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Sele9704305444nium RC Latest Interview Questions

Here i listed few latest interview questions asked by different MNCs 1. How do you start Selenium RC? 2. How do you connect Data base from selenium 3. How do you handle Ajax controls using selenium? Eg. By typing in search engine how do you capture the auto suggestion 4. How do you select the 2nd item in a List box or drop down. 5. How do you identify an object using selenium? 6. How do you capture an element loading after the page load? 7. Brief about your framework 8. What is the difference between assert and Verify Commands? 9. Explain about your reporting method 10.How do you verify an object presented in multiple pages. 11.What are the locators available in Selenium? 12.What is the difference between single and double slash in Xpath. 13.Brief about Selenium Client. 14.Did you write any User Extensions. 15.What are all things can not be done through selenium IDE 16.Brief about Selenium Grid. 17.Is it possible to start the Remote engine more than once in an instance. 18. How to use selenium for performance testing 19. How to start the selenium server from your language class? 20. Is it possible to handle multiple pop ups in selenium? 22. Give the benefits of SQL Stored procedure in selenium? 23.What are the difficulties or challenge you faced in selenium? 24. How do you check a single test method in multiple browser? 25. What is the annotation you use to connect the Spread sheet in Junit. 26.Brief about Junit annotations. 27.How can we speed up the selenium script execution? 28.If the default port of selenium is busy then which port you use? 29.Explain types of SQL joins. 30.How do you handle the secured connection error in HTTPS? 31.How do you compare two strings or values are same.

Selenium RC Using Java with Eclipse

Open Firefox , From Tools menu select Selenium IDE. Do some action in your favorite web sites. Note all your actions being recorded by selenium ide. Click the red button on right top corner to stop recording and click the Green button to run the last recorded action. Fine this is Simple Record and play back. I think i don't need to explain more about it. Now think of the following

How we can connect the SQL Server or Spread sheet to get the values and give as input. How we can implement the conditional statements How we can run this from multiple browsers like ie,safari,opera,chrome etc...

For the above things we need selenium Remote Control. Download Selenium RC and back to selenium IDE select File --->Export Test Case As --> JUnit4 (Remote Control) and save the file as Setup Eclipse 1.Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers from 2.Open Eclipse and create new java project. 3.Right click on the project and click Build Path--> Configure Build path. -->Library tab -->Add External Jars. 5.Select selenium-java-client-driver.jar from Downloaded Selenium RC selenium-java-client-driver-1.0.1Folder. 6. Right Click on the project again Select Build Path --> Add Library-->JUnit->Next -->JUnit4-->Finish. Run the selenium Server by Command prompt as java -jar selenium-server.jar or Start Sauce RC by download as executable file.from Back to Eclipse and Create a New Java Class. Paste the content from Right click on the Project and select Run As --> JUnit Test.

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