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Pet Battle Daily Quests

Alliance Daily Quests

Eastern Kingdoms Elwynn Forest Westfall Redridge Mountains Duskwood Northern Stranglethron The Cape of Stranglethorn The Hinterlands Eastern Plaguelands Searing Gorge Swamp of Sorrows Burning Steppes

! Julia Stevens ! Old MacDonald ! Lindsay ! Eric Davidson ! Steven Lisbane ! Bill Buckler ! David Kosse ! Deiza Plaguehorn ! Kortas Darkhammer ! Everessa ! Durin Darkhammer

41.6 , 83.6 60.8 , 18.6 33.2 , 52.6 20.2 , 44.2 46.0 , 40.4 51.4 , 73.2 62.8 , 54.6 67.0 , 52.4 35.6 , 27.8 76.6 , 41.6 25.6 , 47.6


Pet types

2 Beast Beast 3 Critter Mechanical Flying 5 Critter Critter Critter 7 Beast Beast Beast 9 Beast Magic Beast 11 Flying Flying Humanoid 13 Beast Magic Critter 14 Beast Undead Beast 15 Dragonkin Dragonkin Dragonkin 16 Flying Beast Aquatic 17 Flying Critter Elemental

Horde Daily Quests

Kalimdor Durotar Northern Barrens Ashenvale Stonetalon Mountains Desolace Southern Barrens Feralas Dustwallow Marsh Thousand Needles Felwood Moonglade

! Zunta ! Dagra the Fierce ! Analynn ! Zonya the Sadist ! Merda Stronghoof ! Cassandra Kaboom ! Traitor Gluk ! Grazzle the Great ! Kela Grimtotem ! Zoltan ! Elena Flutterfly

44.0 , 28.4 58.6 , 53.0 20.2 , 29.6 59.6 , 71.6 57.2 , 45.8 39.6 , 79.2 59.6 , 49.6 53.8 , 74.8 31.8 , 32.8 40.0 , 56.6 46.0 , 60.6

2 3 5 7 9 11 13 14 15 16 17

Pet types
Critter Beast Beast Beast Critter Critter Flying Aquatic Beast Beast Critter Critter Aquatic Elemental Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Dragonkin Critter Beast Dragonkin Dragonkin Dragonkin Critter Beast Critter Mechanical Magic Magic Magic Flying Dragonkin

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Pet Battle Daily Quests

Alliance & Horde Daily Quests

Outland Hellfire Peninsula Zangarmarsh Nagrand Shattrath City Northrend Howling Fjord Dragonblight Zul'Drak Crystalsong Forest Cataclysm Mount Hyjal Deepholm Twilight Highlands

! Nicki Tinytech ! Ras'an ! Narrok ! Morulu The Elder

64.4 , 49.2 17.2 , 50.6 61.0 , 49.4 59.0 , 70.0


Pet types

20 Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical 21 Humanoid Flying Magic 22 Critter Aquatic Beast 23 Aquatic Aquatic Aquatic

! Beegle Blastfuse ! Okrut Dragonwaste ! Gutretch ! Nearly Headless Jacob

28.6 , 33.8 59.0 , 77.0 13.2 , 66.8 50.2 , 59.0

25 Flying 25 Dragonkin 25 Critter 25 Undead

Flying Undead Beast Undead

Aquatic Undead Beast Undead

! Brok ! Bordin Steadyfist ! Goz Banefury

61.4 , 32.8 49.8 , 57.0 56.6 , 56.8

25 25 25

Beast Critter Magic

Critter Elemental Beast

Magic Elemental Elemental

Alliance & Horde Grand Master Daily Quests

(Quests give Sack of Pet Supplies to loot, can contain Porcupette 0.4% chance or some kind of Battle-Stones)

Kalimdor Winterspring Uldum Eastern Kingdoms Deadwind Pass Outland Shadowmoon Valley Northrend Icecrown Pandaria

! Grand Master Trixxy ! Grand Master Obalis

65.6 , 64.6 56.6 , 41.8

19 25 Flying Critter

Pet types
Beast Beast Dragonkin Flying

! Grand Master Lydia Accoste 40.2 , 76.6 19




! Grand Master Antari

30.6 , 41.8





! Grand Master Payne

77.4 , 19.6

25 Mechanical Elemental


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Pet Battle Daily Quests

The Jade Forest Valley of the Four Winds Krasarang Wilds Kun-Lai Summit Townlong Steppes Dread Wastes Vale of Eternal Blossoms

! Grand Master Hyuna ! Grand Master Nishi ! Grand Master Mo'ruk ! Grand Master Yon ! Grand Master Zusshi ! Grand Master Shu ! Grand Master Aki

48.0 , 54.0 46.0 , 43.6 62.2 , 45.8 35.8 , 73.6 36.2 , 52.2 55.0 , 37.6 67.6 , 40.6

25 25 25 25 25 25 25

Aquatic Elemental Aquatic Beast Elemental Aquatic Aquatic

Beast Beast Beast Critter Aquatic Beast Critter

Flying Elemental Flying Flying Critter Elemental Dragonkin

Spirit Tamer Daily Quests

Pandaria The Jade Forest Kun-Lai Summit Townlong Steppes Dread Wastes

! Whispering Pandaren Spirit ! Thundering Pandaren Spirit ! Burning Pandaren Spirit ! Flowing Pandaren Spirit

28.8 , 36.0 64.8 , 93.6 57.0 , 42.2 61.2 , 87.6

25 25 25 25 Elemental Elemental Elemental Elemental

Pet types
Dragonkin Critter Dragonkin Aquatic Critter Beast Flying Critter

Whispering Pandaren Spirit Thundering Pandaren Spirit Burning Pandaren Spirit Flowing Pandaren Spirit

Pandaren Spirit Pet Supplies Pandaren Spirit Pet Supplies Pandaren Spirit Pet Supplies Pandaren Spirit Pet Supplies

Loot Chance (6-14%)

Pandaren Air Spirit Pandaren Earth Spirit Pandaren Fire Spirit Pandaren Water

Beasts of Fable Daily Quests

Pandaria The Jade Forest The Jade Forest Valley of the Four Winds Valley of the Four Winds Krasarang Wilds Kun-Lai Summit Kun-Lai Summit Townlong Steppes Dread Wastes Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Pet Name
! Ka'wi the Gorger ! Nitun ! Lucky Yi ! Greyhoof ! Skitterer Xi'a ! Kafi ! Dos-Ryga ! Ti'un the Wanderer ! Gorespine ! No-no

48.4 , 71.0 57.0 , 29.2 40.4 , 43.8 25.2 , 78.6 36.2 , 37.2 35.2 , 56.0 67.8 , 84.6 72.2 , 79.8 26.2 , 50.2 11.0 , 70.6 Page 3

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

Pet Type
Critter Critter Critter Beast Aquatic Beast Aquatic Aquatic Beast Aquatic

Pet Battle Daily Quests

Darkmoon Faire Pet Tamer Daily Quest

(Rewards Darkmoon Pet Supplies with chance to loot Darkmoon Eye)

Darkmoon Faire

Darkmoon Pet Battle!

47.4 , 62.6

25 Magic

Pet types
Mechanical Beast

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