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To rule the Heavens, we must first rule the world.

Frustrating perhaps, but it should not take too long. For we are born to be the one true rulers... Queen Frea Yaldoran to her council of advisors, shortly after her coronation.


The ancient elves of Reithanir originated in the cold north of the Old World, and are thought to have travelled widely across its lands long ago. Every race has stories about enigmatic elf wanderers, often travelling alone followed by cloudy skies or whistling winds. At first glance a Thaniras Elf does not appear too dissimilar to a man, taller and more slender, but of the same basic proportions. However, their skin and hair are fairer, almost to the point of whiteness, and in older elves devoid of the warm tones commonly visible in human skin.

few miles south of the estuary. It is a holy site for the Thaniras and a repository for such powerful magic that the nearby Morcas goblins fear to sail too close to this shore. For a millennia the elves were a disparate collection of nomads who roamed the White Plains, the forests of Shanhaar, the Selethian Hills and the Ice Mountains. The broken nature of the elves held them back, weakened them. But this was to change. Now they have a single monarchy that has the support of all of the remaining nomad clans, which are now called the Subiran, and the race is ruled by the Divine Grace of the Elements. The present ruler is Queen Frea Yaldoran, who replaced the first King Sonnekhet upon his death. She both created and passed the Trial of the Golden Spire; allowing the powerful energies of sorcery to surge through her without ill effect, proving that she had the fortitude to rule, and the consent of the Elements. It is thought that the elves can use their supernatural powers to prolong life and youth, and that they are building the Spires for some greater purpose. The elves believe that the night sky is the womb of magic, and human scholars suspect that the elves wish to combine with the Elements in some way. The Spires are mystical centres of learning for sorcerers; temples of magic whose power keeps the enemies of the elves at bay. But legend has it that they are far more powerful and sinister. The dwarves claim the Spires are designed to harness the power of the stars, allowing the elves to someday rule the heavens!


Originally a plains people, the elves have had an affinity with horses since the earliest age of their own histories and they remain peerless horsemen. But the rise of the orc tribes brought an end to the wanderings of the Reithanir. The elf nomad tribes retreated to the White Plains, where the open terrain allowed their swift horses to carry them from sluggish orc raiding parties and their few fortified castles could keep them safe. With the fall of orc dominance, the technologically advanced Shandelfan Dwarves forged the next continent spanning empire, and the elves were content to let them. Returning back to the White Plains, they could continue to study their sorceries and launched violent raids upon the dwarven and human settlements that bordered them. Seizing these new territories, the elves founded the cities of Reithar and Dremora, and established the Kingdom of Thaniras, commanded by the first single ruler of all the elves, King Rieval Sonnekhet. Despite their strengths in cavalry and sorcery, the elves did not press their advantage on the dwarves of Delfdran, or the humans that settled Kasmyria. Instead, the elves consolidated their cities and finished building the Spires, towers raised by equal parts stone working and magic. In these the elf scholars and sorcerers are rumoured to have stored their many writings and they remain the focal points of magical research. The largest of these endeavours were the Great Northern and Golden Spires, with lesser towers strung along their border with the Svirbern Mountains and the Venvalder dwarves.

There are six elven Subiran that form the Kingdom: the Lethrenn, Selethian and Asharran are the ruling clans. They provide the bulk of the cavalry and commanding officers, their nobility being amongst the most respected in the elven world. Below them are the remaining three clans: Canthus, Celos and Vianden. These lesser Subiran provide the bulk of the infantry for the Armies of Thaniras, but also contribute substantial forces of mounted warriors. All Subiran are subservient to Queen Frea Yaldoran, who aims to turn the Golden Spire into the new capital of the Thaniras Kingdom. The elves are mostly warriors that have little interest in the lower crafts of farming, mining and such, but they do have a love of architecture. It is the Lethrenn who have always been at the forefront of shipbuilding, and it is they, in partnership with the Selethian, that have made the naval war fleets of the Thaniras a power to be reckoned with.

The Kingdom of THANIRAS

While the elven capital is Lethrenn, a port city on the banks of the Selethian River, the true centre of elven power is the Golden Spire a

The Rule of Magic

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

At war across the Old World, the Elven military is stretched. As a result they have limited resources to exploit the Uncharted Seas, and minimal interest in the venture from Queen Frea. She listens to her most powerful sorcerers, who petition her for funds to build more spires, and her generals, who demand more troops. Thus the Elven fleets in the Uncharted Seas are largely a scouting force and have only settled three small areas, but they have the advantage of requiring very little in the way of harbours or supplies.

The elves of Canthus live along the northern and southern edges of the Ice Waste Mountains where they hunt snow drakes and shale leopards. They know every valley and pass in the mountains, and frequently travel north onto the ice floes. They live as the ancient elves lived, and are proud of their heritage as scouts, guides and travellers. They are at the forefront of elven exploration in the Uncharted Seas, seeking territory to settle and trophies to collect from their new prey. The Canthus use the symbol of a blue raven, a bird that is prevalent in the Ice Wastes and often seen shadowing the path of elven ships despite being several miles from dry land. The Canthus use a brown timber that is transported great distances from the Forest of Isclyre that borders the Frosinias River.

The Canthus

The elves of Asharran are the most arrogant of their people, believing that everything that the elves have is owed to the victories of their fathers and grandfathers, who fought to establish the Kingdom of Thaniras. It is their generals that command the armies in Kasmyria, Bekel and Rhyssinica, and their king who made the land safe for Queen Frea to rule. The Asharran rule the lands from the White Plains to the cities of Reithar and Dremora, and have the governorship of Kasmyria. They rely on a small population of low caste elves to do the mundane tasks of physical labour, and the enslaved population of Kasmyria to provide for their needs. The ruling caste of Asharran are currently preoccupied with their campaign against the Tepes, leaving Kasmyria poorly governed. One rebellion has already been stifled, but the seeds of dissent continue to spread.

The Asharran

The elves of Celos have been responsible for defending the western borders of elf territory for centuries but failed in several instances to halt incursions by the Venvalder dwarves. This rapidly lowered their status in the eyes of the ruling Subiran. Now they are mostly of the lesser castes, and their noble families remain low in prestige. They supply many of their people to the Asharran and Lethrenn as menial workers to curry favour, but with little success. The Celos rule a small region that includes the lesser Spires and the land near the Svirbern Mountains. These Spires were built partly to compensate for the Subirans failure, as the power of the Elemental Orbs is used to strengthen the border defences. The Celos are rarely seen in the conquering armies of the Thaniras Elves, whose generals often refuse to include their warriors on campaign. They have fought with the Tepes of the Imperial State in the past, but are usually appointed as garrison troops and road wardens rather than front line warriors.

The Celos

The elves of Lethrenn are proud of their prominence as stewards, scholars and sorcerers. Many of them reside within the households of the clan leaders of other Subiran as advisors, or are responsible for archiving the writings of the elves and furthering magical research in the Spires. Their stewards are crucial for running the few organs of state in the capital of the Kingdom of Thaniras, the port of Lethrenn, and in the vassal state of Bekel. Lethrenn use the symbol of a red phoenix to represent their Subiran, because their clan was nearly extinguished in a fued with the Asharran. They survived years of exile to return stronger than before and influential enough to make King Sonnekhet establish the capital at Lethrenn. Their shipbuilders use a local timber that is often painted dark blue as a reflection of the dark water of the Gulf of Souls.

The Lethrenn

The elves of Vianden provide servants, labourers and warriors for the Asharran and Lethrenn. They have very few nobles and less warriors than the other Subiran, but are determined to prove their worth on the field of battle. Their leaders hope to gain a governorship over the Vaka or Dragutin as a reward, giving a rise in status and the right of entry into the spires which has thus far been denied to them. The Vianden rule the Shanhaar Forests and the lands that border the Shanhaar Basin. The port city of Anthymius however is a possession of the Canthus, who founded and built the city without regard for the territorial rights of the Vianden. There have been skirmishes in the past, but the Vianden have been unable to convince another Subiran to help them resolve this dispute.

The Vianden

The elves of Selethian are called Masters of the Orbs by their kin. It was the sorcerers of this Subiran who created the first Orbs, worked with the Lethrenn to mount them in ships, and with the Canthus to build the Golden Spire and install the Great Orb within it. They have become priests of a sort for their people, with influence, power and the support of Queen Frea. Some have travelled to the Uncharted Seas, but most are occupied with affairs in the Old World and the governorship of Rhyssinica. The Selethian use the symbol of a green cobra because it is common to the hills of their homesteads, and respected for its cunning. The destructive lances of the magic Orbs are even likened to the deadly strike of the cobra. The Selethian use a light grey timber taken from the woodland around Dremora.

The Selethian


At the moment the Thaniras Elves are not in a position to mount major invasions in the Uncharted Seas, but the Selethian clan has already raided the Dragon Lord territories of Principia and Mysonnia, targeting temples and houses of learning in particular. They have kidnapped mages and wizards and tortured them for information, demanding that they surrender their knowledge. The Dragon Lords and Shroud Mages have responded by sending war fleets to track them down; rousing their allies, the Vyrdam Humans, against the Thaniras Elves.

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

Elegant, Fast And Lethal


True to their nature, Elven shipwrights value speed above all else and the Raven, with its unique double-hulled design, is fast enough to match a dragon in flight. MARs: None


Reliant on a single ripple orb to propel it through the water, the assault ships are slow once separated from their destroyer hull. However, with typical finesse, Elven Captains have perfected the art of timing their launch to pierce straight into vulnerable enemy, so that their peerless warriors can demonstrate their prowess. MARs: Elite Crew

Any damage or effects to each part carry over to the joined ship. The Frigate may fire normally this turn. The joined Destroyer is immediately considered to be part of the Frigates Squadron. In the following Turn it will Activate normally as a single model. A Re-Join CANNOT occur if either ship is engaged in a Boarding Action, or if there is not enough space to dock.

Desperate Ram: If the Raven Destroyer is Destroyed by an enemy Weaponry Attack, roll a D6. On a 4-6, the Assault Ship may eject and attempt to Ram an enemy model. Immediately after the current Activation ends, it may move as normal, and attempt a Ram if it has sufficient move to do so. It will NOT perform a Boarding Action. Regardless of whether it Rams or not, the Assault Ship is Destroyed afterward.


With practiced ease the crews of the Raven frigates and assault ships dock their vessels together, forming a single, destroyer hull. Now able to use the assault ships ripple orb as a chaser, the destroyers scour the waves in packs, picking apart lighter vessels while they hunt out exposed prey for their assault prows. The Raven Assault Destroyer is comprised of a Raven Frigate and a Raven Assault Ship. When connected, they obey the rules for the Assault Destroyer, however, they may also separate (as described below), then following the rules for the Frigate and Assault Ship respectively. The Destroyer can perform the following actions: Launch: At any time during the Raven Destroyers move the Raven Assault Ship can detach from the Raven Frigate hull. The Frigate hull comes to an immediate halt. The Assault ship may then make a normal move from that point. You cannot perform a Launch if the joined ship is engaged in a Boarding Action. When the Raven Destroyer splits, the Crew losses from the joined ship are divided between the two as desired. Hull damage is split equally, with any remaining odd point of damage or Critical/Status effects being applied to the Frigate hull.

MARs: Elite Crew


Though slower than the Raven frigates, the ripple powered propulsion allows the Crow to operate with full effectiveness even in a dead calm. The loss of the sails also removes a great structural weakness, making the vessel less susceptible to weapons fire. MARs: None


Sleek and elegant, the Cobra displays the value the elves place in aesthetics, regardless of the objects purpose. Elegantly carved contours follow the sculpted plates, and the banks of glowing orbs sit ready to blast the enemy apart with bolts of energy. MARs: None


On subsequent Activations, the Assault hull is no longer considered part of the parent Squadron and instead belongs to a new Squadron consisting of all the Assault Ships from the parent Squadron. Both Squadrons only count as a single Squadron for determining Hand Size. Re-Join: If a Raven Frigate contacts a non-Derelict Assault Ship that originated in its Squadron, the Assault Ship is immediately returned to the joined configuration with it. They become a Raven Destroyer with no Collision occurring and the model ends movement.

Amongst the many deadly arts that the Thaniras hone throughout their long lifetimes is use of the longbow. Innate hunters, the elves have been master archers for millennia and, compared to firing from the back of a galloping horse, picking off targets from the open deck of a Viper seems trivial. Then, when threatened by marauding dragons and other airborne fauna, these Bow Masters dip their arrows in a crippling toxin that brings their prey tumbling from the sky. MARs: Poison Arrows, Sharpshooters


Fashioned after their namesake, the near mythical Thunderbird native only to the Ice Waste Mountains, the storm ship houses a coven of Selethian sorcerers. These wise magi channel their devastating power through the pulsing node that sits at the vessels heart, sending lightning bolts arcing away in all directions. Any unfortunate crew

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

caught in the wild storm are blasted from the decks of their vessels or melted inside their own armour. Thunderbird Storm Ships CANNOT be deployed in Mixed Squadrons.


MARs: Lightning Generator


The hunters of the Canthus Subiran track the majestic drakes of their homeland deep into the surrounding mountains, seeking their isolated eyries. They consider it the peak of the huntsmans craft to creep undetected into these lofty nests to steal unhatched eggs. These are taken back to their clan, often to be traded with the other Subiran, before reaching the stables of the wealthiest nobles. Here the eggs will be hatched over magical fires and the young dragon broken in by the Iriassar, elves who have dedicated their lives to the raising of the ferocious, acid-breathing War Dragons. If a War Dragon suffers a Critical Hit it loses 2 Hull Points INSTEAD of rolling on the Critical Hit Table.

Crafted by master engineers in the shipyards of Lethrenn, skilled elven Captains use their vessels astounding speed to overwhelm Queen Freas foes. In the same way their warriors use their agility and training to keep their opponent off balance, these Captains force their enemy on to the back foot before sundering their ships with arcane broadsides. MARs: None


Few sailors in the Uncharted Seas have witnessed the full potential of a Chimera, and of those that have, fewer still have survived the experience. Housing flawless Selethian orbs crewed by dedicated sorcerers, the brutish cannons of the lesser races pale compared to a Chimeras broadsides. Magically propelled, the mastless hull lies deceptively low in the water, and the hardened and buttressed wooden frame boasts remarkable resilience. After the expeditionary fleets probing the Uncharted Seas reported the comparative abundance of dragons in the region, and their employ by their new enemies, new orbs were fashioned, expressly to slaughter these dangerous creatures. This model can also use its Defensive Fire Battery against a Diving model which tries to Ram it, following the normal Defensive Fire rules. It MUST use Split Fire if it is Rammed by more than one Diving model, dividing the AD evenly against the models, and applying any remainder as desired. It CANNOT use DF against Flying and Diving models in the same Turn.

MARs: Lethal Strike (Acid Blast)


Slicing through the water under the power of particularly potent ripple orbs to cripple the foe with destructive volleys of orb energy, Thaniras commanders value the Griffons for their unrivalled firepower. Although considered an inelegant solution by the most puritanical of Captains, the more prudent elves realise that, on occasion, more than their natural superiority is needed to quell the lesser races. MARs: None

MARs: None

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

Raven Class Frigate

DR 3 2 CR 5 3 MOVE

Points: 30

Crow Class Destroyer

DR 3 CR 5 3 MOVE

Points: 45

14 RAM 2

11 RAM 4





Small Class Standard model Template: SMALL This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 3 to 4 Models MARs: None

Small Class Standard model Template: SMALL This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models MARs: None




1 2 3 4

4 3 1 -

4 3 1 -

1 2 3 4

3 1 -

3 1 -

6 4 2 -

Raven Class Destroyer

DR 3 3 CR 5 5 MOVE

Points: 55

Raven Class Assault Ship


Points: N/A

10 RAM RED 4





Small Class Special 2 model Template: SMALL This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models MARs: Elite Crew

Small Class Special 2 model Template: SMALL This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models MARs: Elite Crew

1 2 3 4

4 3 1 -

4 3 1 -

4 2 1 -

1 2 3 4

Cobra Class Cruiser

DR 4 4 CR 6 5 MOVE

Points: 55

Viper Class Cruiser

DR 4 CR 6 6 MOVE

Points: 65

11 RAM 3

10 RAM 3





Medium Capital Class Standard model Template: MEDIUM This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 4 Models MARs: None

Medium Capital Class Standard model Template: MEDIUM This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models MARs: Poison Arrows, Sharpshooters




1 2 3 4

6 5 2 -

6 5 2 -

4 3 1 -

1 2 3 4

7 5 2 -

7 5 2 -

5 4 2 -

Thunderbird Class Storm Ship

DR 4 4 CR 6 5 MOVE

Points: 65

War Dragon
DR 4 CR 6 4 MOVE

Points: 65






Medium Capital Class Special 2 model Template: MEDIUM This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 1 to 2 Models MARs: Lightning Generator

Medium Class Flying Special 2 model Template: SMALL This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 1 to 2 Models MARs: Lethal Strike (Acid Blast)




1 2 3 4

6 4 3 -

6 4 3 -

1 2 3 4

6 2 -

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

Griffon Class Heavy Cruiser

DR 5 5 CR 7 6 MOVE

Points: 75

Phoenix Class Battleship

DR 6 CR 10 7 MOVE

Points: 110

9 RAM 5

8 RAM 7





Medium Capital Class Variant model Template: MEDIUM This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models MARs: None

Large Capital Class Standard model Template: LARGE This model USES the wind direction Squadron Size: 1 Model MARs: None




1 2 3 4

8 6 2 -

8 6 2 -

6 5 1 -

1 2 3 4

16 11 7 4

16 11 7 4

7 5 3 -

Chimera Class Flagship

DR 6 9 CR 12 9 MOVE RAM 7 7

Points: 145





Large Capital Class Special 1 model Template: LARGE This model IGNORES the wind direction Squadron Size: 1 Model MARs: None


1 2 3 4

18 13 7 4

18 13 7 4

7 5 3 8

Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules

Copyright 2008-2013 Spartan Games

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