 01" ''''opt.. -1-0 ..'
-- _J '--'- -". v """-'. -, .............. . .. '"", .. -..... .. ,._... ":"..1- _:. t..:;: -' 'tJ
.. ':r -'1 ().----. :-:':t. ,I"'f"'- ':-(,-;"\0. ';0' for T'l'T' o""e (,,_r.t
. ......v, ... '-' ,-" . -..., - -- ,-, ......,-.- 1 ..... _., ".'. ___ )'-"':"J:' t..,J.J.. :I. >01
L'cilit,:tj::1C 0:" in the eve;1t of 8. :'..::} 'J
tion of the 2nd A!"":1'1orv' ?J:' 0:: i: "':':81'8i 're seatoro

..---- .
' .
. " "
31 Octobel' 1944
The Cia:r was in ::md '::interizo.tio:!'l cf ve::icles,
l'eh8.bilitation of I erSOYlj' el, l'C of e'___L::'F.1iOT."'C :':.l:C. ..I';;':"0.::'1'.:;'Y'-C c:r:
ll'.:'r!l} :_0 si.;::.etl
R0.... to an.d 0::' ':::CTI .,",Tn:'e
r '-'coYlY'o-itp'''ed J..J...,;. _ .l.o (,... -i+,'+(' "'''- "j... tI __ ",,-f' _ :."'Cl'C8 _ r;-,r,:::::t ". _ J ___...... _, - on:,p' , +. J ..I-l--'?C, ,....n ...... ." .J.. Vi.. .., _
renetr:dicn -:)f' t,l- p 2d. "; ":',c:'LS'l".
1st Pn 66tll i:'"'..
in vicini of :7,2PJ1ET"F, ...
3rd' TIn 66 .ill, :2e.J e::.'vc
vicinity of TJ:3.\C::, 0
T.I!' ..... ill t "'1"1'1 C e "or"') '-11" 6 I \ -r:' ., - ",.-j ','
.'_c.:...... ....., -'_ v ........... v U..I.. .L...:.. .. , 1-31
C.in9 d tJ.1 e Y'-; 1 .... 5_ cle':' +'hc CC"':', . CCU,l':81 rl. t 1'. A ,-t 0 _' '"_:>:.1:':";
,:,'oint rJ1he TIn :.::..'.int ';,'o:'h:,d ':::,-:;' cir ref""
- ,-"..-.-!_.- -tt"l-j nl,C1 ..-..... _p
_ -' ......... .J I..;...... I",...i,o __ ............ .;J : .. -.N .... 't.J ......... (,.. ..... _ ,J ...., ._);:'''-..... _.; ..... .J_. '-" .'_ ..... _06-'" ...... -..... , ...... _ ... ...; '-'
'-""0 .,11 '-'1>'1<"'''''8''' :';,-,," ' ;'C " "0 -.t".. - oJ '-' -0 ..&.J,. .... v __ .J \,...40_ V '-' v ...... __ .J -- ..... _ --tJ '- __ , ..L. _ _ ,.J
persor'...l1el vellicles. .. .. .. f'': 0= :J,-ji.. ,... l"
cOInr1and of the C.Co
3v..ffered no 10c;: 1:"...:_0 .> ,-/Jticu.
Service 6U1., .. e(l. wi Jul::. ::)iv::":::.:::"c:._ :';''':'''-::.',
Tra1ns durinL; tl.s ...: 81'iod Cctobel.' 1944

oeTD.BE,J:I INei..
( .
\ )
' /
IVI1P: '
rsq 000
-{ "
r NO, ''8
The following
image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
. the poor quality of
the original.
j .. ,
..... _!;. .
. - . .
.. .... "i -. '" _J. f
I ... .. . . .,. I
.:';. '
J ' . .- -, C 'J t;' 'c' '
t :J,;.;. -'-. .i.. i.
t t.U1T!'t.T. CO ," ,-. T\ ,. t
: - J. . , OJJ _to. , - .. .., _'.
t T ' "j 'J : l.,,' ..... ' (.. .J.;
('10 :::-r'. OC.L
, ' ... .... ; .... -;;. _7'" .,,-,..' . -.J. 7? .
." ....................... .
Oct 44
::TO Fa. 29
. n'"''''"' ,:F'1/ Sc
1n l/
"_ J. ,......0 'v <...,,-.H ... , _) , T J " "" ,;;. _. , ,_ _
l 404-0, nc'" G: 1/50, ooe
., .
, , ( See 'c'11';rr:)"1t '''-2

.... _ ... " .. ",

S-2 2 _0) 0
-'. Q ..... ,.,<.:;J. .J ..
T(" __ - -": __ .. l _-1.. ........ \. CO"",''' s..1/ t.:) ..;.. \,;; \} 0 ro; ___ - .u. " Gp . left
TTl':' 'h.,.., 3 " C"h (> '" C' I';" ".,,;\':> T T -l
-; E ;.11 to i.,J..J J ... ..l.. ..1\1( ,. I.... .! .... _.L,,,W U .. ", . ..1........... , sone S6Ci..:re
li:'1c:R:C:m. Ri"er in
(1) 7 Amd. ;:'v moved to ;,,;:t'OlUld S of DEtrPlrE.
7 Arnd Div \vi11 l;;oveN vL.:. OPLOO' attack S
alan.;e thl3 ';i of I.:J\.A.i3 ravel' toe 18.:'1 re;;li::::tance
1Je.twee.n. the r.l.b..':.:J R::ver t1!e?,EjEL and n::J;:e oontact 'So!'
early f-tS :J;1'itCtic:'1.'\J1e v/ 1 Pcli,L)'!l tll.e s.',
;'(2) :See 1e
;',il 8)lY' N:3:lout;. W of I.!A.AS
t 290700A 30I)1; 44 to Cl'03Sirig of 1-:A.AS to ey.U1i'
. " vio of .:romr.l 0 ',"
I :f;), In! :Jiv c.ttackJ II-Ho'll", D...l)ay (to be .r'.llEC1)
,; j.; date Oct 44 depE.;j;d snt '-lj/Oll ty of . .i:::1'
conjun 8t,j.0l'. wi ,1. :oil' l?ttack, breacLes SIliSFlL:tED
.,' ,,,{ Line, in the WAUEAC:-t (Jt8259) - RTI,mtiRG arid _:': "
.. .' di",i 8i9n obj ectiveJ Ted... th[>,t ..porti,on. of the ,SI3GFRDD'
''-(1- Line S o'f brc9.ktl1rou;h and cuts \"'o-1.S J.sGdinz N ;;:m'c1 NE-fran . '
, ;,3,nd contact wi"th .CrUTa. vic Wl.i'RS$ES
-', (X974..i le>: " . ,
(4) 29 In.! 'Co!nbD.t Ter"JIl). l'e:ievGs 2d .Ill'::lC:. Div of thet
:portion 'of .-n: Corps front \'lh';":ch 2d Al'md :Oiv non .. '
protects Corps left f'lLll1Y: "':he CE;!:E:r:=l.l line
'Tr"7367 ,
'cxcl"\' -

...... __ J.J-'... <il."';.,_._.'"-v ..


2r '
\..D.f G J ... . '.. ........
\ ' Al."I!J0. Diy thro'tlch iE Line '0 Inf D';vo
;t" Cav Gp ;:'(;C::n ;\idn.; E side of MA.A.S Eiver ,,\t 'OT
. " 290700A 44 to th1'3 ROE!t!lmIJ). " .
; ,,(6) ,2d Div (-Co G, 6(, An Co' . .7Q2 TD ' mOves
, .:'behind Ci),o}t':..t [l.l1d tml1t . el'1ts ' Inf D-1v'.
.. 'out area n of 30 Inf "Div beti'lCen .
,- "on objective; End :QToteot$ ,.,,_., .. ,. ,',
. ., (X8764) lUltil r .,' '[.'irmd
. /,,' mOTes through ga.p inS;...,;>
, ';.. '. . . tt* n D d ,,:';"l-;..t,.,
'j ;00, .. 1v Res. 82 Ren ',f'
cont,aot. wi
b. ",TgooFla
Itil .. ,
,5.6 .Alt...
L!i't' . ' . '..... C
" ! . ,,/1 nat Co .' ..
. .JztC-r Bn. .,1' 'l'lat Co.l 702d't,., . ;:;:
"IX. .". m"l\!, .,,' . ", '. '>'r.. :: ..
f .' . i' ...;.:.,. ';" .'
" l t
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,.. .....! ". ,...
" ,4th uA .Qa ,
.. ,{ .-:Zd :an,':l.IB. .
':0'0 At Bh 'l?l{tts) ','
.00 At Bn Plats) ...
ttcr( 00', ,'66 .'.' ',.ove comP2ny ( .. 2 Ot' dQljr.;,,,
I!l'3.ti{ .
," two ,.' ... :
prepn.r,ed to , . .Olt
. :':0',. :be'bweel1 OC"A," 0 ".' :';. :',f",;
b. . 'j' 0 I MOVG . on , of.
tive " ...
each. objective, .est .',
and lateral to 1'4th '.'
, I!lQt1ol1Qf.hoth ofOC"';l from ',., _ .. '::.< .
eo Ri&ht OQl.'Umn' ord over right- :;'
in sfEGMiliD Line, objeetive 1 .in zone, to adV'8llce.
object,iva' 20n order. One 'medium tank oOWPany in' ";;
reoerva .t(t be on.iY on ,order from this
d. Maint Co: .A" 48th Mad support act+Ol1 of CO"A".
Remai]1 location. l.!ov,e :forw3.rd on order.
e Effective ullOJ1attachment, 82d Rcn Brt I)T'otect right of CO'IJ."
and maintain' 'contact with 30 Inf Div on r-ibht.
f. !:ttective upon utt3.chment, 55 !FA. En. will c:'.'oss 7l1J:51;:I I{iver on or(ler
and sup:port action of CC"Att from vic of objecti ye 10
x. Ill30tll coJumns will lead \.'itl: r.ledium taIL1{so .,
(2 Two '2) -'emIk doze:'3 .... rc1:. the o='
'(3 OJ.lG ..:'L. toon of w1.1l f:)llow the t-'J..l.l of the L.lec1.UDl
ill G:..".ch
(4) Ir. col-Tn:, one pI of will. ride on 2d
0:<' :ilecliur.1 t'.n;<c in col"-1,11::: conta.ct is made witb ey.
e) ... (;.::'vli;- rG:,:' iJ:l.. \vi t:l 00, 66 AR until, orc.el.'ed
:f" 0 rW2.rc' .
(6) ton ..)cy..3 \,ill ,,,CCOD)_:ny either c,olumn. All ....
GEter 'LoG'C!l in 'J:EG]\RIED Line stripped
.All GY.'C(}Sf
"il: \.it:. C,-X.:Dt..,t
contx!)l l'Iil1 lJC l'i"idly enforced.
(7) ,All full':'t:eilck ve!licles ',7ill h"le gl';)'..l.zers to
II '

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