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A Points Per Game Rating For NFL Quarterbacks


Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Sciences in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Jon Michael Gober, B.A. Graduate Program in Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics

The Ohio State University 2009

Thesis Committee: Professor Tim Haab, Advisor Professor Brian Roe

Copyright by Jon Michael Gober 2009


Fans, teams, and commentators frequently use the NFL quarterback rating to evaluate quarterback performance. Linear programming models, tiered logistic regressions, and ordinary least squares regressions have also been used to measure efficiency but the NFL rating is the most frequently used metric. One deficiency of the NFL rating is that it overvalues completion percentage and interception percentage relative to passing yards per attempt. This creates a bias in favor of modern quarterbacks in the rating. I use NFL teams season statistics from 1970 through 2006 to derive a rating estimating a quarterbacks contribution to points-per-game with an ordinary least squares regression. I find that the points-per-game rating has less historical bias than the NFL rating and predicts winning percentage equally well.


Acknowledgments I wish to thank my advisor, Dr. Tim Haab, for his advice and assistance in the development of this thesis. I also thank Dr. Brian Roe and Dr. Alan Randall for their comments on the preliminary drafts of this thesis.


Vita March 4, 1984..Born-Charleston, West Virginia 2007B.A. Mathematics-Economics, Denison University 2008 PresentGraduate Teaching Assistant, The Ohio State University

Field of Study Major Field: Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics


Table of Contents Abstract...ii Acknowledgments......iii Vita.....iv List of Chapters: 1. Introduction....1 2. Literature Review...7 3. Methodology and Model Design......12 4. Model Results...17 5. Comparisons with Modern NFL Quarterback Rating......20 6. The Costs of Each Rating System.....24 7. Other Approaches to Estimating Quarterback Efficiency........28 8. Conclusions.......31 Bibliography.......41

List of Tables



1 Time Trends in Certain NFL Statistics.....33 2 Variables that Impact Points per Game....33 3 NFL Quarterback Rating versus a Points-per-Game Rating (for 2008).......34 4 Top 20 Quarterbacks All-Time, Minimum 1,500 Attempts....36 5 Quarterbacks Who Benefit From A Points-Per-Game Ranking......37 6 Quarterbacks Who Benefit From the NFL Quarterback Rating......38 7 Correlation with Winning Percentage......38 8 Cap Value and the Quarterback Rating........................................................................38 9 Cap Value and the Points-Per-Game Rating....39 10 Offensive Statistics and the Natural Log of Points-Per-Game.......39 11 A Points-Based Quarterback Rating Using Individual Game Data.......39 12 Individual Game Stats and the Natural Log of Points...........40 13 A Probit Model for Wins and Losses.....40


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Comparisons of professional athletes performances are a common topic of discussion. Frequently these comparisons are based on statistical metrics that correlate strongly with team success. In the academic world, most of the economic literature concerning statistics in sports centers on baseball. A reason for this is that the performance of an individual baseball player is relatively independent of his teammates the skill of the player in question primarily determines such statistics as batting average, on-base percentage, and slugging percentage. American football statistics, on the other hand, are highly interdependent. For example, a successful running back often has a good offensive line and a good wide receiver usually has a good quarterback throwing him the ball. The statistics of the quarterback position are highly dependent on other position players: a quarterback needs a good offensive line to attempt passes without getting tackled, a good running back to draw defensive players away from the wide receivers, and good wide receivers to increase his passing yards. The current NFL quarterback rating system1 attempts to accurately measure quarterback performance in light of these considerations. However, the current NFL quarterback rating system is

The National Football League and NCAA football have separate quarterback rating systems. This paper is concerned with the NFL rating. All references to the quarterback rating system refer to the NFL rating unless stated otherwise.

convoluted, has no meaningful interpretation as a statistic, double-counts certain metrics and excludes some important metrics. A committee of representatives from the Pro Football Hall of Fame and the Elias Sports Bureau created the modern NFL quarterback rating in 1973. Fixed statistical benchmarks are the basis for the NFL rating, while the NCAA rating evaluates quarterbacks based on statistical averages. The fixed performance benchmarks of the NFL rating are based on the statistics of all qualified pro passers since 1960. To be included in the rating, a quarterback must average fourteen pass attempts per team game played. To demonstrate the convoluted nature of the quarterback rating formula, it is useful to look at its components: completion percentage, yards per pass attempt, average touchdowns per pass (i.e. touchdown percentage), and average interceptions per pass (i.e. interception percentage). The quarterbacks rating is the sum of the following four

components, multiplied by 100/6: 1. (Completion Percentage-0.3) / 0.2

2. (Yards Per Pass Attempt-3)/4 3. Touchdowns Per Pass Attempt/0.05 4. (0.095-Interceptions Per Pass Attempt)/0.04 Each component is bounded between 0 and 2.375. In other words, negative values are set to zero and values above 2.375 are set to 2.375. This makes the zero the lowest possible rating and 158.3 the highest possible rating. The rating is one of the most common measures of quarterback performance used today. It is important economically because it is frequently used as an incentive in player contracts. For example, Donovan

McNabb, Akili Smith, and Tony Banks have all signed contracts with bonuses related to their quarterback ratings reaching a given threshold. Given NFL quarterbacks high salaries, the difference between a high rating and a low rating can be worth millions of dollars. In light of the large amounts of money at stake, you would think that the rating system would have relatively few problems, but, as I will demonstrate, it has several deficiencies. One problem with the rating is its creation in 1973 based on statistics after 1960. From the ratings creation to the 2007 season, completion percentage has increased from 52.1 to 61.2 percent (a seventeen percent improvement). During the same time frame, interception percentage has dropped from 5.3 to 3.1 percent (a forty percent improvement). The time trends in these two categories have caused the average quarterback rating to rise from 64.9 in 1973 to 80.9 in 2007 (a 24 percent improvement). This raises the question of whether NFL quarterbacks have improved 24 percent in the last three decades or whether the nature of pro football has changed in such a way as to make quarterback statistics better. Given the frequency of West Coast offenses in todays game (which focus on easily completed, low risk passes), I believe the latter hypothesis to be true. The current system is so biased towards modern offenses that fourteen of the top seventeen career quarterback ratings come from active players.2 When looking at the year by year data, there is further reason to believe that there is a time trend in these statistics: completion percentage, interception percentage, and quarterback rating. Table 1 shows that the independent variable year is significant at the Accessed 11-12-2008. Ratings are from the start of the 2008 season.

one percent level for the three statistics, despite there only being 37 observations (the NFL yearly averages from 1970 through 2006). The table also shows that the variable year is not statistically related to the yards per attempt statistic. An ideal rating system for quarterbacks should have less of a time bias. Another problem with the rating is that it overvalues completion percentage. Because yards per attempt equals completion percentage times yards per completion, completion percentage is implicitly double-counted in the formula. For example, an incomplete pass counts as zero yards per attempt and also negatively impacts completion percentage. Since completion percentage is implicitly included in yards per attempt, it would make sense to reduce the weight given to completion percentage in the rating. Also, the weights of the four components of the rating are arbitrary and unlikely to correlate precisely with quarterback productivity. A third problem with the rating is the bounded values of its four components. Once certain benchmarks are attained, improved statistics do not improve the rating. For example, once a passer attains a 77.5 completion percentage, the value of this component cannot be improved. As far as the rating is concerned, a one-hundred percent completion rate is equal to an eighty percent completion rate. Similarly, once a passer attains a 9.5 interception percentage, the value of this component cannot decline. The rating treats a ten percent interception percentage the same as a fifty percent interception percentage. Finally, there are no diminishing returns for yards per attempt below 3 or increasing returns for yards per attempt beyond 12.5. While bounded values for the rating components are not an issue over the course of a career or a season, they do become important when evaluating individual game performances. There is no explicit constraint

on points scored in a game (although there is an implicit constraint with the game clock); therefore the quarterback rating should not be constrained beyond the constraints inherent in a sixty minute contest on a one hundred yard field. Finally, the NFL rating excludes several important categories such as quarterback rushes, fumbles, and sacks. The ability to run for positive yardage adds to a quarterbacks value. Fumbles are clearly harmful to a teams success yet they have no impact on the current rating. Although many sacks are the fault of the offensive line, sometimes the quarterback is to blame for a sack because he wasnt mobile enough or held on to the ball for too long. A sack is clearly worse than an incomplete pass, yet the former category does not change the rating while the latter category diminishes it. Including a wider variety of plays would improve the current rating. Also, the NFL quarterback rating is difficult to interpret because it is not clear what exactly is being measured. In my opinion, this is the greatest flaw in the rating. Presumably the rating measures passing efficiency, but in what sense? The current rating system combines inputs (completion percentage, yards per attempt, etc.), but the output has no units associated with it. Because the output cant be explained in terms of a dependent variable (points, winning percentage, etc.), comparisons between quarterbacks are difficult. How much better is a 95 quarterback rating than a 75? Later I will explain why points per game should be the dependent variable in a quarterback rating system. As a caveat, I do not think there is a perfect quarterback rating system. No rating can address every possible question or complaint. However, I think there are enough problems with the current system that it can be improved using statistical tools. Although

there is relatively little literature on this topic, some researchers have attempted to improve the quarterback rating using linear programming, tiered logistic regression, and least squares regression.

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW DeOliveira and Callum used a linear programming approach called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to evaluate NFL quarterbacks. Their basic idea is to divide statistical outputs (multiplied by the corresponding weights) by statistical inputs (again multiplied by the corresponding weights) to obtain quarterback efficiency. The six outputs were passing yards, rushing yards, total TDs, attempts per interception, completions, and passing yards per game. The inputs were passing attempts and rushing attempts. The weights were chosen in order to maximize each players efficiency, which was bounded to be less than or equal to one (i.e. 100 percent). Their DEA analysis found many players to be 100 percent efficient. The authors then conducted a cross-evaluation of all players by assessing each player using every other players output and input weights. Each player was rated based on their average score among these crossevaluations. One advantage of DeOliverira and Callums approach is that it calculates the category weights mathematically instead of choosing them arbitrarily. Another advantage is that it allows one to compare and rank quarterbacks easily. Also, the rating can be used to evaluate other football position players. A disadvantage of their approach is the exclusion of sacks and fumbles. If sacks are occasionally the fault of the quarterback, then a sack (which results in negative yards) should decrease the

quarterback rating more than an incompletion. Also, if lost fumbles are occasionally the fault of the quarterback, then they should negatively impact the rating because they are turnovers to the other team and therefore a worse result than an incomplete pass. Also, the time constraint in football places a premium on scoring quickly when behind late in the game. In this situation there is an important distinction between scoring on one long play or several short plays, contrary to what the authors claim. White and Berry used a tiered logistic regression to evaluate NFL quarterbacks. Their research uses a per-play analysis rather than a game or seasonal analysis. This makes their paper much more data intensive. They determined the value of each possible play by estimating how a given play changed a teams expected points. In their model they used eventual points as a proxy for expected points. Eventual points (the dependent variable) took the value of the next score and could equal 7, 3, 2, 0, -2, -3, or -7. The independent variables in the model were Down (a dummy variable representing one of the four possible downs), ToGo (a variable representing the distance from a first down), and ToGoal (a variable representing the distance to the goal line). The authors used this model to estimate the expected points from a given situation and by extension the expected point values for all possible plays. They then ranked quarterbacks by their average contributions to expected point values per play. The model is a tiered logistic regression because the dependent variable can take on multiple categories and can be modeled using tiers for each of the possible outcomes. The authors found that adding sacks significantly impacts the relative quarterback rankings while adding quarterback runs does not have a major impact.

One problem with the tiered logistic regression method is that it does not take into account risk aversion on the part of coaches. For example, a completed ten yard pass would have a larger gain in expected points than a run of just a few yards. However, a team leading very late in the game would often rather call a running play because a pass attempt would be considered an unnecessary risk. To the extent that maximizing the probability of winning (the ultimate objective of all football coaches) differs from maximizing expected points, the authors model is flawed. The authors partially address this by excluding plays in the last two minutes of a half (although their reason for doing so is to address the problem of prevent defenses); however, excluding plays in the last two minutes of a half seems inappropriate for a situation based ranking. I think the authors made reasonable choices with regard to the independent variables they chose. However, I believe they made a mistake by not including time as a variable. Early in a half, the odds of there being zero eventual points are very low. For example, the only way the first play of the half could have zero eventual points would be if the half ended without any points being scored, which happens very infrequently. Similarly, late in a half the odds of there being zero eventual points are relatively high. The only way the last play of the half could have non-zero eventual points would be if a scoring play occurred on the last play of the half, which happens infrequently. Adding a variable which gave the time remaining in the half could adjust for this better than simply excluding plays from the last two minutes of a half. Another problem with the authors method is that the expected points for a given game situation can vary across teams. For example, a team with good pass blocking would have a higher expected points value on third and long plays than a team with a

mediocre pass blocking. A team with a good running back and offensive line would have a higher expected points value on third and short plays than a team that could not run the ball effectively. A team with a good kicker would have a higher expected points value when possessing the ball in the opponents territory than a team with a bad kicker. To the extent that factors outside of the quarterbacks control (like the strength of the running back, offensive line, kicker, etc.) determine a teams expected points value for a given situation, the authors rating is flawed. In spite of the problems with the authors method, I thought their paper was good because it gave a reasonable estimation of a quarterbacks value. Allan Ingraham used a three-stage least squares regression to estimate quarterback production. His first equation used winning percentage as the dependent variable and points scored and opponents points scored as the independent variables. The second equation has points scored as the dependent variable and various football statistics (yards per pass, yards per rush, turnovers, etc.) as the independent variables. The third equation relates team statistics to opponents points scored. The idea behind this method is to estimate how certain quarterback statistics affect points and opponents points scored, and by extension estimate how these statistics affect winning percentage. The quarterback ratings are thus derived from how each quarterback contributes to winning percentage. In his paper Ingraham found that rushing yardage, rushing yards per attempt, passing yardage, and passing yards per attempt all increase points scored per game. However, rush yards per attempt was not statistically significant. Turnovers and takeaways (opponent turnovers) were both statistically significant in the expected directions, but the positive effect of a takeaway was superior to the negative effect of a

turnover. Finally, sacks were statistically significant while penalty yards, punt average, and third down efficiency were not statistically significant. An advantage of this model is that it allows one to measure the productive ability of quarterbacks and other football position players. It also can be used to estimate the value (in terms of contribution to winning percentage) of specific statistics like rush yards, pass yards, and turnovers, just to name a few. Unfortunately, the dataset used only includes 127 observations from the years 2001 through 2004. Adding more observations would provide a more detailed analysis. Also, in this paper predicted net points per game greatly exceed actual points per game. The author suggests this is due to the quarterbacks contribution to field goals not being included in actual points per game. Finally, Ingraham notes three of the top four rated quarterbacks for 2004 played in domes. This suggests that domes and/or weather may be meaningful variables which are not included in the model.


CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY AND MODEL DESIGN In this paper I chose to take an econometric approach to evaluating quarterback performance. My approach places great importance on aggregate statistics and does not evaluate performances in specific situations (down, distance, etc.). My objective is to derive a quarterback rating based on the statistics that best correlate with points per game. I plan to rank quarterbacks based on their estimated contributions to points per game. Like Ingraham, I used least squares to estimate how a given statistic affects points scored. I used points per game as my dependent variable instead of points scored because I believe points per game has a clearer interpretation and is more precise.3 I have expanded on Ingrahams idea by using 1,061 observations instead of just 127 observations. I used team offensive data from the years 1970 through 2006. My data came from the 2007 ESPN Football Encyclopedia and were converted into an Excel spreadsheet. One might wonder why I used points per game as the dependent variable instead of winning percentage, which is the variable that all football strategists are really trying to maximize. There are many factors which affect winning percentage that are outside of the quarterbacks control: strength of the defensive unit, strength of special teams units,

I realize that since points per game is always greater than or equal to zero, the distribution may be skewed. This issue is addressed later on.


the coaches ability, and strength of schedule, just to name a few. Quarterbacks have much more control over their teams points per game that they do over winning percentage. Also, Ingraham and other researchers have demonstrated that points scored (either for the season or per game) are very strongly correlated with winning percentage. Also, the idea that points scored per game affects winning percentage is pretty intuitive although maximizing points scored per game may cause strategists to be risk-loving in such a way as to diminish winning percentage. However, football coaches generally do not recklessly risk losing purely for the sake of scoring more points, so this is probably a relatively minor problem. Finally, using points per game as the dependent variable gives the results a concise interpretation: each quarterback is rated based on his estimated contribution to points per game. There are many possible independent variables that could be chosen in this model. The four that compose the quarterback rating are completion percentage, yards per pass attempt, touchdown percentage, and interception percentage. I decided against including touchdown percentage as an independent variable because it does not give useful results. To say that the percentage of passes which result in touchdowns (i.e. points) affects points scored per game is already obvious and thus not interesting. If this statement were not true in the model there would a major problem with how the data were assembled and/or how the model was designed. Perhaps a more questionable decision is to exclude completion percentage. The reason for this is that completion percentage and yards per attempt are very strongly correlated, as yards per attempt is equal to completion percentage times yards per completion. Because yards per attempt incorporate both passer accuracy and distance, it has more explanatory power than completion percentage

does. Therefore completion percentage is excluded to avoid multicollinearity. I am assuming also that quarterbacks with high yards per attempt will be able to frequently gain first downs (i.e. I am discounting the possibility that a quarterback could have a high yards per attempt with a few long bombs while gaining first downs infrequently.) Yards per attempt are included for the reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph. Interception percentage is included to penalize quarterbacks who frequently turn the ball over to the other team. Rushing yards per game is included to reward quarterbacks with running ability. The decision of whether or not to include sacks in the analysis was a difficult one. Most, but probably not all, sacks are attributable to the offensive line instead of the quarterback. Penalizing a quarterback for having a poor offensive line seems unfair. On the other hand, yardage lost from sacks does affect points per game. Ideally, we would want to know how many times the average quarterback would get sacked with a given offensive line and use that information to estimate the significance of sacks in a quarterback rating. Unfortunately, such data is very difficult to find. Therefore, sacks are excluded from this model to avoid any arbitrary assumptions over what percentage of sacks is the fault of the quarterback and what percentage is the fault of the offensive line. Takeaways per game are included in the model to incorporate the importance of improved field position from interceptions and fumble recoveries. Finally, fumbles lost per game is included in the model due to its statistical significance but not included in the quarterback rating, as I assume that lost fumbles are generally the fault of the offensive line for not blocking adequately. Also, there was little variation in quarterbacks fumbles lost per game. These independent variables do not form an exhaustive list of what statistics affect points per game, but they explain a lot of variation

in the dependent variable while avoiding the problem of multicollinearity. Next I will provide a more thorough explanation of my independent variables. Many critics of the quarterback rating believe that the yards per attempt statistic should be given more weight. Yards per attempt is defined as gross passing yards divided by pass attempts. The average yards per attempt from 1970 through 2006 was about 6.84. There does not appear to be a time trend in the year-by-year data (see Table 1), although the NFL yearly averages for this statistic range from a low of 6.49 (in 1974 and 1977) to a high of 7.18 (in 1983). The team averages range from 9.49 (San Francisco, 1989) to 4.88 (Seattle, 1992). It is expected that yards per attempt would have a positive sign and be statistically significant. Interception percentage is defined as interceptions thrown divided by passes attempted, multiplied by 100. The average interception percentage from 1970 through 2006 was 4.03. Over the last few decades, interception percentage has shown a declining trend from about five to three percent. This trend (along with improved completion percentages) explains a great deal of the trend towards improved quarterback ratings in recent years. The NFL yearly averages range from 5.8 percent (in 1971) to 3.1 percent (six times, all since 1995). The team averages range from 9.45 (Green Bay 1971) to 1.11 (Kansas City 1990). It is expected that interception percentage would have a negative sign and be statistically significant. Despite the fact that it is not a quarterback statistic, takeaways per game are included to incorporate the positive effect of improved field position from interceptions and fumble recoveries. This variable is defined as interceptions plus fumble recoveries,


divided by games played. The average number of takeaways per game for each team from 1970 through 2006 was 2.14, with a high of 3.94 and a low of 0.75. In the regression takeaways per game should have a positive sign and be statistically significant. Rushing yards per game is included to incorporate a quarterbacks running ability into the rating. The average rushing yards per game per team over the dataset is about 121.7, with a high of 220.6 (Buffalo 1973) and a low of 66.4 (San Diego 2000). I used rushing yards per game instead of rushing yards per attempt in my analysis. The reason for this is that most quarterbacks do not have a lot of rushing attempts. When quarterbacks do run, the objective is usually to get a first down (move the chains in football speak) and then avoid getting hurt. A higher priority is placed on quarterback safety than on getting a huge running play, making the yards per attempt statistic less important. Including rushing yards per game is designed to reward quarterbacks who consistently gain first downs with their feet. It is expected that this statistic will have a positive coefficient and be statistically significant. Finally, fumbles lost per game is included in the model due to its statistical significance. Because it is difficult to determine what proportion of lost fumbles are the fault of the quarterback (as opposed to the offensive line), this statistic was not included in my quarterback rating in order to avoid making arbitrary assumptions about this question. Also, it is possible that whether or not a fumble is lost to the other team is random, meaning that adding fumbles lost per game may unnecessarily add an element of chance to the rating. It is expected that fumbles lost per game will have a negative coefficient and be statistically significant.


CHAPTER 4 MODEL RESULTS Table 2 gives my regression results. The dependent variable is points per game. All independent variables have the expected signs and are significant at the one-percent level. To compare the variables significance in terms of producing points, one needs to look at the parameter estimates for each of the variables. The parameter estimate for yards per attempt is 3.34. This means that an increase of one yard per pass attempt increases points per game by 3.34. Over the course of a sixteen game season this translates to about 53 more points. This might not seem like a significant increase; however, when one takes into account that in 2007 twenty-two percent of NFL games were decided by three points or less4, this is a meaningful statistic. In 2007, out of the thirty-three quarterbacks who qualified to be rated, the highest yardsper-attempt was 8.3 (Tom Brady) and the lowest was 5.5 (Brodie Croyle). This translates to a difference of about nine and a half points per game. This difference is very important when one considers that forty-seven percent of NFL games in 2007 were decided by eight points or less.5 The parameter estimate for interception percentage is -0.82. This means that if interception percentage increases by one percent, points per game decline by -0.82. This

Parity Pairs with Drama in NFL Saga, Jarrett Bell, USA Today 10-31-2008. Accessed 11-24-2008. 5 Ibid.


statistic is useful for evaluating individual games, where interception percentages vary widely. Over the course of a season, interception percentages among quarterbacks vary less. In 2007 the best interception percentage among qualifying quarterbacks belonged to David Garrard (0.92 percent), while the worst percentage belonged to Sage Rosenfels (5.0 percent). This difference of 4.08 percent translates to a difference of about 3.3 points per game. This is a meaningful difference when one considers the proportion of NFL games that are very close. However, the data suggest that interception percentage is relatively less important than yards per attempt. The parameter estimate for rushing yards per game is 0.04. This means that one rushing yard per game is worth about 0.04 points per game, or that an increase of twentyfive rushing yards per game translates to one point per game. In 2007, Vince Young led qualifying NFL quarterbacks in rushing yards per game with 26.3, while Peyton Manning was last in the same category with -0.32. This 26.62 yard difference translates to a difference of about one point per game. The data thus imply that a quarterbacks ability to rush for positive yards is relatively less important to points per game than a quarterbacks yards per pass attempt and interception percentage. Fumbles lost per game has a coefficient of -2.25. This means that an increase of one lost fumble per game is worth about -2.25 points per game. The best performance in 2007 in this statistic was zero (by several players) and the worst performance was 0.19 fumbles per game (by two players). This difference translates to about four-tenths of a point per game, which is relatively smaller than the corresponding differences for the other quarterback statistics. This suggests that the variation in lost fumbles per game


among NFL quarterbacks is not wide enough to create meaningful disparities in scoring averages. Finally, the coefficient for takeaways per game is 1.75. This means that an increase of one takeaway per game translates to an increase of about 1.75 points per game. This statistic is more useful for evaluating individual game performances than season performances. Still, the difference between the best team performance in this category in 2006 (2.75 takeaways per game) and the worst performance (0.75 takeaways per game) translates to a difference of about three and a half points per game, which is very meaningful in a close contest.


CHAPTER FIVE COMPARISIONS WITH MODERN QUARTERBACK RATING Table 3 compares the 2008 rankings of NFL quarterbacks under the modern quarterback rating system and the points per game system used in the model. The left column lists the quarterbacks. The middle column gives the official quarterback ratings for each player, followed by the rank. The right column gives the points per game rating for each quarterback, followed by the rank. The points per game rating is the quarterbacks contribution to points per game and equals 3.34* (Yards per Pass Attempt)0.82*(Interception Percentage) +0.04*(Rush Yards per Game). Takeaways per game are excluded because it is not a quarterback specific statistic. Fumbles lost per game are excluded because some unknown proportion of lost fumbles is not the quarterbacks fault. A plus sign indicates where the points-per-game ranking for a quarterback is five or more slots above his quarterback rating rank. A minus sign indicates where the points per game ranking for a quarterback is five or more slots below his quarterback rating rank. Nine of the thirty three quarterbacks who qualified for the NFL rating had plus or minus signs with their ranking, which suggests some correlation between the NFL rating and the points per game rating. The advantage of a points based rating is that it has a meaningful output (the quarterbacks estimated contribution to his teams points per game), whereas the NFL rating is not directly associated with any kind of team or


individual output. The points rating also provides a rough estimate of the value added (i.e. increase in points per game) when one quarterback replaces another. An interesting question to ask is whether the relative historical rankings of quarterbacks differ under the two rating systems. As mentioned previously, the NFLs quarterback rating has a time bias, with fourteen of the top seventeen all time ratings coming from active players.6 This time bias is caused by the inclusion of completion percentage and interception percentage as elements of the rating (see Table 1). Because the points-per-game rating excludes completion percentage, it is expected that it should have less of a time bias. Table 1 demonstrates that there is a statistically significant time bias with the points-per-game rating (due to interception percentage being included), but it is less than the time bias with the official quarterback rating. The coefficient for the independent variable Year is about eight times bigger for the official quarterback rating than the points per game rating. If we assume that one point per game is roughly equivalent to four quarterback rating units (see Table 3), then it is reasonable to estimate that the points-per-game rating has about half of the time bias of the official quarterback rating. Table 4 appears to confirm the idea that the points-per-game rating has less of a time bias. The table shows the top twenty quarterbacks of all time under both rating systems and only includes quarterbacks with at least 1,500 pass attempts. Fifteen of the top twenty quarterbacks under the NFL rating played in 2008, while only ten of the top twenty in the points-per-game rating played in 2008. Of the six quarterbacks who are Accessed 11-12-2008. Ratings are from the start of the 2008 season.


only in the top twenty of the NFL rating, five played in 2008 and the other (Rich Gannon) last played in 2004. Of the six quarterbacks who are only in the top twenty of the pointsper-game rating, none played after 1990 and only two (Fouts and Lomax) played after 1980. This information suggests that the points-per-game rating has less of a time bias than the NFL rating. My historical list of quarterbacks includes 158 players. Generally, I included a quarterback if he was in the top one hundred all time in a major statistical category or if he had played within the last ten years. Table 5 provides a list of the quarterbacks whose points-per-game ranking was at least twenty-five slots higher than their relative quarterback ranking. Two notable characteristics of most of these twenty-one quarterbacks are a high yards-per-attempt (average of 7.46) and a high interception percentage (average of 5.29). The averages for all 158 quarterbacks Ive included are 6.99 yards per attempt and an interception percentage of 4.19. All except Michael Vick have been out of the NFL for at least ten years. Vick, who jumped from 73rd overall in the quarterback rating to 29th overall in the points-per-game rating, is helped by having a career average of 52.1 rushing yards per game. This average is approximately seventypercent higher than the second place finisher in this category (Randall Cunningham, 30.6 rushing yards per game). Table 6 provides a list of the quarterbacks whose points-per-game ranking was at least twenty-five slots lower than their relative quarterback rating. Two notable characteristics of most of these sixteen quarterbacks are a low yards-per-attempt (average of 6.56) and a low interception percentage (average of 3.19). Nine of the sixteen were on an NFL roster in 2008. When Michael Vicks rushing average is excluded, there is little

difference between the Table 5 and Table 6 quarterbacks in this statistic, with the former group averaging 6.02 rushing yards per game and the latter group averaging 5.44 in the same category. The information in Tables 5 and 6 suggest that yards-per-attempt is an undervalued statistic in the NFL quarterback rating while interception percentage is an overvalued statistic. Also, it appears that only truly exceptional running quarterbacks gain enough rushing yards to significantly impact their relative points-per-game rating. Another way to compare the NFL quarterback rating and the points-per-game rating is to measure which of the two correlates better with winning percentage. To do this, I used the same 1,061 observations used in Table 2. Unfortunately, this dataset only contains team rushing yards per game (not quarterback rushing yards per game). Thus the rushing yards component of my formula must be excluded from the comparison to avoid inflating the points-per-game ratings significance by including non-quarterback statistics. In my comparison I use winning percentage as the dependent variable, quarterback rating or points-per-game rating as a measure of offensive efficiency, and points allowed per game as a proxy for defensive efficiency. Ties count as half of a win and half of a loss. Table 7 shows the results of the two regressions. Despite only including two independent variables, both equations explain about seventy percent of the variation in winning percentage. Based on the results in Table 7, it is reasonable to assume that the two ratings explain winning percentage equally well. The advantages of the points-per-game rating are that it is easier to calculate and does not have bounded values.


CHAPTER 6 THE COSTS OF EACH RATING SYSTEM Another way to compare the two ratings is to estimate which is cheaper to acquire. Many quarterback contracts contain financial incentives for achieving a given quarterback rating, so one would expect there to be a statistically significant relationship between salaries and the rating. Since there is some correlation between the points per game rating and quarterback rating, one would also expect the points per game rating to positively correlate with salary even without any corresponding incentives. Other variables that affect quarterback salaries are experience (with older quarterbacks expected to earn more on average), number of Pro Bowl appearances, and time (because the salary cap increases most years, we would expect quarterback salaries to increase from year to year regardless of performance). The idea behind this kind of analysis is to see if the market (i.e. the 32 NFL teams) is undervaluing the points per game rating. One problematic aspect of this kind of analysis is that there are multiple ways to measure how much a quarterback is paid. NFL quarterbacks have base salaries, signing bonuses, bonuses for performance, and bonuses for appearing at off season workouts. Each quarterback also has a cap value, which usually differs from the total salary. Teams frequently manipulate contracts to gain an advantage in the salary cap, which means that the payout of contracts may be front-loaded or back-loaded without regard to player performance. In my regression I used the quarterbacks cap value to measure how much

he was paid. The cap value may not be the most important measurement from an economic standpoint, but it is the most important measurement from a competitive standpoint because it determines how much cap room is remaining for other players on the roster. If a team overpays for a quarterback, less cap room remains for signing other players and team competitiveness suffers. A quarterback who is overpaid from a salary standpoint but is correctly paid in terms of cap value creates less damage for his teams salary cap situation and overall competitiveness. My dataset for this analysis is the USA Today Salaries Database, which is available online at the USA Today website.7 The database can be used to find quarterback salaries back to 2000. My dataset includes 183 observations from 55 quarterbacks over the last nine years (2000 through 2008). I only included observations in which the quarterback had qualified for the NFL rating the previous year (minimum of 14 pass attempts per game, or 224 pass attempts per season). The reason for restricting the data this way is to avoid making any incorrect assumptions about what the quarterbacks passer rating would have been if he had played a full season. My dependent variable is the quarterbacks cap value, which is defined as the players signing bonus plus salary and other bonuses for the season. The average quarterbacks cap value is about 4.9 million dollars, with a range of 328 thousand to 18.7 million dollars. My independent variables are experience, pro bowl, quarterback rating (or points-per-game rating) and time. Experience is the number of years the player has been in the league (including the given season), with a rookies experience being equal to one (although the way the regression is set up, no rookies appear in the dataset). Pro Bowl is
7, last accessed on 4-7-2009.


a binary variable which equals one if the player made the Pro Bowl the previous season and equals zero otherwise. Quarterback rating is defined as the NFL quarterback rating from the previous season. Likewise, points-per-game rating is defined as the points-pergame rating from the previous season. I am implicitly assuming that teams make their expectations of future performance from the previous seasons performance. Finally, time is included as a variable to account for yearly increases in the salary cap (with the year 2000 being one, 2001 being two, etc.). Tables 8 and 9 show the cap value regression results. All variables have the expected positive signs. Every variable except the points-per-game rating is significant at the one percent level, with that rating being significant at the five percent level. Table 8 shows that one year of experience can be offset by improving the quarterback rating by just 2.7 units, making experience a relatively unimportant variable. Likewise, one year of time (i.e. a typical salary cap increase) can be offset by improving the quarterback rating by just 3.8 units, making time a relatively unimportant variable. However, the Pro Bowl variable is very important as it takes about 20.9 quarterback rating units to offset a Pro Bowl selection. For the points-per-game rating in Table 9, it takes about 1.1 points per game to offset one year of experience and about 1.6 points per game to offset one year of time. Also, it takes about 10.3 points per game to offset a Pro Bowl selection. This information suggests that the experience and time variables can easily be negated by improved performance, but a Pro Bowl quarterback will make a high salary even if he has a low passer efficiency rating (which is unlikely). In addition, the low r-squared for Tables 8 and 9 suggests that salary cap manipulations probably explain most of the variation in a quarterbacks cap value.

Both the quarterback and points-per-game ratings appear to be accurate forecasters of salary, but which is cheaper? Because the ratings are derived differently, simply comparing the parameter estimates cant tell us which measure of performance is cheaper to acquire. For the 2008 season, the average ratio of quarterback rating to points-pergame rating was about 3.94 (for qualifying quarterbacks). For the 2007 and 2006 seasons, this ratio was 3.98 and 3.90 respectively. Based on this information, I believe it is reasonable to assume that one point-per-game is roughly equivalent to four quarterback rating units. If that is the case, then an additional point-per-game costs about $225,000 and the equivalent quarterback rating improvement costs about $346,000 (about fifty percent more expensive). This suggests that the points-per-game rating is greatly undervalued by NFL teams even though it correlates with winning percentage about as well as the official quarterback rating does.


CHAPTER 7 OTHER APPROACHES TO ESTIMATING QUARTERBACK EFFICIENCY A potential problem with the points-per-game rating is that if the independent variables have particularly extreme values, estimated points per game could be zero or negative. For example, a team with 3 yards per pass attempt, an interception percentage of 15, zero takeaways per game, twenty rushing yards per game, and one lost fumble per game would average negative 3.7 points per game. This is obviously not realistic. Also, given that the data set uses season data, averaging zero points per game is not realistic. To see if the bias inherent in using points-per-game as the dependent variable affects the results, one can compare the results with a new regression using the natural log of points-per-game as the dependent variable. Using the natural log forces points per game to be positive, thus removing this bias in the dependent variable. Table 10 is a replication of Table 2 using the natural log of points-per-game as the dependent variable. Although the parameter estimates are different, the significance levels of the independent variables do not change significantly. Also, the explanatory power of the overall regression does not change significantly. This suggests that the directional bias in Table 2 is not very meaningful. The practical reason for this is that over the course of a season, teams will not do so poorly statistically that they would be projected to average zero or negative points per game.


Another way to derive a quarterback rating is to use individual game data instead of aggregate season data. I did this by using game results from the 2008 NFL regular season. The data set consists of 256 games, which results in 512 lines of data (one line for each team). I omitted one game which ended in a tie. The most important

difference between the game and season data is that the game data shows more variation. Yards per pass attempt ranges from a low of 1.4 to a high of 14.5. Interception percentage ranges from a low of zero to a high of 18.2. Finally, rushing yards per game varies from a low of 14 to a high of 332. Another difference is that the greater likelihood of extremely poor offensive statistics increases the chance of the dependent variable (points) having a significant directional bias. Tables 11 and 12 give the regression results from using individual game data from the 2008 season. Table 11 has points as the dependent variable, while Table 12 has the natural log of points as the dependent variable. The independent variables are the same ones used in Table 2. From looking at Table 11, we see that interception percentage is not quite significant at the five percent level while fumbles lost is significant at the five percent level. The other three variables are significant at the one percent level. When

comparing the results with those in Table 2, it appears that yards per pass attempt and interception percentage become less important in the rating while rushing yards become more important. Table 12 shows that changing the dependent variable to the natural log of points does not change the results much, although interception percentage becomes significant at the five percent level. The regressions using individual game data have less explanatory power than the seasonal data regression in Table 2. This suggests that a


situational data approach (as White and Berry used) may be more appropriate to use in the case of individual games. Another way to evaluate quarterbacks is to estimate how their performances affect the probability of winning. A probit model is one way to estimate this. If we make the dependent variable a binary categorical variable (1 for a win, 0 for a loss), we can estimate how changes in a given statistic impact a teams probability of winning. Table 13 shows how certain statistics impact the probability of winning. In addition to the statistics used previously, a variable for points allowed is included as a proxy for defensive performance. The results in Table 13 are not as robust as the previous regressions were, with interception percentage and fumbles lost being statistically insignificant. It is possible that the results could be made stronger with more observations. However, whether a team wins a particular game depends on more than aggregate statistics. When a particular play is made (or not made) has a meaningful impact on the games outcome. Also, it is likely that the probability of winning does not change linearly with statistical changes. For example, improving from three to four yards per pass attempt likely would not impact the probability of winning much (as the latter statistic is still very mediocre), but improving from seven to eight yards per pass attempt could greatly increase the odds of winning. For these reasons, aggregate statistics should probably not be used to calculate a probit model of the probability of winning. A situational analysis involving variables such as the current score, the time, the down, the distance to a first down, and the distance to a touchdown would probably be a better approach.


CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSIONS Teams, commentators, and fans have used the NFL quarterback rating to evaluate quarterbacks for several years. Even though the quarterback rating is commonly used, there are many problems with it. The rating overvalues completion percentage, rewarding quarterbacks who attempt short, easy passes. The rating also overvalues interception percentage relative to yards per pass attempt. This results in most of the modern quarterbacks having ratings that would be considered outstanding three or four decades ago. Many hall of fame quarterbacks from the sixties and seventies had quarterback ratings that would be considered mediocre today. Also, the official quarterback rating has no units associated with it, which makes it difficult to quantify how valuable a given change in the rating is. Linear programming, logistic regression, and ordinary least squares regression models can be used to estimate a quarterbacks value. I used ordinary least squares because it can be conveniently used to calculate a quarterbacks value using aggregate statistics. DeOliveira and Callums linear programming method requires the researcher to use every quarterbacks statistics to calculate one quarterbacks rating. White and Berrys tiered logistic model requires the researcher to know the given situation (down, yards to a first down, and yards to the goal line) for every play involving a quarterback running or passing before a rating can be calculated. I used season data to derive my


points-per-game rating. Individual game data could have been used instead, but the increased randomness of individual games makes the results less robust. The advantages of my points-per-game rating are that it has measurable output units, has less of a time bias, is relatively simple, and is undervalued by the market of NFL teams. The points-per-game rating also correlates with winning percentage just as well as the official quarterback rating does. Because NFL quarterbacks have arguably the highest profile position in professional sports, it is surprising that there hasnt been more scrutiny of how their performances are measured. I hope there will be more academic papers addressing this issue in the future.


Table 1: Time Trends in Certain NFL Statistics Number of Observations= 37 Dependent Variable Completion Percentage Interception Percentage Yards Per Attempt Quarterback Rating PointsPerGame Rating Relationship -403.51+.231Year 154.32-.076Year 3.47+.002Year -890.27+.485Year -114.96+.068Year P-value <.0001 <.0001 .5451 <.0001 <.0001 Adj. R-squared .853 .867 -.018 .819 .486

Table 2: Variables that Impact Points per Game Adjusted R squared = .672 Number of Observations: 1,061 Variable Intercept Yards Per Pass Attempt Interception Percentage Takeaways Per Game Rush Yards Per Game Fumbles Lost Per Game Parameter Estimate -5.30 3.34 -0.82 1.75 0.04 -2.25 Standard Error 0.82 0.11 0.06 0.16 0.003 0.27 P-value <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001


Table 3: NFL Quarterback Rating versus a Points-per-Game Rating (for 2008) Average Ratio of QB Rating to Points-Per-Game Rating=3.94 Player P. Rivers C. Pennington K. Warner D. Brees P. Manning A. Rodgers M. Schaub T. Romo J. Garcia M. Cassel M. Ryan S. Hill S. Wallace D. McNabb E. Manning J. Cutler T. Edwards J. Delhomme J. Campbell D. Garrard B. Favre J. Flacco K. Collins NFL QB Rating
105.5 (1) 97.4 (2) 96.9 (3) 96.2 (4) 95 (5) 93.8 (6) 92.7 (7) 91.4 (8) 90.2 (9) 89.4 (10) 87.7 (11) 87.5 (12) 87 (13) 86.4 (14) 86.4 (15) 86 (16) 85.4 (17) 84.7 (18) 84.3 (19) 81.7 (20) 81 (21) 80.3 (22) 80.2 (23)

Points-per-Game Rating
26.3466 (1) 24.543 (4) 23.6932 (8) (-) 24.4368 (5) 22.3298 (13) (-) 23.6998 (7) 24.8686 (2) (+) 23.1684 (10) 23.2626 (9) 22.8676 (11) 24.6962 (3) (+) 21.9292 (15) 20.4702 (23) (-) 21.722 (16) 20.8816 (21) (-) 22.671 (12) 22.2352 (14) 24.194 (6) (+) 21.0706 (20) 21.449 (17) 18.8746 (28) (-) 21.3336 (18) 20.2714 (24) Continued 34

Table 3 Continued B. Roethlisberger K. Orton J. Russell T. Thigpen G. Frerotte D. Orlovsky M. Bulger R. Fitzpatrick D. Anderson
80.1 (24) 79.6 (25) 77.1 (26) 76 (27) 73.7 (28) 72.6 (29) 71.4 (30) 70 (31) 66.5 (32) 21.142 (19) (+) 19.3414 (27) 20.512 (22) 19.4662 (26) 19.8734 (25) 18.7496 (29) 18.2904 (30) 15.1236 (32) 16.9954 (31)


Table 4: Top 20 Quarterbacks All-Time, Minimum 1,500 Attempts (Bold=Active) Source: Name 1. Steve Young 2. Peyton Manning 3. Kurt Warner 4. Tom Brady 5. Joe Montana 6. Chad Pennington 7. Drew Brees 8. Ben Roethlisberger 9. Daunte Culpepper 10. Carson Palmer 11. Jeff Garcia 12. Otto Graham 13. Dan Marino 14. Trent Green 15. Donovan McNabb 16. Marc Bulger 17. Brett Favre 18. Jake Delhomme 19. Rich Gannon 20. Matt Hasselbeck QB Rating
96.8 94.7 93.8 92.9 92.3 90.6 89.4 89.4 89 88.9 87.5 86.6 86.4 86 85.9 85.6 85.4 85.1 84.7 84.5

Name 1. Steve Young 2. Otto Graham 3. Kurt Warner 4. Daunte Culpepper 5. Ben Roethlisberger 6. Peyton Manning 7. Joe Montana 8. Roger Staubach 9. Trent Green 10. Bart Starr 11. Tom Brady 12. Chad Pennington 13. Johnny Unitas 14. Norm Van Brocklin 15. Dan Fouts 16. Neil Lomax 17. Jake Delhomme 18. Marc Bulger 19. Dan Marino 20. Jeff Garcia

PPG Rating
25.5416 24.8894 24.3296 23.8424 23.628 23.477 23.3492 23.2922 23.2204 22.8954 22.4426 22.3406 22.2528 22.2234 22.2128 22.1378 22.0812 22.0664 22.0552 22.0518


Table 5: Quarterbacks Who Benefit From A Points-Per-Game Ranking Name

Ed Brown Norm Van Brocklin Steve Grogan Sid Luckman Earl Morrall Jay Schroeder Michael Vick Don Meredith Joe Namath Johnny Unitas Bill Nelsen Billy Wade Doug Williams Dan Fouts Bobby Layne Bart Starr Lynn Dickey Craig Morton Charley Johnson Terry Bradshaw John Hadl

Rank (QB Rating) Rank (PPG Rating)

147 79 119 81 92 108 73 85 140 55 115 105 121 46 143 39 112 94 122 113 134 65 14 63 28 40 58 29 42 97 13 74 71 90 15 113 10 83 66 95 88 109

82 65 56 53 52 50 44 43 43 42 41 34 31 31 30 29 29 28 27 25 25


Table 6: Quarterbacks Who Benefit From the NFL Quarterback Rating Name
Eli Manning Steve Bono Brad Johnson Tim Couch Brian Griese Jon Kitna Brett Favre Kyle Orton Erik Kramer Joey Harrington Byron Leftwich Elvis Grbac Neil O'Donnell David Carr Drew Bledsoe Bobby Herbert

Rank (QB Rating) Rank (PPG Rating)

71 78 29 80 26 68 17 111 69 120 45 49 32 83 65 58 128 134 82 129 72 110 55 149 105 153 76 80 62 112 94 86

-57 -56 -53 -49 -46 -42 -38 -38 -36 -33 -31 -31 -30 -29 -29 -28

Table 7: Correlation with Winning Percentage Number of Observations=1,061 (for both) All p-values <.0001 for both Dependent Variable Winning Percentage Winning Percentage Relationship .642+.007QBRat.031OppPtsPerGame .554+.029PPGRat.031OppPtsPerGame Adjusted R-squared .6955 .6984 Mean squared error .10634 .10583


Table 8: Cap Value and the Quarterback Rating Adjusted R-squared=.3212 Number of Observations=183 Variable Intercept Exper ProBowl QBRat Time Parameter Estimate -6,239,498 230,533 1,806,134 86,570 331,901 Standard Error 1,909,319 63,797 602,913 23,727 89,955 P-value .0013 .0004 .0031 .0003 .0003

Table 9: Cap Value and the Points-Per-Game Rating Adjusted R-squared=.2953 Number of Observations=183 Variable Intercept Experience ProBowl PPGRat Time Parameter Estimate -4,218,561 257,313 2,321,811 224,516 350,643 Standard Error 1,921,096 64,161 584,939 89,650 91,815 P-value .0294 <.0001 .0001 .0132 .0002


Table 10: Offensive Statistics and the Natural Log of Points-Per-Game Adjusted R-squared =.6631 Number of Observations=1,061 Variable Intercept Yards Per Pass Attempt Interception Percentage Takeaways Per Game Rush Yards Per Game Fumbles Lost Per Game Parameter Estimate 1.706 .168 -.044 .089 .002 -.115 Standard Error .043 .006 .003 .008 .0002 .014 P-value <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001

Table 11: A Points-Based Quarterback Rating Using Individual Game Data Dependent Variable: Points Adjusted R-squared=.5260 Number of Observations=510 Variable Intercept Yards Per Pass Attempt Interception Percentage Takeaways Fumbles Lost Rushing Yards Parameter Estimate -5.15 2.61 -0.21 2.34 -0.89 0.05 Standard Error 1.57 0.18 0.11 0.25 0.40 0.01 P-value .0011 <.0001 .0509 <.0001 .0271 <.0001


Table 12: Individual Game Stats and the Natural Log of Points Dependent Variable: Natural Log of Points Adjusted R-squared=.4508 Number of Observations=504 (excludes shutouts) Variable Intercept Yards Per Pass Attempt Interception Percentage Takeaways Fumbles Lost Rushing Yards Parameter Estimate 1.604 0.132 -0.013 0.110 -0.051 0.0028 Standard Error .093 .010 .006 0.015 0.023 0.00035 P-value <.0001 <.0001 .0386 <.0001 .0290 <.0001

Table 13: A Probit Model for Wins and Losses Dependent Variable: Win Number of Observations=510 Variable Intercept Yards Per Pass Attempt Interception Percentage Takeaways Fumbles Lost Rushing Yards Points Allowed Parameter Estimate -1.9712 .4261 -.0435 .3301 -.1417 .0100 -0.1117 Standard Error .4613 .0542 .0277 .0647 .1029 .0017 .0119 Pr>ChiSq <.0001 <.0001 .1169 <.0001 .1685 <.0001 <.0001


Bibliography: DeOliveira, Erickson H. and Callum, Robert. Whos the Best? Data Envelopment Analysis and Ranking Players in the National Football League, in Economics, Management, and Optimization in Sports. Edited by Butenko et al. Publisher: SpringerVerlag, Berlin, Germany, 2004. The ESPN Pro Football Encyclopedia, 2007. Second Edition. Edited by Palmer et al. Ingraham, Allan T. A Methodology for Evaluating Production in Football: An Armchair Quarterbacks Rating System. Working Paper, 2005. Parity Pairs with Drama in NFL Saga, Jarrett Bell, USA Today 10-31-2008. kip Accessed 11-12-2008. Ratings are from the start of the 2008 season. Data from Elias Sports Bureau. USA Today Salaries Database. Accessed April 2009. White, Chris and Berry, Scott. Tiered Polychotomous Regression: Ranking NFL Quarterbacks. The American Statistician, February 2002, Vol. 56, No. 1, pg. 10-21.


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