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Alphabet Wattan

The Wattan, so old that its greatest scholar, the French savant Saint-Yves D'Alveydre, analyzing it and decoding it in his monumental scientific work "L'Archomtre", named by the alphabet Adamic, so close has placed Aurora Humanity. VALUE LETTER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 The B G D And V Z H T I=Y=J C L M N S O=U=W P = F = Ph Wattan RELATIONSHIP VIBRATION Deity Moon Venus Jupiter Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Lion Virgo Mars Libra Scorpio Sun Deity Sagittarius Capricorn Yemanj Oxossi Shango Ogun Oxossi Yori Yemanj Orixal Yori Ogun Oxossi Ogun Orixal Shango Yorim

90 100 200 300 400

Ts K=Q R Sh = X Th

Mercury Aquarius Pisces Saturn Deity

Yori Yorim Shango Yorim -

Wanting to install TTF fonts alphabet Wattan, click below to download. And, do not forget to read the file "Leia.txt" to identify the keys of the three double letters: Th, Ts and Sh. Below you will find some esoteric meanings, but others should search. However, keep in mind that your sense described is metaphorical: A - Seeing God face to face, without dying, and talk familiarly with the seven genii who command on entire heavenly host. It shows an intelligent cause, active AG Fire, AUM, UM - Principle, B - It is above all the troubles and from all fears. The number gives evidence of the living unit; BARA - Word, Body, Bhan, BAN - set; C - Finding the Philosopher's Stone. That's why we have an altar, a law; C-Change in gold not only all metals but also the earth itself, and even the filth of the earth. Rich in mercy and energetic to punish, D - You have your health and your life and can also have the other. Just before any principle is present everywhere; DAN DA-Law; EL God G - Reina with the whole sky and is serving all over hell. Nothing can limit that, everything contains, GA - Moving in harmony; GO-Ray, fire, soul, H - There may be surprised by misfortune nor plagued by disasters, nor overcome by enemies. How is the only Lord, the only adorable, IS - Principle; K - Triumph of adversity. Your Sun is the source where everything is renewed; KA - The "Heaven", the "Ether", which covers and protects; G - Mastering the most ferocious animals, and learn to say words that fall asleep and charm snakes. Promises his people a king in future: M - Owning Art notorious giving universal science. The tomb is the passage to the new land. Only death ends, life is eternal, MA Fluidic, MA - Law, MI - The Center Vibration; MU - Him, N - Talk about all things wisely, without preparation and without study. The good angel is one that soothes and tempers; ORI - The Light The Splendor;-The Circle; OX-action, motion, P - Provide all future events which do not depend on a free will or because incomprehensible. Vesper and her dew obey God PHA - The Organ of Thought Live Creator. The Breath vital and potential, R - Mastering love and hate. His breath makes sprouting dust of tombs; RA - Movement particular reaching its end. The word in action; RA - Reign, RI - Be King, Illuminated, S - To know, at first glance, the background of the souls of men and the mysteries of the hearts of women. P is the evil spirit of pride and anger, SA - Splendor; SH - Having the secret of wealth, always be his master and never the slave. May you enjoy even poverty and never fall into abjection or misery .. Where mortals without brake down in the crowd, SI - Living Earth, T - Having the universal medicine. And never the eternal change its base, TH - The sage governs the elements, halts storms, healing the sick, touching them and raises the dead. His crown covered the mercy seat TS - Giving time and all the consolations most effective and most wholesome advice. Place towers on the Moon as our watchman V - Know the reason of past, present and future. Reveals to your dogma pure hearts true; Y - Know the laws of perpetual motion and be able to demonstrate to square the circle. Of the heavens and of our day regulates each phase, Y - Power or movement; YO - The act of sacrifice; Z has the secret of the resurrection of the dead and the key to immortality. But it takes one to the chief works of faith.

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