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Literature Literature is one of the arts that are expressive of human feelings.

It shows well-expressed ideas or feelings through symbolic presentation, usually through short stories, poetry, drama or play, essay, among others.

Classification of literature -Escape literature is for entertainment purposes, that is, to help us pass the time in an agreeable manner of life. Escape literature enables us to temporarily forget our troubles. -Interpretative literature enables us to understand our troubles. plus understanding. Uses of literature: For formal values- to present moral values for the reader to understand and appreciate; the moral values may be directly or indirectly. For propaganda- this kind of literature is found not only in history books and advertising and marketing books but also in some books describing personal success and achievements in life. For therapeutic value- it could be looked on as a sophisticated modern elaboration of the idea of catharsis an emotional relief experimented by the reader thereby helping him recover from a previous pent-up emotion. General elements of literature Emotional appeal- is attained when the reader is emotionally moved or touched by any literary work Intellectual appeal-adds knowledge and information and reminds the reader of what he has forgotten. people Objectives: to strive in raising the level of the readers humanity and to accomplish the purpose of making a man a better person, giving him a high sense of value humanistic value- can be realized when the literary work affirms the dignity and worth of all

The object of escape literature is pleasure while the object of interpretative literature is pleasure

Specific elements of literature: 1. elements of the short story a. plot b. characters d. setting e. theme f. irony

c. point of view

g. symbolism 2. elements of poetry a. language b. tone c. imagery d. sounds f. e. rhythm and meter g. shape of the poem 3. elements of essay h. speaker h. style

thought or meaning

a. the issue introduced

b. the writers viewpoint and thought 4. elements of the novel a. setting b. plot c. theme

c. the relevance of the issue to the life of the reader

5. elements of drama a. plot b. character/dramatics personae c. conflict d. irony f.

d. characters

e. theme or idea g. music and spectacle h. costumes climax

i. j.

dialogue setting, scenery, and lighting

Importance of reading literary words: life. It helps us acquire knowledge and information on mans progress and achievement, to serve as inspiration. They do not only entertain or give pleasure but we also learn moral values that can improve our

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