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Charles and Ann Kent Caixa Postal 403GoiSnia, Goids, Brazil
February 1967

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Dear Christian Friends,

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We have many things to write of this time, the printing work, the church, our financial report. The church at Vila Nova has shown some growth this past year. Our Bible school attendance
for October through December was over 100 each Sunday. We have had 18 conversions to Christ this past year. Those of you who also receive Jerry Hall's news letter will know that 3 of these

accepted Christ the night Jerry and I preached at Vila Nova. We really felt the presence of the Spirit in that meeting because preaching through a translator is not a very effective way of pre
senting the gospel.

We have printed 70,000 books for Bible schools, including 5 quarterlies for Youth and Adults, 4 quarterlies for Juniors with 4 books for teachers of this age group, 3 books for intermediates,

and the Christian Doctrine book by Dampier. Our first printing of the Standard Primary Course
is being sold out and we are reprinting these as needed. We have had several churches and in dividuals giving directly to the Association for Christian Literature through John Nichols, P. O.

Box 2141, Dallas, Texas, 75221, This help is greatly needed and very much appreciated. The print ing work is growing and bearing fruit. Please continue to give and pray for this means of preach
ing the gospel. Here is our financial report for 1966. Paid out during 1966: Tithes and offerings Printing work *Rent July to December Auto Expenses
906.00 503.00 300.00 370.00 167.32 341.52 125.00 105.00 115.72 20.42

Balance in repatriation fund January 1, 1966 Received during 1966

Total in accounts or Received

994.88 7,654.94

Promotion, postage Piano (inc. transportation) Mimeograph machine

Education Insurance Miscellaneous

Paid out during 1966

Balance in repatriation fund January 1, 1967 Bank Balance January 1, 1967

1,000.00 124.79 8,649.82

Living Expenses (food, clothing,

medical & dental)
4,571.05 7,525.03

Total paid out or in accounts

We show $1,340 more in our cost of Living Expenses for this year. This is a very effective illustration of what the inflation has been like. We thank each and every one of you who has con tinued so faithfully to give to our work. We would like to hear from some of you, especially if
you have any questions.

Please remember these names in prayer, Wilmar Sobrinho, Benilson Limirio, Jose Carlos, Iderval Ramos, Please remember each member of our family, praying for our spiritual and physical

Yours in Christian Love,

CJkc-JL. ^ CL^Charles and Ann Kent

"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void^ but it shall accomplish
that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Isiah 55:11

Forwarding: Gene and Grace Forkner1114 E. Jefferson St.Siloam Springs, Arkansas - 72761



Christian Publications
Charles and Ann Kent


Caixa Postal 403GoiSnia, Goids, Brazil

I- ^
Dear Friends in Christ,


We will try to bring you up to date with this letter. It has been several months and a lot has

We had a one week meeting with Gerald Holmquist, late in February. There were seven per
sons that made decisions to serve Christ. One woman reminds us of the story of the Samaritan woman that Jesus talked with at the well. Cacilda is in her 30's, has two daughters, a nice home

and a man who has given her daughters a name. She is very desirous of serving Jesus. She has
made her confession but is waiting until she can resolve her problem before she is baptized. The
reason she reminds us of the woman at the well is because of the way she works inviting people to church and Bible School. She works harder than any of our members. Pray for her that soon she will find the answer to her problem.

Things are going well in the print shop. We are continuing on the series for Young Adults.
We have started the Junior High Series and hope to have four quarterlies printed by the end of

the year. Carol Lowe from Lincoln, Illinois is making plans to come to relieve us while we are
on furlough in 1968.

I (Charles) just got back from a week of Christian Service Camp. We had a very successful
week. There were two baptisms, two confessions, and seven rededications. Three of our young

people from the Vila Nova congregation were among those rededicating their lives to Christ.
Our Bible School attendance is averaging about 80 now. We are still down from our average

of 100 for the last quarter of 1966. Pray for our Christians, especially the new ones. We have a

very high mortality rate among the new born in Christ. The Lord willing, Audrey and Lynne will start to school in August in Ceres, Goias. This school is for missionary children and is operated on the American system. We hope this will get them back on the track for schooling in the states. They both have done real well in Brazilian schools and already have a good grasp of Portuguese grammar. Jody and Beth will probably study at home
with Mother. Curtis will continue getting into trouble, I suppose.

Our health is still good and we thank the Lord for it. Please continue to pray for us, for the printing work and for the Vila Nova congregation.
Yours in Christ,

Charles, Ann and family

"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Isiah 55:11

Forwarding: Gene and Grace Forkner1114 E. Jefferson St.Siloam Springs, Arkansas - 72761


Caixa Postal 403

Goiania, Goias, Brazil

Octobcr 1967

Dear Friends in Christ.

Several nionlh. have passed

sin('e \Yc wrote. This newsletter

i. b'.'ing printed in Brazil in the shop of the Assoc. for Christian

Literature where we work. Our latest material out is a course for

adolescent age young people.

We are also trying to work up some

tracts written by Brazilian chrislians.

Audrey and Lynne were settled in the American sehoo! at Ceres.

Goiiis in August. Audrey went into the 9th grade and Lynne to the 6lh.
We were very hajipy about their placement. We had worried for fear that they had gotten behind after two and a half years of Brazilian

schooling. We find now that the schools here coniijare favorably with
schools in the states.
about once a month.

Their English is a little rusty, but their Portu

We don't like it this way but we fell this school

guese makes up for l!iat. They seem to be enjoying it very much .

Ceres is about 200 kilometers north of Goiania so we can see them

ing necessary to help get them back in the groove with English while
\vc are home on furlough in 1968 .

Room, board, tuition, books, laundry, everything for the 9 months is S640 per child. We thought this was very reasonable. Pray for Audrey and Lynne while they're away from home. The Vila Nova congregation started a three month campaign to
increase their Bible school attendance. Our number has been drop

ping slowly for the past 6 months. During Oct., Nov. and Dec. each
of the five classes will be seeing who can travel the fastest to get to Bethlehem in time for Christmas. Pray for the success of this program

that we might increase the nundjer of those who are regular attenders.
We sold our Volkswagon in September. As you may have heard
the cruzeiro is weakening again. If we had \vaited until next year to sell, the car would probably have devaluated $200 just because of a

change in the exchange rate of the dollar.

invested in a Vespa motor scooter.

We have about $250

With Audrey and Lynne away at

school this will provide adequate transportation for the next few months. Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers. We pray the Lord's blessing for you as you continue to help publish the
Good News in Portuguese for Brazil.
Yours in Christian Love,
Charles and Ann

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0C 1 5 1967

Charles and Ann Kent

Caixa Postal 403

Goiania, Goias, Brazil

December 1967


OZARK Bibi: Colug? Library

11 n bVRiH MAiN

JOPUN, MliSCU-' 64801

Ciyri6ima6 Greciing6 -from '^BvaziL
''Peace I leave you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid" John 14:27. We give thanks to God for this wonderful promise. Especially at this time of year

We are expecting Carol and Barbara Lowe to be in Goiania by Christmas- They are our new co-workers and will take our place in
1968 while we are on furlough.

The 15th of November was "Day of the Republic" here in Brazil.

Ann look a five hour bus ride to Ceres to visit Audrey and Lynne.

The same day I went to Brasilia to teach a class in an all day teaching meeting at the Piano Piloto church. Our Bible School campaign at Vila Nova is showing results slowly. We are up in the 80's now. Pray that through December we will con
tinue to grow.

I look Jody and Beth with me to last Wednesday night's service on the Vespa. It had been raining and the streets aren't made to drain very well. One place was full of water and slippery. We nearly fell twice but by stepping off into the water I kept the girls from falling in. After we got into town, it began raining again. I thought, "No one will be out tonight.", but we had our normal group of about 30, I really believe that this nucleus of Christians has grown in the faith in the past few years. Pray that they may continue to grow.
Yours in Christian Love,

Charles and Ann

LAMP Latin America Missionary Pioneers

Joliet, 111. 60434

This publication carries news and

pictures of all the Latin American missionaries. Send for your subscription to P.O. Box 968,

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