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Multi-Functional Calculator The simple and most common tool every day a person can use for calculations

is a Calculator. To make many conversions in day to day life, a person uses converter. Graphs are used by many people to represent the data. Getting all these things together, How awesome it would be if a person can use one application for all these situations. Mutli- Functional Calculator is an application where a person can do all the things at one time and one place using one application. He needs to come to this application whenever he feels to do some math. This application is launched with a home screen where a user can select what kind of operation he needs to perform. It involves with simple calculator, scientific calculator, fractional calculator, converter and graphs designer. Each module will have their own screens which merge into one application. It will be very helpful for the people who use more mathematical calculations. Simple and Scientific Calculator provides easy access to all mathematical functions. Scientific Calculator is also capable of performing trigonometric functions, percentages, etc., Fractional Calculator is capable of doing fractional functions and also uses graph feature to implement this function. Graphs Designer is used to create or generate graphs using mathematical equations. It takes the equation as input and prints the graph on x and y axis. Environment: Android Application, Eclipse, Android SDK tools, JAVA.

University Website and Database

Design and Implementation of a website and database of students for a university . A student can register himself on the website. The staff or admin can view, add, update or delete a student profile. It also includes Grade Book Database as an additional module which contains various data like courses, students, grades, etc., of a student. Implements the use of cross join, join when staff or admin want to search students by courses, grades , etc., And insert, update , delete functionalities are used when an admin or staff want to add, update or delete a student profile. The student can only update his own profile. According to the user logged in, the access is changed for staff, admin and student. The Database may have many attributes and tables like sections, departments, instructors, students and enrollment. It also includes tables like courses, students, grades for homeworks, midterms, final grades, etc., to maintain student grade records. The staff can post, edit and delete a grade of student. A student can view his transcripts directly to get complete information of his/her grades. The student, staff and admin have different registration pages. Error checking is made if they enter improper data. Proper data is requested from user. It also implements session tracking to save user data and security.
Environment : JAVA, JSP, HTML, Oracle

Event Scheduler An android app which allows the user to create events and add members to this event from his contact book.

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